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《数字技术与应用》 2006年第9期118-118,共1页
在动画电影大师宫崎骏的《天空之城》、《龙猫》、《魔女宅急便》、《哈尔的移动城堡》等作品如同梦境般出现在我们面前时,一股新兴的文化元素已经在潜移默化地影响着我们,呼呼作响的巨型蒸汽装备以及那些神奇的魔法,总是让我们无法... 在动画电影大师宫崎骏的《天空之城》、《龙猫》、《魔女宅急便》、《哈尔的移动城堡》等作品如同梦境般出现在我们面前时,一股新兴的文化元素已经在潜移默化地影响着我们,呼呼作响的巨型蒸汽装备以及那些神奇的魔法,总是让我们无法分辨自己到底身在什么样的时空中…… 展开更多
关键词 《蒸汽幻想》 评测 国战系统 音乐 画面 游戏
《网友世界》 2006年第8期83-84,共2页
我还记得那天晚上,国王密秘找我说要和我商量件事。我是个只知道练级的人,平时很少过问国事,实在不明白国王会有什么“要事”找我。令我吃惊的是,国王说想要把他的位置让给我。我了解他的处境,既想好好练级又想处理好国事,一根蜡... 我还记得那天晚上,国王密秘找我说要和我商量件事。我是个只知道练级的人,平时很少过问国事,实在不明白国王会有什么“要事”找我。令我吃惊的是,国王说想要把他的位置让给我。我了解他的处境,既想好好练级又想处理好国事,一根蜡烛两头烧,把他弄得筋疲力尽。但是,在大家的眼里,国王是一个全身极品装备,等级又很高的人物,我等级不高,装备又不好,哪有资格成为国王? 展开更多
关键词 《征途》 燕国 游戏 国战
《大众软件》 2006年第10期102-102,共1页
关键词 《真封神国战 游戏 攻略 角色
作者 亲亲的说 《大众电脑》 2002年第12期127-127,共1页
回想游戏的种类,从TV游戏、单机版游戏,到现在网络游戏的强占市场,我们不难看出网络游戏的发展余地,当然我们不能以此磨灭其他游戏带结我们的无限乐趣。网络作为一种高科技“武器”,对我们忠实玩家的“杀伤力”,是无与伦比的。泡... 回想游戏的种类,从TV游戏、单机版游戏,到现在网络游戏的强占市场,我们不难看出网络游戏的发展余地,当然我们不能以此磨灭其他游戏带结我们的无限乐趣。网络作为一种高科技“武器”,对我们忠实玩家的“杀伤力”,是无与伦比的。泡网吧、为把网络游戏进行到底,早就说了如果把这劲头放在学习上,博士后都毕业啦,没办法,所谓一场游戏一场梦嘛!我们就爱做着白日游戏梦! 展开更多
关键词 网络游戏 国战 战场
《大众软件》 2007年第9期I0003-I0003,共1页
乱世间妖魔横行,商周两朝黑白初分。众诸侯群龙无首,笑苍穹谁敢称雄? 商周之战,正邪之争,天尊地魔.谁与争雄?建诸侯,几经磨难搓英豪:封神榜,榜上有名万古留!
关键词 《真封神》 国战 网络游戏 战前准备
作者 人果心 《大众电脑》 2003年第3期129-129,共1页
关键词 《战场国战 网络游戏 游戏软件
《战国策》论辩艺术中的逻辑问题 被引量:2
作者 陈烁 《辽东学院学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第2期59-63,共5页
关键词 战国策 逻辑 推理 谬误 诡辩
作者 吴辛丑 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期66-70,共5页
关键词 《战国策》 《古代汉语》
作者 杨昶 《古籍整理研究学刊》 2004年第2期87-89,共3页
《战国策》在传世过程中,产生了不少文字讹误,引起歧义。本文对其中10例进行校释,并 引用古代金石文字资料为据,以证己说。
关键词 校释 《战国策》 金石文字
《电脑知识与技术(经验技巧)》 2019年第1期103-104,共2页
《盛世皇城》是一款以隋朝末年天下大乱,各路英雄豪杰揭竿而起齐聚京城长安,争夺皇城霸主之位为游戏背景的国战手游。用精致的画面还原春秋战国数百名士,在紧张激烈的厮杀战斗中缓缓揭开历史真相,并以超炫的技能特效为玩家们带来震撼身... 《盛世皇城》是一款以隋朝末年天下大乱,各路英雄豪杰揭竿而起齐聚京城长安,争夺皇城霸主之位为游戏背景的国战手游。用精致的画面还原春秋战国数百名士,在紧张激烈的厮杀战斗中缓缓揭开历史真相,并以超炫的技能特效为玩家们带来震撼身心的操作手感和视听体验。 展开更多
关键词 手游 手感 国战 身心 游戏 群雄逐鹿 玩家 皇城
作者 陈伟武 《汉字汉语研究》 2018年第4期31-37,126,共8页
《出土战国文献字词集释》是继《甲骨文字诂林》《金文诂林》等大型工具书之后,对战国文字考释成果进行系统整理的集成性古文字学著作,它的正式出版还可为考古学、历史学、哲学、语言学、文献学等相关学科的研究提供帮助。作为此书前言... 《出土战国文献字词集释》是继《甲骨文字诂林》《金文诂林》等大型工具书之后,对战国文字考释成果进行系统整理的集成性古文字学著作,它的正式出版还可为考古学、历史学、哲学、语言学、文献学等相关学科的研究提供帮助。作为此书前言,本文将简述战国文字研究的历史、战国文字工具书编纂的成就,对战国文字研究现状及未来发展有所议及,并就《集释》的成书始末也稍作交代。 展开更多
关键词 古文字学 战国文字 出土战国文献字词集释
China’s Agricultural Modernization Strategy towards 2035 被引量:36
作者 Wei Houkai Cui Kai 《China Economist》 2021年第1期18-41,共24页
China’s agricultural modernization drive has made steady progress with great achievements.After six decades of development,China has reached the mid-stage of agricultural modernization.By the average pace of recent y... China’s agricultural modernization drive has made steady progress with great achievements.After six decades of development,China has reached the mid-stage of agricultural modernization.By the average pace of recent years,China is poised to attain agricultural and rural modernization by 2035,but progress will vary considerably across regions and sectors.A transition towards an agricultural powerhouse is the only path towards agricultural modernization.Being a large agricultural producer,China has yet to qualify as an agricultural powerhouse in terms of agricultural sufficiency,competitiveness,innovation,and sustainability.From the mid-and long-term perspective,our agricultural modernization should proceed in light of China’s rural reform experience,focusing on food security,agricultural industry,green transition,and agri-tech.With a regionally differentiated approach,China should aim to basically achieve agricultural and rural modernization in about 15 years and complete the transition towards an agricultural powerhouse in 20 years from 2020. 展开更多
关键词 agricultural modernization agricultural powerhouse implementation strategy
Environmental Risks in China and Their Countermeasures
作者 夏光 《China Economist》 2015年第4期4-21,共18页
The 13th Five-year Plan period (2016-2020) is a crucial period for environmental protection in China and represents the last chance for the achievement of the environmental objective under the goal of building a wel... The 13th Five-year Plan period (2016-2020) is a crucial period for environmental protection in China and represents the last chance for the achievement of the environmental objective under the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round manner. During this period of time, China' s environment is confronted with the following major risks: risks of environmental quality, human health, ecological security, balanced regional development and international influence. The overall conclusion is that the tendencies of changing eco-environment are complex, problems remain outstanding, and some risks have abated while others have intensified with possible improvements in the future. Future prospects mainly depend on the intensity of actions taken. It is suggested that environmental protection strategy of"overall optimization" be adopted for the 13th Five-year Plan period, i.e. environmental protection requirements should be incorporated into political, economic, social and cultural spheres, so that these areas with major influence on the natural environment will improve and transform towards an environmentally friendly direction and ultimately help achieve the objective of improving eco-environment and people's welfare. In order to fundamentally reverse mainstream understanding on environmental protection, it is suggested to define the "contradiction between environmental pressures arising from growing economic development and China ' s limited and fragile environmental capacity" as a major contradiction of Chinese society. 展开更多
关键词 China ecological environment RISK environmental protection strategy overall optimization major contradiction of Chinese society
Challenges and Solutions of Information Security Issues in the Age of Big Data 被引量:6
作者 YANG Mengke ZHOU Xiaoguang +1 位作者 ZENG Jianqiu XU Jianjian 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第3期193-202,共10页
Big data has been taken as a Chinese national strategy in order to satisfy the developments of the social and economic requirements and the development of new information technology. The prosperity of big data brings ... Big data has been taken as a Chinese national strategy in order to satisfy the developments of the social and economic requirements and the development of new information technology. The prosperity of big data brings not only convenience to people's daily life and more opportunities to enterprises, but more challenges with information security as well. This paper has a research on new types and features of information security issues in the age of big data, and puts forward the solutions for the above issues: build up the big data security management platform, set up the establishment of information security system and implement relevant laws and regulations. 展开更多
关键词 information security big data data privacy information technology
Biodiversity and Climate Change Adaptation in Australia:Strategy and Research Developments 被引量:2
作者 Trevor H.BOOTH 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2012年第1期12-21,共10页
Many countries are developing national strategies and action plans aimed at minimising the negative impacts of climate change on biodiversity.The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview not only of strate... Many countries are developing national strategies and action plans aimed at minimising the negative impacts of climate change on biodiversity.The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview not only of strategies and plans that have been developed in Australia,but also of research that has been carried out in Australia by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation(CSIRO) Climate Adaptation Flagship to assist the development of future strategies and plans.Major points are summarised from key policy documents such as the National Biodiversity and Climate Change Action Plan 2004-2007,and Australia's Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2010-2030,as well as the 2009 report on "Australia's Biodiversity and Climate Change".Within the first three years of its existence,the Natural Ecosystems theme in CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship has carried out studies analysing impacts and identifying potential adaptations across the whole of Australia's vast terrestrial and marine environments.Techniques used in these studies could be applied easily in other countries and could assist the development of more effective national strategies and adaptation action plans for the conservation of biodiversity under climate change. 展开更多
关键词 BIODIVERSITY climate change ADAPTATION STRATEGY action plan
An Overview of the Smart Grid in Great Britain 被引量:3
作者 Nick Jenkins Chao Long Jianzhong Wu 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2015年第4期413-421,共9页
This paper presents an overview of the current status of the development of the smart grid in Great Britain(GB).The definition,policy and technical drivers,incentive mechanisms,technological focus,and the industry'... This paper presents an overview of the current status of the development of the smart grid in Great Britain(GB).The definition,policy and technical drivers,incentive mechanisms,technological focus,and the industry's progress in developing the smart grid are described.In particular,the Low Carbon Networks Fund and Electricity Network Innovation Competition projects,together with the rollout of smart metering,are detailed.A more observable,controllable,automated,and integrated electricity network will be supported by these investments in conjunction with smart meter installation.It is found that the focus has mainly been on distribution networks as well as on real-time flows of information and interaction between suppliers and consumers facilitated by improved information and communications technology,active power flow management,demand management,and energy storage.The learning from the GB smart grid initiatives will provide valuable guidelines for future smart grid development in GB and other countries. 展开更多
关键词 smart grid power system renewable energy Low Carbon Networks Fund smart metering
Study on regional stratagem for coal mine disasters control and prevention in China 被引量:1
作者 SHEN Bao-hong LEI Yi 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2009年第3期233-236,共4页
The regional strategy study was aimed at coal mine disaster control and prevention,which deepens and enriches the macro-strategy of coal mine disaster control andprevention,and provides an important support for the ra... The regional strategy study was aimed at coal mine disaster control and prevention,which deepens and enriches the macro-strategy of coal mine disaster control andprevention,and provides an important support for the rapid and healthy development ofthe regional coal industry.The country was divided into 4 regions:Northeast,North,Southand Xinqing.In view of the regional status of coal mine disasters,the regulation and developmenttrend of regional coal mine disasters were analyzed,the outstanding problemsand key factors were identified,and the general thoughts on regional coal mine disastercontrol and prevention were put forward. 展开更多
关键词 Coal mine disaster control and prevention regional strategy
The spirit of Henry Norman Bethune and gastroenterology 被引量:1
作者 Hugh J Freeman 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期174-179,共6页
Henry Norman Bethune was a physician and surgeon from Canada. He had a highly impressive medical career in Montreal but did his most important work in China where he cared for soldiers on the battlefield. He died in 1... Henry Norman Bethune was a physician and surgeon from Canada. He had a highly impressive medical career in Montreal but did his most important work in China where he cared for soldiers on the battlefield. He died in 1939 and was recognized as a hero, but only much later received recognition in Canada. He was a skilled doctor, both as a physician and as a surgeon. However, he was much more and will serve as an inspiration for this series. He was an innovator, an idealist and a perfectionist. It is hoped that this series will gather expert commentaries on a range of issues critical to the subspecialty from fundamental science to clinical care so that future directions can be defined. 展开更多
关键词 Bethune GASTROENTEROLOGY China CANADA Battlefield surgery
Friendly enemies--Character analysis of Guests of the nation by Frank O'Conner 被引量:1
作者 HU Xuan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第3期56-59,共4页
The paper focuses on the four soldiers away from the battle field depicted in the short story Guests oftke nation written by Frank O'Conner. The character analysis is achieved by the reflection of the human nature wh... The paper focuses on the four soldiers away from the battle field depicted in the short story Guests oftke nation written by Frank O'Conner. The character analysis is achieved by the reflection of the human nature when the soldiers were temporarily living peacefully and their painful conflicts between duty as soldiers and human nature as men. Through the tragic fate of both the two executed Englishmen and the executors--two Irish men, the cruelty of the war is strongly condemned. The war mercilessly defeated the human nature cultivated through the friendship and knowing with each other. 展开更多
关键词 Guests of the nation character analysis English soldiers Irish soldiers WAR
Assessment of Sustainable Development System in Suihua City, China 被引量:3
作者 ZHOU Jia XIAO Haifeng +1 位作者 SHANG Jincheng ZHANG Xuelin 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第4期304-310,共7页
Sustainable development is a complex and systemic issue. It is essential to study it by the component analysis method from the view of system science. The urban developmental sustainability is one of focuses that peop... Sustainable development is a complex and systemic issue. It is essential to study it by the component analysis method from the view of system science. The urban developmental sustainability is one of focuses that people has paid more attention to, however, little common understanding how to measure and evaluate the sustainability has been gotten. In this paper, a framework is designed to evaluate the developmental sustainability of Suihua City, Heilongiiang Province in China from the aspects of economy, society, population, resources and environment. We adopt the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to decrease dimensions and simplify the original indexes into 12 indexes. Also, the hierarchy and comprehensive multiple-criterion evaluative methods are employed to assess the sustainable development system in Suihua City. Then, the weights of indexes are attained by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Furthermore, urban comprehensive development level, developmental sustainability, coordinate degree are calculated and analyzed. By analyzing, we know the fluctuation of development level of subsystem, especially resources and environment subsystem, is acute. The comprehensive development level of sustainable development system in Suihua has been on the rise since 1999. That results from the effect of traditional economic development mode with high energy-consumed being decreased in the city after 1999. At the same time, it is obvious that there was an instability of development level in Suihua City during 1990-2002, the status'trend was more harmonious in 1999-2002. with a turn in 1998, and the development could be sustainable, 展开更多
关键词 sustainable development comprehensive development level developmental sustainability coordinate degree Suihua City
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