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工业园区产城融合的空间形态演化过程研究——以苏州工业园区为例 被引量:16
作者 王凯 袁中金 王子强 《现代城市研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第12期84-91,共8页
当下产城分割之殇及其治理方式引起了学术界热议,从透析产城分割的"病因"入手,将产城融合视作一个动态演进过程,提出了一个工业园区从初建到成熟过程中历经生产功能扩张、服务功能集中、服务功能串联、主体功能渗透四个阶段... 当下产城分割之殇及其治理方式引起了学术界热议,从透析产城分割的"病因"入手,将产城融合视作一个动态演进过程,提出了一个工业园区从初建到成熟过程中历经生产功能扩张、服务功能集中、服务功能串联、主体功能渗透四个阶段的空间形态演化观点。同时结合苏州工业园区的案例,进行实证研究。 展开更多
关键词 城融合:工业园区 空间形态 演化
江苏高职院校产教融合园区现状及功能分析 被引量:7
作者 蒋良骏 焦世奇 《职教通讯》 2017年第8期5-8,共4页
随着江苏经济的转型升级和生源的下降,江苏高职院校联合政府、行业和企业建设了一批具有鲜明产业特色、生产过程和职业院校教育教学过程深度对接的企业,同时,具备职业教育教学功能和综合产业服务功能的产教融合园区。这些产教融合园区... 随着江苏经济的转型升级和生源的下降,江苏高职院校联合政府、行业和企业建设了一批具有鲜明产业特色、生产过程和职业院校教育教学过程深度对接的企业,同时,具备职业教育教学功能和综合产业服务功能的产教融合园区。这些产教融合园区不仅数量众多,而且形式多样,在推动江苏高职院校人才培养、产学研合作、社会服务、创业孵化等内涵建设上发挥了重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 高职院校 教融合园区 人才培养 学研合作 社会服务 创业孵化 江苏
江苏高职院校产教融合园区管理模式比较与优化治理研究 被引量:1
作者 蒋良骏 李坚强 周科 《文教资料》 2017年第18期92-94,共3页
为提升人才培养质量,促进产业结构转型,江苏多所高职院校联合政府、行业和企业建设了一批产教融合园区。在建设和管理过程中,这些产教融合园区形成了政府参与学校主导、学校和政府共管、政府参与学校和企业共管、企业主导学校参与四... 为提升人才培养质量,促进产业结构转型,江苏多所高职院校联合政府、行业和企业建设了一批产教融合园区。在建设和管理过程中,这些产教融合园区形成了政府参与学校主导、学校和政府共管、政府参与学校和企业共管、企业主导学校参与四种管理模式。它们在产教融合园区的发展过程中发挥了重要作用,但各有优缺点。为促进产教融合园区的进一步发展,必须进一步优化现有管理模式。 展开更多
关键词 高职院校 教融合园区 管理模式 比较 优化
江苏高职院校产教融合园区优化发展研究 被引量:1
作者 蒋良骏 袁亮 朱霓雯 《市场周刊》 2017年第10期105-106,102,共3页
为了培养职业精神与技术技能高度融合的现代职业教育人才,江苏多所高职院校联合政府、行业和企业建设了一批产教融合园区。它们在推动江苏高职院校人才培养、产学研合作、社会服务、创业孵化等内涵建设上发挥了重要作用,也取得了不少成... 为了培养职业精神与技术技能高度融合的现代职业教育人才,江苏多所高职院校联合政府、行业和企业建设了一批产教融合园区。它们在推动江苏高职院校人才培养、产学研合作、社会服务、创业孵化等内涵建设上发挥了重要作用,也取得了不少成绩,但是也存在着园区功能定位不够清晰、产教融合范围小深度浅、管理模式市场化程度弱等问题。为此,必须采取找准定位打造特色、提升产教融合深度、优化园区管理模式等措施加以改进,以促进产教融合园区的快速健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 江苏 高职院校 教融合园区 问题 优化对策
产教融合园区的内涵功能、实践探索和机制创新 被引量:5
作者 金琰 《中国职业技术教育》 北大核心 2022年第34期37-43,66,共8页
根据“增长极”“创新集群”“生态系统”等理论,产教融合园区是具备人才培养、技术创新、社会服务和区域发展等功能的“资源空间聚集综合体”“产教双轮驱动共同体”“多元主体协同有机体”。大学科技园区、职业教育园区、高新区产教... 根据“增长极”“创新集群”“生态系统”等理论,产教融合园区是具备人才培养、技术创新、社会服务和区域发展等功能的“资源空间聚集综合体”“产教双轮驱动共同体”“多元主体协同有机体”。大学科技园区、职业教育园区、高新区产教融合等模式都是产教融合园区的探索,取得了深化融合的效果,但也面临园区建设形聚神散、多元主体联而不合、持续运营后续乏力等挑战。针对产教融合过程中存在的障碍,园区应构建协作分工统一的治理组织机制、激励约束相容的动力激活机制、资源运营增值的共建共享机制和敏捷交互响应的信息沟通机制。 展开更多
关键词 教融合园区 概念 机制 教融合 校企合作
国外产才融合经验对我国产才融合发展园区建设的启示——以山东省为例 被引量:1
作者 张美倩 原颖慧 +1 位作者 翟群臻 宫准 《黑龙江人力资源和社会保障》 2021年第19期10-12,共3页
产才融合是产业与人才的共同发展、相互促进。本文以山东省为例,从产才融合建设的现状以及主要意义入手,对我国建设产才融合发展园区开展分析研究。通过比较与分析日本筑波科学城、美国硅谷两座城市发展模式,借鉴其发展经验,并结合山东... 产才融合是产业与人才的共同发展、相互促进。本文以山东省为例,从产才融合建设的现状以及主要意义入手,对我国建设产才融合发展园区开展分析研究。通过比较与分析日本筑波科学城、美国硅谷两座城市发展模式,借鉴其发展经验,并结合山东省自身实际情况,提出了相关启示,以推进我国产才融合发展园区的建设。 展开更多
关键词 才融合发展园区 日本筑波科学城 美国硅谷 人才 启示
作者 张晓晖 《农村经济与科技》 2023年第17期262-265,共4页
新疆农业职业技术学院是国家性高等示范院校,是新疆第一产业职教园区理事长单位,学院发挥示范带动作用,搭建“政校企”合作平台,构建“产科教”多方融合,服务提升“三农”人才队伍整体素质,推进创新创业能力发展,积极探索乡村实用人才... 新疆农业职业技术学院是国家性高等示范院校,是新疆第一产业职教园区理事长单位,学院发挥示范带动作用,搭建“政校企”合作平台,构建“产科教”多方融合,服务提升“三农”人才队伍整体素质,推进创新创业能力发展,积极探索乡村实用人才培养、农业技术人才培养、科技成果转化、农业技术推广先进模式,以期为同等院校及相关地区开展人才培育工作提供理论依据和实践参考。 展开更多
关键词 园区 多方融合 职业院校 人才振兴 高素质农民培训
作者 李朋 《辽宁高职学报》 2015年第5期74-76,共3页
实训基地数量不足和利用率不高已经成为当前制约职业院校发展的瓶颈。组织松散、产教融合缺乏有效载体和纽带也成为职教集团发展中的共性问题。借鉴南洋理工学院"教学工厂"理念和做法,在职教集团平台下建设"产教园区&qu... 实训基地数量不足和利用率不高已经成为当前制约职业院校发展的瓶颈。组织松散、产教融合缺乏有效载体和纽带也成为职教集团发展中的共性问题。借鉴南洋理工学院"教学工厂"理念和做法,在职教集团平台下建设"产教园区"实训与研发基地,以基地为载体,以项目为纽带,实现多方深度融合的建设路径,是破解校企合作体制机制障碍,建设紧密型职教集团和公共实践教学平台的有效途径。 展开更多
关键词 职教集团 园区 项目纽带 实训基地
Scheme of Nitrogen Reasonable Fertilization in Mulberry Gardens of Sichuan Hilly Areas
作者 殷浩 张建华 +5 位作者 佟万红 刘刚 黄盖群 危玲 罗春燕 王丽 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1933-1936,共4页
Abstract In the research, five test groups were set, including urea at O, 120, 240, 360 and 480 kg/hm^2, respectively, and analysis was conducted on mulberry leaf yield and some characters of the quality in order to e... Abstract In the research, five test groups were set, including urea at O, 120, 240, 360 and 480 kg/hm^2, respectively, and analysis was conducted on mulberry leaf yield and some characters of the quality in order to establish utility functions of ap-plied N in mulberry gardens with different production purposes and to provide schemes of rational N fertilization. The results indicated that yield of mulberry leaf and content and yield of active nutritional substances in the leaves would be reduced either by insufficient or excessive N quantity. In addition, 240 kg/hm^2 of applied N significantly improved active nutritional substances in leaf and 360 kg/hm^2 of applied N significantly improved yields of mulberry leaf and active nutritional sub-stances. Therefore, utility functions of applied N quantity with leaf yield, DNJ content and yield were established accordingly. The optimal N quantity in mulberry gardens for sericulture is recommended 360 kg/hm^2 and the optimal N quantities in mulberry gardens for increase of yield and content of DNJ are 299.56 and 294.72 kg/hm^2, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Mulberry tree N quantity Yield of mulberry leaf Nutritional active sub-stances 1-DEOXYNOJIRIMYCIN
Discussion on Planning of Overall Urban Agriculture Park
作者 李莹莹 朱世东 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第10期1521-1525,共5页
The urban agriculture park plan involves urban plan, agricultural plan, eco- logical plan, tourism plan and land plan, which can be further divided into strategic plan, general plan and detail plan to explore related ... The urban agriculture park plan involves urban plan, agricultural plan, eco- logical plan, tourism plan and land plan, which can be further divided into strategic plan, general plan and detail plan to explore related issues. With social develop- ment, urban agricultural park is playing an increasingly important role in promoting agricultural and rural development, protecting nearby area farmlands and maintaining sustainable development, as well as an important part of government research. Based on status quo of urban agricultural park in China, basic characters were summarized and frameworks of urban agricultural park with Chinese characteristics were proposed, including early-stage research, prospect exploration, spatial planning, industry planning and guarantees, of which spatial planning and industry planning are highlights. 展开更多
关键词 Urban agriculture park CHARACTERISTICS Planning Content Case study
State Support of Russian Agro-industrial Complex at the Federal and Regional Levels on Entering the Global Market
作者 Irina Y. Soldatova Victor N. Ovchinnikov +1 位作者 Nikolai G. Kuznesov Alia A. Lisochenko 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2012年第2期118-127,共10页
The main subject of the report consists in showing positive course of Russian agriculture over the last years-entering the global market. That's why it is essential to make following steps to support manufactures aim... The main subject of the report consists in showing positive course of Russian agriculture over the last years-entering the global market. That's why it is essential to make following steps to support manufactures aiming them more actively at export: to develop export operations; to develop actively agro-industrial complex perspectives for entering the WTO; to ensure the food safety of agro-industrial complex while exporting the products; in the context of globalization Russian regions are entering more actively the global market as the relatively independent subjects of international economical relationships. The food safety of Russia-such condition of the state economy, when food independence of the country is provided, provision; physical and economic utility of food products is guaranteed by the state and corresponds to requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in safety and quality. Participation in the WTO gives to the country set of advantages in the decision food independence. In the world, the country and in region management of efficiency agriculture with a view of advancement to food safety, should be coordinated necessarily with food independence. State support of the Russian agro-industrial complex on the federal and regional levels when entering into the world market-is a factor of the formation of a new geopolitical status of Russia in the world arena, it is the new selection mechanism of the development of globalization processes in favor of the active participation of the agro-industrial complex of Russia in the world economy. 展开更多
关键词 Export of agro-industrial complex state support of agro-industrial complex the introduction of agro-industrial complex of Russia into the WTO food safety regional agro-industrial complex.
CI Strategy Research of Agriculture Creative Industrial Park in Langfang
作者 Shengjie MI Qing ZHAO 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第11期91-94,共4页
By studying developing status and trends of agricultural industrial park in Langfang, the paper will make an analysis of the present development and main factors which restrict the development of CI strategy in agricu... By studying developing status and trends of agricultural industrial park in Langfang, the paper will make an analysis of the present development and main factors which restrict the development of CI strategy in agricultural creative industrial park in Langfang city. The paper also tends to put forward the measures to speed up the CI strategy in Langfang city industrial park and to form a new pattern with local characteristics and advantages. 展开更多
关键词 CREATION CI strategy visual image agricultural industrial park
Research on cultivating and constructing e-commerce industry cluster in Wuhan
作者 Degang Chen 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第10期40-42,共3页
Based on the analysis of the e-commerce industry cluster development in Wuhan, it analyzed opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses in its development by using the method of SWOT analysis and proposed. Wuhan s... Based on the analysis of the e-commerce industry cluster development in Wuhan, it analyzed opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses in its development by using the method of SWOT analysis and proposed. Wuhan should use SWO combination, make use of advantages, such as larger network operators group and better IT talent base, and renew orientation; avoid the threat of other leading cities, train multi-level e-commerce professionals, to make up for the lack of leading enterprises and the imperfect of e-commerce industry chain; establish e-commerce industrial parks by adding fiction in the entity; take advantage of the great opportunity that e-commerce is at the stage of rapid development and establish and strengthen e-commerce industry cluster in Wuhan. 展开更多
关键词 e-commerce industry clusters SWOT development strategy
Zhijiang’s Harmonious Urban-Rural Development Project
作者 XU YING 《China Today》 2015年第7期77-77,共1页
ANFUSI Town in Yichang City,northwest of Zhijiang City,is a national demonstration town of urbanization and rural development in Hubei and site of a large industrial park.The reporter went there to see the work in pro... ANFUSI Town in Yichang City,northwest of Zhijiang City,is a national demonstration town of urbanization and rural development in Hubei and site of a large industrial park.The reporter went there to see the work in progress on building a 4,000-square-meter smart greenhouse with a bucolic landscape and an aquatic product factory equipped to produce surimi.In 2000,there were just a few small local businesses in Anfusi. 展开更多
关键词 demonstration factory Hubei urbanization greenhouse landscape northwest reporter smart Today
真抓实干 奋力拼搏 加快实现由农业大县向经济强县转变
《衡阳通讯》 2007年第7期17-18,共2页
关键词 财政总收入 农村基础设施 松山村 衡南县 县域经济发展 利用资金 家禽养殖 种养加 农村建设 园区产
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