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作者 刘冠宏 《电子机械工程》 2021年第4期21-25,29,共6页
为了简单地估算在高温环境中工作时设备内部的电子器件温度以判断其结构设计是否合理,也为了将复杂的系统要求转化为各个分机或零件的要求,以减少冗余及重复性的设计,文中以开放式风冷机箱为例,提出了一种通过等效热阻模型计算器件温度... 为了简单地估算在高温环境中工作时设备内部的电子器件温度以判断其结构设计是否合理,也为了将复杂的系统要求转化为各个分机或零件的要求,以减少冗余及重复性的设计,文中以开放式风冷机箱为例,提出了一种通过等效热阻模型计算器件温度的方法,并通过Flotherm热仿真软件对其进行了验证。该方法计算简单,可根据系统要求及系统的热阻网络模型提出分机要求,以适应多厂家的协同研发。验证结果表明,该方法可用于器件温度的估算,可以指导热设计。 展开更多
关键词 等效热阻 开放式风冷机箱 器件温度 热设计
作者 《红外》 CAS 2003年第8期47-47,共1页
本发明提供一种红外传感元件,它包括一个基座和一个热电堆。基座内有一个薄膜区和一个厚壁区,厚壁区围在薄膜区外面;热电堆则由许多个串联的热电偶组成,因此,冷结位于厚壁区上,而热结则位于薄膜区上。由于热敏区与厚壁区是相接触的,因... 本发明提供一种红外传感元件,它包括一个基座和一个热电堆。基座内有一个薄膜区和一个厚壁区,厚壁区围在薄膜区外面;热电堆则由许多个串联的热电偶组成,因此,冷结位于厚壁区上,而热结则位于薄膜区上。由于热敏区与厚壁区是相接触的,因此它可以用高精度的参考温度来确定基于热电堆输出的温度。 展开更多
关键词 红外传感元件 温度测量器件 美国专利 基座 热电堆
Si/SiC混并联结构主动温度控制 被引量:1
作者 尹庚 何志志 李宗鉴 《电源学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期163-168,共6页
Si/SiC混并联结构以更低的成本,提供了接近全SiC器件的性能,因此Si/SiC混并联结构逐渐成为新的研究热点。目前,Si/SiC混并联结构研究大多集中于如何减小损耗。然而,在Si/SiC混并联结构损耗优化过程中,作为辅助器件的小电流SiC MOSFET可... Si/SiC混并联结构以更低的成本,提供了接近全SiC器件的性能,因此Si/SiC混并联结构逐渐成为新的研究热点。目前,Si/SiC混并联结构研究大多集中于如何减小损耗。然而,在Si/SiC混并联结构损耗优化过程中,作为辅助器件的小电流SiC MOSFET可能出现温度过高甚至超过最高结温限制的问题。为此,提出了一种适用于Si/SiC混并联结构的主动温度控制方法,以减小混并联结构由于内部两器件结温差异大带来的器件过温风险,提升器件运行的可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 SiC MOSFET 混并联结构 可靠性 器件温度控制
高精度数字式温度测量系统的设计与实现 被引量:1
作者 王贵锋 《自动化与仪器仪表》 2015年第2期38-40,共3页
本文以DS18B20为温度敏感器件,采用单片机AT89C51核心控制单元设计了一款精度高、抗干扰能力强的数字式温度测量显示系统。温度测量结果由4位共阴极LED数码管显示。系统还设计了报警模块和报警温度调整模块,当温度超过设定温度的上限或... 本文以DS18B20为温度敏感器件,采用单片机AT89C51核心控制单元设计了一款精度高、抗干扰能力强的数字式温度测量显示系统。温度测量结果由4位共阴极LED数码管显示。系统还设计了报警模块和报警温度调整模块,当温度超过设定温度的上限或下限值时,系统报警。测试表明本文设计的数字式温度测量系统测量精度高、抗干扰能力强,具有广阔的市场应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 AT89C51单片机 温度敏感器件 显示电路 报警电路
作者 陈大勇 李建锋 《测试技术学报》 1994年第S1期8-12,共5页
本文所述的弹膛内壁温度无损检测传感器,是为无壳弹/枪武器系统战术技术指标的确定所需提供特定温度参数的测量而设计研制的。尽管目前还处于研究的第一阶段,存在着许多有待于进一步探讨、完善之处,但作为一种新型测温弹的形式,对于该... 本文所述的弹膛内壁温度无损检测传感器,是为无壳弹/枪武器系统战术技术指标的确定所需提供特定温度参数的测量而设计研制的。尽管目前还处于研究的第一阶段,存在着许多有待于进一步探讨、完善之处,但作为一种新型测温弹的形式,对于该特定温度参数的测量,具有独自的特色。文中就“传感器”的测量原理、设计、应用及结果做了较为详细的介绍和分析。限于某些原因,文中略去了一些具体的技术设计指标和数据等,请谅解。 展开更多
关键词 无损检测 温度 无壳弹枪 战术技术指标 温度敏感器件 数据采集器 温度参数 铂电阻 测量原理 冷端温度补偿
《电源技术应用》 2003年第5期249-249,共1页
泰科电子(Rayehem)近日发布了LVR系列的PolySwitch自复式器件为在线电压应用而设计的LVR PPTC(聚合正温度系数)器件,工作交流电压为240 V,能够耐受的最大交流在线电压高达265 V,工作保持电流50~400mA这款具备热感性能的产品,能够对供... 泰科电子(Rayehem)近日发布了LVR系列的PolySwitch自复式器件为在线电压应用而设计的LVR PPTC(聚合正温度系数)器件,工作交流电压为240 V,能够耐受的最大交流在线电压高达265 V,工作保持电流50~400mA这款具备热感性能的产品,能够对供电和变压器的初级电压端同时提供过电流和过热保护 LVR器件在负载端发生短路或在过高以及不正常输入电压的情况下,通过对电流进行限制,防止对控制电路板和元器件造成损坏。 展开更多
关键词 LVR系列P01ySwitchT^TM器件 自复式器件 聚合正温度系数器件 变压器 线圈
高温井下测井仪热管理系统数值仿真分析 被引量:5
作者 薛志波 商博锋 +3 位作者 张嘉伟 罗小兵 李焱骏 葛亮 《钻采工艺》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第5期92-96,共5页
测井仪常用于勘探深层地底下的油气资源分布,面临着高温的作业环境,其内部的电子器件在高温下往往失效烧毁。因此,石油行业需要对测井仪进行热管理设计。以往研究大多通过实验的方法探究测井仪的热管理效果,难以获得影响测井仪内部电子... 测井仪常用于勘探深层地底下的油气资源分布,面临着高温的作业环境,其内部的电子器件在高温下往往失效烧毁。因此,石油行业需要对测井仪进行热管理设计。以往研究大多通过实验的方法探究测井仪的热管理效果,难以获得影响测井仪内部电子器件温度的关键因素。文章利用数值仿真方法得到测井仪热管理系统的温度分布,与实验结果对比,仿真的最大误差不超过5%,说明模型比较准确。随后利用控制变量法研究相变材料质量、电子器件功率和井下环境温度对电子器件温度的影响,研究结果表明,相变材料质量与电子器件温度呈负相关,电子器件功率与电子器件温度呈正相关,而井下环境温度对电子器件温度的影响相对较小。 展开更多
关键词 测井仪器 高温 电子器件温度 数值仿真 热管理
基于固定光栅和CCD技术的近红外光谱分析系统设计 被引量:7
作者 张银桥 赵博 +2 位作者 王辉 毛文华 张小超 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期176-181,共6页
该文设计了一种基于线阵电荷耦合器件和固定光栅的近红外光谱分析系统。主要设计了电荷耦合器件的驱动电路、光谱信号采集电路、固定光栅光学系统、光源控制系统、电荷耦合器件温度控制系统及样品旋转台的控制系统。并利用MPA光谱仪验... 该文设计了一种基于线阵电荷耦合器件和固定光栅的近红外光谱分析系统。主要设计了电荷耦合器件的驱动电路、光谱信号采集电路、固定光栅光学系统、光源控制系统、电荷耦合器件温度控制系统及样品旋转台的控制系统。并利用MPA光谱仪验证了近红外光谱分析方法用于谷物品质检测的可行性,运用多种预处理方法进行了优化,其中采取一阶导数与附加散射校正结合的预处理效果较优。利用CA-06光栅光谱分析仪建立了小麦水分、蛋白的偏最小二乘法模型,验证了仪器性能的稳定性和准确性。 展开更多
关键词 农产品 近红外光谱 设计 品质检测 光源系统 电荷耦合器件温度控制
碲镉汞高温红外探测器组件进展 被引量:7
作者 陈军 习中立 +3 位作者 秦强 邓功荣 罗云 赵鹏 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期16-22,共7页
高工作温度红外探测器组件是第三代红外探测器技术的重要发展方向,可用于高工作温度红外探测器的基础材料主要有锑基和碲镉汞两大类。介绍了昆明物理研究所在高工作温度红外焦平面探测器组件方面的最新研究进展,其中基于碲镉汞材料p-on-... 高工作温度红外探测器组件是第三代红外探测器技术的重要发展方向,可用于高工作温度红外探测器的基础材料主要有锑基和碲镉汞两大类。介绍了昆明物理研究所在高工作温度红外焦平面探测器组件方面的最新研究进展,其中基于碲镉汞材料p-on-n技术研制的高工作温度中波640×512探测器组件在150 K温区性能优异,探测器的噪声等效温差(NETD)小于20 mK,配置了高效动磁式线性制冷机的高温探测器组件(IDDCA结构),质量小于270 g,探测器组件光轴方向长度小于70 mm(F4),室温环境下组件稳态功耗小于2.5 Wdc,降温时间小于80 s,声学噪声小于27 dB,探测器光轴方向自身振动力最大约1.1 N。目前正在进行环境适应性和可靠性验证,完成后就可实现商用量产。 展开更多
关键词 高工作温度器件 碲镉汞 锑砷铟 p-on-n
Temperature Dependence of Performance of 6H-SiC Unipolar Power Devices
作者 何进 张兴 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第10期1235-1239,共5页
The temperature dependence of some performance of 6H SiC unipolar power devices is analyzed theoretically.By employing the temperature dependent ionization coefficient and mobility of a silicon carbide,the analytica... The temperature dependence of some performance of 6H SiC unipolar power devices is analyzed theoretically.By employing the temperature dependent ionization coefficient and mobility of a silicon carbide,the analytical expressions of the temperature dependent performance,such as breakdown characteristics and on resistance of 6H SiC unipolar power devices are derived in a closed form.The analytical results are compared with the experimental results,with good accordance found in the breakdown characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 wide band gap semiconductor devices 6H SiC impact ionization coefficient avalanche breakdown on resistance temperature dependence of performance
A device for fluorescence temperature measurement based on fast fourier transform
作者 WANG Dong-sheng WANG Gui-mei +1 位作者 PAN Wei-wei WANG Yu-tian 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2008年第2期147-149,共3页
A sapphire fiber thermal probe with Cr^3+ ion-doped end was grown using the laser heated pedestal method. The fluorescence thermal probe offers advantages of compact structure, high performance and the ability to sus... A sapphire fiber thermal probe with Cr^3+ ion-doped end was grown using the laser heated pedestal method. The fluorescence thermal probe offers advantages of compact structure, high performance and the ability to sustain high temperature from the room temperature to 450℃. Based on the fast fourier transform (FFT), the fluorescence lifetime is obtained from the tangent function of the phase angle of the first non-zeroth item of FFT result. Compared with other traditional fitting methods, our method has advantages such as fast speed, high accuracy and being free from the influence of the base signal. The standard deviation of FFT method is about half of that method. In addition, since the FFT method is immunity to analysis can be skipped. of the Prony method and close to the one of the Marquardt the background noise of the signal, the background noise 展开更多
关键词 傅立叶转移 器件 荧光温度 测量方法
Temperature Compensation for Double Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors
作者 WANG Chun-cheng LIU Jia ZHENG Jian-bang 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2006年第3期153-157,共5页
A novel double fiber Bragg grating(FBG) strain sensor configuration is presented. Temperature compensation method is based on double FBG moored on a rhombus frame. Through the theoretical analysis, the relation betw... A novel double fiber Bragg grating(FBG) strain sensor configuration is presented. Temperature compensation method is based on double FBG moored on a rhombus frame. Through the theoretical analysis, the relation between relative shift of Bragg wavelength and the strain applied on the sensor is obtained, and the analytical expression of strain sensitivity coefficient is also given. The experiment results show that: in the strain range of 0-0. 8 mm, the relation between the relative shift of Bragg wavelength and applied strain is linear, and the dispersion of double FBG wavelength at the range of -25℃- 60℃ is 0-0. 002 nm. The strain sensitivity of the displacement sensor configuration is 0. 171 nm/με, and is nearly twice than that of single FBG sensor. 展开更多
关键词 Temperature compensation Fiber Bragg grating Sensitivity
Temperature dependence of excitonic transition in ZnSe/ZnCdSe quantum wells
作者 GUO Zi-zheng LIANG Xi-xia BAN Shi-liang 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2005年第3期164-167,共4页
A theoretical calculation for the temperature dependence of the excitonic transition in ZnSe/ZnOdSe quantum wells is performed. The exciton binding energy is calculated with a variational technique by considering the ... A theoretical calculation for the temperature dependence of the excitonic transition in ZnSe/ZnOdSe quantum wells is performed. The exciton binding energy is calculated with a variational technique by considering the temperature-dependence parameters. Our results show that the exciton binding energy reduces linearly with temperature increasing. We find that the strain due to lattice mismatch and differential thermal expansion decreases with the temperature increasing. 展开更多
关键词 半导体技术 温度控制 激光器件 激子转换
采用线性恒流驱动的LED灯具温度差异分析及改善措施 被引量:2
作者 黄海强 饶俊泉 +1 位作者 艾勇 周婷婷 《中国照明电器》 2019年第2期19-23,共5页
随着LED照明产品的发展与普及,LED照明灯具系统的长寿命、高可靠性与低成本成为提升LED照明产品市场竞争力的主要手段,线性恒流驱动的LED模组以其高可靠性与低成本,成为LED照明灯具产品首选方案。线性恒流驱动LED模组中的功率元器件及LE... 随着LED照明产品的发展与普及,LED照明灯具系统的长寿命、高可靠性与低成本成为提升LED照明产品市场竞争力的主要手段,线性恒流驱动的LED模组以其高可靠性与低成本,成为LED照明灯具产品首选方案。线性恒流驱动LED模组中的功率元器件及LED光源的散热性能也成为影响产品质量的关键指标之一,为此针对采用线性恒流驱动的LED照明灯具进行散热分析与优化,寻找影响LED照明灯具可靠性的主要因素,并针对相关因素进行有效改进成为LED照明灯具设计的主要研究任务之一。本文以线性恒流驱动LED方案为基础,针对量产LED照明灯具主要功率元器件存在温度差异的现象,分析了同种灯具不同个体的功率元器件产生温度差异的原因,给出了相应的解决措施,从而确保以线性恒流驱动的LED模组能够满足LED照明产品的要求。 展开更多
关键词 线性恒流驱动LED 散热 功率元器件温度 LED总串电压
温度补偿型声表面波谐振器的非线性分析 被引量:1
作者 关鹏 史汝川 +1 位作者 杨扬 韩韬 《中国科学:物理学、力学、天文学》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期68-79,共12页
温度补偿型声表面波(TC-SAW)器件的非线性研究对高性能射频滤波器的优化设计非常重要.本文充分结合几何、材料和体波非线性影响因素,从有限振幅声波非线性电-弹理论出发,推导了高阶非线性偏微分波动方程及其弱解形式,建立准3D有限元非... 温度补偿型声表面波(TC-SAW)器件的非线性研究对高性能射频滤波器的优化设计非常重要.本文充分结合几何、材料和体波非线性影响因素,从有限振幅声波非线性电-弹理论出发,推导了高阶非线性偏微分波动方程及其弱解形式,建立准3D有限元非线性模型计算TC-SAW谐振器的非线性响应精确解.在不同结构条件下,仿真与测量结果一致.利用二阶电荷量代替二阶谐波响应,阐明了非线性体波模式产生的机理.全面考虑不同非线性效应和不同材料非线性常数对高阶谐波的贡献,计算结果表明高阶谐波主要受到非线性弹性效应的影响,且SiO;高阶材料常数对非线性贡献最大. 展开更多
关键词 温度补偿型声表面波器件 非线性 有限元 产生机理
Excellent thermoelectric performance of boron-doped n-type Mg_(3)Sb_(2)-based materials via the manipulation of grain boundary scattering and control of Mg content 被引量:1
作者 Xiaoxi Chen Jianbo Zhu +7 位作者 Dandan Qin Nuo Qu Wenhua Xue Yumei Wang Qian Zhang Wei Cai Fengkai Guo Jiehe Sui 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第7期1761-1769,共9页
Thermoelectric devices require thermoelectric materials with high figure-of-merit(ZT)values in the operating temperature range.In recent years,the Zintl phase compound,n-Mg_(3)Sb_(2),has received much attention owing ... Thermoelectric devices require thermoelectric materials with high figure-of-merit(ZT)values in the operating temperature range.In recent years,the Zintl phase compound,n-Mg_(3)Sb_(2),has received much attention owing to its rich chemistry and structural complexity.However,it hardly achieves high ZT values throughout the medium temperature range.Herein,by increasing the sintering temperature as much as possible,we successfully increased the average grain size of the compound by 15 times,and the grain boundary scattering was manipulated to obtain high carrier mobility of up to 180 cm^(2)V^(-1)s^(-1).Simultaneously,we optimized the Mg content for ultralow lattice thermal conductivity.We first doped the Mg_(3)Sb_(2)-based materials with boron for higher sintering temperature,good thermal stability,and higher hardness.The synergistic optimization of electrical and thermal transport resulted in excellent ZT values(0.62 at 300 K,1.81 at 773 K)and an average ZT of 1.4(from300 to 773 K),which are higher than the state-of-the-art values for n-type thermoelectric materials,demonstrating a high potential in device applications. 展开更多
关键词 grain boundary scattering boron doping excess Mg Mg_(3)Sb_(2)-based thermoelectrics
Intrinsic superconducting transport properties of ultra-thin Fe_(1+y)Te_(0:6)Se_(0:4) microbridges
作者 HanCong Sun YangYang Lv +10 位作者 DaChuan Lu ZhiBao Yang XianJing Zhou LuYao Hao XiangZhuo Xing Wei Zou Jun Li ZhiXiang Shi WeiWei Xu HuaBing Wang PeiHeng Wu 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第11期76-80,共5页
We investigated the superconducting properties of Fe_(1+y)Te_(0:6)Se_(0:4) single-crystalline microbridges with a width of 4 m and thicknesses ranging from 20.8 to 136.2 nm. The temperature-dependent in-plane resistan... We investigated the superconducting properties of Fe_(1+y)Te_(0:6)Se_(0:4) single-crystalline microbridges with a width of 4 m and thicknesses ranging from 20.8 to 136.2 nm. The temperature-dependent in-plane resistance of the bridges exhibited a type of metalinsulator transition in the normal state. The critical current density(J_c) of the microbridge with a thickness of 136.2 nm was82.3 kA/cm^2 at 3K and reached 105 kA/cm^2 after extrapolation to T = 0 K. The current versus voltage characteristics of the microbridges showed a Josephson-like behavior with an obvious hysteresis. These results demonstrate the potential application of ultra-thin Fe-based microbridges in superconducting electronic devices such as bolometric detectors. 展开更多
关键词 Fe-based superconductor critical current density metal-insulator-transition
A New Method for Analyzing Heat Exchangers- Matching of Temperature Field 被引量:2
作者 WANG HuanGuang HUAI XiuLan 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第5期452-458,共7页
In heat exchangers, the magnitude of Nu of each duct is influenced by the temperature field, since the ratio of heat capacity rate will influence the matching status of the temperature field between contacting ducts, ... In heat exchangers, the magnitude of Nu of each duct is influenced by the temperature field, since the ratio of heat capacity rate will influence the matching status of the temperature field between contacting ducts, the total heat transfer coefficient is related with the ratio of heat capacity rate. Considering this relationship, a new method for analyzing heat exchanger is proposed - matching of temperature field. First, for a single duct with the temperature field varying exponentially along the flow direction, its Nu is calculated. Then under the hypothesis that the thermal resistance of the wall is negligible, the matching condition was set like this: both the temperature and heat flux are equal for the hot and cold fluids at the wall, so the matching relationship of parameter that describes the temperature field of the hot and cold fluids, was obtained. Finally the relationship between the total Nu and the ratio of heat capacity rate along with the ratio of inherent thermal resistance is obtained. Compared with traditional analyzing methods, the temperature matching method can be used to get the total heat transfer coefficient directly, and also be used for optimization of heat exchanger design. For a parallel flow, the optimal ratio of heat capacity rate is reciprocal to the ratio of inherent thermal resistance, and for a counter flow, the optimal ratio of heat capacity rate is zero or infinity. 展开更多
关键词 matching method heat exchanger ratio of heat capacity rate ratio of inherent thermal resistance
An integrated thermoelectric-assisted photoelectrochemical system to boost water splitting 被引量:7
作者 Yuyang Kang Runze Chen +3 位作者 Chao Zhen Lianzhou Wang Gang Liu Hui-Ming Cheng 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第14期1163-1169,M0003,共8页
Common solar-driven photoelectrochemical(PEC) cells for water splitting were designed by using semiconducting photoactive materials as working photoelectrodes to capture sunlight. Due to the thermodynamic requirement ... Common solar-driven photoelectrochemical(PEC) cells for water splitting were designed by using semiconducting photoactive materials as working photoelectrodes to capture sunlight. Due to the thermodynamic requirement of 1.23 eV and kinetic energy loss of about 0.6 eV, a photo-voltage of 1.8 V produced by PEC cells is generally required for spontaneous water splitting. Therefore, the minimum bandgap of1.8 eV is demanded for photoactive materials in single-photoelectrode PEC cells, and the bandgap of about 1 eV for back photoactive materials is appropriate in tandem PEC cells. All these PEC cells cannot effectively utilize the infrared light from 1250 to 2500 nm. In order to realize the full spectrum utilization of solar light, here, we develop a solar-driven PEC water splitting system integrated with a thermoelectric device. The key feature of this system is that the thermoelectric device produces a voltage as an additional bias for the PEC system by using the temperature difference between the incident infrared-light heated aqueous electrolyte in the PEC cell as the hot source and unirradiated external water as the cold source. Compared to a reference PEC system without the thermoelectric device, this system has a significantly improved overall water splitting activity of 1.6 times and may provide a strategy for accelerating the application of full spectrum solar light-driven PEC cells for hydrogen production. 展开更多
Structural and electrical properties of high Curie temperature Aurivillius phase composite ceramics with largely enhanced piezoelectricity
作者 WANG YunLi CAI Kai +2 位作者 MA JingTao ZENG Fei GUO Dong 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第7期1048-1053,共6页
High performance piezoelectric ceramics with high Curie temperatures(TC) are the bottle necks of relevant high temperature devices. In this study, the electrical performance and microstructure of Li and Mn codoped Aur... High performance piezoelectric ceramics with high Curie temperatures(TC) are the bottle necks of relevant high temperature devices. In this study, the electrical performance and microstructure of Li and Mn codoped Aurivillius-type composite ceramics with a composition Ca_(0.99-x_Bi_(6.99+x)(Li Mn)_(0.01) Nb Ti_5O_(24)(x = 0–0.8) were systematically investigated. The results indicated that uniform intergrowth structure with a lattice similar to that of the end member CBT could be formed at a low x value(x < 0.4). Phase separation occurred when more A-site Ca^(2+) ions were replaced by Bi^(3+) ions. Nevertheless, all composite samples showed d_(33) values about 2 to 3 times of that of the constituent phase Ca Bi_4Ti_4O_(15) and Bi_3 Ti NbO_9 with still a high depolarization temperature. The performance of the samples was found to be related to the density and larger lattice distortion along the polarization a axis. The results also demonstrated that formation of the compound system was an effective way in improving the performance of Aurivillius-type high TC piezoelectric ceramics. 展开更多
关键词 piezoelectric ceramics Curie temperature ferroelectricity dielectric properties
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