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作者 李悦 王晓静 《神州》 2014年第15期235-235,共1页
以问卷为研究工具,调查了168名非英语专业学生英语听力中元认知策略的使用情况,并用SPSS软件对数据进行独立样本T检验,结果显示不同性别学习者在元认知策略的使用上存在显著性差异。据此对大学非英语专业学生的听力教学和策略指导训练... 以问卷为研究工具,调查了168名非英语专业学生英语听力中元认知策略的使用情况,并用SPSS软件对数据进行独立样本T检验,结果显示不同性别学习者在元认知策略的使用上存在显著性差异。据此对大学非英语专业学生的听力教学和策略指导训练提出几点建议。 展开更多
关键词 基于性别差异的非英语专业学生听力中元认知策略使用情况的对比研究
听神经瘤切除术中的听力监测技术 被引量:3
作者 熊芬 谢林怡 +1 位作者 兰兰 冀飞 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》 2022年第3期169-173,共5页
听神经瘤切除术中通过神经电生理技术来监测耳蜗神经传导的完整性,实时反映术中耳蜗神经功能,以减少潜在的耳蜗神经损伤,从而提高术后听功能保存率。听力监测在术中实时反映是否存在牵拉、缺血、热凝等造成的神经损害,是听神经瘤手术操... 听神经瘤切除术中通过神经电生理技术来监测耳蜗神经传导的完整性,实时反映术中耳蜗神经功能,以减少潜在的耳蜗神经损伤,从而提高术后听功能保存率。听力监测在术中实时反映是否存在牵拉、缺血、热凝等造成的神经损害,是听神经瘤手术操作中的关键环节,但也存在诸多问题。本文简要概述了目前听神经瘤术中常用的听力监测技术,汇总各自的优势与局限性。 展开更多
关键词 听力监测 诱发电位 耳蜗神经瘤
作者 汤景乾 梁圣彬 +1 位作者 李亚楠 荣莹 《中华临床医药杂志(北京)》 CAS 2003年第19期81-82,共2页
关键词 儿童 药物毒性听力损害 听觉诱发电位 研究 听力障碍
中耳手术术中听力监测和术后听力恢复相关性研究 被引量:2
作者 冯天赐 杨海弟 +3 位作者 郑亿庆 熊浩 陈越勃 黄夏茵 《听力学及言语疾病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期79-82,共4页
目的探讨中耳手术术中听力监测与患者术前气导纯音听阈及术后听力预估的相关性。方法 42例(42耳)中耳手术患者(男19例,女23例,年龄5~70岁,平均36.63±15.57岁),其中中耳胆脂瘤8例,耳硬化症3例,鼓室硬化4例,分泌性中耳炎17例,慢性... 目的探讨中耳手术术中听力监测与患者术前气导纯音听阈及术后听力预估的相关性。方法 42例(42耳)中耳手术患者(男19例,女23例,年龄5~70岁,平均36.63±15.57岁),其中中耳胆脂瘤8例,耳硬化症3例,鼓室硬化4例,分泌性中耳炎17例,慢性化脓性中耳炎10例;在全麻后,于手术前、手术结束即刻对所有患者进行声场Chirp声自动听性脑干反应(AABR)监测,所得阈值分别与患者术前气导纯音听阈和术后3个月纯音听阈比较。结果 42例(42耳)中,仅24例完成了术后3个月的纯音听阈检查,这24例(24耳)患者术前、术中手术结束即刻声场AABR监测阈值分别为58.75±9.70、39.38±12.80dB HL,术前500、1 000、2 000、4 000Hz纯音气导平均听阈分别为51.04±14.59、48.12±15.59、43.33±14.87、50.00±19.33dB HL,500~4 000Hz气导平均听阈(PTA)为48.13±13.79dB HL;术后3个月分别为34.38±18.20、32.70±18.47、33.75±15.12、40.63±16.44dB HL,,500~4 000Hz气导PTA为35.36±14.90dB HL差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。术前AABR反应阈与术前气导PTA具有相关性,术中手术结束即刻AABR反应阈与术后3个月500~4 000Hz气导PTA具有良好的相关性。结论中耳手术中声场Chirp声AABR监测能有效预估患者术后听力。 展开更多
关键词 听力监测 耳手术 自动听性脑干反应(AABR)
利用程序化听力自主学习中心的评价系统实现有效分级管理 被引量:1
作者 张琦 《科技风》 2010年第14期2-,共1页
关键词 程序自主听力学习 英语能力级别 分级管理
作者 鲍春荣 李巍 王赞 《International English Education Research》 2016年第2期59-61,共3页
In English language teaching, learning strategies are essential for improving students' learning efficiency as well as cultivate students' ability of self-regulated learning; and metacognitive strategy is of such st... In English language teaching, learning strategies are essential for improving students' learning efficiency as well as cultivate students' ability of self-regulated learning; and metacognitive strategy is of such strategies, which has attracted many language teachers' attention. However, not many research have focus on listening teaching on the level of senior high school in China's Mainland. This research is to fill in this gap with an introduction to listening strategies in metacognitive strategies and a sample of listening class design. 展开更多
关键词 Metacognitive strategies listening teaching ENGLISH senior high school
作者 鄢吉琼 《神州》 2014年第12期116-116,共1页
关键词 英语教学听力能力的培养路径
作者 刘洋 《西南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第11期252-253,共2页
"听"是获得语言的最重要渠道,学生的听力能力会影响到他们的综合能力。因此,教与学双方都对听力技能的发展与提高给予了高度的重视。文章针对高校英语听力教学中存在的问题,结合阳泉师专学生的特点和教学的实际情况,从听力进... "听"是获得语言的最重要渠道,学生的听力能力会影响到他们的综合能力。因此,教与学双方都对听力技能的发展与提高给予了高度的重视。文章针对高校英语听力教学中存在的问题,结合阳泉师专学生的特点和教学的实际情况,从听力进行前、听力进行中和听力完成后这三个阶段入手,分析了听力教学中影响学生听力技能发展与提高的诸多因素。 展开更多
关键词 英语听力技能 影响因素 听力 听力中 听力
听觉电生理监测技术在耳外科手术中的应用进展 被引量:1
作者 黄伟洛 刘玉和 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》 2022年第4期294-298,301,共6页
听觉电生理技术分别在中耳疾病听骨链重建术、人工耳蜗植入术、听神经瘤切除术、微血管减压术及其他各类后颅窝和侧颅底手术获得广泛的应用。涉及监测技术包括听性脑干反应(ABR)、耳蜗电图(ECochG)、听神经动作电位(cochlearnerve actio... 听觉电生理技术分别在中耳疾病听骨链重建术、人工耳蜗植入术、听神经瘤切除术、微血管减压术及其他各类后颅窝和侧颅底手术获得广泛的应用。涉及监测技术包括听性脑干反应(ABR)、耳蜗电图(ECochG)、听神经动作电位(cochlearnerve action potential,CNAP)、电诱发听觉脑干反应(EABR)以及听觉稳态反应(auditory steady state responses,ASSR),其中,ABR、EcochG和ASSR分别被应用到中耳手术和听神经瘤手术术中听功能监测,EABR技术被应用到人工耳蜗植入术和听觉脑干植入术(auditory brainstem implantation,ABI)评价耳蜗神经功能完整性,CNAP和EABR技术被应用到听神经瘤切除术耳蜗神经损伤及功能完整性评价。这些监测技术针对不同手术各有不同敏感性和价值,本文就以上技术的基本概念、应用价值和进展等进行综述。 展开更多
关键词 耳显微外科 耳神经外科 听力监测 听觉电生理
作者 朱永贤 蒋华 +1 位作者 马文霞 韩世洋 《井冈山医专学报》 2002年第4期7-8,共2页
目的了解畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)在监测中毒性耳聋(化疗药物)方面的应用价值。方法检测80例(144耳)肿瘤化疗病人DPOAE的幅值和引出率。结果肿瘤病人DPOAE的幅值和引出率均较对照组明显下降,随着疗程的增加,DPOAE的引出率逐渐下降;纯音... 目的了解畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)在监测中毒性耳聋(化疗药物)方面的应用价值。方法检测80例(144耳)肿瘤化疗病人DPOAE的幅值和引出率。结果肿瘤病人DPOAE的幅值和引出率均较对照组明显下降,随着疗程的增加,DPOAE的引出率逐渐下降;纯音听阈值正常的肿瘤化疗病人与正常人相比,DPOAE的幅值及引出率亦明显降低。结论DPOAE能较好地反映肿瘤化疗病人的耳蜗功能情况,且较纯音测听更敏感、客观。 展开更多
关键词 畸变产物耳声发射 检测 毒性听力损失 纯音听阈 化疗药物
Learner-centeredness in the Teaching of Listening Comprehension
作者 李燕敏 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第4期23-26,共4页
In the teaching of listening comprehension, teachers should be guided by a learner-centered philosophy. Decisions about what will be taught, how it will be taught, when it will be taught, and how it will be assessed w... In the teaching of listening comprehension, teachers should be guided by a learner-centered philosophy. Decisions about what will be taught, how it will be taught, when it will be taught, and how it will be assessed will be made with reference to the learner. With the assistance and guidance of the teacher, learners will develop the ability of learning and therefore enhance their listening comprehension. 展开更多
关键词 listening comprehension TEACHING leamer-centeredness
实现程序化听力学习中心的有效分级管理 被引量:1
作者 张琦 《浙江树人大学学报(自然科学版)》 2011年第1期52-56,共5页
自主学习中心(self-access centers)的建立,是为了培养学习者的学习自主性和提供更好的学习条件.但在自主学习中心使用和发展的过程中,学习者个体差异的显著性和自主学习能力的差异性,产生了"各层次学习者是否都适合自主学习?"... 自主学习中心(self-access centers)的建立,是为了培养学习者的学习自主性和提供更好的学习条件.但在自主学习中心使用和发展的过程中,学习者个体差异的显著性和自主学习能力的差异性,产生了"各层次学习者是否都适合自主学习?"和"自主学习能力强的同学在自主学习时是否需要教师的管理?"等诸多疑问.该文通过研究不同级别学习者在程序化学习中心(programmed learning center)进行自主听力学习过程中学习时间、学习量、学习质等反映自主学习能力的变量,寻找不同语言能力学习者的自主学习变化规律,总结出可促进自主学习效果的易操作和有效的管理方式. 展开更多
关键词 程序化自主听力学习 英语能力级别 分级管理
Effects of the Pre-Task Planning Mode on the Listening Comprehension of Chinese EFL Learners
作者 DING Xiao-lei Songphorn Taj aroensuk 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第6期1197-1203,共7页
This study aims at investigating the effects of the pre-task planning mode on listening comprehension of Chinese EFL (English as a foreign language) learners as well as students' opinions towards the pre-task plann... This study aims at investigating the effects of the pre-task planning mode on listening comprehension of Chinese EFL (English as a foreign language) learners as well as students' opinions towards the pre-task planning mode Three step~., namely, concept mapping, strategic planning, as well as rehearsal, are employed in the pre-task planning mode in the present study. There are altogether 40 second-year English majors participated in the present study, and they are randomly assigned into the experimental group and the control group. The instruments employed in the present study to achieve the research purposes include the listening comprehension test, the teacher's log, the students' opinion questionnaires, the students' open-ended questionnaires, and the semi-structured interviews. Research findings revealed that there were significant main effects on the listening comprehen,;ion of Chinese EFL learners after the training by the pre-task planning mode. Moreover, the students held positive attitudes towards the pre-task planning mode 展开更多
关键词 pre-task planning mode concept mapping strategic planning REHEARSAL listening comprehension
The Strategies on the Chinese College Student's English Listening and Speaking Ability Based on MOOC
作者 WANG Bing 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2017年第2期71-75,共5页
English is now, as a universal language, the main tool for communication among people all over the world. The English listening and speaking ability is the key to it. But the status-quo of Chinese student's English l... English is now, as a universal language, the main tool for communication among people all over the world. The English listening and speaking ability is the key to it. But the status-quo of Chinese student's English listening and speaking ability is disappointing. This paper tries to analyze the necessity of improving their English listening and speaking ability and put forward some strategies on it based on MOOC which includes teaching online and teaching offline. 展开更多
关键词 STRATEGIES Chinese college student English listening and speaking MOOC
The Effects of Web-Based Listening Strategy Training on Thai High School EFL Students' Listening Comprehension
作者 Wachirapom Kijpoonphol Pannathon Saengarun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第10期761-771,共11页
This study investigated the effects of a CLSTS (Computer-Assisted Listening Strategy Training Software) program on the development of students' ability to use four target listening strategies to enhance their liste... This study investigated the effects of a CLSTS (Computer-Assisted Listening Strategy Training Software) program on the development of students' ability to use four target listening strategies to enhance their listening comprehension. This study covered an experimental group and a control group. The participants were Grade 10 Thai EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students in a Thai high school in Bangkok, Thailand. Experimental group performance was compared to that of a control group on the five research instruments. Regarding the effect of the CLSTS on the students' ability to use the target listening strategies to enhance their listening comprehension, it was found that the CLSTS was significantly effective. The results that made CLSTS effective were categorized into six main aspects. 展开更多
关键词 web-based listening strategy training listening strategies listening comprehension
作者 马琴 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)医药卫生》 2020年第12期47-48,共2页
目的分析耳后注射甲强龙在中高频听力下降型突发性聋治疗中的疗效。方法:此次共将100例中高频听力下降型突发性聋患者列入研究中,研究开始时间2015年12月,结束时间2020年10月。随机分为研究组、对照组,每组50例。两组患者在治疗14d后无... 目的分析耳后注射甲强龙在中高频听力下降型突发性聋治疗中的疗效。方法:此次共将100例中高频听力下降型突发性聋患者列入研究中,研究开始时间2015年12月,结束时间2020年10月。随机分为研究组、对照组,每组50例。两组患者在治疗14d后无效并出现中高频听力下降型突发性聋,对照组坚持普通治疗,研究组实施耳后注射甲强龙。分析不同治疗方式治疗效果、3周、4周后不同频率听力情况、并发症。结果:研究组治疗效果优于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗3周、4周后,研究组2000Hz、4000Hz、8000Hz频率听力提高值均高于对照组(P<0.05)。研究组愈合不良、感染、坏死等并发症发生率低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:耳后治疗更有利于提高高频听力下降型突发性聋疗效,改善听阈,患者无明显不良反应,治疗方法安全。 展开更多
关键词 耳后注射 甲强龙 高频听力下降型突发性聋 疗效 并发症
Creating a Low-Anxiety Classroom by Mediational Artefacts: A Comparison Through Materialization and Verbalization
作者 Morvarid Lavasani Parviz Birjandi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第11期811-815,共5页
One of the challenges in foreign language teaching, specifically teaching listening skill, is to create a low-anxiety classroom environment, since many learners believe listening induces anxiety. This study compares l... One of the challenges in foreign language teaching, specifically teaching listening skill, is to create a low-anxiety classroom environment, since many learners believe listening induces anxiety. This study compares learners' anxiety in two different classrooms in which learners were instructed by two forms of artifacts: materializing and verbalizing. The Foreign Language Listening Anxiety Scale (FLLAS) scores before and after a 13-week experimental treatment course were used to compare learners' anxiety before and after receiving intervention by two means. In this study, the lower score of anxiety was for the group which did verbalization practice in the class; however, both groups showed the same performance on listening test. 展开更多
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