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论清儒以“礼”解经的多重进路——以黄式三《论语后案》为例 被引量:2
作者 肖永明 陈峰 《江汉论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期62-68,共7页
清代礼学,蔚然大观。以"礼"解经的治学取径受到乾嘉以降诸多学者的推崇。清儒以"礼"解《论语》者代不乏人,晚清浙东学者黄式三便是其中佼佼者。黄式三所著《论语后案》以郑玄礼学为学问宗主,重视三《礼》与《论语... 清代礼学,蔚然大观。以"礼"解经的治学取径受到乾嘉以降诸多学者的推崇。清儒以"礼"解《论语》者代不乏人,晚清浙东学者黄式三便是其中佼佼者。黄式三所著《论语后案》以郑玄礼学为学问宗主,重视三《礼》与《论语》的贯通互证,对《论语》中"礼"的意蕴与功用多有讨论。《论语后案》是清儒以"礼"解《论语》的典范之作,折射了清儒以"礼"解经中秉信宗主、文献互证、礼意建构等多重进路。 展开更多
关键词 以“礼”解经 郑学 黄式三 《论语后案
作者 韩岚 张涅 《浙江海洋学院学报(人文科学版)》 2007年第3期29-33,共5页
黄式三(1789—1862),字微香,浙江定海紫微人,晚清著名学者。《论语后案》是他的代表作,在晚清、民国期间影响甚大,其实事求是、不主汉宋的学术贡献获得李慈铭、章太炎、程树德等人高度评价。该书共有叙记五种,其中清道光二十四年活字印... 黄式三(1789—1862),字微香,浙江定海紫微人,晚清著名学者。《论语后案》是他的代表作,在晚清、民国期间影响甚大,其实事求是、不主汉宋的学术贡献获得李慈铭、章太炎、程树德等人高度评价。该书共有叙记五种,其中清道光二十四年活字印本有"黄式三《论语后案弁言》"一种,光绪九年浙江书局刻本有"黄式三《论语管窥叙》"、"黄式颖《论语后案叙》"、"黄式三《论语后案自叙》"、"黄以周《后记》"四种。据此五种叙记,可大略认识《论语后案》的版本源流、思想特质等问题,故试予以点校整理。 展开更多
关键词 晚清经学 黄式三 《论语后案 叙记
作者 雷斌慧 《宁波大学学报(人文科学版)》 2020年第4期1-7,共7页
刘宗周《论语学案》与黄式三《论语后案》同为浙东学派研究《论语》之经典。在注解原则上,《论语学案》志在教化,《论语后案》还原经典。在义理阐释上,《论语学案》求心之要;《论语后案》则对心颇为警惕,并将求心之要转化为寻礼之本。... 刘宗周《论语学案》与黄式三《论语后案》同为浙东学派研究《论语》之经典。在注解原则上,《论语学案》志在教化,《论语后案》还原经典。在义理阐释上,《论语学案》求心之要;《论语后案》则对心颇为警惕,并将求心之要转化为寻礼之本。在解经方法上,《论语学案》直抒己见,《论语后案》重视考据。 展开更多
关键词 《论语学 《论语后案 浙东学派
晚清汉宋兼采思潮中的《论语》诠释——以《论语后案》对《论语集注》的吸收与批评为例 被引量:3
作者 肖永明 陈峰 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期32-42,共11页
黄式三是晚清汉宋兼采思潮中的代表人物。其《论语后案》"不分汉宋",于朱熹《论语集注》甚为措意,既肯定了朱熹论"学"的思想倾向、贬斥异端的学派主张,又对朱熹的天理观、人性论、道德论等方面加以批评与修正。《... 黄式三是晚清汉宋兼采思潮中的代表人物。其《论语后案》"不分汉宋",于朱熹《论语集注》甚为措意,既肯定了朱熹论"学"的思想倾向、贬斥异端的学派主张,又对朱熹的天理观、人性论、道德论等方面加以批评与修正。《论语后案》对《论语集注》的吸收与批评,既体现了黄式三对宋学的"依违"之态,折射了黄式三通过诠释义理概念以"重构"新学术体系的思想主张,亦可展现汉宋兼采学术理念在《论语》诠释中的具体落实,成为研究汉宋兼采学术思潮演进的鲜活个案。 展开更多
关键词 汉宋兼采 黄式三 朱熹 《论语后案 《论语集注》
黄式三《论语后案》以“礼”为本的思想及其意义 被引量:3
作者 韩岚 张涅 《孔子研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期59-65,共7页
晚清著名经学家黄式三的代表作《论语后案》不主汉宋,择善而从,在晚清、民国期间影响颇大。其中有关礼制问题的考辨尤为详备。所阐述的以"礼"为本的思想发展了清中叶以来的礼学思想,也是对荀子礼治主义路线的承传。从社会政... 晚清著名经学家黄式三的代表作《论语后案》不主汉宋,择善而从,在晚清、民国期间影响颇大。其中有关礼制问题的考辨尤为详备。所阐述的以"礼"为本的思想发展了清中叶以来的礼学思想,也是对荀子礼治主义路线的承传。从社会政治角度的疏读,揭示"礼"等差和谐的本旨,能为合乎个人发展需要的社会制度的建设提供思想资源,也具有当代意义。 展开更多
关键词 黄式三 《论语后案 以“礼”为本
《论语学案》与《论语后案》比较研究 被引量:1
作者 雷斌慧 《孔子研究》 CSSCI 2017年第3期22-31,共10页
《论语学案》与《论语后案》为浙东学者刘宗周与黄式三研究《论语》的力作。在《论语后案》中,黄式三采用了刘宗周、万斯大、全祖望的学术观点,展现了对浙东学派的继承和反思。比较《论语学案》与《论语后案》,在诠释经义方面,展示了从... 《论语学案》与《论语后案》为浙东学者刘宗周与黄式三研究《论语》的力作。在《论语后案》中,黄式三采用了刘宗周、万斯大、全祖望的学术观点,展现了对浙东学派的继承和反思。比较《论语学案》与《论语后案》,在诠释经义方面,展示了从意义的理解到文本的还原之异趣。在学术思想方面,从《论语学案》的重心演变为《论语后案》之崇礼。在文学气象方面,则由《论语学案》的崇气象嬗变为《论语后案》的重考据。从《论语学案》到《论语后案》,一方面展现了《论语》研究的传承,另一方面则为研究浙东学派思想的变迁提供一个独特的视角。 展开更多
关键词 《论语学 《论语后案 浙东学派
王鸣盛《尚书》学思维之转变——以《西庄始存稿·洪范后案》与《尚书后案·洪范》为观察中心 被引量:1
作者 洪博昇 《古籍整理研究学刊》 CSSCI 2018年第2期75-78,共4页
《尚书后案》为王鸣盛《尚书》学最重要之作,成书时间是乾隆十年(1745)至乾隆四十四年(1779),历时三十五年。然而从王氏所存稿中可知,乾隆三十年(1765)初刻四十卷本《西庄始存稿》,卷十九、二十之《洪范后案》应为《尚书后案》中《洪范... 《尚书后案》为王鸣盛《尚书》学最重要之作,成书时间是乾隆十年(1745)至乾隆四十四年(1779),历时三十五年。然而从王氏所存稿中可知,乾隆三十年(1765)初刻四十卷本《西庄始存稿》,卷十九、二十之《洪范后案》应为《尚书后案》中《洪范》一篇之初稿。二者对比之下,互有异同。本文即取《始存稿·洪范后案》与《后案·洪范》进行比对,最显著之差异,一者除了知王氏作《后案》时比早年更坚定了汉学之立场;其次知《后案·洪范》中之意见,有得之于宋明儒处,但却有意不言出处,可见王氏《尚书》学思维之转变。 展开更多
关键词 王鸣盛 《西庄始存稿》 《尚书后案 《洪范后案
作者 宋展云 《孔子研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期35-44,共10页
黄式三《论语后案》秉承清代浙东学派的学术传统,对经典原义的追本溯源、对历史的人文关怀以及对礼制的终极肯定,使其成为一道别样的学术风景。《论语后案》在清代《论语》诠释史上起到承上启下的作用,尤其是其对于礼制的回归,使得《论... 黄式三《论语后案》秉承清代浙东学派的学术传统,对经典原义的追本溯源、对历史的人文关怀以及对礼制的终极肯定,使其成为一道别样的学术风景。《论语后案》在清代《论语》诠释史上起到承上启下的作用,尤其是其对于礼制的回归,使得《论语》诠释重视制度层面的反思,对常州学派《论语》诠释宣扬变法改制有一定影响。《论语后案》为后世社会树立起良好的道德规范,同时也值得当下的社会主义价值体系吸收借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 浙东学派 黄式三 《论语后案 诠释特点
作者 陈峰 《朱子学刊》 2015年第1期243-256,共14页
礼学是中国经学的核心组成部分。清代的礼学研究蔚然大观,以'礼'解经的治学取径受到乾嘉以降诸多学者的推崇。清代学者以'礼'解经,秉持各自的学术立场与理论预设,不仅重视将三《礼》与经籍贯通互证,同时对'礼'... 礼学是中国经学的核心组成部分。清代的礼学研究蔚然大观,以'礼'解经的治学取径受到乾嘉以降诸多学者的推崇。清代学者以'礼'解经,秉持各自的学术立场与理论预设,不仅重视将三《礼》与经籍贯通互证,同时对'礼'的意蕴与功用有所讨论。《论语》与礼学关系密切,有清一代以'礼'解《论语》之作亦为数不少。 展开更多
关键词 有所 预设 中国 礼学 试析 取径 经学 学者 后案
作者 韩岚 《朱子学刊》 2008年第1期161-171,共11页
黄式三(1789一1862),字薇香,定海紫微人,晚清著名的经学家。《清史稿》记其'于学不立门户,博综群经,治《易》治《春秋》,而尤长《三礼》。论褅郊宗庙,谨守郑学。论封域、井田、兵赋、学校、明堂、宗法诸制,有大疑义,必厘正之。有《... 黄式三(1789一1862),字薇香,定海紫微人,晚清著名的经学家。《清史稿》记其'于学不立门户,博综群经,治《易》治《春秋》,而尤长《三礼》。论褅郊宗庙,谨守郑学。论封域、井田、兵赋、学校、明堂、宗法诸制,有大疑义,必厘正之。有《复礼说》、《崇礼说》、《约礼说》。尝著《论语后案》二十卷,自为之序'。他著有《书启蒙》四卷,《诗丛说》一卷,《诗序说通》二卷,《诗传笺考》二卷,《春秋释》二卷,《周季编略》九卷,《儆居集·经说》四卷,《史说》 展开更多
关键词 博综群 兵赋 诗序 学校 经学家 黄式 门户 后案
作者 肖永明 陈峰 《中国哲学年鉴》 2017年第1期370-370,共1页
黄式三是晚清汉宋兼采思潮中的代表人物。其《论语后案》“不分汉宋”,于朱熹《论语集注》甚为措意,既肯定了朱熹论“学”的思想倾向、贬斥异端的学派主张,又对朱熹的天理观、人性论、道德论等方面加以批评与修正。《论语后案》对《论... 黄式三是晚清汉宋兼采思潮中的代表人物。其《论语后案》“不分汉宋”,于朱熹《论语集注》甚为措意,既肯定了朱熹论“学”的思想倾向、贬斥异端的学派主张,又对朱熹的天理观、人性论、道德论等方面加以批评与修正。《论语后案》对《论语集注》的吸收与批评,既体现了黄式三对宋学的“依违”之态,折射了黄式三通过诠释义理概念以“重构”新学术体系的思想主张,也展现了汉宋兼采学术理念在《论语》诠释中的具体落实,成为研究汉宋兼采学术思潮演进的鲜活个案。 展开更多
关键词 黄式三 《论语》诠释 《论语后案 天理观 学术理念 《论语集注》 思想倾向 学术体系
作者 李暢然 《儒家典籍与思想研究》 2013年第1期80-80,共1页
由顾实田先生和刘连朋先生首次校点整理的清代尚书学名著——王鸣盛《尚书后案》一书,收入《儒藏》精华编第18册,于2009年8月由北京大学出版社出版。王鸣盛(1722—1797),清江苏嘉定人,干嘉考据学吴派的代表人之一。自幼聪慧,师从沈德潜... 由顾实田先生和刘连朋先生首次校点整理的清代尚书学名著——王鸣盛《尚书后案》一书,收入《儒藏》精华编第18册,于2009年8月由北京大学出版社出版。王鸣盛(1722—1797),清江苏嘉定人,干嘉考据学吴派的代表人之一。自幼聪慧,师从沈德潜和惠栋。乾隆十九年进士,官至光禄寺卿。 展开更多
关键词 校点 先生 考据学 嘉定 尚书 后案
作者 戴逸 《学习与研究(北京)》 1982年第7期55-56,共2页
关键词 鸣盛 啸亭杂录 昭梿 文化工作 内阁学士 尚书后案 潜研堂 清史稿 一九 光禄寺卿
Impact of Fiscal Policy on Economy After Accession to the Euro Area: The Case of Poland
作者 Piotr Kraj ewski 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第5期733-739,共7页
The impact of Polish fiscal policy on economy after accession to the euro area is analyzed in the article. It was found that government spending financed by distortionary taxation affects output in a different way tha... The impact of Polish fiscal policy on economy after accession to the euro area is analyzed in the article. It was found that government spending financed by distortionary taxation affects output in a different way than in case of government spending financed by bonds. Poland's accession to the Economic and Monetary Union will reduce the possibility of increased government spending financed by bonds, which in light of the presented model will greatly reduce the possibility of stimulating the economy through fiscal policy. 展开更多
关键词 fiscal policy government spending real business cycle (RBC) EURO
Peritoneal carcinomatosis of colorectal origin:Incidence,prognosis and treatment options 被引量:9
作者 Yvonne LB Klaver Valery EPP Lemmens +2 位作者 Simon W Nienhuijs Misha DP Luyer Ignace HJT de Hingh 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第39期5489-5494,共6页
Peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) is one manifestation of metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC). Tumor growth on intestinal surfaces and associated fluid accumulation eventually result in bowel obstruction and incapacitatin... Peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) is one manifestation of metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC). Tumor growth on intestinal surfaces and associated fluid accumulation eventually result in bowel obstruction and incapacitating levels of ascites, which profoundly affect the quality of life for affected patients. PC appears resistant to traditional 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy, and surgery was formerly reserved for palliative purposes only. In the absence of effective treatment, the histori-cal prognosis for these patients was extremely poor, with an invariably fatal outcome. These poor outcomes likely explain why PC secondary to CRC has received little attention from oncologic researchers. Thus, data are lacking regarding incidence, clinical disease course, and accurate treatment evaluation for patients with PC. Recently, population-based studies have revealed that PC occurs relatively frequently among patients withCRC. Risk factors for developing PC have been identi-fied:right-sided tumor, advanced T-stage, advanced N-stage, poor differentiation grade, and younger age at diagnosis. During the past decade, both chemother-apeutical and surgical treatments have achieved prom-ising results in these patients. A chance for long-term survival or even cure may now be offered to selected patients by combining radical surgical resection with intraperitoneal instillation of heated chemotherapy. This combined procedure has become known as hy-perthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy. This edito-rial outlines recent advancements in the medical and surgical treatment of PC and reviews the most recent information on incidence and prognosis of this disease. Given recent progress, treatment should now be considered in every patient presenting with PC. 展开更多
关键词 Colorectal cancer Peritoneal carcinomato-sis Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy Che-motherapy PROGNOSIS
Evaluation of Land Reclamation and Implications of Ecological Restoration for Agro-pastoral Ecotone: Case Study of Horqin Left Back Banner in China 被引量:3
作者 ZHOU Jian ZHANG Fengrong +2 位作者 XU Yan GAO Yang XIE Zhen 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第5期772-783,共12页
The agro-pastoral ecotone has been recognized as the main distribution area of reserved land resource for cultivation. Accordingly, clarifying this assumption, as well as concerting land reclamation and ecological res... The agro-pastoral ecotone has been recognized as the main distribution area of reserved land resource for cultivation. Accordingly, clarifying this assumption, as well as concerting land reclamation and ecological restoration, is important to ensure food security and environmental improvement in the agro-pastoral ecotone. We selected Horqin Left Back Banner(HLBB) as the subject of our case study. The landscape ecological security pattern of this area was determined using the minimum cumulative resistance model. Over-cultivation, quantity of reserved land resource for cultivation, and changes in landscape indexes before and after land use adjustment were then analyzed. Over-cultivation is a serious problem in the agro-pastoral ecotone. Reserved land resource for cultivation is less than that considered previously, and the area of reserved land resource for cultivation in HLBB only accounts for 11.50% of total uncultivated land. With regard to changes in landscape indexes, the adjusted land use pattern is effective for anti-desertification. The compensation standard for abandoned cultivated land should be improved and the comprehensive results of ‘Grain for Green' should be evaluated to further implement ecological restoration in the agro-pastoral ecotone. 展开更多
关键词 land reclamation ecological restoration minimum cumulative resistance model agro-pastoral ecotone China
Research and application of schemes for constructing concrete pillars in large section finishing cut in backfill coal mining 被引量:3
作者 Sun Qiang Zhang Jixiong +2 位作者 Ju Feng Li Linyue Zhao Xu 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第6期915-920,共6页
Based on the technology of controlling surrounding rock deformation by constructing concrete pillars in large section finishing cut in backfill coal mining, the characteristics of vertical stress on concrete pillars a... Based on the technology of controlling surrounding rock deformation by constructing concrete pillars in large section finishing cut in backfill coal mining, the characteristics of vertical stress on concrete pillars and main factors influencing pillar stability are analyzed. By building a Winkler elastic foundation mechanical model for the support system constituted of coal pillar, backfill body and concrete pillars, mechanical calculation on stability of concrete pillar is carried out to evaluate the pillar stability and safety. Seven numeral models in three schemes with different pillar sizes, inter-row distances and compression ratios at the stopes were analyzed through numerical simulation according to width reduction principle. The practice of finishing cut at IIIB44 workface at Yangzhuang coal mine shows that: when the actual compression ratio is 86.5%, construction size inside the finishing cut is 2000 mm x 2000 mm and the interval between concrete pillars is 2000 mm x 2000 mm, the pillars can be stable with the maximum movement of two sides of each pillar being only 83 mm and 54 mm, which achieves the expected effect. 展开更多
关键词 Concrete pillar Finishing cutNumerical simulation Surrounding rock deformation
Construction and Demolition Debris Management for Sustainable Reconstruction after Disasters: Italian Case Studies
作者 Carla Furcas Ginevra Balletto 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第7期865-873,共9页
The Italian earthquakes of recent decades created an emergency situation that required immediate post-earthquake reconstruction policies, which led to an increase in the demand for construction minerals. In particular... The Italian earthquakes of recent decades created an emergency situation that required immediate post-earthquake reconstruction policies, which led to an increase in the demand for construction minerals. In particular, extraction in active quarries has been intensified, and new quarries opened according to extraordinary procedures notwithstanding current regulations. The objective of this work is to investigate the consequences that a seismic event may produce on both the built-up environment, i.e. the totality of urban and suburban settlements and infrastructure, and the natural environment, which is often compromised by hasty emergency procedures aimed at mineral extraction. As a result, correct evaluation of the demand for minerals and the recycling of earthquake debris are the fundamental elements of coherent post seismic reconstruction, by means of which post-earthquake policies could be reconciled with environmental protection. 展开更多
关键词 RECONSTRUCTION construction and demolition waste DEBRIS recycling earthquake.
Role of taxanes in pancreatic cancer 被引量:1
作者 Carmen Belli Stefano Cereda Michele Reni 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第33期4457-4465,共9页
Pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly cancers and is characterized by a poor prognosis. Single agent gemcitabine, despite its limited activity and modest impact on disease outcome, is considered as the standard ... Pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly cancers and is characterized by a poor prognosis. Single agent gemcitabine, despite its limited activity and modest impact on disease outcome, is considered as the standard therapy in pancreatic cancer. Most of the combination regimens used in the treatment of this disease, also including the targeted agents, did not improve the outcome of patients. Also, taxanes have been tested as single agent and in combination chemotherapy, both in first line and as salvage chemotherapy, as another possible option for treating pancreatic cancer. The inclusion of taxanes in combination with gemcitabine as upfront therapy obtained promising results. Accordingly, taxanes, and above all, new generation taxanes, appear to be suitable candidates for further testing to assess their role against pancreatic cancer in various clinical settings. 展开更多
关键词 Pancreatic cancer Advanced disease Metastatic disease Chemotherapy Taxanes Drug combinations Radiotherapy ABI-007
Tribal Councils as a Decision-Making Mechanism for Post-disaster Reconstructions: A Case Study of Ulaljuc
作者 Chaohsing Huang Paiteng Cheng +2 位作者 Hsin-Chieh Kao Tjepelang Ruvaniyaw Yuhsin Chen 《Sociology Study》 2013年第4期261-268,共8页
Since the 1990s, indigenous people in Taiwan have engaged in tribal councils for the purpose of integrating the tribal authority and the modern administrative system. The establishment of tribal councils provides a co... Since the 1990s, indigenous people in Taiwan have engaged in tribal councils for the purpose of integrating the tribal authority and the modern administrative system. The establishment of tribal councils provides a communicative forum for tribal leaders, village, and the association of community development to make decisions of common tribal affairs. When disasters happen, the internal tribal response strategies and external assistance mechanisms might cooperate through either traditional or modern administrative systems. The research focused on how these organizations, while in interim housing, influenced the reconstruction and rehabilitation after disasters. The research's findings suggested that tribal councils, a pre-existing mechanism, seemed to be an appropriate forum for negotiation and decision-making for tribal affairs. 展开更多
关键词 Interim housing tribal council post-disaster reconstruction
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