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品质型辣椒新品种‘兴蔬皱辣1号’的选育 被引量:3
作者 张竹青 马艳青 +10 位作者 陈文超 周书栋 李雪峰 戴雄泽 刘峰 杨博智 欧立军 郑井元 杨莎 梁成亮 邹学校 《辣椒杂志》 2023年第1期18-21,共4页
‘兴蔬皱辣1号’是以SJ07-116为母本,SH1023为父本选配而成的品质型辣椒杂种一代。中早熟,始花节位10~11节,植株生长势较强,果实牛角形,果表光亮有皱,果皮薄,青果绿色,生理成熟果为红色,果长23 cm左右,果肩宽2.8 cm左右,果肉厚0.2 cm,... ‘兴蔬皱辣1号’是以SJ07-116为母本,SH1023为父本选配而成的品质型辣椒杂种一代。中早熟,始花节位10~11节,植株生长势较强,果实牛角形,果表光亮有皱,果皮薄,青果绿色,生理成熟果为红色,果长23 cm左右,果肩宽2.8 cm左右,果肉厚0.2 cm,单果质量35 g左右。商品成熟果全糖含量为3.24%,Vc含量152.8 mg/100 g(FW),辣度31554SHU,抗病毒病、疫病,中抗炭疽病,前期鲜椒产量867 kg/667 m^(2)、总产量2217 kg/667 m^(2),适宜在湖南、山东、山西、江西、湖北、河北、河南、云南、江苏、四川等省作春季露地栽培和春秋保护地栽培。 展开更多
关键词 品质型辣椒 ‘兴蔬皱辣1号’ 杂种一代
社会化养老服务体系比较:保障性与品质型 被引量:2
作者 李兵 《重庆社会科学》 CSSCI 2016年第2期60-65,共6页
面对人口老龄化和中国经济的快速发展,高品质的养老服务需求也日益强烈。为了更好地让老年人老有所养,老有所乐,要积极构建品质养老服务模式,以环境品质和服务品质为基础,文化品质建设为延伸,让老年人充分享受品质养老生活。结合杭州社... 面对人口老龄化和中国经济的快速发展,高品质的养老服务需求也日益强烈。为了更好地让老年人老有所养,老有所乐,要积极构建品质养老服务模式,以环境品质和服务品质为基础,文化品质建设为延伸,让老年人充分享受品质养老生活。结合杭州社会经济发展状况和养老服务实际情况,以养老基地为具体建设项目,为中国构建品质养老服务体系提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 人口老龄化 品质型养老 保障性养老
品质型辣椒品种长研青香的选育及栽培技术要点 被引量:1
作者 周清华 《农业科技通讯》 2023年第7期207-209,共3页
长研青香是长沙市农业科学研究院以26725-1为母本、以DC01为父本育成的品质型辣椒品种。该品种熟性早、品质高、效益高、好管理,受到高端市场认可,经济效益显著,种植面积逐年增加。该品种抗病性强,适合湖南等地设施春提早和秋延后栽培... 长研青香是长沙市农业科学研究院以26725-1为母本、以DC01为父本育成的品质型辣椒品种。该品种熟性早、品质高、效益高、好管理,受到高端市场认可,经济效益显著,种植面积逐年增加。该品种抗病性强,适合湖南等地设施春提早和秋延后栽培。本文作者主要介绍了长研青香的选育过程、品种特征特性和产量表现,并对其栽培技术要点做了简要介绍。 展开更多
关键词 辣椒 长研青香 品质型 选育 栽培要点
京津冀协同发展的新逻辑:地方品质驱动型发展 被引量:51
作者 杨开忠 《经济与管理》 CSSCI 2019年第1期1-3,共3页
人才驱动根本上是地方品质驱动,雄安新区要集聚全球顶尖人才,必须打造具有世界一流地方品质的绿色智慧宜居新城。"双管齐下"提升京津冀地区地方品质:一是丰富和发展可利用的地方不可贸易品数量、多样性和质量;二是处理好地方... 人才驱动根本上是地方品质驱动,雄安新区要集聚全球顶尖人才,必须打造具有世界一流地方品质的绿色智慧宜居新城。"双管齐下"提升京津冀地区地方品质:一是丰富和发展可利用的地方不可贸易品数量、多样性和质量;二是处理好地方品质与功能、规模、布局、制度的关系。 展开更多
关键词 京津冀协同发展 新空间经济学 河北雄安新区 地方品质驱动发展
河南省小麦品质生态型聚类分析 被引量:1
作者 杨永光 张维城 胡瑞法 《河南科技学院学报》 1988年第4期11-15,共5页
本文以河南小麦不同地点间的生态型相关阵为依据,对河南省45个点的试验资料进行了主成分分析和聚类分析,提出了由主成分值的大小确定各点品质生态特点的五级标准;并由各点间的欧氏距离,将河南省小麦品质生态型分为三大类型,第Ⅰ类型包... 本文以河南小麦不同地点间的生态型相关阵为依据,对河南省45个点的试验资料进行了主成分分析和聚类分析,提出了由主成分值的大小确定各点品质生态特点的五级标准;并由各点间的欧氏距离,将河南省小麦品质生态型分为三大类型,第Ⅰ类型包括豫北山区和山前平原;豫西浅山丘陵和豫中平原;第Ⅱ类型包括豫东、豫北黄河沿岸、黄河故道及豫东、豫东南平原:第Ⅲ类型包括豫南淮河流域及豫西南山地和南阳盆地.三大类型在品质上的优劣次序是:Ⅰ>Ⅱ>Ⅲ,第一类型称为优质生态类型,第Ⅱ型称为中质生态类型,第Ⅲ类型称为次中生态类型. 展开更多
关键词 主成分分析 聚类分析 品质生态 类平均法聚类
高粱对酱香型白酒品质影响的研究进展 被引量:38
作者 程度 曹建兰 +4 位作者 王珂佳 李豆南 罗小叶 陈杰 邱树毅 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第7期356-364,共9页
酱香型白酒属于纯粮固态发酵酒类,高粱作为原料是影响酱香型白酒品质的主要因素之一,其出酒率、风味、功能性等品质与酒用高粱原料的淀粉、蛋白质、脂质、单宁、香气成分等的含量息息相关。本文概述了酒用高粱种植与发展的基本情况,并... 酱香型白酒属于纯粮固态发酵酒类,高粱作为原料是影响酱香型白酒品质的主要因素之一,其出酒率、风味、功能性等品质与酒用高粱原料的淀粉、蛋白质、脂质、单宁、香气成分等的含量息息相关。本文概述了酒用高粱种植与发展的基本情况,并深入探讨了酒用高粱的物理性质、营养组成和酿造性能,对研究酒用高粱原料与酱香型白酒品质间的关系具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 高粱 物理性质 营养组成 酿造性能 酱香白酒品质 风味
“四型”社会建设:未来社会发展的思路与对策——疫情“大考”之后的社会建设路径 被引量:4
作者 龚维斌 张林江 《行政管理改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期12-16,共5页
新冠肺炎疫情凸显社会治理问题,我们应当化危为机,结合我国社会发展暴露出来的突出问题,强化顶层设计和长远谋划,通过加强社会利益调整,推进"公正型社会"建设;通过提升管理服务精细化水平,推进"品质型社会"建设;通... 新冠肺炎疫情凸显社会治理问题,我们应当化危为机,结合我国社会发展暴露出来的突出问题,强化顶层设计和长远谋划,通过加强社会利益调整,推进"公正型社会"建设;通过提升管理服务精细化水平,推进"品质型社会"建设;通过向社会放权赋权,推进"共治型社会"建设;通过加速社会治理信息化,推进"智慧型社会"建设。 展开更多
关键词 公正社会 品质型社会 共治社会 智慧社会
作者 滕舵 陈航 张允孟 《声学技术》 CSCD 2004年第z1期366-369,共4页
关键词 Tonpliz水声换能器 机械品质因素 频带展宽
作者 田园 《粮食与食品工业》 2004年第2期56-56,共1页
关键词 DPCZ—I稻谷品质快速检测装置 科研成果鉴定 激光光源 直链淀粉含量检测仪 检测精度
作者 罗彬 《福建建材》 2012年第10期35-36,共2页
关键词 适宜的功能定位 合理的面积分配及空间设计 精细的户设计 品质设计
作者 赵明 《玻璃》 2014年第1期21-26,共6页
通过分割试验、计数型试验指标这一特殊DOE类型的应用,进行了批次产品质量验收流程改进的研究。结果表明:采用新验收方案保持了原方案中批次质量验收检验过程中不合格的检出力。新验收方案的应用,不仅在验收时间上缩短了20%,提高了质量... 通过分割试验、计数型试验指标这一特殊DOE类型的应用,进行了批次产品质量验收流程改进的研究。结果表明:采用新验收方案保持了原方案中批次质量验收检验过程中不合格的检出力。新验收方案的应用,不仅在验收时间上缩短了20%,提高了质量验收过程的工作效率,而且节约了质量验收检验成本。 展开更多
关键词 分割试验计数试验指标的DOE批次产品质量验收检出力
当前我国粮食增产粮农增收途径的调查与政策建议 被引量:2
作者 申红芳 廖西元 王志刚 《中国稻米》 2012年第1期19-22,共4页
关键词 政策性增收 品质型增收 规模增收 多样增收
Effects of Soil and Environment on Quality Traits of Purple-fleshed Sweetpotato 被引量:2
作者 闫会 李强 +5 位作者 张允刚 王欣 刘亚菊 后猛 唐维 马代夫 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第3期516-520,523,共6页
For the study of main traits of purple-flashed sweetpotato in different soil and ecological environments, 18 cultivars of purple-flashed sweetpotato with different enthocyenin contents were planted at Yancheng and Xuz... For the study of main traits of purple-flashed sweetpotato in different soil and ecological environments, 18 cultivars of purple-flashed sweetpotato with different enthocyenin contents were planted at Yancheng and Xuzhou separately. The main quality traits were determined. The results showed the quality traits of purple-fleshed sweetpotato were significantly influenced by soil and ecological environments. Geno- type (G), environment (E) and genotype x environment (GxE) interaction had signif- icantiy effects on the contents of anthocyanin, dry matter, starch, protein, reducing sugar and soluble sugar in storage roots. Anthocyanin content was most easily af- fected by the environment. The E effect on anthocyanin content was greater than G and GxE effects. However, the GxE interaction effects on other 5 quality traits were greater than G and E effects. The 6 quality traits were significantly different at 1% level under different environments respectively. The contents of dry matter, starch and anthocyenin were higher in Yancheng than in Xuzhou, while the contents of protein, reducing sugar and soluble sugar were higher in Xuzhou. The variation co- efficients of all quality traits at Yancheng and Xuzhou were in the same order: an- sugar〉protein〉starch, the variation coefficient of anthocyanin content was higher in Xuzhou, and the variation coefficients of other 5 traits were higher in Yancheng. Correlation analysis showed that the reducing sugar and solu- ble sugar contents were negatively correlated with starch content, and had no sig- nifiant correlation with anthocyanin and protein contents. Dry matter content and starch content were positively correlated, and anthocyanin content and other quality traits had no significant correlation. 展开更多
关键词 Purple-fleshed sweetpotato Quality traits GENOTYPE ENVIRONMENT Varia-tion
Correlation Analysis of Characters of Indica Hybrid Rice with High Content of Amylose 被引量:4
作者 杨扬 况浩池 +4 位作者 曾正明 罗俊涛 陈光珍 何兴材 付均 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第3期475-477,共3页
[Objective] The aim was to research and analyze characters and related correlation of indica hybrid rice containing high amylose. [Method] In the research, major characters of 16 species of groups of {ndica hybrid ric... [Objective] The aim was to research and analyze characters and related correlation of indica hybrid rice containing high amylose. [Method] In the research, major characters of 16 species of groups of {ndica hybrid rice and the correlation were explored in rice belts in Sichuan in 2011. [Result] The variation of chalkiness degree was the highest at 26.8%, followed by rate of head rice at 22.89%; varia- tions of head rice rate and chalkiness degree were lower at 0.72% and 2.61%. In addition, rate of unpolished rice was of significantly negative correlation with chalki- ness degree; rate of chalky rice was of extremely positive correlation with chalkiness degree and gel consistency; chalkiness degree was of significantly positive correla- tion with gel consistency; gel consistency was of significantly negative correlation with protein content; amylose content was of insignificant correlation with gel consis- tency (r=0.166 9) of the 16 hybrid groups. These indicated that gel consistency would be still high as the content of amylose grows (AC≥25%). For example, when the content of anylose in Chuanxiang 29A/Luhui 37, Kangfeng AJ6684, and Lefeng A/SR536 exceeded 27%, the gel consistency was over 80 mm in the research. [Conclusion] The research provides references for improvement of amylose content in breeding hybrid rice. 展开更多
关键词 Higher amylose content Indica hybrid rice CHARACTERS Correlaiton analysis
Comparative Analysis on the Quality Components in Vicia faba L. of Different Genotypes
作者 葛红 缪亚梅 +3 位作者 王学军 汪凯华 陈满峰 卢玉彬 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第2期338-340,343,共4页
With 12 Vicia faba L. varieties of different genotypes as the research ma- terials, the contents of 9 kinds of quality factors of protein, fat, free amino acid as well as beneficial mineral elements were analyzed with... With 12 Vicia faba L. varieties of different genotypes as the research ma- terials, the contents of 9 kinds of quality factors of protein, fat, free amino acid as well as beneficial mineral elements were analyzed with the aim to provide the nec- essary theoretical basis for the selection of new varieties of high quality faba beans. The results showed that in the faba beans of different genotypes, the protein content ranged from 27.9% to 31.2%, fat content of 1.2-1.4%, tannin content of 4 700-5 280 mg/kg, iron content of 47.45-67.15 mgJkg, calcium content of 571.30-1 397.22 mg/kg, zinc content of 47.34-66.10 mg/kg, potassium content of 1.09-1.38%, and selenium content ranged from 0.031 mg/kg to 0.064 mg/kg. There were significant differences in the contents of different free amino acids between different genotypes, and the total free amino acid content was between 1.062% and 0.915%. 展开更多
关键词 Vicia faba L. GENOTYPE Quality factor
长研青香辣椒双季设施高效栽培关键技术 被引量:3
作者 王安乐 周清华 谭远宝 《辣椒杂志》 2021年第4期24-28,共5页
关键词 长研青香 品质型 极早熟 春提早栽培 秋延后栽培
Excavation and Screening Utilization of Strong Aroma Tobacco Variety in Chizhou Tobaccogrowing Area
作者 钱益亮 张向前 +5 位作者 阎轶峰 徐经年 唐经祥 薛宝燕 李田 祖朝龙 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第5期785-789,794,共6页
[Objective] This study was aimed to screen out the strong-aroma tobacco variety with good ecological adaptability as the best cultivar in Chizhou. [Method] Based on the ecological conditions that formed the strong ar... [Objective] This study was aimed to screen out the strong-aroma tobacco variety with good ecological adaptability as the best cultivar in Chizhou. [Method] Based on the ecological conditions that formed the strong aroma style of tobacco leaves in the tobacco-growing area, 6 varieties(K326, NC55, NC71, 0508, Yunyan99, Yan240) were selected and compared through combining the demand characteristics of industrial enterprise to the quality. [Results] The output value of 0508 was the highest and NC71 had a medium output value but with coordinated chemical composition. The system evaluation of this study on the quality and characteristic style further clarified the feature strength and utility value of various tobacco varieties with strong aroma. [Conclusion] NC71 is the best cultivar in Chizhou tobacco-growing area, and it is suggested using NC71 as the demonstrative variety of the next year. The study on the excavation and screening utilization of tobacco varieties with local features is of great significance to the tobacco production industry. 展开更多
关键词 TOBACCO Strong aroma VARIETY Quality
SNP标记分型与品质分析联合的麦芽纯度及品种真实性鉴定 被引量:4
作者 徐东东 张利莎 +5 位作者 董国清 谷方红 王德良 袁兴淼 张京 郭刚刚 《中外酒业》 2015年第1期28-31,共4页
大麦麦芽是啤酒酿造的主要原料,大麦品种的品质特性是制定相应的生产加工工艺的依据之一,而麦芽纯度则直接影响麦芽原料的均一性以及最终啤酒品质。因此,本研究针对目前国内麦芽生产中存在的麦芽原料纯度和品种真实性无法及时准确判... 大麦麦芽是啤酒酿造的主要原料,大麦品种的品质特性是制定相应的生产加工工艺的依据之一,而麦芽纯度则直接影响麦芽原料的均一性以及最终啤酒品质。因此,本研究针对目前国内麦芽生产中存在的麦芽原料纯度和品种真实性无法及时准确判定的现状,对某啤酒厂送栓的两份标注为麦特卡夫的麦芽样本,同时开展了基因型和品质分析。结果表明,通过基因型和品质的联合检测,不仅可以快速确定麦芽纯度,同时还能够对品种的真实性做出判断,为企业进行麦芽原料采购和品质监测提供依据. 展开更多
关键词 SNP分子标记 麦芽纯度检测 基因品质联合分析 品种真实性鉴定
Analysis of the Nationally Registered Rice Varieties in the Last Decade
作者 张现伟 李经勇 +4 位作者 官治文 姚雄 肖人鹏 刘强明 唐永群 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第3期487-489,共3页
The nationally registered rice varieties during 2006-2015 were analyzed and there were 49.4 varieties on average annually registered in the last decade. In terms of the structure of varieties, there was a decreasing t... The nationally registered rice varieties during 2006-2015 were analyzed and there were 49.4 varieties on average annually registered in the last decade. In terms of the structure of varieties, there was a decreasing trend for the proportion of three-line hybrid rice varieties but a rapid increase for that of two-line hybrid rice varieties. The percentage of rice varieties developed by scientific research institu- tions was decreasing but that developed by seed companies kept a rapid increase, indicating the commercial breeding conducted by seed companies has become a principal model in rice breeding. With regard to grain quality of varieties, the con- ventional rice varieties showed an increasing trend while the hybrid rice varieties had a decreasing trend in the proportion of high quality varieties, indicating hybrid rice needs improving more in grain quality in breeding programs. 展开更多
关键词 Rice NationaUy registered Variety Breeding body Varietal type High-quality rate
Effect of Main Cultivation Factors on Oil Quality and Stability of Brassica napus Hybrids 被引量:1
作者 赵继献 杜才富 +2 位作者 任廷波 程国平 王仙萍 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第5期795-800,共6页
[Objective] This study aimed to analyze the influence of five cultivation factors: sowing date, plant density, nitrogen fertilizer amount, phosphate fertilizer amount and potash fertilizer amount on oil quality and ... [Objective] This study aimed to analyze the influence of five cultivation factors: sowing date, plant density, nitrogen fertilizer amount, phosphate fertilizer amount and potash fertilizer amount on oil quality and stability of Brassica napus hybrids. [Method] Statistical analysis was carried out based on the data from previous studies and our work. [Result] Sowing date had no significant influence on oil quality and stability of B. napus hybrids. The plant density shared a positive correlation with 18-C fatty acid (FA) content, unsaturated fatty acid (UFA) content, total content of linoleic acid and linolenic acid, index of unsaturated fatty acid (IUFA), so a large plant density can improve the oil quality (by increasing18-C FA content, UFA content, total content of linoleic acid and linolenic acid), but reduce the oil stability (by increasing IUFA). The amount of nitrogen fertilizer had no significant influence on the contents of 18-C FA and UFA, but significant positive correlations with the total content of linoleic acid and linolenic acid and IUFA. So, the total content of linoleic acid and linolenic acid can be reduced by increasing nitrogen amount, meanwhile the oil stability was also decreased. Phosphate fertilizer amount did not affect 18-C FA significantly, but was negatively correlated with the UFA content, total content of linoleic acid and linolenic acid, and IUFA. So, increasing the amount of applied phosphate fertilizer can reduce UFA content, total content of linoleic acid and linolenic acid, thereby improving oil stability. Potash fertilizer had no significant influence on the IUFA, a significant positive correlation with 18-C FA content, an insignificant positive correlation with the the UFA content, and a negative correlation with the total content of linoleic acid and linolenic acid. The oil content of rapeseed shared an extremely significant positive correlation with 18-C FA content and UFA content, an negative correlation with the total content of linoleic acid and linolenic acid, and no significant correlation with IUFA. [Conclusion] This study identified the effects of five main cultivation factors on oil quality and stability of B. napus hybrids, and the correlations of oil content with 18-C FA content, UFA content, total content of linoleic acid and linolenic acid, and IUFA. 展开更多
关键词 Brassica napus hybrids Cultivation factors Oil quality Oil stability INFLUENCE
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