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作者 周涛 《和田师范专科学校学报》 2007年第1期41-42,共2页
关键词 西安事变 张学良 蒋介石 送蒋回京 必要性
作者 王林 石文安 《河北广播电视大学学报》 2019年第4期1-5,共5页
1900年8月,八国联军进入北京,慈禧太后挟光绪皇帝西逃,导致中外议和受阻。面对列强的回京要挟,东南督抚内部政见出现分歧。张之洞始终以两宫安稳为第一要义,不请回京,力主赴陕,主张惩办“祸首”以抵制回京要挟,建行都以延缓回京。张之... 1900年8月,八国联军进入北京,慈禧太后挟光绪皇帝西逃,导致中外议和受阻。面对列强的回京要挟,东南督抚内部政见出现分歧。张之洞始终以两宫安稳为第一要义,不请回京,力主赴陕,主张惩办“祸首”以抵制回京要挟,建行都以延缓回京。张之洞之所以阻挠回京,一方面慑于列强的归政要挟;另一方面,他为维护自身政治形象而过于阿附慈禧太后,这也为时人所诟病。 展开更多
关键词 庚子事变 两宫回京 辛丑议和 张之洞
作者 高崎 《理论与当代》 2011年第6期49-50,共2页
关键词 《春回京口三山秀》 散文 文学 高崎
作者 佚名 《获奖作文选萃.中学版》 2010年第1期19-20,共2页
关键词 中学 作文 语文教学 回京的路 长而短》
作者 简玉祥 《郑州师范教育》 2014年第3期73-77,共5页
庚子-辛丑年间被列强定为"祸首"的端王载漪,于1921年回到北京,但因其在二十年前支持义和团的排外活动,又是守旧派的象征,回京后受到了社会各界的关注。在义和团运动和八国联军侵华中遭受打击的没落旗人便利用其回京散布要&qu... 庚子-辛丑年间被列强定为"祸首"的端王载漪,于1921年回到北京,但因其在二十年前支持义和团的排外活动,又是守旧派的象征,回京后受到了社会各界的关注。在义和团运动和八国联军侵华中遭受打击的没落旗人便利用其回京散布要"复辟"的谣言,"复辟"的谣言不胫而走,最终引起列强的注意。他们以维护《辛丑条约》的名义,迫使北洋政府再一次把载漪遣回谪戍地。此风波引发有识之士的反省和思考,为打倒军阀和列强的提出和实践提供了良好的思想基础。 展开更多
关键词 载漪 回京 “复辟” 北洋政府
李之仪小考 被引量:3
作者 付嘉豪 《宝鸡文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第2期69-71,79,共4页
关于李之仪生平行状目前还有一些问题争议未决,本文在前人研究基础上,通过进一步考辨认为:李之仪及第时间当从《全宋诗》定为熙宁六年(1073),其任县令的万全县当为万泉县,从军 延时间当为元丰四年(1081)九月,元丰六年(1083)春回京,年... 关于李之仪生平行状目前还有一些问题争议未决,本文在前人研究基础上,通过进一步考辨认为:李之仪及第时间当从《全宋诗》定为熙宁六年(1073),其任县令的万全县当为万泉县,从军 延时间当为元丰四年(1081)九月,元丰六年(1083)春回京,年底被辟出使高丽,次年初正式出发,元丰八年(1085)回京,任翰林学士知制诰。 展开更多
关键词 李之仪 及第 任职万全 从军鄜延 出使高丽 回京任职
《瓶湖懋斋记盛》系民国以近的托名之作 被引量:2
作者 胡铁岩 《河南教育学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2022年第2期1-6,共6页
《废艺斋集稿》中的《瓶湖懋斋记盛》残篇作者冠名敦敏,然学界于此一直存有争议。《瓶湖懋斋记盛》中的很多描写、记述均与敦敏的实际经历及清代基本制度相悖:乾隆二十三年(1758)春,敦敏在山海关为母守灵,不可能分身在京居住;敦敏第一... 《废艺斋集稿》中的《瓶湖懋斋记盛》残篇作者冠名敦敏,然学界于此一直存有争议。《瓶湖懋斋记盛》中的很多描写、记述均与敦敏的实际经历及清代基本制度相悖:乾隆二十三年(1758)春,敦敏在山海关为母守灵,不可能分身在京居住;敦敏第一次去西山是乾隆二十六年(1761),乾隆二十三年(1758)春天两次去西山白家疃实为子虚乌有;史载乾隆二十三年(1758)秋冬之际北京只下过一场“寸余”小雪,并无“雨雪频仍”;腊月二十四日并非常朝之期,官员都已封印放假,所谓董邦达上朝和写对联给假之事实为虚构。故《瓶湖懋斋记盛》既不可能是敦敏作品,也不可能是清人作品,应为民国以近的冒名之作。 展开更多
关键词 敦敏 扶柩回京时间 西山 白家疃 雨雪频仍 常朝 封印 对联
作者 顾克天 《盐城师范学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 1998年第4期36-37,共2页
苏东坡自出仕而后几十年,屡遭折困,几陷大难。然而,读他的散文,特别是读他被贬谪黄州以后所写的属于小品范畴的散文,更知他虽身在各种险逆困窘的环境中,却能淡然处之。他的文章,看似平平淡淡,却无不写尽真实情态,天然成趣,令... 苏东坡自出仕而后几十年,屡遭折困,几陷大难。然而,读他的散文,特别是读他被贬谪黄州以后所写的属于小品范畴的散文,更知他虽身在各种险逆困窘的环境中,却能淡然处之。他的文章,看似平平淡淡,却无不写尽真实情态,天然成趣,令人回味无穷。写险境者如《书舟中作序... 展开更多
关键词 小品散文 苏轼 东坡 陶渊明 王国维 司马光 《超然台记》 《琵琶行》 回京任职 内心平衡
作者 李克昌 《商洛学院学报》 1996年第1期89-91,共3页
关键词 居易 商南县 元和十年 四皓 牛李党争 回京任职 《秦中吟》 越职言事 桐树 思想变化
Quantitative Analysis of Influence Force of Shanghai Expo on GGDP
作者 Lanjiao Wen Meifang Xu +1 位作者 Peng Fu Anlu Zhang 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第9期780-786,共7页
Quantitative study of the impact of Shanghai World Expo on green GDP (GGDP) is significant for deploying sustainable development policy in China. The formula of GGDP is: GGDP = GDP--the loss of natural resources en... Quantitative study of the impact of Shanghai World Expo on green GDP (GGDP) is significant for deploying sustainable development policy in China. The formula of GGDP is: GGDP = GDP--the loss of natural resources environment relegation cost + comprehensive utilized value of waste. Based on this, the study employed vector autoregressive (VAR) model to predict the value of GGDP and other economic variables on condition that there was no Shanghai World Expo. Then Influence of Expo is defined as the rate of increase of GGDP. The result demonstrated that Shanghai World Expo had accelerated the growth rate of GGDP vastly with the elimination of effect of Beijing Olympics. Additionally, the quantitative analysis between GGDP and other economic variables suggested GGDP would replace GDP to evaluate the development of economy. Finally, the paper proposed that incidents like World Expo can enhance the level of influence for a country and that post-impact of Shanghai Expo should continue to be used to promote GGDP and that GGDP should serve as one of the indicators in assessment of political achievement. 展开更多
关键词 VAR GGDP quantitative analysis post-impact Expo JEL codes: C53 E01 Q56.
Rerouting King Lear in a Jingju Actor' s Reminiscence: Wu Hsing-kuo's Lear Is Here
作者 Ivy I-chu Chang 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第12期1103-1112,共10页
Jingju actor and director Wu Hsing-kuo's (吴兴国) Lear Is Here (2001) is a 90-minute solo performance adapted from Shakespeare's King Lear and performed injingju style. In this performance, he alternately perfor... Jingju actor and director Wu Hsing-kuo's (吴兴国) Lear Is Here (2001) is a 90-minute solo performance adapted from Shakespeare's King Lear and performed injingju style. In this performance, he alternately performs 10 male and female characters including himself injingju role types ofsheng (male), dan (female),jing (painted face), mo, and chou (clown) in search 0f dual identities. This paper will investigate Wu's performance in Lear Is Here from three directions: First, how Wu subtly combines Shakespearean dramatic tension and psychological complex, his versatilejingju performing styles, and Brechtian alienation effect in developing his unique artistic flair? What are at stake of such an eclectic performance? Second, in the rooting and re-routing of both Shakespearean plays andjingju acting style where Wu Hsing-kuo meets King Lear, how Wu articulates the meticulous details of both source culture and target culture while at once extracting them out of context to interweave and re-articulate them into an eclectic intercultural theater? Third, investigating the cultural exchange, bicroleurs, audience reception, and production mode of the work, the author will try to do away with the "authenticity" or "representativeness" of either the East or the West, but explore the possibilities of the hybrid theater in search of alternative aesthetic and emerging performance genre 展开更多
关键词 King Lear SHAKESPEARE jingju intercultural theatre Contemporary Legend
Awareness of Cornea Donation of Registered Tissue Donors in Nanjing 被引量:1
作者 Ting Chu Lin-nong Wang +1 位作者 Hao Yu Ru-yang Zhang 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2013年第1期20-27,共8页
Objective To evaluate the current cornea donation awareness of tissue donors in the city of Nanjing, China Methods Altogether 2000 registered tissue donors in the Red Cross Eye Bank of Nanjing by the end of 2010 and ... Objective To evaluate the current cornea donation awareness of tissue donors in the city of Nanjing, China Methods Altogether 2000 registered tissue donors in the Red Cross Eye Bank of Nanjing by the end of 2010 and 2000 control residents of Nanjing in February to June 2011 were randomly selected to par- ticipate in our field questionnaire survey. The questionnaire consisted of questions regarding the understand- ing of cornea donation, the attitude toward cornea donation, and attitude toward legislation and free dona- tion. The awareness of cornea donation between the registered tissue donors and residents was compared. Related factors of the willingness to donate corneas and to become a tissue donor were evaluated with uni- variate and multiple logistic regression analysis. Results A total of 1867 (response rate: 93.4%) tissue donors and 1796 (response rate: 89.8%; ef- fective questionnaires: 1697) residents participated in this survey. For the questions about the knowledge of cornea donation, 90.3% tissue donors (residents: 78.9%) knew that donated corneas could be used for transplantations; 71.2% tissue donors (residents: 47.6%) knew that the appearance would not be destroyed after cornea donation; 70.7% tissue donors (residents: 20.0%) knew the formalities to become a cornea do- nor. For attitude toward cornea donation, 82.2% tissue donors (residents: 45.1%) were willing to donate corneas or eyeballs after death; 84.0% tissue donors (residents: 30.2%) had discussed with their families about donation; 85.1% tissue donors (residents: 24.8%) supported their families' or friends' cornea donation For attitude toward legislation and free donation, 88.3% tissue donors (residents: 61.3%) approved of legis- lation to regular cornea donation; 72.2% tissue donors (residents: 38.8%) thought that cornea or organ do- nation should be gratis. The difference between two groups was significant (P〈0.001). However, some tissue donors did not know cornea donation well, some even opposed the legislation of cornea donation and free donation protocol. For the factors influencing the willingness to donate corneas, population was the mostrelevant factor (P〈0.O01), since tissue donors were more willing to donate corneas than residents. Other significantly related factor were age, gender, occupation, and education level (P〈0.001 ), while political status or religion were not significant. For the factors related to becoming a tissue donor, older age, male, white-collars (including white-collar, civil servant, teacher, soldier, lawyer, salesman, healthcare provider), higher education level, party members (including the Chinese Communist Party members, democratic party members, and the CommunistYouth League members) (P〈0.05). Conclusions The registered tissue donors have better understanding and more positive attitude to- wards cornea donation than control residents do. They approve of the legislation of cornea donation and free donation protocol. It may be more effective to target the population of over 58 years old, male, white-collars, well-educated people, and party members in the promotion of cornea donation. 展开更多
关键词 cornea donation tissue donors eye banks cross-sectional study
Preliminary Analysis of Non-tidal Variation in the Baijiatuan Gravity Station,Beijing and the Relevance of Gravity Changes and Water Storage
作者 Xu Weimin Chen Shi +2 位作者 Gao Mengtan Shi Lei Lu Hongyan 《Earthquake Research in China》 2014年第1期106-116,共11页
The non-tidal variation gained from continuous gravity observations in stations usually reflects the regional continuous gravity changes. In this paper we focus on studying the non-tidal variation of Baijiatuan statio... The non-tidal variation gained from continuous gravity observations in stations usually reflects the regional continuous gravity changes. In this paper we focus on studying the non-tidal variation of Baijiatuan station,Beijing where there are two different gravimeters( namely,L&R-804 and PET-031). Based on the original raw tidal records of two gravimeters from 2008 to 2011,we first remove various interference from raw data by the standard procedure software-Tsoft; then we model the solid earth tides, ocean tidal loading and pole tide through related parameters; after that we adopt a new segmented polynomial fitting method based on Tsoft to fit the complex drift of spring gravimeter; and finally we calculate the atmospheric loading effects by a linear regression model. After a series of processing we gain the non-tidal variation of the two gravimeters at Baijiatuan site,Beijing. Furthermore,to analyze the non-tidal variation preliminarily,we study the main component of related tidal data by power spectral density. Comparing the non-tidal variation of two different gravimeters,we find seasonal fluctuations in non-tidal results, which are in accordance with the water storage change. Therefore,we take into account the relevance of gravity changes and water storage based on the gravity data of GRACE and water data of the CMAP model from 2003 to 2011 at different sites in the Chinese mainland( Beijing, Chengdu, Shenyang and Shiquanhe), and make a preliminary analysis on the relationship between gravity changes and water storage. 展开更多
关键词 GRAVIMETER Non-tidal variation Tsoft software GRACE CMAP model
作者 张书才 《红楼梦学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第1期209-241,共16页
《“丰润说”论证》平议(续一)——“曹寅幼时常住在丰润”说实属臆测张书才王畅先生在《“丰润说”论证》第二节中说:曹寅自幼就在丰润曹氏庄园中生活过很长时间,所以对丰润曹家的松茨园、东皋、苹婆书院等景物,对水垂钓、夜雨... 《“丰润说”论证》平议(续一)——“曹寅幼时常住在丰润”说实属臆测张书才王畅先生在《“丰润说”论证》第二节中说:曹寅自幼就在丰润曹氏庄园中生活过很长时间,所以对丰润曹家的松茨园、东皋、苹婆书院等景物,对水垂钓、夜雨读书、卧听漉酒等事物,都极熟悉,都... 展开更多
关键词 曹振彦 曹寅 丰润说 回京任职 丰润县 康熙六年 十三年 多尔衮 《大清畿辅先哲传》 江宁
嘉道时期宗室移居盛京考述 被引量:3
作者 刘灿 《历史档案》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期96-104,共9页
嘉庆十七年(1812),因见宗室中不思进取者多而难以约束,嘉庆帝决意推行宗室移居盛京之事。为使天潢宗支回归故土后生计得到保障,特命建盖宗室营房,给予安家费、地租银等优待,以期宗室沐化善俗,安居立业。然而"发遣"与"移... 嘉庆十七年(1812),因见宗室中不思进取者多而难以约束,嘉庆帝决意推行宗室移居盛京之事。为使天潢宗支回归故土后生计得到保障,特命建盖宗室营房,给予安家费、地租银等优待,以期宗室沐化善俗,安居立业。然而"发遣"与"移居"界限不明,一度使宗室人心浮动,引发混乱。宗室营设有弹压司员严格管理,却未能阻止宗室犯案扰累地方。至道光朝,随着八旗生计恶化,为免营房闲置空耗资产,更多获咎改移居宗室被送往盛京,几致宗室营成为"罪宗"及其亲眷的"聚集地"。本文主要利用中国第一历史档案馆藏相关档案,在考辨嘉庆十八年移居宗室身份的同时,梳理宗室回京与续行移居的系列政策,把握嘉道时期盛京宗室营人员增减变化的动态历程,并尝试对移居推行后在充裕宗支生计、教养闲散成才、维护社会稳定等方面取得的实效进行分析。 展开更多
关键词 移居宗室 盛京宗室营 宗室生计 宗室回京
作者 黄伟经 《上海鲁迅研究》 2010年第1期176-187,共12页
十一黄伟经同志:你好.我和母亲目前在深圳创作之家度假,过得十分愉快。我们大约于一月十二、三日回京,打算在回京前在广州停留两、三天,看望看望朋友们。不知道你是否能给我们预订三张去北京的火车票(软卧、硬卧都可以,除我和母亲外,还... 十一黄伟经同志:你好.我和母亲目前在深圳创作之家度假,过得十分愉快。我们大约于一月十二、三日回京,打算在回京前在广州停留两、三天,看望看望朋友们。不知道你是否能给我们预订三张去北京的火车票(软卧、硬卧都可以,除我和母亲外,还有一位《七月》派诗人徐放)?另外,出版社是否有招待所可住? 展开更多
关键词 火车票 软卧 书简 招待所 深圳 回京 母亲
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