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作者 王月岭 孔云红 刘英 《专用汽车》 2015年第4期85-87,91,共4页
针对环卫车辆的吸污车和管网疏通车对较深的下水道清理和疏通作业时要求吸程深、吸污量大,作业困难的问题,设计了一种新型自动调节吸深增程装置。该装置可通过自动调节进气孔配合状态,调节进气量大小,适当减小被抽吸污物的密度,增加抽... 针对环卫车辆的吸污车和管网疏通车对较深的下水道清理和疏通作业时要求吸程深、吸污量大,作业困难的问题,设计了一种新型自动调节吸深增程装置。该装置可通过自动调节进气孔配合状态,调节进气量大小,适当减小被抽吸污物的密度,增加抽吸污泥的速度,达到吸深增程目的,提高了对深井下水道污泥的抽吸速度,大大提高了吸污效果和作业效率。 展开更多
关键词 下水道 清理 疏通 吸深增程 设计
机械通气患者不同吸引压力、不同深度吸痰效果的研究 被引量:6
作者 李俭欢 江丽嫦 《临床医学工程》 2017年第7期1015-1016,共2页
目的观察机械通气患者不同吸引压力、不同深度的吸痰效果。方法选取我院2016年1月至2017年1月收治的96例机械通气患者,随机分为A组、B组和C组,吸引压力分别为-20 KPa、-30 KPa和-40 KPa,再随机将各组患者分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ两个亚组,分别采用浅... 目的观察机械通气患者不同吸引压力、不同深度的吸痰效果。方法选取我院2016年1月至2017年1月收治的96例机械通气患者,随机分为A组、B组和C组,吸引压力分别为-20 KPa、-30 KPa和-40 KPa,再随机将各组患者分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ两个亚组,分别采用浅吸痰和改良式深吸痰。结果各组的Ⅱ亚组吸痰后5 min的生命体征(HR、RR、VT、SpO2、PAP、SBP)均优于Ⅰ亚组(P<0.05)。B组的吸痰效果评分高于A组和C组(P<0.05),吸痰不良事件发生率低于A组和C组(P<0.05)。结论在-30 KPa的吸引压力下,应用改良式深吸痰方法对机械通气患者进行吸痰,对患者生命体征的影响较小,吸痰不良事件发生率较低,吸痰效果确切。 展开更多
关键词 机械通气 引压力 痰效果 不良事件
作者 沈玉光 石珍亮 +4 位作者 徐医军 韩洪利 卢喜科 孙大强 张逊 《天津医药》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第2期163-164,共2页
目的:探讨深吸试验在膈膨出手术治疗效果预测方面的价值。方法:16例膈膨出患者根据深吸试验结果分为2组,深吸气时患侧膈肌出现矛盾运动的10例为阳性组,未出现者6例为阴性组。行膈肌折叠术治疗,手术前后分别对患者呼吸困难指数、动脉血... 目的:探讨深吸试验在膈膨出手术治疗效果预测方面的价值。方法:16例膈膨出患者根据深吸试验结果分为2组,深吸气时患侧膈肌出现矛盾运动的10例为阳性组,未出现者6例为阴性组。行膈肌折叠术治疗,手术前后分别对患者呼吸困难指数、动脉血氧分压、肺活量和第1秒用力呼气容积(FEV1)进行检测,进一步比较2组手术治疗效果。结果:阳性组手术后各指标较治疗前明显改善(P<0.01),阴性组中除动脉血氧分压手术后较术前改善外,其他指标未见明显改善。结论:深吸试验对于膈肌折叠术手术效果有很大的预测价值及重要的临床意义。 展开更多
关键词 膈膨出 胸外科手术 诊断 治疗 试验
作者 程瑞新 丁永红 +2 位作者 张善生 丁乃时 龚志刚 《现代医用影像学》 2002年第2期73-73,共1页
关键词 螺旋CT 呼气末 右肺动脉直径 测量 比较
独一味外敷神阙穴配合深吸静息放松训练治疗原发性痛经效果观察 被引量:2
作者 赵丽洁 《中国实用医药》 2007年第32期206-207,共2页
目的观察中药外敷配合深吸静息放松训练对原发性痛经的治疗效果。方法对78例原发性神经病患者采用藏药独一味片剂研碎过筛成细末,加冰片少许(研为细末),用75%的乙醇调成糊状脐部外敷,同时配合深吸静息放松训练。并由专人按目测疼痛分数... 目的观察中药外敷配合深吸静息放松训练对原发性痛经的治疗效果。方法对78例原发性神经病患者采用藏药独一味片剂研碎过筛成细末,加冰片少许(研为细末),用75%的乙醇调成糊状脐部外敷,同时配合深吸静息放松训练。并由专人按目测疼痛分数尺对其治疗前后的疼痛程度进行评定。结果与治疗前比较疗效明显,治疗3~10次后疼痛缓解率明显优于治疗2次的效果(P<0.01)。结论中药外敷配合深吸静息放松训练是治疗原发性痛经的有效方法。 展开更多
关键词 中药外敷 神阙穴 独一味 静息放松训练 原发性痛经
行为改变联合深吸静息训练对癌痛患者生活质量及依从性的影响 被引量:2
作者 彭丹丹 周娟 +1 位作者 史阳湘 程洁 《中华保健医学杂志》 2022年第6期492-494,共3页
目的探讨行为改变联合深吸静息训练对癌痛患者生活质量及依从性的影响。方法选取2020年11月~2021年11月在解放军南部战区总医院住院的106例晚期恶性肿瘤癌痛患者纳入研究对象,按随机数表法分为观察组与对照组,各53例。对照组患者给予常... 目的探讨行为改变联合深吸静息训练对癌痛患者生活质量及依从性的影响。方法选取2020年11月~2021年11月在解放军南部战区总医院住院的106例晚期恶性肿瘤癌痛患者纳入研究对象,按随机数表法分为观察组与对照组,各53例。对照组患者给予常规癌痛三阶梯止痛治疗,观察组患者在对照组基础上给予行为改变联合深吸静息训练干预。比较两组患者的治疗依从性、生活质量及干预前后的疼痛评分、疼痛持续时间、抑郁自评量表(SDS)评分、焦虑自评量表(SAS)评分。结果观察组治疗依从性显著优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组干预后各项生活质量评分均显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组干预后疼痛评分、疼痛持续时间显著低于干预前及对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组干预后SDS评分、SAS评分显著低于干预前及对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论行为改变联合深吸静息训练对癌痛患者的治疗依从性、生活质量、疼痛程度、负性情绪均能起到积极作用。 展开更多
关键词 行为改变 静息训练 癌痛患者 生活质量 依从性
不同吸痰方式对呼吸机相关性肺炎的影响 被引量:28
作者 李洁琼 李晓艳 韩娟 《护理学杂志》 2007年第19期20-21,共2页
目的探讨不同吸痰方式和吸痰深度对呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)的影响,为临床选择最佳吸痰方式提供依据。方法将80例同期行机械通气的患者随机分为A、B、C、D组各20例。A组行开放式深吸痰;B组行开放式改良深吸痰;C组行密闭式深吸痰,吸痰深度... 目的探讨不同吸痰方式和吸痰深度对呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)的影响,为临床选择最佳吸痰方式提供依据。方法将80例同期行机械通气的患者随机分为A、B、C、D组各20例。A组行开放式深吸痰;B组行开放式改良深吸痰;C组行密闭式深吸痰,吸痰深度同A组;D组行密闭式改良深吸痰,吸痰深度同B组,方法同C组。结果四组VAP发生率比较,差异无显著性意义(P=0.048);但C、D组VAP发生时间较A、B组显著延迟(均P<0.01)。气管插管第5天A组CPIS评分显著高于C、D组(均P<0.01);第7天密闭式吸痰组CPIS评分有所升高,与开放式吸痰组比较,差异无显著性意义(均P>0.05)。结论密闭式吸痰法是否能够降低VAP尚需扩大样本进一步探讨,但在延迟VAP发生时间方面独具优势。 展开更多
关键词 机相关性肺炎 密闭式 开放式 改良
高吸油树脂的开发与应用前景 被引量:13
作者 张文林 唐建军 +1 位作者 邵拥军 闫卫东 《天津理工学院学报》 2002年第2期33-36,64,共5页
高吸油树脂是一种与一般吸油材料不同的自溶胀型吸油材料 .本文简单介绍了高吸油树脂的开发及其发展前景 ,并对其吸油机理做了简要叙述 .
关键词 油树脂 合成 油机理 胀型油材料 含油废水 石油工业 净化材料
深吸静息训练对癌痛止痛效果观察 被引量:10
作者 朱小燕 陈素燕 +1 位作者 姚亚葱 阮雪华 《实用护理杂志》 北大核心 2002年第2期6-6,共1页
关键词 静息 癌痛 止痛 效果观察 静息训练
深吸屏气方式在左侧乳腺癌放射治疗中的作用评价以及心脏-胸壁接触距离与心脏受照射量的相关性 被引量:1
作者 王利华 秦晓玲 《中国综合临床》 2017年第12期1112-1115,共4页
目的 对比在左乳癌放射治疗中应用深吸屏气(DIBH-deep inspiration breath-hold)与自由呼吸两种方式(FB)的心脏等危及器官的受照射量,以及对心脏-胸壁接触距离(CCD)和心脏受照射量之间的相互关系.方法 对30例左乳癌患者分别进行DIBH和F... 目的 对比在左乳癌放射治疗中应用深吸屏气(DIBH-deep inspiration breath-hold)与自由呼吸两种方式(FB)的心脏等危及器官的受照射量,以及对心脏-胸壁接触距离(CCD)和心脏受照射量之间的相互关系.方法 对30例左乳癌患者分别进行DIBH和FB方式的CT扫描,然后使用治疗计划系统(TPS)进行剂量计算,通过使用剂量-体积直方图(DVH)对心脏、左前降支、左心室的剂量行分析,同时在基于FB的CT图像中分别对轴位心脏-胸壁接触距离(FB-CCDax)和矢状位心脏-胸壁接触距离(FB-CCDps)进行测量.结果 所有测量参数显示,采用DBIH技术的放射治疗中,心脏、左前降支、左心室的受照射量都远低于在FB中的各器官的剂量,心脏的平均照射剂量前者为0.8 Gy,后者为2.7 Gy,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);左前降支的平均照射剂量前者为4.0 Gy,后者为12.7 Gy(P<0.001);左心室的平均照射剂量前者为1.2 Gy,后者为3.6 Gy(P<0.01).在DIBH和FB放射治疗中,心脏、左前降支和左心室的平均照射剂量都与FB-CCDps有相关性,而与FB-CCDax没有相关性.结论 在不丢失靶区剂量的情况下,DIBH方式是一种行之有效且简单的能够降低心脏受照射量的治疗技术.FB-CCDps是一个潜在的心脏受照射量的预测因子,FB-CCDps距离越长,则心脏的受照射量就越高.通过此次研究发现,至少70%的左侧乳腺癌患者会从DIBH中获益而使得心脏等正常结构的受照射量降低,因此,应该将DIBH做为日常的临床应用. 展开更多
关键词 屏气 乳腺癌 心脏受照剂量 放射治疗 心脏胸壁接触距离
High angle prestack depth migration with absorption compensation 被引量:1
作者 周辉 林鹤 +1 位作者 盛善波 王颖 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第3期293-300,360,361,共10页
The absorption effect of actual subsurface media can weaken wavefield energy, decrease the dominating frequency, and further lead to reduced resolution. In migration, some actions can be taken to compensate for the ab... The absorption effect of actual subsurface media can weaken wavefield energy, decrease the dominating frequency, and further lead to reduced resolution. In migration, some actions can be taken to compensate for the absorption effect and enhance the resolution. In this paper, we derive a one-way wave equation with an attenuation term based on the time- space domain high angle one-way wave equation. A complicated geological model is then designed and synthetic shot gathers are simulated with acoustic wave equations without and with an absorbing term. The derived one-way wave equation is applied to the migration of the synthetic gathers without and with attenuation compensation for the simulated shot gathers. Three migration profiles are obtained. The first and second profiles are from the shot gathers without and with attenuation using the migration method without compensation, the third one is from the shot gathers with attenuation using the migration method with compensation. The first and third profiles are almost the same, and the second profile is different from the others below the absorptive layers. The amplitudes of the interfaces below the absorptive layers are weak because of their absorption. This method is also applied to field data. It is concluded from the migration examples that the migration method discussed in this paper is feasible. 展开更多
关键词 one-way wave equation prestack depth migration absorption compensation time-space domain
An Analysis of HIV Monitoring in Shenzhen City from 1997 to 2002 被引量:1
作者 陈琳 冯铁建 +1 位作者 王晓辉 邱亚群 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2004年第1期54-57,65,66,共6页
Objectives: To monitor the prevalence and riskfactors of HIV in high-risk populations, to provide ascientific basis for policy-makers to evaluate theeffectiveness of HIV prevention, and to formulate stra-tegic measure... Objectives: To monitor the prevalence and riskfactors of HIV in high-risk populations, to provide ascientific basis for policy-makers to evaluate theeffectiveness of HIV prevention, and to formulate stra-tegic measures for prevention and treatment.Methods: From 1997 to 2002, 3 110 incarceratedcommercial sex workers (CSWs) and 4 748 outpatientsof a sexually-transmitted disease (STD) departmentunderwent HIV antibody testing in Shenzhen. HIVantibody screening of samples was made by enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).Results: Among the outpatients, the proportiondiagnosed with an STD were 71.5%, 70%, 87.5%,87.3%, 85.2%, 82.2%, respectively, in the years from1997 to 2002. The predominant STDs presented weresyphilis, non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU) and condy-loma acuminata (CA). One out-patient was found to beHIV-positive in 2001 and another in 2002, with a preva-lence of 0.25 % (1/400). During the same period, theproportion of CSW who reported always using a con-dom were 45.9%, 49.8%, 40.8%, 57.9%, 44.9%,and 58.2%. 13.4% of CSW were drug users, amongwhom 9.3% used injection drugs and 3.2% reportedsharing syringes with others. One CSW was found tobe HIV-positive in the first survey in 1998 with a preva-lence of 0.4 % (1/250). In 2002, two CSW tested posi-tive in the first semiannual study with a prevalence of0.65% (2/307), and one case in the second study, witha prevalence of 0.48% (1/210).Conclusion: The result of this surveillance indicatethat HIV is prevalent among these high-risk popula-tions of commercial sex workers and STD outpatients. 展开更多
关键词 SURVEY HIV STD sex workers
农田暗管-明沟组合排水系统布设参数计算与设计软件编程 被引量:9
作者 李会贞 李法虎 +2 位作者 周新国 时学双 张文超 《灌溉排水学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期101-108,共8页
暗管排水是高地下水埋深地区农田排水的主要方式之一。【目的】确定农田暗管-明沟组合排水系统的布设参数。【方法】根据农田排水理论,建立了农田暗管-明沟组合排水系统布设参数计算模型及其C#语言编程。【结果】在题设条件下,考虑地下... 暗管排水是高地下水埋深地区农田排水的主要方式之一。【目的】确定农田暗管-明沟组合排水系统的布设参数。【方法】根据农田排水理论,建立了农田暗管-明沟组合排水系统布设参数计算模型及其C#语言编程。【结果】在题设条件下,考虑地下水蒸发影响时的吸水管间距比不考虑其影响可增大2.9%~17.3%;吸水管间距由15 m增大到25 m时,地下水埋深降深减小24.7%~27.5%;当吸水管埋深由1.5 m增加到2.0 m时,地下水埋深降深可增大34.8%。计算结果与相关算例的最大相对差异小于1.2%,运行速度快,在5 s内可以完成计算过程,适用于不同土壤质地、地下水埋深、地下水蒸发条件和作物种植条件。【结论】设计的软件减轻了农田水利工程基层设计人员的工作量,可以进一步推广。 展开更多
关键词 暗管排水 水管间距 水管埋 计算模型 软件编程
作者 曹亚锋 穆丹琳 《消防界(电子版)》 2019年第18期27-27,29,共2页
关键词 消防取水口 室外消防 吸深
Synthesis of novel silica-supported chelating resin containing tert-butyl 2-picolyamino-N-acetate and its properties for selective adsorption of copper from simulated nickel electrolyte 被引量:5
作者 Cai-xia WANG Hui-ping HU +3 位作者 Xue-jing QIU Ze-ying CHENG Lu-jia MENG Li ZHU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第12期2553-2565,共13页
A novel silica-supported tert-butyl 2-picolyamino-N-acetate chelating resin (Si-AMPY-1) was successfully synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, FT-IR, SEM and 13 C CP/MAS NMR. The adsorption behaviors of... A novel silica-supported tert-butyl 2-picolyamino-N-acetate chelating resin (Si-AMPY-1) was successfully synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, FT-IR, SEM and 13 C CP/MAS NMR. The adsorption behaviors of the Si-AMPY-1 resin for Cu(Ⅱ) and Ni(Ⅱ) were studied with batch and column methods. The batch experiments indicated that the Si-AMPY-1 resin adsorbed Ni(Ⅱ) mainly via physisorption, while adsorbed Cu(II) via chemisorption. The column dynamic breakthrough curves revealed thatthe Si-AMPY-1 resin can efficiently separate Cu(Ⅱ) from the simulated nickel electrolyte before the breakthrough point. Moreover, the concentration of Cu(Ⅱ) in the column effluent was decreased to be less than 3 mg/L within the first 43 BV (bed volumes), and the mass ratio of Cu/Ni was 21:1 in the saturated resin, which completely satisfied the industrial requirements of the nickel electrorefining process. Therefore, it was concluded that the Si-AMPY-1 resin can be a promising candidate for the deep removal of Cu(Ⅱ) from the nickel electrolyte. 展开更多
关键词 chelating resin selective adsorption copper removal simulated nickel electrolyte synthesis
作者 陶梦非 梁永杰 《Journal of Shanghai Second Medical University(Foreign Language Edition)》 2005年第1期67-70,共4页
Objective To evaluate effect of Neurokinin receptor antagonist on the prevention from hyper-pnea-induced bronchoconstriction using a dual Neurokinin receptor antagonist FK224. Methods 12 pathogen-free Hartley guinea p... Objective To evaluate effect of Neurokinin receptor antagonist on the prevention from hyper-pnea-induced bronchoconstriction using a dual Neurokinin receptor antagonist FK224. Methods 12 pathogen-free Hartley guinea pigs were divided into two groups randomly-. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) control group (n =6)and FK224 group (n =6). Guinea pigs were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium. A cervical tracheostomy wasperformed and a polyethylene tube was inserted into the trachea. After measuring baseline value of the lung resist-ance (RL) and dynamic compliance of respiratory system (Cdyn), DMSO (0.3 ml/kg) and FK224 (1mg/kg) wereadministered by injection through jugular vein respectively. A rodent respirator with dry 5% CO2-95% O2 mixture atroom temperature provided mechanical ventilation ( VT 8ml/animal, 100breaths/min) for 5min. RL and Cdyn of 2groups were measured after isocapnic hyperpnea challenge. Results In DMSO control group, isocapnic hyper-pnea of dry gas elicited a marked increase in RL and decrease in Cdyn. RL and Cdyn of FK224 group did not changesignificantly. Conclusion FK224 can inhibit the increase in RL and decrease in Cdyn caused by isocapnic hy-perpnea in guinea pigs. And antagonists of tachykinins receptors might have effect on prophylaxis and treatment inexercise-induced asthma. 展开更多
关键词 tachykinins tachykinin receptor antagonist FK224 hyperpnea
作者 张永涛 杨慧艳 陈东晖 《中国药物经济学》 2014年第S1期183-184,共2页
急性呼吸道感染是儿童常见的感染性疾病,因小儿呼吸系统发育不成熟,免疫系统不完善,较容易发生呼吸道感染,且下呼吸道感染要比上呼吸道感染严重的多,其中发生细菌感染的占相当大的比例,明确病原菌可使临床大夫的治疗具有方向性和针对性... 急性呼吸道感染是儿童常见的感染性疾病,因小儿呼吸系统发育不成熟,免疫系统不完善,较容易发生呼吸道感染,且下呼吸道感染要比上呼吸道感染严重的多,其中发生细菌感染的占相当大的比例,明确病原菌可使临床大夫的治疗具有方向性和针对性,真正做到对'菌'下药。而病原流行病学的特点是随着年代和地域不同而不同,我院就下呼吸道感染的深吸痰培养及药敏结果进行分析,现报道如下。1资料与方法1. 展开更多
关键词 儿科 药敏试验
Failure mechanism and supporting measures for large deformation of Tertiary deep soft rock 被引量:5
作者 Guo Zhibiao Wang Jiong Zhang Yuelin 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第1期121-126,共6页
The Shenbei mining area in China contains typical soft rock from the Tertiary Period. As mining depths increase, deep soft rock roadways are damaged by large deformations and constantly need to be repaired to meet saf... The Shenbei mining area in China contains typical soft rock from the Tertiary Period. As mining depths increase, deep soft rock roadways are damaged by large deformations and constantly need to be repaired to meet safety requirements, which is a great security risk. In this study, the characteristics of deformation and failure of typical roadway were analyzed, and the fundamental reason for the roadway deformation was that traditional support methods and materials cannot control the large deformation of deep soft rock. Deep soft rock support technology was developed based on constant resistance energy absorption using constant resistance large deformation bolts. The correlative deformation mechanisms of surrounding rock and bolt were analyzed to understand the principle of constant resistance energy absorption. The new technology works well on-site and provides a new method for the excavation of roadwavs in Tertiary deed soft rock. 展开更多
关键词 Tertiary deep soft rockFailure mechanism of large deformationConstant resistance and large deformationboltCountermeasures of constant resistancecontrol
Deep Desulfurization via Adsorption by Silver Modified Bentonite 被引量:4
作者 Tang Xiaolin Le Zheting Shi Li (State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering,East China University of Science and Technology,Shanghai 200237) 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2011年第3期16-20,共5页
In order to further reduce the sulfur content in liquid hydrocarbon fuels,a desulfurization process by adsorption for removing alkyl dibenzothiophenes was investigated.Desulfurization of model gasoline by bentonite ad... In order to further reduce the sulfur content in liquid hydrocarbon fuels,a desulfurization process by adsorption for removing alkyl dibenzothiophenes was investigated.Desulfurization of model gasoline by bentonite adsorbents loaded with silver nitrate was studied.The test results indicated that the bentonite adsorbents loaded with Ag + ions were effective for adsorbing the alkyl dibenzothiophenes.The crystal structure of bentonite adsorbents was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and their acidity was measured by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy.Several factors influencing the desulfurization capability,including the Ag + loading,the baking temperature,as well as the reaction temperature,were investigated.The desulfurization efficiency was enhanced by increasing the Ag + loading and the best result was obtained at a silver loading of 7 m%.It was found that the adsorption capacity of the alkyl dibenzothiophenes on bentonite loaded with Ag + ions increased with a decreasing temperature.Baking of the adsorbent could also improve the desulfurization capacity,and the optimum baking temperature was 423 K. 展开更多
Enhancement of heat radiative characteristics of coatings by ultra-attenuation 被引量:2
作者 DehongXia YonghongWu 《Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing》 CSCD 2004年第2期157-160,共4页
The absorption process of radiative heat in its transmission medium and the effect of ultra-attenuation on the radiative characteristics are analyzed in detail. A method of ultra-attenuation to enhance the radiative c... The absorption process of radiative heat in its transmission medium and the effect of ultra-attenuation on the radiative characteristics are analyzed in detail. A method of ultra-attenuation to enhance the radiative characteristics of the medium is proposed. It is proved that decreasing the particle size of coatings can increase the transmission depth of radiative heat and get higher emissivity and absorptivity both theoretically and practically. Ultra-attenuation and nanocrystallization will bring a brilliant prospect to the development of radiative coatings. 展开更多
关键词 radiative heat ultra-attenuation transmission depth EMISSIVITY ABSORPTIVITY
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