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作者 王忠 王建军 《潍坊高等职业教育》 2013年第1期11-13,共3页
关键词 山东省 名生 培养 学校品牌
作者 王秋慧 《湘潮(理论版)》 2012年第1期112-113,共2页
"名生"就是在英语学习中有独到见解或个性特长的学生。借助中央电视台教育频道的"百家讲坛"的名称及其"八仙过海,各显其能"的理念,教师定期为学生举办展现亮点和个性特长的"名生讲坛",实现每... "名生"就是在英语学习中有独到见解或个性特长的学生。借助中央电视台教育频道的"百家讲坛"的名称及其"八仙过海,各显其能"的理念,教师定期为学生举办展现亮点和个性特长的"名生讲坛",实现每一个孩子展示自我、表达力量的需求和意愿,实现教育"成长路上一个也不能少"的育人理念。 展开更多
关键词 名生讲坛 小学英语 课堂教学
作者 李振杰 《管理观察》 2009年第9期128-129,共2页
"以人为本"要求我们,尊重人的身心发展规律,利用规律夯实大学育人平台。大学生的发展首先源自于家庭的教育。家庭育人环境与学校育人环境的一致性,对当代大学生秉承2008年所展示出的中华民族精神、肩负历史重任起到至关重要... "以人为本"要求我们,尊重人的身心发展规律,利用规律夯实大学育人平台。大学生的发展首先源自于家庭的教育。家庭育人环境与学校育人环境的一致性,对当代大学生秉承2008年所展示出的中华民族精神、肩负历史重任起到至关重要的作用。在辅导员队伍中,利用假期开展"百名辅导员访百生家庭"活动,既有利于学校教育的深入开展,又有利于学校教育与家庭教育的一致性,更有利于学生在高校重塑理想信念、注重知行并举、肩负历史重任、确立正确的世界观、方法论,当好社会主义事业的建设者和可靠接班人。 展开更多
关键词 以人为本 辅导员访百家庭 增进亲情 夯实育人平台
科技进步与民生发展互动关系的实证研究——以新疆为例 被引量:11
作者 董晔 安尼瓦尔.阿木提 付金存 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第18期46-49,共4页
科技进步应注重民生服务导向。通过构建衡量新疆科技进步水平和民生发展水平的指标体系,采用因子分析法,分别对衡量科技进步水平与民生发展水平的变量进行了数据浓缩,并通过协整分析、误差修正模型以及格兰杰(Granger)因果检验,分析了19... 科技进步应注重民生服务导向。通过构建衡量新疆科技进步水平和民生发展水平的指标体系,采用因子分析法,分别对衡量科技进步水平与民生发展水平的变量进行了数据浓缩,并通过协整分析、误差修正模型以及格兰杰(Granger)因果检验,分析了1996-2008年新疆科技进步与民生发展之间的互动关系。研究发现,科技进步与民生发展之间具有长期的协整关系;科技进步是民生发展的格兰杰成因,反之,民生发展不是科技进步的格兰杰成因。以上结果表明,新疆科技进步对民生发展具有明显的促进作用,但新疆民生发展对科技进步不具有显著促进作用。因此,为促进民生发展,新疆应当制定相应的措施,推动民生科技发展。 展开更多
关键词 科技进步 发展 名生科技 协整分析 格兰杰因果检验
作者 昌兵 《河南教育(高教版)(中)》 2009年第11期62-62,共1页
关键词 《给一大三学的建议》 昌兵 当代作品 辅助员
关于办好民生新闻栏目的思考 被引量:1
作者 潘淑瑶 《科技创新导报》 2008年第19期189-189,共1页
关键词 名生 理念 媒体
深察名號——董仲舒王道建構的名辯學基礎 被引量:1
作者 程郁 《诸子学刊》 2014年第1期253-268,共16页
《春秋繁露·深察名號》對於性、情的名學界定,是董仲舒人性論説相較於先秦儒學人性論説的最為特異之處,向來備受關注,但董子以名號學説建立和安排理想的王政秩序則較少有人論及。王道理想以人性論説為基礎,本文試圖揭示董仲舒以&#... 《春秋繁露·深察名號》對於性、情的名學界定,是董仲舒人性論説相較於先秦儒學人性論説的最為特異之處,向來備受關注,但董子以名號學説建立和安排理想的王政秩序則較少有人論及。王道理想以人性論説為基礎,本文試圖揭示董仲舒以'聖人所發之天意'與'名生於真'為名號來源神聖性所作的辯護,論證其人性論觀點,並依此安排其理想的王政秩序,試圖建立起一套將現實權力置於儒家的價值秩序之内。 展开更多
关键词 王政 理想 名生 人性 秩序
作者 李成忠 李静 《科技信息》 2009年第36期I0003-I0003,共1页
关键词 名生动词 动转用
深入课堂教学改革 推进名校工程建设
作者 曹学良 《新课程研究(下旬)》 2011年第9期79-81,共3页
名校是在一定地域内享有较高知名度的学校。要提高学校的知名度,教学质量是关键.而决定教学质量的主要因素在于人——即校长、教师和学生。一位引领教育发展的校长,一个名师团体,一茬接一茬的名生群体直接决定学校的知名度,决定名... 名校是在一定地域内享有较高知名度的学校。要提高学校的知名度,教学质量是关键.而决定教学质量的主要因素在于人——即校长、教师和学生。一位引领教育发展的校长,一个名师团体,一茬接一茬的名生群体直接决定学校的知名度,决定名校建设的推进力度。成长人的主阵地在课堂.校长只有深入课堂,才能转变教育理念,掌握教改方向,引领教改的发展;教师只有在课堂上锻连自己.才能不断的完善自己;学生只有在课堂这个主阵地才能迅速地成长。深入课堂教学改革,使课堂成为贯彻素质教育的主阵地,让课堂教学成为学生对知识意义的主动构建过程和学生个性全面发展的过程,方能大力推进名校工程建设。 展开更多
关键词 校长 师团体 名生群体 课堂教学
作者 林建公 胡志芳 《毛泽东思想研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第4期52-56,共5页
关键词 陈云 理论造诣 领导经济工作 实践经验 中国 名生问题 粮食
作者 钱念孙 《安徽开放大学学报》 2023年第4期88-91,共4页
先秦早期传世文献如《周易》《尚书》中的“君子”概念,学界多认为其内涵主要是指君王及贵族等“有位者”,是孔子在《论语》中反复论述赋予其诸多“有德者”的内涵,才使该词成为一个具有褒扬人品道德意蕴的词汇。其实,孔子之前的西周至... 先秦早期传世文献如《周易》《尚书》中的“君子”概念,学界多认为其内涵主要是指君王及贵族等“有位者”,是孔子在《论语》中反复论述赋予其诸多“有德者”的内涵,才使该词成为一个具有褒扬人品道德意蕴的词汇。其实,孔子之前的西周至春秋时期典籍如《周易》《尚书》等,有关“君子”一词的描述和记载,在指称“有位者”时常常并非只有“位”的意义,而是在许多情况下同时关注并蕴有“德”的内涵。“以位而名,含德而生”是先秦早期君子的主要特征和品貌,这既为后世君子形象的成长和丰满奠定了基本格调,也深刻影响了以孔孟为代表的儒家学派,以及道家、墨家、法家等整个中国传统文化,对君子作为中华民族代表性人格形象的千锤百炼和打磨塑造。 展开更多
关键词 君子 位与德 以位而 含德而
Study on the Characteristics of Ecological Water Requirement in Maijishan Scenic Spot
作者 蒲金涌 李晓薇 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1971-1976,1996,共7页
[Objective] This study aimed to explore the characteristics of ecological water requirement in Maijishan Scenic Spot. [Methed] The characteristics of ecologi- cal water requirement in Maijishan Scenic Spot were analyz... [Objective] This study aimed to explore the characteristics of ecological water requirement in Maijishan Scenic Spot. [Methed] The characteristics of ecologi- cal water requirement in Maijishan Scenic Spot were analyzed based on,the data of soil humidity and meteorology of the spot. [Result] The result showed that the actual annual ecological water requirement in the spot was 678×10^6 m^3, and the proportion of soil water and evapotranspiration were 21% and 79%, respectively; the minimum annual ecological water requirement quota in the spot was 480.27×10^6 m^3, and the proportion of soil water and evapotranspiration were 16% and 84%, respectively; the minimum annual suitable ecological water requirement quota in the spot was 624.22×10^6 m^3, and the proportion of soil water and evapotranspiration were 18% and 82%, respectively. The precipitation was 614×10^6 m^3, and consumptive water surplus reached up to 78×10^6 m^3. The years when the precipitation was higher than the evapotranspiration accounted for 76%. Since 1980s, the evapotranspiration showed a linearly increasing trend. The precipitation was higher than the evapotranspiration from Jun. to Oct. and less than the evapotranspiration from Nov. to Dec. and Jan. to May. Evapotranspiration water requirement was regulated by soil water. The dis- parity between precipitation and evapotranspiration was huge in spring, thus having certain influence on waterfalls and streams in the spot. [Conclusion] The results of this study provided a basis for the rational use and long-term planning of the water sources in Maijishan Scenic Spot. 展开更多
关键词 Maijishan Scenic Spot Ecological Water Requirement CHARACTERISTICS
Authentication based on feature of hand-written signature 被引量:1
作者 朱树人 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2007年第4期563-567,共5页
The typical features of the coordinate and the curvature as well as the recorded time information were analyzed in the hand-written signatures.In the hand-written signature process 10 biometric features were summarize... The typical features of the coordinate and the curvature as well as the recorded time information were analyzed in the hand-written signatures.In the hand-written signature process 10 biometric features were summarized:the amount of zero speed in direction x and direction y,the amount of zero acceleration in direction x and direction y,the total time of the hand-written signatures,the total distance of the pen traveling in the hand-written process,the frequency for lifting the pen,the time for lifting the pen,the amount of the pressure higher or lower than the threshold values.The formulae of biometric features extraction were summarized.The Gauss function was used to draw the typical information from the above-mentioned biometric features,with which to establish the hidden Markov mode and to train it.The frame of double authentication was proposed by combing the signature with the digital signature.Web service technology was applied in the system to ensure the security of data transmission.The training practice indicates that the hand-written signature verification can satisfy the needs from the office automation systems. 展开更多
关键词 behavioral biostatistics feature hand-written signature hidden Markov mode signature verification
On the Generation of Nominalization and its Ecological Significance in Poetic Language
作者 ZHAO Kui-ying 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第7期505-512,共8页
In consideration of the confused debates about the value of nominalization, this paper tries to explore the original generation of nominalization and analyze its use in poetry. This paper attempts to explore the gener... In consideration of the confused debates about the value of nominalization, this paper tries to explore the original generation of nominalization and analyze its use in poetry. This paper attempts to explore the generation of nominalization from a comprehensive point of view, to distinguish between "primary nominalization" and "ideological nominalization", to trace the root of primary nominalization, and to analyze the use of primary nominalization in poetry. Based on these analyses, this paper points out that primary nominalization in poetry is more consonant with the Green grammar, with the undivided, holistic ecological worldview and has ecological significance. However, the ideological nominalization in some other nonliterary formal style is an obstacle to the solution to environment problem, and so we should understand the function of nominalization with its contexts and pay more attention to poetic language. 展开更多
关键词 NOMINALIZATION GENERATION poetic language ecological significance primitive nominalization
作者 王霞 尧金叶 《中国卫生产业》 2012年第14期79-79,共1页
目的探讨地诺前列酮栓用于足月妊娠引产的临床效果和临床安全性。方法选取30例病例,有引产指征或要求,无禁忌证,向夫妻二人讲明用药后可能发生的各种异常情况,签署药物引产知情同意书,做到自愿知情用药。结果地诺前列酮栓用于足月妊娠... 目的探讨地诺前列酮栓用于足月妊娠引产的临床效果和临床安全性。方法选取30例病例,有引产指征或要求,无禁忌证,向夫妻二人讲明用药后可能发生的各种异常情况,签署药物引产知情同意书,做到自愿知情用药。结果地诺前列酮栓用于足月妊娠引产中临床效果可靠,安全性较高。 展开更多
关键词 地诺前列酮栓(商品欣普贝) 足月妊娠 引产
The Avenue of Sphinxes: Restoration of a Legend
作者 Adham Abulnour 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第8期952-962,共11页
The redevelopment of historic cities is often challenged by intricate--and in many cases contradictory--missions. From one side, there is the urge to comprehensively preserve cultural resources. At the same time, oppo... The redevelopment of historic cities is often challenged by intricate--and in many cases contradictory--missions. From one side, there is the urge to comprehensively preserve cultural resources. At the same time, opportunities of economic growth should be made available and needs of contemporary living maintained and nourished. The main aim of this paper is to reconcile probable incompatibilities between such missions through promoting "sensitive" redevelopment approaches in historic cities. The paper focuses on the city of Luxor, Egypt with its immensely capturing yet quite undermined legend: the Avenue of Sphinxes. In Luxor, the injection of nonintrusive interventions presents itself as a highly potential candidate in protecting and enhancing the experience of the avenue while meeting contemporary needs of living. Adopting less sensitive development approaches can lead the quality of experiencing the whole city to be worsened for the increasing numbers of tourists and locals. 展开更多
关键词 Noninvasive interventions image of the city sense of place SELECTIVITY RESPONSIVENESS
BFMT: A Simple Biometric Facial Recognition System
作者 Gene R. Brown Murray E. Jennex Theophilus B.A. Addo 《Computer Technology and Application》 2011年第8期579-590,共12页
This study describes the development of a simple biometric facial recognition system, BFMT, which is designed for use in identifying individuals within a given population. The system is based on digital signatures der... This study describes the development of a simple biometric facial recognition system, BFMT, which is designed for use in identifying individuals within a given population. The system is based on digital signatures derived from facial images of human subjects. The results of the study demonstrate that a particular set of facial features from a simple two-dimensional image can yield a unique digital signature which can be used to identify a subject from a limited population within a controlled environment. The simplicity of the model upon which the system is based can result in commercial facial recognition systems that are more cost-effective to develop than those currently on the market. 展开更多
关键词 BIOMETRICS facial recognition facial recognition systems digital signature security microsoft access visual basic for applications.
A Contrastive Study on Mark Phenomena of English and Chinese Languages
作者 Hongmei Yang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第10期51-53,共3页
Linguistic marker is a common phenomenon, and there are different levels of markers in various languages. Mark theory was first proposed by the Prague School in 1930s, which is an important principle of language analy... Linguistic marker is a common phenomenon, and there are different levels of markers in various languages. Mark theory was first proposed by the Prague School in 1930s, which is an important principle of language analysis system. The function and meaning of markup languages are mainly pragmatic, which have procedural meaning and no conceptual meaning. Markedness phenomenon is not only the inherent characteristics of language symbols, but also the product of social life and different cultures. Due to the great difference between cultural background and social environment of Chinese and English speaker, thus there are many similarities and differences in the language, society and culture mark. The mark phenomena of English nouns are mainly related to the category of nouns and the opposite nouns. However, Chinese nouns have no strict morphological changes. In this paper, we discuss the theory of mark phenomenon and analyze a contrastive study on mark phenomena of English and Chinese Languages. 展开更多
关键词 Contrastive Study Phenomena of Markedness English and Chinese Language Culture.
从石刻文献看陇南历史上的名宦英杰 被引量:1
作者 赵逵夫 《档案》 2017年第10期42-45,共4页
近代以前,管理老百姓的官员是朝廷任命的,老百姓无选择权,也无罢免权,只有用立碑的方式记下那些好官员在任期间的良好政绩,表示感激与怀念。为下一任的官员提供一个表率,在一定程度上影响吏治官风。唐代以后中央政权东移南迁,甘肃陇南... 近代以前,管理老百姓的官员是朝廷任命的,老百姓无选择权,也无罢免权,只有用立碑的方式记下那些好官员在任期间的良好政绩,表示感激与怀念。为下一任的官员提供一个表率,在一定程度上影响吏治官风。唐代以后中央政权东移南迁,甘肃陇南一带变得越来越偏僻、所谓"天高皇帝远",老百姓主要用这种"感化"的方式,力求有一个可以生存的环境,所以这方面碑文较多。陇南石刻文献所记汉代以来亲民爱民,又有作为的文武官员在交通、经济、救灾、教育、保卫地方安全等方面作出的贡献,可补史书记载的不足,一定程度上反映了传统文化中应该继承弘扬的一些方面。 展开更多
关键词 陇南 石刻文献 宦廉政德政碑祠记
The Categories and Benefit-sharing of Traditional Knowledge Associated with Biodiversity 被引量:5
作者 薛达元 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2011年第1期29-33,共5页
A milestone in the Year of Biodiversity is that the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversi... A milestone in the Year of Biodiversity is that the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was adopted in the 10th Conference of Parties (COP 10) held in Nagoya, Japan, Oct 18- 29, 2010. Traditional knowledge (TK) is a key issue in the Protocol’s text and its negotiating period. This paper aimed to protect TK by defining its concepts and categories and promoting benefit-sharing with TK’s holders. Based on the analysis for the TK concepts of relevant international organizations and conventions, in particularly on the author’s current years’ research work on TK in the ethnic areas of China, this paper proposes the categories and the classification system for the TK associated with biological resources, i.e. (i) the knowledge for traditional use of agricultural bio-species and genetic resources; (ii) the knowledge for traditional use of medicinal bio-species;(iii) traditional technical innovations for bio- resource use and traditional practices for farming and living styles; (iv) traditional cultures such as customary laws and community protocols that are related to conservation and sustainable use of bio-resources; and (v) traditional geographically biological indicators. Furthermore, this paper introduced the provisions for access and benefit-sharing of TK and proposed to share fairly and equitably the benefits produced from use of TK with indigenous people, local communities and other kinds of holders such as a country for the ancient documented TK. In addition, aimed to the existing problems for traditional knowledge protection, the national strategy for TK protection was introduced and measures for TK inheritance, development, utilization and protection measures were put forward, which are significant for TK’s popularization and beneficial to local communities of the ethnic groups in China. 展开更多
关键词 traditional knowledge (TK) CATEGORY benefit-sharing BIODIVERSITY genetic resources Nagoya Protocol
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