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作者 张冀震 王明倩 《西北民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2015年第4期93-98,共6页
在对松潘县进行田野调查后我们发现,松潘地区的回藏关系突出地表现在居住格局、回藏贸易、宗教信仰、日常生活和族际通婚5个方面,通过对这一地区和谐回藏关系的调查研究可以使人们加深对这座历史文化名城的了解,并为民族地区的发展提供... 在对松潘县进行田野调查后我们发现,松潘地区的回藏关系突出地表现在居住格局、回藏贸易、宗教信仰、日常生活和族际通婚5个方面,通过对这一地区和谐回藏关系的调查研究可以使人们加深对这座历史文化名城的了解,并为民族地区的发展提供一些借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 松潘 和谐回藏关系 回藏贸易 启示
回藏贸易中的盐业问题 被引量:2
作者 勉卫忠 《盐业史研究》 2007年第3期27-32,共6页
明朝至民国时期,在河湟回藏贸易中,青盐逐渐成为河湟回族商人转口贸易的大宗商品之一。尤其到了民国时期,这宗生意基本上掌握在青海回族商人手里,他们在河湟商品贸易中以雄厚的资金和善于经营的竞争能力,几乎垄断了青海青盐的收购和转... 明朝至民国时期,在河湟回藏贸易中,青盐逐渐成为河湟回族商人转口贸易的大宗商品之一。尤其到了民国时期,这宗生意基本上掌握在青海回族商人手里,他们在河湟商品贸易中以雄厚的资金和善于经营的竞争能力,几乎垄断了青海青盐的收购和转口贸易。 展开更多
关键词 河湟 回藏贸易 回族商人 青盐
清朝前期河湟回藏贸易略论 被引量:13
作者 勉卫忠 《西北第二民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2005年第3期55-61,共7页
明末清初,官方专营的“茶马互市”衰落之后,由河湟回族为主导的民间群众性回藏贸易迅速崛起,遂成为藏区与中原各族间经济往来的主流。这种有着特殊内容的经济互动关系,促进了新兴回藏商业城镇的崛起及回族商业社区的形成和巩固;更为重... 明末清初,官方专营的“茶马互市”衰落之后,由河湟回族为主导的民间群众性回藏贸易迅速崛起,遂成为藏区与中原各族间经济往来的主流。这种有着特殊内容的经济互动关系,促进了新兴回藏商业城镇的崛起及回族商业社区的形成和巩固;更为重要的是,它在加强藏区与内地的经济交流、促进藏区经济繁荣、消除某些政治上的离心力,则是其它事业无法取代的。 展开更多
关键词 回藏贸易 特点 内容 历史作用
河湟回藏贸易与寺院城镇的兴起 被引量:1
作者 勉卫忠 《青海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2012年第1期26-30,共5页
关键词 回藏贸易 寺院城镇 历史功能
甘南藏族自治州合作市回藏和谐民族关系研究 被引量:1
作者 郎雪霞 《中国民族博览》 2016年第7期7-9,共3页
甘南藏族自治州(以下简称甘南州)是我国少数民族聚居地区之一,州府所在地合作市是一个多民族杂居共处、多文化交融碰撞、民族关系较为敏感的地区。回族和藏族是该地区人口数量最多的两个少数民族,长期以来,居住在这里的回、藏民族长... 甘南藏族自治州(以下简称甘南州)是我国少数民族聚居地区之一,州府所在地合作市是一个多民族杂居共处、多文化交融碰撞、民族关系较为敏感的地区。回族和藏族是该地区人口数量最多的两个少数民族,长期以来,居住在这里的回、藏民族长期互动交融、和谐共处、共同发展。分析回藏关系和谐发展的现状及面临的挑战,探讨促进回藏民族关系协调发展的对策、措施,对该地区的稳定与和谐社会建设具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 甘南藏族自治州合作市 回藏民族关系 挑战 对策建议
作者 杨文法 《青海社会科学》 CSSCI 2011年第1期102-106,共5页
研究回族和藏族——这两个在地缘结构上渗透、宗教信仰不同、经济上又存在互补关系的民族之间的贸易体系,不仅具有学术意义,也会为现实提供积极的参考价值。通过分析回藏贸易交往过程中的认主仪式和保约,可揭示回藏贸易交往得以进行的... 研究回族和藏族——这两个在地缘结构上渗透、宗教信仰不同、经济上又存在互补关系的民族之间的贸易体系,不仅具有学术意义,也会为现实提供积极的参考价值。通过分析回藏贸易交往过程中的认主仪式和保约,可揭示回藏贸易交往得以进行的社会基础,并对交往的结构和观念作出初步的探讨和总结。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原 回藏贸易 认主仪式 保约 人类学
打造“回藏风情体验游”促进甘肃入境游发展 被引量:2
作者 曾兴 张寿彭 《社科纵横》 2007年第3期5-6,共2页
民俗文化是甘肃省旅游业发展的重要战略性资源。从兰州市出发途经临夏州到达甘南州的夏河县参观游览已成为甘肃省主要的旅游线路之一,这条线路具有绝佳的双民族风情旅游资源优势和庞大的海外客源市场,但却并未真正开发成为成熟、完善的... 民俗文化是甘肃省旅游业发展的重要战略性资源。从兰州市出发途经临夏州到达甘南州的夏河县参观游览已成为甘肃省主要的旅游线路之一,这条线路具有绝佳的双民族风情旅游资源优势和庞大的海外客源市场,但却并未真正开发成为成熟、完善的旅游产品,产生应有的效益。打造“回藏风情体验游”,深入挖掘潜在特色资源,完善诸多细节,增强市场吸引力和竞争力,从而开拓海外客源市场,使甘肃入境旅游上升到全新的发展层面。 展开更多
关键词 回藏风情体验游 入境旅游
略论藏彝走廊中的回藏和谐民族关系研究 被引量:2
作者 马尚林 《西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第7期6-9,共4页
藏彝走廊,地理范围涉及甘、青、川、滇四省及西藏东部的昌都地区,学术界对藏彝走廊民族问题的研究日益活跃,产生了许多成果,但对回藏和谐民族关系的研究则相对薄弱。走廊内回族与藏族都是我国少数民族中分布广泛、人口众多、具有独特文... 藏彝走廊,地理范围涉及甘、青、川、滇四省及西藏东部的昌都地区,学术界对藏彝走廊民族问题的研究日益活跃,产生了许多成果,但对回藏和谐民族关系的研究则相对薄弱。走廊内回族与藏族都是我国少数民族中分布广泛、人口众多、具有独特文化和宗教、影响较大的民族,回藏关系是我国西部地区历史悠久、交往密切和具有代表性与独特性的重要族际关系。本文通过对藏彝走廊中回族与藏族和谐民族关系研究状况的介绍,指出其研究特点与不足,提出研究该问题的内容设想和研究的重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 藏彝走廊 回藏 和谐民族关系 研究
民国时期回藏冲突与拉卜楞政权模式的革变 被引量:2
作者 崔丽霞 柳德军 《档案》 2016年第1期44-49,共6页
甘肃西南部之拉卜楞地区,自清初嘉木样一世创寺以来,一直享受着封闭而安逸的类乎"国中之国"的待遇。辛亥鼎革,局势动荡,甘肃政局亦风云多变,回马军系借势崛起,拉卜楞开始受到回马势力的窥觊。1917年,嘉木样四世入藏朝拜,圆寂... 甘肃西南部之拉卜楞地区,自清初嘉木样一世创寺以来,一直享受着封闭而安逸的类乎"国中之国"的待遇。辛亥鼎革,局势动荡,甘肃政局亦风云多变,回马军系借势崛起,拉卜楞开始受到回马势力的窥觊。1917年,嘉木样四世入藏朝拜,圆寂于拉萨。拉卜楞寺摄政阿莽仓与襄佐李宗哲因争夺寺权发生内讧,为回马势力的渗入提供了机会。自此,拉卜楞寺在控制与反控制之间开始了激烈的较量。嘉木样五世坐床后,为了摆脱回马势力的控制,以嘉木样为核心的黄氏父子在控诉回马罪行的同时,积极组织藏兵与之对抗。冯玉祥部入甘后,在剪除汉族军阀武装的同时,亦以武力挞伐回马军系,并将目光移向久未平息的拉卜楞冲突。在冯部的强势干预下,回马势力被迫退出拉卜楞,而作为代价,拉卜楞被迫成立设治局,直属兰州,该地政教合一的统治模式自此被打破。中原大战后,南京国民政府开始将权力的触角伸向西北,而拉卜楞设治局改名为夏河县,则是国家初步统一、中央权力开始向边疆民族地区渗透的一个历史缩影。 展开更多
关键词 青海 拉卜楞 马麒 嘉木样 回藏冲突
民国时期安多地区的回藏贸易 被引量:6
作者 张世海 《回族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第2期56-62,104,共8页
安多地区回藏贸易是特定历史条件下产生的,长期以来体现出藏区与内地两大物资交流的特色。本文对民国时期安多地区回藏贸易的规模、品种及贸易方式作了详尽介绍,并指出这种贸易的繁荣,不仅促进了当地社会经济的发展,而且对这一地区... 安多地区回藏贸易是特定历史条件下产生的,长期以来体现出藏区与内地两大物资交流的特色。本文对民国时期安多地区回藏贸易的规模、品种及贸易方式作了详尽介绍,并指出这种贸易的繁荣,不仅促进了当地社会经济的发展,而且对这一地区回藏两大民族关系产生显著而深远的影响。 展开更多
关键词 近现代回族 回藏贸易 安多地区 集货商 行商
论藏彝走廊回、藏和谐民族关系的形成机制 被引量:1
作者 马尚林 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 2017年第2期49-55,110-112,共10页
基于笔者2012—2013年在四川松潘、云南迪庆、甘南合作、西藏昌都的田野调查,从动力机制和制度保障两个维度考察藏彝走廊形成回、藏和谐民族关系原因。认为生活在藏彝走廊的回、藏民族在漫长的历史互动中形成了经济上的互补、文化上的共... 基于笔者2012—2013年在四川松潘、云南迪庆、甘南合作、西藏昌都的田野调查,从动力机制和制度保障两个维度考察藏彝走廊形成回、藏和谐民族关系原因。认为生活在藏彝走廊的回、藏民族在漫长的历史互动中形成了经济上的互补、文化上的共融,加上党和政府的重视,民族政策的具体实施,回藏民族习惯法中合理、健康因素的作用,为形成回藏和谐民族关系提供了保障。 展开更多
关键词 藏彝走廊:回藏民族 和谐民族关系
河湟地区回族与汉、藏两族社会交往的特点 被引量:9
作者 马进虎 《青海民族学院学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第4期38-42,共5页
关键词 河湟 多元文明 回汉交往 回藏交往
Remote Sensing Monitoring of the Subalpine Coniferous Forests and Quantitative Analysis of the Characteristics of Succession in East Mountain Area of Tibetan Plateau——A Case Study With Zamtang County 被引量:5
作者 张学儒 张镱锂 +2 位作者 刘林山 张继平 高俊刚 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第6期926-930,共5页
The study area lies in the Dadu River drainage area in upstream Yangtze River.The spatial distribution of subalpine coniferous forests in 1989 and 2009 was extracted by means of a combined method of object orientation... The study area lies in the Dadu River drainage area in upstream Yangtze River.The spatial distribution of subalpine coniferous forests in 1989 and 2009 was extracted by means of a combined method of object orientation and visual interpretation,and then the overlaying analysis of these data was conducted.The type and spatial location of succession were discovered and served as the sample of dependant variable.Meanwhile,supported by GIS technology and based on DEM and thematic data,the eight variables including altitude,slope,sin and cosin of aspect,curvity of land surface,and distance to residential area,cultivated land and road were extracted served as the sample of spatial succession of subalpine coniferous forests to fit Logistic Regression,and then the contribution of each independent variable as well as the spatial property of the occurrence probability of succession was calculated.The results suggested that,during the succession of subalpine coniferous forests to meadow,the closer to the residential area and cultivated land,the greater the contribution to succession is.In particular,when the distance to the residential area decreases by one unit,the probability for its conversion to meadow will be increased by 1.15 times.During the succession of subalpine coniferous forests to deciduous-broadleaved shrubs,the sin of aspect and distance to residential area contribute more,and the probability of succession increases with increasing degree of northwardness,i.e.when the degree of northwardness increases by one unit,the probability will be increased by 1.2 times.The quantitative analysis of spatial succession property of subalpine coniferous forests will supply scientific basis to the protection and restoration of subalpine coniferous forests. 展开更多
关键词 Subalpine Coniferous Forests Logistic Regression GIS East Mountain Area of Tibetan Plateau
作者 高旭龙 李娜 房继荣 《青海民族大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第2期123-129,共7页
关键词 民国 拉卜楞地区 回商 贸易交往 夏河 回藏贸易
清朝晚期甘宁青各民族间的经济文化交往 被引量:1
作者 陈红梅 《北方民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1997年第2期61-64,共4页
关键词 清朝晚期 回藏贸易 各民族 甘宁青 晚清时期 经济文化 青藏高原 西北回族 经济交往 撒拉族人
河湟地区回族传统商贸的发展及对策分析 被引量:1
作者 马礼 《西北第二民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第6期56-58,共3页
以回藏贸易为重要内容的河湟地区回族传统商贸,不仅有力地促进了河湟地区经济社会的发展,而且对边地藏区的开发发挥了重要作用。进入新世纪,随着现代通讯和交通的飞速发展、全国统一大市场的形成和局势的变化,河湟地区回族传统商贸面临... 以回藏贸易为重要内容的河湟地区回族传统商贸,不仅有力地促进了河湟地区经济社会的发展,而且对边地藏区的开发发挥了重要作用。进入新世纪,随着现代通讯和交通的飞速发展、全国统一大市场的形成和局势的变化,河湟地区回族传统商贸面临严重挑战。在简要分析发展形势的基础上,对河湟回族商贸的未来提出对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 河湟地区 回藏贸易 民族经济
Blind multiple watermarking algorithm for audio 被引量:2
作者 陈宁 朱杰 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第2期206-210,共5页
To make digital watermarking accomplish several goals, a new method for simultaneously embedding multiple watermarks into the same audio signal is proposed. First, the original audio signal is segmented into frames of... To make digital watermarking accomplish several goals, a new method for simultaneously embedding multiple watermarks into the same audio signal is proposed. First, the original audio signal is segmented into frames of appointed lengths and all the element watermarks are encoded to achieve a mixed watermark. Then, the binary bits in the mixed watermark are embedded into the audio frames with the echo hiding technique. The watermark extraction can be performed without an original audio signal. Furthermore, in order to enhance the extraction accuracy and the robustness of the proposed algorithm against common signal manipulations, the autocorrelafion of the power cepstrum is utilized to estimate the echo delays in the watermarked audio frames to extract the mixed watermark and the corresponding decoding method is applied to achieve the element watermarks. Computer simulation results indicate that the proposed scheme has great robustness against common signal manipulations of Mp3 compressing, re-sampling, re-quantizing, low-pass filtering and white noise addition. 展开更多
关键词 multiple watermarking echo hiding power cepstrum blind detection
CO emission in the air return corner of the working face in shallow burial mining areas 被引量:1
作者 Botao Qin Yi Lu Yuwei Jia 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第5期617-623,共7页
In shallow burial mining areas, abnormal CO emission and the spontaneous combustion of coal are great threats to safety production at a fully-mechanised working face. In order to prevent the CO concentration in the ai... In shallow burial mining areas, abnormal CO emission and the spontaneous combustion of coal are great threats to safety production at a fully-mechanised working face. In order to prevent the CO concentration in the air return corner from exceeding the critical limit, the paper studied the CO emission regularity and characteristics through theoretical analysis, experimental research and field observation. The results show that the main sources of CO emission were the spontaneous combustion of coal in the goaf and the exhaust emissions coming from underground motorised vehicles. The effect factors of CO emission were also investigated, such as seasonal climate changes, the advancing distance and advancing speed of the working face, the number of underground motorised vehicles and some other factors. In addition to these basic analyses, the influence mechanism of each influence factor was also summarised theoretically. Finally, this study researched the distribution and change law of CO concentration in the fully-mechanised working face in two aspects: controlling the change of monitoring points and time respectively. The research results provide a theoretical basis for preventing the CO concentration from exceeding the critical limit in the air return corner and reducing the possibility of spontaneous combustion of coal. Additionally, the results also provide important theoretical and practical guidelines for protecting miners' health in modern mines featuring high production and high efficiency all over the world. 展开更多
关键词 Shallow burial mining area CO Emission regularity Air return corner
Evaluations of the Sensory Quality Indices and Freshness Assessment of Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Fillets Fed Recycled Food Waste Materials
作者 G. G. Bake M. Endo +2 位作者 A. Akimoto N. Hamada-Sato T. Takeuchi 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第6期820-830,共11页
This study was designed to evaluate the sensory quality indices, freshness assessment and safety of eating Nile tilapia fed recycled food waste materials [food industry waste (FIW) and soy sauce waste (SSW)] for 3... This study was designed to evaluate the sensory quality indices, freshness assessment and safety of eating Nile tilapia fed recycled food waste materials [food industry waste (FIW) and soy sauce waste (SSW)] for 32 weeks using K values, IMP content and microbial viable cell count. Five experimental diets were formulated at 0% and 20%-22% inclusion level of recycled food wastes. The diets were designated as D 1: 0% of recycled food waste, D2: 20% inclusion of FIW, D3: 20% inclusion of FIW and SSW, D4: 20% inclusion of FIW and tryptophan, and D5: 22% inclusion of SSW. The result from the body composition shows that D I had higher carcass protein, while D3 had the highest lipid content and there was no significant difference in the carcass moisture and ash contents among all treatments. The results of microbial viable cell counts showed that no significant differences were observed among the dietary treatments and all the fish fed experimental diets still remained fresh four days after refrigerated storage at 5 ~C. In addition, no significant differences were noted among the K value concentrations of all the fish fed the experimental diets. From the result of this study, we concluded that using 20% inclusion of recycled food waste materials (FIW and SSW) in the diet of tilapia had no negative effect on the flesh of the fish; hence, recycled food waste could be a good alternative ingredient to aquaculture. 展开更多
关键词 Recycled food waste food industry waste soy sauce waste K value Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus sensoryquality.
Factors Influencing the Grazing Management Styles of Settled Herders: a Case Study of Nagqu County, Tibetan Plateau, China 被引量:5
作者 HUA Xiao-bo YAN Jian-zhong +3 位作者 LIU Xiang WU Ying-ying LIU Lin-shan ZHANG Yi-li 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期1074-1084,共11页
The implementation of pasture contracting policies in the Tibetan Plateau has been of widespread concern in the scientific community and related government departments. Studying the effects of the implementation of pa... The implementation of pasture contracting policies in the Tibetan Plateau has been of widespread concern in the scientific community and related government departments. Studying the effects of the implementation of pasture contracting policies will help us understand herders' attitudes toward those policies and to amend existing policies effectively.This paper analyzes 135 herder families' grazing management behavior using participatory rural appraisal(PRA), quantitative analysis and a Logistic regression model in three townships of Nagqu County in remote areas of the Tibetan Plateau, China. The results show that the herders have become settled and are no longer nomadic, so the settlement project has basically been completed and the policy of contracting for grazing rights is being gradually implemented in Nagqu County. Since the grazing rights and pastures were under contract, group-based management has been widely accepted in this area, which helps the herders deal with constraints, such as limited pasture area, a small grazing radius, controlled family animal husbandry and an uneven distribution of water. The herders that have more family members available for labor, higher proportion of family members with good health, and higher income from animal husbandry tend to choose household-based management.Herders tend to choose group-based management when higher quality winter pastures are available. 展开更多
关键词 Pasture contract Nagqu County Settledherders Participatory rural appraisal Tibetan Plateau
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