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陕甘宁边区回村执行制度对我国社区矫正的启示与借鉴 被引量:5
作者 梁栋 《东岳论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期182-190,共9页
陕甘宁边区回村执行制度是边区政府结合社会实际在行刑社会化探索中的一项伟大创新,也是边区政府尝试创造性司法的巨大贡献。尽管它的理论较为朴素,制度亦较为简单,但其指导思想、性质地位、方式目的和当下我国社区矫正有很多相似之处... 陕甘宁边区回村执行制度是边区政府结合社会实际在行刑社会化探索中的一项伟大创新,也是边区政府尝试创造性司法的巨大贡献。尽管它的理论较为朴素,制度亦较为简单,但其指导思想、性质地位、方式目的和当下我国社区矫正有很多相似之处。回村执行制度的实施,不仅体现出边区政府法治改革的开放性,还说明边区政府的刑罚改革向轻缓化方向发展。以史为鉴、汲取经验,回村执行制度不但丰富了边区政府行刑社会化改革,还收获了良好的司法效果和积极的社会效果,其所遵循的教育感化的司法原则、因地制宜的教育方式和人道主义的执行措施,对当下我国社区矫正依然有很大的启示与借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 陕甘宁边区 回村执行 社区矫正 行刑社会化
作者 朱玮 《中国乡村发现》 2014年第3期204-205,共2页
在恩施市沐抚办事处营上村,有这样一个村干部,他是一个农民,也是一个千万富翁,他叫向明富。拥有千万资产的他为何要来当'村官'?他说,他有一个理想,就是要成立村级股份制经济合作社,增强村级发展'内生动力',带领当地群... 在恩施市沐抚办事处营上村,有这样一个村干部,他是一个农民,也是一个千万富翁,他叫向明富。拥有千万资产的他为何要来当'村官'?他说,他有一个理想,就是要成立村级股份制经济合作社,增强村级发展'内生动力',带领当地群众走上致富的道路。话说,'水往低处流,人往高处走',向明富拥有千万身家了为什么还要放弃千万产业回到家乡当村干部?我们能得到哪些启示? 展开更多
关键词 村干部 群众 村级 村官 道路 回村 恩施市
作者 常桂岭 《中国科技投资》 2022年第6期149-151,共3页
改革开放以后,我国农村人口大量向城市迁移,使得城市经济高速发展,农村经济陷入低谷。我国目前高度重视农村地区经济发展,先后出台了一系列优惠政策,鼓励广大农民工、大学生回村就业创业。自乡村振兴战略实施以来,人们逐渐认识到乡村产... 改革开放以后,我国农村人口大量向城市迁移,使得城市经济高速发展,农村经济陷入低谷。我国目前高度重视农村地区经济发展,先后出台了一系列优惠政策,鼓励广大农民工、大学生回村就业创业。自乡村振兴战略实施以来,人们逐渐认识到乡村产业振兴战略目标的实现需要依靠人才的支撑,只有人才振兴才能够实现乡村振兴。我国部分地区目前还存在技术落后、劳动力匮乏、创新不足等问题,究其根源是人才的制约,所以我们要鼓励、吸引人才回村创业就业,主动改善农村落后的局面,有效促进人才振兴,拓宽人才引进渠道。从目前的情况来看,许多农村青年人才在主观上有回村创业就业的意向,但是个人经济条件以及农村就业环境,对青年人才“回流”形成了制约,所以我们当前应当主动打破这一局面,依托地方政府出台的各种优惠政策,在国家乡村振兴战略的指导下进一步加大招才引资的力度,着力开创农村经济发展新局面,有效遏制农村人口外流趋势,在国民经济水平不断提升的过程中实现城乡地区均衡发展。 展开更多
关键词 回村创业 人才引进 实践与策略
作者 杨进富 《辽河》 2016年第11期38-38,共1页
关键词 中国 当代文学 诗歌 《秋风里回村(外二首)》
Research on the Green Planning in Rural Settlements of Hui Nationality in Central Ningxia
作者 李晓玲 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第3期1-4,共4页
Targeted at the residence status in rural settlements of Hui people in central Ningxia Hui Nationality Autonomous Region, this research revealed that the construction of new countryside and the transformation of old c... Targeted at the residence status in rural settlements of Hui people in central Ningxia Hui Nationality Autonomous Region, this research revealed that the construction of new countryside and the transformation of old countryside all have to be on the basis of present topography, landform, environment, social-economic level, education, religion, customs, living habits and so on. The primary goal of this research was to find a method of ecology, low energy consumption and sustainable development to bring the green planning implementation strategies, to provide guidance for sustainable planning in the rural settlements of Hui Nationality in central Ningxia. 展开更多
关键词 The rural areas of central Ningxia Settlements of Hui Nationality Green planning Sustainable development
日常生活类 检阅
作者 甘建华 《城市党报研究》 2018年第4期38-38,共1页
关键词 外嫁 大叔 回村 美女 撑艇 南庄镇 长大 姐妹
勇于探索 争做知识型创新楷模
作者 巨晓林 《前进》 2019年第4期10-12,共3页
我来自中国中铁电气化局集团第一工程有限公司第六项目管理(高铁)分公司。从事电气化铁路接触网安装工程,就是为机车车头提供电力。这项工作技术性强,劳动强度大,安全要求高。今天,我很高兴参加山西省“改革创新、奋发有为”大讨论省国... 我来自中国中铁电气化局集团第一工程有限公司第六项目管理(高铁)分公司。从事电气化铁路接触网安装工程,就是为机车车头提供电力。这项工作技术性强,劳动强度大,安全要求高。今天,我很高兴参加山西省“改革创新、奋发有为”大讨论省国资委系统先进典型报告会,在这里与大家交流学习,谈谈自己在工作、学习、生活中的体会,深感荣幸。1979年,我高中毕业回村务农,农闲时就到镇上的建筑队打工,后来人多活少,我又回家搞起电影放映. 展开更多
关键词 回村 工程 工作 知识型 集团 电力 交流学习 生活 建筑队
作者 赵楠楠 《中国工人》 2019年第2期90-91,共2页
集企业家、农村党支部书记和农民工带头人三个身份于一身,贺新义愿意带领乡亲们共同致富,为让大家过上更加幸福的生活不懈努力。在河南省驻马店市驿城区水屯镇,提起一个人,乡里乡亲无不感到骄傲和自豪。是他,以自己的扶贫车队为载体,20... 集企业家、农村党支部书记和农民工带头人三个身份于一身,贺新义愿意带领乡亲们共同致富,为让大家过上更加幸福的生活不懈努力。在河南省驻马店市驿城区水屯镇,提起一个人,乡里乡亲无不感到骄傲和自豪。是他,以自己的扶贫车队为载体,20多年间,累计带领成千上万名农民工奔跑在追梦的路上,累计协助贫困农民工增加收入50多亿元,并为家庭困难的农民工减免车费约6000多万元. 展开更多
关键词 农民工 驿城区 带头人 回村 乡里乡亲 增加收入 河南省 企业家 书记
Impacts of Social and Demographic Factors on Residents' Subjective Well-being in Rural China 被引量:3
作者 Wang Jian Meng Qingyue +3 位作者 Winnie Yip Sun Qiang Qu Jiangbin Jia Liying 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2010年第1期81-87,共7页
The objective of social development is to construct a harmonious society.In China,the key to a harmonious society is the happiness of more than 900 million farmers living in the rural areas.This study aimed to measure... The objective of social development is to construct a harmonious society.In China,the key to a harmonious society is the happiness of more than 900 million farmers living in the rural areas.This study aimed to measure rural residents' subjective well-being(SWB) through the day reconstruction method,as well as to analyze SWB's influencing factors through a variety of statistical methods.The results showed that the average U index was 12.79%,indicating that respondents were unhappy 12.79% of the time.Twenty-seven percent of the population had a U index greater than 0,with the average value being 47%,indicating that these people were unhappy 47% of the time.The study also found that SWB varied according to the characteristics of the respondents.Logistic regression analysis showed that social and demographic factors,including age,education,county,household size,generation number,per capita income,migration status and social networking,which significantly affected rural residents' SWB.The size of the impact varied with the different factors. 展开更多
关键词 rural residents subjective well-being day reconstruc-tion method social and demographic factors
The Influence of Gender and Other Characteristics on Rural Laborers' Employment Patterns in the Mountainous and Upland Areas of Sichuan,China 被引量:3
作者 XIE Fang-ting Xu Ding-de +1 位作者 LIU Shao-quan CAO Meng-tian 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期769-782,共14页
This study examines gender differences in rural laborers‘ employment patterns in the mountainous and upland areas of Sichuan, China. The analysis employs both representative survey data of 400 households and geograph... This study examines gender differences in rural laborers‘ employment patterns in the mountainous and upland areas of Sichuan, China. The analysis employs both representative survey data of 400 households and geographical data. Multinomial logistic regression models are used to analyze the influences of gender, among other factors, on employment decisions of rural males and females, where the factors considered include personal, household, community natural environmental characteristics. Dividing laborers into four categories, we find that the proportions of males who participating in on-farm, pluriactive, and off-farm work, and unemployment were 24.41%, 28.64%, 46.27%, and 0.68% respectively, while that of females who participating in on-farm, pluriactive, and offfarm work, and unemployment were 43.20%, 13.95%, 30.95%, and 11.90% respectively. As to individual characteristics, age(AGE) and physical condition(PHY) effects appeared to be more pronounced for men, while education(EDU) and marital status(MAR)effects appeared to be more pronounced for women. Regarding household and community characteristics, the effects of the presence in the household of children aged 6-(CHI), number of persons in the household(POP), and labor force(LAB), per capitaincome in village(INCV), and the development status of village enterprises(ENT) on women were greater than that on men. In addition, the presence in the household of elderly individuals aged 65+(OLD) and time to reach the nearest township(TIME) are shown to have opposite impacts on men and women. While the presence in the household of pupils(PUP) and per capital gross value of industrial output(GVIO) was found to be irresponsive to men and women taking pluriavtivity and off-farm job. With respect to natural environments characteristics, the effects on men were opposite of those on women. Unemployment of women was found to be particularly responsive to household characteristics. A multinomial regression approach is undertaken to analyze rural males‘ and females‘ decisions of the four employment patterns considered, an approach that reveals considerable heterogeneity that is concealed by the dichotomous approach employed in most previous studies. The study thus contributes to our understanding of rural employment patterns and gender difference in mountainous and upland areas. 展开更多
关键词 GENDER Pluriactivity Off-farmemployment Mountainous areas
Current Situation and Influencing Factors of Pluriactivity in Mountainous and Hilly Rural Areas of Sichuan Province,China 被引量:4
作者 LIU Shao-quan ZHANG Hai-qin +1 位作者 XIE Fang-ting GUO Shi-li 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第3期445-454,共10页
In this study, the current situation of pluriactivity in mountainous and hilly rural areas of Sichuan province was analyzed using representative sample survey data and natural factor data calculated based on 30 m-reso... In this study, the current situation of pluriactivity in mountainous and hilly rural areas of Sichuan province was analyzed using representative sample survey data and natural factor data calculated based on 30 m-resolution DEM and GIS. Moreover, using logistic regression model, a quantitative analysis was conducted on factors influencing pluriactivity in terms of individuals, households, communities and natural environmental conditions. The results showed that, (1) only 17.77% of rural laborers in mountainous and hilly areas of Sichuan province were engaged in pluriactivity. Geographically, pluriactivity was mainly chosen according to the "proximity principle", and was concentrated in construction and service industries; (2) the following factors have a significant influence on whether rural laborers in hilly areas engage in pluriactivity: gender, number of years of education, marriage, number of laborers and time to towns. Those with little influence include: age, health, family size, arable land per capita and per capita income, whether there are elderly people over 75 years and children less than 3 years. According to the main factors affecting pluriaetivity, the government should enhance vocational skills training for rural laborers in mountainous and hilly areas, especially for female laborers, further improve transport accessibility and encourage rural laborers, especially female laborers to move into pluriactivity to increase the income of farm households. 展开更多
关键词 Mountainous and hilly areas Rurallaborers Pluriaetivity Influencing factors
The Country and The City Redux: Mapping Contemporary Britain in Granta' s 2013 "Best of Young British Novelists"
作者 Katy Shaw 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第11期584-592,共9页
Drawing upon the writings of British cultural critic Raymond Williams, this article examines a pervading concern with representations of the city and the countryside as political sites and wider symbols of contextual ... Drawing upon the writings of British cultural critic Raymond Williams, this article examines a pervading concern with representations of the city and the countryside as political sites and wider symbols of contextual social and economic shifts in the Granta 2013 list of Best of Young British Novelists. The article argues that the 2013 Granta list examines Williams' legacy from a twenty-first century perspective, offering a range of fictions that represent the rapidly changing socio-political, cultural and economic landscapes of contemporary Britain. Through textual analysis and contextualized readings, it suggests that the novels featured on the 2013 list do not offer a purely pastoral view of Britain, but use the natural world as a platform to stage wider discussions regarding a range of present-day issues. 展开更多
关键词 Granta contemporary literature novel writings AWARD twenty-first century
Kinetics of Atmospheric Corrosion of Mild Steel in Marine and Rural Environments 被引量:4
作者 S. Palraj M. Selvaraj K. Maruthan M. Natesan 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2015年第1期105-112,共8页
In continuation of the extensive studies carried out to update the corrosion map of India, in this study, the degradation of mild steel by air pollutants was studied at 16 different locations from Nagore to Ammanichat... In continuation of the extensive studies carried out to update the corrosion map of India, in this study, the degradation of mild steel by air pollutants was studied at 16 different locations from Nagore to Ammanichatram along the east coast of Tamilnadu, India over a period of two years. The weight loss study showed that the mild steel corrosion was more at Nagapattinam site, when compared to Ammanichatram and Maravakadu sites. A linear regression analysis of the experimental data was attempted to predict the mechanism of the corrosion. The composition of the corrosion products formed on the mild steel surfaces was identified by XRD technique. The corrosion rate values obtained are discussed in the light of the weathering parameters, atmospheric pollutants such as salt content & SO2 levels in the atmosphere, corrosion products formed on the mild steel surfaces. 展开更多
关键词 KINETICS atmospheric corrosion mild steel XRD weight loss
Factors Influencing the Grazing Management Styles of Settled Herders: a Case Study of Nagqu County, Tibetan Plateau, China 被引量:5
作者 HUA Xiao-bo YAN Jian-zhong +3 位作者 LIU Xiang WU Ying-ying LIU Lin-shan ZHANG Yi-li 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期1074-1084,共11页
The implementation of pasture contracting policies in the Tibetan Plateau has been of widespread concern in the scientific community and related government departments. Studying the effects of the implementation of pa... The implementation of pasture contracting policies in the Tibetan Plateau has been of widespread concern in the scientific community and related government departments. Studying the effects of the implementation of pasture contracting policies will help us understand herders' attitudes toward those policies and to amend existing policies effectively.This paper analyzes 135 herder families' grazing management behavior using participatory rural appraisal(PRA), quantitative analysis and a Logistic regression model in three townships of Nagqu County in remote areas of the Tibetan Plateau, China. The results show that the herders have become settled and are no longer nomadic, so the settlement project has basically been completed and the policy of contracting for grazing rights is being gradually implemented in Nagqu County. Since the grazing rights and pastures were under contract, group-based management has been widely accepted in this area, which helps the herders deal with constraints, such as limited pasture area, a small grazing radius, controlled family animal husbandry and an uneven distribution of water. The herders that have more family members available for labor, higher proportion of family members with good health, and higher income from animal husbandry tend to choose household-based management.Herders tend to choose group-based management when higher quality winter pastures are available. 展开更多
关键词 Pasture contract Nagqu County Settledherders Participatory rural appraisal Tibetan Plateau
Training and Rural Development in Some Countries of the European Union
作者 Nicola Galluzzo 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第4期461-470,共10页
The aim of this research was to value, using a multiple regression model, the role of knowledge to guarantee the development in rural areas of European Union countries over 10 years. The main question was to find out ... The aim of this research was to value, using a multiple regression model, the role of knowledge to guarantee the development in rural areas of European Union countries over 10 years. The main question was to find out relationships among some variable, as the percentage of national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) used to improve the high training, and rural development in terms of agricultural labour units. The results underlined in 2001 as an high value of rural development, in terms of working force in agriculture, was identified in some countries of European Union characterised by a low value both in high training investments and also by a low value of Human Development Index, according to the definition of The Economist. The results in 2010 pointed out an inverse correlation among the dependent variable development in rural areas and the independent variables per capita GDP and national expenditure in advanced training, in percentage of national GDP. The learning by doing and by using, the introduction of advanced training in agriculture, using Long Life Learning measures of European Union, are important to improve the development of European rural areas but, sometimes, these actions are not perceived as something of useful. 展开更多
关键词 Rural areas European Union human development index GDP long life learning.
Solid Waste Generation and Composition in Mexico: A Comparison between Rural and Urban Communities
作者 C. Armijo de Vega P. Taboada-Gonzalez +1 位作者 Q. Aguilar-Virgen S. Ojeda-Benitez 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第11期71-78,共8页
This paper reports a generation and composition analysis of household solid waste in Mexico, using as a reference the characterization study performed in two communities, one urban and one rural. Data obtained are fun... This paper reports a generation and composition analysis of household solid waste in Mexico, using as a reference the characterization study performed in two communities, one urban and one rural. Data obtained are fundamental parameters for the planning of urban solid waste management systems in Mexico, complying this way with the established policy in the National Program for Waste Management and Prevention 2009-2012. The study was carried out during five days and two main parameters were assessed: (1) the daily generation rate per person and (2) the waste composition. The per capita waste generation was 0.958 kg for the urban community and 0.631 kg for the rural. The results showed that the mean composition of waste from both locations was statistically similar (a = 0.05). In both locations the most important contribution was the fraction of food waste. In both locations more than 60% of the waste is potentially recyclable. The results of this study will be used by the municipal waste authorities in order to establish an integrated waste management plan. 展开更多
关键词 Municipal solid waste waste characterization waste generation rate rural and urban waste.
作者 朱健 马振风 《中国监狱学刊》 2014年第4期146-149,共4页
晋察冀边区建立初期受战争环境所限,加之管理经验不足,事实上形成了“有罪无刑”的局面。对此,边区采取设立自新学艺所、组织犯人生产、实施回村服役制度、进行教育改造等举措,实现了监所的生存与发展,为保障边区司法权威性和边区... 晋察冀边区建立初期受战争环境所限,加之管理经验不足,事实上形成了“有罪无刑”的局面。对此,边区采取设立自新学艺所、组织犯人生产、实施回村服役制度、进行教育改造等举措,实现了监所的生存与发展,为保障边区司法权威性和边区社会经济秩序发挥了重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 晋察冀边区 监所 自新学艺所 犯人生产 回村服役
作者 李蕾 《黄河》 2019年第2期181-186,共6页
马上就是阴历十月一了。十月一,送寒衣。塞北的乡下有十月一给死去的亲人寄寒衣的风俗。款冬想着该回去看看了。最近几年,回村的路修宽了,但交通状况并没改变多少,村里还是没有和外面通车。想出村,只有私人的一辆旧面包车,时间不定,十... 马上就是阴历十月一了。十月一,送寒衣。塞北的乡下有十月一给死去的亲人寄寒衣的风俗。款冬想着该回去看看了。最近几年,回村的路修宽了,但交通状况并没改变多少,村里还是没有和外面通车。想出村,只有私人的一辆旧面包车,时间不定,十几个人凑着坐满车时发车,二十五元一位。款冬是坐着刘其的车回去的,蜿蜒的盘山路,绕来绕去的。款冬的心思也跟着绕来绕去的,像那些盘旋在山顶的云。 展开更多
关键词 亲人 款冬 寒衣 面包车 回村 风俗 满车 盘山路
The Evaluation of Rural Territorial Functions: A Case Study of Henan, China 被引量:14
作者 FU Chao 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2017年第3期242-250,共9页
China's new urbanization process requires coordinated development between cities and rural areas. Territorial functions of rural areas are defined as advantageous effects on nature and human society that, in particul... China's new urbanization process requires coordinated development between cities and rural areas. Territorial functions of rural areas are defined as advantageous effects on nature and human society that, in particular, rural systems perform via their property and interactions with other systems at certain social development stages. This paper establishes an index System for evaluating rural territorial functions including agricultural function, social function, economic function and ecological function. By establishing a model based on a General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) with the county-level as the basic unit, we comprehensively evaluate the rural territorial functions of 109 counties and/or cities in Henan province, China in 2000, 2005 and 2010. Results show that compared with that in 2000, each function in 2010 improved, with the spatial heterogeneity of economic func- tion the most evident, social service function comparatively balanced and spatial distribution of agricultural produc- tion function changing little. Cluster analysis was adopted to study the major functions of rural regions. Henan was divided into six major function zones to enhance administrative management and developmental policy. The six major function zones are Type I (core economic development zone), Type II (agricultural production safeguarding zone), Type III (function improving zone for rural areas), Type IV (model zone of livelihood and social services), Type V (economic restructuring and development zone), and Type Vl (nature conservation areas). Different development goals and development strategies should be considered according to different major function areas to achieve the coordinated development of urban and rural areas in China. 展开更多
关键词 rural territorial function general Regression neural network Henan Province rural development model
Village-level multidimensional poverty measurement in China: Where and how 被引量:10
作者 王艳慧 陈烨烽 +3 位作者 迟瑶 赵文吉 胡卓玮 段福洲 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第10期1444-1466,共23页
Village is an important implementation unit of national poverty alleviation and development strategies of rural China, and identifying the poverty degree, poverty type and poverty contributing factors of each poverty-... Village is an important implementation unit of national poverty alleviation and development strategies of rural China, and identifying the poverty degree, poverty type and poverty contributing factors of each poverty-stricken village is the precondition and guarantee of taking targeted measures in poverty alleviation strategies of China. To respond it, we construct a village-level multidimensional poverty measuring model, and use indicator contribution degree indices and linear regression method to explore poverty factors, while adopting Least Square Error(LSE) model and spatial econometric analysis model to identify the villages' poverty types and poverty difference. The case study shows that:(1) Spatially, there is obvious territoriality in the distribution of poverty-stricken villages, and the poverty-stricken villages are concentrated in contiguous poverty-stricken areas. The areas with the highest VPI, in a descending order, are Gansu, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Hunan, Qinghai, Sichuan, and Xinjiang.(2) The main factors contributing to the poverty of poverty-stricken villages in rural China include road construction, terrain type, frequency of natural disasters, per capita net income, labor force ratio, and cultural quality of labor force. The main causes of poverty include underdeveloped road construction conditions, frequent natural disasters, low level of income, and labor conditions.(3) Chinese poverty-stricken villages include six main subtypes, and most poverty-stricken villages are affected by multiple poverty-forming factors, reflected by a relatively high proportion of the three-factor dominant type, four-factor coordinative type, and five-factor combinative type.(4) There exist significant poverty differences in terms of geographical location and policy support, and the governments still need to carry out targeted poverty alleviation measures according to local conditions. The research can not only draw a macro overall poverty-reduction outline of impoverished villages in China, but also depict the specific poverty characteristics of each village, helping the government departments of pov-erty alleviation at all levels to mobilize all kinds of anti-poverty resources. 展开更多
关键词 poor village multidimensional poverty measurement poverty type poverty factors spatial econometric analysis
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