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叩齿咽津合透营转气治疗鼻咽癌放疗后口干症疗效观察 被引量:7
作者 尤海玲 陈源 《中医临床研究》 2018年第4期53-54,共2页
目的:观察叩齿咽津合透营转气治疗鼻咽癌放疗后口干症的临床疗效。方法:将60例鼻咽癌放疗后口干症患者分成治疗组(20例)、对照组1(20例)和对照组2(20例)。对照组1给予维生素、雾化吸入等西医常规处理,对照组2给予清营汤加减方;治疗组运... 目的:观察叩齿咽津合透营转气治疗鼻咽癌放疗后口干症的临床疗效。方法:将60例鼻咽癌放疗后口干症患者分成治疗组(20例)、对照组1(20例)和对照组2(20例)。对照组1给予维生素、雾化吸入等西医常规处理,对照组2给予清营汤加减方;治疗组运用叩齿咽津合并口服清营汤加减方,疗程均为8周。观察三组患者治疗前后的白细胞、血淀粉酶、血糖变化情况,并观察患者口干程度变化情况。观察用药期间不良反应,主要是腹泻、纳差情况。结果:三组血象、生化检验结果组内及组间无显著差别;口干积分三组治疗后较治疗前下降,且治疗组明显低于对照组1和对照组2,对照组2低于对照组1;三组出现腹泻、纳差等不良反应无显著差别。 展开更多
关键词 叩齿咽津合透营转气 鼻咽癌放疗后 口干症 疗效观察
杂合式透析预防血液透析中低血压效果观察 被引量:2
作者 姚红 《现代中西医结合杂志》 CAS 2011年第13期1599-1600,共2页
目的探讨杂合式透析预防血液透析中低血压的效果。方法采用自身交叉对照方法,常规透析组305例次,杂合式透析组300例次,观察2组患者低血压发生情况。结果常规透析组发生低血压26例次,20例次提前结束透析;杂合式透析组发生低血压10例次,... 目的探讨杂合式透析预防血液透析中低血压的效果。方法采用自身交叉对照方法,常规透析组305例次,杂合式透析组300例次,观察2组患者低血压发生情况。结果常规透析组发生低血压26例次,20例次提前结束透析;杂合式透析组发生低血压10例次,无一例提前结束透析。结论杂合式透析可明显降低透析相关性低血压的发生率。 展开更多
关键词 低血压 血液
血液灌流联合血液透析治疗重度中毒患儿的护理 被引量:6
作者 韦丽玲 莫国华 全丽霞 《全科护理》 2008年第31期2847-2848,共2页
[目的]总结血液灌流联合血液透析治疗重度中毒患儿的护理方法。[方法]回顾性分析3例重度中毒患儿行11次血液灌流联合血液透析治疗的临床资料。[结果]3例患儿全部治愈出院,未留后遗症。[结论]重度中毒患儿行血液灌流联合血液透析过程中... [目的]总结血液灌流联合血液透析治疗重度中毒患儿的护理方法。[方法]回顾性分析3例重度中毒患儿行11次血液灌流联合血液透析治疗的临床资料。[结果]3例患儿全部治愈出院,未留后遗症。[结论]重度中毒患儿行血液灌流联合血液透析过程中应加强病情观察与护理。 展开更多
关键词 血液灌流 血液 中毒 患儿
口服中药联合中频药透治疗脾虚气滞型功能性消化不良疗效分析 被引量:4
作者 陈婕 刘琳 《北京中医药》 2011年第7期530-532,共3页
目的观察中药配合中频药透治疗功能性消化不良的效果。方法符合诊断标准的病例96例,随机分为治疗组和对照组,各48例患者。治疗组予中药合中频药透治疗,对照组予枸橼酸莫沙比利片,1个月为1个疗程。1疗程后观察治疗前后的临床症状、经X线... 目的观察中药配合中频药透治疗功能性消化不良的效果。方法符合诊断标准的病例96例,随机分为治疗组和对照组,各48例患者。治疗组予中药合中频药透治疗,对照组予枸橼酸莫沙比利片,1个月为1个疗程。1疗程后观察治疗前后的临床症状、经X线钡餐检查胃蠕动或胃排空时间。结果中医症状观察:两组患者的症状缓解时间及程度治疗组大多好于对照组。胃排空检测:治疗组显效28例,有效12例,总有效率87.0%;对照组:显效23例,有效9例,总有效率70.0%(P<0.05)。结论中药合中频药透治疗脾虚气滞型功能性消化不良效果明显。 展开更多
关键词 脾虚气滞 功能性消化不良 中药中频药
透性化细胞海藻糖合酶特性的研究 被引量:7
作者 薛璐 马莺 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期26-29,共4页
海藻糖是一种新型食品添加剂,目前多以微生物酶法生产。海藻糖合酶是近年来新发现的一种海藻糖合成酶。本文研究了经渗透细胞技术处理得到的透性化细胞海藻糖合酶的酶学特性。研究表明,该细胞酶的反应最适温度为35℃,最适pH7.4,Mg2+及K... 海藻糖是一种新型食品添加剂,目前多以微生物酶法生产。海藻糖合酶是近年来新发现的一种海藻糖合成酶。本文研究了经渗透细胞技术处理得到的透性化细胞海藻糖合酶的酶学特性。研究表明,该细胞酶的反应最适温度为35℃,最适pH7.4,Mg2+及K+对该细胞酶有明显激活作用,Zn2+,Mn2+及Cu2+则可强烈地抑制酶活力。该酶对底物特异性极强,能特异性地将麦芽糖转化为海藻糖。 展开更多
关键词 海藻糖 性化细胞海藻糖 酶学特性
杂合型血液净化对慢性肾衰竭维持性血液透析患者微炎症状态及心功能的影响 被引量:3
作者 刘莲琴 缑楠 《贵州医药》 CAS 2023年第8期1202-1204,共3页
目的分析杂合型血液净化对慢性肾衰竭维持血液透析患者微炎症状态和心功能的影响。方法纳入2015年1月至2021年12月在我院行血液透析的慢性肾衰竭患者70例为观察对象,患者均规律血液透析6月以上。将其按照入组顺序编自然序数号,单号纳入... 目的分析杂合型血液净化对慢性肾衰竭维持血液透析患者微炎症状态和心功能的影响。方法纳入2015年1月至2021年12月在我院行血液透析的慢性肾衰竭患者70例为观察对象,患者均规律血液透析6月以上。将其按照入组顺序编自然序数号,单号纳入对照组共计35例,行常规血液透析加血液透析滤过治疗,双号纳入观察组共计35例,行常规血液透析加血液透析滤过联合血液灌流的杂合型血液透析治疗。两组患者均连续治疗观察3个月。对两组患者治疗前、治疗后行炎症因子:超敏C反应蛋白(hs-CRP)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)与白细胞介素-6(IL-6)水平、心功能指标:脑钠肽(BNP)、氨基末端脑钠肽前体(NT-proBNP)监测,并行组间治疗前、治疗后比较;收集两组患者并发症并行组间比较。结果(1)两组患者治疗前血清hs-CRP、TNF-α、IL-6水平差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),治疗3个月后,两组患者上述炎性因子水平均较治疗前下降,且观察组低于对照组患者(P<0.05);(2)两组患者治疗前血浆BNP、NT-proBNP水平组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),治疗3个月后,两组患者上述指标均较治疗前下降,且观察组患者低于对照组患者(P<0.05);(3)观察组患者并发症率低于对照组患者(P<0.05)。结论杂合型血液净化治疗更利于缓解慢性肾衰竭维持性血液透析患者微炎症状态,改善心功能,降低并发症率,值得临床推广。 展开更多
关键词 慢性肾衰竭 维持性血液 型血液 微炎症状态 心脏功能
作者 张军芳 韩飞 《中外女性健康研究》 2016年第19期72-72,74,共2页
目的:探讨单纯血液透析与杂合型血液透析对维持性血液透析患者生活质量的影响。方法将我院自2013年6月至2015年6月间收治的48例维持性血液透析患者作为研究对象,按照血液净化方式的不同分为单纯血透组26例,患者血透4h/次,3次/周;杂合型... 目的:探讨单纯血液透析与杂合型血液透析对维持性血液透析患者生活质量的影响。方法将我院自2013年6月至2015年6月间收治的48例维持性血液透析患者作为研究对象,按照血液净化方式的不同分为单纯血透组26例,患者血透4h/次,3次/周;杂合型血透组22例,血透2次/周,增加1次血液透析过滤或加1次血液透析加灌流,4h/次,制定健康状况问卷调查比较两组患者的生活质量差异。结果:杂合型血液透析组体能、疼痛、总体健康状况、社会功能、经历状况等5个维度得分显著高于单纯血液透析组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),情感维度方面比较差异不显著(P>0.05)。结论:杂合型血液透析治疗更能有效地清除维持性血液透析患者体内的大、中分子毒素,提高患者的生活质量,可推广使用。 展开更多
关键词 维持性血液 单纯血液 型血液 生活质量
“清热解毒、消肿排脓”法联合刺络、中药足浴治疗急性化脓性扁桃体炎疗效观察 被引量:32
作者 李娜 马翠翠 +3 位作者 李楠 张晓璞 葛芳 白瑞珍 《现代中西医结合杂志》 CAS 2015年第14期1510-1512,共3页
目的观察小柴胡汤合银翘散合透脓散联合刺络、中药足浴治疗小儿急性化脓性扁体炎的疗效。方法将76例急性化脓性扁体炎患儿随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组38例。2组均给予刺络、中药足浴进行退热,在此基础上,治疗组38例予以小柴胡汤合银翘... 目的观察小柴胡汤合银翘散合透脓散联合刺络、中药足浴治疗小儿急性化脓性扁体炎的疗效。方法将76例急性化脓性扁体炎患儿随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组38例。2组均给予刺络、中药足浴进行退热,在此基础上,治疗组38例予以小柴胡汤合银翘散合透脓散治疗,对照组38例予以蒲地蓝消炎口服液治疗。观察2组疗效。结果治疗组总有效率明显高于对照组(P<0.05),症状、体征消失时间明显短于对照组(P均<0.05)。结论小柴胡汤合银翘散合透脓散联合刺络、中药足浴治疗急性化脓性扁桃体炎临床疗效好,值得进一步研究和推广。 展开更多
关键词 小柴胡汤银翘散合透脓散 刺络 中药足浴 急性化脓性扁桃体炎
Study on multi-wavelength thin film thickness determination method
作者 SHI Ce XIE Mao-Bin +3 位作者 ZHENG Wei-Bo JI Ruo-Nan WANG Shao-Wei LU Wei 《红外与毫米波学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期813-819,共7页
This work introduces a novel method for measuring thin film thickness,employing a multi-wavelength method that significantly reduces the need for broad-spectrum data.Unlike traditional techniques that require sev⁃eral... This work introduces a novel method for measuring thin film thickness,employing a multi-wavelength method that significantly reduces the need for broad-spectrum data.Unlike traditional techniques that require sev⁃eral hundred spectral data points,the multi-wavelength method achieves precise thickness measurements with data from only 10 wavelengths.This innovation not only simplifies the process of spectral measurement analysis but al⁃so enables accurate real-time thickness measurement on industrial coating production lines.The method effective⁃ly reconstructs and fits the visible spectrum(400-800 nm)using a minimal amount of data,while maintaining measurement error within 7.1%.This advancement lays the foundation for more practical and efficient thin film thickness determination techniques in various industrial applications. 展开更多
关键词 film thickness determination transmittance and reflectance spectra FITTING spectral reconstruction
Relation between relative permeability and hydrate saturation in Shenhu area, South China Sea 被引量:6
作者 李传辉 赵倩 +2 位作者 徐红军 冯凯 刘学伟 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期207-214,254,共9页
Nuclear magnetic resonance measurements in hydrate-bearing sandstone samples from the Shenhu area, South China Sea were used to study the effect of gas hydrates on the sandstone permeability. The hydrate-bearing sampl... Nuclear magnetic resonance measurements in hydrate-bearing sandstone samples from the Shenhu area, South China Sea were used to study the effect of gas hydrates on the sandstone permeability. The hydrate-bearing samples contain pore-filling hydrates. The data show that the pore-filling hydrates greatly affect the formation permeability while depending on many factors that also bear on permeability; furthermore, with increasing hydrate saturation, the formation permeability decreases. We used the Masuda model and an exponent N = 7.9718 to formulate the empirical equation that describes the relation between relative permeability and hydrate saturation for the Shenhu area samples. 展开更多
关键词 Gas hydrate PERMEABILITY NMR Shenhu area
作者 沈凯 尹志民 王涛 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2007年第3期265-269,共5页
Mierostruetural development of a commercial 7055 (Al-Zn-Mg-Cu)alloy is studied by transmission electron mieroseope(TEM) during the process of single-ageing for up to 48 h. It is observed that Guinier-Preston (GP... Mierostruetural development of a commercial 7055 (Al-Zn-Mg-Cu)alloy is studied by transmission electron mieroseope(TEM) during the process of single-ageing for up to 48 h. It is observed that Guinier-Preston (GP) zones are formed on { 111} planes when the sample is aged for a short time and grows up gradually with increase of ageing time. η' phase is formsed after ageing for 4 h at 120℃, having the orientation relationship with the matrix as[0 0 0 1]η'//[1 1^- 1]Al and (1 0 1^- 1)η'//(1 1 0)Al.η phase starts to occur after 24 h ageing and has an orientation relationship with matrix as [1^- 1 0 0]η//[1 1 0]Al and (0 0 0 1)η// (1 1 1)Al. Since the density of both η' phase and η phase particles is much lower than that of GP zone on aged alloy, GP zones are important to control the properties of the alloy. 展开更多
关键词 7055 aluminum alloys ageing TEM
藏族金属文化工艺(二) 被引量:3
作者 扎西威色 佘方治 胡恒 《西藏艺术研究》 1993年第1期68-73,共6页
一、锤炼金子。锤炼金子的方法同锤炼银子的方法无二致,仅材料的价值悬殊而已。金子比银子软、难熔,无论锻打、拉丝、刻花、空雕、焊接等较之银子稍易。其操作细则、工艺程序、必备的工具等同银匠一样,可以说炉火纯青的银匠亦是打造金... 一、锤炼金子。锤炼金子的方法同锤炼银子的方法无二致,仅材料的价值悬殊而已。金子比银子软、难熔,无论锻打、拉丝、刻花、空雕、焊接等较之银子稍易。其操作细则、工艺程序、必备的工具等同银匠一样,可以说炉火纯青的银匠亦是打造金器的能工巧匠。金子是极稀少的贵重金属,很少用纯金制作家什。下面次第介绍银、红铜、黄铜等造件镏金、给铁件涂金液和冶炼等一些特殊的工艺细则。二、金件焊接。焊接金子,一般说来,用任何银焊剂都行,但焊面的色彩有微弱差异,为了不出现异色,银焊药中合适量的金子为好。这是古人的传说。或者,不另配别的焊药,可将汉地所产阴性黄铜和重量相等的金子一道熔化;若寻觅不到汉地优质黄铜,亦可按一比三的比例混合优质红铜与白锌的合金替代。焊接时应以硇砂液替代白棚砂作焊液。 展开更多
关键词 异色 银焊 锻打 难熔 耐火土 合透 木炭粉 药物名称 铜粉
A simulation study of formation permeability as a function of methane hydrate concentration 被引量:1
作者 赵倩 邓克俊 刘学伟 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第2期101-109,176,共10页
We modeled and studied the permeability of methane hydrate bearing formations as a function of methane hydrate concentration by artificially varying the T2 distribution as well as using a tube-sphere model.We varied t... We modeled and studied the permeability of methane hydrate bearing formations as a function of methane hydrate concentration by artificially varying the T2 distribution as well as using a tube-sphere model.We varied the proportion of irreducible and movable water as well as the total porosity associated with the T2 distribution and found the normalized permeability as a function of methane hydrate concentration is dependent of these variations.Using a tube-sphere model,we increased the methane hydrate concentration by randomly placing methane hydrate crystals in the pore spaces and computed the permeability using either the Schlumberger T2 relaxation time formula or a direct calculation based on Darcy's law assuming Poiseuille flow.Earlier experimental measurements reported in the literature show there is a methane hydrate concentration range where the permeability remains relatively constant.We found that when the Schlumberger T2 relaxation time formula is used the simulation results show a curve of normalized permeability versus methane hydrate concentration quite close to that predicted by the Masuda model with N = 15.When the permeability was directly calculated based on Darcy's law,the simulation results show a much higher normalized permeability and only show a trend consistent with the experimental results,i.e.,with a permeability plateau,when the methane hydrate crystals are preferentially placed in the tubes,and the higher the preferential probability,the larger the range where the permeability has a plateau. 展开更多
关键词 Methane hydrate bearing formation PERMEABILITY NMR T2 distribution.
Simulation and experimental validation of three-dimensional dendrite growth 被引量:1
作者 石玉峰 许庆彦 柳百成 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第11期2756-2761,共6页
A three-dimensional (3-D) modified cellular automaton (MCA) method was developed for simulating the dendrite morphology of cubic system alloys. Two-dimensional (2-D) equations of growth velocities of the dendrit... A three-dimensional (3-D) modified cellular automaton (MCA) method was developed for simulating the dendrite morphology of cubic system alloys. Two-dimensional (2-D) equations of growth velocities of the dendrite tip, interface curvature and anisotropy of the surface energy were extended to 3-D system in the model. Therefore, the model was able to describe the morphology evolution of 3-D dendrites. Then, the model was applied to simulate the mechanism of spacing adjustment for 3-D columnar dendrite growth, and the competitive growth of columnar dendrites with different preferred growth orientations under constant temperature gradient and pulling velocity. Directional solidification experiments of NH4Cl-H2O transparent alloy were performed. It was found that the simulated results compared well with the experimental results. Therefore, the model was reliable for simulating the 3-D dendrite growth of cubic system alloys. 展开更多
关键词 modified cellular automation 3-D dendrite morphology dendrite growth directional solidification NH4Cl-H2O transparent alloy
作者 朱薇 袁爱力 +3 位作者 赖卓胜 陈宏 杨敏 张国华 《中华消化杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第10期636-637,共2页
关键词 肝功能衰竭 析型杂人工肝装置 生物反应器 血液相容性
Bending properties and fracture mechanism of C/C composites with high density preform 被引量:9
作者 张明瑜 苏哲安 +1 位作者 李建立 黄启忠 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第8期1795-1800,共6页
C/C composites with banded structure pyrocarbon were fabricated by fast chemical vapor infiltration(CVI),with C3H6 as carbon source,N2 as carrier gas,and three-dimensional(3D) 12K PAN-based carbon fabric with high... C/C composites with banded structure pyrocarbon were fabricated by fast chemical vapor infiltration(CVI),with C3H6 as carbon source,N2 as carrier gas,and three-dimensional(3D) 12K PAN-based carbon fabric with high density of 0.94 g/cm3 as preform.Experimental results indicated that the fracture characteristics of C/C composites were closely related to the frequency of high-temperature treatment(HTT) at the break of CVI process.According to the load?displacement curves,C/C composites showed a pseudoplastic fracture after twice of HTT.After three times of HTT,load?displacement curves tended to be stable with a decreasing bending strength at 177.5 MPa.Delamination failure and intrastratal fiber fracture were observed at the cross-section of C/C composites by scanning electronic microscope.Because the content of pyrocarbon and fibers has a different distribution in layers,the C/C composites show different fracture characteristics at various regions,which leads to good toughness and bending strength. 展开更多
关键词 C/C composites chemical vapor infiltration(CVI) high density preform bending properties fracture mechanism
Simultaneous Identification of Thermophysical Properties of Semitransparent Media Using a Hybrid Model Based on Artificial Neural Network and Evolutionary Algorithm
作者 LIU Yang HU Shaochuang 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2024年第4期458-475,共18页
A hybrid identification model based on multilayer artificial neural networks(ANNs) and particle swarm optimization(PSO) algorithm is developed to improve the simultaneous identification efficiency of thermal conductiv... A hybrid identification model based on multilayer artificial neural networks(ANNs) and particle swarm optimization(PSO) algorithm is developed to improve the simultaneous identification efficiency of thermal conductivity and effective absorption coefficient of semitransparent materials.For the direct model,the spherical harmonic method and the finite volume method are used to solve the coupled conduction-radiation heat transfer problem in an absorbing,emitting,and non-scattering 2D axisymmetric gray medium in the background of laser flash method.For the identification part,firstly,the temperature field and the incident radiation field in different positions are chosen as observables.Then,a traditional identification model based on PSO algorithm is established.Finally,multilayer ANNs are built to fit and replace the direct model in the traditional identification model to speed up the identification process.The results show that compared with the traditional identification model,the time cost of the hybrid identification model is reduced by about 1 000 times.Besides,the hybrid identification model remains a high level of accuracy even with measurement errors. 展开更多
关键词 semitransparent medium coupled conduction-radiation heat transfer thermophysical properties simultaneous identification multilayer artificial neural networks(ANNs) evolutionary algorithm hybrid identification model
Penetrative and migratory behavior of alkali metal in different binder based TiB_2-C composite cathodes 被引量:7
作者 方钊 伍小雷 +2 位作者 俞娟 李林波 朱军 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第4期1220-1230,共11页
In electrolyte melts containing K at low temperature, the penetrative and migratory path of alkali metals (K and Na) in pitch, furan, phenolic aldehyde and epoxy based TiB2-C composite cathodes during the electrolys... In electrolyte melts containing K at low temperature, the penetrative and migratory path of alkali metals (K and Na) in pitch, furan, phenolic aldehyde and epoxy based TiB2-C composite cathodes during the electrolysis process were studied by EDS and self-made modified Rapoport apparatus. The electrolysis expansion rates, the diffusion coefficients of the alkali metals and the corrosion rates of the composite cathode were also calculated and discussed. The results show that no matter what kind of binder is used, alkali metals have the same penetrative path in composite cathodes:firstly in pore, then in binder and finally in carbonaceous aggregates. K and Na penetrate into both binder and carbonaceous aggregates, which leads to the expansion of composite cathodes, and K has stronger penetration ability than Na. Electrolysis expansion rate of resin based composite cathode is smaller than that of pitch based composite cathodes, and so do the diffusion coefficient and corrosion rate. Resin based composite cathode has better resistance ability to the penetration of alkali metals than pith based composite cathode, and phenolic aldehyde based composite cathode exhibits the strongest resistance ability. The penetration rate, the diffusion coefficient of alkali metals in phenolic aldehyde based TiB2-C composite cathode and the corresponding corrosion rate are 4.72 mm/h, 2.24×10^-5 cm^2/s and 2.31 mm/a, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum electrolysis PENETRATION migration alkali metal TiB2-C composite cathode corrosion resistance
作者 标准的爱 桑桑糖 《成长先锋:女人街》 2007年第1期65-67,共3页
上一个段子里提到的跟那个“嗓子眼儿有痰”的人吃饭,严格意义上来讲不算吃饭,因为我实在是忘了当时吃的什么了——根本吃不下去呀!现在就讲一则真正的关于吃饭的故事——再从严格意义上来说,这个故事并非缘自“相亲”,顶多算又一个对... 上一个段子里提到的跟那个“嗓子眼儿有痰”的人吃饭,严格意义上来讲不算吃饭,因为我实在是忘了当时吃的什么了——根本吃不下去呀!现在就讲一则真正的关于吃饭的故事——再从严格意义上来说,这个故事并非缘自“相亲”,顶多算又一个对我心怀叵测的“饭友”,但至今印象深刻哦。他是在一个QQ群里认识的,大家聚会的时候见过一次,猜测他70年代生人吧,脸蛋比较光滑,身材瘦削。 展开更多
关键词 子里 合透 小区门口 粉面 不知道 里脚 自我反省 发过 语儿 食单
作者 韩映红 《音乐世界》 1992年第12期19-19,共1页
练了一阵子琴,到底弹得怎么样呢?通过考核定个级,让自己的演奏技巧得到社会的承认,这起码也算是个精神安慰吧!说不定将来对升学、晋级等还兴许会有点好处呢?为了满足这种心理要求,于是考级这股风便在各地渐渐刮起来了,而且已把不少孩子... 练了一阵子琴,到底弹得怎么样呢?通过考核定个级,让自己的演奏技巧得到社会的承认,这起码也算是个精神安慰吧!说不定将来对升学、晋级等还兴许会有点好处呢?为了满足这种心理要求,于是考级这股风便在各地渐渐刮起来了,而且已把不少孩子的家长刮了个晕头转向.考级,按说应属一种学术活动,理当严肃对待.可只要成了风,也就不太容易驾驭了.比如,起初考级只收个报名费,渐渐的,不仅报名费越来越涨价,而且又增加了诸如公证费,录像费等,加在一起真得百把块钱哩! 展开更多
关键词 心理要求 精神安慰 学术活动 合透 文艺团体 学术团体
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