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园养野生动物寄生虫重复感染原因的调查 被引量:15
作者 刘唐美 《山西科技》 2006年第3期106-107,共2页
文章从1997年-2004年连续八年对太原动物园饲养的野生动物寄生虫重复感染情况进行调查分析,结果表明猫科动物中的狮、虎、豹,熊科的黑熊、棕熊,犬科的狼对蛔虫重复感染率最高;猕猴科动物中各种猴类及狒狒鞭虫重复感染率较高;牛科... 文章从1997年-2004年连续八年对太原动物园饲养的野生动物寄生虫重复感染情况进行调查分析,结果表明猫科动物中的狮、虎、豹,熊科的黑熊、棕熊,犬科的狼对蛔虫重复感染率最高;猕猴科动物中各种猴类及狒狒鞭虫重复感染率较高;牛科(扭角羚例外)、驼科、马科动物对血予线虫和毛圊线虫重复感染率均高;禽类则以球虫、组织滴虫重复出现感染率较高。 展开更多
关键词 园养野生动物 寄生虫 感染原因
作者 赵保国 《四川动物》 CSCD 1991年第3期41-42,共2页
关键词 金丝猴 园养 习性
作者 贾惠言 戴久丽 +3 位作者 宋佳巍 周潇 王力 陈淑芳 《饲料研究》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第20期46-50,共5页
试验旨在分析橘园种草养鹅模式下浙东白鹅胸肌和腿肌营养物质的组成与含量变化。选取300只1日龄浙东白鹅饲养至21日龄,随机分为3组,每组5个重复,每个重复20只。舍饲组饲喂基础饲粮;放牧组全天橘园放牧,自由采食青草;放牧+补饲组全天橘... 试验旨在分析橘园种草养鹅模式下浙东白鹅胸肌和腿肌营养物质的组成与含量变化。选取300只1日龄浙东白鹅饲养至21日龄,随机分为3组,每组5个重复,每个重复20只。舍饲组饲喂基础饲粮;放牧组全天橘园放牧,自由采食青草;放牧+补饲组全天橘园放牧,在固定位置补饲基础饲粮。预试期20 d,正式试验期50 d。结果显示,与舍饲组相比,放牧组、放牧+补饲组胸肌与腿肌水分与粗蛋白含量显著提高(P<0.05),粗脂肪含量显著降低(P<0.05),放牧组胸肌与腿肌中天冬氨酸含量显著增加(P<0.05),放牧+补饲组腿肌中谷氨酸含量显著升高(P<0.05)。放牧组胸肌饱和脂肪酸(SFA)和单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)含量显著低于其他组(P<0.05),多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)和必需脂肪酸(EFA)含量显著高于其他组(P<0.05)。放牧组腿肌SFA含量显著低于其他组(P<0.05),PUFA和EFA含量显著高于其他组(P<0.05)。研究表明,橘园生态养殖模式可以改善浙东白鹅的肉品质。 展开更多
关键词 种草 浙东白鹅 肉品质 氨基酸 脂肪酸
五台山佛教僧人养老模式研究——以普寿寺所办清泰安养园为例 被引量:1
作者 田秋菊 《忻州师范学院学报》 2014年第6期130-134,共5页
五台山普寿寺兴办的清泰安养园,引进现代的"安养院养老"模式,一改佛教界传统的"居寺养老"模式,以服务专业化、规范化、持久化、人性化,为山西佛教慈善事业由传统慈善、传统救济模式向现代公益模式转化提供参考经验... 五台山普寿寺兴办的清泰安养园,引进现代的"安养院养老"模式,一改佛教界传统的"居寺养老"模式,以服务专业化、规范化、持久化、人性化,为山西佛教慈善事业由传统慈善、传统救济模式向现代公益模式转化提供参考经验。清泰安养园作为山西社会养老体系的一个完善补充,不仅可以解决普寿寺僧人群体的养老问题,也为正在兴办的山西佛教慈善养老事业提供参照。 展开更多
关键词 清泰安 老模式 五台山 普寿寺
作者 程金芝 何峰 +2 位作者 程学良 王新颖 吕晓光 《农村科学实验》 2003年第6期29-29,共1页
籽粒苋种养模式技术中的——"园栏养鹅"模式,在吉林省进行推广,其效益显著,提高了农民的养鹅积极性,深受广大农民欢迎,现将"园栏养鹅"模式技术介绍如下: "园栏养鹅"模式:农户在园子里种0.5亩地籽粒苋,配... 籽粒苋种养模式技术中的——"园栏养鹅"模式,在吉林省进行推广,其效益显著,提高了农民的养鹅积极性,深受广大农民欢迎,现将"园栏养鹅"模式技术介绍如下: "园栏养鹅"模式:农户在园子里种0.5亩地籽粒苋,配合其它饲料喂养100只鹅,100天(6月10日—9月20日),纯效益可达1000元左右。此模式技术包括四项内容:籽粒苋种植技术、养殖技术、防疫技术和效益分析。 展开更多
关键词 籽粒苋 模式 栽培技术 殖技术 防疫 效益分析
作者 陈华胜 《公安月刊》 1994年第6期14-15,共2页
雨花台烈士陵园办狗展始末陈华胜当时光的步履将要跨进1994年的门坎之际,八十多条呲牙咧嘴的狗被牵出了南京雨花台烈士陵园。曾经一度热闹异常的“世界名犬大汇展”终于在全国舆论的一片谴责声中落幕了。烈士陵园重又恢复了往日的... 雨花台烈士陵园办狗展始末陈华胜当时光的步履将要跨进1994年的门坎之际,八十多条呲牙咧嘴的狗被牵出了南京雨花台烈士陵园。曾经一度热闹异常的“世界名犬大汇展”终于在全国舆论的一片谴责声中落幕了。烈士陵园重又恢复了往日的庄严与肃穆。一南京雨花台烈士陵园始... 展开更多
关键词 烈士陵 雨花台 企业家 “以园养 南京市民 西湖丝绸 宠物 管理处 国民党 重点文物保护单位
在实践中探索 在探索中发展——北海市银海区机关幼儿园办园体制改革纪实
作者 陈玲 《广西教育》 2001年第9期45-46,共2页
关键词 幼儿 体制 北海市 “以园养 银海 内部管理体制 模式 教职工 幼儿教育 师资培训
《早期教育(幼教·教育教学)》 1995年第5期8-8,共1页
据《托幼通讯》报道 广州市天河区体育东路幼儿园是住宅新区配套园,这所园在短短的两年多时间中,办成了园舍环境、设备、管理和保教质量都一流的新型幼儿园,富有特色,充满生机。 抓住时机,创立新型办园模式是其成功的经验之一。该园改... 据《托幼通讯》报道 广州市天河区体育东路幼儿园是住宅新区配套园,这所园在短短的两年多时间中,办成了园舍环境、设备、管理和保教质量都一流的新型幼儿园,富有特色,充满生机。 抓住时机,创立新型办园模式是其成功的经验之一。该园改变了过去政府包揽一切。 展开更多
关键词 幼儿 保教质量 体育 广州市天河区 模式 内部管理体制 “以园养 教职工素质 表格化管理 量化管理
作者 由胜 《内蒙古科技与经济》 1999年第S1期67-67,共1页
早在建国初期,公园是重要的社会主义文化教育阵地,游人通过游玩来进行社会主义思想文化教育。50年代中叶,由于受苏联文化休息公园理论影响,普遍开展文艺、曲艺、音乐欣赏、电影放映、舞会等文化活动上。文革期间由于无政府思潮泛滥,加... 早在建国初期,公园是重要的社会主义文化教育阵地,游人通过游玩来进行社会主义思想文化教育。50年代中叶,由于受苏联文化休息公园理论影响,普遍开展文艺、曲艺、音乐欣赏、电影放映、舞会等文化活动上。文革期间由于无政府思潮泛滥,加之无人管理,许多公园绿地被侵吞蚕食或... 展开更多
关键词 城市公 环境效益 “以园养 事业 商服网点 社会效益和经济效益 文化活动 社会主义文化 服务设施 音乐欣赏
枸杞园放养乌骨鸡风味研究 被引量:4
作者 袁君 韩玲 +3 位作者 文鹏程 赵莉 王雪燕 程研 《食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第5期80-84,共5页
采用固相微萃取法,结合气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)技术对甘肃景泰条山农场的枸杞园散养和饲料笼养乌骨鸡肉的挥发性物质进行检测分析。分别检索定性出枸杞园散养乌骨鸡肉挥发性物质79种,饲料笼养乌骨鸡肉挥发性物质61种。经分析比较:枸杞园... 采用固相微萃取法,结合气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)技术对甘肃景泰条山农场的枸杞园散养和饲料笼养乌骨鸡肉的挥发性物质进行检测分析。分别检索定性出枸杞园散养乌骨鸡肉挥发性物质79种,饲料笼养乌骨鸡肉挥发性物质61种。经分析比较:枸杞园散养乌骨鸡肉中,醛类物质的相对含量最大,占48.82%,是饲料笼养的1.27倍。在主要挥发性物质中,己醛、庚醛、2-丁酮、己酸的相对含量饲料笼养乌骨鸡较枸杞园散养乌骨鸡减少,乙醛和2-辛酮的相对含量增加。 展开更多
关键词 枸杞 乌骨鸡 挥发性物质
论杨屾的农业职业技术教育 被引量:1
作者 李虎 《农业考古》 北大核心 2007年第3期320-324,共5页
关键词 杨屾 农业教育 《知本提纲》
Analysis of Soil Degradation Causes in Orchards with Different Planting Years 被引量:5
作者 王治国 付彦博 +3 位作者 饶晓娟 耿庆龙 孟阿静 冯耀祖 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第8期1331-1334,共4页
The aim was to analyze effects of jujube planting years on changes of soil nutrient elements and explore the causes of orchard degradation by researching variation characteristics of soil nutrient contents in orchards... The aim was to analyze effects of jujube planting years on changes of soil nutrient elements and explore the causes of orchard degradation by researching variation characteristics of soil nutrient contents in orchards with different planting years, providing theoretical support for the soil degradation of jujube or-chards. [Method] Soil samples were col ected in depth at 0-20 and 20-40 cm from the sites in or out of tree canopy scope in jujube orchards with 3, 5 and 7 plan-ning-years, to analyze contents of available N, P and K, organic matter, total N, salts, and trace elements, as wel as changes of nutritional elements. [Result] Avail-able boron, copper, iron, manganese, zinc and available potassium in soils of jujube orchards with 3, 5 and 7 years planting history reduced as planting year increased, which coincided with that in the soil of 20-40 cm. [Conclusion] Because trace ele-ments are never applied in southern Xinjiang, available B, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn and available K would be consumed by tree root growth. Due to root distribution differ-ences and ploughing effects in fields, the contents of nutrients tend to be volatile in or out of tree canopy scope. Tree root in deeper soils absorbs more nutrients, and soil nutrients would decrease dramatical y if additional chemical fertilizers are not provided, leading to soil degradation. 展开更多
关键词 ORCHARD Soil degradation Soil available nutrient Trace element in soil
只为绿色常驻——郑州市“拆墙透绿”纪实 被引量:1
作者 许聪 樊建军 《河南林业》 1997年第6期40-40,共1页
这是谁都可以看到的事实:郑州市紫荆山、人民、碧沙岗、动物园四大公园临街门店均已“房倒屋塌”。 这是来自市政委确切的统计数字:搬走公园内住户136户,拆除园内非园林设施8处,拆除门店37家,拆除面积总计27957平方米。 在短短的一个月... 这是谁都可以看到的事实:郑州市紫荆山、人民、碧沙岗、动物园四大公园临街门店均已“房倒屋塌”。 这是来自市政委确切的统计数字:搬走公园内住户136户,拆除园内非园林设施8处,拆除门店37家,拆除面积总计27957平方米。 在短短的一个月时间内,“绿色风暴”席卷全城。 合乎民心的决策 专家们说,绿色是城市的肺叶,城市的净化器; 百姓们说,绿色是生命的象征。 展开更多
关键词 拆墙透绿 郑州市 城市公 四大公 林建筑 林系统 “以园养 净化器 动物 经营者
Phosphorus Balance in the Main Crop Production Systems in Beijing Suburb——Case in Shunyi District 被引量:1
作者 侯勇 高志岭 马文奇 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第7期1043-1045,1070,共4页
[Objective] The research aimed to evaluate the phosphorus balances in the main crop production systems in Shunyi District of Beijing City.[Method] By using the nutrient budget method,the phosphorus balances in the mai... [Objective] The research aimed to evaluate the phosphorus balances in the main crop production systems in Shunyi District of Beijing City.[Method] By using the nutrient budget method,the phosphorus balances in the main crop production systems(field crops,orchard and open-field vegetables) in Shunyi District of Beijing City were evaluated.Moreover,the main influence elements of phosphorus surplus in the farmland were analyzed.[Result] The positive phosphorus balances were found across all three crop production systems in the study period.The amount of phosphorus surplus [491.8 kg/(hm2·a)] in vegetables production system was significantly higher than that in field crops [82.7 kg/(hm2·a)] and orchard [129.5 kg/(hm2·a)] production systems(P0.05).But the amount of phosphorus surplus between the latter two had no significant difference(P0.05).Phosphorus surpluses in the production systems of field crops and vegetables respectively presented the extremely significant and positive relationship with the phosphorus input from chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer(r was respectively 0.987 7 and 0.970 1).The phosphorus input from chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer in the orchard production system both presented the extremely significant and positive relationship with the phosphorus surplus in the farmland(r was respectively 0.836 3 and 0.625 2).However,the phosphorus harvested by crops didn't significantly correlated to the phosphorus surplus in the farmland for all three crop production systems(P0.05).[Conclusion] The risk of phosphorus pollution potential in all three crop production system of Shunyi Distirct was high,especially in the vegetable production system.The phosphorus surpluses in the production systems of field crops and vegetables were mainly from the inputs of chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer,respectively.However,the inputs of chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer both significantly affected the phosphorus surplus in the orchard production system. 展开更多
关键词 SUBURB Field crops ORCHARD Open-field vegetable Phosphorus balance
作者 李树恒 赵伟 《吉林建筑工程学院学报》 CAS 1994年第4期51-56,共6页
本篇文章所介绍的前郭旅游区规划充分地依据当地自然、地理、经济、文化等条件,挖掘和利用当地发展旅游业的资源和潜力,根据对现代社会特点、国家政策和人民对物质、文化生活种种新需求的认识,全面综合地构思了一个规模宏大、内涵丰富... 本篇文章所介绍的前郭旅游区规划充分地依据当地自然、地理、经济、文化等条件,挖掘和利用当地发展旅游业的资源和潜力,根据对现代社会特点、国家政策和人民对物质、文化生活种种新需求的认识,全面综合地构思了一个规模宏大、内涵丰富的大型旅游区的蓝图.本规划布局紧凑,结构严谨,功能合理,设施齐全,并以严肃的创思和活泼的联想,创造出为旅游者尽情享用的休息、健身、游乐和探险的乐园. 展开更多
关键词 综合性质 园养
作者 李虎 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第13期4054-4056,共3页
关键词 杨屾 关学 农业情结
作者 梁勇 刘永红 《四川财政》 1999年第11期48-48,共1页
关键词 增收节支 三台县 有力措施 “以园养 税收管理秩序 农村合作基金会 行政事业单位 财政供人口 预算外资金 依法治税
Analysis of pH Value and Primary Nutrients in Blueberry Garden Soil
作者 董克锋 刘方春 +1 位作者 姜惠铁 崔兴国 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第4期1028-1032,共5页
In order to explore the soil nutrient characteristics and put forward the improvement measures, a field experiment was arranged and performed. The experiment was conducted to evaluate the pH value and primary nutrient... In order to explore the soil nutrient characteristics and put forward the improvement measures, a field experiment was arranged and performed. The experiment was conducted to evaluate the pH value and primary nutrient status in blueberry garden soil by means of collecting 21 soil samples from the main production base of blueberries in Qingdao, according to the specific requirements of blueberries for soil pH and organic matter and the second national soil survey nutrient classification standard. Results showed that the blueberry garden soil had the following characteristics: acidic soil, low organic matter content with significant differences among different bases, moderate total nitrogen and alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen contents, high available phosphorus content and above moderate available potassium content. Then, it is found that the primary causes were the differences in soil basic fertility, excessive use of sulfur, inadequate inputs of organic matter, not thorough soil improvement, and imperfect fertilizer management in the blueberry gardens. Finally, the corresponding improvement measures were put forward, for example, increasing organic fertilizer and organic matter covering, as well as the application of CaCO_3 and formulated fertilization. 展开更多
关键词 Blueberry garden soil pH Primary nutrient Improvement measure
Foliar Analysis as an Estimate on the Nutritional State of Conilon Coffee Plantations on Cambisoils
作者 Alberto Perez Diaz Emesto Castaneda Hidalgo +7 位作者 Salvador Lozano Trejo Carlos Alberto Bustamante Gonzailez Ramon Antonio Rivera Espinosa Geraldo Rodriguez Ortiz Gloria Martha Martin Alonso Cerelino RoblesPerez Guillermo Acosta Coutin Alberto Fernandez Turro 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第2期181-187,共7页
The objective of this paper relies on the establishment of the sampling moment and the nutritional state of the species Conilon coffee (Coffea canephora) cultivated in Cambisoils. The effect of different rates of ni... The objective of this paper relies on the establishment of the sampling moment and the nutritional state of the species Conilon coffee (Coffea canephora) cultivated in Cambisoils. The effect of different rates of nitrogen fertilization was also studied in the leaves concentrations of N, at randomized complete block designs (N0= 0; N1 = 50; N2 = 100; N3 = 150 and N4 = 200 kg.ha^-1 of N) in presence of P (40 kg.ha^-1 of P2O5) and K (160 kg.ha^-1 of K2O), with four replicates. The samples were carried out in the months of March (flower blossoming stage), June (fruits growing stage), September (grain development) and December (maturation) in all treatments. Foliar analysis carried out in the month of June (fruits growing stage) for the purpose of establishing critical nutrient range values for N, settling down approaches of interpretation of the same one for the Conilon coffee plantations on Cambisoils. The biggest percentages in the yields are obtained with leaves containing N between 2.80% and 3.10%, a value below 2.80% N which they associated with indicative percentages of stable maximum yield that did not surpass the limits of the adequate nutrients supply. 展开更多
关键词 Nitrogen fertilization critical nitrogen range Conilon coffee leaves concentrations of N.
Effect of Different Calcium Levels on Growth,Yield and Fruit Quality of Tomatoes in Substrate Culture 被引量:6
作者 Jing FENG Ruiping LIU Hongyi LUO 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第8期1704-1708,共5页
Tomato seedlings were grown in substrate culture with pots. The formulation of Holland Greenhouse Horticulture Research Institute was used(as CK) and the effects of different Ca concentrations(LCa, CK and HCa)on growt... Tomato seedlings were grown in substrate culture with pots. The formulation of Holland Greenhouse Horticulture Research Institute was used(as CK) and the effects of different Ca concentrations(LCa, CK and HCa)on growth, yield, and fruit quality(protein, Vitamin C, nitrates, organic acid and soluble sugar) of tomato were studied keeping concentrations of other nutrients unchanged in the nutrient solution. The results showed that parameters related to the growth of tomato(plant height and Stem diameter), changes of tomato yield per plant and quality of tomato fruits were the highest when the plants were grown at 20% Ca treatments. In the second study, increased EC concentrations of nutrient solution resulted in stronger plants with improved yields and quality. Four different concentration gradients of nutrient solution treatment were designed based on the results of the first research stage(EC=1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 m S/cm, respectively). The single tomato plant had the highest production which is 2 268.994 g/plant, when the nutrient solution strength was at EC=1.5 m S cm, whereas they have the best fruit quality when the solution strength at EC 4.5 m S/cm. This suggests the need for wide popularization of the nutrient solution formula in large areas to improve the tomato production. 展开更多
关键词 CALCIUM Substrate culture Nutrient solution TOMATO
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