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复合式合成词中应该有“同位型”的地位 被引量:2
作者 傅力 《汉语学习》 CSSCI 北大核心 1989年第4期11-13,共3页
下面这些词在现代汉语里一般被判为“偏正型”(定中式)复合式合成词: 楠木树 松树 昆仑山 五台山 北京城 南京城 坦克车 卡车 芭雷舞 迪斯科舞 巧克力糖 可可 雪茄烟……这些词在日常生活中很常见,不胜枚举。它们有二个共同特点,就... 下面这些词在现代汉语里一般被判为“偏正型”(定中式)复合式合成词: 楠木树 松树 昆仑山 五台山 北京城 南京城 坦克车 卡车 芭雷舞 迪斯科舞 巧克力糖 可可 雪茄烟……这些词在日常生活中很常见,不胜枚举。它们有二个共同特点,就是前一个语素往往能单用(个别音译的单音语素如“卡车”的“卡”在现代汉语里不单用),单用时一般都可以表示整个词的意义。如: 展开更多
关键词 同位型 偏正 复合式合成词 一个语素 “的” 坦克车 雪茄烟 木树 词组 种概念
西藏日喀则地区德村-昂仁蛇绿岩内基性岩的元素与Sr-Nd-Pb同位素地球化学及其揭示的特提斯地幔域特征 被引量:30
作者 牛晓露 赵志丹 +5 位作者 莫宣学 DEPAOLO DJ 董国臣 张双全 朱弟成 郭铁鹰 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第12期2875-2888,共14页
系统研究了西藏雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩带中部日喀则地区德村、吉丁和昂仁蛇绿岩中基性岩石的元素与 Sr-Nd-Pb 同位素地球化学特征。这些基性岩石,包括玄武岩、辉长岩和辉绿岩,属于低钾拉斑玄武岩系列,球粒陨石标准化稀土元素分配模式为轻稀... 系统研究了西藏雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩带中部日喀则地区德村、吉丁和昂仁蛇绿岩中基性岩石的元素与 Sr-Nd-Pb 同位素地球化学特征。这些基性岩石,包括玄武岩、辉长岩和辉绿岩,属于低钾拉斑玄武岩系列,球粒陨石标准化稀土元素分配模式为轻稀土元素亏损的 N-MORB 型,(La/Yh)_N=0.31~0.65(除样品 DC993为1.17)。在原始地幔标准化微量元素图上,亏损高度不相容元素,与 N-MORB 配分模式一致。相对于 Th,无 Nb、Ta的亏损,显示样品不是产于 SSZ 环境。经构造环境图解判别,样品落入了 N-MORB 区域内;这些元素成分特征表明样品具有洋中脊环境或成熟的弧后盆地环境属性。Sr、Nd 和 Pb同位素组成特征表明特提斯地幔源区以 DM(亏损地幔)为主,同时存在少量 EMⅡ(富集地幔类型Ⅱ)、Sr,Nd 和 Pb 同位素组成特征还表明特提斯地幔域具有印度洋 MORB 型的 Sr-Nd-Pb 同位素组成特征。本文的结果进一步支持 Zhang et al.(2005)的研究结果,现今印度洋不仅在地理位置上占据了曾经是特提斯洋的大部分,而且它的地幔域还继承了曾经特提斯的地幔域的地球化学特征。 展开更多
关键词 西藏 日喀则蛇绿岩 印度洋MORB同位素组成特征 特提斯地幔域 地球化学
中国庐山晚第四纪沉积地层同位素的环境示踪及表层过程 被引量:1
作者 胡东生 李小豫 +5 位作者 胡蓉 熊卫强 胡文瑄 田新红 刘卫国 张国伟 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期1922-1930,共9页
通过对庐山(1997-2009)进行科学考察及深入研究,取得大校场沟口晚第四纪剖面地层的Rb—Sr-O稳定同位素的丰度检测数值,采用系统分析及综合研究将沉积地层划分为冰期一间冰期一冰缘期一冰后期的气候演化旋回:冰期阶段平均温度为-6.... 通过对庐山(1997-2009)进行科学考察及深入研究,取得大校场沟口晚第四纪剖面地层的Rb—Sr-O稳定同位素的丰度检测数值,采用系统分析及综合研究将沉积地层划分为冰期一间冰期一冰缘期一冰后期的气候演化旋回:冰期阶段平均温度为-6.9℃,降水量约为550.1~1283.5mm;间冰期阶段平均温度约为8.O℃,降水量约为1650.2mm;冰缘期阶段平均温度约为0。5℃,降水量为1600.Omm,其惯性升温时年降水量可能为1650.2ram;冰后期阶段在其初期高温期年平均温度(温度负涨落现象未计算在内)为11.8℃,高温期年降水量约为1650.2mm;现代年平均温度为11.5℃,现代年降水量为1833.6mm。这是庐山地区首次在大校场沟口剖面获得的系统气候变化资料,可以为山地气候演化和区域响应与全球变化的分析提供新的科学信息。 展开更多
关键词 同位素层地层 环境事件 连续表层作用 气候演化旋回 庐山
作者 杭程 《克拉玛依学刊》 2021年第1期65-71,共7页
在刑民交叉案件中,传统观点认为涉犯罪合同在效力上是当然无效的,不过这种处理方式并不能保护好受害人的利益,且依据民法规范刑民交叉案件中合同的效力形式并非单一。因此对于涉合同刑民交叉案件应做类型化分析,以法律事实为依据将案件... 在刑民交叉案件中,传统观点认为涉犯罪合同在效力上是当然无效的,不过这种处理方式并不能保护好受害人的利益,且依据民法规范刑民交叉案件中合同的效力形式并非单一。因此对于涉合同刑民交叉案件应做类型化分析,以法律事实为依据将案件分为同位并列型和包容重合型两类。在同位并列型案件中,民事合同的效力不会受到刑事犯罪的影响,合同若无其他效力瑕疵应认定为有效;而在包容重合型刑民交叉案件中,合同效力原则上会受到相应犯罪的影响,此时应依照相应的民法规范认定合同效力存有瑕疵。 展开更多
关键词 刑民交叉 合同效力 同位并列 包容重合
谱图准确度在高分辨飞行时间质谱分析有机炸药中的应用 被引量:8
作者 刘占芳 李斌 +4 位作者 徐建中 孙振文 周红 孙玉友 欧阳伟民 《质谱学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期544-549,共6页
应用实时直接分析-高分辨飞行时间质谱(DART-TOF MS)对2,4,6-三硝基甲苯(TNT)、环三亚甲基三硝铵(RDX)、环四亚甲基四硝铵(HMX)、季戊四醇四硝酸酯(PETN)四种常见的有机炸药进行精确质量质谱解析,结果表明,即使在高质量精度的质谱上也... 应用实时直接分析-高分辨飞行时间质谱(DART-TOF MS)对2,4,6-三硝基甲苯(TNT)、环三亚甲基三硝铵(RDX)、环四亚甲基四硝铵(HMX)、季戊四醇四硝酸酯(PETN)四种常见的有机炸药进行精确质量质谱解析,结果表明,即使在高质量精度的质谱上也不能获得化合物唯一的分子式。借助MassWorks软件对飞行时间质谱数据进行噪音过滤及峰形校正处理,可大大改善高分辨飞行时间质谱对目标化合物分子式识别的准确度,提高定性的准确性,为高分辨质谱解析未知化合物提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 有机炸药 实时直接分析-高分辨飞行时间质谱(DART-TOF MS) MassWorks 同位素峰 谱图准确度
次生型负碳同位素系列成因 被引量:34
作者 戴金星 倪云燕 +5 位作者 黄士鹏 龚德瑜 刘丹 冯子齐 彭威龙 韩文学 《天然气地球科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期1-7,共7页
烷烃气碳同位素系列类型有3种:随烷烃气分子碳数递增,δ^13C值依次递增称为正碳同位素系列,是有机成因原生烷烃气的一个特征;随烷烃气分子碳数递增,δ^13C值依次递减称为负碳同位素系列;不按以上2种规律而出现不规则增减则称为碳... 烷烃气碳同位素系列类型有3种:随烷烃气分子碳数递增,δ^13C值依次递增称为正碳同位素系列,是有机成因原生烷烃气的一个特征;随烷烃气分子碳数递增,δ^13C值依次递减称为负碳同位素系列;不按以上2种规律而出现不规则增减则称为碳同位素倒转。负碳同位素系列又分为原生型和次生型2种。原生型负碳同位素系列是无机成因的;次生型负碳同位素系列是正碳同位素系列经次生改造来的,出现在过成熟的页岩气和煤成气中。关于次生型负碳同位素系列成因的观点繁多,包括:二次裂解、扩散、过渡金属和水介质在250-300℃范围内发生氧化还原作用导致乙烷和丙烷瑞利分馏等。详细研究对比后发现不论页岩气或者煤成气,次生型负碳同位素系列仅出现在过成熟页岩或源岩区,在成熟和高成熟页岩或者源岩区未见次生型负碳同位素系列,由此得出过成熟或者高温(>200℃)是次生型负碳同位素系列的主要控制因素,在此主控因素下可由二次裂解、扩散或者乙烷和丙烷瑞利分馏的一种或几种方式促使次生型负碳同位素系列的形成。 展开更多
关键词 同位素系列 次生负碳同位素系列 页岩气 煤成气 成因
北祁连玉石沟蛇绿岩印度洋MORB型同位素组成特征及其地质意义 被引量:39
作者 侯青叶 赵志丹 +2 位作者 张宏飞 张本仁 陈岳龙 《中国科学(D辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第8期710-719,共10页
系统研究了北祁连山玉石沟蛇绿岩单元内枕状玄武岩的元素与Sr, Nd, Pb 同位素地球化学特征. 玉石沟蛇绿岩单元内枕状玄武岩属于拉斑玄武岩系列, 球粒陨石标准化稀土元素分配模式为近平坦型, (La/Yb)N介于0.98~1.27 之间; Nb, Ta, Zr和... 系统研究了北祁连山玉石沟蛇绿岩单元内枕状玄武岩的元素与Sr, Nd, Pb 同位素地球化学特征. 玉石沟蛇绿岩单元内枕状玄武岩属于拉斑玄武岩系列, 球粒陨石标准化稀土元素分配模式为近平坦型, (La/Yb)N介于0.98~1.27 之间; Nb, Ta, Zr和Hf 无亏损, 显示出MORB 型玄武岩的特征; 经构造环境图解判别, 样品落入了MORB 区域内, 表明其形成于洋中脊环境或者成熟弧后盆地环境. Sr, Nd和Pb同位素组成特征表明其地幔源区主要存在DMM (亏损地幔)和EMII (II型富集地幔)两类地幔组分端元. 枕状玄武岩具有印度洋MORB型同位素组成特征, 与特提斯洋域地幔的同位素组成类似; 微量元素比值也与中国境内特提斯构造域内已知蛇绿岩的N-MORB 型玄武岩的特征微量元素比值相一致. 北祁连山其他蛇绿岩单元内枕状玄武岩也表现出印度洋MORB型同位素组成特征, 从而初步表明北祁连古洋曾是特提斯构造域的一部分. 这对于研究北祁连的大地构造演化和归属有着重要的意义. 展开更多
关键词 玉石沟蛇绿岩 印度洋MORB同位素组成特征 特提斯构造域 北祁连 同位素地球化学特征 组成特征 北祁连山 MOR 蛇绿岩 印度洋
作者 李海洋 马晨生 白吉玲 《化学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第4期56-60,共5页
关键词 团簇 飞行时间质谱 多元素团簇 同位素峰
Data classification method based on network dynamics analysis and cloud model
作者 王肖霞 杨风暴 +1 位作者 梁若飞 张文华 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2016年第3期266-271,共6页
In order to reduce amount of data storage and improve processing capacity of the system, this paper proposes a new classification method of data source by combining phase synchronization model in network clusteri... In order to reduce amount of data storage and improve processing capacity of the system, this paper proposes a new classification method of data source by combining phase synchronization model in network clustering with cloud model. Firstly, taking data source as a complex network, after the topography of network is obtained, the cloud model of each node data is determined by fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Secondly, by calculating expectation, entropy and hyper entropy of the cloud model, comprehensive coupling strength is got and then it is regarded as the edge weight of topography. Finally, distribution curve is obtained by iterating the phase of each node by means of phase synchronization model. Thus classification of data source is completed. This method can not only provide convenience for storage, cleaning and compression of data, but also improve the efficiency of data analysis. 展开更多
关键词 data classification complex network phase synchronization cloud model
作者 文军 《解放军外国语学院学报》 1986年第4期60-63,49,共5页
何谓隐喻?请看两则定义: Metaphor (Gk ’carrying from one place to another’) A figure of speech in which one thing is described in terms of another. The basic figure in poetry. A comparison is usually implicit; whereas... 何谓隐喻?请看两则定义: Metaphor (Gk ’carrying from one place to another’) A figure of speech in which one thing is described in terms of another. The basic figure in poetry. A comparison is usually implicit; whereas in simile it is explicit. ("A DICTIONARY OF LITERARY TERMS") 展开更多
关键词 英语隐喻 构成形式 修饰语 SHAKESPEARE 并列 同位型 隐式 FAIR 喻词 carrying
OB glue paste technique for establishing nude mouse human gastric cancer orthotopic transplantation models 被引量:15
作者 Jun Shi Pin-Kang Wei Shen Zhang Zhi-Feng Qin Jun Li Da-Zhi Sun Yan Xiao Zhi-Hong Yu Hui-Ming Lin Guo-Jing Zheng Xiao-Mei Su Ya-Lin Chen Yan-Fang Liu Ling Xu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第30期4800-4804,共5页
AIM: To establish nude mouse human gastric cancer orthotopic transplantation models using OB glue paste technique. METHODS: Using OB glue paste technique, orthtopic transplantation models were established by implant... AIM: To establish nude mouse human gastric cancer orthotopic transplantation models using OB glue paste technique. METHODS: Using OB glue paste technique, orthtopic transplantation models were established by implanting SGC-7901 and NKN-45 human gastric cancer cell strains into the gastric wall of nude mice. Biological features, growth of the implanted tumors, the success rate of transplantation and the rate of auto-metastasis of the two models were observed. RESULTS: The success rates of orthotopic transplanration of the two models were 94.20% and 96%. The rates of hepatic metastasis, pulmonary metastasis, peritoneal metastasis, lymphocytic metastasis and splenic metastasis were 42.13% and 94.20%, 48.43% and 57.97%, 30.83% and 36.96%, 67.30% and 84.06%, and 59.75% and 10.53%, respectively. The occurrence of ascites was 47.80% and 36.96%. CONCLUSION: OB glue paste technique is easy to follow. The biological behaviors of the nude mouse human gastric cancer orthotopic transplantation models established with this technique are similar to the natural processes of growth and metastasis of human gastric cancer, and, therefore, can be used as an ideal model for experimental research of proliferative metastasis of tumors. 展开更多
关键词 Gastric tumor Tumor transplantation Disease models ANIMAL Nude mice
Nucleon—Pair Shell Model:Magnetic Excitations for Ba Isotopes 被引量:1
作者 LUOYan-An NINGPing-Zhi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期331-334,共4页
Magnetic excitations for Ba isotopes are discussed within the nucleon-pair shell model truncated in the SD subspace. With the SD pair determined by a surface- interaction, M1 transitions for are well fitted. The M1 a... Magnetic excitations for Ba isotopes are discussed within the nucleon-pair shell model truncated in the SD subspace. With the SD pair determined by a surface- interaction, M1 transitions for are well fitted. The M1 and M3 transitions for and are also predicted. It is shown that the statement, the collective magnetic properties are due to the orbital motion of nucleons, is approximately valid. 展开更多
关键词 the nucleon-pair shell model magnetic excitation Ba isotopes
浅谈区块链技术在核医学科放射性药品管理上的应用 被引量:1
作者 朱玉 张轶名 《标记免疫分析与临床》 CAS 2021年第5期887-890,900,共5页
在我国科技水平迅猛发展的大背景下,核医学的诊断和治疗应用更加广泛。核医学所用放射性药品,除具药品属性还涉及非密封型同位素,使用和管理不当可能造成严重后果。面临数据追溯性难度大、过程相关方多且复杂、监管周期不确定等问题,通... 在我国科技水平迅猛发展的大背景下,核医学的诊断和治疗应用更加广泛。核医学所用放射性药品,除具药品属性还涉及非密封型同位素,使用和管理不当可能造成严重后果。面临数据追溯性难度大、过程相关方多且复杂、监管周期不确定等问题,通过将区块链技术应用到放射性药品管理系统框架设计中,能有效解决放射性药物监管的难题,从而更好地满足企业的实际需求。本文在区块链技术特点研究的基础上,初步探讨了基于区块链技术放射性药品管理框架设计及关键问题,如结构框架、数据上链原则、链上数据的管理等,希望通过本研究为相关人员提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 区块链技术 放射性药品 数据追溯 核医学科 数据完整性 非密封同位
Carbon isotopic composition and genetic types of natural gas in the Sichuan Basin, China
作者 Jin-ning peng Dong-yan Wang +2 位作者 Guang-xiang Liu Min Zhang Feng-li Li 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第1期102-111,共10页
The origin and genetic types of natural gas in the Sichuan Basin are still disputed.To classify the origin and genetic types in different areas,the paper analyzes the carbon isotopic composition of gases and geologic ... The origin and genetic types of natural gas in the Sichuan Basin are still disputed.To classify the origin and genetic types in different areas,the paper analyzes the carbon isotopic composition of gases and geologic features in the Sichuan Basin.The results showed that the gas sourced from terrestrial layers is typically characterized by terrestrial origin and was mainly accumulated nearby to form reservoir.The carbon isotopic composition of gas showed a normal combination sequence distribution,suggesting that natural gas in continental strata is not affected by secondary alteration or that this deformation is very weak.The gas source is singular,and only gas from the southern and northern Sichuan Basin shows the characteristic of mixed sources.However,marine gas presents the characteristics of an oil-formed gas.The carbon isotopic composition of natural gas in the western and central part of the basin mostly distributes in a normal combination sequence,and few of them showed an inversion,indicating that the gas perhaps had not experienced secondary alteration.The carbon isotopic composition of marine-origin gas in the southern,northern and eastern Sichuan Basin displays a completely different distribution pattern,which is probably caused by different mixing ratio of gas with multi-source and multi-period. 展开更多
关键词 The Sichuan Basin ALKANE Carbon isotope Genetic type
Description of E4 Transitions in A=192,194,196,198 Platinum Isotopes in a Microscopic sdgIBM—1
作者 ZHANGZhan-Jun YANGJie 等 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第6期711-716,共6页
Influence of the effective fermion hexadecapole force newly incorporated in a microscopic sdgIBM-1 on spectra, reduced E2 and E4 transition matrix elements (T(E2)s and T(E4)s) in the even-even platinum isotopes (A = 1... Influence of the effective fermion hexadecapole force newly incorporated in a microscopic sdgIBM-1 on spectra, reduced E2 and E4 transition matrix elements (T(E2)s and T(E4)s) in the even-even platinum isotopes (A = 192,194,196,198) is investigated in terms of numerical calculations. It is found that the introduced interaction causes only limited modification to the spectrum and T(E2)s, apart from a few exceptions. However, it plays an essential role in describing E4 transitions. Thus in the case that the interaction is incorporated with certain strength, a reasonable description of all the E4 transitions in the platinum isotopes is reached in the microscopic sdgIBM-1 in comparing both to experimental data and the results calculated in phenomenological boson model. 展开更多
关键词 hexadecapole force microscopic sdgIBM-1 E4 transition
Low-Energy Kπ Phase Shifts in Chiral SU(3) Quark Model
作者 HUANG Fei ZHANG Zong-Ye YU You-Wen 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第4X期665-669,共5页
The low-energy region kaon-pion S- and P-wave phase shifts with isospin I = 1/2 and I = 3/2 are dynamically studied in the chiral SU(3) quark model by solving a resonating group method equation. The model parameters a... The low-energy region kaon-pion S- and P-wave phase shifts with isospin I = 1/2 and I = 3/2 are dynamically studied in the chiral SU(3) quark model by solving a resonating group method equation. The model parameters are taken to be the values fitted by the energies of the baryon ground states and the kaon-nucleon elastic scattering phase shifts of different partial waves. As a preliminary study the s-channel q(-q) annihilation interactions are not included since they only act in the very short range and are subsequently assumed to be unimportant in the low-energy domain. The numerical results are in qualitative agreement with the experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 phase shifts quark model chiral symmetry
Shell Model Description of Neutron-Deficient Sn Isotopes
作者 Erdal Dikmen 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期899-903,共5页
The shell model calculations in the sdgh major shell for the neutron-deficient ^106,107,108,109Sn isotopes have been carried out by using CD-Bonn and Nijmegenl two-body effective nucleon-nucleon interactions. The sing... The shell model calculations in the sdgh major shell for the neutron-deficient ^106,107,108,109Sn isotopes have been carried out by using CD-Bonn and Nijmegenl two-body effective nucleon-nucleon interactions. The singleshell states and the corresponding matrix elements needed for describing Sn isotopes are reconstructed to calculate the coefficient of fractional parantage by reducing the calculation requirements. This reconstruction allows us to do the shell model calculations of the neutron deficient Sn isotopes in very reasonable time. The results are compared to the recent high-resolution experimental data and found to be in good agreement with experiments. 展开更多
关键词 shell model low-lying states effective interactions
Study on fluid inclusions of Qiangsheng gold deposit in Fushun of Liaoning
作者 CHEN Yang WANG Li +6 位作者 ZHANG Yajing XU Chunliang JU Mingshen LIU Kuoliang LI Qiang SUN Dexiang ZHAO Chenghui 《Global Geology》 2015年第4期203-212,共10页
The Qiangsheng gold deposit belongs to quartz vein type. The fluid inclusions consist of four types: aqueous single-phase inclusions, aqueous two-phase inclusions, carbonated two-phase inclusions and carbona- ted thr... The Qiangsheng gold deposit belongs to quartz vein type. The fluid inclusions consist of four types: aqueous single-phase inclusions, aqueous two-phase inclusions, carbonated two-phase inclusions and carbona- ted three-phase inclusions. The fluid inclusions are characterized by low salinity (5%-9% NaCl eqv) , low density (0.66-0.72 g/cm^3 ) and medium temperature (210℃-250℃). The pressure of ore-forming is 60-95 MPa and the metallogenic depth is about 5.49-7.56 km. During the mineralizing process, ore-forming fluid under- went fluid unmixing in CO2-H2O-NaCl system. The stable isotope resuhs indicate that the ore-forming fluids mainly generated from mantle, with the participation of a small amount of atmospheric water. Comprehensive studies have suggested that Qiangsheng gold deposit belongs to the type of mesothermal hydrotherm with mantlederived fluid participating in mineralization. 展开更多
关键词 fluid inclusion ore-forming fluid Qiangsheng gold deposit Fushun LIAONING
An Improved Method for Modeling Spatial Distribution of δD in Surface Snow over Antarctic Ice Sheet
作者 WANG Yetang HOU Shugui +1 位作者 Bjom GRIGHOLM SONG Linlin 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第2期120-125,共6页
Using the recent compilation of the isotopic composition data of surface snow of Antarctic ice sheet, we proposed an improved interpolation method of δD, which utilizes geographical factors (i.e., latitude and altit... Using the recent compilation of the isotopic composition data of surface snow of Antarctic ice sheet, we proposed an improved interpolation method of δD, which utilizes geographical factors (i.e., latitude and altitude) as the primary predictors and incorporates inverse distance weighting (IDW) technique. The method was applied to a high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) to produce a grid map of multi-year mean δD values with lkm spatial resolution for Antarctica. The mean absolute deviation between observed and estimated data in the map is about 5.4‰, and the standard deviation is 9‰. The resulting δD pattern resembles well known characteristics such as the depletion of the heavy isotopes with increasing latitude and distance from coast line, but also reveals the complex topographic effects. 展开更多
关键词 δD surface snow ice sheet ANTARCTICA
Microscopic Study of Band Structures in^(98-102)Sr and^(100-104)Zr Isotopes
作者 董国香 于少英 +1 位作者 刘艳鑫 沈彩万 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第11期922-926,共5页
The properties of the high spin states of the neutron-rich 98-102Sr and 100-104Zr isotopes have been st udied using the projected shell model. In particular, the upbending phenomenon is investigated for these isotopes... The properties of the high spin states of the neutron-rich 98-102Sr and 100-104Zr isotopes have been st udied using the projected shell model. In particular, the upbending phenomenon is investigated for these isotopes along the yrast line. The results show that the occurrence of upbending phenomenon is attributed to the band crossing between ground state band and 2-qp neutron band having configuration 2vh11/2[-3/2, 5/2], K = 1. Furthermore, the neutron two-quasi-particle structure of side bands in 98SR-102Zr is discussed in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 projected shell model yrast band upbending side band
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