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面向中国式现代化的国土空间利用与规划:内在需求与创新路径——基于“2023年中国土地科学论坛”的综述 被引量:2
作者 王检萍 陈美景 +1 位作者 陈美球 朱泰峰 《中国土地科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期125-130,共6页
研究目的:基于“2023年中国土地科学论坛”会议观点,梳理面向中国式现代化的国土空间利用与规划的内在需求与创新路径,为面向中国式现代化的国土空间治理研究提供理论及实践参考。研究方法:文献资料法和归纳演绎法。研究结果:(1)中国式... 研究目的:基于“2023年中国土地科学论坛”会议观点,梳理面向中国式现代化的国土空间利用与规划的内在需求与创新路径,为面向中国式现代化的国土空间治理研究提供理论及实践参考。研究方法:文献资料法和归纳演绎法。研究结果:(1)中国式现代化对国土空间利用与规划提出了走节约集约道路与保障粮食安全、坚持公平与效率协同、实现“三效益”统一、坚持生态优先绿色发展、立足全球视野等内在需求;(2)国土空间利用与规划要从坚持新发展理念、遵循“要素—空间—功能—价值”逻辑主线、促进人地关系协调发展以及发挥现代科技支撑作用等方面实现路径创新。研究结论:面向中国式现代化的国土空间利用与规划,应持续强化立足于中国国情的国土空间利用与规划理论研究,加强重视国土空间利用与规划中的人地关系研究,全面推进系统思维引领下的全域土地综合整治研究。 展开更多
关键词 中国式现代化 国土空间利用规划 内在需求 路径创新
日本国土利用规划概观 被引量:28
作者 谭纵波 高浩歌 《国际城市规划》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期1-12,共12页
在我国构建"空间规划体系"的背景下,日本的国土规划作为可借鉴案例被反复提及。虽然有大量介绍或提及日本国土规划的论文,但从相关名词的翻译到内容的理解和解读,乃至对规划性质的认识存在较大差异甚至是误读。为了准确掌握... 在我国构建"空间规划体系"的背景下,日本的国土规划作为可借鉴案例被反复提及。虽然有大量介绍或提及日本国土规划的论文,但从相关名词的翻译到内容的理解和解读,乃至对规划性质的认识存在较大差异甚至是误读。为了准确掌握日本国土规划的真实状况,为我国空间规划体系的构建提供扎实的基础,本文以日本国土规划体系中的"国土利用规划"为对象,通过对相关法律法规及原始规划文本的解读,对规划产生的背景、法律依据、规划目的、内容以及规划编制实施状况进行全面梳理,进而探究规划的特征和性质,为构建我国空间规划体系提供可供参照的经验及思路。 展开更多
关键词 日本 国土规划 国土利用规划 土地利用基本规划 空间规划体系
日本、韩国土地规划制度比较与借鉴 被引量:25
作者 王静 《中国土地科学》 CSSCI 2001年第3期45-48,共4页
分析比较了日、韩两国的土地规划体系、国土规划、国土利用规划、土地用途管制制度和实施管理的手段 ,并对比我国土地利用规划的基本状况 ,提出了我国关于土地利用规划的启示与建议。
关键词 土地规划体系 国土规划 国土利用规划 土地用途管制制度 日本 韩国
用地不多环境美:日本国土规划的特色 被引量:1
作者 胡慧平 《中国房地信息》 2005年第7期65-66,共2页
日本地域狭小,人口密度很高,特别是首都东京,人口数与北京大体相同,土地面积却只有北京的1/8。在这样的生存条件下,争取美好的生活空间成了崇尚自然的日本人梦寐以求的理想。因此,日本特别重视国土规划,贯彻“用地不多环境美”的原则,... 日本地域狭小,人口密度很高,特别是首都东京,人口数与北京大体相同,土地面积却只有北京的1/8。在这样的生存条件下,争取美好的生活空间成了崇尚自然的日本人梦寐以求的理想。因此,日本特别重视国土规划,贯彻“用地不多环境美”的原则,在细微之处体现出自然的气息。日本的国土行政管理分三级,即中央政府、都道府县、市町村。三级政府都有主管国土的行政管理部门。国土交通省是中央政府管理国土的部门,2001年1月由原来的国土厅、运输省、建设省和北海道开发局共同组建而成。立法与财政:国土规划的保障据日方政府官员介绍,日本首先要搞国土立法,按法做规划。日本从1949年到1998年先后颁发了《国土综合开发法》、《国土利用规划法》、《国土调查法》、《土地基本法》、《北海道开发法》等涉及国土规划的法律法规共79个,形成了一套完整的国土规划法规体系。该体系由基本法(母法)、国土利用关系法、振兴产业关系法、振兴欠发达地区发展关系法、社会基础设施建设关系法等构成。从行政地理范围来分,其由全国法、大区法、个别特定地区法以及相关法构成。从直接和间接的关系来看,有直接约束国土规划的各层次的基本法和专项法规,也有为国土规划具体落实的与社会设施建设有关的... 展开更多
关键词 国土开发整治 国土利用规划 国土规划 日本 政府 土地面积 开发规划 建设规划 经济发展 环境美
作者 张晓玲 《中国土地》 北大核心 1998年第11期35-36,共2页
两种管理体制世界各国国土资源赋存条件不同,社会经济体制各异,因而国土资源的管理体制也各具特点,概括起来可分为两类。1.多部门管理体制,即国土资源由多个部门管理,以英国、德国为代表。如在英国,中央政府并没有设立国土资源... 两种管理体制世界各国国土资源赋存条件不同,社会经济体制各异,因而国土资源的管理体制也各具特点,概括起来可分为两类。1.多部门管理体制,即国土资源由多个部门管理,以英国、德国为代表。如在英国,中央政府并没有设立国土资源管理的专门机构,而通过农业部、环境... 展开更多
关键词 国土资源管理 国土利用规划 管理特点 国土规划体系 土地利用规划 国土综合开发 部分国家 水资源 区域发展规划 土地资源
《中国土地》 北大核心 1996年第6期46-47,共2页
韩国土地管理考察报告(下)中国土地管理赴韩国考察团二、韩国的农地保护韩国人多地少?而且由于大部分地区是山地,农地资源十分匮乏,据有关资料统计,韩国人均农地0.7亩,低于我国人均耕地的水平。韩国城市化水平达85%,大规... 韩国土地管理考察报告(下)中国土地管理赴韩国考察团二、韩国的农地保护韩国人多地少?而且由于大部分地区是山地,农地资源十分匮乏,据有关资料统计,韩国人均农地0.7亩,低于我国人均耕地的水平。韩国城市化水平达85%,大规模占用农地的高潮已经过去。韩国农地... 展开更多
关键词 土地管理 考察报告 国土利用规划 农地保护 韩国考察 土地利用规划 城市规划 城市土地利用 国土规划 农地改革
Past, Status Quo and Future of China’s Territorial Planning
作者 Liu Xinwei Wu Chuguo Zhang Qiuming Zhang Lijun 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2008年第4期28-34,共7页
Since 1949, China has witnessed four development stages of territorial planning. (1) In the 1950s the territorial planning got its start. (2) From the 1960s to 1970s territorial planning declined. (3) From, the 1980s ... Since 1949, China has witnessed four development stages of territorial planning. (1) In the 1950s the territorial planning got its start. (2) From the 1960s to 1970s territorial planning declined. (3) From, the 1980s to 1990s the first major tide of territorial planning began. (4) From the end of the 1990s to recent times the new round of territorial planning is under deliberation. Since 1998, the Ministry of Land and Resources has carried out some related work, especially in organizing pilot projects, and early research on the new round of national territorial planning. According to the need for economic and social development and the current conditions in China, it is the appropriate for China to carry out the new round of territorial planning. However, the government should correctly consider the correlations between territorial planning and other plannings, and take appropriate development action, e.g. stressing main points for the basis of overall planning, building a territorial planning system that coordinate with national conditions, strengthening research on various supportive measures of territorial planning, summarizing and upgrading experiences obtained in pilot projects, strengthening international exchange and training talented personnel. 展开更多
关键词 PAST status quo FUTURE territorial planning China
Spatial-temporal Pattern and Differences of Land Use Changes in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area of China during 1975-2005 被引量:9
作者 CAO Yingui ZHOU Weit +1 位作者 WANG Jing YUAN Chun 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第4期551-563,共13页
Regional land use changes are an important part of global changes.The research on land use changes in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area of China attracts a lot of attention owing to the Three Gorges Dam building.The Thr... Regional land use changes are an important part of global changes.The research on land use changes in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area of China attracts a lot of attention owing to the Three Gorges Dam building.The Three Gorges Reservoir Area becomes one of the important research areas.This study analyzed the transforming processes and traits of each land use type and the regional differences of land use changes during the past 30 years,summarized the distribution of different land use types in different buffer zones and regresses the equation areas and different buffer distances based on buffer analyses and regression analyses,and then analyzed the transforming rules in different buffer distances,got the optimal influence distances.The research results indicate that,(1) cultivated land lies at the northwest of the reservoir and was decreasing,however,the construction land was increasing,especially the urban construction land,a large number of land was flooded because of the reservoir water level rise;(2) urban area was sprawling quickly in developed and neighboring areas,and a great deal of cultivated land and a considerable amount of grassland were occupied;in the earlier time,rural settlements occupied lots of cultivated land and a sum of forestry land in the later time;(3) the optimum influenced distances for cultivated land and forestry land were 10-35 km,and for urban and rural settlements were in 5-20 km.Overall,this research can reflect the spatial-temporal characteristics of land use changes during the 30 years,and it is helpful for urban planning and land use planning in the reservoir area. 展开更多
关键词 Land use Spatial-temporal changes DIFFERENCES Three Gorges Reservoir Area
Combining CLUE-S and SWAT Models to Forecast Land Use Change and Non-point Source Pollution Impact at a Watershed Scale in Liaoning Province, China 被引量:15
作者 LIU Miao LI Chunlin +3 位作者 HU Yuanman SUN Fengyun XU Yanyan CHEN Tan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期540-550,共11页
Non-point source(NPS) pollution has become a major source of water pollution. A combination of models would provide the necessary direction and approaches designed to control NPS pollution through land use planning. I... Non-point source(NPS) pollution has become a major source of water pollution. A combination of models would provide the necessary direction and approaches designed to control NPS pollution through land use planning. In this study, NPS pollution load was simulated in urban planning, historic trends and ecological protection land use scenarios based on the Conversion of Land Use and its Effect at Small regional extent(CLUE-S) and Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT) models applied to Hunhe-Taizi River Watershed, Liaoning Province, China. Total nitrogen(TN) and total phosphorus(TP) were chosen as NPS pollution indices. The results of models validation showed that CLUE-S and SWAT models were suitable in the study area. NPS pollution mainly came from dry farmland, paddy, rural and urban areas. The spatial distribution of TN and TP exhibited the same trend in 57 sub-catchments. The TN and TP had the highest NPS pollution load in the western and central plains, which concentrated the urban area and farm land. The NPS pollution load would increase in the urban planning and historic trends scenarios, and would be even higher in the urban planning scenario. However, the NPS pollution load decreased in the ecological protection scenario. The differences observed in the three scenarios indicated that land use had a degree of impact on NPS pollution, which showed that scientific and ecologically sound construction could effectively reduce the NPS pollution load in a watershed. This study provides a scientific method for conducting NPS pollution research at the watershed scale, a scientific basis for non-point source pollution control, and a reference for related policy making. 展开更多
关键词 Conversion of Land Use and its Effect at Small regional extent (CLUE-S) Hunhe-Taizi River Watershed non-point source pollution Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)
MSPA-based Collaborative Evaluation and Planning Governance of Territory and Natural Environment in Metropolitan Agglomerations-A Case Study of EGIDDZ in Yangtze River Delta
作者 CHEN Jinliu LI Pengcheng WANG Haoqi 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2024年第5期1263-1273,共11页
The intersection of environmental conservation and urban development has garnered global attention.This study aims to contribute to the theoretical foundation and policy recommendations for the collaborative governanc... The intersection of environmental conservation and urban development has garnered global attention.This study aims to contribute to the theoretical foundation and policy recommendations for the collaborative governance of territory and the natural environment in metropolitan agglomerations.Employing a comprehensive Morphological Spatial Pattern Analysis(MSPA)approach,this research analyses and overlays various indicators,constructing an integrated evaluation system based on“natural resource management and conservation,land use,and ecological network assessment”.Our findings reveal that:(1)The overall collaborative degree between the spatial configuration and natural environment in the Ecological Green Integration Development Demonstration Zone(EGIDDZ)is relatively high and still needs improvement at the micro level.Notably,regions characterised by elevated synergy levels exhibit considerable spatial overlap with ecological green cores outlined in territorial planning.(2)The selection and distribution of land use patterns are pivotal factors influencing collaborative levels,with multiple land use types favouring enhanced collaboration.By exploring the interplay between metropolitan territory and the natural environment using MSPA,this study seeks to provide holistic evaluation methodologies and governance insights for advancing sustainable urban planning and development. 展开更多
关键词 national territorial planning natural resources land use ecological network sustainable development
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