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作者 柳和 《中华医学图书情报杂志》 CAS 2011年第4期78-80,共3页
关键词 图书出版 出版特点 台湾合记图书出版社
作者 利宝生 《中国食品》 2002年第7期34-35,共2页
关键词 郑州市 合记烩面馆 菜肴 菜谱 烹调
从今解识春风面,肠断罗浮晓梦边——《吴吴山三妇合评牡丹亭还魂记》述评 被引量:4
作者 郭梅 《艺术百家》 北大核心 2004年第1期58-63,117,共7页
评述吴吴山三妇及其《牡丹亭》评本 ,充分肯定其理论价值。
关键词 牡丹亭 吴吴山三妇 吴吴山三妇评牡丹亭还魂 述评
女儿笔底女儿心——《吴吴山三妇合评牡丹亭还魂记》评语的女性立场 被引量:2
作者 郭梅 《文化艺术研究》 2011年第2期175-192,共18页
在《牡丹亭》的众多评点本中,《吴吴山三妇合评牡丹亭还魂记》以其清丽典雅的评语和独具一格的女性视角,鲜明地反映了当时闺阁妇女的文学艺术观念和生活观念。本文先总论三妇批语,分析她们对杜、柳之"情"的心理观照和对丽娘之... 在《牡丹亭》的众多评点本中,《吴吴山三妇合评牡丹亭还魂记》以其清丽典雅的评语和独具一格的女性视角,鲜明地反映了当时闺阁妇女的文学艺术观念和生活观念。本文先总论三妇批语,分析她们对杜、柳之"情"的心理观照和对丽娘之"梦"的深层解析,探讨她们所表现出的对美好爱情生活的理想追求;然后分论三妇批语,剖析她们对《牡丹亭》之"情"的不同体悟,研究她们所表现出的强烈的女性意识。 展开更多
关键词 《牡丹亭》 《吴吴山三妇评牡丹亭还魂 吴吴山三妇
新出土唐《姚偁王淑合祔玄堂记》所见姚崇家族史事略考 被引量:1
作者 毛阳光 《三门峡职业技术学院学报》 2019年第2期16-24,共9页
2016年,姚偁及其妻王淑的合祔墓志在河南洛阳伊川县万安山姚氏家族墓地出土。志主是姚崇曾孙,姚彝孙,姚闢之子,姚勖之父。墓志中涉及中唐时期姚崇家族许多史事,如姚闢在伪燕遇害并被唐朝追赠的情况,姚偁的生平仕宦历程及婚姻子嗣,姚勖... 2016年,姚偁及其妻王淑的合祔墓志在河南洛阳伊川县万安山姚氏家族墓地出土。志主是姚崇曾孙,姚彝孙,姚闢之子,姚勖之父。墓志中涉及中唐时期姚崇家族许多史事,如姚闢在伪燕遇害并被唐朝追赠的情况,姚偁的生平仕宦历程及婚姻子嗣,姚勖早年艰苦的成长经历,姚偁夫妇二人身后归葬万安山的艰辛历程等。该墓志的发现揭示了以往我们不了解的姚崇曾孙姚偁的家族史事,为姚崇家族的研究提供了新的史料,对中古洛阳大族丧葬文化的研究以及姚崇家族墓园的恢复也具有重要的文献价值和现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 姚偁王淑祔玄堂 姚崇 姚勖 墓志 万安山
《牡丹亭》的女性批评者——《吴吴山三妇合评牡丹亭还魂记》 被引量:1
作者 俞为民 《浙江艺术职业学院学报》 2015年第2期1-7,共7页
作为《牡丹亭》的女性批评者,吴吴山三妇的批评与男性作者及男性批评者对《牡丹亭》有着不同的认识和理解,以女性读者与批评者的身份和眼光,在肯定女主角杜丽娘作为"情"的代表的同时,更强调男主角柳梦梅在"情"与&qu... 作为《牡丹亭》的女性批评者,吴吴山三妇的批评与男性作者及男性批评者对《牡丹亭》有着不同的认识和理解,以女性读者与批评者的身份和眼光,在肯定女主角杜丽娘作为"情"的代表的同时,更强调男主角柳梦梅在"情"与"理"的抗争中的作用与地位,认为柳梦梅与杜丽娘一样,也是"情"的代表人物。在对剧作的结构、语言和人物形象的塑造等艺术手法的批点上,三妇也表现出了女性批评者细腻独到的见解。 展开更多
关键词 《吴吴山三妇评牡丹亭还魂 女性批评者 非必求古人
作者 俞为民 《温州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第5期1-19,共19页
关键词 《苏秦传》 《冻苏秦》 《金印 《金印
西汉“合肥”非“都会”“输会”辨析 被引量:1
作者 张朝胜 汤奇学 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期19-26,共8页
《史记·货殖列传》云“而合肥受南北潮,皮革、鲍、木输会也”,这是“合肥”一词首次见于史籍。后世学者认为此处“合肥”就是合肥县,并据此认为西汉合肥县是“输会”“都会”。这是误读。比较《史记》《汉书·地理志》记载的... 《史记·货殖列传》云“而合肥受南北潮,皮革、鲍、木输会也”,这是“合肥”一词首次见于史籍。后世学者认为此处“合肥”就是合肥县,并据此认为西汉合肥县是“输会”“都会”。这是误读。比较《史记》《汉书·地理志》记载的其他都会城市可知,马、班并不将合肥视作都会。西汉时期,合肥所在的“楚越之地”,“地广人稀,饭稻羹鱼,或火耕而水耨”,“无积聚而多贫”,“亦无千金之家”。其时九江郡共15县,户15万、口78万,合肥的户数不会超过1万、口不会超过5万。合肥位处江淮分水岭以南,西和北为丘陵岗地,北去淮河不通水路,交通运输条件不好。从生产力水平、交通、物产等方面分析,可知合肥亦非输会。《货殖列传》所云“合肥”,当指寿春附近有肥水与淮水相合,寿春才是输会。 展开更多
关键词 都会 输会 《史 《汉书》 寿春
Microstructure and martensitic transformation in quaternary NiTiHfV alloy
作者 Aleksandr V.SHUITCEV Yi REN +4 位作者 Ze-zhong ZHANG Roman N.VASIN Bin SUN Li LI Yun-xiang TONG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第10期3282-3294,共13页
The effect of age hardening on the microstructure,martensitic transformation behavior,and shape memory properties of the(Ni_(50)Ti_(30)Hf_(20))_(95)V_(5)alloy was investigated by scanning electron microscopy,transmiss... The effect of age hardening on the microstructure,martensitic transformation behavior,and shape memory properties of the(Ni_(50)Ti_(30)Hf_(20))_(95)V_(5)alloy was investigated by scanning electron microscopy,transmission electron microscopy,X-ray diffraction,differential scanning calorimetry,microhardness,and bending tests.The results demonstrate a significant influence of V addition on the microstructure of the alloy.V addition leads to the formation of a(Ni,V)_(2)(Ti,Hf)-type Laves phase,which coexists with B19'martensite at room temperature.Aging at 550℃results in precipitation hardening due to the formation of nano-scale orthorhombic H-phase,with the peak hardness observed after 3 h of aging.The alloy at peak hardness state exhibits higher transformation strain and lower unrecovered strain compared to the solution-treated sample.The aged sample achieves a maximum transformation strain of 1.56%under 500 MPa. 展开更多
关键词 shape memory alloys NiTiHfV H-phase Laves phase martensitic transformation
Improving comprehensive properties of Cu-11.9Al-2.5Mn shape memory alloy by adding multi-layer graphene carried by Cu_(51)Zr_(14)inoculant particles
作者 Zhi-xian JIAO Qing-zhou WANG +4 位作者 Yan-jun DING Fu-xing YIN Chao-hui XU Cui-hong HAN Qi-xiang FAN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第10期3265-3281,共17页
In order to improve the comprehensive properties of the Cu-11.9Al-2.5Mn shape memory alloy(SMA),multilayer graphene(MLG)carried by Cu_(51)Zr_(14)inoculant particles was incorporated and dispersed into this alloy throu... In order to improve the comprehensive properties of the Cu-11.9Al-2.5Mn shape memory alloy(SMA),multilayer graphene(MLG)carried by Cu_(51)Zr_(14)inoculant particles was incorporated and dispersed into this alloy through preparing the preform of the cold-pressed MLG-Cu_(51)Zr_(14)composite powders.In the resultant novel MLG/Cu-Al-Mn composites,MLG in fragmented or flocculent form has a good bonding with the Cu-Al-Mn matrix.MLG can prevent the coarsening of grains of the Cu-Al-Mn SMA and cause thermal mismatch dislocations near the MLG/Cu-Al-Mn interfaces.The damping and mechanical properties of the MLG/Cu-Al-Mn composites are significantly improved.When the content of MLG reaches 0.2 wt.%,the highest room temperature damping of 0.0558,tensile strength of 801.5 MPa,elongation of 10.8%,and hardness of HV 308 can be obtained.On the basis of in-depth observation of microstructures,combined with the theory of internal friction and strengthening and toughening theories of metals,the relevant mechanisms are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Cu−Al−Mn shape memory alloy multilayer graphene(MLG) microstructure interface damping mechanical properties
李石曾对近代高阳的影响 被引量:1
作者 李京龙 周俊红 《党史博采(下)》 2007年第11X期9-10,共2页
李石曾,河北高阳人,其父是显赫一时的晚清重臣李鸿藻。生于显赫之家的他在民国政坛上非常活跃,在中国近代历史上留下了属于他的印记。他虽祖籍高阳,但他17岁以前从未到过高阳,但高阳毕竟是其家乡故土,他的融通中西的学识和思想,以及在... 李石曾,河北高阳人,其父是显赫一时的晚清重臣李鸿藻。生于显赫之家的他在民国政坛上非常活跃,在中国近代历史上留下了属于他的印记。他虽祖籍高阳,但他17岁以前从未到过高阳,但高阳毕竟是其家乡故土,他的融通中西的学识和思想,以及在国内外的声誉和影响对高阳还是产生了重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 李石曾 高阳 留法勤工位学 合记碱厂
Crystallization of amorphous NiTi shape memory alloy fabricated by severe plastic deformation 被引量:5
作者 江树勇 唐明 +3 位作者 赵亚楠 胡励 张艳秋 梁玉龙 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第6期1758-1765,共8页
Based on the local canning compression,severe plastic deformation(SPD) is able to lead to the almost complete amorphous nickel-titanium shape memory alloy(NiTi SMA),in which a small amount of retained nanocrystall... Based on the local canning compression,severe plastic deformation(SPD) is able to lead to the almost complete amorphous nickel-titanium shape memory alloy(NiTi SMA),in which a small amount of retained nanocrystalline phase is embedded in the amorphous matrix.Crystallization of amorphous NiTi alloy annealed at 573,723 and 873 K was investigated,respectively.The crystallization kinetics of the amorphous NiTi alloy can be mathematically described by the Johnson-MehlAvrami-Kolmogorov(JMAK) equation.NiTi SMA with a complete nanocrystalline phase is obtained in the case of annealing at 573 K and 723 K,where martensite phase transformation is suppressed due to the constraint of the grain boundaries.Crystallization of amorphous NiTi alloy at 873 K leads to the coarse-grained NiTi sample,where(001) martensite compound twin is observed at room temperature.It can be found that the martensitic twins preferentially nucleate at the grain boundary and they grow up towards the two different grains.SPD based on the local canning compression and subsequent annealing provides a new approach to obtain the nanocrystalline NiTi SMA. 展开更多
关键词 NiTi alloy shape memory alloy severe plastic deformation amorphization CRYSTALLIZATION
Dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization of NiTi shape memory alloy under hot compression deformation 被引量:12
作者 江树勇 张艳秋 赵亚楠 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第1期140-147,共8页
Mechanical behavior of nickel?titanium shape memory alloy(NiTi SMA) under hot deformation was investigated according to the true stress—strain curves of NiTi samples under compression at the strain rates of 0.001-... Mechanical behavior of nickel?titanium shape memory alloy(NiTi SMA) under hot deformation was investigated according to the true stress—strain curves of NiTi samples under compression at the strain rates of 0.001-1 s-1 and at the temperatures of 600?1000℃.Dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization of NiTi SMA were systematically investigated by microstructural evolution.The influence of the strain rates,the deformation temperatures and the deformation degree on the dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization of NiTi SMA was obtained as well.NiTi SMA was characterized by the combination of dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization at 600℃ and 700℃,but the complete dynamic recrystallization occurred at other deformation temperatures.Increasing the deformation temperatures or decreasing the stain rates leads to larger equiaxed grains.The deformation degree has an important influence on the dynamic recrystallization of NiTi SMA.There exists the critical deformation degree during the dynamic recrystallization of NiTi SMA,beyond which the larger deformation degree contributes to obtaining the finer equiaxed grains. 展开更多
关键词 NiTi alloy shape memory alloy dynamic recovery dynamic recrystallization hot deformation
Effect of solution treatment and aging on microstructural evolution and mechanical behavior of NiTi shape memory alloy 被引量:6
作者 江树勇 赵亚楠 +2 位作者 张艳秋 胡励 梁玉龙 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第12期3658-3667,共10页
As-received nickel-titanium (NiTi) shape memory alloy with a nominal composition of Ni50.9Ti49.1 (mole fraction,%) was subjected to solution treatment at 1123 K for 2 h and subsequent aging for 2 h at 573 K, 723 K... As-received nickel-titanium (NiTi) shape memory alloy with a nominal composition of Ni50.9Ti49.1 (mole fraction,%) was subjected to solution treatment at 1123 K for 2 h and subsequent aging for 2 h at 573 K, 723 K and 873 K, respectively. The influence of solution treatment and aging on microstructural evolution and mechanical behavior of NiTi alloy was systematically investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and compression test. Solution treatment contributes to eliminating the Ti2Ni phase in the as-received NiTi sample, in which the TiC phase is unable to be removed. Solution treatment leads to ordered domain of atomic arrangement in NiTi alloy. In all the aged NiTi samples, the Ni4Ti3 precipitates, the R phase and the B2 austenite coexist in the NiTi matrix at room temperature, while the martensitic twins can be observed in the NiTi samples aged at 873 K. In the NiTi samples aged at 573 and 723 K, the fine and dense Ni4Ti3 precipitates distribute uniformly in the NiTi matrix, and thus they are coherent with the B2 matrix. However, in the NiTi sample aged at 873 K, the Ni4Ti3 precipitates exhibit the very inhomogeneous size, and they are coherent, semi-coherent and incoherent with the B2 matrix. In the case of aging at 723 K, the NiTi sample exhibits the maximum yield strength, where the fine and homogeneous Ni4Ti3 precipitates act as the effective obstacles against the dislocation motion, which results in the maximum critical resolved shear stress for dislocation slip. 展开更多
关键词 NiTi alloy shape memory alloy microstructural evolution mechanical properties solution treatment AGING
Plastic yielding of NiTi shape memory alloy under local canning compression 被引量:3
作者 江树勇 胡励 +2 位作者 赵亚楠 张艳秋 梁玉龙 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第10期2905-2913,共9页
As a new attempt, local canning compression was applied in order to implement large plastic deformation of nickel-titanium shape memory alloy (NiTi SMA) at room temperature. The plastic mechanics of local canning co... As a new attempt, local canning compression was applied in order to implement large plastic deformation of nickel-titanium shape memory alloy (NiTi SMA) at room temperature. The plastic mechanics of local canning compression of NiTi SMA was analyzed according to the slab method as the well as plastic yield criterion. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to study the microstructural evolution as well as deformation behavior of NiTi samples under local canning compression. Increasing the hydrostatic pressure with the increase in the outer diameters of the steel cans is responsible for suppressing the initiation and growth of the micro-cracks, which contributes to enhancing the plasticity ofNiTi SMA and avoiding the occurrence of brittle fracture. Plastic deformation of NiTi SMA under a three-dimensional compressive stress state meets von-Mises yield criterion at the true strains ranging from about 0.15 to 0.50, while in the case of larger plastic strain, von-Mises yield criterion is unable to be met since the amorphous phase arises in the deformed NiTi sample. 展开更多
关键词 NiTi alloy shape memory alloy yield criterion plastic deformation plastic mechanics
Effects of second phases on mechanical properties and martensitic transformations of ECAPed TiNi and Ti-Mo based shape memory alloys 被引量:8
作者 宋杰 王立明 +5 位作者 张效宁 孙小刚 江鸿 范志国 谢超英 吴明雄 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第8期1839-1848,共10页
TiNi and Ti-based shape memory alloys were processed by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) at 673-773 K along Bc route to obtain ultrafine grains for increasing the strength of parent phase and improving the func... TiNi and Ti-based shape memory alloys were processed by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) at 673-773 K along Bc route to obtain ultrafine grains for increasing the strength of parent phase and improving the functional properties. The effects of both thermodynamically stable and metastable second phases on the mechanical properties and martensitic transformations of these alloys were investigated. It is found that thermodynamically stable Ti2Ni phase has no effect on martensitic transformation and superelasticity of Ti-rich TiNi alloy, thermodynamically stable α phase is harmful for ductility of Ti-Mo-Nb-V-Al alloy, but metastable Ti3Ni4 phase is effective for R phase transformation, martensitic transformation and superelasticity of Ni-rich TiNi alloy. The mechanisms of the second phases on the martensitic transformations and mechanical properties were discussed. 展开更多
关键词 TiNi alloy Ti-Mo based shape memory alloy equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) second phase mechanical property
Influence of cooling rate on phase transformation and microstructure of Ti-50.9%Ni shape memory alloy 被引量:4
作者 张艳秋 江树勇 +1 位作者 赵亚楠 唐明 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第11期2685-2690,共6页
Heat treatment of Ti-50.9%Ni (mole fraction) alloy was studied by differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopey and energy dispersive X-ray analysis to investigate the influence... Heat treatment of Ti-50.9%Ni (mole fraction) alloy was studied by differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopey and energy dispersive X-ray analysis to investigate the influence of cooling rate on transformation behavior and microstructures of NiTi shape memory alloy. The experimental results show that three-stage phase transformation can be induced at a very low cooling rate such as cooling in furnace. The cooling rate also has a great influence on the phase transformation temperatures. Both martensitic start transformation temperature (Ms) and martensitic finish transformation temperature (Mf) decrease with the decrease of the cooling rate, and decreasing the cooling rate contributes to enhancing the M→A austenite transformation temperature. The phase transformation hysteresis (Af-Mf) increases with the decrease of the cooling rate. Heat treatment is unable to eliminate the textures formed in hot working of NiTi sample, but can weaken the intensity of them. The cooling rate has little influence on the grain size. 展开更多
关键词 NiTi alloy shape memory alloy phase transformation cooling rate martensitic transformation temperature austenite transformation temperature
Fracture behavior and microstructure of as-cast NiTi shape memory alloy 被引量:2
作者 江树勇 张艳秋 范红涛 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第6期1401-1406,共6页
The as-cast ingot of equiatomic nickel-titanium shape memory alloy (NiTi SMA) was prepared by vacuum consumable arc melting. The tensile tests and the compressive tests with respect to as-cast NiTi SMA were performe... The as-cast ingot of equiatomic nickel-titanium shape memory alloy (NiTi SMA) was prepared by vacuum consumable arc melting. The tensile tests and the compressive tests with respect to as-cast NiTi SMA were performed to study its mechanical properties of fracture. The microanalysis of as-cast NiTi SMA as well as its fractured samples was performed so as to better understand microstructure evolution and fracture behavior of NiTi SMA. Under tensile loading, the as-cast NiTi SMA shows higher plasticity and is characterized by ductile fracture at 750℃, but it demonstrates poorer plasticity and is characterized by cleavage fracture as well as transcrystalline fracture at room temperature and -100 ℃. Under compressive loading at -100 ~C, the as-cast NiTi SMA is characterized by shear fracture where the normal to the shearing fracture surface inclines about 45° to the compressive axis, and belongs to cleavage fracture where the cracks exoand via transcrvstalline fracture. 展开更多
关键词 NiTi altoy shape memory alloy as-cast-NiTi microstructural evolution fracture behavior
Microstructure and mechanical properties of cold-rolled Ti_(50)Ni_(47)Fe_3 shape memory alloy 被引量:1
作者 李艳锋 康小宇 +2 位作者 尹向前 解浩峰 米绪军 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第9期2890-2895,共6页
Mechanical and shape memory properties of a Ti50Ni47Fe3 alloy annealed at 450-750 °C for 1 h after a cold-rolled reduction of 25% were investigated by phase transformation analysis and microstructure characteriza... Mechanical and shape memory properties of a Ti50Ni47Fe3 alloy annealed at 450-750 °C for 1 h after a cold-rolled reduction of 25% were investigated by phase transformation analysis and microstructure characterization using tensile tests, Vickers hardness tests, electrical resistivity-temperature tests, SEM and TEM. From the results of the tensile, it can be inferred that the fracture stress and yield stress decreased and the fracture elongation increased as the annealing temperature increased for the rolled Ti50Ni47Fe3 alloy. They reached stead values when the temperature was above 650 °C. The change in Vickers hardness corresponded to the change in the fracture stress and yield stress. The electrical resistivity-temperature curves suggest that a two- stage martensitic transformation(B2-R-B19′) occurred during cooling and heating. The transformation temperatures decreased to lower temperatures when the annealing temperature was increased and maintained the same after the annealing temperature reached 650 °C. TEM revealed the distinct processes occurring at elevated temperatures: recovery, polygonization, and recrystallization. 展开更多
关键词 TiNiFe alloy shape memory alloy cold rolling MICROSTRUCTURE mechanical property
Welding of shape memory alloy to stainless steel for medical occluder 被引量:3
作者 吕世雄 杨仲林 董红刚 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第1期156-160,共5页
Dissimilar metal joining between NiTi shape memory alloy(SMA) and stainless steel was conducted.A cluster of NiTi SMA wires were first joined with tungsten inert gas(TIG) welding process,then the NiTi SMA TIG weld... Dissimilar metal joining between NiTi shape memory alloy(SMA) and stainless steel was conducted.A cluster of NiTi SMA wires were first joined with tungsten inert gas(TIG) welding process,then the NiTi SMA TIG weld was welded to a stainless steel pipe with laser spot welding process.The microstructure of the welds was examined with an optical microscope and the elemental distribution in the welds was measured by electron probe microanalysis(EPMA).The results show that TiC compounds dispersively distribute in the NiTi SMA TIG weld.However,the amount of TiC compounds greatly decreases around the fusion boundary of the laser spot weld between the NiTi SMA and stainless steel.Mutual diffusion between NiTi shape memory alloy and stainless steel happen within a short distance near the fusion boundary,and intermetallic compounds such as Ni3Ti+(Fe,Ni)Ti appear around the fusion boundary. 展开更多
关键词 medical occluder NiTi alloy shape memory alloy stainless steel laser spot welding dissimilar metal joining Ni3Ti (Fe Ni)Ti
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