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呼气峰速测定对小儿哮喘的临床应用价值 被引量:4
作者 高维新 范永琛 《临床儿科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1991年第1期9-11,共3页
作者于1987年来应用袖珍呼气峰速仪对84例7~12岁哮喘患儿测定最大呼气流量(PEFR)。其中50例单独测定PEFR,肺功能减退者占80%,与非阻塞性呼吸系疾病和对照组相比有显著差异。另15例应用舒喘灵喷吸治疗,前后对比有显著差异。8例哮喘患儿... 作者于1987年来应用袖珍呼气峰速仪对84例7~12岁哮喘患儿测定最大呼气流量(PEFR)。其中50例单独测定PEFR,肺功能减退者占80%,与非阻塞性呼吸系疾病和对照组相比有显著差异。另15例应用舒喘灵喷吸治疗,前后对比有显著差异。8例哮喘患儿q6h动态观测,绝大多数于12PM最低,12AM最高。11例患儿6分钟运动试验6例可诊断运动性哮喘。作者讨论了PEFR测定对诊断哮喘、检测运动性哮喘和鉴别不典型哮喘,了解呼吸功能;评价治疗方法、判断病情及预后;了解其昼夜节律变化,指导治疗有临床应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 哮喘 呼气峰速 测定 儿童
作者 徐孝华 马瑞霞 +1 位作者 刘忠玉 文保元 《职业卫生与病伤》 北大核心 1992年第4期231-232,共2页
袖珍呼气峰速仪(下称峰速仪)由于体积小、价廉、便于携带,因而广泛应用于呼吸系统疾病流行病学调查、哮喘的诊断、鉴诊及病情观察和预后的判断等。为了探讨峰速仪所测PF值与肺量仪中某些通气功能指标的关系,我们对同一批对象进行了观察... 袖珍呼气峰速仪(下称峰速仪)由于体积小、价廉、便于携带,因而广泛应用于呼吸系统疾病流行病学调查、哮喘的诊断、鉴诊及病情观察和预后的判断等。为了探讨峰速仪所测PF值与肺量仪中某些通气功能指标的关系,我们对同一批对象进行了观察,结果如下。 展开更多
关键词 呼气峰速 肺量仪 通气功能
作者 文保元 孙波涛 +3 位作者 李琦 马瑞霞 徐孝华 杜桂华 《职业卫生与病伤》 北大核心 1993年第3期170-173,共4页
国产袖珍呼气峰速仪(下称峰速仪)在呼吸内科已广泛用于观察哮喘病人的病情程度,判定预后,以及评价哮喘药物的疗效等。但是,在职业医学领域用作职业流行病学调查和职业性哮喘的诊断,尚未见报道。为此,我们就国产峰速仪在职业医学领域中... 国产袖珍呼气峰速仪(下称峰速仪)在呼吸内科已广泛用于观察哮喘病人的病情程度,判定预后,以及评价哮喘药物的疗效等。但是,在职业医学领域用作职业流行病学调查和职业性哮喘的诊断,尚未见报道。为此,我们就国产峰速仪在职业医学领域中的应用价值进行了研究,现总结报告如下。 展开更多
关键词 呼气峰速 职业医学
儿童哮喘标准化门诊使用呼气峰速仪对儿童哮喘监测的研究 被引量:2
作者 蔡秀萍 谢幼珊 +2 位作者 陈益旋 李楚华 郭佳群 《吉林医学》 CAS 2020年第9期2126-2127,共2页
目的:分析在儿童哮喘标准化门诊使用呼气峰速仪对儿童哮喘的监测作用。方法:选择就诊于儿童哮喘标准化门诊的120例患儿,采用随机抽签法,将其分为观察组和对照组各60例,对照组采用常规诊疗,观察组在对照组的基础上应用呼气峰速仪检测最... 目的:分析在儿童哮喘标准化门诊使用呼气峰速仪对儿童哮喘的监测作用。方法:选择就诊于儿童哮喘标准化门诊的120例患儿,采用随机抽签法,将其分为观察组和对照组各60例,对照组采用常规诊疗,观察组在对照组的基础上应用呼气峰速仪检测最大呼气峰流速,观察两组对哮喘的症状控制效果。结果:从住院次数、误学次数、夜间哮喘发作发生率来看,观察组少于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);从肺功能指标来看,治疗后观察组1秒内最大用力呼气量、用力肺活量、1秒内最大用力呼气量占用力肺活量百分比、用力肺活量25%时流量与身高比、最大呼气峰流速、最大呼气峰流速预计值百分比均优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:在儿童哮喘标准化门诊使用呼气峰速仪可以有效监测儿童哮喘,降低住院次数,减少误学次数,降低夜间哮喘发作率,改善患儿肺功能。 展开更多
关键词 儿童哮喘标准化门诊 呼气峰速 儿童哮喘监测
作者 陈铭华 《浙江预防医学》 1994年第3期33-35,27,共4页
哮喘是严重危害人类健康的常见病。据我国27省市调查儿童哮喘发病率0.11%~2.03%。因此积极防治哮喘是医务工作者一项繁重的任务。对哮喘患者进行PEFR肺功能监测,是目前国内外公认的防治哮喘四大环节之一。但是由于肺功能仪价格昂贵,... 哮喘是严重危害人类健康的常见病。据我国27省市调查儿童哮喘发病率0.11%~2.03%。因此积极防治哮喘是医务工作者一项繁重的任务。对哮喘患者进行PEFR肺功能监测,是目前国内外公认的防治哮喘四大环节之一。但是由于肺功能仪价格昂贵,操作复杂,不便在家庭中推广使用,我院自1991~1992年对141例对象分别用日本产Hi-198肺功能仪(简称Hi-198)和简易呼气峰速仪(简称峰速仪)进行肺功能检测,并进行比较,同时用峰速仪测患者PEFR变化,探讨与哮喘发病的关系并指导用药,对预防哮喘复发取得良好效果,现报告如下: 展开更多
关键词 呼气峰速 哮喘复发 PEFR 肺功能检测 防治哮喘 临界值 肺功能仪 波动率 哮喘发作 儿童哮喘
呼气峰速仪监测指导用药防治儿童哮喘的研究 被引量:2
作者 陈铭华 周国汉 《中国实用儿科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 1999年第6期347-348,共2页
目的探讨最大呼气峰流速(PEFR)下降率与哮喘发病的关系。方法用简易呼气峰速仪测PEFR每天3次共15天,观察PEFR变化并指导用药。结果①对照组和哮喘组缓解期PEFR下降率>10%者分别占5%和86%,发作期下降... 目的探讨最大呼气峰流速(PEFR)下降率与哮喘发病的关系。方法用简易呼气峰速仪测PEFR每天3次共15天,观察PEFR变化并指导用药。结果①对照组和哮喘组缓解期PEFR下降率>10%者分别占5%和86%,发作期下降率≥25%者占938%,P<001,有显著性差异。②PEFR下降率和发病呈正相关;下降率<20%者无一例发病,随着下降率增加发病人次也随之增加。结论简易呼气峰速仪所测PEFR下降率可作为哮喘发作与否和病情严重程度的判断依据,作为哮喘患儿进行自我监测的方法具有广泛的实用价值。 展开更多
关键词 呼气峰速 哮喘 PEFR下降率 儿童 肺功能
作者 许鹏飞 王琨蒂 《中华综合医学》 2002年第1期34-34,共1页
目的:探讨抗过敏药物在咳嗽变异性哮喘治疗中的意义。方法:用痰液诱导的对治疗前后的痰液的嗜酸细胞进行探讨。结果:随着嗜酸细胞计数的下降,临床症状明显改善。结论:过敏因素在咳嗽变异性哮喘的发病中扮有重要的角度,抗过敏药物... 目的:探讨抗过敏药物在咳嗽变异性哮喘治疗中的意义。方法:用痰液诱导的对治疗前后的痰液的嗜酸细胞进行探讨。结果:随着嗜酸细胞计数的下降,临床症状明显改善。结论:过敏因素在咳嗽变异性哮喘的发病中扮有重要的角度,抗过敏药物应该在其治疗中常见规应用。 展开更多
关键词 酮替芬 咳嗽变异性哮喘 嗜酸细胞 呼气峰速变异率 儿童
作者 艾明理 杜秀珍 +1 位作者 崔莳 潘谷云 《黑龙江医药》 CAS 1991年第6期29-30,共2页
关键词 支气管哮喘 皮下移植 细胞悬液 胸腺素 初步分析报告 最大呼气流量 喘鸣音 呼气峰速 预计值 胸腺细胞
《中国中西医结合儿科学》 1992年第2期89-95,共7页
920451 儿童最大呼气流率及其临床应用/邱澄…∥新医学。-1991,22(8)。-404~405 用国产袖珍呼气峰速仪对400名正常健康儿童及60例患儿(支气管哮喘35例,肺炎25例)进行了最大呼气流率(PEFR)测定。结果显示,正常健康儿童PEFR与性别、年龄... 920451 儿童最大呼气流率及其临床应用/邱澄…∥新医学。-1991,22(8)。-404~405 用国产袖珍呼气峰速仪对400名正常健康儿童及60例患儿(支气管哮喘35例,肺炎25例)进行了最大呼气流率(PEFR)测定。结果显示,正常健康儿童PEFR与性别、年龄、身高、体重均呈相关关系。支气管哮喘患儿PEFR平均值明显低于正常儿童(P【0.001),实测值与预计值的百分比男性48%,女性44%; 展开更多
关键词 呼吸系统疾病 呼气峰速 PEFR 支气管哮喘 毛细支气管炎 肺部罗音 预计值 超声雾化 流率 咳喘症状
Effect of breathing and Daoyin exercises on the quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 被引量:8
作者 陈麒 史苗颜 +2 位作者 张炜 田君 韩丑萍 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2015年第6期353-360,共8页
Objective: To observe the effect of breathing and Daoyin exercises on the quality of life in patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) due to deficiency of the lung and kidney(grade II-III)... Objective: To observe the effect of breathing and Daoyin exercises on the quality of life in patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) due to deficiency of the lung and kidney(grade II-III).Methods: A total of 60 eligible cases were randomly allocated into a treatment group(n=30) and a control group(n=30) by random number table. Cases in the control group received routine Western medical treatment, whereas cases in the treatment group conducted breathing and Daoyin exercises in addition to routine Western medical treatment. Patients in both groups were treated for a total of 3 months. Then the observation was made on changes in pulmonary ventilation function, major clinical symptoms, modified Medical Research Council scale(m MRC), distance in 6-minute walk test(6-MWT), COPD assessment test(CAT) and efficacy satisfaction questionnaire for COPD(ESQ-COPD) before and after treatment. Results: After treatment, the total effective rate was 80.0% in the treatment group, versus 66.7% in the control group, showing a statistical difference(P〈0.05). Patients in the treatment group obtained more significant improvement in coughing, sputum production, dyspnea and shortness of breath than those in the control group(P〈0.05). Patients in the treatment group obtained more significant elevation in the forced expiratory volume in 1 second percentage of predicted value(FEV1%) and peak expiratory flow rate(PEF%) than those in the control group(P〈0.05). Patients in the treatment group obtained lower m MRC score than those in the control group(P〈0.05). Patients in the treatment group obtained longer 6-MWT distance than those in the control group(P〈0.05). Patients in the treatment group obtained lower CAT score(P〈0.01) and higher ESQ-COPD score(P〈0.05) than those in the control group. Conclusion: Breathing and Daoyin exercises combined with routine Western medical treatment are effective for stable COPD(grade II-III) due to deficiency of the lung and kidney and can improve the patients' quality of life. 展开更多
关键词 Physical and Breathing Exercises Research on Qigong Pulmonary Disease Chronic Obstructive Respiratory Function Tests Peak Expiratory Flow Rate
Clinical study of optimizing acupoint combining in treatment of bronchial asthma with acupoint application 被引量:2
作者 Zhang Kai-yong Xu Si-wei +3 位作者 Yang Yang Shou Yin Jiang Hui-ru Zhang Bi-meng 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2019年第5期344-349,共6页
Objective:To observe the therapeutic efficacy of acupoint application at different groups of acupoints in treating bronchial asthma in remission stage.Methods:A total of 120 patients with bronchial asthma in remission... Objective:To observe the therapeutic efficacy of acupoint application at different groups of acupoints in treating bronchial asthma in remission stage.Methods:A total of 120 patients with bronchial asthma in remission stage were recruited and divided by the random number table method into acupoint application group 1,acupoint application group 2 and acupoint application group 3,with 40 cases in each group.In all the three groups,Tiantu(CV 22),Dazhui(GV 14)and Feishu(BL 13)were selected,with Dingchuan(EX-B 1)added in acupoint application group 1,Shenshu(BL 23)added in acupoint application group 2,and Gaohuang(BL 43)added in acupoint application group 3.Before intervention,one month and 3 months after intervention,clinical symptoms,peak expiratory flow(PEF)and forced expiratory volume in 1 second percentage of predicted value(FEV1%)of the three groups were observed,and their clinical efficacies were evaluated.Results:Comparing the therapeutic efficacy regarding traditional Chinese medicine symptoms and signs,after 1-month treatment,the total effective rate was 87.5%in acupoint application group 1,versus 62.5%in acupoint application group 2 and 55.0%in acupoint application group 3,and the between-group differences were statistically significant.After 3-month treatment,the total effective rate was 95.0%in acupoint application group 1,versus 70.0%in acupoint application group 2 and 65.0%in acupoint application group 3,and the between-group differences were statistically significant.After intervention,the three groups all showed significant improvements in pulmonary function with statistical significance;among the three groups,the improvement in acupoint application group 1 was more significant than that in the other two groups.Conclusion:Tiantu(CV 22),Dazhui(GV 14)and Feishu(BL 13)as basic prescription plus Dingchuan(EX-B 1)can improve symptoms of bronchial asthma in remission stage,and it works better in improving pulmonary function than the basic prescription plus Shenshu(BL 23)or Gaohuang(BL 43). 展开更多
关键词 Acupoint Sticking Therapy Application Therapy ASTHMA Respiratory Function Tests Forced Expiratory Volume Peak Expiratory Flow Rate Point Selection
Influence of acupuncture on pulmonary function of patients with asthma: a review 被引量:1
作者 Wei Yu-ting Yan Xing-ke 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2018年第3期195-200,共6页
Asthma is a common disease with recurrent onset which severely affects patients' quality of life. Acupuncture can improve pulmonary functions in asthma patients and thus treat this disorder. To summarize the status o... Asthma is a common disease with recurrent onset which severely affects patients' quality of life. Acupuncture can improve pulmonary functions in asthma patients and thus treat this disorder. To summarize the status of acupuncture treatment for asthma, we have collected clinical literatures published in the recent 20 years and analyzed the influence of acupuncture on pulmonary functions in asthma patients from the aspects of frequently used points, needling techniques, manipulation and mechanisms to provide references for treating asthma with acupuncture. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Acupuncture Points ASTHMA Respiratory Function Tests Forced Expiratory Volume Peak Expiratory Flow Rate Forced Vital Capacity Point Selection
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