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作者 王海 陈常钰 《安阳工学院学报》 2025年第1期114-120,共7页
1840年,罗伯聃与其中文老师蒙昧先生合译伊索寓言(Aesop/Esop's fables)并以《意拾喻言》之名出版,此后该译本81则伊索寓言被中外学者和译者反复改写。考查罗伯聃与蒙昧先生合译《意拾喻言》的动机、翻译模式及其译本在中国的传播,... 1840年,罗伯聃与其中文老师蒙昧先生合译伊索寓言(Aesop/Esop's fables)并以《意拾喻言》之名出版,此后该译本81则伊索寓言被中外学者和译者反复改写。考查罗伯聃与蒙昧先生合译《意拾喻言》的动机、翻译模式及其译本在中国的传播,总结二人将该译本作为在华外国人的汉语教材之意图,厘清《意拾喻言》译本中西文化交流及伊索寓言翻译改写被国人接受的史实,有助于深入认识伊索寓言为代表的西方文化与中国文化的交流及文学表达手法;订正“依湿杂说”的“不翻”引发的译名讹传,探究其误译误传的潜在原因,还原史实的原貌。 展开更多
关键词 罗伯聃 蒙昧先生 《意拾喻言 “依湿杂说” 跨文化交流
伊索寓言的中国化——论其汉译本《意拾喻言》 被引量:6
作者 王辉 《外语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期77-80,共4页
英国人罗伯聃(RobertThom)和他的中文老师蒙昧先生合作翻译的《意拾喻言》(1840)是晚清第一个伊索寓言汉译本,问世后受到中国读者、来华传教士和西方汉学家的一致欢迎,维持了60余年的独尊地位。《意拾喻言》的原初功能是充当西人学习汉... 英国人罗伯聃(RobertThom)和他的中文老师蒙昧先生合作翻译的《意拾喻言》(1840)是晚清第一个伊索寓言汉译本,问世后受到中国读者、来华传教士和西方汉学家的一致欢迎,维持了60余年的独尊地位。《意拾喻言》的原初功能是充当西人学习汉文词章句读的范例。为此,译者按照汉语言文化的规范,将伊索寓言改写成了流畅、地道、亦庄亦谐的杂录体笔记小说。《意拾喻言》的成功,主要归功于近乎彻底的中国化。这对于我们反思翻译界日渐政治化的归化、异化之争,提供了历史的个案与视角。 展开更多
关键词 意拾喻言 伊索寓言 翻译 中国化 归化 异化
作者 段从学 《当代文坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期115-119,共5页
喻言早年的诗歌,致力于从现实生活中直接汲取勇气和经验,打破流行"诗世界"的成规,营造富于行动性的现代特质。但这种方式反而进一步强化了既有的"浪漫-现代性"写作装置,巩固了"绝对主体"的现代性神话。对... 喻言早年的诗歌,致力于从现实生活中直接汲取勇气和经验,打破流行"诗世界"的成规,营造富于行动性的现代特质。但这种方式反而进一步强化了既有的"浪漫-现代性"写作装置,巩固了"绝对主体"的现代性神话。对"身体"和"世界"的发现,让他的写作变成了"诗"与"历史世界"之间复杂而危险的游戏,开启了在历史悖论中写作的新状态。 展开更多
关键词 喻言 浪漫-现代性 反讽 主体性
作者 邱正伦(文/图) 《城市地理》 2022年第5期131-133,共3页
喻言将他的诗集《我曾为世界彻夜不眠》电子版发到我的邮箱,催促我为他的这部诗集写2000〜3000字的评论。作者的要求很清楚,我只有1000字的回旋余地,2000字的规定写作,实在是有点强人所难。思考再三,还是得写,否则会遭遇彻夜不眠者的报... 喻言将他的诗集《我曾为世界彻夜不眠》电子版发到我的邮箱,催促我为他的这部诗集写2000〜3000字的评论。作者的要求很清楚,我只有1000字的回旋余地,2000字的规定写作,实在是有点强人所难。思考再三,还是得写,否则会遭遇彻夜不眠者的报复。为此,我翻看了喻言的这部亟待上架的诗集,还不放心,我又把他上一本诗集《批评与自我批评》拿来比照阅读。 展开更多
关键词 批评与自我批评 喻言 彻夜不眠 诗歌写作 回旋余地 电子版
作者 钱灵杰 《西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2016年第5期95-98,共4页
在译本《意拾喻言》中,罗伯聃采取时空建构、选择性建构、标示性建构以及人物事件再定位等多种叙事策略,强化、弱化或更改了隐含在英文底本中的某些叙事内容,并通过译本积极参与目标语境的叙事建构,对晚清政治、诗学和文化都产生了较大... 在译本《意拾喻言》中,罗伯聃采取时空建构、选择性建构、标示性建构以及人物事件再定位等多种叙事策略,强化、弱化或更改了隐含在英文底本中的某些叙事内容,并通过译本积极参与目标语境的叙事建构,对晚清政治、诗学和文化都产生了较大的影响。 展开更多
关键词 罗伯聃 《意拾喻言 叙事 建构
作者 姜婷 《中小企业管理与科技》 2009年第7期127-128,共2页
关键词 意拾喻言 伊索 跨文化转换
作者 何房子 《作家》 北大核心 2022年第3期85-92,共8页
上个世纪九十年代初的某个正午,阳光盛大,重庆两路口一带游走着很多天南地北口音的外地人,他们是菜园坝火车站到两路口的皇冠电梯运送上来的城市过客。我是其中一个。几个小时之后,这部当年不可一世的暴露在风雨中的电梯,将把我从两路... 上个世纪九十年代初的某个正午,阳光盛大,重庆两路口一带游走着很多天南地北口音的外地人,他们是菜园坝火车站到两路口的皇冠电梯运送上来的城市过客。我是其中一个。几个小时之后,这部当年不可一世的暴露在风雨中的电梯,将把我从两路口送到火车站,告别我读了四年大学的重庆。 展开更多
关键词 口语诗 火车站 九十年代 外地人 喻言 过客 电梯 重庆
作者 喻言 《诗歌月刊》 2016年第12期14-17,共4页
1 鸟 天空中飞翔的鸟儿 我在陆地上行走
关键词 中国 当代文学 诗歌 喻言短诗》
中国近代伊索寓言的翻译 被引量:10
作者 郭延礼 《东岳论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 1996年第5期100-105,共6页
中国近代伊索寓言的翻译郭延礼一古希腊文化是欧洲文化的发源地,它在欧洲文化史上占有特殊的地位。正如恩格斯所说的,“没有希腊文化和罗马帝国所奠定的基础,也就没有现代的欧洲。”①他又说,古希腊人“他们的无所不包的才能与活动... 中国近代伊索寓言的翻译郭延礼一古希腊文化是欧洲文化的发源地,它在欧洲文化史上占有特殊的地位。正如恩格斯所说的,“没有希腊文化和罗马帝国所奠定的基础,也就没有现代的欧洲。”①他又说,古希腊人“他们的无所不包的才能与活动,给他们保证了在全人类发展史上为其... 展开更多
关键词 伊索寓言 中国近代文学 海国妙喻 译本 忠实于原文 意拾 传教士 喻言 《酉阳杂俎》 利玛窦
On the conceptual metaphor of color terms: A typological view 被引量:1
作者 宋宏 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第1期23-25,共3页
In different languages and cultures, color terms usually indicate their specific cultural concepts and metaphorical implicature. This paper makes a typological study on the universality and relativity of the Conceptua... In different languages and cultures, color terms usually indicate their specific cultural concepts and metaphorical implicature. This paper makes a typological study on the universality and relativity of the Conceptual Metaphors (CM) of color terms in different languages. It attempts to explore the cognitive differences and similarities in the process of categorization and metaphorization of color terms of oriental and western peoples. It proposes that the CM system of color terms is determined by the interactivity of three factors as neurophysiologic mechanisms, general cognitive psychological mechanisms and socio-cultural selective mechanisms. The CM of color terms in different languages carry their specific cognitive characteristics and cultural values, and reflect self-similarity of the language and culture. 展开更多
关键词 color terms conceptual metaphor COGNITION language typology
作者 刘坤泽 盛益民 《辞书研究》 2023年第4期74-90,I0002,共18页
文章介绍了美国传教士郏爱比(Asa Bruce Cabaniss)以高第丕(Tarleton Perry Crawford)等传教士创制的上海土音新字翻译编写的上海话本《伊娑菩个比方》(即《伊索寓言》),将其内容与罗伯聃(Robert Thom)所翻译的文言本的《意拾喻言》进... 文章介绍了美国传教士郏爱比(Asa Bruce Cabaniss)以高第丕(Tarleton Perry Crawford)等传教士创制的上海土音新字翻译编写的上海话本《伊娑菩个比方》(即《伊索寓言》),将其内容与罗伯聃(Robert Thom)所翻译的文言本的《意拾喻言》进行了比较,并整理分析了该书所反映的19世纪50年代上海话的音系特点。 展开更多
关键词 上海土音新字 郏爱比(Asa Bruce Cabaniss) 《伊娑菩个比方》 《意拾喻言 上海方言
作者 锐锐 《中国经济和信息化》 1999年第Z1期75-75,共1页
9月底10月初,赶上中秋,国庆两节在一块,热闹之势不喻言表。最近周末特意去了一次百脑汇,感觉节日的气氛特别浓,但电脑市场里的人却非常少。与暑假里的那种热火朝天的景象相比,太大的反差!许多商家里的店员们又玩起了久违的纸牌、扫雷。... 9月底10月初,赶上中秋,国庆两节在一块,热闹之势不喻言表。最近周末特意去了一次百脑汇,感觉节日的气氛特别浓,但电脑市场里的人却非常少。与暑假里的那种热火朝天的景象相比,太大的反差!许多商家里的店员们又玩起了久违的纸牌、扫雷。 内存涨势不停 内存这东西还是整个电脑市场的焦点!涨价的原因说什么的都有,但不管怎样,本来预计这个星期会有小幅跌价的内存,以怎么也不敢想象的速度继续攀升。周末时,市场中LgS 64M PC100内存已涨至1250元,虽然众商家的报价单上的价格仍是9XX元,但没人肯单卖。 展开更多
关键词 沪市 内存价格 行情 显卡 电脑市场 双子星 报价单 喻言 上星 精英
Metaphor in expressing emotions 被引量:1
作者 LIU Hai-yun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第12期34-37,共4页
As a most generally accepted device of rhetorical purposes, metaphor or metaphorical language is thought to be the seasoning of language. While this paper presents some existing proof to illustrate far more use of met... As a most generally accepted device of rhetorical purposes, metaphor or metaphorical language is thought to be the seasoning of language. While this paper presents some existing proof to illustrate far more use of metaphorical language and the functions of metaphor in English language. 展开更多
关键词 metaphorical language CONCEPTUALIZATION FUNCTIONS
The Use of Metaphors in Scientific Texts in English: A Proposal for Improving Reading Competence 被引量:1
作者 Lia Judith Femandez Luciana Graciela Remondino 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第8期621-626,共6页
Understanding discipline-specific texts in English is a basic requirement for science students, who must develop their content knowledge and language skills. Particularly, interesting is the fact that the language of ... Understanding discipline-specific texts in English is a basic requirement for science students, who must develop their content knowledge and language skills. Particularly, interesting is the fact that the language of science is characterized by the use of figurative language, which appeals to the common knowledge of the world, mainly to explain, clarify, and describe intricate concepts. Metaphors are helpful for lexicalizing new concepts and meanings or extending the meanings of pre-existing words. The analysis of tropes as a means to improve foreign language learners' reading competence is a rather novel teaching practice in ESP (English for Specific Purposes), implemented at the University of Rio Cuarto, Argentina. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to explain the theoretical basis for teaching and developing metaphorical competence in ESP classes as a means of providing an intellectually stimulating alternative approach, and to present some teaching ideas and activities designed to familiarize students with the use of metaphorical language in scientific discourse in order to enhance their reading competence. 展开更多
关键词 SCIENCE METAPHORS ESP (English for Specific Purposes) reading competence
Trope, Reason, and Affirmation in Nietzsche's and Novalis' Theories of Language
作者 Anna Ezekiel 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第10期743-753,共11页
This paper analyzes the role of six tropes (metonymy, synecdoche, metaphor, analogy, allegory, and irony) in Nietzsche's and Novalis' writings on language and cognition, using the comparison to show how a negative... This paper analyzes the role of six tropes (metonymy, synecdoche, metaphor, analogy, allegory, and irony) in Nietzsche's and Novalis' writings on language and cognition, using the comparison to show how a negative element in Nietzsche's attitude towards the tropic nature of cognition underlies well-known problems in his response to nihilism. These problems include ambiguities in Nietzsche's attitude to truth, and the question of how well he can carry through his project of affirming the individual on the basis of a creative reinterpretation of experience. I maintain that Novalis understands language and cognition to be tropic in a similar way as Nietzsche does, and that these writers provide similar critiques of discursive reason on the basis of what they view as its stultifying rigidity and misleading claims to a "literal" form of objectivity. However, I argue that Novalis avoids Nietzsche's difficulties by maintaining that a creative element in cognition does not rule out a variant of a correspondence notion of truth. Although Novalis' account thus falls foul of Nietzsche's goal of providing an immanent affirmation of human experience, the comparison shows that a Nietzschean attempt to provide a convincing model of individual self-affirmation should integrate a more positive role for trope, which can support a satisfying conception of the value of human creativity. 展开更多
The Metaphoric and Metonymic Use of Country Names in Economic News:A Corpus-Based Analysis
作者 Yongqi WANG 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2020年第4期439-454,525,共17页
Personification is widely acknowledged for its central role in the understanding of a nation.However,empirical evidence of its pervasiveness in authentic language data is lacking.In a selfbuilt corpus of news report,t... Personification is widely acknowledged for its central role in the understanding of a nation.However,empirical evidence of its pervasiveness in authentic language data is lacking.In a selfbuilt corpus of news report,this study coded,categorized,and analyzed the metaphoric and metonymic use of two country names:China and Australia.The distribution of the use of country names shows a continuum ranging from the literal,through metonymy,to metaphor.A clear majority of the figurative use of national names in the corpus lies in the category of metonymy,and the fuzzy area between metonymy and metaphor.In contrast,metaphors only take up a minor proportion,and most of them are based on metonymic link.By examining the mundane and seemingly literate use of country names,this study exemplifies that consistent patterns of conventional metonymy and metaphor are able to incur significant cognitive impact.Thus,this study calls for more attention on metonymy and metonymy-metaphor interaction in empirical studies on metaphor. 展开更多
关键词 country name PERSONIFICATION metaphor and metonymy cognitive linguistics
Imitations of Beings Enter and Exit: Plotinus on Incorporeal Matter in Plato: Ⅲ 6[26] 11-15 被引量:1
作者 Gary M. Gurtler, S.J. 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第2期123-130,共8页
Plotinus' account of matter in Ennead III 6[26] 11-15 serves two purposes. The terms, evil and ugly, present the negative side of matter's causality, providing for the change characteristic of the sensible world and... Plotinus' account of matter in Ennead III 6[26] 11-15 serves two purposes. The terms, evil and ugly, present the negative side of matter's causality, providing for the change characteristic of the sensible world and the possibility of ontological evil and privation as well as of moral evil among human beings. The receptacle and other images from Plato's Timaeus present the positive side of this causality, matter as allowing for the presence of forms in the bodies of the sensible world. Plotinus explicitly articulates the linguistic problem surrounding the nature of matter, since language is derived from the corporeal and thus needs constant correction when applied to matter as incorporeal. His use of language, thus, always has two phases, first, capturing the nature of matter as aptly as possible, and second, highlighting the difference between matter and the image, analogy, or metaphor used to help explain it. 展开更多
The Parable of the Three Rings
作者 Claudio Tugnoli 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第3期146-154,共9页
Which is the true religion? In the Middle Ages, the parable of the three rings, in all its versions, is a subtle answer to this question, which uses a persuasive allegory. The allegory of the three rings refers to a ... Which is the true religion? In the Middle Ages, the parable of the three rings, in all its versions, is a subtle answer to this question, which uses a persuasive allegory. The allegory of the three rings refers to a previous allegory, represented by three gems, one real and two fakes. The religion of the philosophers was born from the hidden meaning of the same allegory: universalism, brotherhood of men as children of the one and only God, the transcendence of a single God that cannot be reduced to any particular representation, and love for one's neighbors. The three sons who receive the inheritance of the ring, given by their father, are all loved by him and all three receive a gem that could be the real one. The similarity of the position of the three sons is equivalent to the moral element shared by the three religions: All those who believe in God and his justice put into practice the fundamental teachings of the philosophers. The meaning of the allegory is evident: None of the three sons can claim with certainty the possession of the real ring, but precisely because of this their faith can remain clear, removed from the temptation of pursuing someone because of that person's religion. 展开更多
关键词 allegory of three rings the true religion transcendence of God the religion of philosophers religioustolerance UNIVERSALISM brotherhood of men
Using GM to Analyze EST Texts
作者 JIAO Mei-na MENG Fan-mao 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第7期560-566,共7页
The role of the grammatical metaphor (GM) theory to systemic-functional linguistics (SFL) as well as to metaphor studies has been generally acknowledged. Based on the framework of GM theory in SFL, this thesis, by... The role of the grammatical metaphor (GM) theory to systemic-functional linguistics (SFL) as well as to metaphor studies has been generally acknowledged. Based on the framework of GM theory in SFL, this thesis, by conducting a statistical analysis of the distribution of 13 types of GM in 20 English for science and technology (EST) texts which are chosen at random and aimed at different readers, is intended, on the one hand, to test and verify the applicability and feasibility of Halliday's grammatical metaphor theory as well as the correctness of Halliday-Martin's claim and on the other, to analyze the reasons for using GM, especially experiential GM substantially in EST texts. 展开更多
关键词 systemic-functional grammar grammatical metaphor EST texts
From the Perspective of Conceptual Metaphor -Analyzing the Heroine' s Resistance in The Scarlet Letter
作者 陈佳琦 《International English Education Research》 2017年第1期81-86,共6页
Conceptual metaphor has always been the study focus of cognitive linguistics. Conceptual metaphor is ubiquitous, cognitive and systematic. Nathaniel Hawthorne in his representative work The Scarlet Letter makes full u... Conceptual metaphor has always been the study focus of cognitive linguistics. Conceptual metaphor is ubiquitous, cognitive and systematic. Nathaniel Hawthorne in his representative work The Scarlet Letter makes full use of the conceptual metaphor. A detailed description of the heroine Hester Prynne through the conceptual metaphor fully expresses Nathaniel Hawthorne' s feminist thoughts. Through the metaphorical analyses of the name Pearl, the scarlet letter "A", the forest and the scaffold this paper analyzes Hester Prynne' s resistant consciousness. On the basis of this, the positive social significance of the novel is explored. 展开更多
关键词 Conceptual metaphor Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter RESISTANCE
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