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作者 刘杭杭 金燕燕 《安徽建筑工业学院学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第1期74-76,共3页
分析了不同岩性围岩表面位移、围岩松动圈及塑性圈半径随巷道埋置深度即原岩应力变化,结果表明:围岩表面位移随巷道埋深即原岩应力加速增加,围岩松动圈及塑性圈范围随巷道埋深近似线性增长。围岩岩性越差,围岩表面位移随原岩应力增长速... 分析了不同岩性围岩表面位移、围岩松动圈及塑性圈半径随巷道埋置深度即原岩应力变化,结果表明:围岩表面位移随巷道埋深即原岩应力加速增加,围岩松动圈及塑性圈范围随巷道埋深近似线性增长。围岩岩性越差,围岩表面位移随原岩应力增长速度增加越快,而松动圈及塑性圈范围随巷道埋深即原岩应力增长有趋于稳定的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 围岩岩性 巷道埋深 岩变形
作者 刘舫舟 《科技广场》 2011年第4期172-175,共4页
本文通过对隧道的拱顶下沉、水平收敛等数据进行分析,确定监测数据的处理方法,得出了该隧道不同围岩岩性对隧道围岩变形的影响,确保了隧道的安全施工。采用多项式、乘幂、指数函数等分别对水平收敛量及拱顶量测数据进行回归分析,从而判... 本文通过对隧道的拱顶下沉、水平收敛等数据进行分析,确定监测数据的处理方法,得出了该隧道不同围岩岩性对隧道围岩变形的影响,确保了隧道的安全施工。采用多项式、乘幂、指数函数等分别对水平收敛量及拱顶量测数据进行回归分析,从而判断围岩的稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 岩稳定 回归分析 围岩岩性
基于FLAC^(3D)的浅埋破碎围岩隧道支护方案分段优化分析 被引量:4
作者 朱二磊 朱永建 +2 位作者 王平 陈鑫源 闫帅奇 《矿业工程研究》 2015年第4期21-26,共6页
针对某隧道工程存在的过度支护问题,结合现场调研的情况,采用FLAC^(3D)软件对该隧道工程的支护结构和支护参数进行优化,提出了根据围岩稳定性分段支护的方案.通过对原支护方案和新支护方案的对比分析结果表明:原支护方案虽能控制围岩变... 针对某隧道工程存在的过度支护问题,结合现场调研的情况,采用FLAC^(3D)软件对该隧道工程的支护结构和支护参数进行优化,提出了根据围岩稳定性分段支护的方案.通过对原支护方案和新支护方案的对比分析结果表明:原支护方案虽能控制围岩变形,但是支护成本过高.经优化后的支护方案在有效控制隧道围岩的变形的前提下能够最大程度的节约支护成本,获得了显著的经济效益. 展开更多
关键词 过度支护 围岩岩性 分段支护 数值优化
川藏铁路西藏段沿线弃渣产出及特性分析 被引量:2
作者 王众乐 赵大铭 +2 位作者 严志伟 王若晨 刘大刚 《四川建筑》 2021年第6期118-121,共4页
新建川藏铁路雅安至林芝段全长约1 016.76 km,西藏段长545.56 km,新建隧道26座,总长470.723 km。经初步测算,西藏段将产生8 360.56×10;m;的巨量弃渣,同时需要大量的砂石骨料,线路穿越多种脆弱生态敏感区,而且地势险峻,交通不便,面... 新建川藏铁路雅安至林芝段全长约1 016.76 km,西藏段长545.56 km,新建隧道26座,总长470.723 km。经初步测算,西藏段将产生8 360.56×10;m;的巨量弃渣,同时需要大量的砂石骨料,线路穿越多种脆弱生态敏感区,而且地势险峻,交通不便,面临巨量弃渣处置与天然建材短缺的矛盾。为了分析川藏铁路沿线各隧道及工区利用弃渣生产机制砂石骨料的可行性,为后续合理调配弃渣规划提供基础,文章通过对现有勘察设计资料整理统计分析,通过spss软件对仅有的钻孔样本数据进行对数正态分布验证分析,得到了各隧道预计产出的弃渣量,预估了西藏段不同围岩岩性、围岩等级所产出的渣土强度,认为绝大部分弃渣强度能满足C30混凝土的要求。并结合现场筛分试验,弃渣粒径理论预测公式计算与工程经验推断本次工程弃渣钻爆法约有0%、TBM法约有20%不满足混凝土骨料粒径要求。 展开更多
关键词 弃渣 川藏铁路 隧道 围岩岩性 岩石强度 渣土粒径
前寒武系对东秦岭-大别山钼成矿带成钼作用的贡献 被引量:13
作者 付治国 赵云雷 +1 位作者 王靖东 吴飞 《华南地质与矿产》 CAS 2007年第4期27-34,共8页
对东秦岭-大别山钼成矿带25个钼矿床成矿母岩外接触带的地层及围岩观察统计,可清楚表明,所有钼矿床的赋矿层位均为前寒武纪老地层。成矿母岩侵入寒武系及以后地层中均形不成工业矿床。前寒武系不同的围岩岩性对钼矿床成矿作用的影响也... 对东秦岭-大别山钼成矿带25个钼矿床成矿母岩外接触带的地层及围岩观察统计,可清楚表明,所有钼矿床的赋矿层位均为前寒武纪老地层。成矿母岩侵入寒武系及以后地层中均形不成工业矿床。前寒武系不同的围岩岩性对钼矿床成矿作用的影响也不尽相同。主要反映在:1.地幔分异熔浆上侵时易于捕获前寒武系有用组分钼,而成其主要矿源层;2.成矿母岩的围岩岩性对矿床主要矿种组合有重要制约作用;3.围岩的物理力学性质,尤其是围岩的抗压抗剪强度(即岩石的破裂程度)对钼矿富集起关键作用。围岩容矿裂隙的发育程度决定了矿石的品位,从而控制着矿床的规模。东秦岭-大别山钼成矿带进一步寻找钼矿资源应以前寒武系(尤其是元古代老地层)作为找矿首选区域,特别是元古界岩石组合中的火山岩系列、大理岩及片岩系列构成的成矿有利围岩的地区。 展开更多
关键词 东秦岭 前寒武系 围岩岩性 岩石物 成矿作用
再论含Pb-Zn(Ag)锰质夕卡岩建造 被引量:5
作者 赵一鸣 李大新 董永观 《矿床地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第S1期548-552,共5页
锰质夕卡岩建造由一套较特殊的Mn(Ca,Mg,Fe,Al)硅酸盐交代矿物所组成,经常伴生Pb-Zn(Ag)矿化,大多产于距侵入体接触带有一定距离的碳酸盐围岩中,并往往和产于侵入体接触带伴生Fe、Cu、W、Sn矿化的钙(镁)夕卡岩构成一定的交代矿化分带。... 锰质夕卡岩建造由一套较特殊的Mn(Ca,Mg,Fe,Al)硅酸盐交代矿物所组成,经常伴生Pb-Zn(Ag)矿化,大多产于距侵入体接触带有一定距离的碳酸盐围岩中,并往往和产于侵入体接触带伴生Fe、Cu、W、Sn矿化的钙(镁)夕卡岩构成一定的交代矿化分带。锰质夕卡岩生成时间比钙(镁)夕卡岩销晚,成岩温度也比后者要低。产于不同碳酸盐围岩(灰岩或白云岩)中和伴生不同金属矿化(Pb-Zn或Ag-Pb-Zn)的锰质夕卡岩矿物组成有一定差别。因此,锰质夕卡岩是评价含Pb-Zn-Ag夕卡岩矿床的重要找矿标志。 展开更多
关键词 夕卡岩矿床 钙铁辉石 锰三斜辉石 辽宁八家子 透辉石 侵入体 碳酸盐 接触带 钙蔷薇辉石 围岩岩性
改善巷道支护效果的几点做法 被引量:1
作者 邵长增 董正亮 +1 位作者 王爱萍 刘继业 《煤矿开采》 2000年第2期39-40,共2页
文章介绍鹤壁矿区根据不同的围岩岩性合理选择巷道支护形式 ,在卸压区内布置巷道 ,对软岩巷道实施壁后充填注浆加固等 ,改善巷道支护效果的主要做法。
关键词 围岩岩性 巷道支护形式 卸压区 壁后充填
沽源-红山子多金属成矿带燕山成矿阶段主要控矿因素研究新进展和存在的主要问题 被引量:2
作者 王国建 《世界有色金属》 2021年第15期59-60,共2页
沽源-红山子成矿带是中国北方重要的多金属成矿带之一,位于燕辽成矿带与大兴安岭成矿带南段的交叠部位。目前已发现大官厂、张麻井、红山子等多金属矿床及众多矿化异常点,且矿床大多以火山岩型的多金属矿床为主。本文根据前人的研究成果... 沽源-红山子成矿带是中国北方重要的多金属成矿带之一,位于燕辽成矿带与大兴安岭成矿带南段的交叠部位。目前已发现大官厂、张麻井、红山子等多金属矿床及众多矿化异常点,且矿床大多以火山岩型的多金属矿床为主。本文根据前人的研究成果,主要从沽源-红山子多金属成矿带基础地质的角度对地质特征、主要控矿因素(包括岩体控矿、接触带控矿、断裂构造控矿、层位及岩性控矿)、成矿模式等研究现状进行讨论,归纳总结前人研究,并提出所存在的问题。 展开更多
关键词 沽源-红山子多金属成矿带 多金属矿床 围岩岩性 控矿因素
作者 黄纪博 《煤炭工程》 1983年第12期65-,共1页
一部好的初步设计,首先必须要有一部好的精查地质报告作为设计工作的基础资料,否则就会造成严重的后果.根据我们多年来在新井设计和建井工作中所遇到的一些地质勘探工作教训,是值得借鉴的,现举几例予以说明.一、煤层露头标高失误煤层露... 一部好的初步设计,首先必须要有一部好的精查地质报告作为设计工作的基础资料,否则就会造成严重的后果.根据我们多年来在新井设计和建井工作中所遇到的一些地质勘探工作教训,是值得借鉴的,现举几例予以说明.一、煤层露头标高失误煤层露头标高的变化,它不仅影响了矿井第一水平的储量和服务年限的长短, 展开更多
关键词 煤层露头 地质报告 精查 建井 地质勘探工作 检查孔 岩浆侵入 透水事故 围岩岩性 剥采比
作者 冶玉花 马英 赵俊芳 《能源与环保》 2022年第10期102-109,共8页
球路奥窝头铁矿床为小型规模铁矿床,有用矿物以磁铁矿为主,有害杂质含量较低,但矿石较细,属中等选矿石。研究了该地区的矿床地质特征及成矿成因。研究得出,通过1∶1万高精度磁法测量,圈定磁异常3处,初步圈定了成矿有利靶区;查明了矿区... 球路奥窝头铁矿床为小型规模铁矿床,有用矿物以磁铁矿为主,有害杂质含量较低,但矿石较细,属中等选矿石。研究了该地区的矿床地质特征及成矿成因。研究得出,通过1∶1万高精度磁法测量,圈定磁异常3处,初步圈定了成矿有利靶区;查明了矿区地层、构造、岩浆岩的分布、规模、产状及与矿化的关系以及矿体分布、形态、规模、产状及矿石质量;矿床受火山喷流沉积旋回、岩浆岩、围岩岩性等的综合控制。矿区地理条件优越,开发条件有利,矿区开发经济效益和社会效应均较好。研究为矿业开发提供了资源依据。 展开更多
关键词 球路奥窝头铁矿 多金属 矿床地质特征 成矿成因 火山喷流沉积旋回 岩浆岩 围岩岩性
作者 周建军 《宁夏科技》 2003年第5期22-22,共1页
地下工程(井巷)施工后,不可避免的要使井巷周围的围岩应力重新分布,产生应力集中,直接后果是导致地下工程(以后简称井巷)变形和破坏。因此为了保证井巷在工作期限内的稳定,就必须对工程进行维护。井巷稳定性的基本决定因素是围岩应力与... 地下工程(井巷)施工后,不可避免的要使井巷周围的围岩应力重新分布,产生应力集中,直接后果是导致地下工程(以后简称井巷)变形和破坏。因此为了保证井巷在工作期限内的稳定,就必须对工程进行维护。井巷稳定性的基本决定因素是围岩应力与围岩强度。当围岩应力大于围岩强度时,井巷处于不稳定状态;当围岩应力等于围岩强度时,井巷处于极限平衡状态,仍不能算达到稳定;只有当围岩应力小于围岩强度时,井巷才得以稳定。井巷维护方法很多,但总的原则应抓住围岩应力与围岩强度二者之间的相对关糸。一方面应该力求降低围岩应力,另一方面又应该力求增强围岩强度。影响井巷稳定性的其它主要因素还有:围岩岩性、井巷位置、所处深度、巷道轴线方位、断面形状尺寸、掘进破岩方法、掘进时间、掘进方案、巷道布置与采动影响以及支护类型与特征等。不管以上各因素怎样变化影响,井巷的稳定最终还是归结到围岩应力和围岩强度二因素上来。 展开更多
关键词 井巷 岩应力 岩强度 巷道变形 围岩岩性 应力集中 支护类型 巷道布置 地下工程 应力降低区
作者 陈业强 李硕 《内蒙古煤炭经济》 2019年第16期67-67,共1页
在针对深部进行开采的时候,先掘巷道会受到后掘巷道的严重影响。本文主要从巷道围岩强度、水平距离、垂直距离等几个角度对巷道掘进扰动效应的相关影响因素进行了分析,并以此为基础,提出了能够进一步优化巷道群围岩控制关系的方法,希望... 在针对深部进行开采的时候,先掘巷道会受到后掘巷道的严重影响。本文主要从巷道围岩强度、水平距离、垂直距离等几个角度对巷道掘进扰动效应的相关影响因素进行了分析,并以此为基础,提出了能够进一步优化巷道群围岩控制关系的方法,希望能对工程施工实践起到一定的指导作用。 展开更多
关键词 巷道群 掘进扰动 围岩岩性
Stability assessment of rock surrounding an I-beam supported retreating roadway 被引量:3
作者 严红 张吉雄 +1 位作者 李林玥 冯锐敏 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期3598-3607,共10页
The installation of a back-wall guard-board is the key to successfully supporting underground retreating roadways in coal mines. Based on the coordinate support principle, and using an I-shaped steel support for the s... The installation of a back-wall guard-board is the key to successfully supporting underground retreating roadways in coal mines. Based on the coordinate support principle, and using an I-shaped steel support for the surrounding rock, a mechanical model was developed for the stability of the roadway support and surrounding rock. Analysis of the bearing capacity of the roof back-wall guard-board and modelling of the equations for the maximum deflection and the maximum compressive stress of the top and side beams of the I-shaped steel support were undertaken. Simultaneously, the model was used to calculate and analyse the stability of the top and side beams of the I-shaped steel support structure and analyse the criteria for their stability. The results provide a reliable theoretical basis for the judgment of the stability of the surrounding rock and support structure. The theoretical evaluation results are consistent with field data. Finally, the key support parameters of the top and side beams of the I-shaped steel support structure and the variation of the maximum deflection and the maximum compressive stress as affected by the influence of the guard-board length were investigated. It is concluded that, as the back-board length increases, the maximum compressive stress in the top beam of the I-shaped steel support increases while the compressive stress in the side beam decreases. The results show that the accuracy of judgment of the stability of a supported retreating roadway is improved, providing guidance for the design of such typical I-shaped steel support and back-board structures. 展开更多
关键词 mine support retreating roadway mechanical model back-wall guard-board stability assessment
Mechanics model and numerical analysis of floor heave in soft rock roadway 被引量:7
作者 ZHU Chuan-qu WANG Yong CHEN Miao-ming CHEN Zhi WANG Hong-ming 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2011年第4期372-376,共5页
The mechanism of floor heave was analyzed by establishing mechanics models and solving differential equations. The amount of floor heave is proportional to the abutment pressure of surrounding rock, roadway width, and... The mechanism of floor heave was analyzed by establishing mechanics models and solving differential equations. The amount of floor heave is proportional to the abutment pressure of surrounding rock, roadway width, and the distance of support pressure peak to the roadway and is inversely proportional to the elastic modulus of floor rock. Using FLAC2D to simulate floor rock grouting in soft rock roadway verifies the active role of floor rock grouting in the floor controlling of soft rock roadway; floor rock grouting and grouting range directly impact on the stability scope of surrounding rock, namely, with the increase of grouting range, the subsidence of roof, the approach of both sides, and the amount of floor heave decreased gradually, the stability of surrounding rock is enhanced 展开更多
关键词 soft rock roadway floor heave floor rock grouting numerical simulation
Plastic zone distribution laws and its types of surrounding rock in large-span roadway 被引量:14
作者 Li Chong Xu Jinhai +1 位作者 PanJianzhong Ma Chao 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 2012年第1期23-28,共6页
In order to study the distribution laws and types of plastic zone of surrounding rock in large-span roadway, we analyzed the distribution laws with different spans and lateral pressures using FLAC3D numerical calcu- l... In order to study the distribution laws and types of plastic zone of surrounding rock in large-span roadway, we analyzed the distribution laws with different spans and lateral pressures using FLAC3D numerical calcu- lation software. Based on the roadway support difficulty and distribution laws of the plastic zone of sur- rounding rock, we defined the large-span roadway and classified the types of large-span rectangular roadways. As a result, the distribution laws of the plastic zone on surrounding rock in a rectangular roadway with different spans and lateral pressures were obtained. The results show that the area of the plastic zone on surrounding rock increased with the increase of the spans and lateral pressures, and the plastic zone was symmetrical to the center line of roadway. At λ=0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0, the plastic zone presented "addle- shape" distribution, "ellipse" distribution, "thin and high" distribution and "inverse trapezium" distribu- tion, respectively. In addition, we classified the roadways into four types according to the different lateral pressures and spans, including small-span, moderate-span, large-span and extreme-large-span roadways. 展开更多
关键词 Large-span roadway Plastic zone Distribution law TYPE
Theoretical analysis of a new segmented anchoring style in weakly cemented soft surrounding rock 被引量:7
作者 Zhao Zenghui Wang Weiming Wang Lihua 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第3期401-407,共7页
According to the tensile failure of rock bolt in weakly cemented soft rock, this paper presents a new segmented anchoring style in order to weaken the cumulative effect of anchoring force associated with the large def... According to the tensile failure of rock bolt in weakly cemented soft rock, this paper presents a new segmented anchoring style in order to weaken the cumulative effect of anchoring force associated with the large deformation. Firstly, a segmented mechanical model was established in which free and anchoring section of rock bolt were respectively arranged in different deformation zones. Then, stress and displacement in elastic non-anchoring zone, elastic anchoring zone, elastic sticking zone, softening sticking zone and broken zone were derived respectively based on neural theory and tri-linear strain softening constitutive model of soft rock. Results show that the anchoring effect can be characterized by a supporting parameter b. With its increase, the peak value of tangential stress gradually moves to the roadway wall, and the radial stress significantly increases, which means the decrease of equivalent plastic zone and improvement of confining effect provided by anchorage body. When b increases to 0.72, the equivalent plastic zone disappears, and stresses tend to be the elastic solutions. In addition, the anchoring effect on the displacement of surrounding rock can be quantified by a normalization factor δ. 展开更多
关键词 Weakly cemented soft rock Segmented anchorage Strain softening Analytical model
Rules of distribution in a plastic zone of rocks surrounding a roadway affected by tectonic stress 被引量:5
作者 LU Yan TU Shihao 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第1期47-52,共6页
In order to study the rules of distribution in a plastic zone of rocks, surrounding a roadway, affected by tectonic stress, we first analyzed the mechanics of a roadway affected by tectonic stress and derived a theore... In order to study the rules of distribution in a plastic zone of rocks, surrounding a roadway, affected by tectonic stress, we first analyzed the mechanics of a roadway affected by tectonic stress and derived a theoretical formula for the plastic zone of rocks surrounding a roadway. We also analyzed the distribution characteristics of the plastic zone under different levels of tectonic stress, vertical pressure, cohesion and friction angle of the surrounding rock. Secondly, we used numerical simulation to analyze the range and shape features of the plastic zone of rocks surrounding the roadway, given different tectonic stress levels. Finally we used a rock drilling detector to carry out field measurements on the broken state of rock surrounding the roadway at the –700 substation and channels in the Xinzhuang mine of the Shenhuo mining area. Given the measured ground stress, we analyzed the relationship between tectonic stress and the distribution of this plastic zone. Our results show that the range of the plastic zone at the top and bottom of the roadway increases with an increase in tectonic stress and this increase is especially obvious at the roadway corner. 展开更多
关键词 tectonic stress rock surrounding a roadway plastic zone
Numerical simulation study on hard-thick roof inducing rock burst in coal mine 被引量:8
作者 HE Jiang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期2314-2320,共7页
In order to reveal the dynamic process of hard-thick roof inducing rock burst, one of the most common and strongest dynamic disasters in coal mine, the numerical simulation is conducted to study the dynamic loading ef... In order to reveal the dynamic process of hard-thick roof inducing rock burst, one of the most common and strongest dynamic disasters in coal mine, the numerical simulation is conducted to study the dynamic loading effect of roof vibration on roadway surrounding rocks as well as the impact on stability. The results show that, on one hand, hard-thick roof will result in high stress concentration on mining surrounding rocks; on the other hand, the breaking of hard-thick roof will lead to mining seismicity, causing dynamic loading effect on coal and rock mass. High stress concentration and dynamic loading combination reaches to the mechanical conditions for the occurrence of rock burst, which will induce rock burst. The mining induced seismic events occurring in the roof breaking act on the mining surrounding rocks in the form of stress wave. The stress wave then has a reflection on the free surface of roadway and the tensile stress will be generated around the free surface. Horizontal vibration of roadway surrounding particles will cause instant changes of horizontal stress of roadway surrounding rocks; the horizontal displacement is directly related to the horizontal stress but is not significantly correlated with the vertical stress; the increase of horizontal stress of roadway near surface surrounding rocks and the release of elastic deformation energy of deep surrounding coal and rock mass are immanent causes that lead to the impact instability of roadway surrounding rocks. The most significant measures for rock burst prevention are controlling of horizontal stress and vibration strength.Key words 展开更多
关键词 hard-thick roof rock burst numerical simulation horizontal stress stress wave
Numerical simulations of failure behavior around a circular opening in a non-persistently jointed rock mass under biaxial compression 被引量:6
作者 Yang Xuxu Jing Hongwen Chen Kunfu 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第4期729-738,共10页
Pre-existing discontinuities change the mechanical properties of rock masses,and further influence failure behavior around an underground opening.In present study,the failure behavior in both Inner and Outer zones aro... Pre-existing discontinuities change the mechanical properties of rock masses,and further influence failure behavior around an underground opening.In present study,the failure behavior in both Inner and Outer zones around a circular opening in a non-persistently jointed rock mass under biaxial compression was investigated through numerical simulations.First,the micro parameters of the PFC^(3D) model were carefully calibrated using the macro mechanical properties determined in physical experiments implemented on jointed rock models.Then,a parametrical study was undertaken of the effect of stress condition,joint dip angle and joint persistency.Under low initial stress,the confining stress improves the mechanical behavior of the surrounding rock masses;while under high initial stress,the surrounding rock mass failed immediately following excavation.At small dip angles the cracks around the circular opening developed generally outwards in a step-path failure pattern;whereas,at high dip angles the surrounding rock mass failed in an instantaneous intact rock failure pattern.Moreover,the stability of the rock mass around the circular opening deteriorated significantly with increasing joint persistency. 展开更多
关键词 Underground opening Failure behavior Non-persistent joints Rock mass PFC^3D
Failure mechanism and stability control technology of rock surrounding a roadway in complex stress conditions 被引量:8
作者 Yu Yang Bai Jianbiao +3 位作者 Chen Ke Wang Xiangyu Xiao Tongqiang Chen Yong 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第3期301-306,共6页
To solve the problem of supporting three downhill coal structures in the Yongan Coal Mine of Shanxi Jincheng, we studied the regular development of stress and plastic zones and characteristics of deformation of rock s... To solve the problem of supporting three downhill coal structures in the Yongan Coal Mine of Shanxi Jincheng, we studied the regular development of stress and plastic zones and characteristics of deformation of rock surrounding roadway groups after a period of roadway driving, mining one side as well as mining both sides, we used FLAC 3D for our numerical and theoretical analyses. Field test were carried out, where we revealed the deformation mechanism of roadways and its coal pillars in complex stress conditions. We proposed a roadway stability control technology using backwall grouting with high-water rapid hardening material and combined support with bolt and cable anchoring after mining both sides. Our field practices showed that deformation of rock surrounding roadways can be controlled with this technology. 展开更多
关键词 Both sides miningNumerical simulation FLAC3D Grouting reinforcementSupport parameters
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