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“国二升国三”对拖拉机市场结构的影响分析——以山东省为例 被引量:1
作者 谢进 王玉霞 张宗毅 《中国农机化学报》 北大核心 2018年第11期94-99,共6页
基于产业组织相关理论,利用2016和2017全年销售数据,分析"国二升国三"的环保政策对山东省拖拉机市场结构的冲击。通过测算集中度指数、赫芬达尔-赫希曼指数(HHI)、因托比指数(E.I)、基尼系数(G.I),判定拖拉机市场结构类型变... 基于产业组织相关理论,利用2016和2017全年销售数据,分析"国二升国三"的环保政策对山东省拖拉机市场结构的冲击。通过测算集中度指数、赫芬达尔-赫希曼指数(HHI)、因托比指数(E.I)、基尼系数(G.I),判定拖拉机市场结构类型变化。研究结果表明:(1)拖拉机销售数量下滑主要集中在36.77kW以下的中小型拖拉机,而这些中小型农机配套的发动机大多是排放标准很难升级到国三的单缸柴油机;(2)低功率段特别是7.35~14.71kW功率段的拖拉机市场产业集中度提高,而高功率段拖拉机产业集中度有所下降,特别是大于110.32kW的拖拉机市场竞争加剧;(3)各项指标均表明:整体来看环保政策让一些技术能力较差的企业退出市场,进而提高各个功率段拖拉机市场的产业集中度,这有利于避免产业处于低端无序竞争进而促进产业健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 国二升国三 环保 拖拉机 市场结构 集中度
应当重新认识契丹辽朝的“一国二制”——兼谈其南北兼制的政治体制的确立 被引量:6
作者 任爱君 《赤峰学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1992年第2期15-26,共12页
“一国二制”是契丹辽朝“因俗而治”政策的历史表现,它形象地概括了契丹国家早期的历史形态;但以往的研究中,却往往以这种“分治”的现象来论定契丹辽朝的国家体制为多元化形态;本文结合对辽代人口生活方式、文化接收系统等方面发生的... “一国二制”是契丹辽朝“因俗而治”政策的历史表现,它形象地概括了契丹国家早期的历史形态;但以往的研究中,却往往以这种“分治”的现象来论定契丹辽朝的国家体制为多元化形态;本文结合对辽代人口生活方式、文化接收系统等方面发生的历史变迁,对“一国二制”这一形式作了深入探讨,揭示其发展特征,从而认为,南北政治体制的兼容并蓄、杂揉发展,是契丹国家体制发展的主要特色。 展开更多
关键词 中国古代史 辽代 国二 南北兼制
作者 明承毅 《商场现代化》 2012年第23期133-134,共2页
在国二号文件的推动下,以"工业化强省"为目标口号的贵州社会经济有了更好的前景,经济转型和系统发展有了更好的保证。然而,对于贵州喀斯特地形特征与居民地区的分布使得国二号文件在政策落实上存在着盲目性、缓慢性、缺乏透... 在国二号文件的推动下,以"工业化强省"为目标口号的贵州社会经济有了更好的前景,经济转型和系统发展有了更好的保证。然而,对于贵州喀斯特地形特征与居民地区的分布使得国二号文件在政策落实上存在着盲目性、缓慢性、缺乏透明性等。笔者从基层调查出发,寻找举措以更好促进国二号的进程。 展开更多
关键词 国二 政府 监管
作者 孙志文 《河北农机》 2016年第12期12-12,共1页
环境保护是人类的共同目标,也是促进我国生态环境稳定的关键。近年来我国农业发展速度越来越快,农用柴油机的使用量越来越大,因此,造成大量的污染物排放现象,这使我国的环境受到一定的污染,已经引起相关部门的重视,并决定对农用柴油机... 环境保护是人类的共同目标,也是促进我国生态环境稳定的关键。近年来我国农业发展速度越来越快,农用柴油机的使用量越来越大,因此,造成大量的污染物排放现象,这使我国的环境受到一定的污染,已经引起相关部门的重视,并决定对农用柴油机排放状况进行研究与分析,经过研究决定要求农用柴油机排放标准升级,即"国二"升"国三",主要以改善污染物排放对环境的影响为目的。 展开更多
关键词 农用柴油机 国二”升“国三”
作者 李震 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期118-126,151,共10页
从语言忠实观考察"林译小说",讹误之处俯拾皆是。其实,在"翻译家"的光环之下,林纾还具有古文家、画家、教育家的"多重身份"。本文力图还原林纾"非翻译家"的一面,重新认识林纾译文讹误生成机理... 从语言忠实观考察"林译小说",讹误之处俯拾皆是。其实,在"翻译家"的光环之下,林纾还具有古文家、画家、教育家的"多重身份"。本文力图还原林纾"非翻译家"的一面,重新认识林纾译文讹误生成机理。以其所译《爱国二童子传》为例,借助功能语言学三种逻辑语义关系——详述、增强和延展,辅之以细致全面的原文、译文和插图的对比,分析林纾作画思维对译文讹误产生的主导作用。身为画家的林纾对所译小说的插图充分关注,并在翻译过程中视之为重要线索。作、译、画"三位一体"是林纾重要的人生底色,三者之间如影相随。如果孤立地看待林纾译文,而忽视其古文家身份或者画家眼光,那么所谓译文中充斥着大量讹误的评论便有失公允。 展开更多
关键词 林纾 讹误 插图 《爱国二童子传》
梅花和牡丹——中国国花之首选 被引量:7
作者 赵昶灵 郭维明 《北京林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第S2期107-110,共4页
关键词 梅花 中国国花 首选 国二花(梅花和牡丹)
改革发展十三年及其基本经验 被引量:2
作者 陈雪薇 《特区理论与实践》 北大核心 2002年第11期14-17,共4页
五年来的成就,是在改革开放特别是一九八九年十三届四中全会以来的实践基础上取得的。十三年来,我们思想统一,目标明确,工作扎实,取得了重大的历史性成就。人们公认,这十三年是我国综合国力大幅度跃升、人民得到实惠最多的时期,是我国... 五年来的成就,是在改革开放特别是一九八九年十三届四中全会以来的实践基础上取得的。十三年来,我们思想统一,目标明确,工作扎实,取得了重大的历史性成就。人们公认,这十三年是我国综合国力大幅度跃升、人民得到实惠最多的时期,是我国社会长期保持安定团结、政通人和的时期,是我国国际影响显著扩大、民族凝聚力极大增强的时期。我们党和我国人民作出的艰辛努力和取得的伟大成就举世瞩目,必将载入中华民族伟大复兴的光辉史册。 展开更多
关键词 中国共产党 社会主义建设 改革 发展 党建工作 国二
作者 侯丕勋 《三门峡职业技术学院学报》 2017年第1期6-11,共6页
从"以史为鉴"原理出发,为使将来我国兴旺发达、民富国强和长治久安,可考虑在未来适当时候,将我国首都的政治功能迁往以襄、邓为中心地区,创建行政首都,再将留存北京的经济文化功能部分建为经济文化首都,使我国形成"一国... 从"以史为鉴"原理出发,为使将来我国兴旺发达、民富国强和长治久安,可考虑在未来适当时候,将我国首都的政治功能迁往以襄、邓为中心地区,创建行政首都,再将留存北京的经济文化功能部分建为经济文化首都,使我国形成"一国二都"制的都城体制。 展开更多
关键词 以史为鉴原理 行政首都 经济文化首都 国二都体制 国家长治久安
作者 李爱民 《怀化学院学报》 2020年第4期77-81,共5页
随州文峰塔M1出土的曾侯與编钟铭文内容与公元前506年“吴师入郢,楚王避难于随”的历史事件有关。这对研究曾国的历史、曾随关系以及曾楚关系具有重要的意义,可补史载之阙。同时,结合传世文献中“国”可训为“国都”义来进一步证明学者... 随州文峰塔M1出土的曾侯與编钟铭文内容与公元前506年“吴师入郢,楚王避难于随”的历史事件有关。这对研究曾国的历史、曾随关系以及曾楚关系具有重要的意义,可补史载之阙。同时,结合传世文献中“国”可训为“国都”义来进一步证明学者关于曾随一国二名的论断,“曾”为国名,“随”为国都名,而国都名可以指称国家在出土及传世文献中皆是常见的现象。最后,结合曾国铜器的出土地探讨了历史上曾国疆域的变迁,同时对曾侯與钟铭“申固楚成,改复曾疆”的内涵意义进行了探讨。 展开更多
关键词 曾侯與编钟 申固楚城 改复曾疆 曾随一国二 曾楚关系
共轨燃油喷射系统在船用柴油机中的应用 被引量:3
作者 李阳 王文武 +2 位作者 孙启超 张俊梅 张晖 《内燃机与配件》 2021年第17期222-223,共2页
根据环境保护部和国家质量监督检验检疫总局联合发布的GB15097-2016《船舶发动机排气污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第一、二阶段)》中的规定,所有船机自2021年7月1日起排气污染物要满足第二阶段排放限值。因此在一款新设计的船机上采... 根据环境保护部和国家质量监督检验检疫总局联合发布的GB15097-2016《船舶发动机排气污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第一、二阶段)》中的规定,所有船机自2021年7月1日起排气污染物要满足第二阶段排放限值。因此在一款新设计的船机上采用高压共轨燃油喷射系统,利用共轨系统燃油喷射压力的产生独立于发动机转速,喷油时刻、喷油量、多次喷射柔性控制的特点,保证发动机燃油供给与调节系统之间在各个工况下,实现合理与精确的匹配,从而大大提高发动机动力性、经济性,排放及噪声方面的综合性能。 展开更多
关键词 共轨系统 船用柴油机 国二排放
On Some Dispersed Cordaitean Cuticles from Cathaysian Flora in the Permian of China and Their Significance 被引量:1
作者 李生盛 王士俊 贝月敏 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第5期517-522,共6页
Although the research on Cordaites of the Cathaysian Flora in China started early in 1883, the study of the cordaitean cuticles began late in 1991. Up to now, four types of cordaitean cuticles in situ and three types ... Although the research on Cordaites of the Cathaysian Flora in China started early in 1883, the study of the cordaitean cuticles began late in 1991. Up to now, four types of cordaitean cuticles in situ and three types of dispersed ones have been reported from the Cathaysian Flora in China. However compared with the Euramerican Flora, the research work on cordaitean cuticles from the Cathaysian Flora in China is much more insufficient. In this paper, three kinds of dispersed cordaitean cuticles are described in detail from the Permian coal-bearing strata in China. Among these cuticles two kinds are collected from the roof shale of Coal Seam No. A(1) in Shanxi Formation (Lower Permian) in Xinzhuangzhi Coal Mine of Huainan, Anhui Province, southern border of North China Subprovince of the Cathaysian Flora in China. The third one was collected from Coal Seam No. 11 in the top of Longtan Formation (lower Upper Permian) in Dahebian Coal Mine of Shuicheng Mining District, Guizhou Province, South China Subprovince of the Cathaysian Flora in China. Comparison of these three kinds of cordaitean cuticles with the known ones from the Cathaysian Flora in China and from the Euramerican Flora is made. The authors consider that they are all new types of cordaitean cuticles. The significance they bear on palaeobotany is discussed. 展开更多
关键词 China Cathaysian Flora PERMIAN cordaitean plants cuticle new types
作者 隋庆茹 刘晓彦 韩智慧 《电子制作》 2014年第24期83-83,共1页
关键词 国二C 教师 学生 C语言教学
Soil Cellulase Activity and Fungal Community Responses to Wetland Degradation in the Zoige Plateau, China 被引量:8
作者 WU Li-sha FENG Su +3 位作者 NIE Yuan-yang ZHOU Jian-hong YANG Zhi-rong ZHANG Jie 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第2期471-482,共12页
Four soil types(peat, marsh, meadow, and sandy) in the Zoige Plateau of China are associated with the severity of wetland degradation. The effects of wetland degradation on the structure and abundance of fungal commun... Four soil types(peat, marsh, meadow, and sandy) in the Zoige Plateau of China are associated with the severity of wetland degradation. The effects of wetland degradation on the structure and abundance of fungal communities and cellulase activity were assessed in these 4 soil types at 3 depths using DGGE(Denatured Gradient Gel Electrophoresis), q PCR(Quantitative Real-time PCR),and 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid assays. Cellulase activity and abundance of the fungal community declined in parallel to the level of wetland degradation(from least to most disturbed). DGGE analysis indicated a major shift in composition of fungal communities among the4 soil types consistent with the level of degradation.Water content(WC), organic carbon(OC), total nitrogen(TN), total phosphorus(TP), available nitrogen(AN), and available phosphorus(AP) were strongly correlated with cellulase activity and the structure and abundance of the fungal community.The results indicate that soil physicochemical properties(WC, OC, TN, TP, AN, and AP), cellulase activity, and diversity and abundance of fungal communities are sensitive indicators of the relative level of wetland degradation. WC was the major factorinvolved in Zoige wetland degradation and lower WC levels contributed to declines in the abundance and diversity of the fungal community and reduction in cellulase activity. 展开更多
关键词 Wetland degradation Soil cellulase Fungal community DGGE(Denatured Gradient Gel Electrophoresis) qPCR(Quantitative Real-time PCR)
Analysis of Land Use Characteristics in Mountainous Areas in Yunnan Province Based on Second National Land Survey 被引量:2
作者 芦艳艳 杨子生 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第9期1438-1440,共3页
Abstract Based on Second National Land Survey during 2007-2009 and land use type survey in ftatland areas, status quo of land use in mountainous areas in Yun- nan was measured, and analysis was made on land use in mou... Abstract Based on Second National Land Survey during 2007-2009 and land use type survey in ftatland areas, status quo of land use in mountainous areas in Yun- nan was measured, and analysis was made on land use in mountainous areas in terms of land use structure, degree and development potential, providing references for rational use of land in mountainous areas in Yunnan. 展开更多
关键词 Second national land survey Mountainous areas Land use Character- istics: Yunnan Province
Measurement and Scenario Simulation of Effect of Urbanisation on Regional CO_2 Emissions Based on UEC-SD Model:A Case Study in Liaoning Province,China 被引量:2
作者 LI Fujia DONG Suocheng +2 位作者 LI Shantong LI Zehong LI Yu 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期350-360,共11页
Based on the logical causal relationship and taking Liaoning Province, China, which is the Chinese traditional industrial base and is in the stage of accelerated urbanisation, as a case study, this study builds the '... Based on the logical causal relationship and taking Liaoning Province, China, which is the Chinese traditional industrial base and is in the stage of accelerated urbanisation, as a case study, this study builds the 'Urbanisation-Energy Consumption-COn Emissions System Dynamics (UEC-SD)' model using a system dynamics method. The UEC-SD model is applied to analyse the effect of the ar- banisation process on the regional energy structure and CO2 emissions, followed by simulation of future production and living energy consumption structure as well as the evolutionary trend of CO2 emissions of three urbanisation scenarios (low speed, intermediate speed and high speed) under the assumed boundary conditions in urban and rural areas of Liaoning Province, China. The results show that the urbanisation process can alter production and the living energy consumption structure and thereby change regional CO2 emissions. An increase in the urbanisation rate in case area will lead to regional COz emissions rising in the short term, but when the urbanisation rate approaches 80%, CO2 emissions will reach a peak value and then decrease. Comparison of different urbanisation rates showed that pro- duction and living energy consumption exhibit different directions of change and rules in urban and rural areas. The effect of urbanisa- tion on CO2 emissions and energy structure is not direct, and urbanisation can increase the differences in energy and CO2 emissions between urban and rural areas caused by the industrial structure, technical level and other factors. 展开更多
关键词 urbanisation CO2 emissions scenario simulation Urbanisation-Energy Consumption-CO2 Emissions System Dynamics (UEC-SD) model Liaoning Province China
Soil Carbon Stock and Flux in Plantation Forest and Grassland Ecosystems in Loess Plateau, China 被引量:3
作者 HU Chanjuan LIU Guohua +3 位作者 FU Bojie CHEN Liding LYU Yihe GUO Lei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第4期423-435,共13页
Carbon sequestration occurs when cultivated soils are re-vegetated. In the hilly area of the Loess Plateau, China, black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) plantation forest and grassland were the two main vegetation typ... Carbon sequestration occurs when cultivated soils are re-vegetated. In the hilly area of the Loess Plateau, China, black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) plantation forest and grassland were the two main vegetation types used to mitigate soil and water loss after cultivation abandonment. The purpose of this study was to compare the soil carbon stock and flux of these two types of vegetation which restored for 25 years. The experiment was conducted in Yangjuangou catchment in Yah'an City, Shaanxi Province, China. Two adjacent slopes were chosen for this study. Six sample sites were spaced every 35-45 m from summit to toe slope along the hill slope, and each sample site contained three sampling plots. Soil organic carbon and related physicochemical properties in the surface soil layer (0-10 cm and 10-20 cm) were measured based on soil sampling and laboratory analysis, and the soil carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and environmental factors were measured in the same sample sites simultaneously. Results indicated that in general, a higher soil carbon stock was found in the black locust plantation forest than that in grassland throughout the hill slope. Meanwhile, significant differences in the soil carbon stock were observed between these two vegetation types in the upper slope at soil depth 0-10 cm and lower slope at soil depth 10-20 cm. The average daily values of the soil CO2 emissions were 1.27 μmol/(m2·s) and 1.39 μmol/(m2·s) for forest and grassland, respectively. The soil carbon flux in forest covered areas was higher in spring and less variation was detected between different seasons, while the highest carbon flux was found in grassland in summer, which was about three times higher than that in autumn and spring. From the carbon sequestration point of view, black locust plantation forest on hill slopes might be better than grassland because of a higher soil carbon stock and lower carbon flux. 展开更多
关键词 soil organic carbon soil carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions vegetation restoration Loess Plateau
What can the changes in shield resistance tell us during the period of shearer's cutting and neighboring shields' advance? 被引量:5
作者 Cheng Jingyi Wan Zhijun +2 位作者 Peng Syd S. Liu Sifei Ji Yinlin 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第3期361-367,共7页
In order to determine the influence of shearer's cutting and neighboring shields' advance on the support resistance variation, leg pressure data of all 235 shields in the panel LW61 of Cumberland coal mine wer... In order to determine the influence of shearer's cutting and neighboring shields' advance on the support resistance variation, leg pressure data of all 235 shields in the panel LW61 of Cumberland coal mine were analyzed. The results show that the relationship between the leg pressure increment and the distance from shield to front drum of shearer is a quadratic function and that the higher leg pressure increment before shield advance tends to be related to adverse roof conditions. In addition, the three proposed leg pressure increment-related parameters and the three traditional parameters(time-weighted average pressure, setting pressure, and final pressure) of approximately 32000 shield supporting cycles were calculated by a self-developed software package to analyze the correlation between them. The results show that there is a powerful connection between them, and that the three proposed leg pressure increment-related parameters could be used as the indexes to evaluate the interaction between shields and the roof, and to identify the periodic weighting. 展开更多
关键词 Electrohydraulic control shield support Period of shearer's cutting and neighboring shields' advanceLeg pressure increment Shield-roof interaction
Geoengineering: Basic science and ongoing research efforts in China 被引量:2
作者 CAO Long GAO Chao-Chao ZHAO Li-Yun 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期188-196,共9页
Geoengineering (also called climate engineering), which refers to large-scale intervention in the Earth's climate system to counteract greenhouse gas-induced warming, has been one of the most rapidly growing areas ... Geoengineering (also called climate engineering), which refers to large-scale intervention in the Earth's climate system to counteract greenhouse gas-induced warming, has been one of the most rapidly growing areas of climate research as a potential option for tackling global warming. Here, we provide an overview of the scientific background and research progress of proposed geoengineering schemes. Geo- engineering can be broadly divided into two categories: solar geoengineering (also called solar radiation management, or SRM), which aims to reflect more sunlight to space, and carbon dioxide removal (CDR), which aims to reduce the CO2 content in the atmosphere. First, we review different proposed geoengineering methods involved in the solar radiation management and carbon dioxide removal schemes. Then, we discuss the fundamental science underlying the climate response to the carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation management schemes. We focus on two basic issues: 1) climate response to the reduction in solar irradiance and 2) climate response to the reduction in atmospheric COe. Next, we introduce an ongoing geoengineering research project in China that is supported by National Key Basic Research Program. This research project, being the first coordinated geoengineering research program in China, will systematically investigate the physical mechanisms, climate impacts, and risk and governance of a few targeted geoengineering schemes. It is expected that this research program will help us gain a deep understanding of the physical science underlying geoengineering schemes and the impacts of geoengineering on global climate, in particular, on the Asia monsoon region. 展开更多
关键词 GEOENGINEERING Climate change mitigation Carbon dioxide removal Solar geoengineering
Clinical Application of Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment Battery-Second Edition in Evaluating of Cognitive Function of Chinese Patients with Post-stroke Aphasia 被引量:9
作者 Zeng-zhi Yu Shu-jun Jiang +5 位作者 Jun Li Sheng Bi Fei Li Tao Xie Rui Wang Xiao-tan Zhang 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2013年第3期167-171,共5页
Objective To investigate the clinical application value of Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment (LOTCA) battery in Chinese patients with post-stroke aphasia. Methods Cognitive fimctions of 59 Chine... Objective To investigate the clinical application value of Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment (LOTCA) battery in Chinese patients with post-stroke aphasia. Methods Cognitive fimctions of 59 Chinese patients with aphasia following a stroke were assessed with the Chinese version of the second edition of LOTCA battery and their linguistic functions were tested with the Western Aphasia Battery (WAB) Scale, respectively. The results of LOTCA were analyzed and compared across different groups, in the light of gender, age, educational background, the length of illness, and the degree of aphasia. 展开更多
关键词 STROKE Chinese APHASIA COGNITION assessment
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Sewage Treatment in China during 2000-2009 被引量:1
作者 ZHOU Xing ZHENG You-Fei +2 位作者 KANG Na ZHOU Wei YIN Ji-Fu 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2012年第4期205-211,共7页
Based on the statistics from the China Statistical Yearbook (2000-2009) on environment and methods recommended by the IPCC, the amounts of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from domestic and industrial sewage treatme... Based on the statistics from the China Statistical Yearbook (2000-2009) on environment and methods recommended by the IPCC, the amounts of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from domestic and industrial sewage treatment in China are estimated for the period of 2003-2009. CO2 emissions per capita from sewage treatment plants are also analyzed. The results show that the GHG emissions from sewage treatment plants increased steadily from 2003 to 2009; N20 emissions from domestic sewage are the major source of the total GHG emissions from domestic sewage; CH4 emissions from domestic sewage increase with the greatest speed; CH4 emissions from paper and pulp industry are the major source of industrial sewage emissions; CO2 emissions per capita increase constantly from 2003 to 2009. 展开更多
关键词 sewage treatment CH4 N20 EMISSIONS
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