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Methodology of the Relationship between Bioethics, Philosophy, and Law
作者 Natalia Sedova 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第7期669-675,共7页
One can distinguish three levels in the integrative unity of knowledge and norms (assessments), which is termed bioethics. The first level is theoretical. It is connected with the facts and truths. The second level ... One can distinguish three levels in the integrative unity of knowledge and norms (assessments), which is termed bioethics. The first level is theoretical. It is connected with the facts and truths. The second level deals with establishing of certain standards and rules of conduct, with the monitoring of their implementation and the assessment of the results of implementation/violation of norms. The third level is associated with individual behavior, formed on the basis of relevant knowledge (or lack of it, as is evident from the table), and the rules governing its application. Theoretical Bioethics is an integral part of Philosophy---the practical Bioethics is directly related to Law and applied Bioethics deals with the personal standards of specific behavior in concrete situations. Social need for regulatory control of any activity with living entities has led to rapid development of practical Bioethics, while its philosophical content developed more slowly. This creates a conflict of norms and values, hampering the adoption of individual decisions now in the field of applied Bioethics. Deontologization of Bioethics can lead to the fact that it will lose its philosophical content and become a specific area of Law. This, in turn, leads to the dehumanization of Bioethics. It is therefore necessary to conduct a methodological analysis of the relationship of Philosophy, Bioethics and Law, the results of which will focus the researchers on the synchronization of the axiological, praxeological and ethical components of scientific research in order to preserve the intellectual integrity of Bioethics. 展开更多
关键词 theoretical bioethics practical bioethics applied philosophy law AXIOLOGY DEONTOLOGY methodologicalcrossing
A Conceptual Framework for Consciousness Based on a Deep Understanding of Matter 被引量:1
作者 Joachim Keppler 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第10期689-703,共15页
One of the main challenges in consciousness research is widely known as the hard problem of consciousness. In order to tackle this problem, I utilize an approach from theoretical physics, called stochastic electrodyna... One of the main challenges in consciousness research is widely known as the hard problem of consciousness. In order to tackle this problem, I utilize an approach from theoretical physics, called stochastic electrodynamics (SED) which goes one step beyond quantum theory and sheds new light on the reality behind matter. According to this approach, matter is a resonant oscillator that is orchestrated by an all-pervasive stochastic radiation field, called zero-point field (ZPF). The properties of matter are not intrinsic but acquired by dynamic interaction with the ZPF, which in turn picks up information about the material system as soon as an ordered state, i.e., a stable attractor, is reached. I point out that these principles apply also to macroscopic biological systems. From this perspective, long-range correlations in the brain, such as neural gamma synchrony, can be interpreted in terms of order phenomena induced and stabilized by the ZPF, suggesting that every attractor in the brain goes along with an information state in the ZPF. In order to build the bridge to consciousness, I employ additional input from Eastern philosophy. From a comparison between SED and Eastern philosophy I draw the conclusion that the ZPF is an appropriate candidate for the substrate of consciousness, implying that information states in the ZPF are associated with conscious states. On this basis I develop a conceptual framework for consciousness that is fully consistent with physics, neurophysiology, and Eastern philosophy. I argue that this conceptual framework has many interesting features and opens a door to a theory of consciousness. Particularly, it solves the problem of how matter and consciousness communicate in a causally closed functional chain, it gives a physical grounding to existing approaches regarding the connection between consciousness and information, and it gives clear direction to future models and experiments. 展开更多
关键词 CONSCIOUSNESS hard problem quantum physics stochastic electrodynamics zero-point field double-aspect principle psychophysical laws QUALIA
作者 张国川(译) +1 位作者 杨李琼(校) 谷操(校) 《医疗社会史研究》 2023年第2期284-309,366-367,共28页
印度历史上出现了很多医学体系:起源于印度远古时期的阿育吠陀(又名“生命吠陀”),在公元前最后几个世纪与希腊医学的一些交流,公元初期起源自泰米尔纳德邦(Tamilnādu)的悉达医学体系(siddha)。最古老的当属阿育吠陀,文献几乎全部用梵... 印度历史上出现了很多医学体系:起源于印度远古时期的阿育吠陀(又名“生命吠陀”),在公元前最后几个世纪与希腊医学的一些交流,公元初期起源自泰米尔纳德邦(Tamilnādu)的悉达医学体系(siddha)。最古老的当属阿育吠陀,文献几乎全部用梵语写成。吠陀文献基本上是宗教性质的,在这些文献中,第一次出现了解剖及医学词汇,并论述了关于人体体质的理论观念,尤其是关于宇宙及人体原质连续相关性的想法。公元前后,两本伟大的医学专著——《妙闻集》(Susruta-Samhitā)和《遮罗迦集》(Caraka-Samhitā)论证了古代阿育吠陀。这两部文献是观察和理论相结合形成的医疗活动成果。此外,还提出了一种认识论,以供医生使用。本文将先介绍印度医学史,并针对以下主题介绍这两部著作中的观念:第一,关于身体和人体构成的概念,这些概念是同时期形成的数论(Samkhya)和胜论(Vaisesika)哲学体系在医学上的体现;第二,关于三元素的生理学理论,即风、痰、胆,医生认为这三种元素与健康和疾病状态相关;第三,在文化和宗教背景下的医学认识论和伦理学。 展开更多
关键词 阿育吠陀医学 吠陀梵文 《妙闻集》 《遮罗迦集》 哲学生理学
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