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从《品梅记》看“京都学派”对京剧认识的改变 被引量:3
作者 李莉薇 《文化遗产》 CSSCI 2015年第5期45-55,共11页
《品梅记》是梅兰芳1919年访日首演后由以研究中国文化著称的"京都学派"学者们集体撰文的一本评论中国戏曲和梅兰芳的"论文集"。梅兰芳访日首演改变了"京都学派"对京剧的固有看法,促使他们从关注文本向... 《品梅记》是梅兰芳1919年访日首演后由以研究中国文化著称的"京都学派"学者们集体撰文的一本评论中国戏曲和梅兰芳的"论文集"。梅兰芳访日首演改变了"京都学派"对京剧的固有看法,促使他们从关注文本向关注演出转变。但是,我们通过细读《品梅记》原文,可以知晓"京都学派"中内藤湖南、狩野直喜、滨田耕作、铃木虎雄、青木正儿等人对京剧艺术和梅兰芳的认知与评价是各不相同的。在今天大力提倡文化走出去的历史语境中,重读《品梅记》对于理解20世纪早期京剧东传日本、中国文化如何走向海外有着重要的价值与意义。 展开更多
关键词 品梅记》 京都学派 京剧 兰芳访日首演 戏剧评论
从《品梅记》看梅兰芳在日本接受的限度 被引量:2
作者 邹元江 《艺术百家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期86-91,共6页
《品梅记》里的文章水准参差不齐,有信口开河的,也有匪夷所思的,有顾左右而言他的,也有泛泛溢美的,更有敷衍塞责的。虽然也有几篇文章以日本戏剧作为参照,对于不熟悉的中国戏曲加以理性同情的分析,得出了诸多对于深入理解中日戏剧、东... 《品梅记》里的文章水准参差不齐,有信口开河的,也有匪夷所思的,有顾左右而言他的,也有泛泛溢美的,更有敷衍塞责的。虽然也有几篇文章以日本戏剧作为参照,对于不熟悉的中国戏曲加以理性同情的分析,得出了诸多对于深入理解中日戏剧、东西方戏剧差异性有启发意义的真知灼见,尤其是对梅兰芳关于中国戏曲缺乏表情、缺乏布景、要改良舞台和服装的看法加以质疑批评,都可见出日本学界对中国戏曲审美精神的深刻理解。但从总体上看,梅兰芳所代表的中国戏曲艺术最初在日本的接受,即便是在有很高水平的日本精英层面也是有限度的,更遑论在日本民间的受容若何。 展开更多
关键词 品梅记》 兰芳 中国戏曲 日本 接受限度
作者 周华斌 《中国艺术时空》 2016年第6期3-9,共7页
此文是读《东瀛品梅》的杞记,札记着重记述作为国际戏曲符号的梅兰芳。作为国际戏曲符号的梅兰芳始于1919年及之后赴日本的两次公演。在梅兰芳访日公演之前,西方人对中国传统戏曲原本不屑一顾,而后东西各国人士争看兰芳之戏喷啧称道... 此文是读《东瀛品梅》的杞记,札记着重记述作为国际戏曲符号的梅兰芳。作为国际戏曲符号的梅兰芳始于1919年及之后赴日本的两次公演。在梅兰芳访日公演之前,西方人对中国传统戏曲原本不屑一顾,而后东西各国人士争看兰芳之戏喷啧称道,且有争聘至外国演剧之事.诚为亘古未有之奇谈。此外,两次公演之后媒体连篇累牍的报道,以及现代手段的图书出版,唱片和50年代后的影视,录音,录像,这些具有历史意义的资料,使梅兰芳及其戏曲跨越时空保留了下来。 展开更多
关键词 《东瀛品梅》国际符号 日本公演 媒体传播
作者 李盛仙 《云南林业》 2006年第1期26-26,共1页
关键词 《赏时节品梅联》 李盛仙 文学作 散文 随笔 中国 当代作
澄清几个关于《品梅记》的问题 被引量:2
作者 李玲 《戏曲艺术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期55-58,78,共5页
《品梅记》是1919年梅兰芳首次出访日本时由日方出版发行的一本评论集,近一百年来受到中国学界的高度重视。由于缺乏对此书总体的把握,也造成了一些错误理解。本文作者在完成《品梅记》全书翻译之后,希望厘清此书的背景因素,包括梅兰芳... 《品梅记》是1919年梅兰芳首次出访日本时由日方出版发行的一本评论集,近一百年来受到中国学界的高度重视。由于缺乏对此书总体的把握,也造成了一些错误理解。本文作者在完成《品梅记》全书翻译之后,希望厘清此书的背景因素,包括梅兰芳第一次访日的行程、演出剧目与演出形式、此书作者群及其京都中国研究学派的特征,强调此书的价值不仅在于真实保留了当时日本对梅兰芳和中国京剧艺术的观感、评价,同时也是反映日本学者在社会转折时期对自身重新定位的宝贵材料。 展开更多
关键词 品梅记》 兰芳访日 京剧艺术
作者 陈旭 《语文天地》 2003年第06M期12-12,共1页
梅花是一年中开花最早的木本花卉。花期长,适宜于排水良好、瘠薄的砂土中生长。我国种植梅花已有三千多年的历史了。千百年来,人们把梅花作为最好的花卉来称颂。梅花不畏寒冷,独步早春的精神,也被用以象征人们的刚毅精神和崇高品质。古... 梅花是一年中开花最早的木本花卉。花期长,适宜于排水良好、瘠薄的砂土中生长。我国种植梅花已有三千多年的历史了。千百年来,人们把梅花作为最好的花卉来称颂。梅花不畏寒冷,独步早春的精神,也被用以象征人们的刚毅精神和崇高品质。古今诗文,留下大量的咏梅佳作。就连对联这一艺苑奇葩中,也有不少或与梅相关,或以梅自喻的佳对妙联。 展开更多
关键词 楹联 高中 语文 对联
作者 童朝斌 《课程教育研究(学法教法研究)》 2019年第6期56-58,共3页
课程改革是基础教育改革的核心内容,也是现阶段全面推进素质教育的主题。《浙江省教育厅办公室关于建设义务教育拓展性课程的指导意见》中指出:“建设拓展性课程,一定要紧紧围绕立德树人,着力于优化学校课程结构,培育学校办学特色。”... 课程改革是基础教育改革的核心内容,也是现阶段全面推进素质教育的主题。《浙江省教育厅办公室关于建设义务教育拓展性课程的指导意见》中指出:“建设拓展性课程,一定要紧紧围绕立德树人,着力于优化学校课程结构,培育学校办学特色。”本镇拥有独特的“梅”文化资源,学校的“红梅花开”的校园文化已扎根于每一个孩子心中。 展开更多
关键词 品梅 德育课程
"Charme des Impossibilit6s": Variety and Unity in Olivier Messiaen's Technique de Mon Langage Musical
作者 Egidio Pozzi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第8期793-807,共15页
In 1944, Messiaen offered a systematic description of his musical language in a text entitled Technique de Mon Langage Musical, an exposition of his compositional techniques that represents one of the most important a... In 1944, Messiaen offered a systematic description of his musical language in a text entitled Technique de Mon Langage Musical, an exposition of his compositional techniques that represents one of the most important accounts of his musical thoughts. This text is important not only in understanding his methods of composition, but also in comprehending the multiplicity and variety of his aesthetic ideas. In spite of the large variety of sources that inspire it, in Technique, Messiaen presents a compositional thought that, at least in part, proves to be substantially cohesive The purpose of this paper is to describe the content of the Technique, with particular attention to aspects concerning rhythm and harmony, which are the elements that received Messiaen's deepest attention and which also had the greatest influence on later 20th-century composers 展开更多
关键词 MESSIAEN TECHNIQUE avantgarde non-retrogradable rhythms limited transposition modes
Morphogenic Variability of Some Autochthonous Plum Cultivars in the Region of North Montenegro
作者 Gordana Sebek 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第6期414-419,共6页
Plum is the major fruit species in the area of North Montenegro. Over a long period of growing in this region, autochthonous cultivars adapted, and have been achieving satisfactory results, despite poor growing condit... Plum is the major fruit species in the area of North Montenegro. Over a long period of growing in this region, autochthonous cultivars adapted, and have been achieving satisfactory results, despite poor growing conditions. A study conducted over a period of three years in a North Montenegro region included in situ identification of autochthonous plum cultivars. Observation and recording of their phenological and pomological traits were performed using International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) and International union for the Protection of New Varieties of plants (UPOV) methodologies. Eighteen cultivars derived from Prunusdomestica L. and two cultivars derived from P. insititia L. were identified. Flowering started between March 26th and April 12th and fruit ripening between 13th of July (Petrovaca) and 18th September (Trnovaca). Fruit weight ranged from 6.65 g ± 0.235 g to 53.88 g ± 0.654 g respectively and stone weight from 0.16 g ±0.003 g to 2.20 g ± 0.711 g. The cultivars were classified as being extremely small in terms of fruit size, except for cvs Crvenadurgulja (big fruit size). Rounded fruit shape and light green ground color were dominant. Skin color ranged from amber to black. Yellow green was a dominant flesh color and medium flesh firmness predominated. The fruits of the above cultivars could be processed, particularly into plum brandy, or they could be used fresh or dried. The selected plum cultivars can be used in breeding programmes, as rootstocks as well as in further disease related systematic studies under field and laboratory conditions. 展开更多
关键词 FRUIT genetic bases GERMPLASM Prunusdomestica L. Prunusinsititia L..
Influence of Sodium Bicarbonate, Calcium Chloride and Growth Media on Antimicrobial Activity of Metschnikowia pulcherrima
作者 Ortansa Csutak Ionela Sarbu Tatiana Vassu 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2013年第2期79-86,共8页
Yeasts represent an important category of microorganisms used in biocontrol of diseases affecting postharvest fruits or vegetables, food-born microorganisms being previously reported as also having important antimicro... Yeasts represent an important category of microorganisms used in biocontrol of diseases affecting postharvest fruits or vegetables, food-born microorganisms being previously reported as also having important antimicrobial activity against human pathogens. However, the action of yeasts against species with pathogen potential for plants or humans is less understood. Our research was conducted on three Metschnikowia pulcherrima yeast strains isolated from white grapes (SG1, SG2) and cherries (CPMI) from Romania. The screening tests performed on yeast peptone glucose (YPG) medium on isolates from human infections revealed reduced antimicrobial activity with narrow inhibition zones against strain M6 (Candidaparapsilosis). In the presence of C3 (Candida albicans), SGI was the most active forming wider halos, followed closely by SG2, while for CPM1, no activity was described. Improvement of antagonistic action was observed especially for mixtures of SG1 with 0.5% and 1% sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), respectively, 1% and 2% calcium chloride (CaCI2). Utilization of yeast malt extract agar (YMA) medium favoring mycelium formation in cultures representing potential sensitive substrates seemed to facilitate the antimicrobial action of SG1. When compared to reference M. pulcherrima MUCL 29874, the Metschnikowia strains isolated from fruits were better antagonists probably due to variation of gene regulation or existence of adaptative responses. 展开更多
关键词 Metschnikowiapulcherrima ANTIMICROBIAL BICARBONATE CALCIUM MEDIA pathogen.
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