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师生同游互动:学问与人生的双重境界——研究生培养过程的基本特征 被引量:5
作者 孙俊三 晏福宝 《大学教育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期56-61,共6页
研究生的培养包括课程学习、论文指导和一系列的养成活动,这是一个相对完整的过程。这个过程是师生双方在活动和交往过程中共同成长的过程,这个过程是一个"游"的过程。这种"游"的过程,首先是同游的过程。同游是师... 研究生的培养包括课程学习、论文指导和一系列的养成活动,这是一个相对完整的过程。这个过程是师生双方在活动和交往过程中共同成长的过程,这个过程是一个"游"的过程。这种"游"的过程,首先是同游的过程。同游是师生双方全身心参与,相互启发、诱导、促进之下,生命活力充分涌动与释放,人性的魅力得到充分的激发与洋溢。其次,这种"游"的过程,也是一种自助游的过程,是一种由引发到自发、由引导到自主、由激发到自动、由启发到自得的过程。再次,这种游的过程,还是成为一种逍遥游的过程。逍遥游是研究生通过专业的学习、交流、体悟,获得学术享受和精神独立;是研究生通过问题的追问、分析、求证,进行自我反思和自我观照;是研究生通过人生的体验、修养、磨练,完成自我超越和自我实现;是研究生通过生命的感悟、欣赏、陶冶,养成自由精神和人生境界。归结之,师生同游互动,是学问与人生的双重境界。 展开更多
关键词 研究生培养 师生互动 同游 自助 逍遥
作者 阳清 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第5期101-106,共6页
源于道家之哲学思维,兴于《楚辞》之文学创始,汉魏六朝诗赋文本的"人神同游",一方面在文学形态上涵括散体大赋、骚体赋、乐府古辞、文人乐府、游仙诗等,另一方面在不同文化背景下呈展出程度不等、方式不同的传承和创变。不仅... 源于道家之哲学思维,兴于《楚辞》之文学创始,汉魏六朝诗赋文本的"人神同游",一方面在文学形态上涵括散体大赋、骚体赋、乐府古辞、文人乐府、游仙诗等,另一方面在不同文化背景下呈展出程度不等、方式不同的传承和创变。不仅如此,"人神同游"隐含着某种固定的表达模式,其"游"中寓"忧",它往往通过文学幻想和时代演绎,表达出主体对客观世界和有限自我的超越。 展开更多
关键词 汉魏六朝 汉赋 乐府 仙诗 人神同游
从“从游”到“同游”:面向未来的理想型师生关系构建 被引量:2
作者 田芬 《高等教育研究学报》 2021年第3期28-32,共5页
师生关系一直是教育实践的难点及教育研究的热点。在高深学问的掌握及研究水平方面存在的差异,决定了高校师生关系“从游”的现实性,但是容易异化成权威性师生关系。对于高深知识的学术探索,决定研究生与导师的师生关系应追求超越性的... 师生关系一直是教育实践的难点及教育研究的热点。在高深学问的掌握及研究水平方面存在的差异,决定了高校师生关系“从游”的现实性,但是容易异化成权威性师生关系。对于高深知识的学术探索,决定研究生与导师的师生关系应追求超越性的“同游”式师生关系。从“从游”式师生关系到“同游”式师生关系的构建路径,包括提升研究生的研究能力、明确导师的指导责任、保持具有教育智慧的开放心态。 展开更多
关键词 师生关系 理想型 “从 同游 生命活力
作者 黄鹤权 《中国青年》 2024年第12期80-81,共2页
许多年轻人会选择带父母外出旅行,在出去看世界的同时陪伴父母,可谓一举两得。然而,当梦想中那幅母慈子笑、其乐融融的旅绘渐褪为现实底色,偶尔也难免交织着琐碎的纷扰,仿佛一场从云梦仙境落入尘世烟火的轻喜剧,“与父母同游的禁忌艺术... 许多年轻人会选择带父母外出旅行,在出去看世界的同时陪伴父母,可谓一举两得。然而,当梦想中那幅母慈子笑、其乐融融的旅绘渐褪为现实底色,偶尔也难免交织着琐碎的纷扰,仿佛一场从云梦仙境落入尘世烟火的轻喜剧,“与父母同游的禁忌艺术”悄然成为坊间热议的柔情话题,激起无数心湖的涟漪,让人在笑与泪的边缘,品味亲情的斑斓与真实。 展开更多
关键词 轻喜剧 笑与泪 仙境 一举两得 同游
作者 张馨月 黄旭丰(指导) 《黄金时代(下半月)》 2023年第4期55-55,共1页
不能按照著名景点打卡,不能依仗心情四处游荡,与杜甫同游,那必是走在大唐的年表上,走在民生的最深处。开元这是杜甫的童年。此时的他“七龄思即壮,开口咏凤凰”,而此时的大唐“稻米流脂粟米白,公私仓俱丰实。”走在回乡的路上,能看到公... 不能按照著名景点打卡,不能依仗心情四处游荡,与杜甫同游,那必是走在大唐的年表上,走在民生的最深处。开元这是杜甫的童年。此时的他“七龄思即壮,开口咏凤凰”,而此时的大唐“稻米流脂粟米白,公私仓俱丰实。”走在回乡的路上,能看到公孙大娘绝美的表演,能看到蹦跳的孩童,勾起丝缕回忆。 展开更多
关键词 杜甫 四处 公孙大娘 孩童 同游
作者 栾志弘 《四川戏剧》 北大核心 2014年第10期168-171,共4页
取材于新印象派名画的音乐剧《周日与乔治同游公园》是美国音乐剧史上具有重要意义的一部巨作。该剧以极富艺术想象力的笔触展现了画家乔治·修拉的艰辛创作历程及其与女友和曾孙之间的情缘。本文通过分析作品的戏剧构思与范型归属... 取材于新印象派名画的音乐剧《周日与乔治同游公园》是美国音乐剧史上具有重要意义的一部巨作。该剧以极富艺术想象力的笔触展现了画家乔治·修拉的艰辛创作历程及其与女友和曾孙之间的情缘。本文通过分析作品的戏剧构思与范型归属、三种艺术样式之间的存在关系以及音乐剧的结构方式等,深入探讨了该剧的艺术旨趣,指出其完美实现了戏剧、音乐与绘画的有机融合,为美国当代音乐剧的创作开辟了更为广阔而自由的艺术空间。 展开更多
关键词 《周日与乔治同游公园》 乔治·修拉 概念音乐剧 点彩主义
《儿童文学》 2010年第4期67-67,共1页
关键词 黑鹤同游海拉尔 风景名胜 呼伦贝尔
在道学与文辞之间 ——以马理与吕柟的早期讲习活动及其文学思想为中心
作者 杨遇青 蒋兴燕 《斯文》 2020年第2期77-99,共23页
明代弘治、正德之际,马理与吕柟等关河诸儒同居辟雍,研习“明辨笃行之学”,这是北方学术的重要事件之一。他们力图从古代经史中领悟圣学原义,激活经学中的仪式和知识,表现出理与事相印证、身与世相统一的力行倾向;在文学上却有意识地生... 明代弘治、正德之际,马理与吕柟等关河诸儒同居辟雍,研习“明辨笃行之学”,这是北方学术的重要事件之一。他们力图从古代经史中领悟圣学原义,激活经学中的仪式和知识,表现出理与事相印证、身与世相统一的力行倾向;在文学上却有意识地生产和制造了佶屈聱牙却有着古雅风格的新语体,为文学复古运动中的激进派。事实上,关河诸儒的讲习主张“文必载道,言必顾行”,此种基于力行、敛华就实的文学观念与文学复古运动桴鼓相应。作为秦汉文派的主将,康海的文章学不仅在质直之风、简约之美上与关河诸儒相契,其“宗经而子史”的思想内核与关河诸儒的经学仍有相通之处。 展开更多
关键词 关河诸儒 太学同游 语体变革 行道之文 文道关系
作者 刚祥云 《合肥学院学报(综合版)》 2017年第3期10-13,19,共5页
庄周认为人生问题的解决,就是一个不断"体道""游物"的过程。"物"一词在庄学思想中是一个极为重要的概念,据不完全统计,《庄子》一书"物"字出现约300余次。倘若以此为观测点,可以寻出庄周是通过... 庄周认为人生问题的解决,就是一个不断"体道""游物"的过程。"物"一词在庄学思想中是一个极为重要的概念,据不完全统计,《庄子》一书"物"字出现约300余次。倘若以此为观测点,可以寻出庄周是通过以"不累于世"和"不靡于物"为审美之维,以"以道观物"和"万物一马"为形上审美之思,以"彼物皆化"和"与物同游"为通达审美之境的人生哲学智慧。选此视角旨在为理解庄周审美人生哲学提供一个参照,同时意在为物欲横流的今天,如何处理人与物的关系获得某种启示义。 展开更多
关键词 庄子 《庄子》 “物”论 不靡于物 以道观物 与物同游
作者 蔺文清 《浙江佛教》 2004年第3期141-141,共1页
关键词 《雪筠庵吟草》 蔺文清 诗歌 《灵山月下赏荞麦花感赋四律》 《梦与一莲友同游山水》 《山行纪兴》
Zoospore-derived monoecious gametophytes in Undaria pinnatifida(Phaeophyceae) 被引量:2
作者 李静 逄少军 +2 位作者 单体锋 刘峰 高素芹 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期365-371,共7页
The annual life cycle of the brown seaweed Undariapinnatifida (Harvey) Suringer comprises a macroscopic diploid sporophyte stage and a microscopic haploid gametophyte stage. In 2011, an unusual zoospore-derived mono... The annual life cycle of the brown seaweed Undariapinnatifida (Harvey) Suringer comprises a macroscopic diploid sporophyte stage and a microscopic haploid gametophyte stage. In 2011, an unusual zoospore-derived monoecious gametophyte isolate (designated as line 10-5-3) of U. pinnatifida was observed. To understand this phenomenon, a comprehensive screening of eighty-two previously identified male gametophyte cultures, isolated from three randomly selected cultivars (lines 10, 7, and 5) was performed. Thirty-six of the isolates developed both antheridia and oogonia on the same filamentous fragment in a standard gametogenesis test (SGT: 18℃, 60 umol photons/(m2.s)). Selfing of the monoecious gametophyte or crossing it with a normal male gametophyte both gave rise to morphologically normal sporophytic offspring. However, crossing resulted in a much higher fertilization rate (89.7%). The hybrid and selfed sporophytic offspring were grown to maturity in flow tanks at an ambient temperature of 10-18℃ over a period of 69 days. Active zoospores were released from both types of mature sporophylls. The majority of these developed into male gametophytes, while 15%-20% developed into the observed monoecious structures on the same filament. Using PCR amplification it was found that all the monoecious gametophyte isolates and the sporophytic offspring resulting from the selfing and crossing lacked the femalelinked microsatellite sequence (a part of the locus Up-AC-2A8, GenBank accession No. AY738602.1), indicating their male nature. U.pinnatifida is an invasive species in some regions and the implications of the above findings for this species in nature are briefly discussed. 展开更多
关键词 antheridia kelp monoecious gametophyte OOGONIA Undariapinnatifida
Sea surface temperature and salinity reconstruction based on stable isotopes and Mg/Ca of planktonic foraminifera in the western Pacific Warm Pool during the last 155 ka 被引量:4
作者 仇晓华 李铁刚 +3 位作者 常凤鸣 南青云 熊志方 孙晗杰 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期187-200,共14页
Changes in sea surface temperature (SST), seawater oxygen isotope (δ18Osw), and local salinity proxy (δ18Osw-ss ) in the past 155 ka were studied using a sediment core (MD06-3052) from the northern edge of t... Changes in sea surface temperature (SST), seawater oxygen isotope (δ18Osw), and local salinity proxy (δ18Osw-ss ) in the past 155 ka were studied using a sediment core (MD06-3052) from the northern edge of the western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP), within the flow path of the bifurcation of the North Equatorial Current. Our records reveal a lead-lag relationship between paired Mg/Ca-SST and δ18O during Termination II and the last interglacial period. Similarity in SST between our site and the Antarctic temperature proxy and in CO2 profile showed a close connection between the WPWP and the Antarctic. Values of 818Osw exhibited very similar variations to those of mean ocean δ18Osw, owing to the past sea-level changes on glacial-interglacial timescale. Calculated values of δ18O reflect a more saline condition during high local summer insolation (SI) periods. Such correspondence between δ18O and local SI in the WPWP may reflect complex interaction between ENSO and monsoon, which was stimulated by changes in solar irradiance and their influence on the local hydrologic cycle. This then caused a striking reorganization of atmospheric circulation over the WPWP. 展开更多
关键词 MG/CA sea surface temperature (SST) western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) ENSO MONSOON
Diagnosis of Physical and Biological Control over Phytoplankton in the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank Region Using an Adjoint Data Assimilation Approach
作者 WANG Caixia Paola Malanotte-Rizzoli 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第3期356-368,共13页
The linkage between physical and biological processes, particularly the effect of the circulation field on the distribution of phytoplankton, is studied by applying a two-dimensional model and an adjoint data assimila... The linkage between physical and biological processes, particularly the effect of the circulation field on the distribution of phytoplankton, is studied by applying a two-dimensional model and an adjoint data assimilation approach to the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank region. The model results, comparing well with observation data, reveal seasonal and geographic variations of phytoplankton concentration and verify that the seasonal cycles of phytoplankton are controlled by both biological sources and advection processes which are functions of space and time and counterbalance each other. Although advective flux divergences have greater magnitudes on Georges Bank than in the coastal region of the western Gulf of Maine, advection control over phytoplankton concentration is more significant in the coastal region of the western Gulf of Maine. The model results also suggest that the two separated populations in the coastal regions of the western Gulf of Maine and on Georges Bank are self-sustaining. 展开更多
关键词 physical circulation biological source adjoint data assimilation
Characteristics of the δ15NNO3 distribution and its drivers in the Changjiang River estuary and adjacent waters 被引量:3
作者 王文涛 俞志明 +4 位作者 宋秀贤 吴在兴 袁涌铨 周鹏 曹西华 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第2期367-382,共16页
In this study, we conducted investigations in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary and adjacent waters (CREAW) in June and November of 2014. We collected water samples from different depths to analyze the nitrog... In this study, we conducted investigations in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary and adjacent waters (CREAW) in June and November of 2014. We collected water samples from different depths to analyze the nitrogen isotopic compositions of nitrate, nutrient concentrations (including inorganic N, P, and Si), and other physical and biological parameters, along with the vertical distribution and seasonal variations of these parameters. The compositions of nitrogen isotope in nitrate were measured with the denitrifier method. Results show that the Changjiang River diluted water (CDW) was the main factor affecting the shallow waters (above 10 m) of the CREAW, and CDW tended to influence the northern areas in June and the southern areas in November. 615Nrqo~ values in CDW ranged from 3.21%o-3.55%o. In contrast, the deep waters (below 30 m) were affected by the subsurface water of the Kuroshio Current, which intruded into the waters near 3 I^N in June. The ~iI^NNo3 values of these waters were 6.03%0-7.6%0, slightly higher than the values of the Kuroshio Current. Nitrate assimilation by phytoplankton in the shallow waters of the study area varied seasonally. Because of the favorable temperature and nutrient conditions in June, abundant phytoplankton growth resulted in harmful algae blooms (HABs). Therefore, nitrate assimilation was strong in June and weak in November. The ~15NNo3 fractionations caused by assimilation of phytoplankton were 4.57%0 and 4.41%o in the shallow waters in June and November, respectively. These results are consistent with previous laboratory cultures and in situ investigations. Nitrification processes were observed in some deep waters of the study area, and they were more apparent in November than in June. The fractionation values of nitrification ranged from 24%0-25%o, which agrees with results for Nitrosospira tenuis reported by previous studies. 展开更多
关键词 Changjiang River estuary NITRATE nitrogen isotope ASSIMILATION NITRIFICATION
From Home Food to Macanese Cuisine? Historical Development, Tourist Branding and Cultural Identity
作者 Yang Zhang Ching Lin Pang 《Sociology Study》 2012年第12期934-940,共7页
Food, cooking, and food-making places play a primordial role in the formation of cultural identity and community building. Using the example of Macanese food in Macao Special Administrative Region, this article discus... Food, cooking, and food-making places play a primordial role in the formation of cultural identity and community building. Using the example of Macanese food in Macao Special Administrative Region, this article discusses the transformation of Macanese food from everyday home food to the current status of cuisine in present-day Macanese society through the analysis of the perception of consumers and producers of Macanese food. The findings demonstrate the friction between Macanese food crafted by Macanese as part of an emergent "authentic" marker of Macanese identity and the commercial branding of Macanese food for tourist purposes. 展开更多
关键词 Macanese food cultural identity tourism ethnic cuisine MACAO
作者 苏运钦 《广西文史》 2002年第1期81-81,共1页
关键词 苏运钦 同游黄山赠李荫苍画师》 《黄山四望》 中国 当代
作者 何兴国 《中学语文教学参考》 2019年第15期43-44,共2页
关键词 《醉翁亭记》 醉翁之“乐” 山水之间 四时朝暮 滁人同游
Carbon and nitrogen isotopes analysis and sources of organic matter in the upper reaches of the Chaobai River near Beijing,China 被引量:8
作者 LU FengYun LIU ZhuQing JI HongBing 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第2期217-227,共11页
The carbon and nitrogen isotopes in the surface sediments,plants,and soil in the upper reaches of the Chaobai River have been researched.The results showed 27.75‰-21.58‰ and 1.32‰-6.74‰ for carbon and nitrogen iso... The carbon and nitrogen isotopes in the surface sediments,plants,and soil in the upper reaches of the Chaobai River have been researched.The results showed 27.75‰-21.58‰ and 1.32‰-6.74‰ for carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios in the surface sediments,respectively.The sources of sedimentary organic matter in this area are soil organic matter,aquatic vascular plants,and riverine plankton,respectively,and a significant contributor to sediment in the Chaohe River,the Baihe River,and the Miyun Reservoir areas is soil organic matter.Furthermore,part of sedimentary organic matter in the Miyun Reservoir is attributed to the input from the Chaohe River and the Baihe River,the other is from C4 vegetation growing around individual point stations at the Miyun Reservoir.Compared with the situation in Hebei Province,the contribution of soil organic matter decreased significantly and river plankton and aquatic vascular plants increased significantly in Beijing municipal areas.This study reveals that the source of organic matter has a close relationship with the soil erosion. 展开更多
关键词 carbon isotopes nitrogen isotopes organic matter Chaobai River material source
A new paleoenvironmental index for anoxic events—Mo isotopes in black shales from Upper Yangtze marine sediments 被引量:9
作者 ZHOU Lian SU Jie +5 位作者 HUANG JunHua YAN JiaXing XIE XiNong GAO Shan DAI MengNing Tonger 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第7期1024-1033,共10页
This paper investigates the high-solution of Mo isotopes and uses trace-element analyses for fresh and representative black shales and siliceous shales collected from the transition between the Late Ordovician and the... This paper investigates the high-solution of Mo isotopes and uses trace-element analyses for fresh and representative black shales and siliceous shales collected from the transition between the Late Ordovician and the Early Silurian at the Wangjiawan section in Yichang and the Late Permian Dalong Formation in the Shangsi Section of Sichuan. The applicability of different geochemical parameters used as paleo-oxygenation indices are also compared. The preliminary results show that V/(V+Ni), Uauth (auth U), V/Cr, Ceanom and U/Th have a scattered variation range, but most samples plot within the suboxic-anoxic fields. The suboxic-anoxic environment was dominant during the deposition and formation of the two anoxic facies. These redox indicators show little correspondence to the δ98M0 values. The U/Mo ratio can be used as a potential proxy for the paleo-redox conditions due to the possibility that Mo is enriched relative to U at different redox gradients during early diagenesis. This evidence is more significant for the euxinicity condition and corresponds to positive δ98M0 (〉1.5%o) values with low U/Mo ratios. This evidence is likely related to the depositional conditions near the boundary between anoxic and euxinic environ- ments, which are characterised by low bioturbation or water circulation. Other samples reveal a wide scatter of U/Mo ratios and δ98M0 〈1.5%0. These results are likely due to punctuated improvements in oxygenation with intense bioturbation or water circulation, which led to the redistribution of trace element. 展开更多
关键词 molybdenum isotopes proxy for paleo-redox conditions black shale Upper Yangtze
A Widening Tourism Deficit
《Beijing Review》 2014年第42期40-41,共2页
During the week-long National Day holiday(October 1-7),nearly 480 million tourist trips were made by Chinese people,a yearon-year increase of more than 10 percent,according to the latest survey from the China Tourist ... During the week-long National Day holiday(October 1-7),nearly 480 million tourist trips were made by Chinese people,a yearon-year increase of more than 10 percent,according to the latest survey from the China Tourist Academy.The figure 480 million represents a larger number than the populations of Germany,France,U.K.,Italy,Spain and Japan combined. 展开更多
关键词 tourist holiday figure travel populations trips tourism surplus diversified expectations
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