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略论《钦定大清商律》对外国法的移植 被引量:7
作者 徐立志 《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第5期80-82,共3页
清末法制改革是近年来学界关注的热点话题。对于百年前的这场法制改革运动,学界普遍认为,它虽然是清政府在内外交困的情况下,为挽救自身危亡而开展的一场政治自救运动,但是由于它提出了新的变法指导思想,制订、颁布了一系列新的法律法规... 清末法制改革是近年来学界关注的热点话题。对于百年前的这场法制改革运动,学界普遍认为,它虽然是清政府在内外交困的情况下,为挽救自身危亡而开展的一场政治自救运动,但是由于它提出了新的变法指导思想,制订、颁布了一系列新的法律法规,进行了官制改革,建立了新的司法体制和诉讼制度,因而导致了沿袭2000多年的中国传统法律制度的解体,奠定了中国法制近代化的基础。从这一认识出发,学界对这场改革进行了多方位的研究,取得了许多有意义的成果。本期约发的4篇文章,集中探讨了治外法权与领事裁判权、预备立宪、诉讼制度与诉讼文化、钦定大清商律对外国法的移植等方面的问题,是关于清末变法的最新研究力作。 展开更多
关键词 外国法 移植 商律 大清 法律改革 中国历史 批评态度 考察分析 主要方面
新政初期的商部创设与商律编订 被引量:1
作者 史洪智 《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期109-118,共10页
新政初期,商部创设与商律编订迅速进入政治运作的层面。在商部与商律决策过程中,既有朝廷官员的直言奏请,地方督抚的联络沟通,又有皇族亲贵的整合推进。由于朝廷决策核心的人事调整和朝野各方的博弈,清政府对两者的态度呈现出明显的阶... 新政初期,商部创设与商律编订迅速进入政治运作的层面。在商部与商律决策过程中,既有朝廷官员的直言奏请,地方督抚的联络沟通,又有皇族亲贵的整合推进。由于朝廷决策核心的人事调整和朝野各方的博弈,清政府对两者的态度呈现出明显的阶段性变化,进而制约了商部创设与商律编订的进程。 展开更多
关键词 清末新政 商部 商律
作者 苏凤格 《商丘职业技术学院学报》 2003年第2期40-43,共4页
关于清末商律的制定,有许多学者认为它脱离了当时中国的实际国情。从近代商战的角度反观清末商律的制订,就会发现它更符合当时社会的客观实际情况。运用中国具有传统优势的棉纺织业在近代中国与外国商业竞争的实例分析,清末商律的制定... 关于清末商律的制定,有许多学者认为它脱离了当时中国的实际国情。从近代商战的角度反观清末商律的制订,就会发现它更符合当时社会的客观实际情况。运用中国具有传统优势的棉纺织业在近代中国与外国商业竞争的实例分析,清末商律的制定是结合当时近代中国出现的新的生产组织形式,和近代企业在面临外国竞争的悲惨处境下而制定的。同时它也具有一定的超前性,所以不可能完全地得到实施。 展开更多
关键词 棉纺织业 商战 清末商律
《钦定大清商律》中的商法原理——以股东平等和分权治理为进路 被引量:1
作者 陈剑 《北京化工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第3期32-35,共4页
《钦定大清商律》是晚清重商主义的法律成果,体现了股东平等原则,具体包括男女具有平等的从商权、股东之间权利的平等性不因身份而改变、商主体之间具有平等性等内容。同时,《钦定大清商律》确立股东会、董事局、经理人员、查帐人的公... 《钦定大清商律》是晚清重商主义的法律成果,体现了股东平等原则,具体包括男女具有平等的从商权、股东之间权利的平等性不因身份而改变、商主体之间具有平等性等内容。同时,《钦定大清商律》确立股东会、董事局、经理人员、查帐人的公司治理主体地位。《钦定大清商律》构建公司的分权治理也在法律上获得了认可,现代公司内部制衡机制得到建立,对各主体之间的权责进行了比较明确的界定。 展开更多
关键词 《钦定大清商律 股东平等 分权治理
作者 孙京洲 《边疆经济与文化》 2016年第4期125-126,共2页
《钦定大清商律》是我国第一部独立的商事法律,开创了我国法律近代化的先河。本文以法经济学相关理论作为基础,认为《钦定大清商律》中男女从事商业的权利平等、股东享有平等权利不受其身份影响、无国别差异、明确界定产权、降低交易费... 《钦定大清商律》是我国第一部独立的商事法律,开创了我国法律近代化的先河。本文以法经济学相关理论作为基础,认为《钦定大清商律》中男女从事商业的权利平等、股东享有平等权利不受其身份影响、无国别差异、明确界定产权、降低交易费用等内容,彰显了法学追求正义的光辉理念,堪称是一部善法。不过由于该法律多借鉴西方法律,法律结构略显混乱,内容也不尽完备。 展开更多
关键词 钦定大清商律 法经济学 价值观
19世纪末20世纪初中国商人阶层的崛起 被引量:1
作者 杨松涛 王彦章 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期194-198,共5页
在漫长的中国封建社会中,商业被"贬之曰末务",商人也位于"四民"之末,士农工商的地位归序似乎成了中国封建社会亘古不变的模式。然而到了19世纪末20世纪初,随着民族危机日益加深,"商战"呼之欲出,商人团体... 在漫长的中国封建社会中,商业被"贬之曰末务",商人也位于"四民"之末,士农工商的地位归序似乎成了中国封建社会亘古不变的模式。然而到了19世纪末20世纪初,随着民族危机日益加深,"商战"呼之欲出,商人团体相继成立,商会诞生,商人政治意识提高并且对政治广泛参与,使商人的社会地位发生了根本性的变化。商人阶层坚持不懈地努力终于迎来了清政府自上而下的重商措施的出台。清廷设立商部以指导商人组织,制定商律以规范商人行动,颁行一系列工商的法规以奖商恤商,一系列新经济政策的实施使社会舆论开始从抑商转为誉商,商人在社会上广受赞扬,官员也开始纷纷投资经商。所有这些,促进了中国新的绅商阶层的形成,并进而带动了整个商人阶层随之崛起。 展开更多
关键词 19世纪末 20世纪初 商人阶层 商部 商律 奖商章程
作者 肖传林 《江汉论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第8期53-55,共3页
修律是清末新政的一项重要内容。新政是清末统治者为挽救苟延残喘的政权而采取的应时之策,带有明显的反动性;但同时不可否认,它在客观上具有一定的进步性,有利于中国资本主义的发展。修律也是如此,它是为挽救清王朝的封建统治服务... 修律是清末新政的一项重要内容。新政是清末统治者为挽救苟延残喘的政权而采取的应时之策,带有明显的反动性;但同时不可否认,它在客观上具有一定的进步性,有利于中国资本主义的发展。修律也是如此,它是为挽救清王朝的封建统治服务的,具有它的反动性;同时它对中国传统法律进行了重大改革,引进了一些近代的法律思想和原则,推动了中国法制的巨大进步,促进了中国法制的近代化。 展开更多
关键词 清朝末年 修律 法制近代化 商律 程序法
作者 杨海岩 《安阳师范学院学报》 2006年第1期73-76,共4页
关键词 伍廷芳 商律 贸易 海关税收
试论清末的商会法及其启示 被引量:1
作者 余辉 肖光辉 《云南大学学报(法学版)》 1994年第3期78-81,共4页
清末变法修律制订了一系列民商事法规,有公司律,破产律,商律等。光绪二十九年(1903年)商部又制订出《商会简明章程二十六条》,随后又制订了《商部接见董事章程》,《商部议派各省商务议员章程》,《商部颁发商会理结讼案格式札》,对商会... 清末变法修律制订了一系列民商事法规,有公司律,破产律,商律等。光绪二十九年(1903年)商部又制订出《商会简明章程二十六条》,随后又制订了《商部接见董事章程》,《商部议派各省商务议员章程》,《商部颁发商会理结讼案格式札》,对商会的有关事务加以规范。这~系列法规构成了我国第一部商会法。 展开更多
关键词 商会简明章程 破产律 公司律 修律 十六条 光绪二十九年 商律 商人公会 清末商会 法律地位
作者 王国华 《同舟共进》 2020年第7期86-88,共3页
我国自古有重农轻商的传统,行业排序一般为士、农、工、商。这种传统延续了几千年。到了清朝末年,外国资本大量涌入,商业繁盛,虽然被动,但也是大势所趋。为此,清政府在光绪二十九年七月设立商部,实行“恤商政策”。同年九月,又把工、商... 我国自古有重农轻商的传统,行业排序一般为士、农、工、商。这种传统延续了几千年。到了清朝末年,外国资本大量涌入,商业繁盛,虽然被动,但也是大势所趋。为此,清政府在光绪二十九年七月设立商部,实行“恤商政策”。同年九月,又把工、商两部合并,改为农工商部,分为农部、工务、商务、庶务四司,商务司专管一切商政,统辖京内的商务、学堂、公司、局、厂等,还分别成立工艺局、商律馆、商标局、度量衡局等机关,专管工商企业和市场经济活动。 展开更多
关键词 工商企业 市场经济活动 光绪二十九年 商律 度量衡 商部 传统延续 清朝末年
作者 孙凤山 张增国 《天水师专学报》 2000年第1期12-14,69,共4页
在中国经济近代化进程中,清末商部的设立及其采取的措施是一个不可忽视的要 素。本文略论清末商部的设立对中国经济近代化进程的影响。
关键词 商部 经济近代化 清朝末年 中国 商律 商会
Organizing Independent Contractors in South Korea: A Case of Insurance Solicitors Unionizing
作者 Jik-Soo Kim 《Sociology Study》 2014年第11期955-964,共10页
The purpose of this study is to understand limitations and possibilities of organizing independent contractors by focusing on insurance solicitors in South Korea. Among various types of precarious employment, insuranc... The purpose of this study is to understand limitations and possibilities of organizing independent contractors by focusing on insurance solicitors in South Korea. Among various types of precarious employment, insurance solicitors are an exemplar case of independent contractor jobs in Korea. According to the narrow interpretation on the employment relationship by the courts, the labor standard law does not treat insurance solicitors as workers. And, most of insurance solicitors are not affiliated with labor unions. As a result, insurance solicitors are outside labor protections. Under this context, insurance solicitors attempted to organize their own union--Korean Insurance Agents' Union (KIAU) in the early 2000s, and turned it into a branch of Korean Finance and Service Workers' Union (KFSWU) in 2004. However, the KIAU lost its membership rapidly since the mid-2000s and has failed to revitalize itself until now. So, in this study, the author focuses on the changes in the employment structure behind the growth of the insurance industry in the private sector and the reason why union organizing of independent contractors was not successful. 展开更多
关键词 Insurance solicitors independent contractor union organizing
Legal Framework of Shari'ah Corporations in Malaysia: Special Reference to Waqf Corporation
作者 Zuhairah ArifAbd Ghadas Hartinie binti Abd Aziz 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2017年第3期121-127,共7页
In Malaysia, the Islamic commercial institutions were established under respective legislations which contain express term on their status as a body corporate. Examples of these institutions are Islamic banks, zakah i... In Malaysia, the Islamic commercial institutions were established under respective legislations which contain express term on their status as a body corporate. Examples of these institutions are Islamic banks, zakah institutions, Pilgrimage Board and Islamic insurance (takaful) companies. In 1998, Johor Corporation (JCorp) initiated a corporate waqf entity known as Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad (WANCorp). In 2011, Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (MAIWP) collaborated with Tabung Haji to develop a Class AWaqf building leased to Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB). The developments in waqf involving corporate entities are worth to be analyzed in order to create a new framework of waqf practice. This paper deliberated the attributes of corporations under the Malaysian law and compares them with the principles of Islamic law (Shari'ah). For the purpose of discussion, this paper refers to WANCorp and Awqaf Holdings as examples ofwaqf corporations in Malaysia. 展开更多
关键词 body corporate waqf corporation COMPANY
Determination of Energy Interchanged on the Tie Lines- Some Practical Issues 被引量:1
作者 Zeljko Modric Zoran Kovac Kresimir Fekete 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第5期948-956,共9页
The quality of methods for determining energy transits on the tie lines (lines that connect two neighboring power system) can have significant impact on business activity of the TSOs (transmission system operators... The quality of methods for determining energy transits on the tie lines (lines that connect two neighboring power system) can have significant impact on business activity of the TSOs (transmission system operators). Existing law regulation is not enough precise regarding definition of methods for metering energy transits (energy interchanged between neighboring TSOs). This paper analyses disadvantages of method for line losses metering with electric meters and suggests introduction of the measured value corrections. 展开更多
关键词 Billing point metering set metering point metering error energy transit.
Legal Risks and Precautions of Margin Pledge
作者 Cong Gao 《International English Education Research》 2014年第5期24-26,共3页
The margin of credit business in commercial bank has the problems if legal nature identification and juridical practice has identical comprehension on margin, and that the non-standard financial source and operations ... The margin of credit business in commercial bank has the problems if legal nature identification and juridical practice has identical comprehension on margin, and that the non-standard financial source and operations of margin makes legal risks. Therefore, the prevention and control measures should be taken for the open and accounting of margin account, drawdown of margin, maintenance of account information, and freezing and deduction of margin of competent organs. 展开更多
关键词 MARGIN legal risk preventive measures
Importance of strengthening the control of bank risk under information background
作者 Qian LIU Xue FENG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第3期47-49,共3页
In the context of the information age, with the causes of the financial deregulation of the bank in the financial industry competition intensifies, the communication of science and technology advancement, there are in... In the context of the information age, with the causes of the financial deregulation of the bank in the financial industry competition intensifies, the communication of science and technology advancement, there are innovative financial instruments to achieve orgasm. With that, comes the increased risk of commercial banks. China' s banking innovation started late, but rapidly develops. More seriously, in the development of the innovation process, there is not enough emphasis on the legal risk, which causes great risks. 展开更多
关键词 commercial banks INFORMATION legal risk Risk Control
Noether-Type Symmetries and Associated Conservation Laws of Some Systems of Nonlinear PDEs
作者 MEI Jian-Qin 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期495-498,共4页
The algorithm for constructing conservation laws of Euler Lagvange type equations via Noether-type symmetry operators associated with partial Lagrangian has been presented. As applications, many new conservation laws ... The algorithm for constructing conservation laws of Euler Lagvange type equations via Noether-type symmetry operators associated with partial Lagrangian has been presented. As applications, many new conservation laws of some important systems of nonlinear partial differential equations have been obtained. 展开更多
关键词 Lie-Backlund Noether-type symmetries conservation law coupled integrable dispersionless equations coupled wave equations
Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Utilisation in Hungary
作者 Ferenc Ligetvári Ferenc Zsabokorszky +1 位作者 Károly Kováics István Zsirai 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2015年第3期141-147,共7页
Hungary's accession to the European Union in 2004 marked the start of a new era. The completion of legal harmonization brought in new emission standards and thresholds, and this was followed by EU-assisted projects t... Hungary's accession to the European Union in 2004 marked the start of a new era. The completion of legal harmonization brought in new emission standards and thresholds, and this was followed by EU-assisted projects to build and reconstruct wastewater treatment plants. The utilization of sludge after it leaves the wastewater treatment plant is now a solely private-sector operation. There are new political priorities: increasing state involvement, buying out of major--formerly privatized--service providers, reintegration of isolated service providers, legally-imposed reduction of public utility charges. As a result, a demand has arisen for a greater central, i.e. government role in sludge utilization. 展开更多
关键词 European Union legal harmonization utilization SLUDGE political priorities public utility charges
On Governance of Celebrity Endorsements in False Advertising
作者 Zhiyuan Ma 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期47-49,共3页
incidents of extreme hyperbole and fraud in celebrity advertisements have occurred repeatedly because advertising participants are driven by commercial interests and it is also relevant to the deep social and cultural... incidents of extreme hyperbole and fraud in celebrity advertisements have occurred repeatedly because advertising participants are driven by commercial interests and it is also relevant to the deep social and cultural background. Therefore, great and prolonged efforts should be made to govern celebrity advertising in a multi-pronged way: strengthening legal supervision on the basis of clearly defined false advertising; establishing early warning and punishing systems including pre-qualification system, filing system and banning system; promoting public interest litigation system; increasing consumers' media literacy. 展开更多
关键词 early warning systems public interest litigation consumers' media literacy
The Impacts of Tax Procedures Reform on Business Environment in Vietnam: Achievements and Further Reforms
作者 Le Xuan Truong 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2017年第7期299-305,共7页
Tax procedures are factors that strongly affect the business environment. A simple and convenient tax procedures system will contribute to a good business environment by easing of tax returns preparation, reducing tax... Tax procedures are factors that strongly affect the business environment. A simple and convenient tax procedures system will contribute to a good business environment by easing of tax returns preparation, reducing tax compliance costs, and preventing corruption. This paper examines the results and impacts of previous tax procedures reform on Vietnam's business environment, identifies challenges of tax procedures reform now and the coming years, and discusses areas where further reforms are needed to sustain tax revenue and reduce compliance costs including: (1) wansparent and comprehensive guidance to all tax laws and other legal tax documents; (2) widening the application of risk management in tax administration; (3) continuing simplification of tax procedures; and (4) development of IT in tax administration. 展开更多
关键词 business environment compliance costs doing business REFORM tax procedures
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