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作者 刘殊君 《小雪花(小学快乐作文)》 2007年第4期9-9,共1页
关键词 病毒 白细胞 食物 消灭 身体 和药 科学家 体内 特效 成分
HPLC-MS/MS在药物代谢和药动学筛选中的应用 被引量:1
作者 王海荣 张兰桐 《中国现代应用药学》 CAS CSCD 2014年第5期634-638,共5页
目的本综述简要介绍先导化合物优化阶段,HPLC-MS/MS应用于药物代谢和药动学(DMPK)中筛选一系列新的化学实体。方法查阅有关文献,进行分析总结。结果 HPLC-MS/MS在支持体内或体外试验以及定性分析,如代谢物鉴定等方面均有广泛应用。结论... 目的本综述简要介绍先导化合物优化阶段,HPLC-MS/MS应用于药物代谢和药动学(DMPK)中筛选一系列新的化学实体。方法查阅有关文献,进行分析总结。结果 HPLC-MS/MS在支持体内或体外试验以及定性分析,如代谢物鉴定等方面均有广泛应用。结论液质联用已成为DMPK筛选强有力且必不可少的分析手段。 展开更多
关键词 物代谢和药动学 物开发 高效液相色谱-质谱联用 动学
《国外科技资料目录(医药卫生)》 CAS 2002年第4期193-193,共1页
0215587 遗传药理学/Persing B F//Nurs Clin North Am.-2000,35(4).-975~980医科图 0215588 临床药理学和药学医学系/Stonier P D//Br J Clin Pharmacol.-2000,49(6).-523~524
关键词 遗传理学 临床理学 医科 学医 和药 学系 一般性 品牌 安全
《新世纪周刊》 2007年第26期152-152,共1页
一些忌讳是分季节的,比如要是准备秋天养生,首先就要知道自己的身体,在中医讲就是需要知道忌口。比如身患胆管癌的"肥姐"沈殿霞的肝功能自然也好不到哪里去,所谓肝胆相照。再加上她抵制不了美食的诱惑,吃了6只大闸蟹,结果就... 一些忌讳是分季节的,比如要是准备秋天养生,首先就要知道自己的身体,在中医讲就是需要知道忌口。比如身患胆管癌的"肥姐"沈殿霞的肝功能自然也好不到哪里去,所谓肝胆相照。再加上她抵制不了美食的诱惑,吃了6只大闸蟹,结果就会导致肝昏迷。其次,要知道那些东西在哪个季节吃不得。 展开更多
关键词 反季节 食品 和药 胆管癌 服用 肝功能 滋阴益气 肝昏迷 咖啡因 抗哮喘
CL-20基炸药油墨的直写成型及性能研究 被引量:5
作者 徐传豪 安崇伟 +1 位作者 武碧栋 王晶禹 《火工品》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期41-44,共4页
以六硝基六氮杂异伍兹烷(CL-20)作为主体炸药,乙基纤维素(EC)及聚叠氮类粘结剂为粘结剂,乙酸乙酯为溶剂,配制出一种全溶性炸药油墨。采用微控直写工艺将该炸药油墨在基板上进行了书写,并对成型后所得复合物的性能进行了测试和表征。结... 以六硝基六氮杂异伍兹烷(CL-20)作为主体炸药,乙基纤维素(EC)及聚叠氮类粘结剂为粘结剂,乙酸乙酯为溶剂,配制出一种全溶性炸药油墨。采用微控直写工艺将该炸药油墨在基板上进行了书写,并对成型后所得复合物的性能进行了测试和表征。结果表明:成型样品中CL-20颗粒形貌为球形,颗粒尺寸小于1μm,均匀分布在粘结体系基体中;成型样品的密度为1.66 g/cm^3,达到理论密度的85.5%;和原料CL-20相比,复合物的撞击感度得到明显降低,特性落高比原料CL-20高出21.5cm。该配方具有良好的传爆性能,1.2mm装药宽度下,爆轰临界尺寸为0.357mm。 展开更多
关键词 直写 CL-20 成型密度 撞击感度 爆轰临界尺寸
希美加群:一种新型的口服抗凝剂 被引量:3
作者 谷国强 崔炜 《心血管病学进展》 CAS 2007年第6期963-966,共4页
关键词 希美加群 代学和药动学特性 临床试验
宋绍亮治疗风湿免疫性疾病运用甘草经验 被引量:2
作者 邢亚明 郭强 宋绍亮 《山东中医杂志》 2010年第6期415-416,共2页
甘草,味甘性平,生则微凉,炙则甘温,气薄味厚,升浮阳气。归心、脾、肺、胃经,具有益气补中、清热解毒、祛痰止咳、缓急止痛及调和药性等多种作用。宋老师以经典、古籍为依据,以现代医学的疾病观与实验室指标为参考,将其合理应用于治疗风... 甘草,味甘性平,生则微凉,炙则甘温,气薄味厚,升浮阳气。归心、脾、肺、胃经,具有益气补中、清热解毒、祛痰止咳、缓急止痛及调和药性等多种作用。宋老师以经典、古籍为依据,以现代医学的疾病观与实验室指标为参考,将其合理应用于治疗风湿免疫性疾病,取得良好疗效。 展开更多
关键词 甘草 补虚扶正 和药解毒 清热解毒 保肝降酶 甘缓止痛 健运中焦
辨证分型联合西药治疗类风湿性关节炎随机平行对照研究 被引量:11
作者 沈萍 沈忠达 《实用中医内科杂志》 2018年第6期25-28,共4页
[目的]观察辨证分型联合西药治疗类风湿性关节炎疗效。[方法]使用随机平行对照方法,将100例门诊患者按随机数字表方法随机分为两组。对照组50例双氯芬酸,75mg/次,1次/d;甲氨蝶呤,5mg/次,1次/周;来氟米特,初始剂量20mg/次,1次/d,根据具... [目的]观察辨证分型联合西药治疗类风湿性关节炎疗效。[方法]使用随机平行对照方法,将100例门诊患者按随机数字表方法随机分为两组。对照组50例双氯芬酸,75mg/次,1次/d;甲氨蝶呤,5mg/次,1次/周;来氟米特,初始剂量20mg/次,1次/d,根据具体情况,增至50mg/次,1次/d。治疗组50例辨证分型,中药方剂水煎200m L,口服,2次/d,西药治疗同对照组;寒湿痹症-当归四逆汤合小活络丸(当归、没药、乳香、地龙、桂枝、通草、大枣、胆南星~制各10g,白芍15g,川乌~制6g);阴虚湿热-猪苓桂枝芍药知母汤(猪苓、桂枝、知母、泽泻、地龙、防风、阿胶、白术各10g,赤芍、滑石各15g,川乌~制6g);正虚邪恋-阳和汤(当归、地黄~熟、淫羊藿各15g,桃仁、红花、川芎、桂枝、麻黄、地龙、鹿角胶、白芥子各10g,川乌~制6g);痰瘀互结-桃红四物汤合二陈汤(川芎6g,牛膝、白芍各9g,红花、桃仁各10g,地黄~熟、当归各20g,半夏、橘红各15g,茯苓9g,甘草~炙4.5g)。连续治疗4周为1疗程。观测临床症状、疼痛评分、晨僵时间、不良反应。连续治疗3疗程(12周),判定疗效。[结果]治疗组显效27例,有效21例,无效2例,总有效率96.00%;对照组显效18例,有效22例,无效10例,总有效率80.00%;治疗组疗效优于对照组(P<0.05)。疼痛评分、晨僵时间两组均有改善(P<0.01),治疗组改善优于对照组(P<0.01)。[结论]辨证分型联合西药治疗类风湿性关节炎,疗效满意,无严重不良反应,值得推广。 展开更多
关键词 类风湿性关节炎 痹症 辨证分型 寒湿 阴虚湿热 正虚邪恋 痰瘀互结 当归四逆汤 小活络丸 猪苓桂枝芍知母汤 阳和汤 桃红四物汤 二陈汤 双氯芬酸 甲氨蝶呤 来氟米特 疼痛评分 晨僵时间 复方 随机平行对照研究
作者 骆和生 《广州中医药大学学报》 CAS 1996年第3期86-88,共3页
本文以1985年版《方剂学》教材为依据,对甘草之使用率及作用做了探讨。发现甘草是全书中使用率最高的药(达45.8%)。书中载甘草主要作用是和药、益气、和中三者,其用大体准确,但有滥用情况。甘草的清热解毒、缓急止痛、润... 本文以1985年版《方剂学》教材为依据,对甘草之使用率及作用做了探讨。发现甘草是全书中使用率最高的药(达45.8%)。书中载甘草主要作用是和药、益气、和中三者,其用大体准确,但有滥用情况。甘草的清热解毒、缓急止痛、润肺作用则阐述得太少,很多该用处未用,二陈汤中甘草作润肺解欠妥。对甘草祛痰、止咳、平喘、清肺作用则只字未提,而在一些方中应是有这方面的作用,这是一大缺陷。认为甘草有健脾作用亦不妥。 展开更多
关键词 甘草 和药 益气 和中 缓急止痛
作者 史雪靖 《中国现代药物应用》 2010年第24期138-139,共2页
关键词 镇静剂 效学和药代动力学 镇静
作者 马双有 《中学语文(大语文论坛)(下旬)》 2000年第10期54-55,共2页
善应性纯孝,亲病,尝刺血和药以进。母畏雷,每闻雷则披衣走其所。尝寒夜远归,从者将扣门,遽止之曰:“无恐吾母。”露坐达明,门启而后入。家贫,诸弟未制衣不敢制,已制未服不敢服,一瓜果之微必相待共尝之。母丧,哭泣呕血,毁瘠骨立,终日俯... 善应性纯孝,亲病,尝刺血和药以进。母畏雷,每闻雷则披衣走其所。尝寒夜远归,从者将扣门,遽止之曰:“无恐吾母。”露坐达明,门启而后入。家贫,诸弟未制衣不敢制,已制未服不敢服,一瓜果之微必相待共尝之。母丧,哭泣呕血,毁瘠骨立,终日俯首柩旁,闻雷犹起,侧立垂涕。既终丧,言及其亲,未尝不挥涕,生朝必哭于庙。闻四方水旱,辄忧形于色。江淮警报至,为之流涕,不食累日;同僚会宴,善应怅然曰:“此宁诸君乐饮时耶!”众为失色而罢。有尝同僚者死不克葬,子佣食他所,善应驰往哭之,归其子而予之资,使葬焉。 展开更多
关键词 刺血 警报 和药 阅读训练 君子 指代 文言文 瓜果 呕血 衣服
作者 郑炳泉 《语文知识》 1995年第10期48-49,共2页
一、表注释或补充。如: ①你还不知道?我一向就讨厌你的,——不但我,我们。(《范爱农》)破折号后的内容补充说明句中的“我”②我有四年多,曾经常常——几乎是每天,出入于质铺和药店里,……(《〈呐喊〉自序》)
关键词 破折号 补充说明 鲁迅作品 注释 爱农 和药 出入 内容 插入语 自信力
作者 陈文超 《光明中医》 2021年第9期1535-1539,共5页
随着疾病证型、症状有复杂化趋势的出现,此文以中医理论及诊病技术为基础提出方术繁方的概念,其主要理论特点是通过对疾病的病因、证型所表现的症状多样性与中药功效多样性的相关性进行探讨,在整体观念、辨证论治的基础上将中医组方配... 随着疾病证型、症状有复杂化趋势的出现,此文以中医理论及诊病技术为基础提出方术繁方的概念,其主要理论特点是通过对疾病的病因、证型所表现的症状多样性与中药功效多样性的相关性进行探讨,在整体观念、辨证论治的基础上将中医组方配伍过程概括成全症配伍、药症合象、避毒选和等共五种方法,结合多味小量配伍方式提出中医方术五法繁方的概念,以药症合象为起点将中药的多效性和中医临床的多症状性进行结合,以期为临床诊断疾病探索一种具体的、易于实际处方的方剂配伍新模式。 展开更多
关键词 方术 全症配伍 症合象 和药 繁方
A Sensitive Competitive ELISA for Determination of Biotin in Transformed Yeast Culture Media 被引量:1
作者 YANGHong 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2003年第4期201-206,共6页
Aim To develop a sensitive competitive ELBA for the determination of biotinin transformed yeast culture media. Methods The ELBA plate was firstly coated with Mycoplasmahyopneumoniae, and then successively incubated wi... Aim To develop a sensitive competitive ELBA for the determination of biotinin transformed yeast culture media. Methods The ELBA plate was firstly coated with Mycoplasmahyopneumoniae, and then successively incubated with rabbit anti-Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae serum andgoat anti-rabbit IgG-biotin to form the solid biotin, which competed with the biotin in the solution(standard or sample) for the limited streptavidin-horse radish peroxidase conjugate. The standardcalibration curve for biotin analysis was constructed in the range of 50 - 2000 ng·L^(-1). ResultsThe detection limit for biotin was found to be 83 ng·L^(-1), which was about 1000 times lower thanthe lowest determination concentration in the reported ELISA for biotin analysis. The relativestandard deviations for the spiked samples at biotin concentrations of 200 ng·L^(-1), 500ng·L^(-1), and 1000 ng·L^(-1) were 24.87%, 6.15% , and 7.86% , respectively, with the averagerecovery of 101.13% . The wild yeast and its sixty-three transformed yeast culture media wereapplied to the developed ELBA for the determination of biotin. It was found that the biotinconcentrations in more than 85% of the tested samples were enhanced with different increase factorsafter transformation. Conclusion Utilization of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae as the coating proteinimproves the precision and accuracy of the ELBA assay, which might be used for the biotin assay inother media. 展开更多
关键词 affinity assay biotin analysis STREPTAVIDIN ELISA coating transformedyeast culture media mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
External Application of Herbal Medicine to Acupoints 被引量:8
作者 杨继国 徐红 王惠珠 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期21-23,共3页
Application of herbal medicine to acupoints is to regulate the meridians, yin-yang, and qi and blood for preventing and treating diseases through the pharmacological action of herbal medicines and with their stimulati... Application of herbal medicine to acupoints is to regulate the meridians, yin-yang, and qi and blood for preventing and treating diseases through the pharmacological action of herbal medicines and with their stimulation to the acupoints. This article explains how to apply herbal medicines and gave the examples for the treatment of hypertension, asthma, chronic bronchitis and allergic rhinitis. Application of herbal medicines to acupoints is one of the important components of TCM, which shows satisfactory effects in treatment of some chronic diseases. 展开更多
关键词 Medicine Herbal EXTERNAL Application NOS therapeutic aspects
Preventive strategies for feeding intolerance among patients with severe traumatic brain injury:A cross-sectional survey 被引量:2
作者 Yuli Fang Yuanyuan Ma +3 位作者 Haiyan He Ting Chen Jingjing Fu Jingci Zhu 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第3期278-285,共8页
This study aimed to investigate the application status of preventive measures for feeding intolerance in patients with severe traumatic brain injury(STBI)in China and analysis the differences and their causes.Methods ... This study aimed to investigate the application status of preventive measures for feeding intolerance in patients with severe traumatic brain injury(STBI)in China and analysis the differences and their causes.Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted.From December 2019 to January 2020,ICU nurses and physicians of 89 hospitals in China were surveyed by using a questionnaire on preventive strategies for feeding intolerance in patients with STBI.The questionnaire included two parts:the general information of participants(10 items)and application of preventive measures for feeding intolerance in STBI patients(18 items).Results Totally 996 nurses and physicians completed the questionnaire.Among various methods,gastrointestinal symptoms(85.0%)and injury severity(71.4%)were mostly used to assess gastrointestinal functions and risk of feeding intolerance among STBI patients,respectively.Initiating enteral nutrition(EN)within 24–48 h(61.5%),nasogastric tubes(91.2%),30°–45°of head-of-bed elevation(89.5%),continuous feeding by pump(72.9%),EN solution temperature of 38–40°C(65.5%),<500 ml initial volume of EN solution(50.0%),monitoring gastric residual volume with a syringe(93.7%),and assessing gastric residual volume every 4 h(51.5%)were mostly applied for EN delivery among STBI patients.Prokinetic agents(73.3%),enema(73.6%),probiotics(79.0%),antacid agents(84.1%),and non-nutritional preparations as initial EN formula(65.6%)were commonly used for preventing feeding intolerance among STBI patients.Conclusions The survey showed that nurses and clinicians in China have a positive attitude towards preventive strategies for feeding intolerance.However,some effective new technologies and methods have not been timely applied in clinical practice.We suggest that managers,researchers,clinicians,nurses,and other health professionals should collaborate to explore effective and standard preventive strategies for feeding intolerance among patients with STBI. 展开更多
关键词 Craniocerebral trauma Cross-sectional studies Enteral nutrition Medical staff PATIENTS Protective agents
Adsorption kinetics and thermodynamics of sodium butyl xanthate onto bornite in flotation 被引量:4
作者 SUN Qian-yu YIN Wan-zhong +5 位作者 CAO Shao-hang YANG Bin SUN Hao-ran TANG Yuan WANG Dong-hui YAO Jin 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第11期2998-3007,共10页
In this paper,the effect of sodium butyl xanthate(NaBX)adsorption on the surface of bornite at different pH on flotation was studied by adsorption kinetic and thermodynamic.The flotation results demonstrated that the ... In this paper,the effect of sodium butyl xanthate(NaBX)adsorption on the surface of bornite at different pH on flotation was studied by adsorption kinetic and thermodynamic.The flotation results demonstrated that the recovery was the highest when pH was 9 in NaBX solution(4×10^?5 mol/L).The adsorption kinetics showed the reaction of NaBX on the bornite conformed to the second order kinetic equation;it belonged to the multimolecular layer adsorption of Freundlich model;the maximum adsorption rate constant was 0.30 g/(10^?6 mol·min),and the equilibrium adsorption capacity was 2.70×10^?6 mol/g.Thermodynamic calculation results indicated that the adsorption process was spontaneous chemisorption,and the adsorption products of NaBX on bornite surface were cupric butyl xanthate,ferric butyl xanthate and dixanthogen,which were confirmed by infrared spectrum measurements. 展开更多
关键词 BORNITE sodium butyl xanthate adsorption kinetics and thermodynamics infrared spectrum
Effects of Integrated Technology of Medicine and Fertilizer on Bacterial Wilt of Tobacco
作者 ZHOU Lian-chuan HE Wen-wei +5 位作者 QIN Xi-yun XU Tian-yang ZHANG Chuan-shu WANG Jing LU Fu-zhi ZHANG Li-xia 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2019年第3期47-50,共4页
In order to validate the control effects of integrated technology of medicine and fertilizer on tobacco bacterial wilt,field experiments were conducted by using youmeili and tetracycline as the test agents.The results... In order to validate the control effects of integrated technology of medicine and fertilizer on tobacco bacterial wilt,field experiments were conducted by using youmeili and tetracycline as the test agents.The results obtained were listed as follows:(1)The incidence rate of bacterial wilt ascended more quickly after July 10 th,the incidence of CK reached 78.30%on July 25 th.(2)The control effect of“youmeili 3 g+tetramycin 200 times liquid”reached 69.47%,significantly higher than other treatments.(3)The output value of“Youmeil 3 g+tetramycin 200 times liquid”served as 1635.66 yuan/667m^2,with the highest economic character in all treatments.In a word,integrated technology of medicine and fertilizer was a feasible approach to control tobacco bacterial wilt. 展开更多
关键词 Bacterial wilt Control effect Youmeil+tetramycin Integrated technology of medicine and fertilizer
作者 MA Baoquan KANG Wei YAN Junkai 《Chinese Journal of Reactive Polymers》 2007年第1期90-95,共6页
The role of three highly conserved insulin residues Tyr^B26 was studied to better understand the relationship between insulin and receptor from rat adipose tissue plasma membranes, lnsulin analogues with a single amin... The role of three highly conserved insulin residues Tyr^B26 was studied to better understand the relationship between insulin and receptor from rat adipose tissue plasma membranes, lnsulin analogues with a single amino acid substitution or single N-methylation of the peptide bond in the position B26 were all shortened in the C-terminus of the B-chain by four amino acids. The effect of modifications was followed by the binding to the insulin receptor. From our results, we can deduce several conclusions: (1) the replacement of tyrosine in the position B26 by histidine, [N-MeHis^B26]-des-tetrapeptide-(B27-B30)-insulin-B26-amide and [N-MeGlu^B26]-des-tetrapeptide- (B2-B30)-insulin-B26-amide, have no significant effect on the binding affinity and they show binding affinity 105%, 190% and 208%, respectively, of that of human insulin; (2) [Aad^B26] -des-tetrapeptide-(B27-B30)-insulin-B26-amide and [Phe(4-carboxy^B26)]-des-tetrapeptide- (B27~B30)-insulin-B26-amide affect the potency highly positively in vitro studies; they show binding affinity 529 and 289 %, respectively, of that of human insulin. 展开更多
关键词 lnsulin Binding affinity [N-MeHis^B26]-des-tetrapeptide-(B27-B30)-insulin-B26-amide.
选择性COX-2抑制剂美洛昔康的药理作用、药动学及临床应用 被引量:4
作者 曹礼华 张东娟 江善祥 《畜牧与兽医》 北大核心 2011年第7期100-104,共5页
美洛昔康是一种新型的非甾体抗炎药,有很好的抗炎、镇痛、解热和肿瘤抑制作用。与经典的NSAIDs相比,具有其独特的药效和药代动力学特点。美洛昔康的抗炎作用和耐受性均优于经典的NSAIDs,该特点与其对环氧化酶-2的优先抑制作用有关。美... 美洛昔康是一种新型的非甾体抗炎药,有很好的抗炎、镇痛、解热和肿瘤抑制作用。与经典的NSAIDs相比,具有其独特的药效和药代动力学特点。美洛昔康的抗炎作用和耐受性均优于经典的NSAIDs,该特点与其对环氧化酶-2的优先抑制作用有关。美洛昔康已被广泛应用于人医临床,但兽医临床仅在部分家畜使用。本文对美洛昔康的药理、药动学,耐受性和临床应用等进行了综述。 展开更多
关键词 美洛昔康 理作用和药动学 临床应用 综述
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