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作者 杨共华 《浙江档案》 北大核心 1991年第3期35-38,共4页
二、本旅之阵地暨各团警戒区域仍如昨(廿三)晚命令所示,惟第五一八团在庙行镇右翼阵地应延伸至南端第一条无名河与六十一师相接。 三、各团兵力应取纵深配备,第一线兵力务求节约,多控置预备队俾减少损害,且资策应全线。 四、第五一八团... 二、本旅之阵地暨各团警戒区域仍如昨(廿三)晚命令所示,惟第五一八团在庙行镇右翼阵地应延伸至南端第一条无名河与六十一师相接。 三、各团兵力应取纵深配备,第一线兵力务求节约,多控置预备队俾减少损害,且资策应全线。 四、第五一八团应控置步兵二营,其一营为必要时之旅预备队。 五、炮兵第一团第一营(山炮八门)及五一七、五一八团之榴弹炮连集团使用,归李副旅长指挥。陈团附瑞何金营长之商、华副官品章共同参划。 六、炮兵第一营在未进入阵地时应控置于李家楼两端朱江巷待命。五一七、五一八团榴弹炮连应移开李家楼另觅驻地。弹药全数放置于掩蔽部内,骡马分散拴紧,人员亦应设掩蔽部。 七、各团卫生队应尽量接近前线大马路旁,开设绷带所,收容伤兵,转送后方。 展开更多
关键词 二营 一营 副旅长 官品 团附 东塘 三营 本营 八师
剧团要发展 团长是关键──话说宜宾市川剧团及两任团长
作者 奔途 沐雨 《四川戏剧》 北大核心 1994年第5期48-51,共4页
剧团要发展 团长是关键──话说宜宾市川剧团及两任团长奔途,沐雨一个剧团倘无精干的演员阵容,没有新剧目不断地推上舞台.剧团也就不可能生存发展了。宜宾市川剧团有两任团长,一位是五十年代末、六十年代初的严亮畴,一位是八十年... 剧团要发展 团长是关键──话说宜宾市川剧团及两任团长奔途,沐雨一个剧团倘无精干的演员阵容,没有新剧目不断地推上舞台.剧团也就不可能生存发展了。宜宾市川剧团有两任团长,一位是五十年代末、六十年代初的严亮畴,一位是八十年代末、九十年代初的文西良,他们二位... 展开更多
关键词 演员阵容 五十年代 八十年代 刘文学 凡尔登 戏剧电影 团附 戏曲剧种 《白蛇传》 艺术事业
四行孤军光与影(一) 被引量:1
作者 苏智良 胡皓磊 《档案春秋》 2015年第7期13-16,共4页
1937年的"八一三"淞沪战役是中日之间的第一场大战,双方投入兵力总数在百万以上,如此大规模会战不仅在整个抗日战争中罕见,在世界范围的反法西斯战争中也屈指可数。淞沪会战是由一个个局部战事汇聚而成的,在海岸线自西向东有浏河、狮... 1937年的"八一三"淞沪战役是中日之间的第一场大战,双方投入兵力总数在百万以上,如此大规模会战不仅在整个抗日战争中罕见,在世界范围的反法西斯战争中也屈指可数。淞沪会战是由一个个局部战事汇聚而成的,在海岸线自西向东有浏河、狮子林、宝山、川沙的拼杀,在黄浦江沿岸自北向南有蕰藻浜、杨树浦、虹口的争夺。在这曲震撼人心的悲歌中,中国将士们前赴后继,用铁血书写他们人生最后的篇章。姚子青血战宝山,全营殉职;谢晋元留守四行, 展开更多
关键词 淞沪会战 谢晋元 蕰藻 狮子林 杨树浦 四行仓库 孙元良 战争中 瑞符 团附
作者 郑玲 《合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 1987年第2期75-77,共3页
今年,是“八一三”上海军民团结抗战五十周年。五十年前,在震惊中外的淞沪之战中,谢晋元将军率部坚守阵地,以少数兵力挫败数万日军多次凶猛进攻。粉碎了日本帝国主义“皇军不可战胜”的神话,极大地鼓舞了全国军民团结抗日的激情。 谢晋... 今年,是“八一三”上海军民团结抗战五十周年。五十年前,在震惊中外的淞沪之战中,谢晋元将军率部坚守阵地,以少数兵力挫败数万日军多次凶猛进攻。粉碎了日本帝国主义“皇军不可战胜”的神话,极大地鼓舞了全国军民团结抗日的激情。 谢晋元,字中民,广东蕉岭县人。他中学毕业后考入中山大学预科肄业。 展开更多
关键词 谢晋元 抗日英雄 日本帝国主义 四行仓库 军民 大学预科 上海抗战 团附 淞沪抗战 盐业银行
作者 刘平 彭玉龙 《国防》 1991年第1期40-42,共3页
'中国不会亡,中国不会亡,你看那民族英雄谢团长;中国一定强,中国一定强,你看那八百壮士孤军奋守东战场。……'这是上海'8.13'大战时,一个没有留下姓名的人所作的一首英雄赞歌——《八百壮士之歌》。1937年7月7日芦沟桥... '中国不会亡,中国不会亡,你看那民族英雄谢团长;中国一定强,中国一定强,你看那八百壮士孤军奋守东战场。……'这是上海'8.13'大战时,一个没有留下姓名的人所作的一首英雄赞歌——《八百壮士之歌》。1937年7月7日芦沟桥事变,日本发动了全面侵华战争。8月13日,日军进攻上海。中日双方在上海及其周围地区进行了长达3个多月的大会战。10月26日,日军攻陷大场、江湾、闸北、庙行地区。 展开更多
关键词 四行仓库 谢晋元 全面侵华战争 日本侵略军 英雄赞歌 江湾 日本帝国主义 太阳旗 瑞符 团附
作者 蒋海瑛 《歌剧》 2015年第5期72-73,共2页
上海歌剧院新排交响合唱《八百壮士》纪念抗战胜利70周年Shanghai Opera House’s choral-symphonic Eight Hundred Heroes commemorates 70<sup>th</sup>anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War为纪念反法... 上海歌剧院新排交响合唱《八百壮士》纪念抗战胜利70周年Shanghai Opera House’s choral-symphonic Eight Hundred Heroes commemorates 70<sup>th</sup>anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War为纪念反法西斯战争暨中国人民抗战胜利70周年,上海歌剧院推出原创交响合唱作品《八百壮士》。亚滨、甘霖编剧,甘霖作曲的交响合唱,以新创作的(《八百壮士之歌》为音乐主导动机,共作有15个乐章(含序曲)。日前,上海歌剧院合唱团在指挥林友声的指导下,已全面进入排练阶段。4月24日下午,上海歌剧院党委书记范建萍、副院长李瑞祥、吴洁等领导,对《八百壮士》其中的五个乐章进行了初次试听。交响合唱《八百壮士》取材于1 937年上海"淞沪会战"中著名的"四行仓库守卫战"。讲述了国军第9集团军88师524团在接到坚守上海闸北"四行仓库"的命令后,于次日中午起,在团附谢晋元的指挥下孤军据守,激战四天五夜。 展开更多
关键词 上海歌剧院 淞沪会战 四行仓库 主导动机 合唱作品 谢晋元 团附 李瑞祥 多尼采蒂 Japanese
作者 陈廖原 《广西城镇建设》 2015年第3期80-87,共8页
此建筑兴建于民国八年,即1919年,岁次己未,时历8年,如今人去楼空,物是人非。 从未想过会有这样一个机会去仰观一段历史,去触摸一座建筑,去倾听一个故事。时代变迁的插曲、历史辗转的情节、支离破碎的痕迹成为墙壁上忽明忽暗的青苔,来... 此建筑兴建于民国八年,即1919年,岁次己未,时历8年,如今人去楼空,物是人非。 从未想过会有这样一个机会去仰观一段历史,去触摸一座建筑,去倾听一个故事。时代变迁的插曲、历史辗转的情节、支离破碎的痕迹成为墙壁上忽明忽暗的青苔,来来往往的脚步成为楼堂里斑驳交错的光影,多少年的昼夜更替风雨交织, 展开更多
关键词 新桂系 黄绍竑 己未 岁次 八年 世界红十字会 军事委员会 用兵之道 国民党将领 团附
Collinear Velocity-map Photoelectron Imaging Spectrometer for Cluster Anions
作者 吴侠 秦正波 +3 位作者 谢华 吴小虎 丛然 唐紫超 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期373-380,I0001,共9页
We describe a collinear velocity-map photoelectron imaging spectrometer, which combines a Wiley-McLaren time-of-flight mass analyzer with a dual-valve laser vaporization source for investigating size-selected cluster ... We describe a collinear velocity-map photoelectron imaging spectrometer, which combines a Wiley-McLaren time-of-flight mass analyzer with a dual-valve laser vaporization source for investigating size-selected cluster and reaction intermediate anions. To generate the reaction anions conveniently, two pulsed valves and a reaction channel are employed instead of premixing carrier gas. The collinear photoelectron imaging spectrometer adopts modified velocity-map electrostatic lens, and provides kinetic energy resolution better than 3%. The performance of the instrument is demonstrated on the photodetachment of Si4^- at 532 and 355 nm, and SiaC^- at 532 nm, respectively. In both cases, photoelectron spectra and anisotropy parameters are obtained from the images. For Si4^-, the spectra show two well- resolved vibrational progressions which correspond to the ground state and the first excited state of the neutral Si4 with peak spacing of 330 and 312 cm^-1, respectively. Preliminary results suggest that the apparatus is a powerful tool for characterizing the electronic structure and photodetachment dynamics of cluster anions. 展开更多
关键词 Laser vaporization source PHOTODETACHMENT CLUSTER
Hydrophobic intensification flotation:Comparison of collector containing two minerophilic groups with conventional collectors 被引量:14
作者 Sheng LIU Guang-yi LIU +1 位作者 Yao-guo HUANG Hong ZHONG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第9期2536-2546,共11页
The surface hydrophobization and flotation of a xanthate−hydroxamate collector toward copper oxide mineral were compared with the combined collectors of xanthate and hydroxamate through water contact angle(WCA)and mic... The surface hydrophobization and flotation of a xanthate−hydroxamate collector toward copper oxide mineral were compared with the combined collectors of xanthate and hydroxamate through water contact angle(WCA)and micro-flotation experiments.The results showed that S-[(2-hydroxyamino)-2-oxoethyl]-O-octyl-dithiocarbonate ester(HAOODE)exhibited stronger hydrophobization and better flotation performance to malachite(Cu2(OH)2CO3)than octyl-hydroxamic acid(OHA)and its combination with S-allyl-O-ethyl xanthate ester(AEXE).To understand the hydrophobic intensification mechanism of HAOODE to malachite,zeta potential,atomic force microscopy(AFM)and XPS measurements were carried out.The results recommended that malachite chemisorbed HAOODE to form Cu—HAOODE complexes in which the hydroxamate—(O,O)—Cu and—O—C(—S—Cu)—S—configurations co-existed.The co-adsorption of HAOODE’s hetero-difunctional groups was more stable than the single-functionalgroup adsorption of OHA and AEXE,which produced the“loop”structure and intensified the self-assembly alignment of HAOODE on malachite surfaces.In addition,the“h”shape steric orientation of the double hydrophobic groups in HAOODE facilitated stronger hydrophobization toward malachite than the“line”or“V”hydrophobic carbon chains of OHA or AEXE.Thus,HAOODE achieved the preferable flotation recovery of malachite particles in comparison with OHA and AEXE. 展开更多
关键词 S-[(2-hydroxyamino)-2-oxoethyl]-O-octyl-dithiocarbonate ester atomic force microscopy(AFM) heterodifunctional co-adsorption HYDROPHOBIZATION malachite flotation
Breakdown mechanism of CF_4 and N_2 binary gas in refrigeration temperature range
作者 LI Wei-guo HOU Meng-xi +2 位作者 YUAN Chuang-ye CHENG Yu-di TU You-ping 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第7期1701-1707,共7页
The mechanism of gas discharge in refrigeration temperature range is still not clear. N2, CF4, 20% CF4+N2 and 50%CF4+50%N2 binary gas mixtures were tested under the conditions of –153–25 ℃ and 50–2000 Pa. The ex... The mechanism of gas discharge in refrigeration temperature range is still not clear. N2, CF4, 20% CF4+N2 and 50%CF4+50%N2 binary gas mixtures were tested under the conditions of –153–25 ℃ and 50–2000 Pa. The experimental results show that the minimum of Paschen curves of all test samples shifts to low pressure, from 500 Pa to 200 Pa. The value of Paschen curve minimum of N2 shows remarkable fluctuation. This fluctuation is explained by molecule agglomeration and electronic mean energy. The fluctuation decreases with the increasing mixing ratio of CF4. What’s more, the value of Paschen curve minimum of CF4 decreases with temperature. This phenomenon is ascribed to attach-radiation and secondary process. 展开更多
关键词 CF4 N2 AGGLOMERATION attach-radition breakdown mechanism refrigeration temperature range
Softening of C-H Symmetric Stretching Vibrational Modes for CH2 and CH3 Radicals Adsorbed on Cun (n=1-6) Clusters
作者 Xi-hui Chenga Da-jun Ding +1 位作者 Yong-gang Yu Ming-xing Jin 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第6期649-653,I0003,共6页
The properties of C-H vibration softening for CH2 and CHa radicals absorbed on Cun(n=1-6) clusters have been investigated, using the density functional theory with hybrid functional. The results indicate that the ab... The properties of C-H vibration softening for CH2 and CHa radicals absorbed on Cun(n=1-6) clusters have been investigated, using the density functional theory with hybrid functional. The results indicate that the absorption of CH2 on Cu clusters is stronger than the case of CH3. The vibrational frequencies of C-H bonding agree with the experimental results obtained for CH2 and CH3 absorbed on Cu(111). With the increase of cluster size, the softening (Einstein shift) of C-H vibrational modes become stronger. 展开更多
关键词 Radical CH2 Radical CH3 Cu cluster C-H vibrational mode softening(Einstein shift)
Influence of the Surface and Structural Characteristics of Activated Carbons on Adsorptive Removal of Halo-Olefinic Impurities from 1,1,1,3,3-Pentafluoropropane
作者 张波 张闯 尉明全 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第9期974-979,共6页
Halo-olefinic impurities in 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane (HFC-245fa) product used as blowing agents, etc. could damage the human body and must be removed. Activated carbon was treated by HCI, HN03 and NaOH, respecti... Halo-olefinic impurities in 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane (HFC-245fa) product used as blowing agents, etc. could damage the human body and must be removed. Activated carbon was treated by HCI, HN03 and NaOH, respectively. The adsorptive performance of unmodified and modified activated carbons for the removal of a low con- tent of l-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoro-l-propene (HCFC-1233zd), 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoro-l-propene (HFC-1234ze), 1- chloro-l,3,3,3-tetrafluoro-l-propene (HFC-1224zb) and 2-chloro-l,3,3,3-tetrafluoro-l-propene (HFC-1224xe) halo-olefins in the 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane (HFC-245fa] product was investigated. These halo-olefinic im- purities could be substantially removed from the HFC-245fa product via the adsorption over activated carbon when the adsorption temperature was under 333 K, which can be attributed to the n-n dispersion interactions between the halo-olefins and carbon graphite layer. The basic surface groups of activated carbon could catalyze the decomposition of HFC-245fa to form HFC-1234ze. However, the significant increase in the amount of surface acidic groups of activated carbon led to a distinct decrease of adsorption capacity due to the reduction in the mi- cropore volume of adsorbent and a decrease in the strength of the n-n dispersive interactions between halo- olefin molecules and carbon basal. The breakthrough time of halo-olefinic impurities on activated carbon in- creased with the increase of molecular mass and the decrease of molecular symmetry. 展开更多
关键词 AdsorptionRemovalHalo-olefinic impuritiesActivated carbon
Modified activated carbons with amino groups and their copper adsorption properties in aqueous solution 被引量:4
作者 Mohammad Hassan Mahaninia Paria Rahimian Tahereh Kaghazchi 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期50-56,共7页
Activated carbons were prepared by two chemical methods and the adsorption of Cu(II) on activated carbons from aqueous solution containing amino groups was studied. The first method involved the chlorination of activa... Activated carbons were prepared by two chemical methods and the adsorption of Cu(II) on activated carbons from aqueous solution containing amino groups was studied. The first method involved the chlorination of activated carbon following by substitution of chloride groups with amino groups, and the second involved the nitrilation of activated carbon with reduction of nitro groups to amino groups. Resultant activated carbons were characterized in terms of porous structure, elemental analysis, FTIR spectroscopy, XPS, Boehm titration,and p Hzpc. Kinetic and equilibrium tests were performed for copper adsorption in the batch mode. Also,adsorption mechanism and effect of p H on the adsorption of Cu(II) ions were discussed. Adsorption study shows enhanced adsorption for copper on the modified activated carbons, mainly by the presence of amino groups, and the Freundlich model is applicable for the activated carbons. It is suggested that binding of nitrogen atoms with Cu(II) ions is stronger than that with H+ions due to relatively higher divalent charge or stronger electrostatic force. 展开更多
关键词 Activated carbon Amino groups Cu(II) adsorption Freundlich model
Effect of the surface properties of an activated coke on its desulphurization performance 被引量:10
作者 ZHANG Xiang-lan ZHANG Yan DING Fang-sheng HUANG Qi-jiang LI Yuan 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第6期769-774,共6页
Commercial coke was modified by H2O2 and/or NH3.H2O to obtain an activated coke containing additional oxygen functional groups and/or nitrogen functional groups. The aim of the modification was to enhance the SO2 adso... Commercial coke was modified by H2O2 and/or NH3.H2O to obtain an activated coke containing additional oxygen functional groups and/or nitrogen functional groups. The aim of the modification was to enhance the SO2 adsorption capacity of the activated coke. Several techniques, including total nitrogen content measurements, SO2 adsorption, XPS and FTIR analysis, were used to characterize the coke samples. The XPS and FTIR spectra suggest the existence of -CONH2 groups in the H2O2 plus ammonia modified coke. The SO2 adsorption capacity of an activated coke increases slightly with an increase in H2O2 concentration during the modification process. The desulphurization performance of a modified coke is considerably enhanced by increasing the treatment temperature during ammonia modification. The amount of nitrogen in a coke modified by H2O2 plus NH3.H2O is the highest, and the SO2 adsorption capacity of the coke is also the highest (89.9 mg/gC). The NH3.H2O (only) modified sample has lower nitrogen content and lower desulphurization capacity (79.9 mg/gC). H2O modification gives the lowest SO2 adsorption capacity (28.9 mg/gC). The H2O2 pre-treatment is beneficial for the introduction of nitrogen onto the surface of a sample during the following ammonia treatment process. 展开更多
关键词 activated coke surface property desulphurization property
Computational Study on Interactions between CO2 and (TiO2)n Clusters at Specific Sites
作者 Hitler Louis Ling-ju Guo +2 位作者 Shuang Zhu Sajjad Hussain Tao He 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第6期674-686,I0002,I0046-I0058,共27页
The energetic pathways of adsorption and activation of carbon dioxide (CO2) on low-lying compact (TiO2)n clusters are systematically investigated by using electronic structure calculations based on density-functional ... The energetic pathways of adsorption and activation of carbon dioxide (CO2) on low-lying compact (TiO2)n clusters are systematically investigated by using electronic structure calculations based on density-functional theory (DFT). Our calculated results show that CO2 is adsorbed preferably on the bridge O atom of the clusters, forming a "chemisorption" carbonate complex, while the CO is adsorbed preferably to the Ti atom of terminal Ti-O.The computed carbonate vibrational frequency values are in good agreement with the results obtained experimentally, which suggests that CO2 in the complex is distorted slightly from its undeviating linear configuration. In addition, the analyses of electronic parameters, electronic density, ionization potential, HOMO-LUMO gap, and density of states(DOS) confirm the charge transfer and interaction between CO2 and the cluster. From the predicted energy profiles, CO2 can be easily adsorbed and activated, while the activation of CO2 on (TiO2)n clusters are structure-dependent and energetically more favorable than that on the bulk TiO2. Overall, this study critically highlights how the small (TiO2)n clusters can influence the CO2 adsorption and activation which are the critical steps for CO2 reduction the surface of a catalyst and subsequent conversion into industrially relevant chemicals and fuels. 展开更多
关键词 (TiO2)n clusters Carbon dioxide Reduction Adsorption ACTIVATION
作者 ZHANG Gencheng LIUFuqiang +2 位作者 FEI Zhenghao LI Aimin ZHANG Quanxing 《Chinese Journal of Reactive Polymers》 2003年第1期59-69,共11页
A comparison of the adsorption of benzoic acid and p-nitrobenzoic acid on the new hypercrosslinked polymeric adsorbent AM-1, with that by macroporous Amberlite XAD-4, including the equilibrium adsorption isotherms, th... A comparison of the adsorption of benzoic acid and p-nitrobenzoic acid on the new hypercrosslinked polymeric adsorbent AM-1, with that by macroporous Amberlite XAD-4, including the equilibrium adsorption isotherms, the dynamic adsorption behaviors through column and the adsorption thermodynamics were studied. Results show that Freundlich equation gives a fitting adsorption isotherm. The specific surface of AM-1 is only 67% of that of Amberlite XAD-4, but the adsorption capacities on AM-1 are much higher about 125%~166% than that on Amberlite XAD-4, which is contributed to the micropore mechanism and polarity. The negative values of the adsorption enthalpy are indicative of an exothermic process. Enthalpy and free energy changes of adsorption both manifest a physic-sorption process. The negative values of the adsorption entropy indicate that the adsorption is well consistent with the restricted mobilities and the configurations of the adsorbed benzoic acid molecules on the surface of studied adsorbents with superficial heterogeneity. Both adsorbents were used in mini-column experiments for adsorbing benzoic acid expecting to elucidate the higher breakthrough adsorption capacity of the new hypercrosslinked polymeric adsorbent AM-1 as compared with that of Amberlite XAD-4. 展开更多
关键词 Hypercrosslinked phenol group Pst adsorbent Adsorption of benzoic acid p-Nitrobenzoic acid Thermodynamic properties
作者 WUYongwen LIZhong +1 位作者 XIHongxia XIAQibin 《Chinese Journal of Reactive Polymers》 2004年第1期89-96,共8页
This review focused on the recent reports related to the function, characterization and modification of oxygen-containing surface groups of activated carbon (AC). The Oxygen-containing surface groups were briefly desc... This review focused on the recent reports related to the function, characterization and modification of oxygen-containing surface groups of activated carbon (AC). The Oxygen-containing surface groups were briefly described, and the most frequently used techniques for characterization of the oxygen-containing surface groups on ACs were also briefly stated. A detailed discussion of the effects of the oxygen-containing surface groups on the adsorptive capacity of AC was given. The recent progresses in modification of the oxygen-containing surface groups of AC were also reviewed. 展开更多
关键词 Oxygen-containing group Activated carbon Surface chemistry Modification.
Adsorption of cadmium ions from aqueous solutions by activated carbon with oxygen-containing functional groups 被引量:5
作者 边宇 卞兆勇 +4 位作者 张俊宵 丁爱中 刘少蕾 郑蕾 王辉 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期1705-1711,共7页
The adsorption of aqueous cadmium ions(Cd(Ⅱ)) have been investigated for modified activated carbon(AC-T)with oxygen-containing functional groups.The oxygen-containing groups of AC-T play an important role in Cd(Ⅱ) i... The adsorption of aqueous cadmium ions(Cd(Ⅱ)) have been investigated for modified activated carbon(AC-T)with oxygen-containing functional groups.The oxygen-containing groups of AC-T play an important role in Cd(Ⅱ) ion adsorption onto AC-T.The modified activated carbon is characterized by scanning electron microscopy,Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS).The results of batch experiments indicate that the maximal adsorption could be achieved over the broad pH range of 4.5 to 6.5.Adsorption isotherms and kinetic study suggest that the sorption of Cd(Ⅱ) onto AC-T produces monolayer coverage and that adsorption is controlled by chemical adsorption.And the adsorbent has a good reusability.According to the FT-IR and XPS analyses,electrostatic attraction and cation exchange between Cd(Ⅱ) and oxygen-containing functional groups on AC-T are dominant mechanisms for Cd(Ⅱ) adsorption. 展开更多
关键词 Activated carbon Oxygen-containing functional groups Cd(II) Adsorption mechanism
作者 单补生 《黄埔》 2016年第1期152-158,共7页
在藏品交流会上,一张黄埔第10期学生(图一1)的半身照片格外引人注目,欣赏之余,笔者发现此照不同以往,学生除缝缀"军校、学生"圆牌领章外,第一钮扣竟然缀饰校长像章,而且是以中央陆军军官学校毕业生登记证(图二)之"校长近影"为... 在藏品交流会上,一张黄埔第10期学生(图一1)的半身照片格外引人注目,欣赏之余,笔者发现此照不同以往,学生除缝缀"军校、学生"圆牌领章外,第一钮扣竟然缀饰校长像章,而且是以中央陆军军官学校毕业生登记证(图二)之"校长近影"为蓝本所制。 展开更多
关键词 中央军校 缀饰 军校教育 何应钦 军事委员会 纪念周 团附 汪精卫 军政要员 刘健群
Preparation and performance evaluation of resin-derived carbon spheres for desulfurization of fuels 被引量:3
《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第3期393-398,共6页
A polystyrene-based ion-exchange resin was employed as the precursor for preparation of resin-derived carbon spheres (RCSs) through KOH activation with various impregnation ratios. Pore structure, yield and hardness... A polystyrene-based ion-exchange resin was employed as the precursor for preparation of resin-derived carbon spheres (RCSs) through KOH activation with various impregnation ratios. Pore structure, yield and hardness, surface functional groups of the samples and their adsorption performance towards dibenzothiophene (DBT) were investigated. The RCSs with large surface areas (up to 2696 m2/g) and total pore volumes (up to 1.46 cm3/g) exhibited larger adsorption capacities than a commercial ac- tivated carbon, F400. Polanyi-Dubinin-Mane (PDM) model was applied to fit the adsorption data, which proved that micropore filling was involved during the adsorption process. Moreover, a good linear relationship was observed between the ex- tra-micropore volume and adsorption capacity. Intra-particle diffusion (IPD) model was used to describe the kinetic data of DBT onto the adsorbents. The adsorption processes were divided into three stages according to the different diffusion parame- ter. The selective adsorption towards DBT in the presence of competing compounds was also investigated and the high selec- tivity of the RSCs towards DBT may be attributed to the large quantity of acidic oxygen-containing groups. 展开更多
关键词 KOH activation carbon spheres DIBENZOTHIOPHENE adsorption isotherm pore diffusion
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