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作者 夏友平 《软件世界》 2004年第1期90-92,共3页
似乎Sun从来都只是个会奉献而不会索取的公司。 就拿Java来说,Sun最先提出了这个概念,“Java之父”至今也仍在Sun就职,但Sun却始终没有形成自己的Java品牌产品,更别说从Java上获取收益了。相反,倒是最初与Java没什么关系的IBM、HP、BEA... 似乎Sun从来都只是个会奉献而不会索取的公司。 就拿Java来说,Sun最先提出了这个概念,“Java之父”至今也仍在Sun就职,但Sun却始终没有形成自己的Java品牌产品,更别说从Java上获取收益了。相反,倒是最初与Java没什么关系的IBM、HP、BEA等却在充分地聚敛着Java、J2EE所带来的财富。 面对连续10个季度亏损的残酷现实,面对服务器占有率出现的下滑,面对竞争对手的咄咄逼人,Sun的确也到了该拿出战略自救的时候了。 但与IBM、HP抛撒数以亿计的美元在全球大做广告,以宣传“随需应变”、“动成长”的热闹劲相比,“Sun Java System”是太安静了点。但安静并不代表不重要。今天,在世界各个角落,IT精英已开始关注Sun的举措可能导致的全球连锁反应了。在中国,Sun企业也已经撬开了金融、电信两大主要市场。 只是,经过了两个月的观察,似乎Sun的此方案并不同于大同小异的“随需应变”与“动成长”,那它的本质到底是什么?于是就有了本期《软件世界》与Sun公司的对话。 展开更多
关键词 Sun公司 软件企业 售价模式 软件整合 软件策略
Innovative Business Modelsinthe Morden Media Industry
作者 Chuan Li 《International English Education Research》 2014年第2期106-108,共3页
In the modem media industry, in addition to the traditional business model of proprietary products selling, there are a number of new business models that involve free distribution of whole products, or some parts of ... In the modem media industry, in addition to the traditional business model of proprietary products selling, there are a number of new business models that involve free distribution of whole products, or some parts of the products. The advantage of the open business model is in the value creation by a large community of developers, whereas the proprietary business model means a simpler form of value capture. However, open and closed business models can not exist in pure form: the proprietary model does not give enough space for innovation, while the open model gives insufficient opportunities for generating profit. An investigation of the problem of optimal business model choice at the monopolistic market indicates that the fully closed business model is less efficient than the model with the closed core and open extensions; it is profitable for any firm to open all of those ideas and technologies that can not be used without the base module; the completely open business model is optimal if and only if a substantial part of the consumer value is determined by additional services or innovative activity of the users. 展开更多
关键词 business models INNOVATION media industry
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