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作者 潘宁译 《上海戏剧》 北大核心 1989年第1期11-13,共3页
采芹女士在远离伦敦的宾馆房间里走来走去,她激动地说,“根本谈不上什么休息。”对一个如此不平常的人物来说,这段话是最恰当不过的开场白。五十年的风风雨雨,采芹女士已从中国最著名京剧演员的女儿转为六十年代伦敦摇摆戏剧界的一员,... 采芹女士在远离伦敦的宾馆房间里走来走去,她激动地说,“根本谈不上什么休息。”对一个如此不平常的人物来说,这段话是最恰当不过的开场白。五十年的风风雨雨,采芹女士已从中国最著名京剧演员的女儿转为六十年代伦敦摇摆戏剧界的一员,又从伦敦西区的翁素芝(译音)转为“文革”之后第一批访问中国的导演之一。 展开更多
关键词 京剧演员 周采 素芝 十年 我的大学 一个女人 斯皮尔伯格 周信芳 舞台生涯 中国京剧
作者 晨晓 《上海戏剧》 1982年第2期35-37,共3页
关键词 麒派 周采 周信芳 中国京剧 声乐家 中国话剧 戏剧学院 练声 《暴风雨》 日本能乐
作者 谢美美 《世界有色金属》 2017年第23期83-84,共2页
关键词 数字矿山 SURPAC 周采剥进度计划
作者 颜昌峣 《船山学报》 1933年第2期190-191,共2页
嗟夫自吾亡友周君来之之死。不闻直言者二十有余年矣君为人坦率无城府与人以诚。不亿人不信。时或失听。亦不吝改过面赤微发喜饮酒不至醉。好读书。通小学天算舆地。究心经世之业。丹铅常在手与人笺。或即丹书之。人以为慢已。不省也。... 嗟夫自吾亡友周君来之之死。不闻直言者二十有余年矣君为人坦率无城府与人以诚。不亿人不信。时或失听。亦不吝改过面赤微发喜饮酒不至醉。好读书。通小学天算舆地。究心经世之业。丹铅常在手与人笺。或即丹书之。人以为慢已。不省也。与予同读书长沙求贤馆。同修湘乡节孝祠。编纂节孝录。同创立连璧高等小学。莫逆也常辩论古今事一不合辄怒目奋发。盛气相加。若不可向迩。既而气和色霁。复相呼论事。憺忘前语。以此终笃好如初予行。年七十未尝得此于人也见义。 展开更多
关键词 周君 高等小学 周采 求贤 复相 面赤 论事 三乐 亿人 经世
《大学教育科学》2009年第1—6期总目次 被引量:1
《大学教育科学》 CSSCI 2009年第6期109-112,共4页
关键词 教育科学 劳伦斯·克雷明 目次 教学观 当代大学生 张家 周采 国钧
作者 张佳周 《新闻记者》 北大核心 1991年第8期20-23,1,共5页
关键词 主任记者 艺术作品 周采 父子俩 无暇他顾 薄纱 就是你 艺术创作 静思 得意之作
作者 娜捷 《电影评介》 北大核心 1994年第3期35-35,共1页
93年9月以来在美国上映好评如潮的华裔题材影片《喜福会》,系根据美籍华裔女作家谭恩美的同名畅销小说改编而成,导演则是以《点心》、《一碗茶》闻名的王颖,演员方面更有卢燕、周采芹、邬君梅等演技派精英。据悉票房已逾3000万美元,在... 93年9月以来在美国上映好评如潮的华裔题材影片《喜福会》,系根据美籍华裔女作家谭恩美的同名畅销小说改编而成,导演则是以《点心》、《一碗茶》闻名的王颖,演员方面更有卢燕、周采芹、邬君梅等演技派精英。据悉票房已逾3000万美元,在第66届奥斯卡奖竞逐中亦可能获得几项提名。 然而,这部受老外欢迎的影片,却有一些海外文化界人士认为是“对中国人性的诋毁”,“出卖了中华民族”。 展开更多
关键词 《喜福会》 奥斯卡奖 好评如潮 邬君梅 华裔女作家 谭恩美 畅销小说 文化界人士 王颖 周采
作者 李秉权 《视听界》 1989年第5期27-27,共1页
关键词 自办节目 报道面 县级台 通讯报道 报道计划 通讯员队伍 引导作用 周采 八十年代 致富经
作者 朱平 《农村实用技术》 2017年第2期55-56,共2页
1采收时间1.1叶子的采收时间春播板蓝根,在采收根前,可收割2-3次叶子。第一次"芒种"前后,6月上旬至中旬,苗高在25cm左右,苗茬2-3cm,以利新叶再生;第二次采叶在8月中旬,"立秋"前后采收,留茬3-4cm;第三次也是最后一次在"霜降"前后,1... 1采收时间1.1叶子的采收时间春播板蓝根,在采收根前,可收割2-3次叶子。第一次"芒种"前后,6月上旬至中旬,苗高在25cm左右,苗茬2-3cm,以利新叶再生;第二次采叶在8月中旬,"立秋"前后采收,留茬3-4cm;第三次也是最后一次在"霜降"前后,10月中旬采收。以第一次采收的叶子质量最佳。1.2根的采挖时间一般应在霜期来临前l周采挖,也就是"霜降"后1周,10月中旬或下旬,在第三次采叶的2周后即可采挖其根。在有的地区,于11月底至12月初采挖,认为11月底至12月初采挖的含量最高,质量较佳。 展开更多
关键词 采收方法 叶再生 质量最佳 周采 采叶 留茬 最后一次 仓储条件 根条 产地加工
小巧但不失尊贵 长城12英寸轻、薄笔记本电脑——A11
《电脑采购》 2005年第9期17-17,共1页
长城的A11笔记本电脑是其第一款12 英寸产品,由于是第一款,所以在做工和 选用的配置上都比较出色,下面就让我们 一起来看看吧。 长城A11整机以银和黑双色搭配,机 身采用铝镁合金材料,黑色的面板四周采 用银色的铝条进行包边,现代非常的... 长城的A11笔记本电脑是其第一款12 英寸产品,由于是第一款,所以在做工和 选用的配置上都比较出色,下面就让我们 一起来看看吧。 长城A11整机以银和黑双色搭配,机 身采用铝镁合金材料,黑色的面板四周采 用银色的铝条进行包边,现代非常的时 尚。在面板上,长城A11还镶嵌了一块具 有镜面效果的装饰板。 展开更多
关键词 笔记本电脑 A11 铝镁合金 包边 周采 镜面效果 触摸板 内存插槽 独立显卡 集成显卡
作者 邸俊龙 牛满迎 李晨辉 《中国畜牧兽医文摘》 2012年第12期64-64,共1页
正随着猪人工授精技术的大力推广,该技术得到大规模的普及和应用,并在实践中逐渐成熟。后备公猪的调教对新技术人员来说,比较难以掌握。本文简要介绍生产实践经验,以供读者考。1调教时间后备公猪6~7月龄时达到性成熟,此时仍存留小猪的... 正随着猪人工授精技术的大力推广,该技术得到大规模的普及和应用,并在实践中逐渐成熟。后备公猪的调教对新技术人员来说,比较难以掌握。本文简要介绍生产实践经验,以供读者考。1调教时间后备公猪6~7月龄时达到性成熟,此时仍存留小猪的活泼好动和对事物的新奇感,可在此时着手进行调教,以玩耍的方式吸引其爬假台猪,较7月龄以后调教成功率较高;每次进行公猪调教时间不宜太长,一般在15~20min为最佳,时间过久易造成公猪厌恶,不利于日后调教和管理。2调教环境调教或采精室内应整洁、干净,物品尽量少。 展开更多
关键词 后备公猪 猪人工授精 采精 爬跨 生产实践经验 新奇感 性成熟 成年公猪 公猪精液 周采
基于DP总线的交流采样装置的设计 被引量:1
作者 陈博 《自动化博览》 2004年第6期85-86,89,共3页
关键词 DP 总线通讯 硬件 实现方法 软件 交流采样 设计
Effects of caving–mining ratio on the coal and waste rocks gangue flows and the amount of cyclically caved coal in fully mechanized mining of super-thick coal seams 被引量:7
作者 Zhang Ningbo Liu Changyou Pei Mengsong 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第1期145-150,共6页
Aimed at determining the appropriate caving–mining ratio for fully mechanized mining of 20 m thick coal seam, this research investigated the effects of caving–mining ratio on the flow fields of coal and waste rocks,... Aimed at determining the appropriate caving–mining ratio for fully mechanized mining of 20 m thick coal seam, this research investigated the effects of caving–mining ratio on the flow fields of coal and waste rocks, amount of cyclically caved coal and top coal loss by means of numerical modeling. The research was based on the geological conditions of panel 8102 in Tashan coal mine. The results indicated the loose coal and waste rocks formed an elliptical zone around the drawpoint. The ellipse enlarged with decreasing caving–mining ratio. And its long axis inclined to the gob gradually became vertical and facilitating the caving and recovery of top coal. The top coal loss showed a cyclical variation; and the loss cycle was shortened with the decreasing in caving–mining ratio. Moreover, the mean squared error(MSE) of the amount of cyclically caved coal went up with increasing caving–mining ratio, indicating a growing imbalance of amount of cyclically caved coal, which could impede the coordinated mining and caving operations. Finally it was found that a caving–mining ratio of 1:2.51 should be reasonable for the conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Caving-mining ratioCoal and waste rocks flowsAmount of cyclically caved coalZone of loose coal and waste rocks
Life-cycle Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Capture for Enhanced Oil Recovery 被引量:4
作者 Edgar G. Hertwich Martin Aaberg +1 位作者 Bhawna Singh Anders H. StrФmman 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第3期343-353,共11页
The development and deployment of Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) technology is a cornerstone of the Norwegian government's climate strategy. A number of projects are currently evaluated/planned along the ... The development and deployment of Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) technology is a cornerstone of the Norwegian government's climate strategy. A number of projects are currently evaluated/planned along the Norwegian West Coast, one at Tjeldbergodden. COe from this project will be utilized in part for enhanced oil recovery in the Halten oil field, in the Norwegian Sea. We study a potential design of such a system. A combined cycle power plant with a gross power output of 832 MW is combined with CO2 capture plant based on a post-combustion capture using amines as a solvent. The captured CO2 is used for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). We employ a hybrid life-cycle assessment (LCA) method to assess the environmental impacts of the system. The study focuses on the modifications and operations of the platform during EOR. We allocate the impacts connected to the capture of CO2 to electricity production, and the impacts connected to the transport and storage of CO2 to the oil produced. Our study shows a substantial reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions from power production by 80% to 75 g·(kW·h)^-1. It also indicates a reduction of the emissions associated with oil production per unit oil produced, mostly due to the increased oil production. Reductions are especially significant if the additional power demand due to EOR leads to power supply from the land. 展开更多
关键词 carbon dioxide capture and storage enhanced oil recovery offshore power supply life-cycle analysis
Phenotypic correlations of somatic and gonad traits of sea urchins Glyptocidaris crenularis in two sampled periods:first insight into its breeding and aquaculture 被引量:3
作者 罗世滨 田晓飞 +4 位作者 赵冲 周海森 张伟杰 封文萍 常亚青 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期344-348,共5页
Prior knowledge of the correlations among commercially important traits in Glyptocidaris crenularis can be used to guide development of breeding and aquaculture programs for this species.We evaluated the phenotypic co... Prior knowledge of the correlations among commercially important traits in Glyptocidaris crenularis can be used to guide development of breeding and aquaculture programs for this species.We evaluated the phenotypic correlations between somatic and gonadal traits in G.crenularis during two sample periods(October 2010 and April 2011).The coeffi cients of variation(CV%)for body weight(BW),redness(a*),yellowness(b*),gonad wet weight(GW),and gonad index(GI)were>20% in both periods,while those of other traits were very low.GW was signifi cantly correlated with somatic traits(diameter,height,and body weight)in both periods,although the correlation coeffi cients ranged from 0.473 to 0.636(P<0.01).Gonad moisture content(GC),a*,and lightness(L*)were not signifi cantly correlated with somatic traits(P>0.05).The color trait b* was negatively correlated with somatic traits(test diameter,test height,and body weight)during the period when the gonads were well developed(April 2011,P<0.05).We observed little difference in the nature of the phenotypic correlations between the two sample periods.The high variation in the somatic and gonad weight traits in G.crenularis suggests there is considerable potential for selective breeding.However,our results suggest that gonad quality traits cannot be selected indirectly by selecting for body weight.Our study provides an insight into the method for improving the breeding and aquaculture of G.crenulari. 展开更多
关键词 Glyptocidaris crenularis GONAD phenotypic correlations indirect selection
Life prediction and test period optimization research based on small sample reliability test of hydraulic pumps 被引量:5
作者 郭锐 Ning Chao +4 位作者 Zhao Jingyi Wang Ping Shi Yu Zhou Jinsheng Luo Jing 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2017年第1期63-70,共8页
Hydraulic pumps belong to reliable long-life hydraulic components. The reliability evaluation includes characters such as long test period,high cost,and high power loss and so on. Based on the principle of energy-savi... Hydraulic pumps belong to reliable long-life hydraulic components. The reliability evaluation includes characters such as long test period,high cost,and high power loss and so on. Based on the principle of energy-saving and power recovery,a small sample hydraulic pump reliability test rig is built,and the service life of hydraulic pump is predicted,and then the sampling period of reliability test is optimized. On the basis of considering the performance degradation mechanism of hydraulic pump,the feature information of degradation distribution of hydraulic pump volumetric efficiency during the test is collected,so an optimal degradation path model of feature information is selected from the aspect of fitting accuracy,and pseudo life data are obtained. Then a small sample reliability test of period constrained optimization search strategy for hydraulic pump is constructed to solve the optimization problem of the test sampling period and tightening end threshold,and it is verified that the accuracy of the minimum sampling period by the non-parametric hypothes is tested. Simulation result shows it could possess instructional significance and referenced value for hydraulic pump reliability life evaluation and the test's research and design. 展开更多
关键词 hydraulic pump small sample test volumetric efficiency degradation path model life span period optimal
Mobile robot path planning method combined improved artificial potential field with optimization algorithm 被引量:1
作者 赵杰 Yu Zhenzhong Yan Jihong Gao Yongsheng Chen Zhifeng 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2011年第2期160-165,共6页
To overcome the shortcomings of the traditional artificial potential field method in mobile robot path planning, an improved artificial potential field model (IAPFM) was established, then a new path planning method ... To overcome the shortcomings of the traditional artificial potential field method in mobile robot path planning, an improved artificial potential field model (IAPFM) was established, then a new path planning method combining the IAPFM with optimization algorithm (trust region algorithm) is proposed. Attractive force between the robot and the target location, and repulsive force between the robot and the obstacles are both converted to the potential field intensity; and filled potential field is used to guide the robot to go out of the local minimum points ; on this basis, the effect of dynamic obstacles velocity and the robot's velocity is consid thers and the IAPFM is established, then both the expressions of the attractive potential field and the repulsive potential field are obtained. The trust region algorithm is used to search the minimum value of the sum of all the potential field inten- sities within the movement scope which the robot can arrive in a sampling period. Connecting of all the points which hare the minimum intensity in every sampling period constitutes the global optimization path. Experiment result shows that the method can meet the real-time requirement, and is able to execute the mobile robot path planning task effectively in the dynamic environment. 展开更多
关键词 trust region optimization algorithm path planning artificial potential field mobile robot potential field intensity
Modelling Stand Dynamics after Selective Logging: Implications for REDD and Carbon Pools Estimations from Forest Degradation
作者 Adrien Njepang Djomo Gode Gravenhorst +1 位作者 Anthony Kimaro Mamey Isaac 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第7期801-816,共16页
Forest degradation and biomass damage resulting from logging is currently difficult to evaluate with satellite images, but contributes substantially to carbon emissions in the tropics. To address this situation, we mo... Forest degradation and biomass damage resulting from logging is currently difficult to evaluate with satellite images, but contributes substantially to carbon emissions in the tropics. To address this situation, we modelled how changes in the minimum felling diameter affect stem density, basal area and the related carbon biomass at the end of the felling cycle (30 years) in a semi-deciduous natural forest in Cameroon. With new MFDs estimates, at 7% logging damage rate, we found that the stem density of initially harvestable trees reduces from 12.3 (50.4 MgC·ha^-1) to 6.7 (32.5 MgC·ha^-1) trees per ha and the number of initial residual trees increases from 80 (18.9MgC·ha^-1) to 85.7 (36.8 MgC·ha^-1) trees per ha. This corresponds to an avoided damage estimated at 17.9 MgC·ha^-1. We also found that increasing mortality and damage intensity also increases the damage on carbon biomass estimated to be 8.9 MgC·ha^-1 at 10% or to be 17.4 MgC.hal at 15% logging damage. Overall, our study shows that proper determination of MFD of logged species taking into consideration their capacity of reconstitution and the Reduced Impact Logging can avoid the loss of up to 35 MgC·ha^-1. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon estimations felling cycle logging damage minimum felling diameter (MFD) moist tropical forest REDD species reconstitution.
Chinese Business Cycles Identified by Coincident Indexes
作者 汪红驹 张慧莲 《China Economist》 2014年第1期110-124,共15页
In reference to the method of the Conference Board,the coincident indexes for China are constructed from a sample period between January 1990 and May 2012 and by51 chosen component indicators.The resulting coincident ... In reference to the method of the Conference Board,the coincident indexes for China are constructed from a sample period between January 1990 and May 2012 and by51 chosen component indicators.The resulting coincident indexes have higher correlations with gross domestic product(GDP) growth rates than the China Economic Monitoring and Analysis Center(CEMAC) coincident index over the sample period between February2005 and May 2012.The peaks and troughs of the growth rates in several indicators are identified.The total number of peaks and troughs in the resulting coincident index is the same with the CEMAC coincident index.Unfortunately,these troughs don't signify recessions in the Chinese economy because the financial system has not seen a negative growth rate over the specific sample periods.The impacts of the Southeast Asian Financial Crisis and subprime mortgage crisis on the business cycle could be dated via a smoother index from HP filtering to the coincident index. 展开更多
关键词 coincident index business cycle Bry-Boschan algorithm
Concept of Integrated Waste Management as Recoverable Resources in Product Cycle
作者 Aleksandr Telizhenko Vadym Lukianykhin +4 位作者 Sergey Kuzmenko Elena Lukianykhina Elena Vishnitskaya Min Li Tatyana Shevchenko 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第3期312-323,共12页
This paper presents a conceptual framework of integrated waste management which focuses on all stages of product life cycle. A mechanism of resource recovery motivating from waste in economic system (designers, produ... This paper presents a conceptual framework of integrated waste management which focuses on all stages of product life cycle. A mechanism of resource recovery motivating from waste in economic system (designers, producers, consumers, stakeholders in the field of disposal of the product) is suggested. The classification of institutional and economic instruments in the field of waste management as recoverable resources is developed. The author has proposed a scientific and methodical approach to the formation of an integrated waste management as recoverable resources, which is based on a set of methods of economic incentives at all stages of product life cycle and ensures the maximum possible and the environmentally safe management of wastes containing valuable resource components. 展开更多
关键词 WASTE recoverable resources integrated waste management product life cycle organizational-economic mechanism.
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