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“昆仑”本义探源 被引量:2
作者 宋金兰 《青海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1993年第4期87-91,共5页
“昆仑”一词虽在先秦古籍中就有所见,但历代的古书注释对“昆仑”的确切含义均语焉不详,只指出它是一个地名。“昆仑”是我国古代一个十分重要的地理名词和文化名词。解开昆仑山的名源之谜,其意义不仅在于确认最早以“昆仑”命名的自... “昆仑”一词虽在先秦古籍中就有所见,但历代的古书注释对“昆仑”的确切含义均语焉不详,只指出它是一个地名。“昆仑”是我国古代一个十分重要的地理名词和文化名词。解开昆仑山的名源之谜,其意义不仅在于确认最早以“昆仑”命名的自然地理实体的所在,更有助于探讨昆仑地区远古民族及昆仑神话系统的某些文化特征。 展开更多
关键词 喀拉昆仑山 昆仑 藏缅语 古羌人 本义 色特征 向天坟 巴颜喀拉 昆仑神话 名源
作者 俞志谦 曾杉 《地球信息科学学报》 CSCD 1996年第2期38-39,共2页
关键词 新技术 调水 系统工程 香山科学会议 雅鲁藏布江 工程地质 地理信息系统 国际河流 喀拉昆仑山 跨流域
作者 周桓 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1984年第2期105-107,104,共4页
《西域南海交通史》是系领导给定的课程名称,讲解的内容主要是关于中西交通史方面的,这在历史系是门新课,是给77级、78级两个年级学生讲的.这一学术范围我过去研究过,老一辈史学家当年讲授这门课时,我也旁听过,但事隔多年,业务已荒疏,... 《西域南海交通史》是系领导给定的课程名称,讲解的内容主要是关于中西交通史方面的,这在历史系是门新课,是给77级、78级两个年级学生讲的.这一学术范围我过去研究过,老一辈史学家当年讲授这门课时,我也旁听过,但事隔多年,业务已荒疏,因此在承担这一教学任务及其研究时,遇到不少难题,目前,对此一范围的教学和研究,还在摸索之中,很难有成熟的经验,只能对逢到的一些问题,谈谈自己的体会和看法,谬误不当之处,还请批评指正. 展开更多
关键词 中西交通史 西域 几点意见 南海 碎叶 赤土 伯希和 喀拉昆仑山 研究中 安西四镇
作者 李凉 《对外传播》 1998年第7期46-46,共1页
和田,即藏语产玉石的地方,是丝路南端必经的重镇,也是闻名世界的玉都、织毯业名城和新疆蚕桑丝绸业的中心。喀拉喀什河和玉龙喀什河是和田地区的两条大河。春夏之际,喀拉昆仑山融化的雪水裹挟着昆仑山上独特的“岩石”一路北泻下来,玉... 和田,即藏语产玉石的地方,是丝路南端必经的重镇,也是闻名世界的玉都、织毯业名城和新疆蚕桑丝绸业的中心。喀拉喀什河和玉龙喀什河是和田地区的两条大河。春夏之际,喀拉昆仑山融化的雪水裹挟着昆仑山上独特的“岩石”一路北泻下来,玉龙喀什河在和田地区的平缓地带,将那些经过长距离冲刷磨砺的“ 展开更多
关键词 玉石 喀拉昆仑山 和田玉 喀什 丝绸业 长距离 玉龙 藏语 地方 蚕桑
作者 阿不都依米提.霍加 《国土绿化》 1996年第4期37-38,共2页
新疆和田县位于浩翰的塔克拉玛干大沙漠南缘,喀拉昆仑山北面。具有典型的温带荒漠气候,全年降水只有34.8毫米,蒸发量却达2563毫米,每年风季三个月,春夏多沙暴浮尘天气,冬季少雪,常年无霜期201天。风沙是威胁和田人民生产生活的最大灾害... 新疆和田县位于浩翰的塔克拉玛干大沙漠南缘,喀拉昆仑山北面。具有典型的温带荒漠气候,全年降水只有34.8毫米,蒸发量却达2563毫米,每年风季三个月,春夏多沙暴浮尘天气,冬季少雪,常年无霜期201天。风沙是威胁和田人民生产生活的最大灾害。 恶劣的自然环境造就了和田人民艰苦奋斗植树造林与风沙抗争的优良传统。 党的十一届三中全会以后,特别是“三北”防护林工程建设开始后,和田林业迅猛发展,为能摸清和田林业资源状况及分布情况。 展开更多
关键词 天然胡杨林 和田县 塔克拉玛干大沙漠 义务植树 “三北”防护林 和田人 三北防护林工程 恶劣的自然环境 喀拉昆仑山 林业资源
Recent Changes Occurred in the Terminus of the Debriscovered Bilafond Glacier in the Karakoram Himalayas Using Remotely Sensed Images and Digital Elevation Models(1978-2011) 被引量:2
作者 Bijeesh KOZHIKKODAN VEETTIL Ulisses FRANZ BREMER +1 位作者 Atilio EFRAIN BICA GRONDONA Sergio FLORENCIO DE SOUZA 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期398-406,共9页
Recent changes occurred in terminus of the debris-covered Bilafond Glacier in the Karakoram Range in the Himalayas, Northern Pakistan was investigated in this research. Landsat MSS, TM and ETM+ images were used for th... Recent changes occurred in terminus of the debris-covered Bilafond Glacier in the Karakoram Range in the Himalayas, Northern Pakistan was investigated in this research. Landsat MSS, TM and ETM+ images were used for this study. Digital elevation models derived from ASTER GDEM and SRTM were also utilized. Visible, infrared and thermal infrared channels were utilized in order to get accurate glacier change maps. Three methods were tried to map this debris-covered glacier in this research. The glacier has been mapped successfully and the changes in the glacier terminus from 1978 to 2011 have been calculated. Manual, semi-automatic and thermal methods were found to give similar results. It was found that the glacier has undergone serious ablation during this period despite of the fact that many of the larger glaciers in the Hindu Kush and Karakoram mountain regions in the Upper Indus Basin were reported to be expanding. The terminus has been moved back about 600 meters during this period and there was an abrupt change in the glacier terminus during 1990-2002. We propose that debris thickness is not the only factor that influences the glacier ablation but the altitude of the debris-covered glacier as well. Many glaciers in the Karakoram region reported to be expanding were having higher altitudes compared to the study area. 展开更多
关键词 Bilafond Glacier Debris-covered glaciers KARAKORAM HIMALAYAS Thermal mapping Glacier ablation Siachen Glacier
Heterogeneous Expansion of End-moraine Dammed Lakes in the Hindukush-Karakoram-Himalaya Ranges of Pakistan during 2001-2013
作者 Arshad ASHRAF Rozina NAZ Muhammad Bilal IQBAL 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第5期1113-1124,共12页
Global climate change during the twentieth century had a significant impact on the glaciers that resulted in creation of new lakes and expansion of existing ones, and ultimately an increase in the number of glacial la... Global climate change during the twentieth century had a significant impact on the glaciers that resulted in creation of new lakes and expansion of existing ones, and ultimately an increase in the number of glacial lake outburst floods(GLOFs) in the Himalayan region. This study reports variation of the end-moraine dammed lakes in the high altitude Hindukush-Karakoram-Himalaya(HKH) region of Pakistan to evaluate future floods hazard under changing climate in this region. An integrated temporal remote sensing and Geographic information system(GIS) based approach using satellite images of Landsat-7 and 8 was adopted to detect 482 endmoraine dammed lakes out of which 339 lakes(>0.02 km2) were selected for temporal change analysis during the 2001-2013 period. The findings of the study revealed a net expansion in the end-moraine dammed lakes area in the Karakoram(about 7.7%) and in the Himalayas(4.6%), while there was a net shrinkage of about 1.5% in the lakes area in the Hindukush range during this period. The percentage increase in the lakes' area was highest above 4500 m asl in the Hindukush, within 3500-4000 m asl in the Himalayas and below 3500 m asl in the Karakoram range. The overall positive change in the lakes' area appears to prevail in various altitudinal ranges of the region. The heterogeneous areal changes in the endmoraine dammed lakes might be attributed to different climate regimes and glacial hydrodynamics in the three HKH ranges. A periodic monitoring of the glacial lakes and their associated glaciers is essential for developing effective hazard assessment and risk reduction strategies for this high altitude Himalayan region. 展开更多
关键词 End-moraine glacial lakes GLOF KARAKORAM Himalayan region
作者 刘冰延 《朔方》 1995年第8期44-47,共4页
十几年前,五位风华正茂的女兵登上被称为“生命禁区”的昆仑山,在中国空军史上写下了值得记录的一笔……吉普车艰难地在冰大坂上爬行。路的右边是刀削斧劈般的峭壁,左边则是幽幽不见底的深涧。车上五位医疗队员是清一色的姑娘,这使小陈... 十几年前,五位风华正茂的女兵登上被称为“生命禁区”的昆仑山,在中国空军史上写下了值得记录的一笔……吉普车艰难地在冰大坂上爬行。路的右边是刀削斧劈般的峭壁,左边则是幽幽不见底的深涧。车上五位医疗队员是清一色的姑娘,这使小陈开起车来格外小心,万一车出了毛病连个帮手也没有。看着姑娘们兴致勃勃的劲头,小陈心里直嘀咕:那昆仑山是好上的? 展开更多
关键词 喀拉昆仑山 战士 吉普车 女兵 高山反应 中国空军史 石头 心电图 医疗队 大衣
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