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作者 杨泉 白向林 +5 位作者 韩继标 吴喜龙 赵雨 李勇 陈明军 马王蕊 《贵金属》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第3期1-6,共6页
对等离子熔炼铁合金溶解液,利用001×7阳离子树脂吸附贱金属杂质,研究了除杂后钯的萃取分离工艺。通过对比选择LIX84-I萃取剂,研究了萃取体系的盐酸浓度、氯离子浓度、萃取剂浓度、添加剂N263用量,以及搅拌速度、搅拌时间、萃取相... 对等离子熔炼铁合金溶解液,利用001×7阳离子树脂吸附贱金属杂质,研究了除杂后钯的萃取分离工艺。通过对比选择LIX84-I萃取剂,研究了萃取体系的盐酸浓度、氯离子浓度、萃取剂浓度、添加剂N263用量,以及搅拌速度、搅拌时间、萃取相比、萃取级数、萃取温度等条件对萃取钯的影响。得到最佳萃取条件为,在0.1 mol/L HCl中,有机相为5%LIX84-I-2%N263-93%Solvesso150,搅拌速度1000 r/min,搅拌时间5 min,O/A比1:1,温度28~32℃内三级萃取,钯萃取率99.9%。有机相经1 mol/L HCl洗涤,10 mol/L HCl三级反萃,反萃率95%。 展开更多
关键词 二次资源 合金溶解 萃取 反萃
作者 H.Berg H.Laux +2 位作者 S.T.Johansen O.S.Klevan 吴根土 《浙江冶金》 2000年第1期40-42,共3页
用两个钢包的二维轴对称模型,借助流体动力学的计算机模拟,研究了纯氧顶吹转炉(BOF)和电孤炉(EAF)出钢时的钢水合金化。对包内6种钢水高度、5种合金粒度、两个合金投入点和3种合金(FeMn.SiMn 和 FeSi75),进行了相关的试验,计算出料流分... 用两个钢包的二维轴对称模型,借助流体动力学的计算机模拟,研究了纯氧顶吹转炉(BOF)和电孤炉(EAF)出钢时的钢水合金化。对包内6种钢水高度、5种合金粒度、两个合金投入点和3种合金(FeMn.SiMn 和 FeSi75),进行了相关的试验,计算出料流分布和合金颗粒的轨迹。基于钢包内的流体动力学和较高合金化效果的释义,得出了与合金粒度、合金加入时间有关的结论。在工厂试验中,这些计算结果得到了证实,并指出使用小颗粒合金的好处。此外,还建立了一个估算出钢时合金最佳加入速度的方法。介绍了钢厂试验的结果。 展开更多
关键词 出钢 合金溶解 料流形态 BOF EAF 炼钢
镓对Al-Mg-Sn-Ga合金可溶解性能的影响 被引量:3
作者 朱建锋 杨波 +3 位作者 冉云飞 见飞龙 侯小江 苟永妮 《陕西科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 2016年第6期47-52,共6页
采用高温熔融法制备了一系列镓含量不同的可溶解铝合金材料,并详细研究了不同Ga含量对该合金微观结构及溶解性能的影响.借助XRD、BSE及EDS等手段表征研究了该材料的相组成和微观结构,探讨了溶解温度和溶解速率之间的关系.分析了不同阶... 采用高温熔融法制备了一系列镓含量不同的可溶解铝合金材料,并详细研究了不同Ga含量对该合金微观结构及溶解性能的影响.借助XRD、BSE及EDS等手段表征研究了该材料的相组成和微观结构,探讨了溶解温度和溶解速率之间的关系.分析了不同阶段反应产物的相组成,研究了该可溶铝合金材料的溶解机理.研究结果表明:该可溶解铝合金的基体相为Al(Ga)固溶体,第二相为Mg_2Sn化合物;随着镓含量的不断增加,溶解反应启动温度降低.当镓含量为1wt%时,铝合金在90℃下也无法溶解.铝合金的溶解动力学过程服从阿伦尼乌斯方程,即lnk与1/T呈线性关系,铝合金和水反应的最终产物为Al(OH)_3,中间产物为AlOOH;该反应机理为局部微小原电池反应机理,其中Al(Ga)固溶体为原电池的负极,第二相Mg_2Sn为原电池的正极. 展开更多
关键词 溶解合金 微观组织 溶解机理
镁含量对Al-Ga-Sn-Mg合金可溶解性能的影响 被引量:2
作者 朱建锋 潘博炜 +4 位作者 苟永妮 秦毅 姜涛 杨波 鹿萧 《陕西科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 2016年第1期46-51,71,共7页
采用高温熔融工艺制备了添加不同Mg含量的铝合金材料.借助XRD,SEM及EDX等测试手段分析了不同Mg含量添加对可溶解铝合金材料显微结构及相组成的影响规律;分析了不同Mg含量添加及水温对合金可溶解性能的影响;探讨了合金与水反应的溶解机理... 采用高温熔融工艺制备了添加不同Mg含量的铝合金材料.借助XRD,SEM及EDX等测试手段分析了不同Mg含量添加对可溶解铝合金材料显微结构及相组成的影响规律;分析了不同Mg含量添加及水温对合金可溶解性能的影响;探讨了合金与水反应的溶解机理.研究结果表明:不同含量的Mg元素对合金的显微结构和物相有着显著影响;合金在不同水温下的溶解速度随着Mg含量的增加,呈现先增大后减小的峰值变化趋势;并且在Mg含量为3wt%时,溶解速度达到最大值.合金拥有较高的溶解速度的原因是Mg2Sn相和周边铝基体相之间的电化学腐蚀反应. 展开更多
关键词 溶解合金 Mg含量 溶解性能 反应机理
作者 尚晓峰 孙永贺 尚进 《科技视界》 2015年第16期123-124,共2页
溶解分裂金属合金材料主要应用于石油开采领域,其研究的主要目的是通过对溶解分裂金属合金材料的研究,确定合金材料的主要成分,使合金材料可以在一定的条件下溶解分裂。通过实验表明,当混合粉末里镁粉、铝粉和锌粉比例分别为80%、10%和... 溶解分裂金属合金材料主要应用于石油开采领域,其研究的主要目的是通过对溶解分裂金属合金材料的研究,确定合金材料的主要成分,使合金材料可以在一定的条件下溶解分裂。通过实验表明,当混合粉末里镁粉、铝粉和锌粉比例分别为80%、10%和10%时,利用金相镶嵌机压制的合金材料样品可以在90℃的5%Na Cl溶液里在1~2小时溶解分裂,达到实际生产对溶解分裂合金材料的要求。 展开更多
关键词 溶解分裂金属合金材料 溶解分裂 混合粉末
耐高温可溶解合金研制及可溶井下工具性能分析 被引量:2
作者 唐程鸿 《石油和化工设备》 CAS 2022年第9期17-20,共4页
为了适用深井、超深井的高温油井环境,研发了耐高温可溶解合金并测试了应用产品的溶解性能。通过改变配方可以调控合金材料在120~190℃高温环境中的溶解时间,制备出适应深井、超深井高温环境的可溶解合金材料。该系列耐高温可溶解合金... 为了适用深井、超深井的高温油井环境,研发了耐高温可溶解合金并测试了应用产品的溶解性能。通过改变配方可以调控合金材料在120~190℃高温环境中的溶解时间,制备出适应深井、超深井高温环境的可溶解合金材料。该系列耐高温可溶解合金加工的可溶解压裂球、可溶解桥塞、可溶解球座等多种油田井下工具能很好地匹配塔中北坡区块油田的井下高温环境,简化了油田施工作业工艺,缩减了施工工期和施工成本。 展开更多
关键词 溶解合金 耐高温井下工具 油田应用
作者 李二行 何志 +2 位作者 孙良 董会 翟文彦 《石油管材与仪器》 2022年第2期14-18,共5页
可溶解铝合金在非常规油气田的增效开采技术中发挥着非常重要的作用。为了让油气勘探技术人员、可溶材料方面的科研人员能够直观地掌握目前国内可溶解铝合金相关技术的研究现状,对可溶解铝合金材料技术的中国专利申请状况进行了检索,分... 可溶解铝合金在非常规油气田的增效开采技术中发挥着非常重要的作用。为了让油气勘探技术人员、可溶材料方面的科研人员能够直观地掌握目前国内可溶解铝合金相关技术的研究现状,对可溶解铝合金材料技术的中国专利申请状况进行了检索,分析了专利申请类型、主要专利申请人以及核心技术领域。结果显示,在样本库中,可溶解铝合金材料技术实用新型专利申请数量为19%,发明专利申请数量为81%。高校和科研院所注重可溶解铝合金的溶解机理和性能优化,企业注重可溶解铝合金的装置工具技术。可溶解铝合金制造技术、封隔器和桥塞等装置技术以及可溶解铝合金性能优化改进技术是目前主要的研究热点。 展开更多
关键词 溶解合金 非常规油气田 专利分析
大通径桥塞压裂用可溶解球研制及性能评价 被引量:25
作者 魏辽 马兰荣 +3 位作者 朱敏涛 吴晋霞 朱玉杰 韩峰 《石油钻探技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期90-94,共5页
为解决国内可溶解憋压球无法满足大通径桥塞压裂要求的问题,采用网络结构设计了以镁铝合金为基体并添加Zn、Cu等材料而形成的多元材料,以抗压强度、屈服强度、溶解速率为目标优化了材料中Zn、Cu的加量,研制了与大通径桥塞压裂配套用的... 为解决国内可溶解憋压球无法满足大通径桥塞压裂要求的问题,采用网络结构设计了以镁铝合金为基体并添加Zn、Cu等材料而形成的多元材料,以抗压强度、屈服强度、溶解速率为目标优化了材料中Zn、Cu的加量,研制了与大通径桥塞压裂配套用的大直径、高强度、可溶解合金材料及憋压球。经测试合金材料的抗压强度与屈服强度分别超过了430和330 MPa,直径89.027mm憋压球承压超过70 MPa,且喷涂防护膜后球体稳定承压达到6h;93℃条件下在3%KCl溶液中球体溶解90%体积所需时间约为92h;在胍胶压裂液中的溶解速率虽然比在1%KCl溶液慢,但200h也能溶解球体90%的体积。这表明,大直径可溶解憋压球能满足大通径桥塞压裂所需的高强度、快速溶解的性能要求。 展开更多
关键词 桥塞 溶解合金 憋压球 分段压裂
一种快速高效溶解粗金属铑的新技术(英文) 被引量:2
作者 刘时杰 顾华祥 汪云华 《贵金属》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第A01期1-6,共6页
高效快速的溶解金属铑或铑基合金废料,一直是铂族金属冶金中人们公认的技术难题。通常使用的高温氯化,熔铝碎化,NaHSO4熔融等方法,有一次溶解率很低(一般不到30%),需反复多次处理,周期很长,金属损失大,环境污染严重,能源及试剂消耗大... 高效快速的溶解金属铑或铑基合金废料,一直是铂族金属冶金中人们公认的技术难题。通常使用的高温氯化,熔铝碎化,NaHSO4熔融等方法,有一次溶解率很低(一般不到30%),需反复多次处理,周期很长,金属损失大,环境污染严重,能源及试剂消耗大等缺点。金属表面呈化学惰性的结晶结构及可能形成某种惰性氧化物,是难溶的原因。针对粗金属铑(含Rh 85.78%)研究了高效快速溶解的新技术:①用熔锍及活性金属转态活化;②酸溶及过滤分离贱金属溶液;③HCl溶液中直接加固体氧化剂溶解铑。在较短周期(24~48 h)内,铑的一次溶解率〉99%,贱金属溶液中Rh浓度〈0.0005 g/L,全过程铑回收率〉99%。 展开更多
关键词 冶金技术 铂族金属 铑及铑合金溶解
Effect of uniform magnetic field on crystallization of intermetallic compound layers between Cu and liquid SnZn alloys 被引量:2
作者 程从前 黄明亮 +1 位作者 赵杰 薛冬峰 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第9期2312-2319,共8页
Crystallization of intermetallic compound layer between Cu and SnZn alloy under uniform magnetic field was studied. The effect of magnetic field density on the growth behavior of the intermetallic layer such as micros... Crystallization of intermetallic compound layer between Cu and SnZn alloy under uniform magnetic field was studied. The effect of magnetic field density on the growth behavior of the intermetallic layer such as microstructure, crystal orientation and composition was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and electron-probe microanalysis, respectively. Compared with the intermetallic layer without magnetic field, 0.1 T of magnetic flux density decreases the layer thickness. However, further increasing magnetic flux density promotes the layer growth. Application of magnetic field also changes the crystal orientation of intermetallic layer, but has no obvious influence on the layer composition. This phenomenon can be attributed to the role of thermo-electromagnetic convection and Lorentz force on the Cu dissolution as well as the accumulation of Cu solute at the interface front. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic field SnZn alloy intermetallic compound Cu dissolution
Calculation of hydrogen solubility in molten alloys 被引量:3
作者 蒋光锐 李言祥 刘源 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第5期1130-1135,共6页
A thermodynamic model was developed to calculate the hydrogen solubility in molten alloys based on the hydrogen solubility in constitutional pure liquid metals and their interaction parameters. The calculated results ... A thermodynamic model was developed to calculate the hydrogen solubility in molten alloys based on the hydrogen solubility in constitutional pure liquid metals and their interaction parameters. The calculated results have a good agreement with the documented experimental results. The closer the molten alloy to an ideal liquid is, the more accurate the calculated results are. The compound forming ability and molar mixing heat of the constitutional elements take important roles in influencing the hydrogen solubility in molten alloys. 展开更多
关键词 hydrogen solubility molten alloy interaction parameter
铝在可燃冰开采装备中的应用 被引量:2
作者 孟林 王祝堂 《轻合金加工技术》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第1期1-4,共4页
工业开采可燃冰取代日益减少的石油与天然气的过程是一场新能源革命,可燃冰是即将取代油、气的新能源,主要蕴藏在海底、深湖底部与陆地冻土层下。介绍了中国在开采可燃冰方面的成就,以及铝合金材料在这场新能源革命装备中的应用,铝将是... 工业开采可燃冰取代日益减少的石油与天然气的过程是一场新能源革命,可燃冰是即将取代油、气的新能源,主要蕴藏在海底、深湖底部与陆地冻土层下。介绍了中国在开采可燃冰方面的成就,以及铝合金材料在这场新能源革命装备中的应用,铝将是一种不可或缺的基础材料,将广泛应用于钻探设备、输送管道、贮罐、平台与基础设施,等等。因为铝具有一系列的优秀性能,是综合性能最好的材料之一,开采可燃冰与转化为可燃气体所需的铝材中国可生产98.5%以上。 展开更多
关键词 新能源革命 可燃冰 天然气 5083铝合金 溶解合金
Effect of dissolved oxygen on corrosion behavior of Zr-0.85Sn-0.16Nb-0.37Fe-0.18Cr alloy in 500℃ and 10.3 MPa super-heated steam 被引量:2
作者 Rong-rong SUN Shi-tong XU +5 位作者 Mei-yi YAO Jun ZHANG Xun DAI Jiao HUANG Jin-long ZHANG Bang-xin ZHOU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第3期701-709,共9页
To better understand the role of dissolved oxygen(DO) in affecting corrosion behavior of zirconium alloys,the Zr-0.85 Sn-0.16 Nb-0.37 Fe-0.18 Cr(wt.%) alloy was corroded in super-heated steam at 500℃ and 10.3 MPa und... To better understand the role of dissolved oxygen(DO) in affecting corrosion behavior of zirconium alloys,the Zr-0.85 Sn-0.16 Nb-0.37 Fe-0.18 Cr(wt.%) alloy was corroded in super-heated steam at 500℃ and 10.3 MPa under 1×10-6 DO and deaeration conditions.The microstructure of the alloy and oxide films was investigated by SEM,TEM,EDS and EBSD.Results show that the corrosion is aggravated under 1×10-6 DO.Compared with the deaeration condition,the oxide film is looser,and has more micro-cracks and more uneven inner surface under DO condition.For the oxide film forming under deaeration condition,the selected area diffraction(SAED) spots of planes(002)m,■ and(101)t are strong,while those of the(001)m and■ are weak.However,for the oxide film forming under DO condition,the SAED spots of planes(111)m,(200)m and(101)t are strong,while those of the(100)m and(110)m are weak.The higher DO content in super-heated steam accelerates the growth of oxide films,thus decreasing the corrosion resistance of zirconium alloys. 展开更多
关键词 zirconium alloy dissolved oxygen corrosion microstructure oxide film super-heated steam
Localized dissolution initiated at single and clustered intermetallic particles during immersion of Al-Cu-Mg alloy in sodium chloride solution
作者 骆晨 Xiaorong ZHOU George E.THOMPSON 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第11期2800-2809,共10页
Aiming at understanding how intermetallic phases response when AA2024-T3 aluminium alloy is exposed to chloridecontainingaqueous medium, scanning electron microscopy was employed to provide morphological information o... Aiming at understanding how intermetallic phases response when AA2024-T3 aluminium alloy is exposed to chloridecontainingaqueous medium, scanning electron microscopy was employed to provide morphological information on alloy surfacebefore and after corrosion testing. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy was carried out to determine compositional change inintermetallic particles. Atomic force microscopy was used to examine topographical variation introduced by the reactions ofintermetallic phases. Transmission electron microscopy combined with ultramicrotomy was carried out on dealloyed Al2CuMgparticles and their periphery region. It is found that dealloyed Al2CuMg particles exhibited porous, polycrystalline structurecomprised of body-centred cubic copper particles with sizes of 5 to 20 nm. Aluminium matrix started to trench in the periphery ofAl2CuMg particles at the early stage of dealloying. Development of trenching in Al.Cu.Fe.Mn.(Si) particle’s periphery was notuniform and took longer time to initiate than Al2CuMg dealloying. Localized corrosion at a cluster of Al2CuMg and Al2Cu particleswas mainly associated with Al2CuMg particles. 展开更多
关键词 aluminium alloy intermetallic particle localized dissolution DEALLOYING TRENCHING
Effect of WC grain size on mechanical properties and microstructures of cemented carbide with medium entropy alloy Co-Ni-Fe binder 被引量:5
作者 QIAN Cheng LI Kun +3 位作者 GUO Xue-yi LIU Bin LONG Zheng-yi LIU Yong 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第4期1146-1157,共12页
For developing new binder phase with high performance, Co-Ni-Fe alloy was used as binder in cemented carbides. The mechanical properties of WC-CoNiFe and WC-Co cemented carbides with different grain sizes were studied... For developing new binder phase with high performance, Co-Ni-Fe alloy was used as binder in cemented carbides. The mechanical properties of WC-CoNiFe and WC-Co cemented carbides with different grain sizes were studied. The results show that the reprecipitation of WC-CoNiFe is inhibited compared with that of WC-Co during sintering process, and the grains in WC-CoNiFe cemented carbides are more of smooth shape, resulting in a slightly lower hardness and higher transverse rupture strength. With the increase of the grain size, the hardness of the two cemented carbides decreases, and the transverse rupture strength increases. However, the slope values of K in Hall-Petch relationship are higher in WC-CoNiFe than those in WC-Co, indicating the high toughness of medium entropy alloy Co-Ni-Fe. 展开更多
关键词 cemented carbides mechanical properties dissolution-reprecipitation Hall-Petch relationship medium entropy alloy
Selective recovery of Sn from copper alloy dross and its heat-treatment for synthesis of SnO_2 被引量:2
作者 Jung-Il LEE Jong Bum PARK +2 位作者 Tae Wan KIM Man-Sik KONG Jeong Ho RYU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第S1期157-161,共5页
Preliminary study on concentration and separation of tin(Sn) from copper alloy dross by selective dissolution method was conducted. The tin in the copper alloy dross did not dissolve in an aqueous nitric acid solution... Preliminary study on concentration and separation of tin(Sn) from copper alloy dross by selective dissolution method was conducted. The tin in the copper alloy dross did not dissolve in an aqueous nitric acid solution which could allow separation of tin from the copper alloy dross. The tin as H2SnO3(metastannic acid) phase was precipitated in the solution with centrifuging process and transformed to tin dioxide(SnO2) after drying process. The dried sample was heat-treated at low temperature and its phase characteristics, surface morphology and chemical composition were investigated. 展开更多
关键词 recovery of Sn copper alloy dross selective dissolution SNO2
Ultrasonic dissolution of brazing of 55% SiC_p/A356 composites 被引量:4
作者 张洋 闫久春 +1 位作者 陈晓光 崔岩 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第5期746-750,共5页
The brazing of 55% SiCp/A356 (volume fraction) composites in air using Zn-Al alloy as a filler metal was investigated.During the brazing process,ultrasonic vibrations were applied to samples for bonding and a signific... The brazing of 55% SiCp/A356 (volume fraction) composites in air using Zn-Al alloy as a filler metal was investigated.During the brazing process,ultrasonic vibrations were applied to samples for bonding and a significant dissolution of the filler metal into the matrix alloy in the base materials occurred.As brazing temperatures were increased,the thickness of the partial melting layers in the base material increased.SiC particles in the partial melting layer of the base material were transferred into the liquid filler under ultrasonic action and a bond with homogeneously distributed reinforcements was obtained after solidification.The volume fraction of SiC particles in the bonds could be varied by changing the brazing temperature.The maximum SiC particle volume fraction of the bond material reached 37% at a brazing temperature of 500 ℃.The shear strength of the brazed bonds was improved at pressures up to 244 MPa (at 20 ℃) and increased by 133.8% (at 200 ℃) compared with the filler of the Zn-based alloy. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum matrix composites BRAZING ultrasonic dissolution of brazing composite bond
Effect of solution treatment on corrosion characteristics of biodegradable Mg-6Zn alloy 被引量:5
作者 Seyed Morteza Ghaffari SHAHRI Mohd Hasbullah IDRIS +2 位作者 Hassan JAFARI Babak GHOLAMPOUR Mahtab ASSADIAN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第5期1490-1499,共10页
A binary Mg-6Zn biodegradable alloy was solution treated to evaluate the effects of resulting microstructure changes on the alloy's degradation rate and mechanisms in-vitro. The treatment was conducted at 350 °C... A binary Mg-6Zn biodegradable alloy was solution treated to evaluate the effects of resulting microstructure changes on the alloy's degradation rate and mechanisms in-vitro. The treatment was conducted at 350 °C for 6-48 h. Optical and scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction were used to analyze the as-cast and treated samples. Immersion and electrochemical tests were performed in simulated body fluid at 37 °C to assess the samples corrosion resistance. To confirm the results of the corrosion tests, p H measurement was carried out. It is found that over 24 h solution treatment dissolves intermetallic phases in matrix and produces an almost single phase microstructure. Decreasing the intermetallic phases results in lower cathode/anode region ratios and lowers corrosion rates. The results of the electrochemical and mass loss tests reveal that extended solution treatment improves the corrosion resistance of the alloy. The results also show that solution at 350 °C for 24 h enhances the corrosion resistance of the as-cast alloy more than 60%. In addition, decreasing intermetallic phases in the microstructure accompanied a lower p H rise reduced corrosion rate. Solution treatment is suggested as a corrosion improving process for the application of Mg-Zn alloys as biodegradable implant materials. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium alloy solution treatment BIODEGRADATION IMMERSION polarization orthopaedic implant
Employing magnesium−lead melt for synergetic and selective extraction of copper from copper−cobalt alloy 被引量:1
作者 Chun-xi ZHANG Da-wei YU +1 位作者 Xue-yi GUO Qing-hua TIAN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第10期3444-3458,共15页
This research aims to extract Cu from Cu-Co alloy with high efficiency and selectivity by employing binary Mg-Pb melt. The optimal conditions for the extraction of Cu were determined. The results showed under optimal ... This research aims to extract Cu from Cu-Co alloy with high efficiency and selectivity by employing binary Mg-Pb melt. The optimal conditions for the extraction of Cu were determined. The results showed under optimal conditions, 96.5% of Cu in the Cu-Co alloy could be selectively extracted after treatment at 800 ℃ for 1 h, with the extraction rates of only 0.2% Fe, 0.6% Co, and 1.4% Si. The dissolution mechanism involved the counter diffusion of Mg/Pb and Cu across the diffusion zone of the Cu-Co alloy, and Mg in the binary Mg-Pb melt played a major role in the selective dissolution of Cu, especially at the dissolution forefront. The rate-controlling step of the extraction was dominated by the interfacial reaction. 展开更多
关键词 Cu−Co alloy Mg−Pb−Cu ternary system selective dissolution KINETICS DEALLOYING
作者 余东梅 王祝堂 《铝加工》 CAS 2019年第1期4-6,共3页
介绍了中国在开采可燃冰方面的成就,以及铝合金材料在这场新能源革命各方面的应用。铝将是一种不可或缺的基础材料,将广泛应用于可燃冰开采中的钻探设备、输送管道、贮罐、平台与基础设施,等等。开采可燃冰与转化为可燃气体所需的铝材... 介绍了中国在开采可燃冰方面的成就,以及铝合金材料在这场新能源革命各方面的应用。铝将是一种不可或缺的基础材料,将广泛应用于可燃冰开采中的钻探设备、输送管道、贮罐、平台与基础设施,等等。开采可燃冰与转化为可燃气体所需的铝材中国可生产98.5%以上。 展开更多
关键词 新能源 可燃冰 天然气 5083合金 溶解合金
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