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水分胁迫下旱地小麦品种形态及生理特性研究 被引量:8
作者 苟作旺 杨文雄 刘效华 《农业现代化研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期503-505,共3页
通过2004-2006采取田间小区试验,并结合室内模拟实验对甘肃中部广种的春小麦品种陇春18、陇春8139、定西24的抗旱形态特征、叶片光合速率和叶绿素含量等生理特性进行了研究。结果表明,在水分胁迫条件下,分蘖力强、次生根条数多、叶面积... 通过2004-2006采取田间小区试验,并结合室内模拟实验对甘肃中部广种的春小麦品种陇春18、陇春8139、定西24的抗旱形态特征、叶片光合速率和叶绿素含量等生理特性进行了研究。结果表明,在水分胁迫条件下,分蘖力强、次生根条数多、叶面积较大的品种抗旱性强,干旱条件下产量高,陇春18大于陇春8139大于定西24;同时,室内模拟实验进行抗旱机理鉴定结果表明,在水分胁迫条件下,耐旱品种陇春18和陇春8139胚芽鞘与主胚根生长受影响小,定西24较差。旗叶光合速率和叶绿素含量测定表明,在水分胁迫条件下,抗旱系数高的品种旗叶光合速率高,叶绿素含量下降慢。 展开更多
关键词 水分胁迫 旱地小麦 品种形态 生理特性
作者 赵春光 王景春 胡玉平 《渔业经济研究》 1990年第5期42-45,共4页
在鱼产品市场上,某种鱼产品的紧软程度与生产该产品企业的经济效益和生存发展休戚相关,而某种鱼产品在市场上的畅滞又取决于消费者对该产品的选择流向,即选择心理动向。所以研究探讨鱼产品市场的主体对象——消费者和消费者选择心理... 在鱼产品市场上,某种鱼产品的紧软程度与生产该产品企业的经济效益和生存发展休戚相关,而某种鱼产品在市场上的畅滞又取决于消费者对该产品的选择流向,即选择心理动向。所以研究探讨鱼产品市场的主体对象——消费者和消费者选择心理。已是一项十分必要的工作。 展开更多
关键词 鱼产品市场 消费者 中国 鱼类品种形态 消费选择心理 经济效益 消费需求
作者 刘德强 《河南农业》 2010年第11期40-40,共1页
关键词 相关遗传力 经济性状 小麦育种 品种形态 产量影响 性状相关 子粒 单株
多基因型种群品种多集新3号的选育和相关问题说明 被引量:7
作者 徐超飞 李华军 李晓方 《中国稻米》 2014年第2期71-73,共3页
关键词 多基因型种群 品种形态 种子生产 多集新3号
多级化产品形态开发 被引量:2
作者 张同 《包装与设计》 2002年第3期85-86,共2页
关键词 多级化产品形态开发 产品形象 产品形态 品种形态 人机形态 文化形态
徐州白蒜高效栽培技术 被引量:1
作者 秦越华 《现代农业科技》 2006年第04S期9-9,共1页
关键词 高效栽培技术 白蒜 徐州 播前准备 外观颜色 优良种性 品种形态 特征和 蒜瓣 LOD
梨树的整形与修剪 被引量:1
作者 吴仁成 《湖北林业科技》 2002年第2期53-54,共2页
关键词 梨树 整形 修剪原理 生长特点 品种形态 修剪技术
Comparative Study of Rice Morphogenesis with Different Cultivation Methods
作者 严定春 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2424-2428,共5页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to compare the morphological char- acteristics of rice (Oryza sativa L.) with different cultivation methods and investigate the dynamics of organ growth and development characte... [Objective] The aim of this study was to compare the morphological char- acteristics of rice (Oryza sativa L.) with different cultivation methods and investigate the dynamics of organ growth and development characteristics of different rice culti- vars. [Method] Based on continuous field observation and destructive sampling over a growing season, detailed organ morphological data were obtained including leaf length, node number, plant height, tiller number, leaf angle, leaf area and specific leaf weight, to compare organ morphological differences among 4 rice cultivars of Baidao (indica), Jinnanfeng (japonica), 9325 (japonica) and 9915 (japonica) with 3 cultivation methods of field planting in Weigang, pot planting in Weigang, and field planting in Jiangpu. [Result] Maximum leaf length of each node gradually increased at the early growth stage and decreased at the later growth stage, the relationship between maximum leaf length and node position can be described by the equations y=a,,-~ and y=ax+b; node number, growth duration, leaf length and plant height of pot planting rice in Weigang were smaller than that of the other two field planting meth- ods; the relationship between plant height and sunshine duration, plant height and GDD (growing degree days) can be described by the equation y=ax+b, 19.23 ℃.d of GDD (≥10 ≥-d) and 8.12 h of sunshine duration were required to increase 1 cm of plant height; plant height, tiller number, and leaf area of Baidao were higher than that of the other 3 laponica rice cultivars, but the specific leaf weight and leaf angle were smaller. [Conclusion] Comparison of morphological characteristic differ- ences among rice cultivars is an important way to select water-saving and drought- tolerant rice varieties. In this study, the experimental results can be integrated into a rice functional-architectural model to simulate rice organ growth dynamics in a three- dimensional space, thereby providing reference for selecting water-saving and drought-tolerant rice cultivars. 展开更多
关键词 RICE LEAF Plant height Tiller number Leaf angle
作者 燕利彬 《河北农业》 2011年第9期24-25,共2页
一、精选、备足优良蒜种 1、大蒜选种工作可概括为“两选一分法”,即在大蒜收获时,选择具有本品种形态特征和优良性状好的植株为蒜种,其叶无病斑、苔粗壮、头肥大圆整、外观颜色一致、瓣数相近、均匀饱满,中选株要单收单藏。在播... 一、精选、备足优良蒜种 1、大蒜选种工作可概括为“两选一分法”,即在大蒜收获时,选择具有本品种形态特征和优良性状好的植株为蒜种,其叶无病斑、苔粗壮、头肥大圆整、外观颜色一致、瓣数相近、均匀饱满,中选株要单收单藏。在播种前掰瓣时,再从中选的蒜种中选择大中瓣作种子。除选择纯种外,还要求蒜瓣均匀、色泽纯一、无病斑、无伤口。 展开更多
关键词 高产栽培技术 大蒜 选种工作 优良性状 品种形态 外观颜色 蒜种 特征和
作者 何占娟 《河南农业》 2006年第10期12-12,共1页
关键词 高产栽培技术 大蒜 优良品种 优良种性 品种形态 栽培条件 特征和 产量比
Observation and Comparison of Pollen Submicroscopic Morphology of Seven Mulberry(Morus alba Linn.) Cultivars
作者 胡德昌 张萍 +3 位作者 王艳杰 左进城 王照红 陈传杰 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2261-2264,共4页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the submicroscopic structure and morphological characteristics of mulberry pollen. [Method] Mulberry pollen of seven cultivars were treated by glutaraldehyde fixing, alcohol... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the submicroscopic structure and morphological characteristics of mulberry pollen. [Method] Mulberry pollen of seven cultivars were treated by glutaraldehyde fixing, alcohol gradient dehydration, freeze-drying and metal plating to observe the size and surface ornamentation under the scanning electron microscope (SEM). [Result] The pollen surface characteristics and ornamentation were clearly visible, indicating that this method is suitable for SEM observation of mulberry pollen; experimental mulberry pollen was nearly spher- ical, with two germination apertures and processes on aperture membrane; polar axis was 15.99-22.63 μm long, and equatorial axis was 14.98-20.78 μm long; the pollen volume of "Yu No.2' was the maximum, while that of "Jinxuan No.7' was the minimum; the surface of mulberry pollen showed smooth and tumor-like protuberance ornamentations, covered with different densities of particles. [Conclusion] Glutaralde- hyde fixative-alcohol gradient dehydration is an ideal method for morphological char- acteristics of mulberry pollen. This study may provide useful information for palynology identification of Morus plants or even species-level systematic classification. 展开更多
关键词 MULBERRY POLLEN Submicroscopic morphology
Root Physiological and Morphological Characteristics of Two Rice Cultivars with Different Nitrogen-Use Efficiency 被引量:36
作者 FAN Jian-Bo ZHANG Ya-Li +3 位作者 D. TURNER DUAN Yin-Hua WANG Dong-Sheng SHEN Qi-Rong 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期446-455,共10页
The variation in nitrogen (N) uptake by rice has been widely studied but differences in rice root morphology that may contribute to this variation are not completely understood. Field and greenhouse experiments were... The variation in nitrogen (N) uptake by rice has been widely studied but differences in rice root morphology that may contribute to this variation are not completely understood. Field and greenhouse experiments were carried out to study N accumulation, root dry weights, total root lengths, root surface areas, and root bleeding rates of two rice cultivars, Elio with low N-use efficiency and Nanguang with high N-use efficiency. Low (1 mmol N L^-1) and high (5 mmol N L^-1) N applications were established in the greenhouse experiment, and the N rates were 0, 120, and 240 kg ha^-1 in the field experiments at Jiangning and Jiangpu farms, Nanjing, China. The results showed that the N accumulation, root dry weight, total root length, and root surface area increased with an increase in N application. At the heading stage, N accumulation in the shoots and roots of Nanguang was greater than that of Elio in the field experiments and that of Elio at 5 mmol N L^-1 in the greenhouse experiment. After the heading stage, N accumulation was higher for Nanguang at both 1 and 5 mmol N L^-1 in the greenhouse experiment. The total root length and root surface area were significantly different between the two cultivars. Over the range of the fertilizer application rates, the root lengths of Nanguang at Jiangning Farm were 49%-6170 greater at booting and 26%-39% greater at heading than those of Elio, and at Jiangpu Farm they were 22%-42% and 26%-38% greater, respectively. Nanguang had a greater root bleeding rate than Elio. It was concluded that the N-use efficiency of the two rice cultivars studied depended to a great extent on the root morphological parameters and root physiological characteristics at different growth stages. 展开更多
关键词 N accumulation root bleeding rate root dry weight root surface area total root length
Differences in Aggressiveness and Morphology of Mycosphaerella graminicola Isolates Causal Agent of Septoria Tritici Blotch on Wheat
作者 L. Vechet E. Vydrova 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第3X期386-393,共8页
Reactions 13 wheat cultivars to 18 Mycosphaerella graminicola isolates, collected from three distinct localities, were in average different but differences among individual cultivars were small. All cultivars were sus... Reactions 13 wheat cultivars to 18 Mycosphaerella graminicola isolates, collected from three distinct localities, were in average different but differences among individual cultivars were small. All cultivars were susceptible to septoria tritici blotch. Reactions of wheat cultivars to M. graminicola isolates varied from 31% to 41%. Some cultivars had low differences but the other high in reactions to used isolates in average. Variance of individual cultivars to all isolates in reactions of maximal and minimal values fluctuated between 44-80%. More differences were in reactions between individual isolates to single cultivars. Aggressiveness individual isolates to all tested cultivars oscillated in average from 9% to 66% of necrotic leaf area covered by pycnidia. Three isolates had very low, whereas five isolates had high aggressiveness in average to all cultivars. Difference in maximal and minimal aggressiveness of individual isolates to all cultivars was between 13 and 60%. Avirulent reaction was ascertained in the cultivar Rexia to one isolate. Isolates showed wide differences in colored and morphological characteristics. Dissimilarity and similarity was in border shape, cultivation types, surface and coloration of isolate colony also. 展开更多
关键词 Septoria tritici blotch AGGRESSIVENESS wheat cultivars ISOLATES morphological and color characteristics.
Morphogenic Variability of Some Autochthonous Plum Cultivars in the Region of North Montenegro
作者 Gordana Sebek 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第6期414-419,共6页
Plum is the major fruit species in the area of North Montenegro. Over a long period of growing in this region, autochthonous cultivars adapted, and have been achieving satisfactory results, despite poor growing condit... Plum is the major fruit species in the area of North Montenegro. Over a long period of growing in this region, autochthonous cultivars adapted, and have been achieving satisfactory results, despite poor growing conditions. A study conducted over a period of three years in a North Montenegro region included in situ identification of autochthonous plum cultivars. Observation and recording of their phenological and pomological traits were performed using International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) and International union for the Protection of New Varieties of plants (UPOV) methodologies. Eighteen cultivars derived from Prunusdomestica L. and two cultivars derived from P. insititia L. were identified. Flowering started between March 26th and April 12th and fruit ripening between 13th of July (Petrovaca) and 18th September (Trnovaca). Fruit weight ranged from 6.65 g ± 0.235 g to 53.88 g ± 0.654 g respectively and stone weight from 0.16 g ±0.003 g to 2.20 g ± 0.711 g. The cultivars were classified as being extremely small in terms of fruit size, except for cvs Crvenadurgulja (big fruit size). Rounded fruit shape and light green ground color were dominant. Skin color ranged from amber to black. Yellow green was a dominant flesh color and medium flesh firmness predominated. The fruits of the above cultivars could be processed, particularly into plum brandy, or they could be used fresh or dried. The selected plum cultivars can be used in breeding programmes, as rootstocks as well as in further disease related systematic studies under field and laboratory conditions. 展开更多
关键词 FRUIT genetic bases GERMPLASM Prunusdomestica L. Prunusinsititia L..
Morphological Characterization of Mango (Mangifera indica) Accessions Based on Brazilian Adapted Descriptors
作者 Ierla Carla Nunes dos Santos Ribeirol Carlos Antonio Femandes Santos Francisco Pinheiro Lima Neto 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第11期798-806,共9页
The aim of this study was to characterize 103 mango accessions of the field germplasm collection of Embrapa semi-arid region, located in Juazeiro, Bahia, Brazil and to apply 50 morphological descriptors established by... The aim of this study was to characterize 103 mango accessions of the field germplasm collection of Embrapa semi-arid region, located in Juazeiro, Bahia, Brazil and to apply 50 morphological descriptors established by the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, livestock and supply to help in the development of new mango cultivars for the Northeastern region of Brazil. Four trees were selected for each accession and eight adult leaves, eight flowers and 16 fruits were collected from each tree. Morphological characteristics ranging from plant size to seed embryo were evaluated. Simple percentages were estimated for all the descriptors. Only the descriptors for leaf symmetry and fruit waxiness did not show variability among the accessions. Eight accessions did not show fruits with fibers, while nine other accessions presented flesh firmness, which is an important characteristic to improve breeding. The soluble solids content was high, above 14 ~Brix for 95% of the accessions with Tommy Atkins showing the lowest value, 12.5 ~Brix. A great diversity was found in the color of the epidermis ranging from green to red. The accessions Amrapali and Salitre presented a dark orange flesh color. The obtained data set, are the most comprehensive so far in Brazil, it allows choosing the best parents to develop new cultivars and will also contribute to the protection of mango cultivars in Brazil. 展开更多
关键词 MANGO germplasm bank ACCESSIONS morphological descriptors the international union for the protection of newvarieties of plants (UPOV).
Inheritance of Main Morphological Traits and Chemical Parameters' Analysis of Oriental Tobacco
作者 Vesselina Masheva Maria Kasheva 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2016年第6期417-422,共6页
This study was conducted to evaluate four different parental oriental varieties with their F1 crosses to estimate inheritance of some morphological traits, such as plant hight, number of leaves, total dry weigh and ch... This study was conducted to evaluate four different parental oriental varieties with their F1 crosses to estimate inheritance of some morphological traits, such as plant hight, number of leaves, total dry weigh and chemical compounds, especially nicotine and sugars during sun-curing period. The oriental varieties Kozarsko 541, Plovdiv 50 and Krumovgrad 17 from Bulgaria and Basma Xanthi 101 from Greece and their respective crosses with Basma Xanthi 101 were studied. The study was set up in 2014 and 2015 in experimental field of the Tobacco and Tobacco Products Institute, Plovdiv, using randomized block design with four replications. Common agricultural practices were applied during the growing season. The result indicated that in hybrid combination with parental varieties Kozarsko 541 and Plovdiv 50, except total dry weight, additive gene effects are important for traits height of plant and number of leaves. Height of plant and number of leaves are inherited partially dominant to parent with higher value and total dry weight inheritance was over dominant. In hybrid combination Krumovgrad 17 x Basma Xanthi 101, inheritance of the plant height and leaves number were over dominant type. Total dry weight is inherited partially dominant. In a word, prevailing mode for inheritance of plant hight and total dry weight was the over dominance and for number of leaves it was partial dominance. In sun-curing with yellowing stage, nicotine decreased and sugars increased in all tested varieties with a highest percentage in variety Kozarsko 541 (nicotine) and Krumovgrad 17 (sugars). 展开更多
关键词 Oriental tobacco inhedtanee character morphological traits chemical parameters.
Preliminary Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Three Taro (Colocasia esculenta L, Schott) Landraces Using Agro-morphological and SSR DNA Characterisation
作者 Tafadzwanashe Mabhaudhi Albert Thembinkosi Modi 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第4期265-271,共7页
Taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) is an important underutilised crop in South Africa, East Africa and Indonesia. Three taro landraces, namely, Dumbe Lomfula (wild), KwaNgwanase and Umbumbulu, were collected fro... Taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) is an important underutilised crop in South Africa, East Africa and Indonesia. Three taro landraces, namely, Dumbe Lomfula (wild), KwaNgwanase and Umbumbulu, were collected from two locations in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), South Africa, and planted at two locations, Pietermaritzburg (KZN) and Roodeplaat, Pretoria. Ago-morphological characterisation of vegetative and corm characteristics were done four months after planting and at harvest, respectively. Sampling for DNA fingerprinting using five SSR primers was done using leaf material four months after planting. Agro-morphological characterisation was useful in showing differences between the wild landrace and the two cultivated landraces, as well as identification of dasheen and eddoe types. SSR primer characterisation showed that despite significant morphological difference, the wild Dumbe Lomfula and Umbumbulu landraces were closely related but different from the KwaNgwanase landrace. Although landraces showed great morphological variation, this did not necessarily imply genetic variation. It is concluded that SSR primers are more useful for characterising taro landraces. 展开更多
关键词 Agro-morphology characterisation DNA LANDRACES SSR primers taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) geneticdiversity.
Modeling of Organ Morphology and Biomass Dynamics in Rice
作者 D. Yan L. T. Wilson +5 位作者 Y. Yang J. Lv J. C. Medley L. Zhu Y. Guo S. O. P. B. Samonte 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第7期1013-1024,共12页
Physiological processes governing rice plant light capture and subsequent crop growth and development are intimately tied to canopy architecture. Conversely, the production and spatial orientation of organs are depend... Physiological processes governing rice plant light capture and subsequent crop growth and development are intimately tied to canopy architecture. Conversely, the production and spatial orientation of organs are dependent on the underlying physiological processes. An integrated functional-architectural modeling system would allow greater refinement of intra- and inter-plant interactions, facilitate the incorporation of additional mechanistic processes, allow greater integration of processes across multiple structural scales, and improve the accuracy of predictions. The objective of this study is to quantify the physiological bases for organ morphological development of 3 rice cultivars (Banks, IR68886B, and their hybrid Banks × IR68886A). Detailed organ morphological data were obtained through repeated field observations and destructive samplings over the growing season, including leaf length, width, area, mass, and leaf phyllochron; sheath length, diameter and mass; internode length, diameter and mass; panicle length; stem and tiller number. The result showed that the plant age (GDD, 〉 10 ℃ d) at the first full leaf initiation (node = 2) was 147.92, 154.35, 166.23 for Banks, IR68886B, and Banks × IR68886A respectively. Banks × IR68886A produced 18 nodes, while IR68886B produced 17 nodes, and Banks 16 nodes. The Specific Leaf Weight (SLW, mg cm2) was fairly constant (about 6 mg cm2) during the growing season for the 3 cultivars, and appears to slowly increase for the latter nodes. The leaf length and SLW of Banks × IR68886A was more than Banks and IR68886B. Specific internodes weight of Banks x IR68886A was higher than IR68886B ×and Banks. Growing duration for Banks × IR68886A is longer than Banks and IR68886B. Banks × IR68886A shows positive heterosis,, and the mid-parent heterosis (MPH) for panicle length was 26.74% and that for stem and tiller number was 135.00%. Results from the experiments were used to parameterize a rice functional-architectural model that simulates organ dynamics and renders organ growth in a 3-dimensional space over the rice growing season. 展开更多
Fruit Nutritional Value of Cornelian Cherry Genotypes (Comus mas L.) Selected in the Vojvodina Province
作者 S. Bijelie B. Golosin J. Ninie Todorovie S. Cerovie 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2011年第3期310-317,共8页
This paper reviews results of some morphometric properties and chemical analyses of natural populations of the Cornelian cherry collected in the Vojvodina Province in 2008. Purpose of this study was the selection of t... This paper reviews results of some morphometric properties and chemical analyses of natural populations of the Cornelian cherry collected in the Vojvodina Province in 2008. Purpose of this study was the selection of the best genotypes for future breeding program until the final goal and that is standardizing Cornelian cherry cultivars. Chemical content has been found to depend on the genotype. Total sugar content in fruits ranged from 11.77% (CPC16) to 41.62% (BPC7), vitamin C from 17.15 mg/100 g (APC8) to 42.30 rag/100 g of fresh fruit (APC2), Ca pectat from 0.17% (APC6) to 2.52% (KC 1 ) and anthocyanin from 22.65 mg/100 g (APC4)to 96.30 rag/100 g of fresh fruit (BPC1). Cornelian cherry fruits have an especially high content of minerals compared with other fruit species: the potassium content (in ppm) ranges from 2330 (APC6) to 11487 (APC4), the calcium content from 33.80 (APC6) to 1307.70 (BPC1), the sodium content from 22.82 (BPC8) to 273.48 (APC8), the magnesium content from 10.20 (APC6) to 372.80 (APC8) and the iron content from 2.38 (KC2) to 14.40 (APCS). The balanced content of nutrients, a wide range of food products made from the Cornelian cherry and an extremely high nutritional value make this fruit species a highly recommendable food item, especially if it comes from organic production. 展开更多
关键词 Cornelian cherry SELECTIONS chemical properties nutritional value
Effect of Long-Term in Vitro Sub-culturing on Quality Degeneration of Sweet Potato Varieties: Morpho- Anatomic Assessment and Simple Sequence Repeats Analysis
作者 Mihiretu Cherinet Hundayehu Elsa Du Toit +3 位作者 Sunette Laurie Martin Steyn Ria Greyling Nokuthula Myeza 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第10期811-821,共11页
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of long-term in vitro sub-culturing on the varietal degeneration of three sweet potato varieties, namely, Monate, Mokone and Ndou which were sub-cultured for 32, 23 and 1... The aim of this study was to assess the effect of long-term in vitro sub-culturing on the varietal degeneration of three sweet potato varieties, namely, Monate, Mokone and Ndou which were sub-cultured for 32, 23 and 12 generations, respectively. Each generation was cultured in a media which is made from 4.43 g/L Murashige and Skoog (MS), 30 g/L sucrose and 2 g/L gelrite, respectively, and grown under 16 h light and 8 h dark photoperiod for 30 d. For each generation, 45 plantlets were acclimatized for two months in a glasshouse. Data on in vitro growth performance and 11 morphological characteristics during acclimatization were recorded. Early root and shoot formation was observed after the 27th and 21st sub-cultured generations of Monate and Mokone, respectively. During acclimatization, plantlets from the same variety showed differences in morphological traits such as leaf colour, abaxial leaf pigmentation, vine pigmentation, petiole pigmentation, leaf wrinkling and flowering. However, the rate of these morphological differences is random and irrespective to increase in sub-culturing. Therefore, to understand the genetic base of these morphological variability, two plantlets from each variety were subjected to genetic analysis by using five simple sequence repeat (SSR) primers (IB-242, IB-318, IB-255F, 1B-248 and IB-255). Although SSR loci IB-255F and IB-318 could distinguish between the three varieties, there were no allelic polymorphisms detected in plantlets from the same varieties. Therefore, long-term sub-culturing do not leads to quality degeneration in the three sweet potato varieties. 展开更多
关键词 MICRO-PROPAGATION ORGANOGENESIS SUB-CULTURE true-to-type morphology polymorphism.
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