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作者 王占刚 《高原医学杂志》 CAS 1993年第2期26-26,共1页
高原外周水肿(HPE)是急进高海拔时出现的面部水肿。我们通过对61例进入海拔5000m高原健康人观察发现,上山后一周内18例出现面部水肿,10天后水肿逐消退。其中2例持续了3个月,表现了迁延性过程。72%面部水肿患者合并急性高山病(AMS),1例... 高原外周水肿(HPE)是急进高海拔时出现的面部水肿。我们通过对61例进入海拔5000m高原健康人观察发现,上山后一周内18例出现面部水肿,10天后水肿逐消退。其中2例持续了3个月,表现了迁延性过程。72%面部水肿患者合并急性高山病(AMS),1例合并高原肺水肿(HAPE)。 展开更多
关键词 周水 急性高山病 面部水肿 迁延性 天后 视网膜出血 周水 个体差异 局部病理 表现型
作者 王元林 陈玉霜 《中国历史地理论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期47-54,共8页
由于《水经》、《汉书.地理志》、《水经注》对周水、存水、刚水记载简略,加之这一地区多岩溶地形,河流常常变成地下河,导致历代志书在今柳江、红水河流域指代三河不一。实际上三河各有所指,周水即今广西龙江一段;存水即今龙江,而非源... 由于《水经》、《汉书.地理志》、《水经注》对周水、存水、刚水记载简略,加之这一地区多岩溶地形,河流常常变成地下河,导致历代志书在今柳江、红水河流域指代三河不一。实际上三河各有所指,周水即今广西龙江一段;存水即今龙江,而非源于犍为郡县境;刚水或与周水为同一水,或为红水河下游,而非今柳江上源都柳江。 展开更多
关键词 周水 存水 刚水 龙江
桩周水泥土对静钻根植桩低应变检测影响研究 被引量:1
作者 张升茂 《铁道建筑技术》 2019年第5期27-30,共4页
为了研究桩周水泥土的均匀性对静钻根植桩低应变检测的影响,对完整性良好的足尺模型桩、人为制造缺陷的足尺模型桩进行对比检测,对低应变曲线有疑问的工程桩进行开挖验证,并开展局部不均匀桩周水泥土清除前后的低应变对比检测和高应变... 为了研究桩周水泥土的均匀性对静钻根植桩低应变检测的影响,对完整性良好的足尺模型桩、人为制造缺陷的足尺模型桩进行对比检测,对低应变曲线有疑问的工程桩进行开挖验证,并开展局部不均匀桩周水泥土清除前后的低应变对比检测和高应变验证检测。研究结果表明:在水泥土均匀性良好的情况下,桩身缺陷可以通过低应变检测正确判别;桩周水泥土的强度变化及不均匀性对静钻根植桩低应变检测具有明显影响;在静钻根植桩工程检测中应考虑工艺因素的影响,对低应变数据进行合理分析判断。 展开更多
关键词 静钻根植桩 周水泥土 低应变检测 影响 验证
作者 王兴珍 杨庚辰 詹钦鹏 《石家庄铁道大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024年第4期63-68,76,共7页
基于静钻根植桩结构特点,利用ABAQUS建立三维有限元模型,开展静钻根植桩在冻土区的桩基承载特性数值模拟研究,分析竖向荷载下桩基荷载传递机理,讨论桩周冻土温度、桩周水泥土厚度和水泥土黏聚力对竖向承载特性的影响。结果表明,水泥土... 基于静钻根植桩结构特点,利用ABAQUS建立三维有限元模型,开展静钻根植桩在冻土区的桩基承载特性数值模拟研究,分析竖向荷载下桩基荷载传递机理,讨论桩周冻土温度、桩周水泥土厚度和水泥土黏聚力对竖向承载特性的影响。结果表明,水泥土外壳是桩基承载力的关键,其竖向应力变化复杂;水泥土扩大头底部竖向应力较顶部增大了43%左右;竹节上下部位会发生应力突变,水泥土外壳竹节凹陷处下部较上部应力平均增大27.5%。桩周冻土常温与负温条件下桩基承载特性具有一定差异;桩周水泥土厚度应介于100 mm到0.5倍预制芯桩桩径之间;水泥土黏聚力在300 MPa左右对桩基承载力最有利。 展开更多
关键词 冻土区 静钻根植桩 桩基承载特性 桩周冻土温度 周水泥土厚度 水泥土黏聚力
《灾害学》 CSCD 1989年第1期78-78,共1页
自然灾害的地理学性质 (江西出版社褚庆林) 浅谈青海的沙化与滑坡灾害 (地矿部906水文地质工程地质大队高学忠) 一次罕见的内陆丘陵山地龙卷灾害 (江西安福县气象站周水明江西省气象科研所留小强)
关键词 滑坡灾害 地理学性质 周水 地矿部 气象科研 龙卷 安福县 小强 兰州地震研究所 科技研究所
作者 筱东 《学习与研究(北京)》 1982年第8期65-,共1页
辟雍:位于北京东城区安定门内国子监中;清乾隆四十八年(1783年)营建,翌年冬竣工。辟雍为国子监全部建筑的中心,座落于有白石护栏的圈河(圆形水池)中央,大殿“周阿重檐、户牖洞达”,为四角攒尖顶的方殿;殿前檐有乾隆亲书“辟雍”匾额,内... 辟雍:位于北京东城区安定门内国子监中;清乾隆四十八年(1783年)营建,翌年冬竣工。辟雍为国子监全部建筑的中心,座落于有白石护栏的圈河(圆形水池)中央,大殿“周阿重檐、户牖洞达”,为四角攒尖顶的方殿;殿前檐有乾隆亲书“辟雍”匾额,内额书“雅涵干乐”。圜河四周建四座石桥,白石阑,构成所谓“辟雍泮水”。“辟雍”,亦作辟廱、辟雝、壁雍,本为西周天子所设大学。《礼记·王制》中说:“大学在郊、天子曰辟雍,诸侯日頛宫。”辟雍之名,乃“取其四面周水,圜如壁。”国子监是元、明、清三代的国家最高学府,其中的辟雍是清代皇帝来国子监讲学的地方。 展开更多
关键词 辟雍 清三代 攒尖顶 泮水 周水 周天子 清代皇帝 周阿 亲书 八年
作者 覃雨甘 《贵州文史丛刊》 1994年第6期35-38,30,共5页
关键词 郡县 夜郎国 《水经注》 毋单 朱涯水 元鼎六年 周水 郁林郡 沾益县 郁水
作者 覃雨甘 《贵州文史丛刊》 1994年第2期27-31,共5页
关键词 郡县 夜郎国 毋敛县 毋单 《水经注》 朱涯水 元鼎六年 周水 沾益县 郁水
作者 张庆融 《辽宁体育科技》 1981年第1期29-30,21,共3页
关键词 课时计划 中学女生 结束部分 侧裂 总结课 组织纪律 司戈 周水 碧夏 范城
Immunohistochemical Analysis of IAA in Anthers of the Photoperiod-sensitive Genic Male-sterile Rice 被引量:3
作者 李念华 童哲 卢善发 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第10期1045-1050,共6页
The immunohistochemical localization of IAA and the comparison of their relative levels were carried out for the first time in the anthers of Nongken 58S and its wild type Nongken 58 (Oryza sativa subsp. japonica) af... The immunohistochemical localization of IAA and the comparison of their relative levels were carried out for the first time in the anthers of Nongken 58S and its wild type Nongken 58 (Oryza sativa subsp. japonica) after long_day and short_day treatments. The distribution of free_IAA in anthers and its dynamic variation could be reflected by this method. The results showed that the IAA level in the anthers of Nongken 58S after long_day treatment was much lower than that in short_day_treated Nongken 58S and those in wild type Nongken 58 in five stages from pistil and stamen primordia formation to late uninucleate stage. The possible reasons for IAA deficiency in Nongken 58S_LD anthers and its relationship with fertility alteration were also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 rice anther auxin PHOTOPERIOD male sterility immunohistochemical localization
《潇洒》 2007年第9期22-23,共2页
完美的爱情,需要用完美的珠宝来表达。纯净、坚固、珍贵……还有什么比钻石更适合表达对爱侣的一片深情呢?送她一件钻饰,让你们的爱象这世界上最美丽坚硬的石头一样永恒而纯粹。选择周生生推出的「The Love Diamond」系列首饰,让它用最... 完美的爱情,需要用完美的珠宝来表达。纯净、坚固、珍贵……还有什么比钻石更适合表达对爱侣的一片深情呢?送她一件钻饰,让你们的爱象这世界上最美丽坚硬的石头一样永恒而纯粹。选择周生生推出的「The Love Diamond」系列首饰,让它用最精良的钻石和工艺诠释最无瑕的爱情。 展开更多
关键词 DIAMOND 仁父 小妇 周水 上明 内引 日成
作者 彭天增 《道路交通管理》 2016年第7期64-65,共2页
他叫周水斌,42岁,已经吃了6年的流食。他是河南省郑州市交警支队二大队的一名普通民警,如果你去二大队办业务遇见他,请给他一个大大的赞!1 9 9 5年,周水斌高中毕业正巧赶上招收警察,怀揣着早有的梦想,他参加了招警考试,并如愿以偿地当... 他叫周水斌,42岁,已经吃了6年的流食。他是河南省郑州市交警支队二大队的一名普通民警,如果你去二大队办业务遇见他,请给他一个大大的赞!1 9 9 5年,周水斌高中毕业正巧赶上招收警察,怀揣着早有的梦想,他参加了招警考试,并如愿以偿地当上了警察。病魔突然而至进入警营后周水斌亢奋了一阵子,昔日的同学见了他说:"当警察花了不少钱吧。"周水斌只是笑笑。 展开更多
关键词 周水 第二年 自行车比赛 整理归类 给你 荣誉证书 食堂就餐 体力不支 放射性治疗 和纸
《湖北电业》 2009年第1期80-88,共9页
关键词 供电公司 郑德 超高压输变电 周水 抗冰抢险 湖北省电力公司 国网公司 黄冈 律回 安全管理理念
作者 周水生 邓翠芬 《老区建设》 1994年第1期26-26,共1页
店背村的“雪球”效应周水生,邓翠芬九十年代初,安福县洋溪镇店背村开展"四一"工程建设,三年来取得了明显效果,产生了"雪球"效应。一业成而百业1990年县老建办扶助后背村的开发200亩蚕桑,1991年养蚕种827张,集... 店背村的“雪球”效应周水生,邓翠芬九十年代初,安福县洋溪镇店背村开展"四一"工程建设,三年来取得了明显效果,产生了"雪球"效应。一业成而百业1990年县老建办扶助后背村的开发200亩蚕桑,1991年养蚕种827张,集体收入3万余元。首开项目就获得如此... 展开更多
关键词 洋溪镇 安福县 周水 集体收入 工程建设 九十年代 集体经济实力 农业科技知识 公共设施建设 村民小组
Analysis on Characteristics of Precipitation Variation in Zhongwei City in Recent 50 Years 被引量:7
作者 樊宽 石宏磊 陈永旭 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第12期1917-1920,共4页
[Objective] This study aimed to explore the historical evolution rules of precipitation variation in Zhongwei City by analyzing the annual precipitation data during 1961 to 2010 from Zhongwei Municipal Meteorological ... [Objective] This study aimed to explore the historical evolution rules of precipitation variation in Zhongwei City by analyzing the annual precipitation data during 1961 to 2010 from Zhongwei Municipal Meteorological Bureau of Ningxia,to provide the basis for middle and long term precipitation trend forecast.[Method] Five-point moving average method,trend coefficient analysis method,Mann-Kendall trend test method and variance analysis method were used to analyze the annual precipitation data during 1961 to 2010 in Zhongwei City.[Result] Annual precipitation series in Zhongwei City of Ningxia during 1961 to 2010 showed an insignificantly decreasing trend;among the seasonal precipitation series,spring precipitation had shown a consistent variation with the annual precipitation,summer precipitation had shown a slightly decreasing trend before 1978 and a significantly decreasing trend after 1978,autumn precipitation showed a decreasing trend before 1978 and an insignificantly increasing trend after 1978,winter precipitation showed a significantly increasing trend before 1978 and an insignificantly increasing trend after 1978.Both the annual and seasonal precipitation series had significant periodic variation rules.[Conclusion] Results of this study was conducive to understand the overall trend of annual precipitation series variation in Zhongwei City of Ningxia and its seasonal distribution characteristics and variation rules and provided a reliable basis for the hydrological forecasting in this region and reference for the middle and long term estimation and forecast of the trend of precipitation variation. 展开更多
关键词 PRECIPITATION Trend analysis CYCLE
Evaluating geological and geotechnical data for the study of land subsidence phenomena at the perimeter of the Amyntaio coalmine,Greece 被引量:3
作者 P.Tzampoglou C.Loupasakis 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 EI CSCD 2018年第4期598-609,共12页
Land subsidence phenomena caused by the overexploitation of the aquifers require the holistic knowledge of the geological, tectonic, hydrogeological and especially the geotechnical conditions of the affected sites in ... Land subsidence phenomena caused by the overexploitation of the aquifers require the holistic knowledge of the geological, tectonic, hydrogeological and especially the geotechnical conditions of the affected sites in order to be mitigated. The current paper focuses on the study of the phenomena taking place at the Amyntaio sub-basin, northern Greece, hosting the homonymous open pit coal mine,operating there the last two decades. The mining as well as the rising agriculture activities have led to a significant drawdown of the ground water level triggering extensive ground subsidence phenomena,causing damages at the nearby villages, infrastructure and farmlands. The production and evaluation of engineering geological–geotechnical maps as well as of thematic tectonic and hydrogeological maps proved that the knowledge of this data is crucial for the interpretation of the land subsidence mechanism and the spatial distribution of its effects. 展开更多
关键词 Land subsidence Geotechnical map Overexploitation of the aquifer Amyntaio basin
Sediment Movement in Periodic Alternating Current 被引量:11
作者 CAOZude KONGLingshuang LIUDefu 《Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao》 2002年第2期201-205,共5页
The present paper summarizes the results of previous studies, including the structure and principle of the rotary ring flume for researching the fine sediment movement, the mechanism of the flume, method of eliminatin... The present paper summarizes the results of previous studies, including the structure and principle of the rotary ring flume for researching the fine sediment movement, the mechanism of the flume, method of eliminating the influence of the centrifugal force and sediment movement experiments with periodic alternating current. Also included are the experiment-based relationship among sediment concentration, bed shear stress and silt carrying capacity, a proposed erosion-deposition function and bed erosion-deposition calculation together with the results of verification. 展开更多
关键词 rotary ring flume periodic alternating current hydraulic characteristics of sediment erosion-deposition function
Regulating effect of Chinese herbal medicine on the peritoneal lymphatic stomata in enhancing ascites absorption of experimental hepatofibrotic mice 被引量:10
作者 Ji-Cheng Li Shi-Ping Ding,Department of Lymphology,Department of Histology and Embryology, Medical College of Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310031,Zhejiang Province,China Jian Xu,Hangzhou First People’ s Hospital,Hangzhou 310006,Zhejiang Province,China 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第2期333-337,共5页
AIM: To observe the regulatory effect of Chinese herbal medicine on peritoneal lymphatic stomata and its significance in treating ascites in liver fibrosis model mice. METHODS: Two Chinese herbal composite prescriptio... AIM: To observe the regulatory effect of Chinese herbal medicine on peritoneal lymphatic stomata and its significance in treating ascites in liver fibrosis model mice. METHODS: Two Chinese herbal composite prescriptions were used separately to treat the carbon tetrachloride-induced mouse model of liver fibrosis. The histo-pathologic changes of the liver sections (HE and VG stainings) were observed. The peritoneal lymphatic stomata was detected by scanning electron microscopy and computer image processing. The changes of urinary volume and sodium ion concentration were measured. RESULTS: In the model group, lots of fibrous tissue formed in liver and extended into the hepatic lobules to separate them incompletely. In the treated and prevention groups, the histo-pathologic changes of liver was rather milder, only showed much less fibrous tissue proliferation in the hepatic lobules. The peritoneal lymphatic stomata enlarged with increased density in the experimental groups (diameter: PA, 3.07 +/- 0.69 microm; PB, 2.82 +/- 0.37 microm; TA, 3.25 +/- 0.82 microm and TB, 2.82 +/- 0.56 microm; density: PA, 7.11 +/- 1.90 stomata.1000 microm(-2); PB, 8.76 +/- 1.45 stomata.1000 microm(-2); TA, 6.55 +/- 1.44 stomata.1000 microm(-2)and TB, 8.76+/-1.79 stomata.1000 microm(-2)), as compared with the model group (diameter: 2.00+/-0.52 microm density: 4.45+/-1.05 stomata.1000 microm(-2)). After treatment, the urinary volume and sodium ion excretion increased in the experimental groups (PA, 231.28+/-41.09 mmol.L(-1); PB, 171.69 +/- 27.48 mmol.L(-1) and TA, 231.44 +/- 34.12 mmol.L(-1)), which were significantly different with those in the model group (129.33 +/- 36.75 mmol.L(-1)). CONCLUSION: Chinese herbal medicine has marked effects in alleviating liver fibrosis, regulating peritoneal lymphatic stomata, improving the drainage of ascites from peritoneal cavity and causing increase of urinary volume and sodium ion excretion to reduce the water and sodium retention, and thus have favorable therapeutic effect in treating ascites. 展开更多
关键词 PHYTOTHERAPY Animals ASCITES Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorides Drugs Chinese Herbal Liver Liver Cirrhosis Experimental Lymph Nodes Male Medicine Chinese Traditional MICE PERITONEUM Potassium Random Allocation Research Support Non-U.S. Gov't Sodium
Sensitivity of Tropical Cyclone Precipitation to Atmospheric Moisture Content: Case Study of Bilis (2006) 被引量:2
作者 WU Wei CHEN Ji-Long 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第5期420-425,共6页
In this article, the authors used the Weather Research and Forecast model to investigate the sensitivity of tropical cyclone Bilis' total precipitation to ambient water vapor content. The tropical cyclone precipit... In this article, the authors used the Weather Research and Forecast model to investigate the sensitivity of tropical cyclone Bilis' total precipitation to ambient water vapor content. The tropical cyclone precipitation decreased dramatically with the reduction of the ambient water vapor content in the atmosphere. The decrease of precipitation can be explained by two mechanisms. First, as the major source of precipitation, moisture conver-gence decreases accordingly with the moisture content. Second, the tropical cyclone (TC) size reduction due to the moisture decrease influences the precipitation area. Both mechanisms were observed in this study. 展开更多
关键词 tropical cyclone PRECIPITATION humidity water vapor
Effect of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury on protein levels of leptin and orexin-A in peripheral blood and central secretory tissues 被引量:31
作者 JiLin Guang-TaoYan Xiu-HuaHao Lu-HuanWang KaiZhang HuiXue 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第7期1000-1004,共5页
AIM: To explore the effect of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury on protein levels of leptin and orexin-A in peripheral blood and their central secretory tissues and to find out the role leptin and orexin-A play i... AIM: To explore the effect of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury on protein levels of leptin and orexin-A in peripheral blood and their central secretory tissues and to find out the role leptin and orexin-A play in acute inflammatory responses.METHODS: An intestinal ischemia-reperfusion (I/R)injury model of rats was established and rats were divided randomly into six groups: sham-operation group, 60 min ischemia/30 min reperfusion group (I60'R30'), I60'R90',I60'R150', I60'R240' and I60'R360', 9 rats each group.Two highly-sensitive radioimmunoassays for leptin and orexin-A were established and used to check the change of their concentrations in peripheral blood and central secretory tissues before and after intestinal I/R injury.RESULTS: Compared with the serum leptin level before injury, it decreased significantly in I60'R30' group and increased significantly in I60'R360' group; compared to sham-operation group after injury, serum leptin level increased significantly in I60'R360' group; compared to sham-operation group after injury, adipose leptin levels decreased significantly in I60'R30' and I60'R90' groups,while increased significantly in I60'R360' group. There was no significant difference between the expression levels of orexin-A before and after I/R injury.CONCLUSION: Leptin has a time-dependent response and orexin-A has a delayed response to acute inflammatory stimuli such as intestinal I/R injury and they may participate in metabolic disorders in injury as inflammatory cytokines. 展开更多
关键词 ISCHEMIA-REPERFUSION Intestinal LEPTIN OrexinA RADIOIMMUNOASSAY Inflammation Acute Cytokine
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