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陈瓘与《四明尊尧集》——北宋哲徽之际党争的一个侧面考察 被引量:2
作者 张其凡 金强 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第3期111-119,共9页
Chen Guan, whose grandfather had laid a firm ground for the family’s official career, was born in Nanjianzhou Prefecture (present Shaxian, Fujian) under the Northern Song Dynasty. In terms of his academic origin, Che... Chen Guan, whose grandfather had laid a firm ground for the family’s official career, was born in Nanjianzhou Prefecture (present Shaxian, Fujian) under the Northern Song Dynasty. In terms of his academic origin, Chen Guan studied under Yang Shi, belonging to the Yuanyou school of learning. During the reign of Emperor Huizong, he was twice a court official and spared no effort to censuring the ministers in favor of political reformers, including Zhang Dun, Zeng Bu, Cai Bian, and Cai Jing. He strongly opposed the rule of Shaosheng, while advocating the restoration of the original political state of Yuanyou reign, thus becoming one of the targets of attack from the reformers for being a member of the "Yuanyou clique". Having been banished to many places, Chen Guan lived an unstable life, with many of his relatives and friends involved in trouble. During his exile, he wrote Zun Yao Ji (Collections in Respect for Emperor Yao) twice to reprove Wang Anshi’s Ri Lu (Daily Records), with an intention to expose and criticize the reformers theoretically. Therefore, he became a standard-bearer attacking the new school of learning and the reformers, which brought him more political persecutions. During the reign of Emperor Huizong, instead of settling the up-going fractional strife, most of Chen’s deeds, such as his blaming Zeng Bu for his "adjustment" in the Jianzhong Period, and his personal attack on Wang Anshi in his book S Mming Zun Yao Ji, made the political conditions even worse. The fractional strife that went on in the late Northern Song Dynasty turned from the difference in political viewpoints to emotional disputes and finally to personal attacks. Clinging to narrow factionalism, the old and new parties tried their utmost to do down each other and attack each other. It was true that the new party should be partially responsible for such a political situation, but Chen Guan and the old party were by no means free from accountability. Under the Southern Song Dynasty, with the gradual decline of the new learning and the rising of the Yuanyou academic learning, Chen Guan and his Si Ming Zun Yao Ji gained popularity. From then on, Chen Guan’s moral ideology, academic achievements and works began to be well received, even during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. 展开更多
关键词 北宋 陈瓘 四明尊尧集 党争 元祐党人
新历史主义视野下的王安石形象的书写——以《老学庵笔记》与《四明尊尧集》为例 被引量:1
作者 阮怡 《江西科技师范大学学报》 2016年第4期111-116,共6页
王安石是宋代杰出的政治家、文学家。宋代笔记作品中多有其记载,但对其评价褒贬不一。今试以陆游《老学庵笔记》与陈瓘《四明尊尧集》为例分析笔记作品是如何书写王安石形象的。《老学庵笔记》对王安石称颂备至,展现了王安石正直、傲慢... 王安石是宋代杰出的政治家、文学家。宋代笔记作品中多有其记载,但对其评价褒贬不一。今试以陆游《老学庵笔记》与陈瓘《四明尊尧集》为例分析笔记作品是如何书写王安石形象的。《老学庵笔记》对王安石称颂备至,展现了王安石正直、傲慢、才学皆高的特点。《四明尊尧集》对王安石贬斥殆尽,指责王安石刚愎自用,不识君臣大体,是绍圣崇宁党锢的罪魁祸首。以新历史主义视角看待两者之间的分歧,可知笔记中所记历史是对历史人物的一种话语描述。要正确阐释文本需关注文本产生的历史、文化因素。陆、陈二人心目中的王安石形象与他们的身世、社会形态皆有不可分割的联系。 展开更多
关键词 《老学庵笔记》 四明尊尧集 王安石形象 新历史主义
作者 师飚 《惠阳师专学报》 1984年第S1期23-26,共4页
一宋仁宗嘉祐六年(1601),苏轼应制科试,写了《御试制科策》,引《周易》的“天行健君子以自强不息”,全面地提出了自己的革新主张。仔细考察苏轼的这篇制策,我们可以发现,它和王安石的变法,有不少相似之处,尤其在富国强兵这一点上,二者... 一宋仁宗嘉祐六年(1601),苏轼应制科试,写了《御试制科策》,引《周易》的“天行健君子以自强不息”,全面地提出了自己的革新主张。仔细考察苏轼的这篇制策,我们可以发现,它和王安石的变法,有不少相似之处,尤其在富国强兵这一点上,二者的意愿和指归是相同的。苏轼指出,北宋军队是“盗贼攻之而不能御,戎狄掠之而不能抗”,将不专兵,军纪松驰,兵士骄惰,已成积习。对此,苏轼提出改革的办法是“定军制”“倡勇敢”, 展开更多
关键词 苏轼词 制策 制科 嘉祐 御试 天行健 科试 四明尊尧集 戎狄 北宋王朝
宋代陈瓘及其作品考辨 被引量:2
作者 杨高凡 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2020年第1期11-19,共9页
陈瓘主要活跃在宋哲宗、徽宗朝,对当时的政治和学术影响深远,但因攻击王安石及其变法,屡遭曾布、蔡京等权臣打击,一生颠沛流离,官职不显,致使今日流传的陈瓘基本史料和作品多有讹误。以《四明尊尧集》《宋陈忠肃公言行录》等基本史料为... 陈瓘主要活跃在宋哲宗、徽宗朝,对当时的政治和学术影响深远,但因攻击王安石及其变法,屡遭曾布、蔡京等权臣打击,一生颠沛流离,官职不显,致使今日流传的陈瓘基本史料和作品多有讹误。以《四明尊尧集》《宋陈忠肃公言行录》等基本史料为基础,得出结论:陈瓘生于嘉祐二年(1057),卒于宣和四年(1122),是陈渊之叔父,而非叔祖父。另外,关于陈瓘作品还存在讹误:《吴江作》(又作《鲈乡亭》)《垂虹亭》《送侄刚胜柔诗》三首诗分别为林肇、王禹偁、邵雍所作;《代舅曹使君知筠州谢表》《代仓部知吉州谢表》《代仓部知池州谢表》《代叔父知南安军谢表》四篇表文乃吕祖谦所作;《代贺皇太后生辰表》《代贺明堂礼毕表》二文乃秦观作品。 展开更多
关键词 宋代 陈瓘 四明尊尧集 《宋陈忠肃公言行录》
陈瓘年谱 被引量:1
作者 杨高凡 《宋史研究论丛》 2020年第1期372-407,共36页
陈瓘(1057—1122年),字莹中,号了斋、了翁,谥忠肃,北宋南剑州沙县(今福建沙县)人,《宋史》卷345有传。陈瓘中元丰二年(1079年)时彦榜进士,曾任右司谏等职,因与章惇、曾布、蔡京等政见不和,屡遭贬谪,一生颠沛流离,官职不显。陈瓘作品众多... 陈瓘(1057—1122年),字莹中,号了斋、了翁,谥忠肃,北宋南剑州沙县(今福建沙县)人,《宋史》卷345有传。陈瓘中元丰二年(1079年)时彦榜进士,曾任右司谏等职,因与章惇、曾布、蔡京等政见不和,屡遭贬谪,一生颠沛流离,官职不显。陈瓘作品众多,有《了斋集》《了斋易说》《四明尊尧集》《通鉴约论》等,其后裔编辑其事迹,著作成《陈瓘<年谱>》《宋陈忠肃言行录》。惜世事变更,陈瓘之生平、事迹、文作多所散佚,甚至舛误重重。学界已有师友对此重视,有诸多成果面世~①,然对于陈瓘的研究尚远远不足。本文试图以《宋陈忠肃言行录》(光绪十五年本)(简称言行录)卷1《年谱》、《永乐大典》卷3143、《陈瓘<年谱>》、沙县《陈氏宗谱》(2000年本)~②、《宋忠肃陈了斋四明尊尧集》(简称《四明尊尧集》)卷首《世系》、《宋史·陈瓘传》等为基本史料,爬梳尽可能全的史料,完成《陈瓘年谱》,以期对陈瓘的后期研究有所裨益。 展开更多
关键词 《宋史》 四明尊尧集 《永乐大典》 曾布 通鉴 章惇 光绪十五年 元丰二年
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