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天人合一思想的后现代意义 被引量:2
作者 申俊龙 《江苏社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第5期186-187,共2页
编者按 古代自然科学由于自身的局限性 ,在近代相继被实验科学所淘汰。但具有几千年历史的中医学不仅至今还保留着完整的理论体系 ,而且以其鲜明的特色在现代医学中独树一帜 ,保持着鲜活的生命力。如何在 2 1世纪高科技时代深入认识中... 编者按 古代自然科学由于自身的局限性 ,在近代相继被实验科学所淘汰。但具有几千年历史的中医学不仅至今还保留着完整的理论体系 ,而且以其鲜明的特色在现代医学中独树一帜 ,保持着鲜活的生命力。如何在 2 1世纪高科技时代深入认识中医文化中的科学与人文价值及其现代化问题 ,无疑是一重要课题。本刊为此约请 6位学者作相关思考 。 展开更多
关键词 天人合一思想 后现代意义 中医学 人与自然 中医哲学 后现代生态中心主义
作者 程梅花 卢舒程 《阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第2期23-28,共6页
"道"是《老子》和《管子》共同的最高哲学范畴,两家"道"论有同有异。两家之"道"同为万物之所以然与所必然、万物之自然与所当然、人生和社会的"自然法"且均以"气"为物质载体;也存在... "道"是《老子》和《管子》共同的最高哲学范畴,两家"道"论有同有异。两家之"道"同为万物之所以然与所必然、万物之自然与所当然、人生和社会的"自然法"且均以"气"为物质载体;也存在宏观方法论与微观方法技巧、目标价值与工具价值之不同。通过两家"道"论的阐发和比较,不仅可以明晰两家之异同,而且可以彰显两家"道"论敬畏自然、彰显人性、以道御术、本体和谐等后现代意义。 展开更多
关键词 《老子》 《管子》 后现代意义
作者 蒋淑娴 《学术交流》 北大核心 2007年第6期170-172,共3页
先锋小说家余华从反理性的后现代主义出发,在解构现实生活的本真性同时,对所谓神圣的价值观念进行了无情的冲击,将一个本应"大写"的人,轻易地想像成为一个苟延残喘的"小我"的人。文本主体的"自我",不仅... 先锋小说家余华从反理性的后现代主义出发,在解构现实生活的本真性同时,对所谓神圣的价值观念进行了无情的冲击,将一个本应"大写"的人,轻易地想像成为一个苟延残喘的"小我"的人。文本主体的"自我",不仅可以游离于共同关心的事物,游离于社会的集体之外,还可以在日常生活中任意消失。"自我"的能指已经远离历史和文化,被强制从经典文本序列中剥离出来,写作意义上的"自我"纯粹是一种欲望的表达,或被纯粹驱使的存在物体。"自我"不再是真实生活的主体,也不再是话语的主体,仅仅成为角色,但不是主角,随时处于生活破碎的边缘。 展开更多
关键词 余华 后现代意义 确证自我 非理性
从《珀涅罗珀记》看神话重述的后现代意义 被引量:1
作者 梁宇彬 《中国比较文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期126-133,共8页
19世纪的尼采曾经号称“上帝死了”,20世纪以来的后现代风潮又催生了新神话主义创作。一批被重述的经典神话,打上了后现代语境的烙印。加拿大文学女王玛格丽特·阿特伍德对荷马史诗中奥德修斯与珀涅罗珀神话的重述,赋予女主人公... 19世纪的尼采曾经号称“上帝死了”,20世纪以来的后现代风潮又催生了新神话主义创作。一批被重述的经典神话,打上了后现代语境的烙印。加拿大文学女王玛格丽特·阿特伍德对荷马史诗中奥德修斯与珀涅罗珀神话的重述,赋予女主人公珀涅罗珀和12个女仆以话语权,不仅颠覆了史诗中的传说和人物形象,也从女性视角上,揭示了在后现代语境下重述神话的深刻意义。 展开更多
关键词 《珀涅罗珀记》 神话重述 后现代意义
Out of Absurdity On the Ending of Catch-22
作者 YE La-mei 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第6期423-435,共13页
As one of the first and most original creations of literary postmodernism, published in the year 1961, Catch-22's (1961) position in American literature remains secure. Yet its ending has been held as unconvincing ... As one of the first and most original creations of literary postmodernism, published in the year 1961, Catch-22's (1961) position in American literature remains secure. Yet its ending has been held as unconvincing ever since its publication. Taking the overall structure, tone, and the theme of the novel into consideration, this paper aims to prove the credibility of this controversial part. It consists of five sections apart from an introduction and a conclusion. Section One provides general information on the life and works of Joseph Heller. Section Two traces the impact of existentialism and the generation of black humor to clarify the literary position of Catch-22. Section Three brings out the disputative opinions on the ending part. Sections Four and Five, try to prove Yossarian's final desertion a natural and convincing ending from different perspectives: Section Four analyses how Yossarian gains an entropic vision of the cosmos; section Five studies his existential vision of physical life and searches for the immediate factors that propel Yossarian's desertion. Section five also explains the ending's change in tone and structure. The conclusion summarizes the paper and points out the social significance of the novel. 展开更多
关键词 ABSURDITY CATCH-22 the ending
Subversive Abjection and Sublimity in Jeanette Winterson's Representation of the Fantastic A Study of The Passion and Sexing the Cherry
作者 Maria Antonietta Struzziero 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第10期648-658,共11页
Looking at the last decades of the 19th and 20th century from our vantage point encourages parallels to be drawn between the two periods: in fact, both are affected by a process of cultural fragmentation, social, and... Looking at the last decades of the 19th and 20th century from our vantage point encourages parallels to be drawn between the two periods: in fact, both are affected by a process of cultural fragmentation, social, and epistemological transformations and crises that permeate the whole civil society. In the specific field of English literature, the genre of the fantastic is undoubtedly a common presence. In Fantasy: The Literature of Subversion, Jackson (1981) noted the re-emergence of the fantastic as a transgressive force at moments of cultural stress and repression. Waugh (1995) held a similar view in The Harvest of the Sixties. At the end of the 20th century, in its postmodernist shape, fantastic literature becomes one of the favourite genres of a number of feminist writers, and among them, Jeanette Winterson transforms it into a truly transgressive genre. This paper examines Winterson's The Passion (1996) and Sexing the Cherry (1990) in the light of Jackson's theory of the fantastic, as a narrative that establishes an oppositional dialogic relationship with the "real", to interrogate it and collapse the traditional distinction between the normative and the "other". In The Passion, the real is signified by the dominant ideological discourse, exemplified by Napoleon; the fantastic by Villanelle's webbed feet and her ability to walk on water. In Sexing the Cherry, the real is represented by the Puritans with their bigoted and hypocritical morality; the fantastic by the huge Dog-Woman and her foundling son, Jordan. Besides, in both novels, the female body is metamorphosed to challenge the view of a "normal", acceptable femininity; what emerges is a monstrous and sublime body that collapses distinctions between gender boundaries. In Sexing the Cherry (1990), Winterson created the grotesque, gigantic body of the Dog-Woman, a figure of Kristevan "abjection". In The Passion (1996), she gave life to the hybrid body of Villanelle, an oxymoronic combination of the terrible beautiful. The conclusion of the paper argues that Winterson deploys the fantastic to deconstruct the gendered subject of the dominant signifying order and create a dislocated world outside commercial culture, where new voices can be heard, speaking for unheard, neglected groups, particularly women. 展开更多
关键词 Jeanette Winterson FANTASTIC SUBLIME historiographic metafiction POSTMODERNISM gender
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