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哈尼稻作梯田系统森林雨季水源涵养能力研究——以勐龙河流域为例 被引量:8
作者 李静 闵庆文 +2 位作者 杨伦 白艳莹 刘某承 《中央民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 2015年第4期48-57,共10页
哈尼稻作梯田系统是联合国粮农组织认定的全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)之一.该系统成功抵御了2009~2010年,60年一遇的大旱,从而备受科学家的关注.哈尼梯田的森林生态系统作为重要的水源地,在抵抗极端干旱事件的过程中发挥了重要作用,... 哈尼稻作梯田系统是联合国粮农组织认定的全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)之一.该系统成功抵御了2009~2010年,60年一遇的大旱,从而备受科学家的关注.哈尼梯田的森林生态系统作为重要的水源地,在抵抗极端干旱事件的过程中发挥了重要作用,因此对其森林生态系统水源涵养功能及其影响因素的研究具有重要意义.本文通过野外实验与室内分析相结合的方法对森林生态系统雨季的水源涵养功能进行了研究.研究结果表明:1同一林种,因为坡度、坡向、海拔高度、土壤质地和地表覆被等立地条件的不同,其不同土层重量含水量差异显著,且变化规律各异;2云南松、华山松、桤木、杂木和杉木的雨季水源涵养量分别为3053.48 t/hm2、5336.12 t/hm2、4537.65 t/hm2、6044.23 t/hm2和2899.02 t/hm2.本文通过对各优势树种水源涵养能力的研究,能够为水源涵养林树种的选择提供依据,并为有效保护哈尼稻作梯田系统提供科学基础. 展开更多
关键词 全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS) 哈尼稻作梯田系统 森林生态系统 水源涵养
结构性传续与社会再生产——哈尼稻作梯田系统传统节庆的形态和价值 被引量:2
作者 汪德辉 《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期156-166,共11页
“昂玛突”“矻扎扎”和“扎勒特”是哈尼稻作梯田系统中哈尼族社区公认的三大节庆。以梯田耕作祭祀为主要内容的三大节庆蕴藏着稻作梯田系统再生产的基因密码,是哈尼稻作梯田系统传统文化赖以延续的重要载体。在长期的历史发展中,三大... “昂玛突”“矻扎扎”和“扎勒特”是哈尼稻作梯田系统中哈尼族社区公认的三大节庆。以梯田耕作祭祀为主要内容的三大节庆蕴藏着稻作梯田系统再生产的基因密码,是哈尼稻作梯田系统传统文化赖以延续的重要载体。在长期的历史发展中,三大节庆之间形成了强协同的高耦合形态,形成一种结构性的传续形态,每年循环往复的节庆展演,彰显了哈尼稻作梯田系统稳定的文化特质。其稳定的结构性传续形态在社会价值、社会关系和社会情感的维度上,对当地社会有着社会文化再生产的意义和建构有效文化认同的价值,这是哈尼稻作梯田系统可持续发展的重要基础和动力。 展开更多
关键词 传统节庆 哈尼稻作梯田系统 结构性传续 社会再生产
《休闲农业与美丽乡村》 2023年第6期85-88,共4页
2010年被列为全球重要农业文化遗产地理位置:云南红河南岸元阳、红河、金平、绿春4县境内区域面积:约18万公项地貌特征:高原山地气候特征:亚热带季风气候,湿润多雨云南红河哈尼稻作梯田系统位于中国云南红河沿岸的崇山峻岭之中,距今约有... 2010年被列为全球重要农业文化遗产地理位置:云南红河南岸元阳、红河、金平、绿春4县境内区域面积:约18万公项地貌特征:高原山地气候特征:亚热带季风气候,湿润多雨云南红河哈尼稻作梯田系统位于中国云南红河沿岸的崇山峻岭之中,距今约有1300多年的历史,养育着哈尼族、彝族等十个少数民族约126万人口。 展开更多
关键词 亚热带季风气候 红河哈尼稻作梯田系统 全球重要农业文化遗产 公项 山地气候特征 云南红河 地貌特征 哈尼
粮食地理学视角下乡村本土农业的社会建构--元阳哈尼梯田稻作系统案例 被引量:5
作者 陶伟 蔡浩辉 廖健豪 《地理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期637-645,共9页
选取元阳哈尼梯田稻作系统为研究对象,基于粮食地理学的农产品生产-消费网络理论,通过深度访谈等方法分析多元主体在本土农业生产消费领域中的策略及行为,解读其中的社会建构现象。研究发现:农业生产领域中多元参与特征显著,优质稻种的... 选取元阳哈尼梯田稻作系统为研究对象,基于粮食地理学的农产品生产-消费网络理论,通过深度访谈等方法分析多元主体在本土农业生产消费领域中的策略及行为,解读其中的社会建构现象。研究发现:农业生产领域中多元参与特征显著,优质稻种的人为筛选、种养品种的多样化以及土地流转的推广均为政府、村民和外来企业为实现各自利益而共同协商达成的策略,不同行动者共同利用与改造着农业生产的各种要素;农产品消费领域中,政府和企业逐步承担了农产品商品化的后续工序,国有资本完成农产品的收购、加工与包装,外来商业资本负责建构商品品牌,满足目标消费者的市场需求是他们的共同目标。 展开更多
关键词 粮食地理学 哈尼梯田系统 社会建构 粮食生产与消费
哈尼梯田生态系统森林土壤水源涵养功能分析 被引量:20
作者 白艳莹 闵庆文 李静 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期166-170,共5页
位于云南省哀牢山区红河南岸的红河哈尼稻作梯田系统是全球重要农业文化遗产之一,自上而下形成了垂直分布的"森林、村庄、梯田、河谷"四素同构的良性原始农业生态系统,使得该系统成功地抵御了多年的连续干旱。以哈尼梯田的核... 位于云南省哀牢山区红河南岸的红河哈尼稻作梯田系统是全球重要农业文化遗产之一,自上而下形成了垂直分布的"森林、村庄、梯田、河谷"四素同构的良性原始农业生态系统,使得该系统成功地抵御了多年的连续干旱。以哈尼梯田的核心区域撒马坝梯田上方的典型森林为对象,对其土壤水源涵养功能进行了系统分析和评价。结果表明,研究区平均土壤容重为1.09g/cm3,总孔隙度为65.1%,非毛管孔隙度为18.7%,平均土壤蓄水容量达2 589t/hm2,土壤滞留贮水量达739t/hm2,表层土壤平均初渗率达13.57mm/min,稳渗率达7.22mm/min,充分说明了该区域的土壤水热交换条件和土壤渗透性都十分良好。与我国其他区域森林相比,哈尼梯田森林具有很高的土壤水源涵养能力,是其适应极端干旱气候的重要保障,其模式可为我国适应极端气候变化减少农业经济损失提供重要的经验借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 红河哈尼稻作梯田系统 全球重要农业文化遗产 土壤 水源涵养 极端干旱
《中国水产》 CAS 2022年第12期22-23,共2页
本刊讯10月27日,农业农村部印发了《关于推进稻渔综合种养产业高质量发展的指导意见》(以下简称“《意见》”)。10月30日,《意见》全文公开发布,农业农村部渔业渔政管理局负责人就《意见》制定背景、主要内容、如何贯彻执行等问题,回答... 本刊讯10月27日,农业农村部印发了《关于推进稻渔综合种养产业高质量发展的指导意见》(以下简称“《意见》”)。10月30日,《意见》全文公开发布,农业农村部渔业渔政管理局负责人就《意见》制定背景、主要内容、如何贯彻执行等问题,回答了记者提问。问:《意见》制定的背景是什么?答:稻渔综合种养是一种高效生态循环农业发展模式。我国稻田养鱼历史悠久,是世界上最早开展稻田养鱼的国家。联合国粮农组织将浙江青田稻鱼共生系统、云南红河哈尼稻作梯田系统、贵州从江侗乡稻鱼鸭系统等稻渔综合种养系统列为全球重要农业文化遗产。近年来,稻渔综合种养产业发展取得明显成效,保供功能更加凸显,稻渔综合种养产出的水产品已占淡水养殖产量的11%以上;节肥减药效果突出,开展稻渔综合种养可节省化肥使用30%以上、减少农药使用50%以上;增收增效作用显著,据测算,仅增加水产品一项,稻渔综合种养每年可为农渔民增收600多亿元,实现了一水两用、一田多收,受到农渔民的广泛欢迎。 展开更多
关键词 全球重要农业文化遗产 联合国粮农组织 渔政管理 田养鱼 高效生态循环农业 鱼共生系统 渔综合种养 红河哈尼稻作梯田系统
农业文化遗产保护目标下农户生计状况分析 被引量:35
作者 张灿强 闵庆文 +3 位作者 张红榛 张永勋 田密 熊英 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期169-176,共8页
农户生计是农业文化遗产认定标准之一,也是影响农业文化遗产保护与传承的关键因素,在贫困地区,遗产保护与农户脱贫的两难困境更为突出。本研究基于可持续生计理论和分析框架,以全球重要农业文化遗产地——云南红河哈尼稻作梯田为案例区... 农户生计是农业文化遗产认定标准之一,也是影响农业文化遗产保护与传承的关键因素,在贫困地区,遗产保护与农户脱贫的两难困境更为突出。本研究基于可持续生计理论和分析框架,以全球重要农业文化遗产地——云南红河哈尼稻作梯田为案例区域,通过生计资本指标体系构建和量化,对比分析了不同生计途径农户的生计状况。评估结果发现,农户的生计资本均值为2.312,生计资本处于匮乏状态,金融资本值最低,而文化资本值最高。从事农业和打工是当前农户的主要生计途径,旅游接待成为生计拓展的重要形式。三类农户生计资本值和家庭年均收入排序相同,都表现为旅游接待户>打工兼业户>纯农业户,纯农业户的生计状况最差。从单项生计资本看,旅游接待户和打工兼业户的人力资本显著高于纯农业户,物质资本和金融资本比较中,旅游接待户显著高于其他两类农户,说明人力资本越丰富的农户越可能倾向于兼业,农户开展旅游接待需要较高的物质和金融资本作为基础。这意味着,农业文化遗产保护要大力提高农户的农业经营收益,延长农业的价值链和产业链,完善农村金融市场,开展旅游接待培训,从人力、金融等多方面改善农户生计资本状况,实现生计途径拓展。 展开更多
关键词 全球重要农业文化遗产 农户 可持续生计 生计资本 贫困 红河哈尼稻作梯田系统
Study on The Ecology System of Hani Terraced Paddy Fields 被引量:3
作者 赵晓迪 赵荣 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第10期1793-1796,共4页
The ecology system of Hani Terraced Paddy Fields is the typical repre-sentative of the ecological agriculture in the southwestern mountainous areas of our country. After long-term development, Hani ecology system has ... The ecology system of Hani Terraced Paddy Fields is the typical repre-sentative of the ecological agriculture in the southwestern mountainous areas of our country. After long-term development, Hani ecology system has developed, cored by"forest-vil age-terrace-river", including paddy cultivation system, forests and ecologi-cal maintenance, folk culture and construction of water facilities. This research ex-plored the details of the structure and functions of the ecology system of Hani ter-raced fields. And il ustrates that the system is a new model of agriculture ecological civilization and deserves further study and more applications. 展开更多
关键词 Hani terrace PADDY Ecology system Ecological civilization
作者 杨婧 《农产品市场》 2022年第17期18-19,共2页
云南红河哈尼稻作梯田系统,是利用山地资源,建设形成的“林—寨—田—河”四度同构生态农业系统。遗产地位于云南省红河州,分布在红河、元阳、绿春和金平四县。开垦耕种历史有1300多年。巍巍哀牢,山峦叠嶂。红河南岸,梯田似锦。在祖国... 云南红河哈尼稻作梯田系统,是利用山地资源,建设形成的“林—寨—田—河”四度同构生态农业系统。遗产地位于云南省红河州,分布在红河、元阳、绿春和金平四县。开垦耕种历史有1300多年。巍巍哀牢,山峦叠嶂。红河南岸,梯田似锦。在祖国西南边陲横断山脉东缘的哀牢山中,从海拔200米左右的山脚到海拔2000多米的山顶,波光粼粼的梯田似千万个形态各异的镜片镶嵌在大山脊梁上,大大小小的梯田顺着山势层层叠叠直通云霄,有的梯田级数达到3000多级,气势恢宏,令人叹为观止。 展开更多
关键词 云南省红河州 红河哈尼稻作梯田系统 山峦叠嶂 生态农业系统 梯田红米 遗产地 哀牢山
《休闲农业与美丽乡村》 2020年第7期58-59,共2页
云南哈尼梯田以恢宏的气势和雄奇壮美的景观闻名世界。这里不仅拥有让人心醉神迷的自然风光,还因其独特的农耕文化而著称。这里的梯田涵养着当地独有的红米,它不仅是红米中的极品,也是全球重要农业文化遗产——红河哈尼稻作梯田系统中... 云南哈尼梯田以恢宏的气势和雄奇壮美的景观闻名世界。这里不仅拥有让人心醉神迷的自然风光,还因其独特的农耕文化而著称。这里的梯田涵养着当地独有的红米,它不仅是红米中的极品,也是全球重要农业文化遗产——红河哈尼稻作梯田系统中的主要农作物。四度同构的生态农业系统据《云南红河哈尼稻作梯田系统》一书介绍,哈尼梯田主要分布在红河南岸的哀牢山脉,整个红河两岸,凡有哈尼人的地方都会有规模宏大的梯田。 展开更多
关键词 全球重要农业文化遗产 哈尼梯田 红河哈尼稻作梯田系统 农耕文化 生态农业系统 红米 自然风光
Spatial Variability Analysis of Soil Nutrients Based on GIS and Geostatistics:A Case Study of Yisa Township, Yunnan, China 被引量:11
作者 李静 闵庆文 +3 位作者 李文华 白艳莹 Dhruba Bijaya G.C. 袁正 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2014年第4期348-355,共8页
Hani rice terraces system is one of the Globaly Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) pilot sites selected by FAO. Soil nutrients are an important symbol of soil fertility, and play an important role in th... Hani rice terraces system is one of the Globaly Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) pilot sites selected by FAO. Soil nutrients are an important symbol of soil fertility, and play an important role in the sustainable utilization of land. Based on geo-statistics and GIS, the spatial variation of pH, organic matter, total nitrogen, alkaline hydrolyzable nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium in the soil in Yisa (a town in Honghe County, Yunnan Province) was studied. The results show that the spatial variability of pH, organic matter, total nitrogen, alkaline hydrolyzable nitrogen and available potassium exhibited medium spatial variability, and the coefficients of variation are 12.54%, 40.14%, 40.00%, 34.89%, and 40.00% respectively. Available phosphorus exhibited strong spatial variability, and the coefifcient of variation is 102.13%. The spatial variation of pH, organic matter, total nitrogen, alkaline hydrolyzable nitrogen and available potassium fit the index mode, however, the spatial variation of available phosphorus ifts the spherical model. Total nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium were greatly affected by soil structural factors, while pH, organic matter and alkaline hydrolyzable nitrogen were affected by both structural and random factors. The spatial distribution of soil nutrients in Yisa was intuitively characterized by Kriging interpolation. It is very important to understand the spatial distribution of soil nutrients, which wil provide the guidance for adjusting agricultural management measures such as fertilization. 展开更多
关键词 spatial analysis geo-statistics soil nutrients KRIGING Hani rice terraces system GIAHS
Values and Conservation of Honghe Hani Rice Terraces System as a GIAHS Site 被引量:17
作者 张永勋 闵庆文 +1 位作者 焦雯珺 刘某承 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2016年第3期197-204,共8页
Agri-cultural Heritage Systems(AHS) have not only various values but also important enlightening roles for modern agriculture.With agro-scientific and technological progress,the traditional agriculture that has last... Agri-cultural Heritage Systems(AHS) have not only various values but also important enlightening roles for modern agriculture.With agro-scientific and technological progress,the traditional agriculture that has lasted for thousands of years is declining gradually,thus is attached the importance of exploring and protecting our AHS.As a traditional agricultural system for 1300 years,the Honghe Hani Rice Terraces System(HHRTS) has many significant characteristics such as beautiful landscapes,distinctive rice varieties,ecologically clean agricultural production systems,systematic methods of managing water and soil and special ethnic culture.It was designated successively as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System(GIAHS) in 2010 and as a World Heritage(WH) in 2013.In this paper,taking HHRTS as an example,we analyzed the economic,ecological,aesthetic,cultural,and social values,as well as the research values,of the GIAHS.We conclude that the restrictions on increasing peasant earnings and improving their living standards are difficult with the low efficiency of traditional planting patterns and the single-industry structure of farming in rugged terrain.However,these restrictive factors are beneficial for developing some industries like green agriculture,organic agriculture or ecological food production because of the clean farmland environment.In the end,we propose the basic approaches to protect the Hani terraces agriculture system should include the local governments to encourage the development of ecotourism,organic agriculture and featuring agriculture by multi-mode economic compensation.It is very important for protecting terraces to coordinate benefits among corporations,governments and villagers by making reasonable policies of compensation. 展开更多
关键词 Honghe Hani Rice Terraces System Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS) cultural landscape multiple values eco-cultural compensation
Effects of Traditional Ecological Knowledge on the Droughtresistant Mechanisms of the Hani Rice Terraces System 被引量:6
作者 李静 焦雯珺 +1 位作者 闵庆文 李文华 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2016年第3期211-217,共7页
The Hani Rice Terraces System is one of the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS) sites which can successfully resist extreme droughts.The reason is not only that the forests and terraces have the ... The Hani Rice Terraces System is one of the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS) sites which can successfully resist extreme droughts.The reason is not only that the forests and terraces have the important function of water conservation,which provide and conserve adequate water resources for this complex ecosystem,but also that Hani traditional ecological knowledge plays an important role in the drought-resistance process.In this paper,drought-resistant mechanisms of the Hani Rice Terraces System have been analyzed first,then Hani traditional ecological knowledge has been analyzed based on a comprehensive literature review,a questionnaire survey and key informant interviews.The results show that the Hani nationality has developed knowledge of water management techniques,including water conserving construction,water allocation and ditch management.The Hani people are also highly conscious of water resources protection.There is a good deal of forest resource management knowledge and worship of forests,which have effectively helped in protecting the forest ecological system.In the reclamation and maintenance of Hani terraced fields,the Hani people have developed a series of farming systems,which have effectively protected the terrace ecosystem.Through analyzing this knowledge of water management,forest resource management and Hani terraced fields management,our paper confirms the important role that traditional ecological knowledge plays in maintaining stability of the system and realizing the efficient use of water resource.This is not only helpful for preserving cultural heritage,but is vital for protecting the Hani Rice Terraces System as a whole. 展开更多
关键词 Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS) Hani Rice Terraces System drought resistant mechanisms traditional ecological knowledge
《农产品市场》 2022年第17期10-11,共2页
关键词 全球重要农业文化遗产 联合国粮农组织 鱼共生系统 文化 红河哈尼稻作梯田系统 浙江青田 认定
Conceptual Framework for Key Element Identification in Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(IAHS):Case of Honghe Hani Rice Terraces System in China 被引量:3
作者 LI Heyao HE Siyuan +2 位作者 DING Lubin MA Nan MIN Qingwen 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2021年第4期522-531,共10页
With the continuous emergence of global development problems,the dynamic conservation and sustainable development of Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(IAHS)have been assigned greater importance.However,due to th... With the continuous emergence of global development problems,the dynamic conservation and sustainable development of Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(IAHS)have been assigned greater importance.However,due to the complex structure,multi-component,dynamic,and open characteristics of IAHS,there are neglected problems which need to be solved in conservation practice,such as component element ambiguity,obscurity of the conservation redline,etc.This study defined the concept of key elements(KE)of IAHS,put forward a conceptual framework of KE identification,conducted empirical research by taking Honghe County of Honghe Hani Rice Terraces System(HHRTS)as an example and analyzed the level of recognition motivations for different stakeholder groups.The following conclusions were drawn:1)The KE of HHRTS are grain crops,rice species biodiversity,terrace construction and maintenance technique,Hani traditional festivals,Hani traditional foods,and virgin forest;2)The reasons behind the KE priorities of farmers,businessmen and tourists were at the micro level,the reasons of officers were at the middle level and the reasons of researchers were at the macro level.The empirical study conducted in HHRTS showed that the proposed conceptual framework could identify KE of IAHS effectively,and provided a theoretical perspective for the structuring of and essential need for IAHS research.Moreover,the KE recognition levels of different stakeholder groups reflected their potential action strategies.We should focus on the coherence of policies and measures in both the microscale and macroscale to balance the diversified demands of stakeholders,and to stimulate their enthusiasm for participation in the conservation in order to improve the management level of IAHS sites. 展开更多
关键词 Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(IAHS) Key Elements(KE) Honghe Hani Rice Terraces System(HHRTS) IDENTIFICATION STAKEHOLDERS
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