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基于重力资料的国家湾砂岩型铀矿床成矿地质条件研究 被引量:1
作者 张伟盟 彭莉红 +4 位作者 程莎莎 孙栋华 骆燕 陈伟 刘彦涛 《铀矿地质》 CAS CSCD 2022年第5期979-986,共8页
为探索重力资料在砂岩型铀成矿地质条件研究中的应用潜力,文章结合已知地质信息,对国家湾铀矿床及其周边地区的重力资料进行了系统分析及三维反演处理,并根据区内重力异常特征来探讨重力异常与构造、含矿地层的空间位置关系。结果表明,... 为探索重力资料在砂岩型铀成矿地质条件研究中的应用潜力,文章结合已知地质信息,对国家湾铀矿床及其周边地区的重力资料进行了系统分析及三维反演处理,并根据区内重力异常特征来探讨重力异常与构造、含矿地层的空间位置关系。结果表明,国家湾铀矿床位于环状剩余重力异常由高值向低值过渡的部位,斜导数零值线的形态较好地与李家河向斜的展布相吻合。重力三维反演结果揭示了李家河向斜核部及两翼地层的位置,并依据密度差异推断出了含矿地层及构造的分布范围。研究成果为重力资料在砂岩型铀成矿地质条件研究和深部找矿中的应用提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 重力异常 三维反演 砂岩型铀矿 国家湾地区
甘肃陇东地区国家湾砂岩型铀矿床特征及控矿因素 被引量:1
作者 张嘉冕 张玉龙 《甘肃地质》 2022年第1期41-45,共5页
国家湾铀矿化主要赋存在马东山组河流相疏松砂岩中,铀矿体呈卷状、似层状产于氧化带前锋部位,属同生沉积初始富集进而后生改造为主的层控矿床,受控于氧化—还原过渡带,铀成矿主要遵循外生成矿机制。区域上下白垩统志丹群罗汉洞组与志丹... 国家湾铀矿化主要赋存在马东山组河流相疏松砂岩中,铀矿体呈卷状、似层状产于氧化带前锋部位,属同生沉积初始富集进而后生改造为主的层控矿床,受控于氧化—还原过渡带,铀成矿主要遵循外生成矿机制。区域上下白垩统志丹群罗汉洞组与志丹群除底部具有较好找矿前景。 展开更多
关键词 铀矿 特征 控矿因素分析 国家湾 甘肃陇东地区
内蒙古龙游湾国家湿地公园鸟类动态变化及空间分布格局 被引量:1
作者 韩春荣 刘培中 +2 位作者 雷光春 韩福忠 包会嘎 《湿地科学与管理》 2020年第4期58-61,共4页
内蒙古龙游湾国家湿地公园地处黄河流域上游地区,是迁徙候鸟的重要停歇地和繁殖地。2016—2018年调查了龙游湾国家湿地公园鸟类种类以及不同生境和季节的鸟类分布格局。结果表明:(1)龙游湾国家湿地公园野生鸟类113种,隶属19目39科;与201... 内蒙古龙游湾国家湿地公园地处黄河流域上游地区,是迁徙候鸟的重要停歇地和繁殖地。2016—2018年调查了龙游湾国家湿地公园鸟类种类以及不同生境和季节的鸟类分布格局。结果表明:(1)龙游湾国家湿地公园野生鸟类113种,隶属19目39科;与2011年相比,新增鸟类42种,未记录或减少26种;夏候鸟54种、旅鸟25种、留鸟24种、冬候鸟10种,分别占湿地公园鸟类种数的47.79%、22.12%、21.23%和8.85%,夏候鸟占绝对优势;(2)湿地生境分布的鸟类最多,有100种,占湿地公园鸟类种数的88.5%;灌丛有36种,占湿地公园鸟类种数的31.86%;林地有25种,占鸟类种数的22.12%;农田和居民区分布鸟种类较少,有22种和11种,占湿地公园鸟类种数的19.5%、9.73%;(3)不同季节鸟类种群数量差异明显,春季鸟类种类和数量最多,有98种,数量多达上万只;夏季鸟类主要以繁殖鸟类为主,有78种;秋季鸟类有53种,冬季鸟类主要以留鸟和冬候鸟为主,有40种。研究结果可对今后龙游湾国家湿地公园的鸟类繁育、生境恢复和鸟类栖息地保护提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 龙游国家湿地公园 鸟类动态变化 鸟类空间分布格局
桑沟湾国家城市湿地公园19种植物比叶面积和叶干物质含量比较 被引量:3
作者 张治国 魏海霞 《广东农业科学》 CAS 2021年第3期64-71,共8页
【目的】比叶面积(SLA)和叶干物质含量(LDMC)与植物生长和资源利用效率紧密相关,研究湿地植物种间和种内SLA和LDMC的差异能够指示植物对湿地环境的适应机制,为湿地资源的保护和合理开发提供一定的理论依据。【方法】以胶东半岛桑沟湾国... 【目的】比叶面积(SLA)和叶干物质含量(LDMC)与植物生长和资源利用效率紧密相关,研究湿地植物种间和种内SLA和LDMC的差异能够指示植物对湿地环境的适应机制,为湿地资源的保护和合理开发提供一定的理论依据。【方法】以胶东半岛桑沟湾国家城市湿地公园19种植物为研究对象,分别测定其SLA和LDMC,并与鲁西南微山湖红荷湿地测定的数据进行比较分析。【结果】桑沟湾湿地19种植物的SLA和LDMC均表现出显著种间差异,变异系数分别为27.8%和30.1%,其中禾本科和豆科植物具有较小的SLA和较高的LDMC。从生活型来看,草本植物SLA显著大于木本植物,而LDMC显著低于木本植物;挺水植物SLA显著小于陆生植物,而LDMC显著高于陆生植物。SLA和LDMC之间在不同生活型中均呈显著负相关关系。对于在桑沟湾湿地和红荷湿地均有分布的物种来说,桑沟湾湿地植物具有更小的SLA和更高的LDMC。【结论】桑沟湾湿地植物较小的SLA和较高的LDMC主要受到该地区大风环境以及较为贫瘠土壤的影响,反映该地区植物为适应生存环境可能采取资源保守型利用策略。 展开更多
关键词 桑沟国家城市湿地公园 生活型 比叶面积 叶干物质含量 适应策略
作者 孙海平 赵洪 +4 位作者 岳春雷 陈严雪 吴丞昊 房瑶瑶 章旭日 《台州学院学报》 2023年第3期65-71,共7页
为了解玉环漩门湾国家湿地公园的建设成效,通过总结分析该湿地公园的湿地资源现状,对其保护情况和面临的问题等进行了探讨。该湿地公园总面积为31.48 km^(2),湿地率达76.49%,共有4大类9个湿地型。包括浮游植物29种,维管植物547种,国家... 为了解玉环漩门湾国家湿地公园的建设成效,通过总结分析该湿地公园的湿地资源现状,对其保护情况和面临的问题等进行了探讨。该湿地公园总面积为31.48 km^(2),湿地率达76.49%,共有4大类9个湿地型。包括浮游植物29种,维管植物547种,国家二级重点保护野生植物4种;植被结构可划分为2个植被型组3个植被型16个群系;浮游动物21种,底栖动物80种,鱼类106种,两栖动物12种,爬行动物16种,鸟类230种,哺乳动物13种;国家一级和二级重点保护野生动物分别为10种和48种。湿地水文景观和生物景观独特,具有重要的生态价值。本文的相关结果可为该湿地公园的后续建设和管理提供依据,也可为其他湿地公园的建设和发展提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 玉环漩门国家湿地公园 湿地资源 保护现状 对策建议
作者 王晓飞 徐瑞琴 《现代农业科技》 2012年第23期156-156,163,共2页
关键词 油松种实害虫 发生规律 综合防治技术 国家油松良种基地
浙江玉环漩门湾国家湿地公园鸟类多样性研究 被引量:6
作者 孙海平 陈严雪 +6 位作者 赵洪 郭传良 章旭日 岳春雷 李贺鹏 房瑶瑶 王珺 《湿地科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期423-434,共12页
浙江省玉环市漩门湾国家湿地公园是东亚-澳大利西亚迁徙路线上候鸟的关键中转站和越冬地。为了掌握该湿地公园的鸟类状况,搜集、整理了该湿地公园的鸟类调查记录、鸟类实时监测系统的影像资料和观鸟爱好者的观鸟记录等信息,研究结果表明... 浙江省玉环市漩门湾国家湿地公园是东亚-澳大利西亚迁徙路线上候鸟的关键中转站和越冬地。为了掌握该湿地公园的鸟类状况,搜集、整理了该湿地公园的鸟类调查记录、鸟类实时监测系统的影像资料和观鸟爱好者的观鸟记录等信息,研究结果表明,在该湿地公园共记录鸟类19目55科124属203种,其中,有水鸟97种,有海鸟14种。在203种鸟类中,有8种国家一级重点保护鸟类,分别为小青脚鹬(Tringa guttifer)、黑嘴鸥(Saundersilarus saundersi)、黑鹳(Ciconia nigra)、东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)、黑脸琵鹭(Platalea minor)、黄嘴白鹭(Egretta eulophotes)、卷羽鹈鹕(Pelecanus crispus)和白尾海雕(Haliaeetus albicilla);有39种国家二级重点保护鸟类;有《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》附录Ⅰ收录鸟类5种,有附录Ⅱ收录鸟类23种;有5种鸟类为《世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录》中的濒危物种;有4种鸟类为《中国脊椎动物红色名录》中的濒危物种。鸟类属、科物种多样性指数和G-F指数分别为4.630、25.817和0.821。在漩门湾国家湿地公园的203种鸟类中,古北种鸟类物种数所占比例(56.16%)明显高于东洋种(19.21%);繁殖鸟东洋种物种数所占比例(39.36%)明显高于古北种(9.57%);候鸟物种数(137种)明显高于留鸟物种数(65种)。漩门湾国家湿地公园虽然面积仅为31.48 km^(2),但是却承载着众多鸟类(特别是水鸟)在此栖息、停歇、越冬和繁殖,因此,加强对该湿地公园的保护,对保护鸟类具有非常重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 鸟类 物种多样性 水鸟 区系 玉环漩门国家湿地公园
淮河上游典型支流浮游植物群落结构特征 被引量:4
作者 吴奇丽 林志 +3 位作者 汪晨琛 张坤 万阳 周忠泽 《生物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期67-71,共5页
于2015年10月、12月,2016年2月、4月、6月和8月对界首两湾国家湿地公园进行6次调查,设置8个采样点(主河道5个样点,古河道3个样点)进行水样采集,鉴定出浮游植物172种,隶属于8门69属,其中绿藻门为优势类群,硅藻门和蓝藻门次之。生物多样... 于2015年10月、12月,2016年2月、4月、6月和8月对界首两湾国家湿地公园进行6次调查,设置8个采样点(主河道5个样点,古河道3个样点)进行水样采集,鉴定出浮游植物172种,隶属于8门69属,其中绿藻门为优势类群,硅藻门和蓝藻门次之。生物多样性指数及水质理化指标相关分析表明,主河道水质为轻度污染,古河道水质为轻中度污染,主河道浮游植物群落结构的复杂程度和稳定性要高于古河道;同时,淮河干流浮游植物多样性要高于其二级支流,淮河干流属于富营养型水体,支流属于贫营养型水体。区域性气候对浮游植物多样性的影响,从南向北,由亚热带季风气候到北暖温带半湿润季风气候再到海洋(半湿润型)中温带季风气候,物种多样性是处于降低的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 界首两国家湿地公园 浮游植物 群落特征 淮河干流 区域性气候
Environmental capacity of chemical oxygen demand in the Bohai Sea: modeling and calculation 被引量:5
作者 赵喜喜 王修林 +2 位作者 石晓勇 李克强 丁东生 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第1期46-52,共7页
A three-dimensional advection-diffusion model coupled with the degradation process is established for describing the transport of chemical oxygen demand (COD). Comparison of the simulated distribution of COD at the su... A three-dimensional advection-diffusion model coupled with the degradation process is established for describing the transport of chemical oxygen demand (COD). Comparison of the simulated distribution of COD at the surface in the Bohai Sea in August, 2001 with field observations, shows that the model simulates the dataset reasonably well. The Laizhou Bay, Bohai Bay, and Liaodong Bay were contaminated heavily near shore. Based on the optimal discharge flux method, the Environmental Capacity (EC) and allocated capacities of COD in the Bohai Sea are calculated. For seawater of Grades I to IV of the Chinese National Standard, the ECs of COD in the Bohai Sea were 77×104 t/a, 116×104 t/a, 154×104 t/a and 193×104 t/a, respectively. The Huanghe (Yellow) River pollutant discharge accounted for the largest percentage of COD at 14.3%, followed by that of from the Liugu River (11.5%), and other nine local rivers below 10%. The COD level in 2005 was worse than that of Grade II seawater and was beyond the environmental capacity. In average, 35% COD reduction is called to meet the standard of Grade I seawater. 展开更多
关键词 Bohai Sea environmental capacity (EC) chemical oxygen demand (COD) degradation process
What Influences Cooperative Motivation of Foreign Brides From Southeast Asian Countries in Taiwan?
作者 Chih-Chung Wang Chiu-Ping Chen 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第6期571-579,共9页
Because women in Taiwan have had more and more opportunities to receive higher education and engage in different kinds of work, they have had developed increasingly higher standards for their marriage partners. Men wh... Because women in Taiwan have had more and more opportunities to receive higher education and engage in different kinds of work, they have had developed increasingly higher standards for their marriage partners. Men who are in the lower socioeconomic working classes such as those who work in agriculture, or fishing, or who are disabled can no longer compete in local marriage market. As a result, these men have begun to look for their brides from other countries to continue the family line, do the housework, and take care of their parents-in-law. In addition to the fact that these foreign brides are often young and from rural areas, language barriers and cultural differences make it difficult for them to raise and educate their children in Taiwan. The inability of these brides often leads to a higher percentage of children who are developmentally delayed, have poor pronunciation, behavior problems, and low academic achievement. Governmental agencies and schools recognize these issues and have tried to help foreign-born mothers take better care of their children. However, there are several influential factors that can limit the cooperative motivation of these foreign-born mothers, including language barriers, parenting stresses, low socioeconomic status, and cultural limitations. Therefore, governmental agencies and related professionals must take these factors into consideration to provide comprehensive services and a better learning environment. 展开更多
关键词 foreign brides cooperation motivation IEP network theory social capital DISABILITIES
Chlorophyll a and Trophic State in the Boka Kotorska Bay (Eastern Adriatic Sea)
作者 S. Krivokapic B. Pestoric 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第4期420-427,共8页
The monthly changes in chlorophyll a, phytoplankton abundance and physicochemical parameters at two stations in Boka Kotorska Bay were investigated between 2003-2004. Nutrient salts varied widely, with maximum 3.65 μ... The monthly changes in chlorophyll a, phytoplankton abundance and physicochemical parameters at two stations in Boka Kotorska Bay were investigated between 2003-2004. Nutrient salts varied widely, with maximum 3.65 μmol.L^-1 for nitrates and 0.23 μmol.L^-1 for phosphate. Chlorophyll a concentration ranged from 0.25 to 7.63 mg·m^3 and the highest value was measured in winter period of year. It seems that reason for this is the land-based nutrient input into the coastal area here. According to chlorophyll a, nitrates and phosphates concentrations, the area could be oligomesotrophic to mesotrophic during winter. 展开更多
关键词 Chlorophyll a EUTROPHICATION Adriatic Sea.
Reflections on the Mechanism of Cooperation between China and Arab States 被引量:2
作者 Niu Xinchun 《Contemporary International Relations》 2018年第4期40-60,共21页
During the Cold War,China’s diplomacy failed to treat the Arab states as a whole.It was not until the end of the Cold War that China established diplomatic relations with all 22 Arab states.Since then,a multilateral ... During the Cold War,China’s diplomacy failed to treat the Arab states as a whole.It was not until the end of the Cold War that China established diplomatic relations with all 22 Arab states.Since then,a multilateral cooperation mechanism between China and Arab states has come into existence and become steadily developed.In 2004,the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum was established.In 2010,China and the Arab states announced the establishment of a strategic cooperative relationship.After the Gulf War,the Arab world entered a period of fragmentation and division.The situation deteriorated after the drastic changes in the Middle East in 2011,to the point of entering an era of granulation.The ability of The League of Arab States to operate as a single international actor has been greatly impaired.In the era of the fragmentation of the Arab world,the mechanism of multilateral cooperation between China and the Arab States has developed in spite of these great difficulties.In future,the role and function of the multilateral mechanism of cooperation between China and the Arab states needs to be clarified,and efficiency needs to be improved based on the existing mechanisms. 展开更多
关键词 China' s diplomacy the Arab world the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum
The Comparison between Solar Water Distillation with and without a Cooling Tube
作者 Husham M. Ahmed Arkan Kh. AI Taie Mubarak Almea 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第2期195-200,共6页
A solar still system is designed and built to utilize solar energy in the Gulf States region to produce fresh water from brackish and sea water. This experimental work has been conducted with and without a cooling tub... A solar still system is designed and built to utilize solar energy in the Gulf States region to produce fresh water from brackish and sea water. This experimental work has been conducted with and without a cooling tube. The results showed that the daily production rate of the simple solar still without a cooling tube is slightly higher than that with a cooling tube. This could be due to the fact that the cooling tube has a smaller effective condensation surface area than the glass cover of the simple still. The cooling tube also reduces the solar energy that reaches the water in the still. It might also be due to the fact that the use of a cooling tube has the effect of reducing the average temperature in the solar still cavity. This resulted in reducing the evaporation rate and consequently reduced the production rate. 展开更多
关键词 Solar energy solar still DISTILLATION desalination.
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