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国企模式: 县级融媒体建设中的制度性探索——基于对日照市东港区的调查
作者 姬德强 刘璐 白顺阶 《声屏世界》 2020年第2期97-99,共3页
制度性改革是县级融媒体建设中的关键环节,决定了改革发展能否持续,能否达成融合的全面改革要求.文章以山东省日照市东港区的"国企模式"为例,通过观察对其机构背景、改革动因、实践过程和现有问题等进行了经验性总结与理论性... 制度性改革是县级融媒体建设中的关键环节,决定了改革发展能否持续,能否达成融合的全面改革要求.文章以山东省日照市东港区的"国企模式"为例,通过观察对其机构背景、改革动因、实践过程和现有问题等进行了经验性总结与理论性分析,研究发现:"国企模式"相较于原有的机制体制更具活力,与此同时,改革过程中出现的平台类型同质化、技术基础不完备、人才供应不足等问题也将阻碍这一模式的可持续运行. 展开更多
关键词 县级融媒体 制度改革 国企模式
作者 古铁雷斯 《现代国企研究》 2012年第5期21-21,共1页
没有必要把全球化搞成西方化的一种趋势,要找到一个办法,能够让中国的国企模式和西方模式共存。现在"全球化"这个词用得太多了,很多人甚至不知道"全球化"是什么意思就用这个词。我想告诉大家,老是去讲"全球化&... 没有必要把全球化搞成西方化的一种趋势,要找到一个办法,能够让中国的国企模式和西方模式共存。现在"全球化"这个词用得太多了,很多人甚至不知道"全球化"是什么意思就用这个词。我想告诉大家,老是去讲"全球化"这个词,是很有风险的。 展开更多
关键词 国企模式 西方化 全球化 西方模式 企业 企业管理
作者 马立文 《办公室业务》 2023年第21期21-23,共3页
在全面从严治党新形势下,国有企业的党建工作模式得到了创新和完善,在国有企业内部形成了良好的氛围。国有企业党建工作的重要内容与国企发展的方向和目标保持一致,也是确保国企各项工作能够顺利进行的重要手段。文章主要对全面从严治... 在全面从严治党新形势下,国有企业的党建工作模式得到了创新和完善,在国有企业内部形成了良好的氛围。国有企业党建工作的重要内容与国企发展的方向和目标保持一致,也是确保国企各项工作能够顺利进行的重要手段。文章主要对全面从严治党新形势进行了介绍,分析全面从严治党新形势下创新国企党建工作模式的重要性,总结党建工作存在的问题,探究国企党建工作优化策略,以供相关人员学习参考。 展开更多
关键词 全面从严治党 国企党建工作模式 创新 探索
制度视角下跨国企业投资的进入模式与合法性获取路径的选择 被引量:2
作者 万妮娜 《云南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期50-54,共5页
制度经济学理论认为,跨国投资企业在东道国争取必要的合法性是其生存的先决条件。然而,合法性获取的路径选择与其投资进入模式直接相关。同时,现有的合法性相关理论研究主要关注外部合法性的影响,而忽略了内部合法性的重要作用。应将内... 制度经济学理论认为,跨国投资企业在东道国争取必要的合法性是其生存的先决条件。然而,合法性获取的路径选择与其投资进入模式直接相关。同时,现有的合法性相关理论研究主要关注外部合法性的影响,而忽略了内部合法性的重要作用。应将内外部合法性"捆绑"在一起,从更为全面的角度探析不同投资进入模式下的内外部合法性获取的路径选择问题,并揭示不同投资进入模式下内外部合法性的特征、来源、相互关系以及对跨国投资的影响。 展开更多
关键词 国企业进入模式 内部合法性 外部合法性 路径选择
作者 张权 《岭南学术研究》 2019年第1期32-37,共6页
对现行国企治理模式进行改进,从制度上重新界定党委会、董事会、经理层和监事会等重要机构的制衡关系,委托权威人力资源公司在党员群体中为这些重要机构甄选重要成员,特别是党委书记、董事长和总经理,达到既符合现代企业制度的要求,又... 对现行国企治理模式进行改进,从制度上重新界定党委会、董事会、经理层和监事会等重要机构的制衡关系,委托权威人力资源公司在党员群体中为这些重要机构甄选重要成员,特别是党委书记、董事长和总经理,达到既符合现代企业制度的要求,又能实现党的领导的目的。基于新型国企治理模式,通过党在用人制度上的主导权,从严治党,同步设置党组织,加强党建工作和维护职工利益等路径实现党的领导。 展开更多
关键词 新型国企治理模式 从严治党 党建
作者 于炳华 《商业时代》 北大核心 2013年第14期81-82,共2页
中小国企改制中一个值得关注的现象是,一些典型的改革模式并没有在更大范围内取得令人期待的普遍效果。本文以山东省诸城市第二次改制为例,具体而微地分析国企改制模式的设计与成效之间的关系,着重考察导致诸城二次改制的企业问题、对... 中小国企改制中一个值得关注的现象是,一些典型的改革模式并没有在更大范围内取得令人期待的普遍效果。本文以山东省诸城市第二次改制为例,具体而微地分析国企改制模式的设计与成效之间的关系,着重考察导致诸城二次改制的企业问题、对这些问题的归因、改制方案、效果之间的关系;呈现企业问题与其原因之间真实的内在关联;改革方案与效果之间的必然的与偏离的关系,以显示诸城二次改制模式的独特性及其在国企改制中的普遍意义。 展开更多
关键词 国企改制模式 成效 因果关系
国企财务管理模式现状及改进分析 被引量:2
作者 胡浩 《技术与市场》 2017年第4期240-240,242,共2页
随着社会的发展以及时代的变迁,当前国企财务管理过程中,越发意识到财务管理模式更新和改革的重要性.积极引入科学、高效的管理模式,提高国企财务管理效率,为国企的经济发展提供源源不断的动力,会极大地提高国企的经济效率,最终为社会... 随着社会的发展以及时代的变迁,当前国企财务管理过程中,越发意识到财务管理模式更新和改革的重要性.积极引入科学、高效的管理模式,提高国企财务管理效率,为国企的经济发展提供源源不断的动力,会极大地提高国企的经济效率,最终为社会经济的发展做出贡献。对现阶段国企财务管理模式进行了分析,提出了创新国企财务管理的建议。 展开更多
关键词 国企财务管理模式 创新 国企财务管理 分析
作者 官江兵 《管理学家》 2020年第13期62-63,共2页
国企管理模式的创新发展,对于促进国有企业的稳定发展,更好地体现国企社会价值具有重要意义。要实现国有企业稳健可持续发展,必须掌握市场发展过程中的客观规律,推动国有企业管理模式的创新发展,提升国有企业管理模式创新的积极效果,将... 国企管理模式的创新发展,对于促进国有企业的稳定发展,更好地体现国企社会价值具有重要意义。要实现国有企业稳健可持续发展,必须掌握市场发展过程中的客观规律,推动国有企业管理模式的创新发展,提升国有企业管理模式创新的积极效果,将国有企业基本的发展优势发挥出来,为社会做出更大的贡献而努力。 展开更多
关键词 国企管理模式 发展趋势 创新路径
作者 王友志 《商情》 2022年第4期38-40,共3页
2018年 6月,中共中央、国务院出台了《关于打赢脱贫攻坚战三年行动的指导意见》,再次强调“把产业扶贫作为扶贫治理的重要战略”。贵州作为脱贫攻坚的主战场,做好贵州的扶贫攻坚工作,实现乡村振兴,对全省乃至全国都具有重大意义。在此背... 2018年 6月,中共中央、国务院出台了《关于打赢脱贫攻坚战三年行动的指导意见》,再次强调“把产业扶贫作为扶贫治理的重要战略”。贵州作为脱贫攻坚的主战场,做好贵州的扶贫攻坚工作,实现乡村振兴,对全省乃至全国都具有重大意义。在此背景,本文结合所在基层的扶贫实践,分析研究了产业扶贫中存在的问题,探索“高校+国企”产业扶贫新模式,提出了产业扶贫路径的优化策略,以此丰富我国在脱贫攻坚战役中的实践经验与理论。 展开更多
关键词 从江县月亮山区“高校+国企模式 产业扶贫
作者 赵文生 《高等财经教育研究》 2002年第S2期80-81,共2页
关键词 建立 中国特色 国企模式
工业社会背景下的中国旅游业跨国经营 被引量:1
作者 徐萍 成英文 《消费导刊》 2009年第21期60-61,共2页
中国出境旅游市场增长迅速,然而旅游业跨国经营进展缓慢。这和传统跨国经营理论不相符合。本文首先研究了国际大型跨国旅游企业的成长经历,认为旅游企业开展跨国经营的前提条件是母国具有比较高的工业化水平,然后从我国工业化发展的阶... 中国出境旅游市场增长迅速,然而旅游业跨国经营进展缓慢。这和传统跨国经营理论不相符合。本文首先研究了国际大型跨国旅游企业的成长经历,认为旅游企业开展跨国经营的前提条件是母国具有比较高的工业化水平,然后从我国工业化发展的阶段特征出发,解释了旅游业跨国经营和出境市场非耦合的原因,并探讨现阶段旅游业跨国经营的可行策略,认为现阶段我国旅游企业跨国经营应该重点面向商务、公务等非观光出境者。 展开更多
关键词 跨国经营 对外直接投资 国企业成长模式
Research on Firm Size, Firm Performance and Internal Auditing Modes——Based on Listed Manufacturing Companies of China 被引量:1
作者 Xinsheng Cheng Yi Zhang 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2005年第2期59-68,共10页
This paper is based on the samples of listed manufacturing companies of China, taking the financial performance as criterion, and then does research on the firm performance with different internal auditing modes, usin... This paper is based on the samples of listed manufacturing companies of China, taking the financial performance as criterion, and then does research on the firm performance with different internal auditing modes, using Cross-sectional data to analyze the distribution of internal auditing modes and the characteristics of the firm performance. The conclusion is that setting up internal auditing is good for the development of companies, but the function of internal auditing has not been widelv fulfilled. 展开更多
关键词 manufacturing industry firm performance internal auditing auditing modes
大数据时代国有企业管理模式创新策略 被引量:2
作者 胡丹丹 《商场现代化》 2023年第16期105-107,共3页
随着移动互联网的普及,数字化技术与信息化技术功能越发全面,大数据技术在各个领域、各个行业拥有极为广泛的应用空间,预示着大数据时代正式到来。需要注意的是,大数据时代背景下,国有企业迎来前所未有的发展机遇与挑战,这是由于大数据... 随着移动互联网的普及,数字化技术与信息化技术功能越发全面,大数据技术在各个领域、各个行业拥有极为广泛的应用空间,预示着大数据时代正式到来。需要注意的是,大数据时代背景下,国有企业迎来前所未有的发展机遇与挑战,这是由于大数据技术应用于企业管理工作当中,为国有企业管理模式创新提供必要的助力与支持,同时也对国有企业管理工作提出更高要求。基于此,本文分析大数据时代背景下国有企业管理工作模式创新策略,供广大相关人员参考。 展开更多
关键词 大数据技术 大数据时代 国企管理模式 创新策略
The existing problems and countermeasures of financial management in small and medium enterprises
作者 HU Ai-rong LI Yu-qiao 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2008年第12期47-51,共5页
The small and medium enterprises have important status in national economy, and play loudly functions to Chinese economic development with social stability. But the deficiency of the financial administration of small ... The small and medium enterprises have important status in national economy, and play loudly functions to Chinese economic development with social stability. But the deficiency of the financial administration of small and medium enterprises is the main obstacle for their further development. This text analyzes the current situation and existing problems of financial administration in small and medium enterprises, puts forward the countermeasures of improving the financial administration of small and medium enterprises. 展开更多
关键词 small and medium enterprises financial management question and countermeasure
The Audit Opinion of Earnings Management in Listed Companies of China
作者 Guanting Chen 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2005年第7期71-81,共11页
The paper testes the relationship between audit opinions and financial sensitive zones and accounts on the basis of the data of A-share companies in China. The author finds that when ROE of listed companies is in the ... The paper testes the relationship between audit opinions and financial sensitive zones and accounts on the basis of the data of A-share companies in China. The author finds that when ROE of listed companies is in the small-profit zone or in the large-loss zone, the probabilities that they get modified audit opinions increase. But the right-offering zone, accrual accounts and accounts below the line have no significant effects on the modified audit opinions. Besides, the author also finds that the ratio of accounts receivable to asset, debt ratio, previous year's audit opinion and change of CPA firms have significant positive effects on the modified audit opinions, while the ratio of major business revenue and size of companies have no notable effects. Some other factors such as cash ratio, age of the listing and CPA firm ranking have no consistent and continuous effects. 展开更多
关键词 earnings management financial sensitive zones financial sensitive accounts audit opinion
Analysis of Present Situation and The Development of Clothing Advertisement
作者 Li Cao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第5期7-8,共2页
Clothing advertisement is an extremely important means of spreading clothing brands rapidly, therefore, many garment enterprises attach great importance to this kind of marketing mode-clothing advertisement. Domestic ... Clothing advertisement is an extremely important means of spreading clothing brands rapidly, therefore, many garment enterprises attach great importance to this kind of marketing mode-clothing advertisement. Domestic clothing advertisement is growing rapidly, but there are also some problems arising from it. This paper aims to analyze the current situation of domestic clothing advertisement, make some predictions of the development of clothing advertisement industry, and put forward some opinions and suggestions on how to keep up with the international pace in this field.. 展开更多
关键词 clothing advertisement current conditions opinions suggestions
Study on the Problems in China's Free E-commerce Model
作者 Degang CHEN Yayun HUA 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期1-3,共3页
There are a variety of e-commerce development modes. Free mode as one of the most important has been widely applied in e-commerce enterprises, and it has become one of the basic methods for ensuring e-commerce enterpr... There are a variety of e-commerce development modes. Free mode as one of the most important has been widely applied in e-commerce enterprises, and it has become one of the basic methods for ensuring e-commerce enterprises to seek a development. In this paper, the current development of the free mode is firstly analyzed and also the factors influencing users to make a choice are analyzed under the free business model, and then the problems in free e-commerce model are proposed, and finally related strategies and suggestions on how to develop for e-commerce enterprises under the free business model are provided. Keywords: 展开更多
关键词 E-COMMERCE Free Business Model Profit Making
Economic management and innovation strategies of enterprises under market economy conditions
作者 Qing LI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第3期19-21,共3页
Under the highly competitive market economy management system, economic management of Chinese enterprises tends to be diversity. With the continuous development of market economy, enterprises need choose the appropria... Under the highly competitive market economy management system, economic management of Chinese enterprises tends to be diversity. With the continuous development of market economy, enterprises need choose the appropriate management methods according to the actual situation, which is to help enterprises to survive in the highly competitive environment. However, due to a variety of external factors, economic management situation is not optimistic. And it increases their sense of crisis. This article will make a systematic analysis of management strategies as the point of the enterprise management mode and innovation strategy under market economy. 展开更多
关键词 market economy enterprise economy management strategy
Management of Foreign Market Entry: A Study of Czech Companies
作者 Sairka Zapletalova 《Chinese Business Review》 2014年第11期707-716,共10页
Internationalization of company activities is the necessity of the development for majority of entrepreneurial subjects in the Czech Republic. Internationalization of entrepreneurial activities becomes a tool of busin... Internationalization of company activities is the necessity of the development for majority of entrepreneurial subjects in the Czech Republic. Internationalization of entrepreneurial activities becomes a tool of business competitiveness. Selecting the right foreign entry mode is an important decision, which demands a lot of resources and thorough planning. The factors influencing company's choice of entry mode are divided into two main groups subsuming--external and internal factors. External factors consist of determinants regarding the company's environment while the intemal ones are determined by the company's specific factors. The opening of new markets such as in the Czech Republic has created the potential for small and medium-size enterprise (SME) expansion and investment. The objective of this paper is to present an application of the entry modes of the selected Czech entrepreneurial subjects. The companies included in the study are those that have undertaken internationalization activities and are incorporated in the Czech Republic. There were a total of 297 enterprises that participated in the research. The research method was an oral questioning and the main instrument was a questionnaire. A relatively low degree of Czech companies that have undergone intemationalization has resulted in the dominance of the least advanced forms of internationalization expansion, mainly exports with a small share of more advanced forms of foreign direct investments and a very low level of forms of international cooperation. Czech companies are in decision about the choosing the foreign entry mode influenced by the many factors. The greatest influence on the choice of foreign entry mode has entry mode variables. Entry mode variables constitute variables assessment characteristics of particular entry mode. 展开更多
关键词 foreign market entry modes internationalization process foreign markets
(R)evolution in the Food Market-Impact of Retail Internationalization in Transition Countries
作者 J.H. Hanf K. Dautzenberg Z. Pall 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2010年第2期75-82,共8页
The food retail business has undergone a number of structural changes due to increasingly globalized markets and internationalization. Former nationally oriented retailers have suddenly become global. This process als... The food retail business has undergone a number of structural changes due to increasingly globalized markets and internationalization. Former nationally oriented retailers have suddenly become global. This process also affects new structures in agribusiness, most notably as general retailers export their business models. A comparison of the development and the impact of globalization in the retail sectors of different transition countries reveals varied opportunities for and threats to the participants in agribusiness. 展开更多
关键词 Retail internationalization transition countries agrifood business
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