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带侧面进水旋转滤网的泵房吸水室长度优化研究 被引量:2
作者 杨涛 胡良明 +3 位作者 李继承 郭永鑫 郭新蕾 王涛 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2021年第6期85-88,共4页
在保证水泵良好进流条件的前提下,对泵房流道吸水室长度进行优化是电厂优化设计的重要内容。某泵房流道采用"外进内出"型侧面进水旋转滤网的布置形式,为验证其吸水室长度优化的可行性,开展系统的物理模型试验,提出在吸水室进... 在保证水泵良好进流条件的前提下,对泵房流道吸水室长度进行优化是电厂优化设计的重要内容。某泵房流道采用"外进内出"型侧面进水旋转滤网的布置形式,为验证其吸水室长度优化的可行性,开展系统的物理模型试验,提出在吸水室进口处布设三角形扩散导墙+圆柱形均流扩散墩+防涡胸墙的成套整流防涡措施和关键技术参数,将吸水室长度由现行规范建议的7.5 D(D为吸水喇叭口直径)缩短为6.0D,以节省大量工程土建投资。试验结果表明,提出的吸水室成套整流防涡技术可供类似工程参考。 展开更多
关键词 泵房流道 侧面进旋转滤网 模型试验 力性能 室长
5种中药饮片在细粉、水丸之间吸水率和吸水膨胀度的传递性 被引量:13
作者 陈天朝 李瑞颖 +3 位作者 于兰兰 胡玉青 常倩倩 马彦江 《中医研究》 2018年第5期66-70,共5页
目的:探究中药物性参数吸水率和吸水膨胀度在山药、茯苓、升麻、僵蚕、火麻仁中药饮片、细粉及水丸间的传递性。方法:按照相应设计比例,山药、茯苓、升麻、僵蚕、火麻仁5种中药饮片粉碎成细粉,泛制法制丸,按《中国药典》2015版四部通则2... 目的:探究中药物性参数吸水率和吸水膨胀度在山药、茯苓、升麻、僵蚕、火麻仁中药饮片、细粉及水丸间的传递性。方法:按照相应设计比例,山药、茯苓、升麻、僵蚕、火麻仁5种中药饮片粉碎成细粉,泛制法制丸,按《中国药典》2015版四部通则2101项下方法测定并计算饮片、细粉和丸剂的吸水率和吸水膨胀度,运用Excel及SPSS 20.0进行归一化处理和相关性分析检验。结果:对山药、茯苓、升麻、僵蚕、火麻仁5种中药的饮片、细粉和丸剂状态的吸水率和吸水膨胀度进行线性回归和相关性分析,相关系数r值均大于临界值,P<0.01。结论:山药、茯苓、升麻、僵蚕、火麻仁5种中药在饮片—细粉—丸剂3种中药物料状态之间吸水率和吸水膨胀度等物性参数存在传递性。 展开更多
关键词 药辅统一 饮片 细粉 膨胀 相关性
陶瓷砖真空法吸水率关键影响因素 被引量:1
作者 张幸志 《科技资讯》 2019年第7期67-68,共2页
关键词 仪器 方法 率真空
对保水缓释肥保水保肥性能的室内测试 被引量:2
作者 李成学 郭建芳 +4 位作者 程刚 王曰鑫 王吉秀 谢春琼 王晶 《山西农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2010年第3期258-262,共5页
通过对保水肥在不同介质中的溶胀度、吸水度及保水剂在不同肥料溶液中对肥料吸持性能的测定,研究了不同介质对保水肥吸水性能的影响及不同肥料溶液对保水剂的保肥性能的影响,结果表明,不同浓度的肥料溶液,均能影响保水肥的吸水性能,在... 通过对保水肥在不同介质中的溶胀度、吸水度及保水剂在不同肥料溶液中对肥料吸持性能的测定,研究了不同介质对保水肥吸水性能的影响及不同肥料溶液对保水剂的保肥性能的影响,结果表明,不同浓度的肥料溶液,均能影响保水肥的吸水性能,在磷酸二铵溶液浓度为0.2%时,溶胀度为43.71 mL.g-1,在浓度为0.3%时,就下降到了28.98 mL.g-1,而尿素溶液中的变化比较缓和,0.2%的硫酸钾溶液有利于保水剂吸水性能的发挥;保水肥在吸水溶胀的同时,也吸持溶解在水中的肥料离子,吸持量的大小因肥料种类不同而不同,当肥料溶液浓度为0.3%时,保水剂对肥料的吸持量均有所下降。 展开更多
关键词 溶胀 吸水度 持率
交联糊精微球的合成及其性质考察 被引量:3
作者 陈东 李镇 +2 位作者 杨希琴 陈黎赟 丁平田 《沈阳药科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期98-103,共6页
目的评价交联糊精微球可否作为吸收伤口渗出物的给药载体。方法用反相悬浮交联法制备微球,考察乳化及交联过程中单因素的影响,确定反应条件;通过红外光谱分析、激光衍射粒度分析、差示扫描量热分析、热重分析等手段研究微球的结构及... 目的评价交联糊精微球可否作为吸收伤口渗出物的给药载体。方法用反相悬浮交联法制备微球,考察乳化及交联过程中单因素的影响,确定反应条件;通过红外光谱分析、激光衍射粒度分析、差示扫描量热分析、热重分析等手段研究微球的结构及外观;通过对比的方法考察乙醇的体积分数、NaCl的质量浓度、pH值对微球吸水度的影响。结果油水质量比为34.4:40.0、乳化剂用量为10g、搅拌速度为600r·min^-1、乳化30min后,加入交联剂,65℃下交联2.0h可以获得100μm左右、粒径分布窄、形状圆整的微球;红外光谱和热分析证明,糊精在交联后结构和性质发生很大变化,大量羟基的存在使产物仍具有强亲水性,交联后生成的三维网状结构使其吸水后可以溶胀并保持一定的形态;交联糊精微球的吸水度随着乙醇体积分数的增加而显著降低,NaCl质量浓度在4~18g·L^-1内、pH值在1~13内吸水度变化不大。结论制备的交联糊精微球可以作为给药载体,用于有渗出物伤口的治疗。 展开更多
关键词 反相悬浮法 交联 微球 吸水度
婴幼儿营养米粉量化冲调方法的研究 被引量:3
作者 孙忠伟 李春杰 +1 位作者 邵景海 王占东 《中国食品工业》 2008年第7期62-64,共3页
关键词 婴幼儿营养米粉 冲调 量化 吸水度
Study on Enhancement of PCBs Desorption in Soil by Surfactants 被引量:11
作者 黄卫红 李勇 杨岚钦 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第1期73-76,共4页
[Objective]The aim of this paper was to provide theoretical basis for study on enhancement of surfactants to desorption of PCBs from soil. [Method]The desorption effects of surfactants SDBs,Tween 80,HTAB on PCBs were ... [Objective]The aim of this paper was to provide theoretical basis for study on enhancement of surfactants to desorption of PCBs from soil. [Method]The desorption effects of surfactants SDBs,Tween 80,HTAB on PCBs were studied as well as their distribution in water and soil. Effects of rationing on desorption of PCBs were also analyzed. [Result]The potential of single surfactant to enhance the desorption of PCBs from soil in order was Tween 80 SDBS HTAB. Three surfactants were largely adsorbed on soil and the sorption followed HTABTween 80SDBS. The desorption of PCBs increased significantly and linearly with the increase of aqueous micelle concentration of surfactants. [Conclusion]Enhancing effect of three surfactants on PCBs desorption were obtained,which will provide theoretical basis for further analyzing. 展开更多
关键词 SURFACTANT PCBS DESORPTION Aqueous micelle concentration
Density functional theory study on natural hydrophobicity of sulfide surfaces 被引量:6
作者 赵翠华 陈建华 +1 位作者 吴伯增 龙贤灏 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第2期491-498,共8页
Adsorption of water on sulfide surfaces and natural floatability of sulfide minerals were studied using density functional theory (DFT) method. All computational models were built in a vacuum environment to eliminat... Adsorption of water on sulfide surfaces and natural floatability of sulfide minerals were studied using density functional theory (DFT) method. All computational models were built in a vacuum environment to eliminate the effects of oxygen and other factors. H2O molecule prefers to stay with pyrite and sphalerite surfaces rather than water, whereas for galena, chalcocite, stibnite, and molybdenite, H2O molecule prefers to stay with water rather than the mineral surfaces. On the other hand, pyrite surface favors N2 more than water, while sphalerite surface cannot adsorb N2. These results show that galena, stibnite, chalcocite, and molybdenite are hydrophobic, while sphalerite is hydrophilic. Although pyrite has certain hydrophilicity, it tends to be aerophilic because the reaction of pyrite with H2O is weaker than pyrite with N2. Thus, pyrite, galena, chalcocite, stibnite and molybdenite all have natural floatability. 展开更多
关键词 sulfide minerals water adsorption natural floatability density functional theory
Experimental measurements of short-term adsorption of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans onto chalcopyrite 被引量:5
作者 王兆慧 谢学辉 柳建设 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第2期442-446,共5页
The influencing factors in adsorption such as adsorption time, pulp concentration, bacterial concentration, pH as well as ionic strength were investigated to explore the relationship among them and bacterial adsorptio... The influencing factors in adsorption such as adsorption time, pulp concentration, bacterial concentration, pH as well as ionic strength were investigated to explore the relationship among them and bacterial adsorption. The adsorption was a rapid process for bacterial adhesion to chalcopyrite. The extent of adsorption increased with increasing initial bacterial concentration and pulp concentration. The optimal pH for Acidithiobacillusferrooxidans adsorption onto chalcopyrite surfaces was in the range of pH 1-3. The increase of ionic strength led to decrease in bacterial adsorption, which can be well explained by electric double layer theory. The adsorption behavior appeared to be controlled by both hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions at the interface of bacteria and mineral, 展开更多
关键词 bacterial adsorption CHALCOPYRITE ionic strength HYDROPHOBICITY Acidithiobacillusferrooxidans
Seasonal changes of soil respiration in Betula platyphylla forest in Changbai Mountain, China 被引量:2
作者 刘颖 韩士杰 林鹿 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期367-371,I0007,共6页
A stdudy was conducted to determine the seasonal changes of soil respiration and the contribution of root respiration to soil respiration in Betula plaophylla forest in Changbai Mountain from May to September in 2004.... A stdudy was conducted to determine the seasonal changes of soil respiration and the contribution of root respiration to soil respiration in Betula plaophylla forest in Changbai Mountain from May to September in 2004. Results indicated that the total soil respiration, root-severed soil respiration and the root respiration followed a similar seasonal trend, with a high rate in summer due to wet and high temperature and a low rate in spring and autumn due to lower temperature. The mean rates of total soil respiration, root-severed soil respiration and root respiration were 4.44, 2.30 and 2.14 μmol.m^-2.s^-1, respectively during the growing season, and they were all exponentially correlated with temperature. Soil respiration rate had a linear correlation with soil volumetric moisture. The Q10 values for total soil respiration, root-severed soil respiration and root respiration were 2,82, 2.59 and 3. 16, respectively. The contribution rate of root respiration to the total soil respiration was between 29.3% and 58.7% during the growing season, indicating that root is a major component of soil respiration. The annual mean rates of total soil respiration, root-severed soil respiration and root respiration were 1.96, 1.08, and 0.87 μmol.m^-2.s^-1, or 741.73 408.71, and 329.24 g.m^-2.a^-1, respectively. Root respiration contributed 44.4% to the annual total soil respiration. The relationship proposed for soil respiration with soil lemperature was useful for understanding and predicting potential changes in Changbai Mountain B. platyphylla forest ecosystem in response to forest management and climate change. 展开更多
关键词 root respiration seasonal variations soil respiration soil temperature soil water content
Determination the Vigor of Rice Seed with Different Degrees of Aging with Ultraweak Chemiluminescence During Early Imbibition 被引量:12
作者 陈文利 邢达 何永红 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第11期1376-1379,共4页
用高灵敏度的单光子计数系统探测人工老化 (40℃ ,相对湿度 90 % ) 0、7、14和 2 1d的水稻种子吸胀初期的超弱化学发光强度变化 ,首次观测到水稻 (OryzasativaL .)种子吸胀初期超弱化学发光强度与其老化程度有关。加水激活水稻种子的超... 用高灵敏度的单光子计数系统探测人工老化 (40℃ ,相对湿度 90 % ) 0、7、14和 2 1d的水稻种子吸胀初期的超弱化学发光强度变化 ,首次观测到水稻 (OryzasativaL .)种子吸胀初期超弱化学发光强度与其老化程度有关。加水激活水稻种子的超弱化学发光 ,其强度依赖于种子的老化程度。实验结果表明水稻种子的人工老化时间越短 ,则吸胀初期 (2 0~ 30min)超弱化学发光的强度越强 ,萌发率越高。水稻种子萌发率与超弱化学发光强度呈显著正相关。观测水稻种子吸胀初期超弱化学发光强度的变化可望成为检测种子老化程度的一种快速、简便、无损伤的新方法。 展开更多
关键词 rice seeds ultraweak chemiluminescence early imbibition accelerated aging
作者 孟婷婷 郭盛 唐汇军 《中华纸业》 CAS 2021年第14期27-30,共4页
关键词 烟花爆竹瓦楞纸箱 防潮性能 快速测定法 吸水度测定法 可勃法
《中外轻工科技》 1997年第6期45-45,共1页
关键词 生活用纸 柔软 吸水度 卷筒卫生纸 舒适感觉 能力 基重 质量差异 超柔软 表面纤维
作者 王锦顺 《技术与市场》 2004年第07M期14-14,共1页
关键词 显像管玻屏 抛光轮 制造工艺 聚乙烯醇缩丁醛 吸水度
Comparison of Soil Respiration in Two Grass-Dominated Communitiesin the Xil in River Basin: Correlations and Controls 被引量:5
作者 张焱 李凌浩 +5 位作者 王艳芬 唐芳 陈全胜 杨晶 袁志友 董云社 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第9期1024-1029,共6页
A comparative study of soil respiration was conducted between in a semi-arid steppe community and in a wet meadow community in the Xilin River Basin of Nei Mongol. The seasonal pattern, the climatic controls, and the ... A comparative study of soil respiration was conducted between in a semi-arid steppe community and in a wet meadow community in the Xilin River Basin of Nei Mongol. The seasonal pattern, the climatic controls, and the correlations of soil respiration with plant biomass components, were examined for each community. The main results are reported as follows: (1) The seasonal changes in soil respiration in the two communities had similar dynamic patterns (both being of two peaks), ranging from 312.8 to 1738.9 mg C(.)m(-2).s(-1) and from 354.6 to 2235.6 Mg C.m(-2).s(-1) in the growing season for the steppe plot and the meadow plot respectively. The soil respiration rate of the meadow plot was distinctly higher than that of the steppe plot, with the daily averages being 1349.6 mg C-m(-2).s(-1) and 785.9 mg C-m(-2).s(-1) respectively. (2) The correlation between soil respiration rate and soil moisture was much more significant than with temperature for the steppe community, and being on the contrary for the meadow community, reflecting the different effects of the two climatic factors in different habitats. Based on these regressive relations, the total CO2 efflux rate in the growing season in 2001 was estimated as 142.4 g C/m(2) in the steppe plot, and 236.1 g C/m(2) in the meadow plot. (3) There was no evident relation between the total canopy biomass and CO2 evolution rate, but a significant power function relation between the live canopy biomass and CO2 evolution rate in the meadow plot was detected. In the steppe plot, there existed only a weak relation between soil respiration and either live or total canopy biomass. 展开更多
关键词 soil respiration temperature soil moisture canopy biomass STEPPE MEADOW
山药不同炮制品丸剂物性参数及成分含量间相关性研究 被引量:4
作者 陈天朝 李沁 +4 位作者 姚超 耿梦丽 常倩倩 于兰兰 马彦江 《中医研究》 2020年第7期57-60,共4页
目的:探讨山药不同炮制品丸剂对物性参数(吸水膨胀度、相对密度、pH值、过氧化值)及主要成分(淀粉)、指标成分(薯蓣皂苷、尿囊素)动态传递的影响。方法:通过均匀设计优选山药不同炮制品丸剂的制备工艺,测定相关物性参数;采用紫外-可见... 目的:探讨山药不同炮制品丸剂对物性参数(吸水膨胀度、相对密度、pH值、过氧化值)及主要成分(淀粉)、指标成分(薯蓣皂苷、尿囊素)动态传递的影响。方法:通过均匀设计优选山药不同炮制品丸剂的制备工艺,测定相关物性参数;采用紫外-可见分光光度法测定薯蓣皂苷含量,采用高效液相色谱法测定尿囊素含量;运用SPSS 24.0软件对山药丸剂物性参数与主要成分、指标成分含量进行相关性分析。结果:山药生品到山药炒黄丸剂的pH值、相对密度、过氧化值显著增加,总淀粉、尿囊素含量减少,薯蓣皂苷含量增加,同时也伴随着新的化合物产生。结论:山药不同炮制品丸剂物性参数与指标成分、主要成分间存在一定相互影响;物性参数与指标成分尿囊素含量间存在显著负相关,与薯蓣皂苷含量存在显著负相关;尿囊素的减少可能产生新的化合物。 展开更多
关键词 山药炮制品 丸剂 膨胀 相对密 pH值 过氧化值 淀粉含量 薯蓣皂苷含量 尿囊素含量 相关性
Boron removal from brine by XSC-700 被引量:1
作者 肖湘 陈白珍 +1 位作者 石西昌 陈亚 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第10期2768-2773,共6页
Brine,which is used to produce high-purity magnesia,was purified by XSC-700 to remove boron.Boron adsorption capacity of XSC-700 was investigated by varying the initial boron concentration,temperature,resin/brine rati... Brine,which is used to produce high-purity magnesia,was purified by XSC-700 to remove boron.Boron adsorption capacity of XSC-700 was investigated by varying the initial boron concentration,temperature,resin/brine ratio and stirring speed,while keeping the diameter at constant.The results show that boron adsorption capacity increases with increasing boron concentration,temperature,and decreases with increasing resin/brine ratio.And the stirring speed could slightly affect the boron adsorption capacity.The adsorption kinetics obeys the pseudo-second-order model.Equilibrium data were both examined by Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm equations and it can be well represented by the Freundlich isotherm equation. 展开更多
关键词 boron removal BRINE ADSORPTION ion exchange XSC-700 resin KINETICS isotherms
Determining oxygen consumption rate and asphyxiation point in Chanodichthys mongolicus using an improved respirometer chamber 被引量:2
作者 耿龙武 姜海峰 +1 位作者 佟广香 徐伟 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第2期294-302,共9页
Knowledge of oxygen consumption rates and asphyxiation points in fish is important to determine appropriate stocking and water quality management in aquaculture. The oxygen consumption rate and asphyxiation point in C... Knowledge of oxygen consumption rates and asphyxiation points in fish is important to determine appropriate stocking and water quality management in aquaculture. The oxygen consumption rate and asphyxiation point in Chanodichthys mongolicus were detected under laboratory conditions using an improved respirometer chamber. The results revealed that more accurate estimates can be obtained by adjusting the volume of the respirometer chamber, which may avoid system errors caused by either repeatedly adjusting fish density or selecting different equipment specifications. The oxygen consumption rate and asphyxiation point of C. mongolicus increased with increasing water temperature and decreasing fish size. Changes in the C. mongolicus oxygen consumption rate were divided into three stages at water temperatures of 11-33~C: (I) a low temperature oxygen consumption rate stage when water temperature was 11-19~C, (2) the optimum temperature oxygen consumption rate stage when water temperature was 19-23~C, and (3) a high temperature oxygen consumption rate stage when water temperature was 〉27~C. The temperature quotients (Q10) obtained suggested that C. mongolicus preferred a temperature range of 19-23~C. At 19~C, C. mongolicus exhibited higher oxygen consumption rates during the day when the maximum values were observed at 10:00 and 14:00 than at night when the minimum occurred at 02:00. 展开更多
关键词 Chanodichthys mongolicus respirometer chamber oxygen consumption rate asphyxiation point
Condensation of Water Vapor on Waterproof Breathable Fabrics
作者 周小红 王善元 袁观洛 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第2期18-21,共4页
Condensation occurs when the local vapor pressure rises above the saturation vapor pressure at the local temperature in theory. A new measuring apparatus were made to obtain temperature and relative humidity simultane... Condensation occurs when the local vapor pressure rises above the saturation vapor pressure at the local temperature in theory. A new measuring apparatus were made to obtain temperature and relative humidity simultaneously for the purpose of investigating the mechanism of condensation occurred on the fabrics. The experiment conducted at the standard condition of temperature of 20℃ and relative humidity of 65%. The result obtained from experiment showed that condensation could occur under the situation closed to saturation line as the temperature on fabric may be lower than dew point of water vapor in the measuring box depending on the experiment conducted at an ambient environment temperature of 20℃ The range of fabrics studied showed that PTFE laminated fabrics except nylon gingham PTFE laminated fabric facilitates the loss of water vapor and therefore prevent condensation. It is necessary to develop studies from a wide range of fabrics, especially breathable fabrics and under bad experiment condition in order to develop fabrics, which could eliminate condensation, or transport water vapor through the fabric while remaining waterproof. 展开更多
关键词 CONDENSATION waterproof breathable fabrics SATURATION
Effects of different conditions on Pb^(2+) adsorption from soil by irrigation of sewage in South China 被引量:2
作者 HUANG Guan-xing ZHANG Ying +3 位作者 SUN Ji-chao JING Ji-hong LIU Jing-tao WANG Ying 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第1期213-221,共9页
Pb2+ adsorption onto a soil by irrigation of sewage in the Pearl River Delta of South China was examined as a function of the reaction time, solution pH, initial lead concentration, organic matter (humic acid) and ... Pb2+ adsorption onto a soil by irrigation of sewage in the Pearl River Delta of South China was examined as a function of the reaction time, solution pH, initial lead concentration, organic matter (humic acid) and competitive ions (Cu2+). The adsorption of Pb2+ onto the soil was investigated on batch equilibrium adsorption experiments. Results show that the Pb2+ adsorption on the soil is relatively rapid in the first 30 min and reaches equilibrium at 2 h, and the kinetics of the adsorption process on the soil is well characterized by the pseudo-second order reaction rate. Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin isothermal models are fit for the adsorption of Pb2+ onto the soil, and the maximum amount of Pb2+ adsorption (Qm) is 7.47 mg/g. The amount of Pb2+ adsorption increases with increasing the pH at the range of 1.2-4.5 and reaches a plateau at the range of 4.5-12. The presence of humic acid in soil decreases the adsorption of Pb2+ onto the soil at solution pH of 8 since the negatively charged humic acid with Pb2+ is difficult to be adsorbed on the negatively charged soil surface. The adsorption of Pb2+ onto the soil also decreases in the presence of Cu2+ due to file competition adsorption between Pb2+ and Cu2+. 展开更多
关键词 ADSORPTION pb2+ SOIL pH humic acid
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