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作者 杨迪 周艺 《美与时代(美术学刊)(中)》 2015年第5期143-143,共1页
作者简介: 杨迪,男,1971年生于甘肃天水,1995年毕业于西北师范大学美术系国画专业,同年任教于天水师范学校。擅长山水、花鸟画创作,现就读中国艺术研究院艺术硕士。 周艺,原名周艺敏,中国美术家协会中国画艺术委员会秘书处成... 作者简介: 杨迪,男,1971年生于甘肃天水,1995年毕业于西北师范大学美术系国画专业,同年任教于天水师范学校。擅长山水、花鸟画创作,现就读中国艺术研究院艺术硕士。 周艺,原名周艺敏,中国美术家协会中国画艺术委员会秘书处成员,中国艺术研究院研究生院美术学硕士生,中华画院画家,中国书画杂志社特聘画家。山水作品曾获“第二属中韩优秀书画家(韩国国会)邀请展”优秀奖;2012年获韩国国会颁发“中韩文化交流贡献奖”;入选“相约青岛一中国画名家邀请展”;“点亮心灯,光明行动一中国书画名家慈善邀请展”。 展开更多
关键词 杨迪 周艺
周艺畅 挖掘铁皮石斛潜在价值
作者 王学勇(文/图) 《致富天地》 2020年第10期42-43,共2页
铁皮石斛被誉为"九大仙草"之首。然而,近年来,云南铁皮石斛价格经历"过山车"式的波动,曾一度跌落谷底,让不少种植户血本无归。正是在这个低谷阶段,创业者周艺畅进入石斛行业。从销售石斛鲜条,到石斛干条、石斛面粉... 铁皮石斛被誉为"九大仙草"之首。然而,近年来,云南铁皮石斛价格经历"过山车"式的波动,曾一度跌落谷底,让不少种植户血本无归。正是在这个低谷阶段,创业者周艺畅进入石斛行业。从销售石斛鲜条,到石斛干条、石斛面粉、石斛酒,再到生产石斛面膜、石斛润唇膏,石斛的保健功效被周艺畅不断开发利用,产业链条不断延伸。 展开更多
关键词 铁皮石斛 润唇膏 过山车 周艺 开发利用 产业链条 种植户 潜在价值
一事精致 便能动人——记中国石油新疆油田公司吉庆油田作业区中控女子班班长周艺
作者 刘峰 汤涛 +3 位作者 王金龙 逯志刚 段云菲 严杰 《国企》 2021年第S01期76-77,共2页
带班28年,周艺将"责任"升级为"热爱"。作为一名共产党员,她矢志在石油领域为国家奉献能源。工作28年,她从石油生产供电保障到油田生产一线,岗位多次变换,不变的是一名共产党员保障国家能源安全的坚定信念。《南村... 带班28年,周艺将"责任"升级为"热爱"。作为一名共产党员,她矢志在石油领域为国家奉献能源。工作28年,她从石油生产供电保障到油田生产一线,岗位多次变换,不变的是一名共产党员保障国家能源安全的坚定信念。《南村辍耕录》说:"一事精致,便能动人,亦其专心致志而然。"意思是说,一件事情做得精巧细致,便可以吸引人。吉庆油田作业区中控女子班班长周艺就是这样的一个人。 展开更多
关键词 新疆油田公司 国家能源安全 周艺 供电保障 共产党员 石油领域 油田作业区 坚定信念
我国北方温室园艺产业的发展方向——现代日光温室园艺产业 被引量:20
作者 李天来 齐红岩 齐明芳 《沈阳农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期265-269,共5页
关键词 现代日光温室 周艺产业 发展方向 主要目标
作者 张梦瑶 《北方音乐》 2014年第10期186-186,188,共2页
在河北省邯郸市永年县乡村,活跃着一群吹歌乐人。他们祖辈相传,不改其业,将音乐作为家族传统来继承。乐人们在母亲腹中就开始聆听吹歌。他们幼年学艺、少年加入家族乐班,成年支撑起乐班及整个家庭。音乐是他们的衣食父母,他们靠动人的... 在河北省邯郸市永年县乡村,活跃着一群吹歌乐人。他们祖辈相传,不改其业,将音乐作为家族传统来继承。乐人们在母亲腹中就开始聆听吹歌。他们幼年学艺、少年加入家族乐班,成年支撑起乐班及整个家庭。音乐是他们的衣食父母,他们靠动人的乐声、火爆的表演吸引观众,演出收入是整个家庭的经济来源。音乐也是他们的精神支柱,他们将自己的喜怒哀乐都融于乐声中表达出来,音乐承载着他们的希望和梦想。 展开更多
关键词 河北省邯郸市 吹歌 祖孙三代 音乐舞蹈 周东 新加坡华乐团 周艺 金唢呐 民族器乐 山东琴书
作者 周艺红 《中国微生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 1994年第3期64-65,共2页
50例阑尾炎标本的细菌学分析广东省三水市人民医院检验科三水528100周艺红阑尾炎是外科常见病之一,为了解引起阑尾炎的主要致病或条件致病菌的种类,以及阑尾炎发生时导致肠道微生态学变化。我院自93年5月1日至8月16日... 50例阑尾炎标本的细菌学分析广东省三水市人民医院检验科三水528100周艺红阑尾炎是外科常见病之一,为了解引起阑尾炎的主要致病或条件致病菌的种类,以及阑尾炎发生时导致肠道微生态学变化。我院自93年5月1日至8月16日,在阑尾手术病人中,采取阑尾内炎症... 展开更多
关键词 阑尾手术 条件致病菌 肠道微生态 医院检验科 三水市 周艺 细菌室 需氧菌 触酶试验 化脓性阑尾炎
作者 缪依杭 《上海戏剧》 1988年第2期12-,共1页
滑稽戏演员的表演特性,往往和他惯用的出噱头方法结合在一起;要改变戏路,谈何容易。甚至一些著名的滑稽演员如文彬彬,也基本上属于千“人”一“面”的类型。这种现象好的一面是有助于促进演员表演个性的形成,不好的一面则是作茧自缚,容... 滑稽戏演员的表演特性,往往和他惯用的出噱头方法结合在一起;要改变戏路,谈何容易。甚至一些著名的滑稽演员如文彬彬,也基本上属于千“人”一“面”的类型。这种现象好的一面是有助于促进演员表演个性的形成,不好的一面则是作茧自缚,容易产生人物个性的变形。近年来,滑稽戏导演几乎都在努力解决一个共同的命题:既充分珍重演员吐出的艺术之丝,又帮助演员破茧而出。青艺滑稽剧团的《花头花脑》又走出了可喜的一步。演员蔡剑英从其获得表演奖的《出租的新娘》以来,已形成近于“风骚旦”(一种行当名称,不是贬义)的戏路,扮演这类人物时,出噱头得心应手,在观众中颇有影响。《花》剧中的康乃馨,是来自香港的时装公司未婚女经理,对花布设计师胡迪感情奔放,公开说“我爱他”,进而引起胡迪女友白玉兰的误会。倘从人物行为的皮相看,平庸的导演很容易把她纳入蔡剑英一贯的表演轨道中去。那样做大家省力,也会有噱头,但却失去了人物纯真美好的爱国之心、爱美之意、爱才之情。 展开更多
关键词 人物个性 头花 人物行为 文彬彬 我爱 周艺 破茧而出 扮演者 两种生活 别滁
《中学数学研究(华南师范大学)(下半月)》 2016年第3期42-48,F0003,F0004,41,共10页
▲获学生优胜奖●获教师指导奖上海市育才初级中学▲一等奖:张昊,岳欣怡,袁文杰,杨子林,蒋奕昀,华英凡,王燚,沈涵赟,黄昕然,杨卓昀,陶逸飞,姜灵旻,徐斯茵,金子翔.二等奖:朱薇融,曾晴,李嘉文,柴君烨,蒋亦周,莫平凯,杨翼冰,陈嘉尧,白莉... ▲获学生优胜奖●获教师指导奖上海市育才初级中学▲一等奖:张昊,岳欣怡,袁文杰,杨子林,蒋奕昀,华英凡,王燚,沈涵赟,黄昕然,杨卓昀,陶逸飞,姜灵旻,徐斯茵,金子翔.二等奖:朱薇融,曾晴,李嘉文,柴君烨,蒋亦周,莫平凯,杨翼冰,陈嘉尧,白莉雯,钟孙泽皓,黄云昊,葛俊杰,杨晓余,杨正燕,丁洋阳,张嘉睿,刘亚楠,杨新宇,王沛霆,周艺瑾,胡芝源,徐佳昊,金舒凡,陈斯绮,孔佳怡,董鸿斌,林泽远. 展开更多
关键词 沈涵 董鸿 杨子林 舒凡 李嘉 徐佳 数学竞赛 周艺 张昊 杨翼
作者 周艺 《戏剧丛刊》 2005年第4期3-3,共1页
尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾,广大的观众朋友们:由山东省文化厅、东营市人民政府主办,东营市委宣传部、东营市文体局承办,东营市烟草专卖局协办的山东省地方戏小型戏曲新创作剧目会演,即将在吕剧的故乡落下帷幕。在此,受张长森厅长... 尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾,广大的观众朋友们:由山东省文化厅、东营市人民政府主办,东营市委宣传部、东营市文体局承办,东营市烟草专卖局协办的山东省地方戏小型戏曲新创作剧目会演,即将在吕剧的故乡落下帷幕。在此,受张长森厅长的委托,谨代表山东省文化厅及全省文艺工作者,向给予这次活动鼎力支持的东营市委、市政府、市委宣传部、市文体局、市烟草专卖局表示衷心的感谢! 展开更多
关键词 山东 地方戏 小型戏曲 创作剧目 会演 闭幕式 致辞 周艺 文化厅副厅长
作者 周艺平 《良师(小学1-2年级)》 2004年第6期28-28,共1页
关键词 逆向思维 ABCDE 问题解决 数学问题 活动课 已知条件 竖式 指导教师 周艺 溆浦县
作者 巩玲 《演艺科技》 2013年第S2期80-80,共1页
8月20日~24日,来自全国各地的400多位二胡选手齐聚中国音乐学院,参加第二届"敦煌杯"全国二胡大赛。比赛由上海民族乐器一厂主办,北京华夏璇音艺术传播中心承办,评审专家组由国内九大音乐院校的知名教师组成。大赛注重对选手... 8月20日~24日,来自全国各地的400多位二胡选手齐聚中国音乐学院,参加第二届"敦煌杯"全国二胡大赛。比赛由上海民族乐器一厂主办,北京华夏璇音艺术传播中心承办,评审专家组由国内九大音乐院校的知名教师组成。大赛注重对选手的基本功、心理素质和音乐表达等多方位的考察,吸引了近千名来自数十个省市地区的选手报名并参加初赛选拔。王雅琪、章海玥、章童瑶、周艺妮、张觉平、毕友恒、李佳瑶、林柏村、邰一笑、卢梦琪、李炳辰等选手分别获得职业青年A组、成年组。 展开更多
关键词 中国音乐学院 上海民族乐器 音乐院校 音乐表达 艺术传播 李炳辰 周艺 评审专家组 北京华夏 章海
作者 周艺 《风景名胜》 2016年第4期44-49,共6页
关键词 散文 《春行·看花--早春 徜徉在罗平的花海中》 中国 周艺
作者 周艺良 《中国石油和化工》 1994年第11期30-30,共1页
郑州市煤炭化工业本世纪末发展重点周艺良@煤炭化学工业现状截止1993年底,郑州市共有煤炭化工企业341个(包括乡镇煤炭化工企业),工业总产值19.5亿元,初步形成了以煤炭工业、化学工业为主体,以国有大中型企业为骨干,... 郑州市煤炭化工业本世纪末发展重点周艺良@煤炭化学工业现状截止1993年底,郑州市共有煤炭化工企业341个(包括乡镇煤炭化工企业),工业总产值19.5亿元,初步形成了以煤炭工业、化学工业为主体,以国有大中型企业为骨干,初具规模的门类比较齐全的工业体系。... 展开更多
关键词 煤炭化学工业 工业总产值 化工产品 产品门类 河南化工厂 有机中间体 周艺 化工总厂 有机化工 煤炭综合利用
On-line Monitoring for Phosphorus Removal Process and Bacterial Community in Sequencing Batch Reactor 被引量:4
作者 崔有为 王淑莹 李晶 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第3期484-492,共9页
For efficient energy consumption and control of effluent quality, the cycle duration for a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) needs to be adjusted by real-time control according to the characteristics and loading of waste... For efficient energy consumption and control of effluent quality, the cycle duration for a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) needs to be adjusted by real-time control according to the characteristics and loading of waste-water. In this study, an on-line information system for phosphorus removal processes was established. Based on the analysis for four systems with different ecological community structures and two operation modes, anaerobic-aerobic process and anaerobic-anaerobic process, the characteristic patterns of oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and pH were related to phosphorous dynamics in the anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic phases, for determination of the end of phosphorous removal. In the operation mode of anaerobic-aerobic process, the pH profile in the anaerobic phase was used to estimate the relative amount of phosphorous accumulating organisms (PAOs) and glycogen accumulat-ing organisms (GAOs), which is beneficial to early detection of ecology community shifts. The on-line sensor val-ues of pH and ORP may be used as the parameters to adjust the duration for phosphorous removal and community shifts to cope with influent variations and maintain appropriate operation conditions. 展开更多
关键词 on-line monitoring phosphorus removal sequencing batch reactor PH oxidation-reduction potential
Peering Into Culture of Ancient Bukhara
作者 Khudoev G. M. 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第8期630-633,共4页
Ancient Bukhara is the cultural and educational center of East which made huge contribution to a treasury of world art. Culture and art buildings were built in Bukhara and around its territory. Ancient Bukhara turned ... Ancient Bukhara is the cultural and educational center of East which made huge contribution to a treasury of world art. Culture and art buildings were built in Bukhara and around its territory. Ancient Bukhara turned out as one of the biggest centers of Middle East in the period (era) of outstanding Somoniy (in the IX-X centuries) and Temurids (in the XIV-XV centuries), particular, its developed literature, culture, architecture, and music art; especially, as being the capital of dynasty Mangits (at the beginning of the century XVIII-XX), served as the groundwork of forming Shashmakom samples in groups. This time among a number of poets and artists, lived Akhmad Danish--the most mature scientist, philosopher, poet, calligrapher, and painter, Abdurauf Fitrat--poet and writer, theoretician, musician and political activist. 展开更多
关键词 alace Ancient Bukhara archeological monuments architectural monuments CULTURE era of Temurids fine art music art Shashmakom
Influence of the Main Technological Variables of Cyclical Mechanic-Thermal Processing on the Strain Hardening of Steel Parts
作者 Eleno Alfonso Brindis Sanjeevkoemar Bissesar +1 位作者 Faizel Abdoel Wahid Francisco Tchiquendja Eleno 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2016年第1期1-8,共8页
The main objective of the present work was to determine the influence of the most important technological variables of CMTP (cyclical mechanic-thermal processing) on the strain hardening in the surface layers of ste... The main objective of the present work was to determine the influence of the most important technological variables of CMTP (cyclical mechanic-thermal processing) on the strain hardening in the surface layers of steel parts. For this, it was designed a full factorial plan at two levels of five independent variables that include the whole processing in two and three cycles, the cold-forming degree and force during the plastic deformation (burnishing), and the temperature and time at the given temperature during the aging. Each cycle is composed of plastic deformation at room temperature plus aging. As dependent variables, the degree and penetration depth of strain hardening were evaluated. Based on the appropriately used set of experimental data, it had been fitted an exponential model for each dependent variables and also a two-degree polynomial fitting of in-depth evolution of microhardness profile was obtained. The amount of cycles and the cold-forming degree are the technological variables of CMTP that influence the most on strain hardening, although other variables also are significant. The microhardness profile highlights that during the CMTP, the strain hardening decreases from the outer bound to the transition zone of the surface layers, where it disappears. 展开更多
关键词 Mechanic-thermal processing strain hardening surface layers microhardness.
Life Cycle Assessment on Real Time in a Coffee Machine
作者 Jorge Dominguez-Patino Antonio Rodriguez Martinez +1 位作者 Rosenberg Javier Romero Israel Herrera Orozco 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2014年第12期1142-1149,共8页
The environmental impact during the preparation of coffee beverages was evaluated on real time. The functional unit is a cup of coffee prepared from 7 g of ground coffee and 125 mL of tap water. The boundaries system ... The environmental impact during the preparation of coffee beverages was evaluated on real time. The functional unit is a cup of coffee prepared from 7 g of ground coffee and 125 mL of tap water. The boundaries system considered are assembly process, electricity process, tap water process, coffee process and municipal waste process. Based on boundary system, the life cycle inventory is carbon dioxide, 50.31 g; coal, brown, 53.72 rag; coal hard, 0.9906 g; dinitrogen monoxide, 0.9575 mg; natural gas, 0.0020 m^3; methane, fossil, 13.82 mg; oil, crude, 1.012 g; uranium, 15.02 ug. The life cycle impact assessment is determined using the sum of the contributions of the impacts shown in the inventory analysis, each one multiplied by a coefficient called the "characterization factor", which indicates the scale of the potential contributed by the individual substance to the effect. The results show the advantages of using the LCA (life cycle assessment) on real time as it provides information from both quality and environmental parameters allowing taking actions based on timely information. The preparation of a cup of coffee produced an environmental load of 50.9 g of CO2 equivalents and Non Renewable energy equivalents to 151 kJ; the sugar process and materials transportation were not considered. 展开更多
关键词 LCA coffee cup real time
Study on Hydrography and Small-Scale Process over Zhoushan Sea Area
作者 WU He DU Min +1 位作者 WANG Xiaoyong MENG Jie 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2015年第5期829-834,共6页
This paper mainly analyzes the tidal characteristics and small-scale mixing process near Zhoushan Islands. First, the spectral analysis and wavelet analysis are adopted for the measured tide level data and tidal curre... This paper mainly analyzes the tidal characteristics and small-scale mixing process near Zhoushan Islands. First, the spectral analysis and wavelet analysis are adopted for the measured tide level data and tidal current data from the Zhoushan sea area, which indicate that the main tidal cycle near Hulu Island and Taohua Island is semi-diurnal cycle, the diurnal cycle is subordinate. Both their intensities are changed periodically, meanwhile, the diurnal tide becomes stronger when semi-diurnal tide becomes weak. The intensity of baroclinie tidal current weakens at first and then strengthens from top to bottom. Then, in this paper, the Gregg-Henyey (G-H) parameterization method is adopted to calculate the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate based on the measured temperature and tidal current data. The results of which shown that the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate around Hulu Island is higher than that around Taohua Island. In most cases, the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate during spring tide is larger than that during the neap tide; the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate in the surface layer and the bottom layer are higher than that in the intermediate water; the changes of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate and tidal current are basically synchronous The modeled turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate gets smaller with the increase of the stratification, however, gets larger with the increase of shearing. 展开更多
关键词 tidal characteristics parameterization method turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate
《青少年书法(少年版)》 2004年第6期25-25,共1页
关键词 学生作品 专业学校 周雨 周艺 刘洋 刘新 王钦
作者 周艺 《小学生之友(趣味学习版)(上旬)》 2010年第3期32-32,共1页
关键词 《观看彩车》 小学 作文 周艺
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