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腹腔镜加压吻合器胃肠吻合应用研究 被引量:3
作者 郑成竹 印慨 +4 位作者 张鼎宇 寇玉彬 刘洪涛 李心翔 周东雷 《中国医疗器械信息》 2006年第8期10-14,共5页
目的:通过动物试验改进腹腔镜加压吻合器在胃肠吻合中的应用方法并观察其效果。方法:在犬上消化道吻合手术中,采用腹腔镜加压吻合器操作指导及改进后的手术操作步骤两种不同的方法实施吻合,根据手术录像记录每一吻合操作的各步骤时间... 目的:通过动物试验改进腹腔镜加压吻合器在胃肠吻合中的应用方法并观察其效果。方法:在犬上消化道吻合手术中,采用腹腔镜加压吻合器操作指导及改进后的手术操作步骤两种不同的方法实施吻合,根据手术录像记录每一吻合操作的各步骤时间及动作次数等数据,通过实际操作及统计分析对比两种吻合方法,并在术后不同时间处死动物,行吻合口处病理切片检查以观察吻合效果。结果:采用改进后的吻合方法无吻合口漏发生,较原吻合方法在实际操作时更加简便可靠,平均置入吻合夹时间减少32%,尝试次数减少66%,无效操作减少74%,缝合操作孔针数减少39%;术后2周吻合口处浆膜愈合完整,肌层及粘膜下层纤维增生,粘膜已覆盖吻合口。结论:腹腔镜加压吻合器在胃肠吻合中采取改进的吻合方法效果更佳,术后2周可形成光滑完整的吻合口。 展开更多
关键词 腹腔镜加压吻合 手术方法 吻合效果
作者 何鹏飞 闫秀 《基层医学论坛》 2022年第28期39-41,共3页
目的 探讨腔镜食管癌手术中应用手工分层吻合与颈部管型吻合器吻合的近期疗效。方法 以2019年3月-2021年3月河西学院附属张掖人民医院收治的62例腔镜食管癌手术患者为研究对象,采用随机抽签的方式将其分成2组,每组31例。对照组采用手工... 目的 探讨腔镜食管癌手术中应用手工分层吻合与颈部管型吻合器吻合的近期疗效。方法 以2019年3月-2021年3月河西学院附属张掖人民医院收治的62例腔镜食管癌手术患者为研究对象,采用随机抽签的方式将其分成2组,每组31例。对照组采用手工分层吻合,观察组采用颈部管型吻合器吻合。对比2组患者平均吻合所需时间、手术时间、住院时间,对比2组患者并发症发生情况。结果 观察组平均吻合所需时间、手术时间及住院时间短于对照组(P<0.05);观察组并发症发生率为12.90%,显著低于对照组的35.48%(P<0.05)。结论针对腔镜食管癌手术患者,术中采用颈部管型吻合器吻合的效果更佳,可缩短吻合所需时间及手术时间,缩短患者住院时间,降低并发症发生率,给患者更多生存希望,具有推广价值。 展开更多
关键词 食管癌 手工分层吻合 颈部管型吻合吻合效果
利用内置支持物进行犬肠管吻合术的效果研究 被引量:1
作者 张靓玉 宋曼玉 +6 位作者 罗欣然 关伟 高培源 赵菁华 张建涛 刘涛 范宏刚 《黑龙江畜牧兽医(下半月)》 北大核心 2017年第4期83-84,289,共3页
为了提高肠管吻合术的效果,将淀粉膨化物制成中空、一端封闭、一端开放的形状,将消炎药和镇痛药填塞其中,外面包被上骨蜡,研制出新型可降解的内置支持物用于宠物消化系统疾病中的肠管吻合术,选取10只健康本地小型犬进行试验,以验证和评... 为了提高肠管吻合术的效果,将淀粉膨化物制成中空、一端封闭、一端开放的形状,将消炎药和镇痛药填塞其中,外面包被上骨蜡,研制出新型可降解的内置支持物用于宠物消化系统疾病中的肠管吻合术,选取10只健康本地小型犬进行试验,以验证和评价这种新型内置支持物在肠管吻合术中的应用效果。结果表明:将这种新型可降解内置支持物置于吻合部位之后进行吻合操作,效果良好,手术全过程用时为(20.25±6.26)min,10例手术全部成功。说明该方法可快速、便捷、顺利地完成肠管吻合术操作。 展开更多
关键词 消化系统疾病 肠管吻合 可降解内置支持物 吻合效果
Efficiency and therapeutic effect of modified pigtail probe in anastomosing lacerated lacrimal canaliculus 被引量:7
作者 梁涛 赵桂秋 +3 位作者 李英兰 杨珊珊 张凌云 吴媛 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2009年第2期87-91,共5页
Objective: To investigate the necessity of modification to the traditional pigtail probe and evaluate its efficiency and therapeutic effect in searching the nasal cut ends and anastomosing the lacerated lacrimal cana... Objective: To investigate the necessity of modification to the traditional pigtail probe and evaluate its efficiency and therapeutic effect in searching the nasal cut ends and anastomosing the lacerated lacrimal canaliculus. Methods: Eighty-seven patients (including 87 eyes) suffering from canalicular laceration were randomized into two groups: 41 patients treated with traditional pigtail probes (Group A) and 46 with modified pigtail probes (Group B). During the reconstruction of the lacerated canaliculi, the traditional pigtail probe and the modified pigtail probe were used respectively to seek for the nasal cut ends of lacerated lacrimal canaliculi. Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICCTM) silicone tube with diameter of 0.95 mm was intubated as a stent for 4-6 months. The surgical outcomes were retrospectively analyzed after stent removal. Results: In Group B, the primary success rate of searching the nasal cut ends of lacerated lacrimal canaliculi was 93.48% (43/46) and the final success rate was 97.83% (45/46). No false passage formed in Group B. Statistical sig- nificance was found between Group A and Group B as the primary success rates of searching the nasal cut ends ( x^2 = 10.522, P〈0.01) and the false passage forming rates were concerned ( x^2=4.704, P〈0.05), whereas no significance was found between the two groups as the final success rates were concerned ( x^2=0.007, P〉0.05). The mean time of searching the nasal cut ends of lacerated lacrimal canaliculi in Group B was (5.02±2.73) minutes and the mean time of operation was (33.90±4.84) minutes, and both were significantly shorter than those of Group A (t1=9.779, t2=10.700, P〈0.01). The cure rate of Group B was 95.65%, though higher than that of Group A, no statistical significance was found (Z=-1.007, P〉0.05). Totally, 2 patients (2.30%) were found to be absent of common canaliculus and underwent bicanalicular nasal intubation in the two groups. Conclusions: Pigtail probes are efficient and convenient apparatus for searching the nasal cut ends of the lacerated lacrimal canaliculi in the reconstruction of canalicular laceration. Necessary or proper modifications to the pigtail probes can minimize the risk of iatrogenic damages or complications and enhance the efficiency and therapeutic effect of canalicular repair. 展开更多
关键词 LACERATIONS INTUBATION Lacrimal apparatus Anastomosis surgical
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