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作者 蒙燕燕 《中文科技期刊数据库(引文版)医药卫生》 2024年第8期0085-0088,共4页
对不同方法注射肝素钠对移植后安胎患者腹部皮下出血的影响进行对比研究。方法 将240个移植后安胎患者随机分为四组,每组60人,按照第一、二、三、四象限进行肝素钠注射。结果 无论是在第一、二、三还是第四象限内注射皮下出血情况,四组... 对不同方法注射肝素钠对移植后安胎患者腹部皮下出血的影响进行对比研究。方法 将240个移植后安胎患者随机分为四组,每组60人,按照第一、二、三、四象限进行肝素钠注射。结果 无论是在第一、二、三还是第四象限内注射皮下出血情况,四组组间比较,皮下出血发生率差异无统计学意义(P=0.871)。在诸如小于5mm,5-10mm及大于10mm的皮下出血直径占比方面,各象限组间也无统计学意义差异(P>0.05)。结论 在移植后安胎患者中,不同象限注射肝素钠对腹部皮下出血的影响无显著性差异。这意味着在临床实践中,我们可以根据患者条件和医生经验自由选择皮肤注射部位,而不必过度担心会引发不同程度的皮下出血。 展开更多
关键词 肝素钠注射 移植后安胎患者 腹部皮下出血 注射象限 出血发生率
稻后安防治葡萄霜霉病试验 被引量:1
作者 朱明华 张夕林 《现代农药》 CAS 2002年第5期42-42,共1页
关键词 后安 防治 葡萄 霜霉病 试验
稻后安防治稻曲病试验 被引量:1
作者 肖满开 王小平 吴彩玲 《现代农药》 CAS 2005年第4期46-47,共2页
作者以井冈霉素和三唑酮为对照药剂,进行了稻后安防治水稻稻曲病试验。试验结果表明,每666.7m2施用稻后安30~50g,对水稻安全;穗防效可达64.63%~83.17%,粒防效为65%~82.63%,稻谷增产率为10.64%~12.61%。试验者认为,为确保效果,每666.... 作者以井冈霉素和三唑酮为对照药剂,进行了稻后安防治水稻稻曲病试验。试验结果表明,每666.7m2施用稻后安30~50g,对水稻安全;穗防效可达64.63%~83.17%,粒防效为65%~82.63%,稻谷增产率为10.64%~12.61%。试验者认为,为确保效果,每666.7m2宜用稻后安40~50g。 展开更多
关键词 后安 防治 稻曲病 试验
作者 朱明华 《现代农药》 CAS 2003年第1期45-45,共1页
关键词 后安 可湿性粉剂 防治 西瓜 炭疽病 试验
作者 王月祥 麻洁琼 《中国煤炭工业》 2022年第10期30-33,共4页
转型跨越的后安,思变求新;创新发展的后安,聚势腾飞;踔厉奋发的后安,笃行不怠。山西朔州平鲁区后安煤炭有限公司--山西省唯一全部把矿井采煤废水经过深度处理变为直饮纯净水的煤矿;把采煤沉陷区全部复垦治理为“后安式”梯田,走在全省... 转型跨越的后安,思变求新;创新发展的后安,聚势腾飞;踔厉奋发的后安,笃行不怠。山西朔州平鲁区后安煤炭有限公司--山西省唯一全部把矿井采煤废水经过深度处理变为直饮纯净水的煤矿;把采煤沉陷区全部复垦治理为“后安式”梯田,走在全省复垦治理前列的煤矿;“循环+绿色”,把资源吃干榨尽的煤矿;煤炭保供增量不降质、增量不加价. 展开更多
关键词 转型跨越 采煤沉陷区 山西朔州 平鲁区 复垦治理 后安 纯净水
作者 李德运 周淮 +1 位作者 许自力 陈博文 《湖南农业科学》 2001年第3期48-48,共1页
对 2 8 %稻后安WP等药剂防治稻曲病的效果进行了试验 ,结果表明 ,2 8%稻后安WP是防治水稻稻曲病的良好药剂之一。 2 8%稻后安每 6 6 7m2 用量 5 0g ,在水稻始穗期和齐穗期各施药一次 ,防效达 94 6 %。
关键词 后安 稻曲病 水稻病害 杀菌剂 田间药效试验
作者 祝安龙 《铁路技术创新》 2013年第5期59-62,共4页
1 工程概况 新建吉(林)珲(春)铁路后安山隧道位于图们市以北,嘎呀河东岸至高沟岭低山丘陵区,进口里程GD1K306+029,出口里程GDK312+580,全长6 551 m.进口825 m位于半径3 000 m左偏曲线上,出口341 m位于半径4 500 m右偏曲线上,其余则位于... 1 工程概况 新建吉(林)珲(春)铁路后安山隧道位于图们市以北,嘎呀河东岸至高沟岭低山丘陵区,进口里程GD1K306+029,出口里程GDK312+580,全长6 551 m.进口825 m位于半径3 000 m左偏曲线上,出口341 m位于半径4 500 m右偏曲线上,其余则位于直线上,纵向为人字坡,设计内轮廓为内轨顶面以上92 m2的双线隧道,设计速度250 km/h,根据施工组织安排,共设3座辅助坑道,其中斜井2处,横洞1处(见图1). 展开更多
关键词 膨胀岩 浅埋地段 隧道浅埋 围岩条件 隧道进口 进口端 高压旋喷桩 后安
作者 刘耀平 赵鹏璞 《消防界(电子版)》 2016年第6期1-5,共5页
索武阳,河南省灵宝市安全生产监察大队副大队长,在距离2011年国庆节不足6个小时的那一刻,这位身体一向健康的"80后"转业军人在安全生产执法一线突然停止了呼吸,医学上的说法是"猝死"。随后,他的名字,被不少人反复提起。赞叹者有之,... 索武阳,河南省灵宝市安全生产监察大队副大队长,在距离2011年国庆节不足6个小时的那一刻,这位身体一向健康的"80后"转业军人在安全生产执法一线突然停止了呼吸,医学上的说法是"猝死"。随后,他的名字,被不少人反复提起。赞叹者有之,质疑者有之,态度模糊者也不乏其人……或许,因为他太年轻、太平凡、工龄太短、事迹太少;或许, 展开更多
关键词 河南省灵宝市 武阳 全生产执法 副大队长 质疑者 高中同学 矿山建设 后安 监人员 企业主体责任
傅萍治疗胚胎反复移植失败经验介绍 被引量:2
作者 陈婷婷 傅萍 《新中医》 CAS 2017年第7期144-146,共3页
傅萍教授是杭州市中医院中医妇科主任医师,浙江中医药大学硕士研究生导师,浙江省名中医,全国第五批老中医药专家学术经验继承工作指导老师。傅教授曾师从国家级名中医、全国著名中医妇科大家江南何氏女科第三代传人何子淮先生,从事中医... 傅萍教授是杭州市中医院中医妇科主任医师,浙江中医药大学硕士研究生导师,浙江省名中医,全国第五批老中医药专家学术经验继承工作指导老师。傅教授曾师从国家级名中医、全国著名中医妇科大家江南何氏女科第三代传人何子淮先生,从事中医妇科临床、教学、科研工作四十余载,擅长用中西医结合的方法诊治不孕症、先兆流产、习惯性流产、月经失调、卵巢功能减退等妇科疑难杂症,理论功底扎实,临床疗效显著。现介绍其治疗胚胎反复移植失败的经验如下。 展开更多
关键词 胚胎反复移植失败 孕前调理 顺势促孕 后安 经验介绍 傅萍
作者 龚林根 张念环 +2 位作者 张景飞 屈惠良 毛建安 《江苏农药》 2001年第1期39-40,共2页
稻曲病是水稻生长后期发生的一种主要病害。近年来该病的发生及危害日趋严重,严重影响稻谷质量和产量。为了筛选出安全、高效的药剂,为指导大面积防治提供依据,本站2000年对安福、瘟曲净、稻后安等13种杀菌剂进行了药剂防治试验,并... 稻曲病是水稻生长后期发生的一种主要病害。近年来该病的发生及危害日趋严重,严重影响稻谷质量和产量。为了筛选出安全、高效的药剂,为指导大面积防治提供依据,本站2000年对安福、瘟曲净、稻后安等13种杀菌剂进行了药剂防治试验,并用瘟曲克星进行防治稻曲病适期试验。 展开更多
关键词 稻曲病 药剂防治 瘟曲净 后安 杀菌剂 试验
作者 林球容 《小学教学参考(语文版)》 1994年第10期28-29,共2页
关键词 数学教学 天修 思维能力 归一 发挥聪明才智 后安
作者 陈焕章 《华南预防医学》 1993年第3期46-46,共1页
我们在近三年的预防接种工作中,有四名儿童因接种麻疹疫苗发生过敏反应。现报告如下,以引起同道注意。四名儿童均为8~9月龄,已接种过卡介苗、乙肝、百白破、“小儿麻”糖丸等疫苗。否认有其他药物过敏史。在接种麻疹疫苗前均正常,在按... 我们在近三年的预防接种工作中,有四名儿童因接种麻疹疫苗发生过敏反应。现报告如下,以引起同道注意。四名儿童均为8~9月龄,已接种过卡介苗、乙肝、百白破、“小儿麻”糖丸等疫苗。否认有其他药物过敏史。在接种麻疹疫苗前均正常,在按量常规接种麻疹疫苗后(疫苗批号分别为武汉生物所89338、兰州生物所91078、92056、92046,有效期内使用) 展开更多
关键词 麻疹疫苗 预防接种工作 常规接种 百白破 药物过敏 三年 后安 九等 抗过敏药物 脉系
作者 谭柳青 《湖南教育(下旬)(C)》 2015年第7期60-60,共1页
认识 我生长在山村,天上下雨地上流,常担心小溪里的洪水会把小木桥卷走。当我长大了一点,有了些脚力后,我跟着父辈们走向了芷江县城。奇妙的汽车飞驰而过,我来不及端详,只觉得扬起灰尘的地面有些颤抖。其实最吸引我眼球和最令我发抖的... 认识 我生长在山村,天上下雨地上流,常担心小溪里的洪水会把小木桥卷走。当我长大了一点,有了些脚力后,我跟着父辈们走向了芷江县城。奇妙的汽车飞驰而过,我来不及端详,只觉得扬起灰尘的地面有些颤抖。其实最吸引我眼球和最令我发抖的,还是那条能装下上百条小溪的大河,之后,我记住了流经县城的她的名字——舞水河。母亲的叨唠就像是在我心里流淌起来的河,由少到多,由小及大,慢慢地铺展开来。 展开更多
关键词 舞水 我长大了 芷江县 无法自拔 腾空而起 继续走 农村建设 后安
作者 程光明 《湖南教育(中旬)(B)》 2016年第2期60-60,共1页
关键词 百禄桥 八十年代 在乡下 科任老师 全部时间 思想解放 瓦灯 兴趣特长 后安 开一
作者 骆瑞莲 《赣南师范学院学报》 1989年第4期87-88,84,共3页
我国正处在社会主义初级阶段,需要办的事很多,而国家的财力有限,不可能完全满足各项事业的发展需要。如何才能缓和需要与可能之间的矛盾呢?早在1987年国家就提出在经济工作方面要抓好两件大事:一是广泛开展增产节约,增收节支运动,二是... 我国正处在社会主义初级阶段,需要办的事很多,而国家的财力有限,不可能完全满足各项事业的发展需要。如何才能缓和需要与可能之间的矛盾呢?早在1987年国家就提出在经济工作方面要抓好两件大事:一是广泛开展增产节约,增收节支运动,二是继续深入改革。 开展以“增产节约、增收节支”为基本内容的“双增双节”运动,是根据勤俭建国、勤俭办事业的建国方针提出来的,不是一项权宜之计,也不是仅与经济部门有关。而是一项伟大的战略措施,是一场具有长期性、广泛性的群众运动。 展开更多
关键词 勤俭建国 需要与可能 战略措施 非经济 一级核算 有偿服务 开支标准 战略地位 爱护公物 后安
Hydrologic Modeling Impacts of Post-mining Land Use Changes on Streamflow of Peace River, Florida
作者 ZHANG Jing Mark ROSS 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第6期728-738,共11页
Whether mining activity results in reduced flow of surface water in the Peace River Watershed of Florida has been the subject of much debate. With increased dependence of downstream users on surface water flow of the ... Whether mining activity results in reduced flow of surface water in the Peace River Watershed of Florida has been the subject of much debate. With increased dependence of downstream users on surface water flow of the Peace River as a source of drinking water for four coastal counties in Southwest Florida and problems of water security, the debate has been intensified. It is possible to assess relationships of mining with streamflow in the upper reaches of the Peace River Basin using hydrologic modeling and identify mined sub-basins. In this work, land-use change impacts were simulated by the Hydrological Simulation Program--Fortran (HSPF) model based on geographical information system (GIS) tools, to compare pre- and post-mining streamflows at a study site of the Peace River in west-central Florida. The purpose of this study was to determine if land-use changes caused by mining have negatively impacted streamflow in the Peace River. Changes of land use were identified before and after mining activities. A coupled volume-water depth-discharge (V-h-Q) model based on stage/storage and stage/discharge was applied using HSPF for the pre-mining and post-mining models, respectively. Daily simulated post-mining hydrographs from HSPF were plotted with the calibrated pre-mining results and streamflow hydrographs from the 18 gauging stations, to compare timing of peaks, low fows and flow trends. Analyses of percent ex- ceedances of flow frequency curves of the streams indicated that most streams had similar distributions for mined (reclaimed) and pre- mining periods. In the streamflow change analysis, streamflows actually increased in mining-affected basins at nearly half the stations. Streamflows at other stations diminished. Overall from this comprehensive study, there were declines in streamflow at most gauging stations on the mainstem of the Peace River and its tributaries. The results of this study suggest that regional planning is urgently needed to propose reclamation schemes that enhance regional hydrology. 展开更多
关键词 post-mining land-use changes streamflow hydrologic model Hydrological Simulation Program--Fortran (HSPF) model
Fuzzy System for Prognosis of Tank Failure Based on Neural Network
作者 Li Guan 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2005年第4期60-62,共3页
A system for prognosis of tank failures was set up based on the results of analysis on fault phenomena. An algorithm incorporating fuzzy mathematics with the BP neural network was used to solve this prognosis model, a... A system for prognosis of tank failures was set up based on the results of analysis on fault phenomena. An algorithm incorporating fuzzy mathematics with the BP neural network was used to solve this prognosis model, and the availability of this model was also analyzed. This neural network-based fuzzy system for prognosis of tank failures has been put into operation at Huangdao oil terminal. The application results have shown that this system is effective for real-time prognosis of various potential tank failures and timely adoption of mitigative measures to avoid major tank accidents, which would have great significance for safeguarding the safe operation of the oil terminal. 展开更多
关键词 tank failure neural network FUZZY PROGNOSIS
The Information Modeling and Intelligent Optimization Method for Logistics Vehicle Routing and Scheduling with Multi-objective and Multi-constraint 被引量:2
作者 李蓓智 周亚勤 +1 位作者 兰世海 杨建国 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第4期455-459,466,共6页
The vehicle routing and scheduling (VRS) problem with multi-objective and multi-constraint is analyzed, considering the complexity of the modern logistics in city economy and daily life based on the system engineering... The vehicle routing and scheduling (VRS) problem with multi-objective and multi-constraint is analyzed, considering the complexity of the modern logistics in city economy and daily life based on the system engineering. The objective and constraint includes loading, the dispatch and arrival time, transportation conditions,total cost,etc. An information model and a mathematical model are built,and a method based on knowledge and biologic immunity is put forward for optimizing and evaluating the programs dimensions in vehicle routing and scheduling with multi-objective and multi-constraints. The proposed model and method are illustrated in a case study concerning a transport network, and the result shows that more optimization solutions can be easily obtained and the method is efficient and feasible. Comparing with the standard GA and the standard GA without time constraint,the computational time of the algorithm is less in this paper. And the probability of gaining optimal solution is bigger and the result is better under the condition of multi-constraint. 展开更多
关键词 modern logistics vehicle scheduling routing optimization MULTI-OBJECTIVE multi-constraint biologic immunity information modeling
The Impact of Catastrophic Natural Disaster on Land-Use Changes of Qingping Town and the Selection of Suitable Land for Settlement Construction 被引量:1
作者 YU Hui LIU Shaoquan +3 位作者 GUO Shili HU Ying ZHENG Zhijun SHE Tao 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第6期827-834,共8页
A Ms 8.0 large earthquake occurred in Sichuan,China on May 12,2008(hereafter called 5.12 Earthquake),and then a large debris flow happened in the quake-hit Qingping Township of Mianzhu county on August 13,2008(here... A Ms 8.0 large earthquake occurred in Sichuan,China on May 12,2008(hereafter called 5.12 Earthquake),and then a large debris flow happened in the quake-hit Qingping Township of Mianzhu county on August 13,2008(hereafter called 8.13 Debris Flow).The influence of two disasters on the changes in land use were analyzed by using highresolution aerial photos and satellite remote sensing images taken before and after the 5.12 Earthquake and 8.13 Debris Flow,the selection of suitable construction land were studied by learning experiences and lessons from the selection of resettlement areas and through field surveys and with land use transfer model and analytical model in combination with RS and GIS.The results showed that the influence of the 5.12 Earthquake on ecological environment was far greater than that of the 8.13 Debris Flow;there were more salient conflicts between population and land after the earthquake.Sites for post-disaster reconstruction should not be in disaster-prone areas or in gully-facing areas.Suitable land for settlement construction in I-1~I-5 low-hazard zones is optimal settlement areas for post-disaster reconstruction. 展开更多
关键词 EARTHQUAKE Debris flow Land use Settlement construction
Efficacy of perioperative parecoxib injection on postoperative pain relief after laparoscopic cholecystectomy:A prospective,randomized study 被引量:78
作者 Thawatchai Akaraviputh Charay Leelouhapong +1 位作者 Varut Lohsiriwat Somkiat Aroonpruksakul 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第16期2005-2008,共4页
AIM:To determine the efficacy of perioperative parecoxib injection on postoperative pain relief after laparoscopic cholecystectomy.METHODS: A prospective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study was conduct... AIM:To determine the efficacy of perioperative parecoxib injection on postoperative pain relief after laparoscopic cholecystectomy.METHODS: A prospective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study was conducted on 70 patients who underwent elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy under general anesthesia at Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, from January 2006 to December 2007. Patients were randomized to receive either 20 mg parecoxib infusion 30 min before induction of anesthesia and at 12 h after the first dose (treatment group), or normal saline infusion, in the same schedule, as a placebo (control group). The degree of the postoperative pain was assessed every 3 h in the first 24 h after surgery, and then every 12 h the following day, using a visual analog scale. The consumption of analgesics was also recorded.RESULTS:There were 40 patients in the treatment group, and 30 patients in the control group. The pain scores at each time point, and analgesic consumption did not differ between the two groups. However,there were fewer patients in the treatment group than placebo group who required opioid infusion within the first 24 h (60% vs 37%, P=0.053).CONCLUSION: Perioperative administration of parecoxib provided no significant effect on postoperative pain relief after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. However, preoperative infusion 20 mg parecoxib could significantly reduce the postoperative opioid consumption. 展开更多
关键词 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy PARECOXIB Postoperative pain
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