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从文学哲学化到哲学文学化——梅洛-庞蒂文哲亲缘性思想再探 被引量:1
作者 崔欣欣 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第6期122-129,共8页
文学与哲学的交织贯穿梅洛-庞蒂思想始终,他把文学视为存在表达本身而非其现象学哲学的构思工具。文哲交织在梅洛-庞蒂思想历程中呈现出由文学哲学化到哲学文学化的双重面向和演变脉络,对应于他在观念和话语维度对文哲关系的创见,并折... 文学与哲学的交织贯穿梅洛-庞蒂思想始终,他把文学视为存在表达本身而非其现象学哲学的构思工具。文哲交织在梅洛-庞蒂思想历程中呈现出由文学哲学化到哲学文学化的双重面向和演变脉络,对应于他在观念和话语维度对文哲关系的创见,并折射出其形而上学批判和知觉现象学建构的完整路径。表达和隐喻在其中扮演重要角色。梅洛-庞蒂晚期文本中以隐喻革新哲学术语的尝试,缓和了哲学观念与哲学话语之间的紧张关系,为扫除早期知觉理论中的唯心论残余以及实现其理论内部的自洽,提供了一条有效的路径。 展开更多
关键词 梅洛-庞蒂 文学哲学 哲学文学化 表达 隐喻
德里达的文学化哲学书写 被引量:1
作者 赵雪梅 张振谦 《北方论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期49-55,共7页
隐晦哲学家德里达被认为是极富文学色彩的法国哲学家的最后一人,他与文学的渊源远不限于其对解构主义批评的影响及其少量的文学评论文本。贯穿其一生的文学化哲学书写方式凸显了他与文学的紧密联系,也是造就其隐晦哲学文本的重要原因。... 隐晦哲学家德里达被认为是极富文学色彩的法国哲学家的最后一人,他与文学的渊源远不限于其对解构主义批评的影响及其少量的文学评论文本。贯穿其一生的文学化哲学书写方式凸显了他与文学的紧密联系,也是造就其隐晦哲学文本的重要原因。德里达的文学化哲学书写方式的形成既与他青少年时期的阅读兴趣与经历有关,也与他与索莱尔斯等作家的交往紧密相连,更是德里达有意为之的结果。德里达的文学化哲学书写主要体现为他对隐喻等文学写作手法的运用。德里达的文学化哲学书写方式不仅获得了让·热内等专业作家的认可,更使其一度成为法国媒体预测诺贝尔文学奖得主的热门人选。 展开更多
关键词 诗化 隐晦 德里达 文学化哲学书写
作者 魏建华 《江西科技师范学院学报》 2011年第3期8-12,共5页
尼采与杜威都对导致本质主义的思辨方法采取否定的态度,力图加以克服。尼采认为哲学的文学化是哲学摆脱本质主义的出路,在杜威看来,应该是科学方法而不是哲学的文学化能够使哲学摆脱本质主义。虽然二者的观点互不一致,但是却表明哲学摆... 尼采与杜威都对导致本质主义的思辨方法采取否定的态度,力图加以克服。尼采认为哲学的文学化是哲学摆脱本质主义的出路,在杜威看来,应该是科学方法而不是哲学的文学化能够使哲学摆脱本质主义。虽然二者的观点互不一致,但是却表明哲学摆脱本质主义的途径在于恢复本质与人的生存固有的联系。 展开更多
关键词 尼采 杜威 本质主义 哲学文学化 科学方法 偶然性
Enterprise Soft Power Cultivation on Philosophy View
作者 Zuo Shouqiu He Shu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第4期45-48,共4页
The perspective of philosophical thinking on lifting enterprise soft power requires us to enhance both hard power and soft power in the enterprise and to grasp more the fundamental contradiction-promoting soft power o... The perspective of philosophical thinking on lifting enterprise soft power requires us to enhance both hard power and soft power in the enterprise and to grasp more the fundamental contradiction-promoting soft power of corporation-at the same time. Focusing on the environment-relationship economy, emotional economy, cultural economy and moral economy-faced by enterprise, corporation should take relationship building, feeling cultivation, cultm'e construction and integrity establishment as an origin of force to improve the image, the group cohesion force, the social credibility and the cultural strength of the company. 展开更多
关键词 business operation corporate soft power Cultivation promotion
Philosophy and Theology in the Islamic Culture: Al-Farabis De scientiis
作者 Jakob Hans Josef Schneider 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2011年第1期41-51,共11页
In this paper, the author refers to the Latin translation of the Kitab Ihsa 'al' Ulum of Al-Frabi made by Dominicus Gundissalinus in the Xllth Century in Toledo, Spain. This text under the Latin title De scientiis w... In this paper, the author refers to the Latin translation of the Kitab Ihsa 'al' Ulum of Al-Frabi made by Dominicus Gundissalinus in the Xllth Century in Toledo, Spain. This text under the Latin title De scientiis was one of the most influential texts of the Arab and Persian world in the western Latin Europe. It is an introductory text into all until known sciences written for students and laymen (illiterate) who want to study one of these sciences. The text of Al-Farabi discusses the seven liberal arts, all of the works on physics of Aristotle and includes some reflexions on metaphysics, political philosophy and theology. There are two important points: (1) All sciences have a theoretical and practical aspect. All sciences are sciences of principles and causes and their application to the practical world. (2) The so called prima philosophia is the political philosophy and not metaphysics. In this respect, Al-Farabi subordinates theology as a science of the religious laws to politics as a science of civil laws. In the same respect, he combines, under the famous sentence of Plato that philosophers are the governors and the very well companions of mankind, politics with theology 展开更多
关键词 Muslim philosophy political philosophy seven liberal arts medieval philosophy THEOLOGY PLATO ARISTOTLE
The One Who Has Left the Bildung Friedrich Nietzsche's Philological Turn as a Catastrophe*
作者 Kristáf Fenyvesi 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第6期492-505,共14页
Bildung, a western cultural ideal, which fundamentally can be traced back to biblical connotations, but is also rich in Platonic elements from the history of hermeneutics, reached its culmination point by the 19th cen... Bildung, a western cultural ideal, which fundamentally can be traced back to biblical connotations, but is also rich in Platonic elements from the history of hermeneutics, reached its culmination point by the 19th century. As the vast superstructure of western erudition, it has acquired the rank of the sole discursive and epistemic normativity, which has defined not only its own system, i.e., education in its narrow sense, but also the criteria of scientific assertions. Since the basis of Bildung was formed by the variations of classical erudition changing by every era, so in the Age of Bildung the defining epistemological and methodological pattern, which determined it from a discursive, and at the same time, an epistemological point of view, was meant by classical philology. As a classical philologist Friedrich Nietzsche was among the first to point out the inseparable connection between rhetoric, interpretation, and epistemology. Nietzsche, as against the monolithic tradition of Bildung, developed a set of aspects of subversive criticism of science, so his surpassing of the nineteenth century academic philology and renewal of it as a kind of cultural hermeneutics walk hand in hand. Nietzschean philology, first and foremost, has to be adapted for revaluing its scientific statements from the aspect of art, i.e., aesthetical sensitivity, which has to be reassessed from viewpoint of effects on life as active potential. The claims of Nietzsche are so comprehensive that the notion of morality defined by Bildung, as well as the ethical system of Bildung, the sole sense of morality is questioned, and his issues are extended over the methodological basis of Bildung considered as normative. However, he does not use such a method of interpretation that, to a certain extent, would not have been known and used by the philology of the Bildung's scientific ideal. With the difference that the Nietzschean critical practice does not have respect for the borders defining homologous structures but, by implementing transgressive tactics, it claims the authority of these borders. In my article, I show how the Nietzschean propositions for the methodological reform of classical philology did set the stage for Nietzsche's later critical comments, now purely on the philosophy of science, and I analyse the multifold consequences of the concept of the Nietzschean philology as an "existential science," which was aimed to de(con)struct the concept of Bildung. 展开更多
关键词 NIETZSCHE Bildung classical philology EPISTEMOLOGY criticism of science interpretation
SPECIAL ISSUE: CULTURAL PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES IN CHINA:Reflections on philosophy of culture in China 被引量:1
作者 Yi Junqing 《Social Sciences in China》 2008年第4期131-142,共12页
Although philosophy of culture has recently become a hot topic in Chinese philosophical research, it is still in the preliminary stage and tends to be general rather than fine-grained. We have several types of cultura... Although philosophy of culture has recently become a hot topic in Chinese philosophical research, it is still in the preliminary stage and tends to be general rather than fine-grained. We have several types of cultural philosophy at present: positivist, non-conscious, non-reflective, epistemological and paradigmatic. The direct cause of the generality and diversity that characterizes this research is the fact that it arises out of complex and varied cultural phenomena and rich and diverse intellectual and theoretical resources. The underlying cause of these features, however, is the failure to really transform its research paradigm from a philosophy of consciousness to a philosophy of culture. To deepen research in cultural philosophy in China, we should prioritize the task of promoting awareness of theoretical paradigms. We should not take cultural philosophy as a branch of philosophy; instead, we should consider it a philosophical paradigm through which we can truly return to the life world by turning back to culture. We should take it as a new model of historical interpretation. 展开更多
关键词 philosophy of culture philosophy of consciousness
SPECIAL ISSUE: CULTURAL PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES IN CHINA:Some theoretical characteristics of the philosophy of culture 被引量:1
作者 Chen Shulin 《Social Sciences in China》 2008年第4期163-173,共11页
Establishing a philosophical theory or a paradigm of philosophical understanding should be premised on its possession of a relatively well-defined research subject, relatively original research methodology, and relati... Establishing a philosophical theory or a paradigm of philosophical understanding should be premised on its possession of a relatively well-defined research subject, relatively original research methodology, and relatively outstanding theoretical objectives. In this regard, philosophy of culture aims at a general understanding of man through cultural symbols which in themselves are not the end of the research. Using the research methodology of historical science, philosophy of culture attempts to understand man as a non-continuous and heterogeneous being. The theoretical objective of philosophy of culture is the criticism and reconstruction of cultural patterns with cultural symbols at their core. 展开更多
关键词 philosophy of culture cultural symbolic forms methodology of historical science cultural patterns
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