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“异姓不王”的传统国宪规范及其悖论与破解 被引量:1
作者 吴欢 《南京大学法律评论》 CSSCI 2014年第2期25-45,共21页
传统政治哲学中“赐姓命氏”的实质就是授予治理权,“异姓”被视为“异德”,不得分享治理权.以西周初年宗法分封为标志,传统政治实践逐步确立了“异姓不王”的国宪规范,其精神实质是“家国一体”、“家国同构”的“家天下”理念,终极目... 传统政治哲学中“赐姓命氏”的实质就是授予治理权,“异姓”被视为“异德”,不得分享治理权.以西周初年宗法分封为标志,传统政治实践逐步确立了“异姓不王”的国宪规范,其精神实质是“家国一体”、“家国同构”的“家天下”理念,终极目的在于维护最高治理权独家垄断的治理秩序.不同朝代的治理者以不同方式对“异姓不王”加以重申和宣示,但基于特定政治局势也或多或少地有所突破,封异姓为王,从而形成了“异姓不王”的政治悖论.古代政治家和法律人运用政治法律智慧,通过一系列行为、制度和手段对这一悖论进行了破解,使华夏文化政治共同体在治理集团内部权力分肥这一重大问题上得以“安身立命”.“异姓不王”的政治悖论及其破解表明,传统国宪的实际运行会出现表达与实践相背离的悖论现象,但是这种悖论本身也构成了传统国宪的一部分。 展开更多
关键词 “异姓不王” “家天下”理念 国宪规范 治理权 传统中国国宪
作为传统国宪基本理念的“天下为公,立君为民”——兼及“公天下”与“家天下”之辨 被引量:4
作者 吴欢 《哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第3期39-45,共7页
宪法实为政治共同体"安身立命"的根本依据,华夏文化政治共同体"安身立命"的根本依据就是传统中国的国宪。传统国宪的一项基本理念就是"天下为公,立君为民",这一理念是华夏贤哲对政治共同体的起源与目的... 宪法实为政治共同体"安身立命"的根本依据,华夏文化政治共同体"安身立命"的根本依据就是传统中国的国宪。传统国宪的一项基本理念就是"天下为公,立君为民",这一理念是华夏贤哲对政治共同体的起源与目的、共同体治理者及其治理权的来源与宗旨这一重大问题的回答,堪称传统中国的国制灵魂与精神宪法。这一理念所体现的"公天下"主张与夏禹传子开创的"家天下"体制之间并非尖锐对立,而是辩证统一的。"公天下"是理想的治理理念,"家天下"是现实的统治思维,"公天下"的理想涵盖了"家天下"的现实,并对其进行论证、解释,或者批判、校正,使传统政治实践不致过分偏离华夏治道。 展开更多
关键词 天下为公 立君为民 传统国宪 公天下 家天下
宪法:政治共同体“安身立命”的根本依据——兼论传统中国“国宪”研究的现代意义 被引量:6
作者 吴欢 《法治研究》 2012年第12期11-18,共8页
"限制国家权力,保障公民权利"的近现代宪法定义并不能概括人类有政治社会生活以来所有"国宪"或"宪法"现象。纵观人类政治史,任何民族的政治共同体都有"宪法",宪法实为组织政治共同体的基本规... "限制国家权力,保障公民权利"的近现代宪法定义并不能概括人类有政治社会生活以来所有"国宪"或"宪法"现象。纵观人类政治史,任何民族的政治共同体都有"宪法",宪法实为组织政治共同体的基本规则。若进一步对古典时代中西法律传统中的宪法现象加以抽绎,我们可以将宪法界定为政治共同体"安身立命"的根本依据。华夏文化政治共同体"安身立命"的根本依据就是传统中国的"国宪",深入认识这一"国宪"体系具有极其重要的理论和现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 宪法 政治共同体 安身立命 传统国宪
对中国现行继承法遗嘱自由过度的反思 被引量:9
作者 章礼强 《现代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第1期66-69,共4页
我国现行继承法对遗嘱自由过于放任 ,这与婚姻家庭法养老育幼义务不对应 ,与我国宪法权利义务一致性原则和整个法律体系不谐 ,与中国传统继承法律、家庭伦理道德不符 ,与国际继承立法冲突过大 ,不好接轨 ,有可能损害我国人民和国家的利... 我国现行继承法对遗嘱自由过于放任 ,这与婚姻家庭法养老育幼义务不对应 ,与我国宪法权利义务一致性原则和整个法律体系不谐 ,与中国传统继承法律、家庭伦理道德不符 ,与国际继承立法冲突过大 ,不好接轨 ,有可能损害我国人民和国家的利益 ;建议修改我国现行继承法 ,给特留份以应有位置 ,这也是与婚姻家庭法相配套的反对“包二奶” 展开更多
关键词 中国 继承法 遗嘱自由原则 家庭伦理道德 婚姻家庭法 国宪
宪法宣誓的机制原理及其完善——法人类学与宪法史学的视角 被引量:5
作者 吴欢 《东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2018年第2期102-111,共10页
传统中国国宪是一个由基本理念、基本宪制及其规范构成的意义综合体,在传统政治法律实践中有着丰富的渊源形式和特殊的实施保障机制。在传统国宪的诸多"护宪"力量中,"誓咒信仰"最具特色。赌咒发誓在中国传统政治哲... 传统中国国宪是一个由基本理念、基本宪制及其规范构成的意义综合体,在传统政治法律实践中有着丰富的渊源形式和特殊的实施保障机制。在传统国宪的诸多"护宪"力量中,"誓咒信仰"最具特色。赌咒发誓在中国传统政治哲学话语和实践中具有特殊的规范意义,能够感迫有关当事人履行所许下的承诺或者践行所达成的共识,故能够成为传统国宪的实施保障因素。换言之,"誓咒信仰"作为传统国宪的"护宪"力量,并非纯粹由于先民愚昧无知,迷信鬼神报应,而是因为在彼时的一般社会心理中已经存在着对赌咒发誓效力的信仰支撑并在此信仰的感迫下践履所立之誓言。探讨赌咒发誓的规范功能和誓咒信仰的"护宪"机制,对于深刻理解和发展完善我国当下的宪法宣誓制度具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 传统中国国宪 誓咒信仰 另类规范 宪法宣誓制度 宪法权威
作者 吴欢 《法制现代化研究》 2016年第1期180-192,共13页
传统中国国宪是一个由基本理念、基本宪制及其规范构成的意义综合体,在传统政治法律实践中有丰富的渊源形式和特殊的实施保障机制。在传统国宪的诸多'护宪'力量中,'誓咒信仰'最具特色。赌咒发誓在中国传统政治哲学话语... 传统中国国宪是一个由基本理念、基本宪制及其规范构成的意义综合体,在传统政治法律实践中有丰富的渊源形式和特殊的实施保障机制。在传统国宪的诸多'护宪'力量中,'誓咒信仰'最具特色。赌咒发誓在中国传统政治哲学话语和实践中具有特殊的规范意义,能够感迫有关当事人履行所许下的承诺或者践行所达成的共识,故能够成为传统国宪的实施保障因素。换言之,'誓咒信仰'作为传统国宪的'护宪'力量,并非纯粹由于先民愚昧无知,迷信鬼神报应,而是因为在彼时的一般社会心理中已经存在对赌咒发誓效力的信仰支撑并在此信仰的感迫下践履所立之誓言。探讨赌咒发誓的规范功能和誓咒信仰的'护宪'机制,对于深刻理解和发展完善当下的宪法宣誓制度具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 传统中国国宪 誓咒信仰 另类规范 宪法宣誓制度 宪法权威
作者 王健 《山东师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期86-98,共13页
通过与《春秋繁露》和《两汉会要》的比较可见,《白虎通》是一部涵盖国家制度、人文典制和精神范畴的大制作。与典制政书体例不同,《白虎通》重心落在制度伦理意涵的阐发上,采用问答体例,揭示典制深层的制度理念,追求"斟酌道德&quo... 通过与《春秋繁露》和《两汉会要》的比较可见,《白虎通》是一部涵盖国家制度、人文典制和精神范畴的大制作。与典制政书体例不同,《白虎通》重心落在制度伦理意涵的阐发上,采用问答体例,揭示典制深层的制度理念,追求"斟酌道德""肴核仁义"的目标。义理推衍与神学论证是该书对制度伦理的主导诠释模式,同时也融汇诸子百家学说,建构了国家典制和社会规范的意义世界。应将其定位为以全面阐发国家制度伦理为主旨和核心内容的汉代"国宪"。 展开更多
关键词 《白虎通》 制度伦理 逻辑架构 义理推演 神学论证 国宪
作者 张用清 《日本问题研究》 2021年第2期9-16,共8页
日本国家近代化转型的过程中,“公议”成为社会各政治主体构建政权的旗帜。明治新政权屡屡向社会倡导建立“公议”政治,并尝试成立了公议所、集议院等公议机关,其中尤以元老院存在时间最长,发挥作用最明显。元老院是政府平息民意、追求... 日本国家近代化转型的过程中,“公议”成为社会各政治主体构建政权的旗帜。明治新政权屡屡向社会倡导建立“公议”政治,并尝试成立了公议所、集议院等公议机关,其中尤以元老院存在时间最长,发挥作用最明显。元老院是政府平息民意、追求政治平衡的产物,其诞生源于明治维新以来统治集团在政治近代化上分歧的暂时弥合,因而元老院的实际权限始终受到政府掣肘。元老院成员在政体框架内积极发挥作用,试图使元老院会议成为日本立法过程的关键环节。元老院在立法权和制宪权行使的过程中与政府进行了长期的博弈,二者的互动模式深刻影响了日本立宪构建的形态。行政权主导下政府对议会的压制,可视为近代东方国家宪政转型的预演。 展开更多
关键词 元老院 公议政治 国宪编纂 立宪构建 府院之争
作者 张利 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期96-101,共6页
《日本国志》是我国近代爱国主义的史学名著,它以广阔的视野考察了近代历史的发展,向国内传达了东邻日本的巨变和世界潮流的信息,是民族危急关头寻找解救之方取得的重要成果。该书批判封建专制,介绍资本主义社会的各种制度,力求改变国... 《日本国志》是我国近代爱国主义的史学名著,它以广阔的视野考察了近代历史的发展,向国内传达了东邻日本的巨变和世界潮流的信息,是民族危急关头寻找解救之方取得的重要成果。该书批判封建专制,介绍资本主义社会的各种制度,力求改变国人的陈旧观念,冀望中国走上民主道路,蕴含着丰富深刻的爱国主义思想内涵。 展开更多
关键词 黄遵宪 《日本国志》 爱国主义思想
The Archaeologic Map and GIS in Ancient Topography Researches: The "Carta Archeologica d'ltalia--Forma Italiae" Project
作者 Maria Luisa Marchi 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2015年第6期382-401,共20页
This paper presents the research method applied to the "Archaeological Map of Italy--Forma Italiae" project, comprising to date the Ager Venusinus project (completed) and the Ager Lucerinus project (ongoing). Th... This paper presents the research method applied to the "Archaeological Map of Italy--Forma Italiae" project, comprising to date the Ager Venusinus project (completed) and the Ager Lucerinus project (ongoing). The idea of an Archaeological Map of Italy dates back to 1889 when by Royal degree the "Bureau for an Archeological Map of Italy" was created. Many decades later, with the advent of information technology and satellite observing systems (GPS) a "new era" of archaeological mapping began and the "Forma ltaliae", thanks to these technological developments, began to develop the first Territorial Information System of archaeological matter in Italy. Between 1989 and 1992, studies and experiments were carried out on automatic systems for the acquisition, calculation and management of archaeological data relating to the Carta Archeologica d'Italia (Forma Italiae). Our project sought to put together many experiences, including some from the past, as part of a ministerial initiative resulting in the establishment of a committee; furthermore, it sought to extend the discussion that for many years concerned primarily academic institutions to the sectors dealing with protection and archeological prevention. Though it has been designed for prevention and protection, it simultaneously serves as the basic instrument for understanding and enhancement of the cultural resources of the territory. In discussions about preventive archaeology and about the so-called "archaeological risk", it is very useful to create a databank of the known archaeological heritage. For this purpose, a computerized system for data management was used, composed of a GIS platform associated with an alphanumeric archive and designed soon to become a web GIS. 展开更多
关键词 Archeological map GIS GPS survey.
The Enlarged Moral Self
作者 Melis Menent 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第9期531-552,共22页
Constitutional Patriotism is a new form of identity. It addresses the national component of identity formations in order to transform them in light of universal human rights principles. In this article, I seek to stre... Constitutional Patriotism is a new form of identity. It addresses the national component of identity formations in order to transform them in light of universal human rights principles. In this article, I seek to strengthen this theory left underdeveloped by Habermas. To do so, I use the idea of moral development which Habermas borrowed from Kohlberg. I argue that Constitutional Patriotism is the missing link in Habermas's reading of Kohlberg. I complement Kohlberg's reading of moral consciousness with the psychoanalytic idea of individuation. Communication, language, and autonomy all fall into their places in this interdisciplinary puzzle of Constitutional Patriotism spanning over the cultural terrain. This article takes part of the broader project of Constitutional Patriotism here only focusing on the notion of the selfhood. 展开更多
关键词 identity HABERMAS constitutional patriotism communication human rights KOHLBERG COSMOPOLITANISM autonomy PIAGET
传统中国“理藩化夷”宪制的基本规范与基本精神 被引量:1
作者 吴欢 《原道》 CSSCI 2014年第2期208-223,共16页
作为华夏文化政治共同体"安身立命"之根本依据的传统中国国宪,是由一系列基本理念、宪制及其规范构成的意义综合体。传统中国有关"理藩化夷"的宪制,主要解决的是华夷政治共同体治理权冲突问题,具体又包括"理藩... 作为华夏文化政治共同体"安身立命"之根本依据的传统中国国宪,是由一系列基本理念、宪制及其规范构成的意义综合体。传统中国有关"理藩化夷"的宪制,主要解决的是华夷政治共同体治理权冲突问题,具体又包括"理藩"与"化夷"两个层面。支撑"理藩化夷"宪制的基本国宪规范可以总结为处理华夷关系须坚守"夷夏大防",归化夷狄须以德教怀柔周济为治,"修其教不易其俗,齐其政不易其宜"三个方面,"理藩化夷"宪制所承载的基本精神就是"怀柔远人,羁縻藩属"的传统国宪理念。传统中国"理藩化夷"宪制体现的边疆法律治理的历史经验与智慧值得全面总结和认真对待。 展开更多
关键词 传统中国国宪 安身立命 理藩化夷 国宪规范 国宪理念
Correlation between tobacco and alcohol use and Traditional Chinese Medicine constitutions: an analysis based on a sample from general population of China 被引量:8
作者 Yangyang Wang Yanbo Zhu +1 位作者 Jie Di Lin Lin 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第5期642-646,共5页
OBJECTIVE:To investigate the relationship between smoking and drinking and constitution types from Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)theory.METHODS:The Constitution in Chinese Medicine Questionnaire(CCMQ)was used.A sam... OBJECTIVE:To investigate the relationship between smoking and drinking and constitution types from Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)theory.METHODS:The Constitution in Chinese Medicine Questionnaire(CCMQ)was used.A sample of 8448subjects from nine provinces and municipalities was chosen from the database of the TCM constitution and health status survey.Constituent ratio and correspondence analysis were used to find the relationship between smoking and drinking and TCM constitution.RESULTS:There was an association between smokinganddrinkingandtheGentleness,phlegm-dampness,and dampness-heat type constitutions.People that did not smoke tobacco or drink alcohol tended to have Yang-deficiency,Yin-deficiency,Qi-depression,Qi-deficiency,special diathesis,orblood-stasis type constitutions.CONCLUSION:There was a significant correlation between tobacco and alcohol use and TCM constitutions.To improve patient health,more attention should be paid to tobacco and alcohol control. 展开更多
关键词 Medicine Chinese traditional Physical constitution Phlegm-dampness Smoking Alcohol drinking Constitution in Chinese medicine questionnaire Correspondence analysis
The Role of Consultative Democracy under the Constitutional Framework and the Associated Rule of Law
作者 Ma Yide 《Social Sciences in China》 2017年第2期21-38,共18页
The logical sequence of China's state governance is "governing party--consultative conferences--people's congresses--the people." The "governing party--consultative conferences" link in the chain involves politi... The logical sequence of China's state governance is "governing party--consultative conferences--people's congresses--the people." The "governing party--consultative conferences" link in the chain involves political consultation through people's consultative conferences. The "governing party--consultative conferences--people's congresses" link involves a process of obtaining legitimacy for the Party's views based on political consultations which are then translated into the national will by the system of people's congresses. The "people's congresses--the people" link involves the two-pronged logic of elections and governing the country according to law. The "governing party--the people" link is an illustration of the party's mass line, which essentially involves social consultation. Consultative democracy usually includes the political consultation in the "governing party---consultative conferences" link and the social consultation in the "governing party-- the people" link in the chain, both of which are connected through the system of people's congresses. This logically determines the inner relations between the Party's leadership, consultative democracy and the people's congress form of representative democracy and shapes the institutionalization of consultative democracy. That is, in the process of democratic decision-making, a circular system consisting of "political consultation-- legislative consultation--social consultation" is created to guide development of the actual system. 展开更多
关键词 the Constitution rule of law state governance consultative democracy system of people's congresses
The Role of Consultative Democracy in a Constitutional System and the Rule of Law in China
作者 马一德 Chen Si 《Social Sciences in China》 2015年第4期5-23,共19页
The rule of law in China should be advanced under a systems framework. The systems framework on which the Chinese rule of law relies is shaped by the socialist democratic system. Socialist consultative democracy, whic... The rule of law in China should be advanced under a systems framework. The systems framework on which the Chinese rule of law relies is shaped by the socialist democratic system. Socialist consultative democracy, which responds to the core themes of the determinant of socialism, Party leadership, the democratic tradition of New China and native resources for constructing the rule of law, is an important resource for constructing the rule of law in China. In a constitutional system of"ruling Party--political power--the people" that takes the sovereignty of the people as the logic of its starting point, consultative democracy plays the role of functional coupling. Popular sovereignty gains political legitimacy on the basis of multi- party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC, thus translating the will of the ruling Party into the will of the state. Consultative democracy constitutes an essential process in national decision-making, affording a basis for the construction of the inherent logical sequence of "ruling Party--Consultative Conference--People's Congress." The democratic supervision exercised by the Consultative Conference is an extension of political consultation; from it unfolds the systems framework of the rule of law in China. 展开更多
关键词 consultative democracy constitutional system construction of the rule of law in China People's Congress system People's Political Consultative Conference system
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