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作者 周高伟 阎凯 李峰 《车用发动机》 北大核心 2022年第3期23-31,共9页
建立了流动聚焦/模糊喷嘴试验平台以及内部气液流动数值模型,在常温下对喷嘴内部气液流动形态及流动模式进行了研究。研究结果表明:流动聚焦/模糊喷嘴内部存在流动聚焦、流动过渡和流动模糊3种流动模式;不同工况时,流动聚焦/模糊喷嘴内... 建立了流动聚焦/模糊喷嘴试验平台以及内部气液流动数值模型,在常温下对喷嘴内部气液流动形态及流动模式进行了研究。研究结果表明:流动聚焦/模糊喷嘴内部存在流动聚焦、流动过渡和流动模糊3种流动模式;不同工况时,流动聚焦/模糊喷嘴内部气液流动形态及流动模式的转变与喷嘴内部的气液相互作用以及气液流动漩涡有关。在本试验选择的气相流量10~100L/min、液相流量0.1~1L/min、管孔距1~5mm、喷孔直径3~7mm和喷孔长度5~15mm范围内,流动聚焦模式主要出现在液相流量和气相流量较小工况,流动模糊模式主要出现在液相流量较小而气相流量较大工况;喷嘴管孔距和喷孔直径的增加均不利于喷嘴内部流动模糊模式的出现,喷孔长度的增加虽然有利于喷嘴内部流动模糊模式的出现,但影响相对较小。 展开更多
关键词 流动聚焦/模糊喷嘴 流动形态 流动模式 可视化 数值模拟
生物质混合燃料在柴油机喷嘴内流动特性模拟 被引量:4
作者 耿莉敏 王城 +1 位作者 魏有涛 李琪 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第21期70-77,共8页
为了研究燃料物性差异对喷孔内流动特性的影响,通过GAMBIT软件建立三维喷嘴模型,利用FLUENT软件采用混合多相流模型,对柴油、生物柴油、生物柴油/乙醇混合燃料的喷孔内压强分布、速度分布和空化程度进行仿真分析。结果表明:燃油在压力... 为了研究燃料物性差异对喷孔内流动特性的影响,通过GAMBIT软件建立三维喷嘴模型,利用FLUENT软件采用混合多相流模型,对柴油、生物柴油、生物柴油/乙醇混合燃料的喷孔内压强分布、速度分布和空化程度进行仿真分析。结果表明:燃油在压力室与喷孔入口衔接处压强迅速下降,进入喷孔后压强趋于稳定,在喷孔出口处压强略有上升;生物柴油的压强降幅最大,在喷孔不同截面处,与柴油相比生物柴油的压强平均下降了23.91%;生物柴油/乙醇混合燃料与柴油的压强降幅差别不大。燃油流速在喷孔入口处迅速增加,进入喷孔后增速放缓,在喷孔出口处燃油流速略有下降;在喷孔径向方向,由于壁面黏滞力作用导致速度从中心轴线向外围呈递减趋势;在喷孔不同截面处柴油的流速最快,其在喷嘴出口处的流速为229.8 m/s;生物柴油/乙醇混合燃料在喷嘴出口处的流速为223.1 m/s;生物柴油的流速最小,其在喷嘴出口处的流速为214.9 m/s。空穴现象首先发生在喷孔入口拐角处,随后向喷孔出口发展,并逐渐减弱。喷孔不同截面处,柴油的气相体积分数最大,生物柴油的气相体积分数最小,其气相体积分数比柴油平均下降了11.1%,与柴油相比生物柴油的空化程度较弱;生物柴油/乙醇混合燃料的气相体积分数与柴油差别不大,仅降低了1.8%,在生物柴油中添加乙醇能够降低燃料的密度、粘度和表面张力,改善燃料在喷孔内的流动特性,促进空化产生,喷孔内的空化现象能够为圆射流喷雾提供初始扰动,促进燃油雾化。该研究可为生物柴油/乙醇混合燃料流通特性研究提供理论支持。 展开更多
关键词 生物燃料 乙醇 模拟 混合燃料 喷嘴内空穴流动
内混式空气雾化喷嘴内部流动状况对喷雾效果的影响 被引量:3
作者 张奎 刘荣华 +3 位作者 王鹏飞 王健 石佚捷 裴叶 《采矿技术》 2019年第1期107-109,共3页
为了提高内混式空气雾化喷嘴的喷雾效果,采用数值模拟方法分析喷嘴内部流动状况对下游雾化效果的影响,并通过实验验证。结果表明:随气液压力比增大,液核长度明显缩短,液体一次雾化效果更好,并且喷嘴出口气液混合物的速度也更大,喷嘴内... 为了提高内混式空气雾化喷嘴的喷雾效果,采用数值模拟方法分析喷嘴内部流动状况对下游雾化效果的影响,并通过实验验证。结果表明:随气液压力比增大,液核长度明显缩短,液体一次雾化效果更好,并且喷嘴出口气液混合物的速度也更大,喷嘴内部流动状况更好;随气液压力比增大,喷嘴雾化锥角也较大,雾滴覆盖范围更广;喷嘴内部流动状况越好,实验测得的雾滴粒径也越小,由此可以看出喷嘴内部流动状况对于下游喷雾发展具有较大影响。 展开更多
关键词 空气雾化喷嘴 喷雾降尘 喷嘴内部流动 雾化效果 数值模拟
作者 刘兵 宇文璋杰 +3 位作者 杨涛 朱栋清 王嘉丰 周致富 《东北电力大学学报》 2022年第3期57-63,共7页
当高压液态碳氢燃料由于容器或者管道破口泄露释放到低压环境中,会形成剧烈闪蒸喷雾,闪蒸喷雾是在动力学与非平衡热力学共同作用下一种复杂的破碎雾化形式.文中搭建了易燃易爆介质闪蒸喷雾实验台,研究了不同初始压力和温度作用下异戊烷... 当高压液态碳氢燃料由于容器或者管道破口泄露释放到低压环境中,会形成剧烈闪蒸喷雾,闪蒸喷雾是在动力学与非平衡热力学共同作用下一种复杂的破碎雾化形式.文中搭建了易燃易爆介质闪蒸喷雾实验台,研究了不同初始压力和温度作用下异戊烷闪蒸喷雾喷嘴内流动与近场雾化变化规律.研究结果表明,完全闪蒸雾化前,提高喷雾初温可以极大促进闪蒸雾化程度,之后温度变化对闪蒸雾化的影响急剧减弱;相同过热度下,提高喷雾初始压力也增加了闪蒸喷雾锥角和喷雾影响区域.在闪蒸喷雾不稳定阶段,喷嘴内出现多种两相流型并伴随不同闪蒸雾化形态,喷嘴内气相含率与闪蒸喷雾剧烈程度呈现正相关性,但是二者之间存在一定相位差,相位差与喷嘴内汽化起始点距离喷嘴出口距离以及流动速度有关. 展开更多
关键词 泄漏性事故 闪蒸喷雾 过热度 近场雾化形态 喷嘴流动
高压共轨喷嘴内部空化过程的两相流数值研究 被引量:3
作者 李云清 成传松 赵立峰 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2010年第1期18-23,共6页
高压共轨喷油器喷嘴内的流动属性,尤其是喷孔出口截面上的湍流参数、射流速度以及液相的体积分数等参数对喷雾初次破碎所形成的油滴大小、速度有着重要影响,从而显著地影响喷雾雾化效果。为此,基于验证的欧拉两相流模型对上下两排喷孔... 高压共轨喷油器喷嘴内的流动属性,尤其是喷孔出口截面上的湍流参数、射流速度以及液相的体积分数等参数对喷雾初次破碎所形成的油滴大小、速度有着重要影响,从而显著地影响喷雾雾化效果。为此,基于验证的欧拉两相流模型对上下两排喷孔式高压共轨喷嘴内空化过程进行了计算分析,并分析研究了针阀升程、喷射压力以及喷孔进口倒角、喷孔锥度等参数对喷嘴内空化过程的影响。计算结果表明,上排喷孔的空化程度要大于下排喷孔,并且适当的进口倒角、收缩型喷孔都能明显地抑制空化过程,但是射流湍动能下降而不利于雾化过程。 展开更多
关键词 高压共轨 喷嘴流动 空化 两相流
涡流管喷嘴附近截面气流参数的近似计算 被引量:2
作者 老大中 黄钟岳 沈自求 《航空发动机》 北大核心 1997年第1期26-29,共4页
本文提出了涡流管喷嘴附近截面气流参数的近似计算方法。假设速度分布为兰金涡,对涡流室内部气流参数进行了近似计算。计算方法考虑了湍流普朗特数随冷流率的变化,根据实验结果拟合出相应的关系式,计算发现湍流普朗特数的取值范围与Ful... 本文提出了涡流管喷嘴附近截面气流参数的近似计算方法。假设速度分布为兰金涡,对涡流室内部气流参数进行了近似计算。计算方法考虑了湍流普朗特数随冷流率的变化,根据实验结果拟合出相应的关系式,计算发现湍流普朗特数的取值范围与Fulton理论相符。 展开更多
关键词 涡流管 兰金涡 湍流 普朗特数 喷嘴流动
柴油机喷嘴结构对喷雾特性影响的耦合模拟研究 被引量:21
作者 何志霞 王芬 +2 位作者 刘菊燕 蒋兆晨 王谦 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第24期145-151,共7页
高压共轨系统能有效地改善柴油机的喷雾质量,但随着燃油喷射压力的增加,燃油雾化过程变得更加复杂。而喷嘴内部湍流和空穴现象对喷雾雾化有重要的影响,特别是空穴现象。利用同步辐射X射线同轴相衬成像技术准确获得喷嘴几何结构尺寸,建... 高压共轨系统能有效地改善柴油机的喷雾质量,但随着燃油喷射压力的增加,燃油雾化过程变得更加复杂。而喷嘴内部湍流和空穴现象对喷雾雾化有重要的影响,特别是空穴现象。利用同步辐射X射线同轴相衬成像技术准确获得喷嘴几何结构尺寸,建立精确的喷嘴内部流动模型,建立起耦合喷嘴内空穴流动的耦合喷雾模型,分析喷嘴内空穴流动对燃油喷射雾化的影响。利用在高压共轨喷雾试验台架上的高压喷雾试验,验证该喷雾模型的准确性。利用该验证后的喷雾模型直接得到喷嘴结构参数,包括喷孔长径比、喷孔入口圆角半径及喷嘴压力室结构对喷雾特性的影响,得出喷孔入口圆角半径和压力室结构对喷雾的索特平均直径有较大的影响。研究结果为柴油机燃油喷射系统的优化提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 柴油机 喷嘴内空穴流动 喷雾 耦合模拟
喷雾模型的发展及其在内燃机CFD中的应用 被引量:6
作者 史春涛 周颖 +1 位作者 张宝如 田晓松 《拖拉机与农用运输车》 北大核心 2006年第2期39-42,共4页
喷雾模型是内燃机CFD软件中重要的组成部分,而喷雾模型是由多种子模型组成的。正确设定喷嘴出口的边界条件和选择恰当的喷雾子模型成为成功分析和优化柴油机和汽油机高压喷雾的先决条件。本文主要讨论了喷嘴流动模型、液膜雾化模型和喷... 喷雾模型是内燃机CFD软件中重要的组成部分,而喷雾模型是由多种子模型组成的。正确设定喷嘴出口的边界条件和选择恰当的喷雾子模型成为成功分析和优化柴油机和汽油机高压喷雾的先决条件。本文主要讨论了喷嘴流动模型、液膜雾化模型和喷雾碰壁模型在CFD软件中的应用现状。 展开更多
关键词 喷雾模型 喷嘴流动模型 液膜雾化模型 喷雾碰壁模型
蓄能器泄压过程的动态模拟 被引量:1
作者 董兵 魏文韫 +3 位作者 帅剑云 余徽 周勇 席向峰 《化工机械》 CAS 2012年第3期329-334,346,共7页
关键词 蓄能器 两相流 喷嘴流动模型 动态模拟
Characterizing and Analyzing the Airflow Field inside the Nozzle Block of Murata Vortex Spinning 被引量:2
作者 竺韵德 邹专勇 +2 位作者 邬建明 薛文良 程隆棣 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第6期670-675,共6页
A three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics model is developed by software Fluent 6.2, to simulate the flow field inside the nozzle block of the Murata vortex spinning. The flowing state and the distribution law ... A three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics model is developed by software Fluent 6.2, to simulate the flow field inside the nozzle block of the Murata vortex spinning. The flowing state and the distribution law of static pressure and velocity are characterized and analyzed. The relationship between the flowing state and the structure of the vortex spun yarn is also discussed. The research results can enhance the understanding of the yarn formation principle from viewpoint of the airflow field law inside the nozzle block of Murata vortex spinning. 展开更多
关键词 murata vortex spinning nozzle block flow field simulation yarn formation
Design of a continuously variable Mach-number nozzle 被引量:1
作者 郭善广 王振国 赵玉新 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期522-528,共7页
A design method was developed to specify the profile of the continuously variable Mach-number nozzle for the supersonic wind tunnel. The controllable contour design technique was applied to obtaining the original nozz... A design method was developed to specify the profile of the continuously variable Mach-number nozzle for the supersonic wind tunnel. The controllable contour design technique was applied to obtaining the original nozzle profile, while other Machnumbers were derived from the transformation of the original profile. A design scheme, covering a Mach-number range of3.0<Ma<4.0, was shown to illustrate the present design technique. To fully validate the present design method, computational fluid dynamics(CFD) analyses were carried out to study the flow quality in the test area of the nozzle. The computed results indicate that exit uniform flow is obtained with 1.19% of the maximal Mach-number deviation at the nozzle exit. The present design method achieves the continuously variable Mach-number flow during a wind tunnel running. 展开更多
关键词 wind tunnel variable Mach-number nozzle flow quality method of characteristics numerical validation
Experimental Investigation on Mixing Enhancement Mechanism of Turbulent Jet Flow with Tabbed Nozzle 被引量:1
作者 刘薇 姜楠 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2008年第3期164-172,共9页
Flow visualization and hot-wire measurement techniques were combined to investigate the influence of the size and number of tabs on jet flow field and vortex structure generation mechanism. Streamwise vortices generat... Flow visualization and hot-wire measurement techniques were combined to investigate the influence of the size and number of tabs on jet flow field and vortex structure generation mechanism. Streamwise vortices generated by the tabs of different sizes and numbers were observed from the flow visualization images. Combined with flow visualization, hot-wire measurement gave a quantitative insight of the effect of various tabbed jet flows. Instantaneous two-component velocity signals (longitudinal and transverse velocity components) at different cross sections along radius direction and streamwise direction with different tabbed jet nozzles were measured using hot-wire anemometer. Average flow field parameters of tabbed jet flow such as mean velocity, tur-bulence intensity, vorticity were analyzed and the effects of tabs with different sizes and numbers were compared with that of circular no-tab jet flow. It is revealed that the generation of a series of counter-rotating quasi-streamwise vortices, azimuthal vortices and double-row azi-muthal vortex are the reasons for mixing enhancement of tabbed turbulent jet flow. 展开更多
关键词 tabbed nozzle mixing enhancement hot-wire anemometry flow visualization
Numerical Study of Air Nozzles on Mild Combustion for Application to Forward Flow Furnace 被引量:1
作者 Liu Bo Wang Yuanhua Xu Hong 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第1期108-122,共15页
An attempt was made to extend mild combustion to forward flow furnace, such as the refinery and petrochemical tube furnace. Three dimensional numerical simulation was carried out to study the performance of this furna... An attempt was made to extend mild combustion to forward flow furnace, such as the refinery and petrochemical tube furnace. Three dimensional numerical simulation was carried out to study the performance of this furnace. The Eddy Dissipation Concept(EDC) model coupled with the reaction mechanism DRM-19 was used. The prediction showed a good agreement with the measurement. The effect of air nozzle circle(D), air nozzle diameter(d), air nozzle number(N), and air preheating temperature(Tair) on the flow, temperature and species fields, and the CO and NO emissions was investigated. The results indicate that there are four zones in the furnace, viz.: a central jet zone, an ignition zone, a combustion reaction zone, and a flue gas zone, according to the distribution profiles of H_2 CO and OH. The central jet entrains more flue gas in the furnace upstream with an increasing D while the effect of D is negligible in the downstream. The air jet momentum increases with a decreasing d or an increasing Tair, and entrains more flue gas. The effect of N is mainly identified near the burner exit. More heat is absorbed in the radiant section and less heat is discharged to the atmosphere with a decreasing d and an increasing N as evidenced by the flue gas temperature. The CO and NO emissions are less than 50 μL/L and 10 μL/L, respectively, in most of conditions. 展开更多
关键词 mild combustion refinery and petrochemical tube furnace forward flow configuration low pollutant emissions CFD
作者 缪俊杰 吴伟秋 +3 位作者 李宪开 尹超 姜凯琳 范育新 《航空动力学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期216-227,共12页
针对RP-3航空煤油,开展single-orifice/dual-orifice喷嘴闪急沸腾喷雾特性的试验研究,揭示煤油过热度和喷嘴结构参数对喷嘴内部两相流动和下游闪急沸腾喷雾形态的影响。试验研究表明:增加single-orifice喷嘴长径比会抑制喷嘴内部的空化... 针对RP-3航空煤油,开展single-orifice/dual-orifice喷嘴闪急沸腾喷雾特性的试验研究,揭示煤油过热度和喷嘴结构参数对喷嘴内部两相流动和下游闪急沸腾喷雾形态的影响。试验研究表明:增加single-orifice喷嘴长径比会抑制喷嘴内部的空化作用,但能增强壁面沸腾作用下喷嘴内部的煤油相变,改善喷嘴下游射流的雾化效果;dual-orifice喷嘴的膨胀腔具有增大喷嘴出口含气率的作用,但过大的膨胀腔长宽比会导致喷嘴内部过热度降低,进而削弱喷嘴下游喷雾的雾化效果和对称性。相比single-orifice喷嘴,dual-orifice喷嘴通过膨胀腔增加流体停留时间的方式更易在小孔径比下促进航空煤油过冷喷雾向闪急沸腾喷雾的转变,有利于改善RP-3航空煤油的雾化效果并获得更大的喷雾宽度和雾化锥角,是在航空发动机燃烧室中实现闪急沸腾喷雾极具潜力的技术途径。 展开更多
关键词 single-orifice/dual-orifice喷嘴 闪急沸腾喷雾 航空煤油 喷嘴内部两相流动 喷嘴下游射流 喷雾相关性
Calculation of Steady SF_6 Gas Flow through a 420 kV Circuit Breaker Nozzle and Electric Field Distribution
作者 Dejan Beslija Sead Delic +2 位作者 Kyong-Hoe Kim Mirsad Kapetanovic Almir Ahmethodzic 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第11期1964-1973,共10页
Special interest in current interruptions is dedicated to the processes close to the current zero instant, the so-called interaction region, which determines the circuit breakers' performance. The quantities of inter... Special interest in current interruptions is dedicated to the processes close to the current zero instant, the so-called interaction region, which determines the circuit breakers' performance. The quantities of interest in this region are the distribution of temperature, density and pressure, velocity and gas mass flow along the electric arc axis, as well as the distribution of electric stress between contacts Calculation of steady SF_6 gas flow through the nozzle of a 420 kV circuit breaker at the current zero instant, for different arcing durations, was carried out using a commercial CFD (computational fluid dynamics) simulation tool. The calculation results were used to get insight into improvement possibilities of the SF_6 gas flow model used in the software for computer simulation of HV (high-voltage) circuit breakers. Electric field calculation results were performed for the same 420 kV circuit breaker, in order to estimate the breakdown voltage at the current zero instant. 展开更多
关键词 HV SF_6 circuit breaker NOZZLE gas flow regime shock wave breakdown voltage.
Influence of Feed Injection on Hydrodynamic Behavior in FCC Riser
作者 孙国刚 时铭显 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第6期638-642,共5页
This paper studies the influence of feed injection on the hydrodynamic behavior of fluid catalytic cracking riser reactors. Experiments were conducted in a cold model of 186 mm ID with two oppositely inclined secondar... This paper studies the influence of feed injection on the hydrodynamic behavior of fluid catalytic cracking riser reactors. Experiments were conducted in a cold model of 186 mm ID with two oppositely inclined secondary air feed nozzles. The flow structure was determined by means of the axial static pressure measurements and local radial optic fiber probe measurements on different levels with emphasis on the sections downstream of the secondary injection. The measurements reveal that the secondary injection plays a crucial role on riser hydrodynamics. Just above the secondary injection, the flow and mixing are strongly affected, while below the secondary injection the effect is weak. The radial profile just downstream of secondary injection demonstrates wavy features. The effective region of secondary injection could be estimated by the axial pressure gradient profiles and/or the radial profiles of local solids velocity and density. 展开更多
关键词 fluid catalytic cracking riser reactor feed injection region flow structure
Failure in Fuel Injector Nozzles Used in Diesel Engines
作者 Jose Costa de Macedo Neto Marina Anunciacao Brito de Oliveira +3 位作者 Eduardo Rafael Barreda del Campo Ricardo Wilson Aguiar Da Cruz Nayra Reis do Nascimento Joao Evangelista Neto 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2015年第4期237-240,共4页
This paper aims to conduct a study of the problems associated with the wear of the needles and fuel injection nozzles utilized in diesel engines. The wear found on the needles is mainly associated to impurities in the... This paper aims to conduct a study of the problems associated with the wear of the needles and fuel injection nozzles utilized in diesel engines. The wear found on the needles is mainly associated to impurities in the fuel oil and microcavitation occurred due to high pressure in the phase of the air compression for combustion of the combustible fluid. These pressures associated with the temperature and the fluid velocity results in the occurrence of vaporization, which releases shock waves that cause damage to the affected surface. The impurities solid particles from the fuel oil cause problems inside the nozzles as obstruction of the holes and wear on the needle tip and nozzle seat surface. These failures affect in the atomization of the fuel, since the deterioration of the internal passages of the nozzles interferes in the spray formation and in the end passage of the fluid. For the execution of this study it will be used digital microscopic analysis in specimens that suffered damage, in order to investigate the effects of fuel property, and the temperature conditions and pressure in the formation of the wear on the needles and injector nozzle. 展开更多
关键词 Fuel injector nozzle injector needles wear.
Experimental and Computational Studies on Coanda Nozzle Flow for the Air Knife Application 被引量:4
作者 Soon-Bum KWON Dong-Won LEE Young-Doo KWON 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第2期164-169,共6页
To control the film thickness of zinc in the process of continuous hot-dip galvanizing, it is known from the early days that the gas wiping through an air knife is the most effective one. The gas wiping using in galva... To control the film thickness of zinc in the process of continuous hot-dip galvanizing, it is known from the early days that the gas wiping through an air knife is the most effective one. The gas wiping using in galvanizing process brings about a problem of splashing from the strip edge for a certain high speed of coating. So, in the present study, the effects of the deflection angle of Coanda nozzle on jet structure and the distribution of impinging pres- sure at the plate surface are investigated numerically and experimentally. In numerical analysis, the governing equations consisted of three-dimensional time dependent full Navier-Stokes equations, standard k-ε turbulence model to solve turbulent stTess and so on are employed. In experiment, 16 channel pressure scanning valve and 3-axis auto traversing unit are used to measure the impinging pressure at the strip surface. As a result, it is found that the smaller the deflection angle for the same nozzle slit of air knife is, the larger the impinging pressure is. To reduce the size of separation bubble and to enhance the cutting ability, it is recommendable to use an air knife with the Coanda nozzle. 展开更多
关键词 Air knife Coanda effect edge splashing gas wiping hot-dip galvanizing impinging jet
Control of the Asymmetric Flow in Rocket Nozzles 被引量:1
作者 Shigeru Matsuo Shotaro Suetsugu +3 位作者 Junji Nagao Tokitada Hashimoto Toshiaki Setoguchi Heuy Dong Kim 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第2期97-102,共6页
In some rocket nozzle flows, the existence of the transition from FSS to RSS and the occurrence of asymmetric flow are known in previous researches. As a result, the transition causes excessive side-loads that may dam... In some rocket nozzle flows, the existence of the transition from FSS to RSS and the occurrence of asymmetric flow are known in previous researches. As a result, the transition causes excessive side-loads that may damage the nozzle. Thus, it is important to investigate the method in order to control the asymmetric flow separation. In the present study, the relationship between the asymmetric separation and the rate of change of the pressure ratio with time was investigated from the point of view of the transition from FSS to RSS in the supersonic nozzle experimentally. Further, change of the flow separation by using step and cavity, and the possibility of the control was demonstrated. As a result, it was shown that the method using a cavity was effective for the control of the separation pattern. 展开更多
关键词 Compressible flow Asymmetric shock wave Rocket nozzle CONTROL EXPERIMENT
Analysis of Viscous Heating in a Micro-Rocket Flow and Performance 被引量:1
作者 José A.Moríigo José Hermida Quesada 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第2期116-124,共9页
Micro-rockets for propulsion of small spacecrafts exhibit significant differences with regard to their macroscale counterparts,mainly caused by the role of the viscous dissipation and heat transfer processes in the mi... Micro-rockets for propulsion of small spacecrafts exhibit significant differences with regard to their macroscale counterparts,mainly caused by the role of the viscous dissipation and heat transfer processes in the micron-sized scale.The goal of this work is to simulate the transient operation of a micro-rocket to investigate the effects of viscous heating on the flow and performance for four configurations of the expanding gas and wafer material.The modelling follows a multiphysics approach that solves the fluid and solid regions fully coupled.A contin- uum-based description that incorporates the effects of gas rarefaction through the micro-nozzle,viscous dissipa- tion and heat transfer at the solid-gas interface is presented.Non-equilibrium is addressed with the implementa- tion of a 2nd-order slip-model for the velocity and temperature at the walls.The results stress that solid-fluid cou- pling exerts a strong influence on the flowfield and performance as well as the effect of the wafer during the first instants of the transient in micro-rockets made of low and high thermal conductivity materials. 展开更多
关键词 Micronozzles propulsion MEMS slip flow viscous heating
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