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聚/表型复合压裂液性能及其对煤样甲烷吸附解吸特性影响实验研究 被引量:1
作者 刘川东 张孝强 +1 位作者 晏佳欣 孙靖鸿 《中国安全生产科学技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期32-39,共8页
为弥补常规压裂液破胶困难、残留多或黏度低、用量大等缺点,将疏水改性羟丙基瓜尔胶与双子表面活性剂进行交联复配,制得1种疏水聚合物/表面活性剂复合压裂液,从黏度、破胶性能以及对煤样甲烷吸附解吸能力影响等方面与常规压裂液进行对... 为弥补常规压裂液破胶困难、残留多或黏度低、用量大等缺点,将疏水改性羟丙基瓜尔胶与双子表面活性剂进行交联复配,制得1种疏水聚合物/表面活性剂复合压裂液,从黏度、破胶性能以及对煤样甲烷吸附解吸能力影响等方面与常规压裂液进行对比分析。研究结果表明:在同等表面活性剂质量分数下,加入疏水改性羟丙基瓜尔胶的复合压裂液黏度是单组份表面活性剂压裂液的3倍,其破胶时间与表面活性剂压裂液几乎无差别,且仅为HPG压裂液的1/2;复合压裂液对煤样甲烷吸附解吸能力影响明显低于HPG压裂液,其吸附损伤因子虽高于表面活性剂压裂液,但比HPG压裂液低24%。研究结果可为矿用复合压裂液研制提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 疏水改性羟丙基瓜尔胶 双子表面活性剂 复合压裂液 甲烷吸附解吸 吸附损伤因子
载钠硅碳羟基磷灰石的制备及其对水中As(Ⅴ)的吸附特性 被引量:3
作者 曾荣英 唐文清 +3 位作者 康卓 陈静 刘兴 龚道新 《环境科学研究》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期1925-1932,共8页
由于自然和人为活动导致自然水体和土壤被As(砷)污染,严重危及生态环境并已受到广泛关注.为实现更大程度地去除含As废水的新型吸附材料,以废弃蛋壳为原材料,采用超声波法制备多孔状且较大比表面积的Na-Si-CHAP[Ca10-xNax(PO4)6-y-z(Si O... 由于自然和人为活动导致自然水体和土壤被As(砷)污染,严重危及生态环境并已受到广泛关注.为实现更大程度地去除含As废水的新型吸附材料,以废弃蛋壳为原材料,采用超声波法制备多孔状且较大比表面积的Na-Si-CHAP[Ca10-xNax(PO4)6-y-z(Si O4)z(CO3)y(OH)2-α,载钠硅碳羟基磷灰石],深入分析去除含As(Ⅴ)废水的吸附特性.通过BET比表面积、扫描电镜(SEM)、EDX(能量色散X射线光谱)、X-射线衍射(XRD)等手段对样品进行表征,并进一步探讨了pH、吸附时间、初始ρ[As(Ⅴ)]以及反应温度等因素对吸附效果的影响.结果表明:在pH为6. 0、作用时间为60 min、反应温度为313 K等优化条件下,0. 2 g Na-Si-CHAP对100 mL 30 mg/L含As(Ⅴ)废水的去除率和平衡吸附容量分别为96. 53%和14. 48 mg/g. Langmuir等温吸附模型较好地拟合了吸附试验数据,313 K下相关系数(r2)高达0. 998 0,饱和吸附容量达46. 73 mg/g,明显高于其他同类材料;准二级动力学模型可较好地描述该吸附行为,相关系数高达0. 999 9;热力学参数ΔG(吉布斯自由能变)、ΔH(焓变)和ΔS(熵变)的计算值显示,该吸附过程为自发吸热过程.研究显示,Na-Si-CHAP作为一种吸附剂,对含As(Ⅴ)的去除效果明显优于同类材料. 展开更多
关键词 Na-Si-CHAP As(Ⅴ) 吸附因子 优化 吸附机理
河流泥沙吸附磷的研究现状与展望 被引量:16
作者 陈野 李青云 曹慧群 《长江科学院院报》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期12-16,共5页
输送水流泥沙和营养物质是河流的主要功能之一。大坝等水利工程拦截泥沙的同时,改变了河流营养物质的迁移和转化。从国内外近20 a泥沙吸附磷的相关研究文献可以看出:泥沙对磷的吸附与泥沙颗粒的理化性质、水体初始磷浓度、含沙量以及环... 输送水流泥沙和营养物质是河流的主要功能之一。大坝等水利工程拦截泥沙的同时,改变了河流营养物质的迁移和转化。从国内外近20 a泥沙吸附磷的相关研究文献可以看出:泥沙对磷的吸附与泥沙颗粒的理化性质、水体初始磷浓度、含沙量以及环境因子等相关,即颗粒越细,表面吸附位越多,更有利于磷的吸附;水体初始磷浓度越高,吸附量越多;含沙量越大,总吸附量越大,单位质量泥沙吸附量越少;泥沙吸附磷的机理模型主要有热力学模型和动力学模型两类,Langmuir模型和Freundlich模型在等温吸附中应用较广;二级动力学模型对泥沙吸附磷的全过程拟合程度更高;在河流生态系统中,泥沙吸附的磷以颗粒态磷的形式作为生物可利用磷的储备,间接影响水生生物的生长。颗粒态磷与水生生物的生长关系、吸附量与含沙量等多因子的动力学模型在今后有待进一步研究。 展开更多
关键词 河流泥沙 吸附 吸附影响因子 吸附模型 生物可利用磷
吸附反应时间对除草剂阿特拉津吸附行为的影响 被引量:8
作者 邓建才 蒋新 +1 位作者 胡维平 卢信 《生态环境》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期402-406,共5页
采用批量动态实验方法,对潮土中阿特拉津吸附特征随吸附反应时间变化进行了研究。结果表明,土壤吸附的阿特拉津量随反应时间的变化符合双曲线函数关系。在50μg·L-1~2000μg·L-1浓度系列下,在48h内,土壤颗粒对阿特拉津的吸... 采用批量动态实验方法,对潮土中阿特拉津吸附特征随吸附反应时间变化进行了研究。结果表明,土壤吸附的阿特拉津量随反应时间的变化符合双曲线函数关系。在50μg·L-1~2000μg·L-1浓度系列下,在48h内,土壤颗粒对阿特拉津的吸附属于快反应,土壤吸附的阿特拉津量随吸附反应时间呈指数上升,为吸附实验结束(168h)时土壤吸附阿特拉津总量的58%到90%。当吸附反应时间超过48h后,随反应时间增加,土壤吸附阿特拉津量差异变化不显著。阿特拉津在潮土颗粒和土壤溶液中的相分配可用Freundlich方程描述。吸附容量因子Kf与吸附反应时间之间有极显著的线性正关系(r2=0.9063**,p<0.0001)。无量纲的非线性因子n与吸附反应时间之间也具有显著的线性负关系(r2=0.5666*,p=0.0192)。 展开更多
关键词 吸附反应时间 阿特拉津 FREUNDLICH方程 吸附容量因子Kf 吸附线性因子n
可自主结合转化生长因子β1聚乙二醇水凝胶的制备及其生物相容性 被引量:2
作者 鞠晓晶 潘国庆 +3 位作者 刘星志 孙树金 黄立新 施勤 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第14期2209-2214,共6页
背景:有研究将生物活性分子或者多肽接枝到聚乙二醇水凝胶表面,改善聚乙二醇的生物活性。目的:制备可自主结合转化生长因子β1的聚乙二醇水凝胶,观察其生物相容性。方法:分别制备聚乙二醇水凝胶(A组)、接枝细胞黏附多肽RGD的聚乙二醇水... 背景:有研究将生物活性分子或者多肽接枝到聚乙二醇水凝胶表面,改善聚乙二醇的生物活性。目的:制备可自主结合转化生长因子β1的聚乙二醇水凝胶,观察其生物相容性。方法:分别制备聚乙二醇水凝胶(A组)、接枝细胞黏附多肽RGD的聚乙二醇水凝胶(B组)、接枝HSNGLPL多肽的聚乙二醇水凝胶(C组)、接枝细胞黏附多肽RGD与HSNGLPL多肽的聚乙二醇水凝胶(D组),检测4组水凝胶的接触角。将人骨髓间充质干细胞接种于4组水凝胶中,待细胞贴附后,扫描电镜观察细胞-水凝胶复合物,并进行死活细胞染色。分别采用普通培养基(对照组)、4组水凝胶浸提液培养人骨髓间充质干细胞,培养1,3,5,7 d,采用CCK-8法检测细胞增殖。将4组水凝胶材料放入24孔板中,分别加入含转化生长因子β1的PBS溶液,1 h后进行荧光免疫组织化学染色。结果与结论:(1)A、C组水凝胶接触角较大,B、D组水凝胶接触角较小;(2)扫描电镜显示,A、C组水凝胶表面几乎无细胞,B、D组水凝胶表面贴附较多细胞;(3)死活细胞染色显示,A、C组水凝胶表面几乎无活细胞,B、D组水凝胶表面贴附较多活细胞;(4)CCK-8法检测结果显示,随着培养时间的延长,5组细胞增殖活性逐渐增强,且5组间细胞增殖无差异;(5)荧光免疫组织化学染色显示,A、B组荧光强度很弱,几乎无荧光;C、D组有较强的绿色荧光;(6)结果表明,接枝细胞黏附多肽RGD与HSNGLPL多肽的聚乙二醇水凝胶,可自主结合转化生长因子β1,具有良好的生物相容性。 展开更多
关键词 聚乙烯二醇类 水凝胶 材料试验 转化生长因子Β1 组织工程 生物相容性 聚乙二醇 转化生长因子β1吸附多肽 生物材料 细胞黏附多肽RGD
Cardioprotective effects of Guanxinshutong (GXST) against myocardial ischemia/ reperfusion injury in rats 被引量:14
作者 Zhuo Llang Li-Feng Llu +2 位作者 Tian-Ming Yao Yu Huo Ya-Ling Han 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 CAS CSCD 2012年第2期130-136,共7页
Background The protective effects against reperfusion injury of cardioprotective drugs have recently been evaluated and found to be inadequate. Guanxinshutong (GXST), a combination of the traditional herb and Mongol... Background The protective effects against reperfusion injury of cardioprotective drugs have recently been evaluated and found to be inadequate. Guanxinshutong (GXST), a combination of the traditional herb and Mongolian medicine, is effective and safe in treating angina pectoris in clinical trials. We assess the cardioprotective effects of GXST against myocardial ischemia and reperfusion (MI/R) injury in rats and explore its possible mechanism. Methods Forty-five male Sprague Dawley rats were randomized into three groups: non-MlfR group (Sham, n = 15), MUR group treated with vehicle (Control, n = 15) and MI/R group treated with GXST (Drug, n = 15). MI/R was induced by ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) for 30 minutes, followed by 2/24 hour reperfusion in the Control and Drug groups. In the Sham group, the LAD was exposed without occlusion. GXST powder (in the Drug group) or saline (in the Control and Sham groups) were administered via direct gastric gavage from 7 day prior to surgery. Blood samples were collected from the carotid artery (10 rats each group) after 2 hours of reperfusion, to determine the levels of tumor necrosis factor-or (TNF-ct), interleukin-1 ~ (IL-113), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. The animals were then sacrificed and the hearts were harvested for histopathology and western blot analysis. Infarct size was measured in the remaining five rats in each group after 24 hours reperfusion. Results GXST significantly decreased levels of TNF-ct, IL-1β, IL-6, ICAM-1, apoptosis index (AI) and infarct size. GXST also obviously inhibited nuclear factor kappa B (NF.r,B) activity when compared with the Control group (all P 〈 0.05). Conclusions GXST is effective in protecting the myocardium against MI/R injury in rats. Its possible cardioprotective mechanism involves inhibition of the inflammatory response and apoptosis following MI/R injury. 展开更多
关键词 I/R injury NF-r.B INFLAMMATION APOPTOSIS Chinese herbal Guanxinshutong
CFD simulation with enhancement factor of sulfur dioxide absorption in the spray scrubber 被引量:6
作者 Xiang GAO Wang HUO +1 位作者 Zhong-yang LUO Ke-fa CEN 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第11期1601-1613,共13页
A model describing the absorption process of SO2 into limestone slurry with a spray scrubber is presented. Both the physical performance of the spray liquid in the scrubber and the involved chemical reactions are anal... A model describing the absorption process of SO2 into limestone slurry with a spray scrubber is presented. Both the physical performance of the spray liquid in the scrubber and the involved chemical reactions are analyzed in the model. A con- tinuous concentration change of H+ was solved by iterative coupling using Matlab, and it was found that there was a remarkable influence on the concentration of the other elements in the process of SO2 absorption. The calculations show that the enhancement factor exponentially grows with an increasing value of pH and logarithmically decays with an increasing value of the driving force. To verify the accuracy of the model, experiments were also carried out, and the results suggest that the model, after combining the physical performance of the spray and the enhancement factor, can more precisely describe SO2 absorption in a spray scrubber. Furthermore, a commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tool is used to perform several simulations which describe and clarify the effects of variables on SO2 absorption. The results of numerical simulation can provide a basis for further design and optimization of the scrubber. 展开更多
关键词 SO2 absorption Limestone dissolution Enhancement factor Mass transfer Concentration profile
Gastric cancer cells induce human CD4^+ Foxp3^+ regulatory T cells through the production of TGF-β1 被引量:14
作者 Xiang-Liang Yuan Lei Chen +8 位作者 Tong-Tong Zhang Yan-Hui Ma Yun-Lan Zhou Yan Zhao Wei-Wei Wang Ping Dong Liang Yu Yan-Yun Zhang Li-Song Shen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第15期2019-2027,共9页
AIM: To elucidate the molecular and cellular features responsible for the increase of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in gastric cancer. METHODS: The frequencies of CD4 + Foxp3 + Tregs and the level of transforming growth ... AIM: To elucidate the molecular and cellular features responsible for the increase of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in gastric cancer. METHODS: The frequencies of CD4 + Foxp3 + Tregs and the level of transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) were analyzed from 56 patients with gastric cancer byflow cytometry and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay respectively. Foxp3 gene expression was analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction. The gastric cancer microenvironment was modeled by establishing the coculture of gastric cancer cell line, MGC-803, with sorting CD4 + T cells. The normal gastric mucosa cell line, GES-1, was used as the control. The production of TGF-β1 was detected in supernatant of MGC and GES-1. The carboxyfluorescein diacetatesuccinimidyl ester (CFSE) dilution assay was performed to evaluate the proliferation characteristics of induced Tregs. Neutralizing anti-TGF-β1 antibody was added to the co-culture system for neutralization experiments. RESULTS: The level of serum TGF-β1 in gastric cancer patients (15.1 ± 5.5 ng/mL) was significantly higher than that of the genderand age-matched healthy controls (10.3 ± 3.4 ng/mL) (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the higher TGF-β1 level correlated with the increased population of CD4 + Foxp3 + Tregs in advanced gastric cancer (r = 0.576, P < 0.05). A significant higher frequency of CD4 + Foxp3 + Tregs was observed in PBMCs cultured with the supernatant of MGC than GES-1 (10.6% ± 0.6% vs 8.7% ± 0.7%, P < 0.05). Moreover, using the purified CD4 + CD25 T cells, we confirmed that the increased Tregs were mainly induced from the conversation of CD4 + CD25 naive T cells, and induced Tregs were functional and able to suppress the proliferation of effector T cells. Finally, we demonstrated that gastric cancer cells induced the increased CD4 + Foxp3 + Tregs via producing TGF-β1. Gastric cancer cells upregulated the production of TGF-β1 and blockade of TGF-β1 partly abrogated Tregs phenotype. CONCLUSION: Gastric cancer cell can induce Tregs development via producing TGF-β1, by which the existence of cross-talk between the tumor and immune cells might regulate anti-tumor immune responses. 展开更多
关键词 Transforming growth factor-β1 Regulatory T cells Gastric cancer Immune suppression
Emodin promoted pancreatic claudin-5 and occludin expression in experimental acute pancreatitis rats 被引量:13
作者 Xian-Ming Xia Bang-Ku Li +1 位作者 Shi-Mei Xing Hai-Ling Ruan 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第17期2132-2139,共8页
AIM:To investigate the effect of emodin on pancreatic claudin-5 and occludin expression,and pancreatic paracellular permeability in acute pancreatitis(AP).METHODS:Experimental pancreatitis was induced by retrograde in... AIM:To investigate the effect of emodin on pancreatic claudin-5 and occludin expression,and pancreatic paracellular permeability in acute pancreatitis(AP).METHODS:Experimental pancreatitis was induced by retrograde injection of 5% sodium taurocholate into the biliopancreatic duct.Emodin was injected via the external jugular vein 0 or 6 h after induction of AP.Rats from sham operation and AP groups were injected with normal saline at the same time.Samples of pancreas were obtained 6 or 12 h after drug administration.Pancreatic morphology was examined with hematoxylin and eosin staining.Pancreatic edema was estimated by measuring tissue water content.Tumor necrosis factor(TNF)-α and interleukin(IL)-6 level were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.Pancreatic paracellular permeability was assessed by tissue dye extravasation.Expression of pancreatic claudin-5 and occludin was examined by immunohistology,quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and western blotting.RESULTS:Pancreatic TNF-α and IL-6 levels,wet/dry ratio,dye extravasation,and histological score were significantly elevated at 3,6 and 12 h following sodium taurocholate infusion;treatment with emodin prevented these changes at all time points.Immunostaining of claudin-5 and occludin was detected in rat pancreas,which was distributed in pancreatic acinar cells,ductal cells and vascular endothelial cells,respectively.Sodium taurocholate infusion significantly decreased pancreatic claudin-5 and occludin mRNA and protein levels at 3,6 and 12 h,and that could be promoted by intravenous administration of emodin at all time points.CONCLUSION:These results demonstrate that emodin could promote pancreatic claudin-5 and occludin expression,and reduce pancreatic paracellular permeability. 展开更多
关键词 Acute pancreatitis Paracellular permeability Emodin Claudin Occludin
Competition between TRAF2 and TRAF6 Regulates NF-κB Activation in Human B Lymphocytes 被引量:6
作者 Wen Zhang Xuan Zhang +4 位作者 Xiao-li Wu Liu-sheng He Xiao-feng Zeng Amrie C. Grammer Peter E. Lipsky 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2010年第1期1-12,共12页
Objective To investigate the role of TNF receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF-2) and TRAF6 in CD40-induced nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) signaling pathway and whether CD40 signaling requires TRAF2. Methods Human B cell li... Objective To investigate the role of TNF receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF-2) and TRAF6 in CD40-induced nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) signaling pathway and whether CD40 signaling requires TRAF2. Methods Human B cell lines were transfected with plasmids expressing wild type TRAF2 or dominant negative TRAF2,TRAF2-shRNA,or TRAF6-shRNA. The activation of NF-κB was detected by Western blot,kinase assay,transfactor enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA),and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). Analysis of the role of TRAF-2 and TRAF-6 in CD40-mediated NF-κB activity was examined following stimulation with recombinant CD154. Results TRAF2 induced activity of IκB-kinases (IKKα,IKKi/ε),phosphorylation of IκBα,as well as nuclear translocation and phosphorylation of p65/RelA. In contrast,TRAF6 strongly induced NF-κB activation and nuclear translocation of p65 as well as p50 and c-Rel. Engagement of CD154-induced nuclear translocation of p65 was inhibited by a TRAF6-shRNA,but conversely was enhanced by a TRAF2-shRNA. Examination of direct interactions between CD40 and TRAFs by FRET documented that both TRAF2 and TRAF6 directly interacted with CD40. However,the two TRAFs competed for CD40 binding. Conclusions These results indicate that TRAF2 can signal in human B cells,but it is not essential for CD40-mediated NF-κB activation. Moreover,TRAF2 can compete with TRAF6 for CD40 binding,and thereby limit the capacity of CD40 engagement to induce NF-κB activation. 展开更多
关键词 human B lymphocytes TNF receptor-associated factor 2 TNF receptor-associated factor 6 IκB kinase IΚBΑ P65
Effect of Helicobacter pylori cdrA on interleukin-8 secretions and nuclear factor kappa B activation 被引量:3
作者 Hiroaki Takeuchi Ya-Nan Zhang +5 位作者 Dawn A Israel Richard M Peek Jr Mikio Kamioka Hideo Yanai Norihito Morimoto Tetsuro Sugiura 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第5期425-434,共10页
AIM: To investigate genetic diversity of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylorl) cell division-related gene A (cdrA) and its effect on the host response.METHODS: Inactivation of H. py/ori cdrA, which is involved in ceil... AIM: To investigate genetic diversity of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylorl) cell division-related gene A (cdrA) and its effect on the host response.METHODS: Inactivation of H. py/ori cdrA, which is involved in ceil division and morphological elonga- tion, has a role in chronic persistent infections. Ge- netic property of H. pylori cdrA was evaluated using polymerase chain reaction and sequencing in 128 (77 American and 51 Japanese) clinical isolates obtained from 48 and 51 patients, respectively. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was performed to measure in- terleukin-8 (IL-8) secretion with gastric biopsy speci- mens obtained from American patients colonized with cdrA-positive or -negative strains and AGS cells co- cultured with wild-type HPK5 (cdrA-positive) or its de- rivative HPKT510 (cdrA-disruptant). Furthermore, the cytotoxin-associated gene A (cagA) status (transloca- tion and phosphorylation) and kinetics of transcription factors [nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-~:B) and inhibition kappa B] were investigated in AGS cells co-cultured with HPK5, HPKT510 and its derivative HPKSCA (cagA- disruptant) by western blotting analysis with immuno- precipitation. RESULTS: Genetic diversity of the H. pylori cdrA gene demonstrated that the cdrA status segregated into two categories including four allele types, cdrA-positive (al- lele types, I and 11 ) and cdrA-negative (allele types; 111 and IV) categories, respectively. Almost all Japanese isolates were cdrA-positive ( 1 : 7.8% and 11 : 90.2%), whereas 16.9% of American isolates were cdrA-positive (11) and 83.1% were cdrA-negative (nl: 37.7% and IV: 45.5%), indicating extended diversity of cdrA in individual American isolates. Comparison of each isolate from different regions (antrum and corpus) in the stomach of 29 Americans revealed that cdrA status was identical in both isolates from different regions in 17 cases. However, 12 cases had a different cdrA al- lele and 6 of them exhibited a different cdrA category between two regions in the stomach. Furthermore, in 5 of the 6 cases possessing a different cdrA category, cdrA-negative isolate existed in the corpus, suggesting that cdrA-negative strain is more adaptable to coloni- zation in the corpus. IL-8 secretions from AGS revealed that IL-8 levels induced by a cdrA-disrupted HPKT510 was significantly lower (P 〈 0.01) compared to wild- type HPK5: corresponding to 50%-60% of those of wild-type HPK5. These data coincided with in vivo data that an average value of IL-8 in biopsy specimens from cdrA-positive and cdrA-negative groups was 215.6 and 135.9 pg/mL, respectively. Western blotting analysis documented that HPKT510 had no effect on CagA translocation and phosphorylation, however, nuclear accumulation of NF-κB was lower by HPKT510 com- pared to HPK5. CONCLUSION: Colonization by a cdrA-negative or cdrA-dysfunctional strain resulted in decreased IL-8 production and repression of NF-κB, and hence, atten- uate the host immunity leading to persistent infection. 展开更多
关键词 Helicobacter pylori cell division-relatedgene A Genetic diversity Host immune response Interleukin-8 secretion Nuclear factor kappa .B Persis-tent infection
Clinical study on IL-8,TNF-α,T-cell subgroup in serum of patients with rectal cancer
作者 Jian Chen Fang Xiang Xiaojun Tang 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2011年第2期105-107,共3页
Objective:The aim of our study was to investigate the immune status of patients with rectal cancer and its relationship with clinicopathological features.Methods:The serum levels of interleukin-8(IL-8),tumor necrosis ... Objective:The aim of our study was to investigate the immune status of patients with rectal cancer and its relationship with clinicopathological features.Methods:The serum levels of interleukin-8(IL-8),tumor necrosis factor(TNF-α) and T-cell subgroup contents were measured using a double-antibody sandwich assay of ELISA in 43 patients with rectal cancer,and compared with the normal health adults.Results:In patients with rectal cancer,the serum levels of CD4,CD4/CD8 of T-cell subgroup in peripheral blood were significantly lower than the control group(P < 0.01),which gradually decreased with increase of Dukes stage;but the levels of CD8,IL-8 and TNF-α were higher than the control group,which gradually increased with increase of Dukes stage.Conclusion:The immunocompromice exists in patients with rectal cancer,there is a correlation between the contents of T-cell subgroup,IL-8 and TNF-α in serum and the Dukes stage of rectal cancer.Therefore immunotherapy can be used in patients with rectal cancer. 展开更多
关键词 rectal cancer T-cell subgroup INTERLEUKIN-8 tumor necrosis factor
作者 WANG Lianyong LU Jing YU Yaoting 《Chinese Journal of Reactive Polymers》 2002年第1期49-54,共6页
Tryptophan residues of IgGRF from rheumatoid arthritis patient were modified with N-Bromosuccinimide (NBS) and the product of modification was characterized by UV-spectrum、Fluorescence emission spectrum and CD-spectr... Tryptophan residues of IgGRF from rheumatoid arthritis patient were modified with N-Bromosuccinimide (NBS) and the product of modification was characterized by UV-spectrum、Fluorescence emission spectrum and CD-spectrum. The corresponding adsorption capacity of immobilized ssDNA immunoadsorbent for IgGRF was enhanced from 46% to 86%, This result indicates the tryptophan residue is essential for the interaction between ssDNA and IgGRF .and ionic-bonding plays an important role in adsorption. 展开更多
The inhibitory effect of selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor NS-398 on the cholangiocarcinoma line (QBC939)
作者 Youjie Fan Jingyu Cao Wende Sun Rui Han Shihai Liu 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2012年第9期522-526,共5页
Objective: We studied the inhibitory effect of human cholangiocarcinoma line (QBC939) treated by selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor NS-398 and provided the theoretical foundation for the clinical practi... Objective: We studied the inhibitory effect of human cholangiocarcinoma line (QBC939) treated by selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor NS-398 and provided the theoretical foundation for the clinical practice. Methods: Selec- tive COX-2 inhibitor NS-398 on the growth suppression was evaluated by MTT method. The apoptotic rate was quantified and cell cycle by flow cytometry (FCM). Invasive ability was detected by Transwell. The expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and COX-2 in cholangiocarcinoma line was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results: NS-398 could be time-dose dependently inhibited the growth, induced apoptosis, invasived ability, S phase was inhibited, down-regulate the expression of VEGF and COX-2 in cholangiocarcinoma line (QBC939). Conclusion: NS398 can inhibit proliferation of cholangiocarcinoma cell line QBC939 and inhibit the invasive ability and induce its apoptosis in vitro, which may contributed to the COX-2 dependent pathway to reduce the release of VEGF. 展开更多
关键词 NS-398 COX-2 vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA
Relationship between serum IL-18 and VEGF levels in patients with prostate cancer
作者 Shaojun Nong Yueping Zhang Shujun Zhou Wenguang Li Limin Ma You Wu 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2010年第11期643-647,共5页
Objective: The aim of our study was to analyze intedeukin-18 (IL-18) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) serum levels in patients with prostate cancer before and after operation and the possible correla... Objective: The aim of our study was to analyze intedeukin-18 (IL-18) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) serum levels in patients with prostate cancer before and after operation and the possible correlation between IL-18 and VEGF serum levels. Methods: Serum IL-18 and VEGF levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 36 patients with prostate cancer before and after radical prostatectomy and in 25 healthy controls. Results: Serum IL-18 and VEGF levels were significantly higher in patients with prostate cancer before operation with respect to healthy controls (P 〈 0.05), with a highly significant correlation between IL-18 and VEGF (R = 0.800, P = 0.017). It was significantly reduced in IL-18 and VEGF after operation. IL-18 and VEGF serum concentrations were correlated with the clinicalopathologi- cal status of patients with prostate cancer. Conclusion: It is correlative with serum IL-18 and VEGF. Serum IL-18 and VEGF levels may be useful prognostic marker in patients with prostate cancer. 展开更多
关键词 interleukin-18 (IL-18) vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) prostate cancer
特殊血液净化技术应用于重症新型冠状病毒肺炎的专家共识 被引量:13
作者 陈江华 +1 位作者 刘章锁 王沛 《中华内科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第11期847-853,共7页
重症新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)患者有较高的病死率。细胞因子风暴是COVID-19由轻型转为重症或危重症的病理生理基础。国家卫生健康委员会发布的《新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案(试行第六版)》指出,对有高炎症反应的重危患者,有条件的可考... 重症新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)患者有较高的病死率。细胞因子风暴是COVID-19由轻型转为重症或危重症的病理生理基础。国家卫生健康委员会发布的《新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案(试行第六版)》指出,对有高炎症反应的重危患者,有条件的可考虑使用血浆置换、吸附、灌流、血液/血浆滤过等体外血液净化技术。为更好地指导、规范血液净化技术在重症COVID-19的应用,中华医学会肾脏病学分会与中国研究型医院学会肾脏病学专业委员会专家组,针对血液净化技术在上述诊疗方案所提出的重症COVID-19患者如何开展血液净化技术治疗进行了充分讨论,制定了本共识。 展开更多
关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎 血液净化 肾替代疗法 细胞因子吸附 血浆置换
Effect of Liuweibuqi capsule, a Chinese patent medicine, on the JAK1/STAT3 pathway and MMP9/TIMP1 in a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease rat model 被引量:23
作者 Wang Chengyang Li Zegen +4 位作者 Liu Xiangguo Peng Qinghe Li Fang Li Da Wang Chuanbo 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期54-62,共9页
OBJECTIVE: To observe effect of Liuweibuqi Capsule, a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), on the janus kinase (JAK)/signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) pathway and matrix metalloproteinases ... OBJECTIVE: To observe effect of Liuweibuqi Capsule, a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), on the janus kinase (JAK)/signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) pathway and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) rat model with lung deficiency in terms of TCM's pattern differentiation. METHODS: Rats were randomly divided into a normal group, model group, Liuweibuqi group, Jinshuibao group, and spleen aminopeptidase group (n= 10). Aside from the normal group, all rats were ex-posed to smoke plus lipopolysaccharide tracheal instillation to establish the COPD model with lung deficiency. Models were established after 28 days and then the normal and model groups were given normal saline (0.09 g/kg), Liuweibuqi group was given Liuweibuqi capsule (0.35 g/kg), Jinshuibao group was given Jinshuibao capsules (0.495 g/kg), and the spleen group was given spleen aminopeptidase (0.33 mg/kg), once a day for 30 days. Changes in symptoms, signs, and lung histology were observed. Lung function was measured with a spirometer. Serum cytokines were detected using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and changes in the JAK/STAT pathway, MMP-9, and MMPs inhibitor 1 (TIMP1) were detected by immunohistochemistry, RT-PCR, and western blotting, respectively.RESULTS: Compared with the normal group, lung tissue was damaged, and lung function was reduced in the model control group. Additionally, the levels of interleukin (IL)-1β, y interferon (IFN-γ), and IL-6 were higher, while IL-4 and IL-10 were lower in the model control group than those in the normal group. The expressions of JAK1, STAT3, ρ-STAT3, and MMP-9 mRNA and protein in lung tissue were higher, and TIMP1 mRNA and protein was lower in the model group compared with the normal group. After treatment, compared with the model group, the expression of inflammatory cytokines was lower in each treatment group, and expressions of JAK/ STAT pathway, MMPs were lower. Compared with the positive control groups, the Jinshuibao and spleen aminopeptidase groups, lung function was better, and JAK1, STAT3, and p-STAT3 protein were lower and TIMP1 was higher in the Liuweibuqi group.CONCLUSION: Liuweibuqi capsules can improve the symptoms of COPD possibly by regulating the expression of the JAK1/STAT3 pathway and MMP9/ TIMP1. 展开更多
关键词 Pulmonary disease chronic obstruc-tive Lung deficiency Liuweibuqi capsules Janus kinases STAT Transcription Factors Matrix metalloproteinases
Multiplexed cytokine detection on plasmonic gold substrates with enhanced near-infrared fluorescence 被引量:2
作者 Bo Zhang Jordan Price +6 位作者 Guosong Hong Scott M. Tabakman Hailiang Wang Justin A. Jarrell Ju Feng Paul J. Utz Hongjie Dai 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第2期113-120,共8页
Protein microarrays based on fluorescence detection have been widely utilized for high-throughput functional proteomic analysis. However, a drawback of such assays has been low sensitivity and narrow dynamic range, li... Protein microarrays based on fluorescence detection have been widely utilized for high-throughput functional proteomic analysis. However, a drawback of such assays has been low sensitivity and narrow dynamic range, limiting their capabilities, especially for detecting low abundance biological molecules such as cytokines in human samples. Here, we present fluorescence-enhancing microarrays on plasmonic gold films for multiplexed cytokine detection with up to three orders of magnitude higher sensitivity than on conventional nitrocellulose and glass substrates. Cytokine detection on the gold plasmonic substrate is about one to two orders of magnitude more sensitive than enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and can be multiplexed. A panel of six cytokines (Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), Interleukin 1β (IL-1β), Interleukin 4 (IL-4), Interleukin 6 (IL-6), Interferon γ (IFN-γ), and Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)) were detected in the culture media of cancer cells. This work establishes a new method of high throughput multiplexed cytokine detection with higher sensitivity and dynamic range than ELISA. 展开更多
关键词 MICROARRAY CYTOKINE PLASMONIC multiplex near infrared fluorescence
Cytocompatibility of regenerated silk fibroin film:a medical biomaterial applicable to wound healing 被引量:16
作者 Tie-lian LIU Jing-cheng MIAO +4 位作者 Wei-hua SHENG Yu-feng XIE Quan HUANG Yun-bo SHAN Ji-cheng YANG 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期10-16,共7页
Objective: To explore the feasibility of using regenerated silk fibroin membrane to construct artificial skin substitutes for wound healing, it is necessary to evaluate its cytocompatibility. Methods: The effects of... Objective: To explore the feasibility of using regenerated silk fibroin membrane to construct artificial skin substitutes for wound healing, it is necessary to evaluate its cytocompatibility. Methods: The effects of regenerated silk fibroin film on cytotoxicity, adhesion, cell cycle, and apoptosis of L929 cells, growth and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression of ECV304 cells, and VEGF, angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) expression of WI-38 cells were assessed by 3-(4,5)-dimethylthiahiazo (-z-yl)-3,5-di-phenytetrazoliumromide (MTT) assay, viable cell counting, flow cytometry (FCM), and enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA). Results: We showed that the regenerated silk fibroin film was not cytotoxic to L929 cells and had no adverse influence on their adhesion, cell cycle or apoptosis; it had no adverse influence on the growth and VEGF secretion of ECV304 cells and no effect on the secretion of VEGF, Ang-1, PDGF and FGF2 by WI-38 cells. Conclusion: The regenerated silk fibroin film should be an excellent biomaterial with good cytocompatibility, providing a framework for reparation after trauma in clinical applications. 展开更多
关键词 Regenerated silk fibroin film CYTOCOMPATIBILITY CYTOTOXICITY
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