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稼轩词所体现的人生感喟及狷介品节 被引量:4
作者 刘乃昌 《东岳论丛》 CSSCI 1997年第2期88-91,共4页
文章指出,歌唱救亡的激愤性和思考人生的沉郁性,体现品节的狷介美,是辛词的重要意蕴和特色。文章着重阐述了后者,指出不管处于何种境遇,无论有多少人生感怆,稼轩关念故国的忠义志气、珍重自我的清介品操,是贯穿始终、卓立不移的... 文章指出,歌唱救亡的激愤性和思考人生的沉郁性,体现品节的狷介美,是辛词的重要意蕴和特色。文章着重阐述了后者,指出不管处于何种境遇,无论有多少人生感怆,稼轩关念故国的忠义志气、珍重自我的清介品操,是贯穿始终、卓立不移的。文章还指出在弘扬辛词“卓荦”一面的同时,其潇洒的一面也须尽力开发。 展开更多
关键词 稼轩词 品节 狷介
元稹品节片论 被引量:3
作者 尚永亮 《唐都学刊》 1992年第2期52-54,27,共4页
关键词 品节 贬谪 为人技巧
人杰高唱人杰歌——李清照的高尚风操品节 被引量:1
作者 王延梯 肖培 《东岳论丛》 CSSCI 1999年第1期76-81,共6页
李清照把“人杰”的含义升华为人生观,一生以“人杰”、“鬼雄”自勉,至死不渝。但其远大的理想和不凡的抱负,在当时的社会环境中还没有实现的可能,而比较现实的,她可以在文化事业上酬其志,遂其愿。清照的高尚气节主要表现在她热... 李清照把“人杰”的含义升华为人生观,一生以“人杰”、“鬼雄”自勉,至死不渝。但其远大的理想和不凡的抱负,在当时的社会环境中还没有实现的可能,而比较现实的,她可以在文化事业上酬其志,遂其愿。清照的高尚气节主要表现在她热爱祖国上,对危害祖国的人和事,表示出深恶痛绝的感情。与此密切联系在一起的,是她具有忠君思想。清照的品格有其坚毅刚健的一面,洒脱不羁,逞强好胜,孤高傲世,卓尔不群。她对问题有自己的独立见解,既不苟同于人,也不盲目崇拜权威名流。与此相关,她还有鄙视庸俗、自视甚高的一面。李清照实践了她“生作人杰”、“死为鬼雄”的人生宣言,她是中国历史上不可多得的女杰。自然,在其思想品格中也有明显的个人英雄主义倾向,但这种倾向总优于一般女子的自暴自弃、无所作为的思想与品格。清照那个时代的女子,更需要的似乎是自尊、自强、自信,而不应该要求她们做谦谦君子。 展开更多
关键词 李清照 风操品节 中国妇女 中国古代文学
作者 释慧正 《五台山研究》 CSSCI 2022年第3期58-64,共7页
憨山德清《法华品节》是分品目阐释其“开示悟入”之分判的“法华三解”之一,清智祥将其编入《法华授手》,随缘增删,后遂佚失。通过比较分析三个越南古籍版本,确定汉喃院图书馆所藏《品节》单行本为最早在越南刊印流传的版本,受到重视... 憨山德清《法华品节》是分品目阐释其“开示悟入”之分判的“法华三解”之一,清智祥将其编入《法华授手》,随缘增删,后遂佚失。通过比较分析三个越南古籍版本,确定汉喃院图书馆所藏《品节》单行本为最早在越南刊印流传的版本,受到重视并最终成为《法华经》的附录在越南流行,成为初学者的必修内容。此文献的发现不仅对系统研究憨山大师的法华思想和解经学起到重要作用,还为中越两国佛教交流史的研究开启了一个窗口。时至今日,法华义解仍受到当代学者的尊重,本研究的发现可为法华义理的研究提供新资料。 展开更多
关键词 《法华品节 憨山大师 单行本 附录本 中越佛教交流
作者 庆之 《清风》 2024年第3期51-52,共2页
梅花是中国的十大名花之一,在我国已有三干多年的栽培历史,历来为社会各界所深爱。梅花俊美而坚韧不拔,它傲霜斗雪,象征着有无畏、高洁的品格。古人对梅花情有独钟,赋予了梅花几十种雅称,常见的有“暗香”“疏影”“寒花”“独秀”“孤... 梅花是中国的十大名花之一,在我国已有三干多年的栽培历史,历来为社会各界所深爱。梅花俊美而坚韧不拔,它傲霜斗雪,象征着有无畏、高洁的品格。古人对梅花情有独钟,赋予了梅花几十种雅称,常见的有“暗香”“疏影”“寒花”“独秀”“孤芳”“仙姿”“斜枝”等等。梅以它的高洁、坚强、谦虚的品格,自古以来便是文人墨客和清官廉吏居家养身、笔下常见的精神寄托。 展开更多
关键词 疏影 十大名花 精神寄托 傲霜斗雪 梅花 栽培历史 品节 高洁
陶渊明政治品节的见证——颜延之《陶徵士诔并序》笺证 被引量:22
作者 邓小军 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第5期87-99,共13页
颜延之《陶徵士诔并序》,是认识陶渊明的人描写陶渊明的唯一今存文献,具有珍贵的历史、思想和文学价值。颜延之是陶渊明的挚友,延之内心同情东晋、痛愤刘裕篡弑,因此能同情地了解陶渊明在晋宋之际的政治品节。颜《诔》“有晋徵士陶渊明... 颜延之《陶徵士诔并序》,是认识陶渊明的人描写陶渊明的唯一今存文献,具有珍贵的历史、思想和文学价值。颜延之是陶渊明的挚友,延之内心同情东晋、痛愤刘裕篡弑,因此能同情地了解陶渊明在晋宋之际的政治品节。颜《诔》“有晋徵士陶渊明”的称谓,表达了陶渊明认同晋朝、是晋遗民,不认可刘宋、拒绝与刘宋合作的事实;“靖节徵士”的谥号,表达了陶渊明坚守晋遗民的政治节操。颜《诔》记述了陶渊明对刘宋政权政治无道的判断,描写出了陶渊明澹泊心、自由心彻底觉悟的形象,艰苦地从事躬耕和编织以维持生活的形象,以及密切关注现实政治,告诫朋友直言不讳的形象。 展开更多
关键词 颜延之 《陶徵士诔并序》 陶渊明 政治品节
作者 刘海涛 《中华文化论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期109-114,共6页
杨起元的《南华经品节》是《诸经品节》中的一部分,此书是书肆坊贾假借杨起元之名翻刻的陋本。但《四库全书总目》、《续文献通考》、《周秦汉魏诸子知见书目》等书在著录此书时均未对其真伪有所怀疑,故学界在引用时即出现了以讹传讹的... 杨起元的《南华经品节》是《诸经品节》中的一部分,此书是书肆坊贾假借杨起元之名翻刻的陋本。但《四库全书总目》、《续文献通考》、《周秦汉魏诸子知见书目》等书在著录此书时均未对其真伪有所怀疑,故学界在引用时即出现了以讹传讹的现象。本文在对此书真伪进行考辨的基础上,对此书的价值重新进行探究。 展开更多
关键词 杨起元 《南华经品节 伪书 考辨
作者 曲绍楠 《加油站服务指南》 2019年第6期14-14,共1页
4月29日,由中国石化、中国品牌建设促进会共同发起,新华网、中石化易捷公司、中国国家品牌网共同主办的'中国品牌日·易捷'易品节''主题营销活动在京正式启动.在第三个“5·10中国品牌日”来临之际,中国石化联... 4月29日,由中国石化、中国品牌建设促进会共同发起,新华网、中石化易捷公司、中国国家品牌网共同主办的'中国品牌日·易捷'易品节''主题营销活动在京正式启动.在第三个“5·10中国品牌日”来临之际,中国石化联合各方发起易捷“易品节”主题营销活动。这是中国石化自2018年首次提出“为中国品牌加油”,率先践行“中国品牌日”行动后又一次彰显央企责任、推动中国品牌建设的实际行动。 展开更多
关键词 品牌 营销 中国 启动 品节 品牌网 主题 活动
作者 釋慧正 《宏德学刊》 2022年第2期345-362,共18页
本文以越南漢喃院圖書館文獻Ac.317單行本爲底本,參考越南前江省美萩市淨嚴寺附錄本,及越南河内市勝嚴寺附錄本,對比1683年清朝智祥法師摘錄《法華品節》的《法華經授手》,對憨山德清大師《妙法蓮華經品節》進行校錄。《法華品節》是憨... 本文以越南漢喃院圖書館文獻Ac.317單行本爲底本,參考越南前江省美萩市淨嚴寺附錄本,及越南河内市勝嚴寺附錄本,對比1683年清朝智祥法師摘錄《法華品節》的《法華經授手》,對憨山德清大師《妙法蓮華經品節》進行校錄。《法華品節》是憨山大師“法華三解”之二,清初佚失,未入大藏經《夢遊集》,今各版《憨山大師全集》均無,屬國内首次發表,故尤爲珍貴,對研究憨山大師的法華思想十分有價值。因篇幅關係,僅呈現校錄結果。 展开更多
关键词 憨山德清 法華品節 校錄
元稹百年研究综述 被引量:4
作者 李丹 尚永亮 《学术交流》 北大核心 2004年第4期137-144,共8页
五四时期到新中国成立前是现代意义上元稹研究的开创期。建国后的研究范围渐渐涉及元稹的品格与《莺莺传》,陈寅恪的《元白诗笺证稿》是此时最重要的成果。"文革"时元稹研究曾一度停滞不前。新时期至八九十年代,涌现一批成果,... 五四时期到新中国成立前是现代意义上元稹研究的开创期。建国后的研究范围渐渐涉及元稹的品格与《莺莺传》,陈寅恪的《元白诗笺证稿》是此时最重要的成果。"文革"时元稹研究曾一度停滞不前。新时期至八九十年代,涌现一批成果,但90年代的成果中有一些精品。新世纪初,学界主要关注元稹生平、节操、创作及理论等方面的研究。 展开更多
关键词 元稹研究 百年回顾 生平 品节 创作 理论 反思
金人学杜特点及其原因初探 被引量:1
作者 赫兰国 《中华文化论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期130-133,共4页
自中晚唐起,读杜、学杜、评杜、注杜、研杜者层出不穷,历久不衰,并因此形成专门之学——"杜诗学"。金代在杜诗学发展链条上有着自己独特的地位和特点,"杜诗学"这一概念是由金人元好问明确提出的,这无疑对"杜诗... 自中晚唐起,读杜、学杜、评杜、注杜、研杜者层出不穷,历久不衰,并因此形成专门之学——"杜诗学"。金代在杜诗学发展链条上有着自己独特的地位和特点,"杜诗学"这一概念是由金人元好问明确提出的,这无疑对"杜诗学"的发展有着重要的意义。而金人学杜却甚为薄弱和另类,其中有着复杂的原因,政治上的高压和金代文人的品节有亏等是主要原因。 展开更多
关键词 杜诗学 品节 才力
Review of Food Safety Supervision for the Wholesale Market of Chinese Agricultural Products 被引量:1
作者 张守莉 秦明 王志刚 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第5期1064-1068,共5页
With the continuous improvement of living standards, there is an increasingly concerned about food quality and safety issues. Especially in recent years,food safety incidents, breaking out frequently, have become the ... With the continuous improvement of living standards, there is an increasingly concerned about food quality and safety issues. Especially in recent years,food safety incidents, breaking out frequently, have become the focus of people's attention, putting forward new demands on the regulation of food safety. This paper reviewed the Food Safety Supervision in China from food safety supervision mode,regulatory system defects and circulation supervision system, and also proposed the future research trends of food safety regulations for the wholesale market of Chinese agricultural products. 展开更多
关键词 Food safety Regulatory system CIRCULATION Agricultural products Wholesale products
Differences of Polyphenols Content in Anxi TieGuanYin Tea among Different Seasons and Relationship between Polyphenols and Tea Quality 被引量:15
作者 张雪波 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第7期1191-1195,共5页
[Objective] We aimed to investigate the differences of polyphenols content in Anxi Tieguanyin tea among different seasons and relationship between polyphenols and tea quality.[Method] The content of total polyphenols ... [Objective] We aimed to investigate the differences of polyphenols content in Anxi Tieguanyin tea among different seasons and relationship between polyphenols and tea quality.[Method] The content of total polyphenols and main phenolic compounds was analyzed by spectrophotometry and HPLC and the sensory quality assessment was carried out.[Result] There were significant differences in the content of polyphenols in Anxi Tieguanyin tea among different seasons.The summer tea had a higher content of polyphenols and ester type catechins and a heavier undesirable taste with more bitterness and astringency than spring tea and autumn tea with lower quality in general.The flavonol content of spring and autumn tea was significantly higher and the color of tea soup was better.[Conclusion] This study provided a basis for the quality improvement of summer tea by regulating the content of total polyphenols and provided a basic data for chemical analysis of Oolong tea. 展开更多
关键词 Tieguanyin tea POLYPHENOLS SEASON Quality
Relationship between Pepper Cultivars' Yields and High Temperatures with Pepper in Different Genotypes 被引量:1
作者 钱芝龙 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第4期588-590,共3页
[Objective] The aim was to research effects of high temperature stress on pepper yield by cultivation of peppers in different genotypes and provide theoretical references for pepper breeding and high-yield cultivation... [Objective] The aim was to research effects of high temperature stress on pepper yield by cultivation of peppers in different genotypes and provide theoretical references for pepper breeding and high-yield cultivation. [Method] Four pepper va- rieties were studied with varied genotypes to explore effects of temperatures on pepper fruiting and yield in the whole growth stage. [Result] The optimal-temperatre term for pepper blooming and fruiting were shorter. For example, the periods from June 16 to July 15 and from August 16 to September 15 would be the best, with temperature ranging from 20.70 ℃ to 30.74 ℃. In the stage from July 16 to August 15, the temperature range of 24.22 ℃-32.17 ℃ would severely affect pepper growth and yield. Pepper No. 1 and pepper No. 1-1's yields were just 38.21% and 51.74% of the yields in the stage 1st and 52.01% and 62.35% in the stage 3rd and eady No. 1 and late No. 1 were 48.1% and 72.38%, respectively. Under high tem- perature stress in summer, pepper No. 1, pepper No. 1-1, and late No. 1 showed extremely significant differences with early No. 1 (P〈0.01). The yield ratios of pep- per No. 1 and pepper No. 1-1 in stage 1st (May 25-July 15) and the later three stages were 42.34:57.66 and 39.50:60.50; the ratio was 47.99:52.21 of early No. 1; the ratio of late No. 1 was 20.25:79.75. [Conclusion] The cultivation approaches should vary upon pepper variety, necessitating the focus on pepper management, fertilization, and irrigation, and locating peak-blooming term in moderate-temperature stage to accelerate pepper growth. 展开更多
关键词 PEPPER CULTIVAR Culture High temperature Moderate temperature Stress YIELD
作者 邓国泰 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 1982年第2期107-107,共1页
鲁迅先生《祝福》一文,在描写鲁四老爷书房的布置时,说房里有未脱落的半边对联:“事理通过心气平和”。这半边对联,出自《论语·季氏》朱熹的注。他用“事理通达而心气平和,故能言”,“品节详明而德性坚定,故能立”两句话,对孔子的... 鲁迅先生《祝福》一文,在描写鲁四老爷书房的布置时,说房里有未脱落的半边对联:“事理通过心气平和”。这半边对联,出自《论语·季氏》朱熹的注。他用“事理通达而心气平和,故能言”,“品节详明而德性坚定,故能立”两句话,对孔子的“不学《诗》 展开更多
关键词 对联 《祝福》 鲁四老爷 品节 事理 书斋 朱熹 鲁迅先生 《诗》 季氏
作者 焦锡铭 《四川统一战线》 1994年第4期19-19,共1页
四川榨菜天下闻 早已进入千家万户的榨菜,浸透了民建会员何裕文的一片心血。何裕文是榨菜加工工艺技师,从事榨菜加工研究已达35年之久。 传统榨菜加工工艺的基础是“高含盐以求保鲜”但从保健的角度看,高盐食品对人体有害。
关键词 榨菜 四川省 高含盐 加工工艺 金奖 高盐食品 榨莱 四川榨菜 保鲜 品节
Dynamic Changes in the Calcium Content of Several Apple Cultivars During the Growing Season 被引量:2
作者 ZHENG Wei-wei YOU Chun-xiang DU Zhong-jun ZHAI Heng 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2006年第12期933-937,共5页
Dynamic changes in calcium content were investigated in eight apple cultivars. The results showed that the calcium concentration in leaves and shoots increased with fruit development. The cultivars displayed only a sm... Dynamic changes in calcium content were investigated in eight apple cultivars. The results showed that the calcium concentration in leaves and shoots increased with fruit development. The cultivars displayed only a small difference in the calcium concentration during the early stage of development, the difference became very significant at the late stage of development, especially in shoots. In shoots, for example, calcium content was highest in Starkrimson (19 638.6 mg kg-1) and lowest in Fuji (8 751.3 mg kg-1). Calcium concentration was highest in young fruits and was found to decrease with the growth of fruit, and was characterized by a dramatic drop at the rapid expansion stage. There was a significant difference among cultivars. Young Starkrimson fruits contained the highest calcium concentration of 506.52 mg kg-1 among cultivars tested, followed by Pink Lady and Fuji. The calcium concentration in mature fruits from high to low is as follows: Starkrimson, Sansa, Pink Lady, Senshu, Gala, Fuji, Red General and New Century. In this study, it was found that eight cultivars continuously assimilated calcium during the whole growing season, especially at the young stage when fruit took up 35-46% of total calcium. The calcium content in fruitlets was low in all cultivars; in the expansion stage, there was rapid absorption of about 30% of total calcium, whereas in the ripening fruit, content of calcium was reduced. The calcium accumulation increased with fruit growth in stalk, similar to that in fruit. 展开更多
Effect of Season, Location, Cultivar and Spacing on Yield and Quality of Sugarcane in Western Kenya
作者 Omoto George Auma Elmada, Odeny Opile Wilson Reuben 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第9期755-761,共7页
In Kenya almost all sugarcane grown is under rainfall conditions that are planted in different locations during both long and short rainy seasons. Effect of season, location, cultivar and spacing on yield and quality ... In Kenya almost all sugarcane grown is under rainfall conditions that are planted in different locations during both long and short rainy seasons. Effect of season, location, cultivar and spacing on yield and quality of sugarcane is not clearly understood. The research was conducted at Kibos and Mumias to determine if the yields and quality of three sugarcane cultivars were affected by season, location and row spacing. Cultivars CO 945, EAK 73-335 and KEN 83-737 were manually planted during June and September in 2011. The trial was laid out as split-split plot arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) replicated three times. Data collected at harvest, 17 months after planting (MAP) including cane yields, cane yield components and cane quality. The results revealed that cane length differed significantly between June and September. Stalk population and cane yields were significantly more at Mumias compared to Kibos. Cultivar EAK 73-335 showed significantly more cane yield (t/ha) than KEN 83-737 and CO 945. Both row spacing 1.2 m and 1.5 m did not affect cane yields. Brix%, Sucrose% and Purity% differed significantly between cultivars. The relationship between cane yield and stalk population was positive and significant, which indicated stalk population is a strong determinant of cane yield. The results showed that cane yield was significantly affected by location and cane quality by cultivars. Therefore Mumias is a better zone for sugarcane cultivation for both June and September seasons compared to Kibos. 展开更多
关键词 SUGARCANE SEASON LOCATION CULTIVAR yield quality relationship.
Investigation on the Seasonal Trend of Fruit Markets in Changsha,Hunan Province
作者 Cai Jinshu,Peng Difei,Peng Juncai,Yi Chun,and Wang Zhongyan Hunan Horticultural Research Institute,Changsha 410125,China 《Hunan Agricultural Science & Technology Newsletter》 2001年第2期4-7,共4页
This investigation on the seasonal trend of fruit markets in Changsha indicated that the fruit varieties on the market in Changsha were abundant,up to 49 varieties;seasonal fresh fruits were continuously provided arou... This investigation on the seasonal trend of fruit markets in Changsha indicated that the fruit varieties on the market in Changsha were abundant,up to 49 varieties;seasonal fresh fruits were continuously provided around the year;most fruits were domestic produce from all over the country,and about 3996 of the varieties were imported mainly from southeast Asia,America,New Zealand and Brazil;the imported fruits and a few kinds of domestic fruits were higher in the quality grades than most domestic fruits,which accounted for approximately half of the total fruit volume;and fruit prices varied markedly with fruit varieties,quality grades and time of marketing.In a word,the Hunan fruit industry must increase fruit quality and diversity in order to achieve a favourable position in the strong international competition. 展开更多
关键词 fruit markets seasonal trend Changsha
Standardization of Work for Setting the Tone of Ceramics
作者 Jose Victor Galaviz Rodriguez Miguel Terrdn Hernandez +1 位作者 Vicente Flores Lara Jorge Bedolla Hernandez 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第12期1008-1013,共6页
Leading Company in the field of ceramic floor and wall, has different areas of workforce development, in this research, we will focus the tone adjustment area that is committed to the quality of the final product beca... Leading Company in the field of ceramic floor and wall, has different areas of workforce development, in this research, we will focus the tone adjustment area that is committed to the quality of the final product because this depends on the tone and color appearance tile. Since there is a need to standardize the procedure of work in the area pitch adjustment so that the head of the area and adjusters have precise specifications when developing the activities. To standardize the procedure proposed and implemented tools and formats to help in practical ways to the adjuster also raised the activities of the head of the area and the setting of tone and adjusters. 展开更多
关键词 TONE standardize ADJUSTER specification procedure.
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