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作者 杨永彬 《学校管理》 2009年第1期16-16,共1页
关键词 向公 课堂结构 评价语言 听课教师 身心愉悦 达成度 听课者 教育智慧 字字珠玑 贴春联
《现代人才》 2010年第5期6-6,共1页
关键词 项目人员 向公 人力资源 统筹组织 人事部门 社区居委会 社会反映 选人 资格条件 资格审查
作者 刘兵 《中国图书评论》 CSSCI 2017年第6期80-81,共2页
作为面向公众评选推荐的"中国好书",除了公众更易于接受的文史类读物之外,科学普及与生活类的好书也占有重要的一席之地。在最终的评选结果中。有《中国古代重要科技发明创造》《航天育种简史》和《胡大一医生浅谈心脏健康》入选。加... 作为面向公众评选推荐的"中国好书",除了公众更易于接受的文史类读物之外,科学普及与生活类的好书也占有重要的一席之地。在最终的评选结果中。有《中国古代重要科技发明创造》《航天育种简史》和《胡大一医生浅谈心脏健康》入选。加上入围的《永恒的诱惑:宇宙之谜》《看脸》和《吃货的生物学修养:脂肪、糖和代谢病的科学传奇》三种,均各占总入选和入围图书的10%。 展开更多
关键词 生活类 航天育种 科技发明 宇宙之谜 胡大一 代谢病 向公 中国古代科技 科技与社会 攻关项目
作者 刘鹏 《中国美术》 2015年第6期151-155,共5页
(上接2015年第5期)即便是在巴恩斯基金会搬迁到费城市区后,新馆的内部陈列方式一仍其旧,严格按照巴恩斯博士的遗愿来悬挂作品,没有标签,没有说明文字,并禁止拍照。经过法官的判定,同意巴恩斯基金会从偏僻的梅里翁搬迁到费城市区,但前... (上接2015年第5期)即便是在巴恩斯基金会搬迁到费城市区后,新馆的内部陈列方式一仍其旧,严格按照巴恩斯博士的遗愿来悬挂作品,没有标签,没有说明文字,并禁止拍照。经过法官的判定,同意巴恩斯基金会从偏僻的梅里翁搬迁到费城市区,但前提条件就是保留上述密集的、过分对称且杂乱无章的陈列方式。 展开更多
关键词 巴恩斯 悬挂方式 梅里翁 一仍其旧 马蒂斯 塞尚 向公 雷诺阿 格列柯 奥古斯特
作者 杨兆兴 《中学物理》 2016年第5期79-81,共3页
关键词 抛体运动 带电粒子 雨后彩虹 正弦交流电 向公 竖直线 切线方向 连绵起伏 参考点 速度方向
坚持质量第一 一心为用户服务
《农业经济》 1982年第S1期8-9,共2页
我们黑岛纸箱机械厂,是一个生产钙塑、纸箱、纸盒全配套机械设备的老厂,共有职工二百三十多人。几年来,我们坚持“质量第一”的原则,端正经营思想,一心一意为用户服务,使企业迅速变活,产品销往全国一千二百多个单位。去年总产值达到二... 我们黑岛纸箱机械厂,是一个生产钙塑、纸箱、纸盒全配套机械设备的老厂,共有职工二百三十多人。几年来,我们坚持“质量第一”的原则,端正经营思想,一心一意为用户服务,使企业迅速变活,产品销往全国一千二百多个单位。去年总产值达到二百五十多万元,向公社交利润七十八万八千元,今年上半年完成总产值一百二十多万元,比去年同期增加了三十多万元,被评为市县先进企业。 展开更多
关键词 纸箱机械 用户服务 用户单位 用户意见 千二百 企业整顿 向公 产品合格率 测试能力 技术水平
作者 李宗悦 《语言教育》 1993年第4期63-63,共1页
1.改革开放:reform and opening2.投资环境:investment environment3.吸引外资:absorb foreign investment4.商品经济:commodity econmoy5.外向型经济:export-oriented
关键词 外向型经济 COMMODITY 常用词语 ABSORB 个体商贩 合资企业 BREAK ORIENT 向公
作者 沈石溪 《共产党员(河北)》 2014年第2期57-57,共1页
我从上海下放到西双版纳当知青的第三天,就被狐狸骗了一次。那天,我买了只七斤重的大阉鸡,准备晚上熬鸡汤喝。沿着古河道回家,看不到人影。拐过一道湾,突然,我看见前面十几步远的一块乱石滩上有一只狐狸正在垂死挣扎:它口吐白沫,绒毛恣... 我从上海下放到西双版纳当知青的第三天,就被狐狸骗了一次。那天,我买了只七斤重的大阉鸡,准备晚上熬鸡汤喝。沿着古河道回家,看不到人影。拐过一道湾,突然,我看见前面十几步远的一块乱石滩上有一只狐狸正在垂死挣扎:它口吐白沫,绒毛恣张,肩胛抽搐,似乎中了毒;看到我,它惊慌地站起来想逃命,但刚站起来又虚弱地摔倒了。那摔倒的姿势逼真得无懈可击,直挺挺栽倒在地," 展开更多
关键词 第三天 爬起来 野芭蕉 我将 啸叫 藤蔓 向公 上当了 成圈
作者 乔志峰 《新西部》 2015年第1期84-84,共1页
拥有“安徽好人”、“中国好人”等众多荣誉称号的安徽公益明星张艺冬,通过整容将自己变成“雷锋脸”,以此怀念雷锋,向偶像致敬。整成“雷锋脸”后,张艺冬身穿雷锋式军装、斜挎雷锋式书包,首次公开“亮相”。他还在自己的微博中说,下一... 拥有“安徽好人”、“中国好人”等众多荣誉称号的安徽公益明星张艺冬,通过整容将自己变成“雷锋脸”,以此怀念雷锋,向偶像致敬。整成“雷锋脸”后,张艺冬身穿雷锋式军装、斜挎雷锋式书包,首次公开“亮相”。他还在自己的微博中说,下一步他将向公安部门递交申请,把名字也改成雷锋,同时建议中国人民都学习他整容成雷锋,并声称“以后大家请叫我雷锋,或者喊我雷到底”。追星很正常,有自己的偶像也不奇怪。 展开更多
关键词 张艺 荣誉称号 籍籍无名 陈光标 向公 层次的
作者 周幼馬 朱麗 《今日中国》 1990年第4期40-44,共5页
冬去春來,在陣陣暖風中,北京的居民們脫去臃腫的冬衣,走出空氣混濁的屋子,忽然感到一種温馨的氣息迎面拂來,一下子把寒冬吹遠了。走出家門,人們在馬路兩旁,首先看到的是楊樹開花了,像毛毛蟲一樣掛滿樹梢,看上去似乎並不討人喜歡,但它預... 冬去春來,在陣陣暖風中,北京的居民們脫去臃腫的冬衣,走出空氣混濁的屋子,忽然感到一種温馨的氣息迎面拂來,一下子把寒冬吹遠了。走出家門,人們在馬路兩旁,首先看到的是楊樹開花了,像毛毛蟲一樣掛滿樹梢,看上去似乎並不討人喜歡,但它預示着春的到來藗儙ё判老驳男那閺拇孤渥艞罨ǖ臉溟g走過。 展开更多
关键词 鹅黄色 馬路 氣息 向公 道一 拍照留念 商阪 沸大 鼠子 下尸
《中国.城乡桥》 2003年第7期27-27,共1页
关键词 通联站 广告有限公司 信息采集 丁桥 向公
作者 密承茂 《新会计》 1987年第12期12-12,共1页
湖北红安县林业系统,近年借公款的人数一度高达编内总人数的49.9%,总借支额占营林生产资金的8%。这种现象既不正常,也影响到林业生产的健康发展。县审计部门为了弄清它的成因,经过调查摸底,进行了分析,大体有五种情况:一是临时困难借... 湖北红安县林业系统,近年借公款的人数一度高达编内总人数的49.9%,总借支额占营林生产资金的8%。这种现象既不正常,也影响到林业生产的健康发展。县审计部门为了弄清它的成因,经过调查摸底,进行了分析,大体有五种情况:一是临时困难借款,借后未还,占借支人数的21.5%;二是用钱无计划,盲目借款添置不急需物品的占28.6%;三是顶名代他人借款的占9.4%;四是营建私房借款,占6.8%;五是并无困难,人借我也借的,占33.7%。后者如一位双职工,三个孩子都已参加了工作,有银行存款,却以向公借支、长期不归为得计,前后竟积了1200余元! 展开更多
关键词 节资 转贷 林业生产 营林生产 银行存款 审计部门 向公 贷款利率 于都 月奖
作者 袁俊夫 《传媒观察》 1994年第6期26-26,共1页
去年底,我向《中华新闻信息报》投了一篇稿,内容是“老报人操旧业”。稿子发出后,我也没把此事放在心上。可是到了今年3月3日下午,我接到该报编辑王同荧从北京打来的电话,说稿件需要补充一些材料,并欢迎我今后积极为报纸写稿。几句话说... 去年底,我向《中华新闻信息报》投了一篇稿,内容是“老报人操旧业”。稿子发出后,我也没把此事放在心上。可是到了今年3月3日下午,我接到该报编辑王同荧从北京打来的电话,说稿件需要补充一些材料,并欢迎我今后积极为报纸写稿。几句话说得我心里暖烘烘的。说实话我当时的心情很激动,王编辑为了救活一篇稿件,竟不怕麻烦,从数千里之外打来电话。 展开更多
关键词 信息报 千里之外 怕麻烦 王同 报刊社 稿件质量 工作作风 感情投入 真没想到 向公
Optimized nonhyperbolic moveout correction equation of long-offset seismic data for TI media with an arbitrary spatial orientation
作者 郝重涛 姚陈 张建中 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期336-347,400,共13页
The conventional long-offset nonhyperbolic moveout equation is derived for the transverse isotropic media with a vertical symmetric axis(VTI).It cannot be extended to the transverse isotropic media with an arbitrary... The conventional long-offset nonhyperbolic moveout equation is derived for the transverse isotropic media with a vertical symmetric axis(VTI).It cannot be extended to the transverse isotropic media with an arbitrary spatial orientation of symmetry axis(ATI).In this paper,we optimize a modified long-offset nonhyperbolic moveout equation for ATI media based on the conventional nonhyperbolic moveout equation and the exact analytical solution of the quartic moveout coefficient(A_4) and NMO velocity for ATI media that were derived in our previous work.Compared with the exact traveltimes of the ray-tracing algorithm for anisotropic media,this optimized equation can be used to calculate the traveltime varying with survey line azimuth in arbitrary strong or weak ATI media.It can replace the time-consuming, multi-offset,and multi-azimuth ray tracing method for forward modeling of long-offset reflection traveltimes in ATI media,which is useful to further anisotropic parameter inversion using long-offset nonhyperbolic moveout. 展开更多
关键词 TI media arbitrary spatial orientation nonhyperbolic moveout equation reflection traveltime long-offset
以价值取向多元化为目标的公务员激励机制——试用信息经济学分析“腐败问题”本质与对策 被引量:1
作者 刘锐 关忠良 《内蒙古科技与经济》 2007年第04S期70-72,共3页
本文基于信息经济学理论,从“腐败”的本质入手,分析了腐败形成的外因和内因,提出了相应的解决办法,即通过“显示原理”的激励机制引导公务员的价值取向多元化,来充分弥合公务员的“社会效用函数”和“自身效用函数”偏差,由此从根本上... 本文基于信息经济学理论,从“腐败”的本质入手,分析了腐败形成的外因和内因,提出了相应的解决办法,即通过“显示原理”的激励机制引导公务员的价值取向多元化,来充分弥合公务员的“社会效用函数”和“自身效用函数”偏差,由此从根本上避免腐败动机的产生。 展开更多
关键词 腐败 公务员 价值取向 激励机制 道德风险
Applicability of standard forward column/row recurrence equations for ALFs
作者 Zhang Han-Wei Zhang Hua +1 位作者 Li Xiao-Ling Yang Yong-Qin 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第3期424-432,472,共10页
Fully normalized associated Legendre functions(fnALFs)are a set of orthogonal basis functions that are usually calculated by using the recurrence equation.This paper presented the applicability and universality of the... Fully normalized associated Legendre functions(fnALFs)are a set of orthogonal basis functions that are usually calculated by using the recurrence equation.This paper presented the applicability and universality of the standard forward column/row recurrence equation based on the isolated singular factor method and extended-range arithmetic.Isolating a singular factor is a special normalization method that can improve the universality of the standard forward row recurrence equation to a certain extent,its universality can up to degree hundreds.However,it is invalid for standard forward column recurrence equation.The extended-range arithmetic expands the double-precision number field to the quad-precision numberfield.The quad-precision numberfield can retain more significant digits in the operation process and express larger and smaller numbers.The extended-range arithmetic can significantly improve the applicability and universality of the standard forward column/row recurrence equations,its universality can up to degree several thousand.However,the quad-precision numberfield operation needs to occupy more storage space,which is why its operation speed is slow and undesirable in practical applications.In this paper,the X-number method is introduced in the standard forward row recurrence equation for thefirst time.With the use of the X-number method,fnALFs can be recursed to 4.2 billion degree by using standard forward column/row recurrence equations. 展开更多
关键词 fnALFs standard forward column recurrence eqution row recurrence equation
Acacia mearnsii management in a South African National Parks:SWOT analysis using hot topics in biological invasion as a guide 被引量:1
作者 Geoffrey MUKWADA Desmond MANATSA 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第1期205-218,共14页
The assessment of the policy framework governing Invasive Alien Species(IAS) control is of critical importance in conservation. The undertaking of a SWOT analysis of such a framework is necessary because it enhances t... The assessment of the policy framework governing Invasive Alien Species(IAS) control is of critical importance in conservation. The undertaking of a SWOT analysis of such a framework is necessary because it enhances the efficacy of IAS control. The aim of this study is to carry out a SWOT analysis of the policy framework guiding the control of the spreading of Acacia mearnsii and other IAS in the Golden Gate Highlands National Park in South Africa,as well as the implementation of restorative measures in the park and adjacent communities in line with the recommendations of the Convention on Biodiversity. A comparative analysis of this framework and the hierarchical framework that was developed during the European Union Conference on Freshwater Invasives- Networking for Strategy in 2013 is undertaken. The results indicate the need to strengthen parkcommunity relations,upgrade existing legislation,and boost the technical capacity of South African national parks to identify,detect,monitor and predict IAS invasions,both within the parks and their surroundings. This knowledge is important for developing future policies on IAS control in South Africa. 展开更多
关键词 Convention on biodiversity Geographic Information Systems Golden Gate Highlands National Park Invasive alien species MalutiDrakensberg Mountains Protected Areas Policy Framework SWOT
Performance optimization of electric power steering based on multi-objective genetic algorithm 被引量:2
作者 赵万忠 王春燕 +1 位作者 于蕾艳 陈涛 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第1期98-104,共7页
The vehicle model of the recirculating ball-type electric power steering (EPS) system for the pure electric bus was built. According to the features of constrained optimization for multi-variable function, a multi-obj... The vehicle model of the recirculating ball-type electric power steering (EPS) system for the pure electric bus was built. According to the features of constrained optimization for multi-variable function, a multi-objective genetic algorithm (GA) was designed. Based on the model of system, the quantitative formula of the road feel, sensitivity, and operation stability of the steering were induced. Considering the road feel and sensitivity of steering as optimization objectives, and the operation stability of steering as constraint, the multi-objective GA was proposed and the system parameters were optimized. The simulation results show that the system optimized by multi-objective genetic algorithm has better road feel, steering sensibility and steering stability. The energy of steering road feel after optimization is 1.44 times larger than the one before optimization, and the energy of portability after optimization is 0.4 times larger than the one before optimization. The ground test was conducted in order to verify the feasibility of simulation results, and it is shown that the pure electric bus equipped with the recirculating ball-type EPS system can provide better road feel and better steering portability for the drivers, thus the optimization methods can provide a theoretical basis for the design and optimization of the recirculating ball-type EPS system. 展开更多
关键词 vehicle engineering electric power steering multi-objective optimization genetic algorithm
Wavelength dependent loss of splice of single-mode fibers 被引量:1
作者 YANG Bo DUAN Ji-an +1 位作者 XIE Zheng XIAO Hong-feng 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第7期1832-1837,共6页
After reviewing three different definitions of mode field diameter of single-mode fibers, coupled efficiency calculation methods associated with lateral offset, longitude separation and wavelength, the effects produce... After reviewing three different definitions of mode field diameter of single-mode fibers, coupled efficiency calculation methods associated with lateral offset, longitude separation and wavelength, the effects produced by them, and the influences of splicing defects were discussed in detail. The regularities of the effects were studied according to the first order derivation of couple efficiency formula, and a simplified formula for couple efficiency calculation was presented under the circumstance of slight misalignment, with respect to wavelength, 2, and in a good agreement with the theoretical model. The simplified formula provides a new but simple approach to evaluate wavelength dependent couple efficiency of single-mode fibers. Theoretical analyses and numerical calculations show that, when those defects exist, the wavelength produces additional effects on the couple loss that growth of wavelength causes an increase on the couple efficiency for the lateral offset or longitude separation whereas lessens the couple efficiency due to angular misalignment or mode fields mismatching, and that the wavelength degrades the couple efficiency distinctly when λ≥2.5 μm whereas it distorts the couple slightly in range of λ≤2λ≤2 μm. 展开更多
关键词 wavelength dependent loss couple efficiency single-mode fiber cut-offwavelength
Profit in Mass Media Industries: A Phenomenology of Contradiction Between Public Interest and Profit Orientation
作者 Marko Ivanisin Tina Tomazic 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第8期822-827,共6页
In this paper, the resaerchers analyze phenomenology of competitiveness in media communication market which is being observed as a theoretical, cultural, communicative, and social process of relationship of mass media... In this paper, the resaerchers analyze phenomenology of competitiveness in media communication market which is being observed as a theoretical, cultural, communicative, and social process of relationship of mass media industries and profit-oriented economy. The impact of globalization, government regulation, and technology has put attention to the importance of media not only as information and entertainment resources but also as economic units. The objective of economic units is to maximize profit; production costs must be lower than income from sales. Also, media must cover their costs and create returns to be able to develop respectively invest in new sources like employees, technology, marketing, etc.. In the article we will focus on economic problems which are specific for mass media, media industry, and media market. We define factors that significantly influence the reasoning behind profit orientation of institutions in public interest. 展开更多
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