This study is part of the endeavor to construct a comprehensive DNA barcoding database for common seaweeds in China. Identifications of red seaweeds, which have simple morphology and anatomy, are sometimes difficult s...This study is part of the endeavor to construct a comprehensive DNA barcoding database for common seaweeds in China. Identifications of red seaweeds, which have simple morphology and anatomy, are sometimes difficult solely depending on morphological characteristics. In recent years, DNA barcode technique has become a more and more effective tool to help solve some of the taxonomic difficulties. Some DNA markers such as COI(cytochrome oxidase subunit I) are proposed as standardized DNA barcodes for all seaweed species. In this study, COI, UPA (universal plastid amplicon, domain V of 23S rRNA), and ITS (nuclear internal transcribed spacer) were employed to analyze common species of intertidal red seaweeds in Qingdao (119.3°-121°E, 35.35°-37.09°N). The applicability of using one or a few combined barcodes to identify red seaweed species was tested. The results indicated that COI is a sensitive marker at species level. However, not all the tested species gave PCR amplification products due to lack of the universal primers. The second barcode UPA had effective universal primers but needed to be tested for the effectiveness of resolving closely related species. More than one ITS sequence types were found in some species in this investigation, which might lead to confusion in further analysis. Therefore ITS sequence is not recommended as a universal barcode for seaweeds identification.展开更多
Olivine phenocryst compositions and whole-rock chemical compositions are used to identify primitive picrite basalts from the early part of flood basalt successions in the western part of the Emeishan large igneous pro...Olivine phenocryst compositions and whole-rock chemical compositions are used to identify primitive picrite basalts from the early part of flood basalt successions in the western part of the Emeishan large igneous province (ELIP), southwestern China. The Fo contents of olivine phenocrysts of komatiites with MgO-21.79 wt% range from 85.2% to 91.4%. The composition of unerupted parental melts is calculated from the compositions of the most Fo-rich olivine phenocrysts. These melts had -22 wt% MgO, and originated in mantle with a potential temperature of -1600℃ and at about 4.2 GPa pressure, supporting the conclusion that the generation of ELIP can be attributed to melting of a plume head beginning at -138 km depth.展开更多
Purple soil is highly susceptible for overland flow and surface erosion, therefore understanding surface runoff and soil erosion processes in the purple soil region are important to mitigate flooding and erosion hazar...Purple soil is highly susceptible for overland flow and surface erosion, therefore understanding surface runoff and soil erosion processes in the purple soil region are important to mitigate flooding and erosion hazards. Slope angle is an important parameter that affects the magnitude of runoff and thus surface erosion in hilly landscapes or bare land area. However, the effect of slope on runoff generation remains unclear in many different soils including Chinese purple soil. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between different slope gradients and surface runoff for bare-fallow purple soil, using 5 m × 1.5 m experimental plots under natural rainfall conditions. Four experimental plots(10°, 16°, 20° and 26°) were established in theYanting Agro-ecological Experimental Station of Chinese Academy of Science in central Sichuan Basin. The plot was equipped with water storage tank to monitor water level change. Field monitoring from July 1 to October 31, 2012 observed 42 rainfall events which produced surface runoff from the experimental plots. These water level changes were converted to runoff. The representative eight rainfall events were selected for further analysis, the relationship between slope and runoff coefficient were determined using ANOVA, F-test, and z-score analysis. The results indicated a strong correlation between rainfall and runoff in cumulative amount basis. The mean value of the measured runoff coefficient for four experimental plots was around 0.1. However, no statistically significant relationship was found between slope and runoff coefficient. We reviewed the relationship between slope and runoff in many previous studiesand calculated z-score to compare with our experimental results. The results of z-score analysis indicated that both positive and negative effects of slope on runoff coefficient were obtained, however a moderate gradient(16°-20° in this study) could be a threshold of runoff generation for many different soils including the Chinese purple soil.展开更多
A new record of Pagrus caeruleostictus(Valenciennes,1830),collected from the Beibu Gulf,South China Sea in April 2013,was documented based on morphology and cytochrome oxidase I subunit(COI) gene barcoding analyses. I...A new record of Pagrus caeruleostictus(Valenciennes,1830),collected from the Beibu Gulf,South China Sea in April 2013,was documented based on morphology and cytochrome oxidase I subunit(COI) gene barcoding analyses. It can be distinguished by a combination of the following characteristics: head scaled to above eyes; cheeks with 5 or 6 rows of scales; lateral line scales 51–52; 5 rows of scales above the lateral line; 4 and 6 cuspidate teeth in front of upper and lower jaws,respectively,followed by 2 rows of blunter teeth posteriorly; gill rakers on first arch 12 to 15; D XI–XII +9–11; A III +8–9; the first two dorsal spines very short,the third to fifth extended,filamentous in the young; the first pelvic ray filamentous; silvery pink with dark blue spots on back and sides; caudal fin pinkish; other fins bluish or pinkish; the blue spots generally disappear in large specimens. The present report of P. caeruleostictus suggests that its distribution in Chinese coastal waters may be attributed to human effort,since this species is unlikely to have expanded naturally from the eastern Atlantic to the South China Sea,with no other records from the Indian or Pacific Oceans. We recommend that a precautionary approach should be adopted for the management of P. caeruleostictus.展开更多
The southwesterly low-level jet (LLJ) over southeast China in the summer of 2003 is analyzed in this study. The analysis is based on the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Final (FNL) operation...The southwesterly low-level jet (LLJ) over southeast China in the summer of 2003 is analyzed in this study. The analysis is based on the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Final (FNL) operational global analysis data on 1.0-1.0-degree grids at 6-h intervals. The major criteria for choosing the LLJ ineluded the following: a maximum wind speed equal to or greater than 12.0 m s-1, a wind direction of between 180° and 270°, and the height of wind maximum at 900-700 hPa, not confined to single pressure level. The results show that the LLJs over southeast China dominate at 850 and 800 hPa. These LLJs are closely associated with the topography of this area and tend to locate regions with large terrain gradients, including the northeastern and eastem Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. Under the influence of mid-latitude westerly winds, the LLJs above 750 hPa move northward to the Yangtze-Huai River Basin. Com- pared to the ten-year (2000-2009) mean climate condi- tions, the LLJs in the warm season of summer 2003 were exceptionally active and strong, as reflected by the posi- tive anomalies of LLJ occurrence numbers and wind speed. In addition, the 2003 LLJs showed strong diurnal variation, especially at pressure levels below 800 hPa. The majority of the LLJs appeared between midnight and the early moming hours (before 8 a.m.). Finally, the summary of LLJ grid numbers indicates that more than 80% of LLJs in June and July 2003 occurred within the 33-d rainy period. Thus, these LLJs are directly related to the anomalously heavy rainfall in the Yangtze-Huai River Basin.展开更多
This paper examines how capital account liberalization (CAL) affects foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows. Authors use a dynamic panel model encompassing 14 Middle East countries over the period from 1985 to 20...This paper examines how capital account liberalization (CAL) affects foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows. Authors use a dynamic panel model encompassing 14 Middle East countries over the period from 1985 to 2009. The findings suggest that countries that are able to reap the benefits of the capital openness policy satisfy certain threshold conditions regarding the level of financial development and institutional quality. Thus to promote FDI, governments in this region should develop a set of policies that not only focus on financial openness, but also on the improvement of the financial system and legal institutions.展开更多
Rare earth element (REE) concentrations were measured by ICP-MS for groundwater collected from deep seated Taiyuan Fm limestone aquifer (from -400 to -530 m) in Renlou Coal Mine, northern Anhui Province, China. It...Rare earth element (REE) concentrations were measured by ICP-MS for groundwater collected from deep seated Taiyuan Fm limestone aquifer (from -400 to -530 m) in Renlou Coal Mine, northern Anhui Province, China. It can be concluded that the groundwater is warm (34.0-37.2 ℃) C1-Ca, Na type water with circum-neutral pH (7.35-8.28) and high total dissolved solids (TDS, 1 746-2 849 mg/L). The groundwater exhibits heavy REEs enrichment relative to light REEs compared with Post Archean Average Shale (PAAS), as well as their aquifer rocks (limestone). The enrichment of REEs is considered to be controlled by terrigeneous materials (e.g. zircon) in aquifer rocks, whereas the fractionation of REEs is controlled by marine derived materials (e.g. calcite), to a less extent, terrigeneous materials and inorganic complexation. The Ce anomalies normalized to PAAS and aquifer rocks are weak, which probably reflects the signature of the aquifer rock rather than redox conditions or pH. The similarities of REE patterns between groundwater and aquifer rocks imply that aquifer rocks play important roles in controlling the REE characteristics of groundwater, and then provide a probability for discrimination of groundwater sources by using REEs.展开更多
Relative to countries such as Russia, the United States, and Europe, China has only recently occupied a place in the energy sector in Kazakhstan. However, after 10 years of hard work, China has come to the fore and th...Relative to countries such as Russia, the United States, and Europe, China has only recently occupied a place in the energy sector in Kazakhstan. However, after 10 years of hard work, China has come to the fore and the fierce energy competition in Kazakhstan has become an important energy trading partner of Central Asian countries. Therefore, we can learn a lot of experience and lessons from our emphasis on cooperation with China's energy trade and research in Central Asian countries. Against the backdrop of fierce international energy competition and the deep implementation of the "One Belt and One Road" initiative, it is like a double-edged sword for energy trade cooperation between China and Central Asian countries, problem. How China seizes opportunities, resolves challenges, and further deepens pragmatic cooperation in the energy sector with Central Asian countries so as to better protect the country' s energy security is a very real issue.展开更多
The widely distributed red clay sediment underlying the Chinese Loess Plateau truly records the Neogene environmental evolution, and its genesis and development are intrinsically related to the uplift processes of the...The widely distributed red clay sediment underlying the Chinese Loess Plateau truly records the Neogene environmental evolution, and its genesis and development are intrinsically related to the uplift processes of the Tibetan Plateau and the evolution of East Asia monsoon system. In this paper, a detailed magnetostratigraphy of a loess-red clay section (107°13′E, 35°02′N) from the central Loess Plateau is reported. The loess-red clay sequence is composed of 175 m Quaternary loess-paleosol sequence and 128 m Neogene red clay sediments. Based on the correlation with the standard geomagnetic polarity time scale, the paleomagnetic results indicate that the age of Chaona red clay sequence extends to 08.1 Ma, which is the older red clay deposition in the central Chinese Loess Plateau. The commencement of red clay at -8.1 Ma may imply that the Ordos planation surface was broken by the movement of the Haiyuan-Liupanshan Faults, which was related to the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau induced by the collision of India Plate and Eurasian Plate. And the western part adjacent to the Tibetan Plateau was uplifted to form the embryo of the Liupan Shan (Mts.) and the eastern part was down-faulted to receive red clay deposition. We link this faulting to an initial uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. The undulating nature of the broken Ordos planation surface may explain the chronological differences and depth discrepancies among various cross-sections of red clay.展开更多
Regarding the postulate of traffic infrastructure and vehicles, much attention should be given to the effect of road conditions on accidents. With large numbers of traffic accidents on Shenda Freeway, Liaoning Provinc...Regarding the postulate of traffic infrastructure and vehicles, much attention should be given to the effect of road conditions on accidents. With large numbers of traffic accidents on Shenda Freeway, Liaoning Province, Harbin City and others in P. R. China, parameters and the effect of accidents caused by horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, cross section and intersection are studied systematically The disciplinary analysis of these effects are presented in this paper. The viewpoint is acknowledged that high sub grade and steep slopes are against traffic safety, which is common and ignored in high-usage highways in China. Design parameters of the current design criteria and the corresponding countermeasures are suggested for safety on our highways.展开更多
The types, composition and physico-chemical conditions of primary fluid inclusions were researched. The results show that the primary fluid inclusions contain vapor and liquid phase type (Type I), daughter mineral-b...The types, composition and physico-chemical conditions of primary fluid inclusions were researched. The results show that the primary fluid inclusions contain vapor and liquid phase type (Type I), daughter mineral-bearing type (Type II) and pure liquid phase type (Type III). The compositions of vapor are mainly H20 and CO2 with a tiny amounts of CH4 and H2; the liquid phase mainly contains Mg2+, Ca2+, Na+, K+, CI- and SO]-, and w(Na+)/w(K+)〉l; the homogenization temperatures of the primary fluid inclusions can be divided into 190-250 ℃, 250-340 ℃ and 360-420 ℃, corresponding to the salinities of 4%-9%, 9%-14%, and 14%-20.43% (NaC1 equivalent mass fraction), respectively. The mineralization process can be divided into three episodes: the silicatization stage, the quartz-sulfide stage, and the carbonatization stage, and all of them are associated with the ore-forming hydrothermal fluid activity. The origin of the hydrothermal fluid is from magrnatic water mainly, and later it mixes with the groundwater and meteoric water, which lead to the decrease of temperature and salinity. The decrease of salinity, temperature and pressure are the main causes of the metallogenic elements unloading and enriching in the favorable position.展开更多
This paper theoretically analyzes the lock-in mechanism of labor division for developing countries when they stick to static comparative advantages and the internal mechanism of cultivating dynamic comparative advanta...This paper theoretically analyzes the lock-in mechanism of labor division for developing countries when they stick to static comparative advantages and the internal mechanism of cultivating dynamic comparative advantages. Through empirical analysis, this paper finds that China, while sharing the benefits of globalization, showcases the lock-in effect regarding its status in the international labor division chain. The analysis finds that in its participation in globalization, the net barter terms of trade ~BTT) and factorial terms of trade for China are deteriorating, and the income terms of trade are seriously overvalued, resulting in a series of contradictions, such as scanty returns for enterprises, slow income growth, increasing trade frictions, and intensified environmental and resource pressures. The paper analyzes rapidly changing factors in China's comparative advantages and characteristics of the changes in industries where China possesses comparative advantages. According to changes in different types of industries at different stages, this paper puts forward suggestions on direction and policies for cultivating dynamic comparative advantages.展开更多
This paper introduces Vietnam's climate condition,main rice production regions and analyses the expansion of rice planting area,rice cropping system during the last decades.The result from the change of rice produ...This paper introduces Vietnam's climate condition,main rice production regions and analyses the expansion of rice planting area,rice cropping system during the last decades.The result from the change of rice production,planting area,yield,and rice trade indicates that the economic reforms in Vietnam from 1986 have contributed to a spectacular rise in rice production and exports.However,there are still problems and opportunities for rice production and export in Vietnam.The paper suggests that Vietnam should make the most use of the advanced international rice cultivars and technology to improve irrigation and water conservancy facilities to benefit rice farmer and consolidate Vietnam to be the major exporter of rice in the world market.展开更多
Shale gas is a practical resource with great potential that could be economically explored and developed in the near future. It has been commercially developed in North America and other places. Featuring a vast distr...Shale gas is a practical resource with great potential that could be economically explored and developed in the near future. It has been commercially developed in North America and other places. Featuring a vast distribution, a low abundance,unfavorable reservoir conditions, ultra-low permeability and a fast production decline, shale gas is more difficult to develop than conventional natural gas, as it needs advanced drilling and completion technology to develop. During the early stage of shale gas exploration and development, the United States offered enterprises necessary incentives such as tax reductions and exemptions and subsidies to achieve sustainable shale gas development and encourage technological progresses. By comparing the state of China's shale gas development with that of the US' in terms of geological conditions, production technology,market price, tax relief, subsidy periods and amount, this paper intends to put forward related suggestions for the effective development of shale gas according to the current status of development.展开更多
Drought, as a recurring extreme climate event, affects the structure, function, and process of terrestrial ecosystems. Despite the increasing occurrence and intensity of the drought in the past decade in Southwestern ...Drought, as a recurring extreme climate event, affects the structure, function, and process of terrestrial ecosystems. Despite the increasing occurrence and intensity of the drought in the past decade in Southwestern China, the impacts of continuous drought events on vegetation in this region remain unclear. During 2001–2012, Southwestern China experienced the severe drought events from 2009 to 2011. Our aim is to characterize drought conditions in the Southwestern China and explore the impacts on the vegetation condition and terrestrial ecosystem productivity. The Standardized Precipitation Index(SPI) was used to characterize drought area and intensity and a light-use efficiency model was used to explore the effect of drought on the terrestrial ecosystem productivity with Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer(MODIS) data. The SPI captured the major drought events in Southwestern China during the study period, indicated that the 12-year period of this study included both ‘normal' precipitation years and two severe drought events in 2009–2010 and 2011. Results showed that vegetation greenness(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI and Enhanced Vegetation Index, EVI) both declined in 2009/2010 drought, but the 2011 drought resulted in less declines of vegetation greenness and productivity due to shorten drought duration and rising temperature. Meanwhile, it was about 5 months lapse between drought events and maximum declines in vegetation greenness for 2009/2010 drought events. In addition, forest, grassland and cropland revealed significant different ecosystem responses to drought. It indicated that grassland showed an early sensitivity to drought, while cropland was the most sensitive to water deficit and forest was more resilient to drought. This study suggests that it is necessary to detect the difference responses of ecosystem to drought in a regional area with satellite data and ecosystem model.展开更多
This study reports the geochemical characteristics of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), mercury (Hg), iron (Fe), and manganese (Mn) in the riparian sediment pore water of the Songhua River, Northeast Chi...This study reports the geochemical characteristics of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), mercury (Hg), iron (Fe), and manganese (Mn) in the riparian sediment pore water of the Songhua River, Northeast China. In total, 36 pore water samples and 18 surface water samples from three typical sections were collected and analyzed in June 2009. Cluster analysis of heavy metals was performed to analyze the pollution sources of the metals. Results showed that Hg concentrations in the pore water were greater than those in the surface water, indicating a potential ability of Hg release from riparian sediment system to river water. However, concentrations of Fe and Mn in the surface water were greater than those in the pore water, demonstrating that the microenvironments of riparian and riverbed sediment systems were quite different. Variations of Zn, Cu, Pb and Ni between the surface and the pore water were different in each section. Most metals had similar horizontal and profile distribution characteristics in the three sections except for Zn and Ni. Hg, Fe and Mn concentrations in the pore water increased gradually with the increase in horizontal distance from water body, in contrast to this, Cu decreased, and Pb presented a fluctuating trend. With the increase in depth, Pb and Fe, Cu and Mn showed the same trends, and Hg showed a variable trend. The above distribution characteristics could mainly be attributed to the properties and the interactions of metals, pH and oxidation-reduction conditions, and the complex pollution sources and hydrologic regime in history. The probable sources of metals include the historical and ongoing discharge of industrial wastewater, mining activities, sewage irrigation for agricultural production, and atmospheric deposition from coal-fired plants.展开更多
Abstract With the global ban on the application of organotin-based marine coatings by the International Maritime Organization, the development of environmentally friendly, low-toxic and nontoxic antifouling compounds ...Abstract With the global ban on the application of organotin-based marine coatings by the International Maritime Organization, the development of environmentally friendly, low-toxic and nontoxic antifouling compounds for marine industries has become an urgent need. Marine microorganisms have been considered as a potential source of natural antifoulants. In this study, the antifouling potential of marine dinoflagellate Amphidinium carterae, the toxic and red-tide microalgae, was investigated. We performed a series of operations to extract the bioactive substances from Amphidinium carterae and tested their antialgal and antilarval activities. The crude extract of Amphidinium carterae showed significant antialgal activity and the ECs0 value against Skeletonema costatum was 55.4 ~tg mL-1. After purification, the isolated bioactive substances (the organic extract C) exhibited much higher antialgal and antilar- val activities with ECso of 12.9μgmL-1 against Skeletonema costatum and LC50 of 15.1 μmL-1 against Amphibalanus amphitrite larvae. Subsequently, IR, Q-TOFMS, and GC-MS were utilized for the structural elucidation of the bioactive compounds, and a series of unsaturated and saturated 16- to 22-carbon fatty acids were detected. The data suggested the bioactive compounds isolated from Amphidinium carterae exhibited a significant inhibiting effect against the diatom Skeletonema costatum and Amphibalanus amphi- trite larvae, and could be substitutes for persistent, toxic antifouling compounds.展开更多
The EGAT Mac Moh coal mine is an open-cut coal mine in Thailand that produces about 16 million tons of lignite annually to generate 2,400 MW of electricity. The surface mine pit covers is 4 km by 7 km with mining dept...The EGAT Mac Moh coal mine is an open-cut coal mine in Thailand that produces about 16 million tons of lignite annually to generate 2,400 MW of electricity. The surface mine pit covers is 4 km by 7 km with mining depths ranging up to 260 m. A large pit slope is formed with the progression of the mining operation. However, massive slides in the pit slope occur often due to the existence weak planes such as faults and bedding, and the weak mechanical properties of the rocks. Hence, 200 m to 300 m boundaries of rock block including coal seams are left in front of faults in order to prevent slides and maintain the stability of the pit slope. As a result, there are significant coal reserves beneath the abandoned area along the pit slope. The focus of this paper is on the applicability and design of the highwall mining for recovering much of the coal left along the pit slope.展开更多
In order to create or design a development, it is necessary to have a look backwards. To identify and understand the resources based on the possessed knowledge, steps for development are proposed. But, no less importa...In order to create or design a development, it is necessary to have a look backwards. To identify and understand the resources based on the possessed knowledge, steps for development are proposed. But, no less important is to understand the surrounding, what others are doing/planning, as it will save precious time in inventing something which is maybe already implemented elsewhere. Based on that assumption, this paper deals with the analysis of the current status of the organic farming (O.F.) in Macedonia and the Mediterranean countries, as they are closest to the soil and climate conditions that exist in Macedonia as well. This paper will try to give answer to the question "how to maintain the present level of development and to set parameters which should be used in order to reach further development". The analysis process was implemented by using SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threats) analysis for Macedonia and the Mediterranean countries. The analysis result indicates that there are numerous common factors, resources, structures, and gaps in the organic sector. This paper's goal is to present a list of strategic goals and instruments for development of O.F. in Macedonia and Mediterranean countries. The data related to the facts and visions are referred to the Republic of Macedonia, but relevant data on EU countries, candidate-countries, and south Mediterranean countries are presented as well. The conclusions are with special accent to the new possibilities for development of O.F. in the near future, especially through applicative scientific research activities.展开更多
基金supported by the National Special Research Fund for Non-Profit Sector (Agriculture) (No. 200903030)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.41176135)
文摘This study is part of the endeavor to construct a comprehensive DNA barcoding database for common seaweeds in China. Identifications of red seaweeds, which have simple morphology and anatomy, are sometimes difficult solely depending on morphological characteristics. In recent years, DNA barcode technique has become a more and more effective tool to help solve some of the taxonomic difficulties. Some DNA markers such as COI(cytochrome oxidase subunit I) are proposed as standardized DNA barcodes for all seaweed species. In this study, COI, UPA (universal plastid amplicon, domain V of 23S rRNA), and ITS (nuclear internal transcribed spacer) were employed to analyze common species of intertidal red seaweeds in Qingdao (119.3°-121°E, 35.35°-37.09°N). The applicability of using one or a few combined barcodes to identify red seaweed species was tested. The results indicated that COI is a sensitive marker at species level. However, not all the tested species gave PCR amplification products due to lack of the universal primers. The second barcode UPA had effective universal primers but needed to be tested for the effectiveness of resolving closely related species. More than one ITS sequence types were found in some species in this investigation, which might lead to confusion in further analysis. Therefore ITS sequence is not recommended as a universal barcode for seaweeds identification.
文摘Olivine phenocryst compositions and whole-rock chemical compositions are used to identify primitive picrite basalts from the early part of flood basalt successions in the western part of the Emeishan large igneous province (ELIP), southwestern China. The Fo contents of olivine phenocrysts of komatiites with MgO-21.79 wt% range from 85.2% to 91.4%. The composition of unerupted parental melts is calculated from the compositions of the most Fo-rich olivine phenocrysts. These melts had -22 wt% MgO, and originated in mantle with a potential temperature of -1600℃ and at about 4.2 GPa pressure, supporting the conclusion that the generation of ELIP can be attributed to melting of a plume head beginning at -138 km depth.
文摘Purple soil is highly susceptible for overland flow and surface erosion, therefore understanding surface runoff and soil erosion processes in the purple soil region are important to mitigate flooding and erosion hazards. Slope angle is an important parameter that affects the magnitude of runoff and thus surface erosion in hilly landscapes or bare land area. However, the effect of slope on runoff generation remains unclear in many different soils including Chinese purple soil. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between different slope gradients and surface runoff for bare-fallow purple soil, using 5 m × 1.5 m experimental plots under natural rainfall conditions. Four experimental plots(10°, 16°, 20° and 26°) were established in theYanting Agro-ecological Experimental Station of Chinese Academy of Science in central Sichuan Basin. The plot was equipped with water storage tank to monitor water level change. Field monitoring from July 1 to October 31, 2012 observed 42 rainfall events which produced surface runoff from the experimental plots. These water level changes were converted to runoff. The representative eight rainfall events were selected for further analysis, the relationship between slope and runoff coefficient were determined using ANOVA, F-test, and z-score analysis. The results indicated a strong correlation between rainfall and runoff in cumulative amount basis. The mean value of the measured runoff coefficient for four experimental plots was around 0.1. However, no statistically significant relationship was found between slope and runoff coefficient. We reviewed the relationship between slope and runoff in many previous studiesand calculated z-score to compare with our experimental results. The results of z-score analysis indicated that both positive and negative effects of slope on runoff coefficient were obtained, however a moderate gradient(16°-20° in this study) could be a threshold of runoff generation for many different soils including the Chinese purple soil.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.31172053,41276166,31372532,31372166)the Project for Outstanding Young Teachers in Higher Education of Guangdong,China(No.Yq2013093)
文摘A new record of Pagrus caeruleostictus(Valenciennes,1830),collected from the Beibu Gulf,South China Sea in April 2013,was documented based on morphology and cytochrome oxidase I subunit(COI) gene barcoding analyses. It can be distinguished by a combination of the following characteristics: head scaled to above eyes; cheeks with 5 or 6 rows of scales; lateral line scales 51–52; 5 rows of scales above the lateral line; 4 and 6 cuspidate teeth in front of upper and lower jaws,respectively,followed by 2 rows of blunter teeth posteriorly; gill rakers on first arch 12 to 15; D XI–XII +9–11; A III +8–9; the first two dorsal spines very short,the third to fifth extended,filamentous in the young; the first pelvic ray filamentous; silvery pink with dark blue spots on back and sides; caudal fin pinkish; other fins bluish or pinkish; the blue spots generally disappear in large specimens. The present report of P. caeruleostictus suggests that its distribution in Chinese coastal waters may be attributed to human effort,since this species is unlikely to have expanded naturally from the eastern Atlantic to the South China Sea,with no other records from the Indian or Pacific Oceans. We recommend that a precautionary approach should be adopted for the management of P. caeruleostictus.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40905049)the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program, Grant No. 2010AA012304)+1 种基金the China Mete-orological Administration for the R&D Special Fund for Public Welfare Industry (Meteorology) (Grant No. GYHY200906020)the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modelling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG) State Key Laboratory special fund
文摘The southwesterly low-level jet (LLJ) over southeast China in the summer of 2003 is analyzed in this study. The analysis is based on the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Final (FNL) operational global analysis data on 1.0-1.0-degree grids at 6-h intervals. The major criteria for choosing the LLJ ineluded the following: a maximum wind speed equal to or greater than 12.0 m s-1, a wind direction of between 180° and 270°, and the height of wind maximum at 900-700 hPa, not confined to single pressure level. The results show that the LLJs over southeast China dominate at 850 and 800 hPa. These LLJs are closely associated with the topography of this area and tend to locate regions with large terrain gradients, including the northeastern and eastem Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. Under the influence of mid-latitude westerly winds, the LLJs above 750 hPa move northward to the Yangtze-Huai River Basin. Com- pared to the ten-year (2000-2009) mean climate condi- tions, the LLJs in the warm season of summer 2003 were exceptionally active and strong, as reflected by the posi- tive anomalies of LLJ occurrence numbers and wind speed. In addition, the 2003 LLJs showed strong diurnal variation, especially at pressure levels below 800 hPa. The majority of the LLJs appeared between midnight and the early moming hours (before 8 a.m.). Finally, the summary of LLJ grid numbers indicates that more than 80% of LLJs in June and July 2003 occurred within the 33-d rainy period. Thus, these LLJs are directly related to the anomalously heavy rainfall in the Yangtze-Huai River Basin.
文摘This paper examines how capital account liberalization (CAL) affects foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows. Authors use a dynamic panel model encompassing 14 Middle East countries over the period from 1985 to 2009. The findings suggest that countries that are able to reap the benefits of the capital openness policy satisfy certain threshold conditions regarding the level of financial development and institutional quality. Thus to promote FDI, governments in this region should develop a set of policies that not only focus on financial openness, but also on the improvement of the financial system and legal institutions.
基金Project(40873015) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(08010302062) supported by the Eleventh Five-year Scientific and Technological Program of Anhui Province,China
文摘Rare earth element (REE) concentrations were measured by ICP-MS for groundwater collected from deep seated Taiyuan Fm limestone aquifer (from -400 to -530 m) in Renlou Coal Mine, northern Anhui Province, China. It can be concluded that the groundwater is warm (34.0-37.2 ℃) C1-Ca, Na type water with circum-neutral pH (7.35-8.28) and high total dissolved solids (TDS, 1 746-2 849 mg/L). The groundwater exhibits heavy REEs enrichment relative to light REEs compared with Post Archean Average Shale (PAAS), as well as their aquifer rocks (limestone). The enrichment of REEs is considered to be controlled by terrigeneous materials (e.g. zircon) in aquifer rocks, whereas the fractionation of REEs is controlled by marine derived materials (e.g. calcite), to a less extent, terrigeneous materials and inorganic complexation. The Ce anomalies normalized to PAAS and aquifer rocks are weak, which probably reflects the signature of the aquifer rock rather than redox conditions or pH. The similarities of REE patterns between groundwater and aquifer rocks imply that aquifer rocks play important roles in controlling the REE characteristics of groundwater, and then provide a probability for discrimination of groundwater sources by using REEs.
文摘Relative to countries such as Russia, the United States, and Europe, China has only recently occupied a place in the energy sector in Kazakhstan. However, after 10 years of hard work, China has come to the fore and the fierce energy competition in Kazakhstan has become an important energy trading partner of Central Asian countries. Therefore, we can learn a lot of experience and lessons from our emphasis on cooperation with China's energy trade and research in Central Asian countries. Against the backdrop of fierce international energy competition and the deep implementation of the "One Belt and One Road" initiative, it is like a double-edged sword for energy trade cooperation between China and Central Asian countries, problem. How China seizes opportunities, resolves challenges, and further deepens pragmatic cooperation in the energy sector with Central Asian countries so as to better protect the country' s energy security is a very real issue.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NO:40202019,90102017,40121303)National Basic Research Program of China(2004CB720202)China Postdoctoral Fund
文摘The widely distributed red clay sediment underlying the Chinese Loess Plateau truly records the Neogene environmental evolution, and its genesis and development are intrinsically related to the uplift processes of the Tibetan Plateau and the evolution of East Asia monsoon system. In this paper, a detailed magnetostratigraphy of a loess-red clay section (107°13′E, 35°02′N) from the central Loess Plateau is reported. The loess-red clay sequence is composed of 175 m Quaternary loess-paleosol sequence and 128 m Neogene red clay sediments. Based on the correlation with the standard geomagnetic polarity time scale, the paleomagnetic results indicate that the age of Chaona red clay sequence extends to 08.1 Ma, which is the older red clay deposition in the central Chinese Loess Plateau. The commencement of red clay at -8.1 Ma may imply that the Ordos planation surface was broken by the movement of the Haiyuan-Liupanshan Faults, which was related to the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau induced by the collision of India Plate and Eurasian Plate. And the western part adjacent to the Tibetan Plateau was uplifted to form the embryo of the Liupan Shan (Mts.) and the eastern part was down-faulted to receive red clay deposition. We link this faulting to an initial uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. The undulating nature of the broken Ordos planation surface may explain the chronological differences and depth discrepancies among various cross-sections of red clay.
文摘Regarding the postulate of traffic infrastructure and vehicles, much attention should be given to the effect of road conditions on accidents. With large numbers of traffic accidents on Shenda Freeway, Liaoning Province, Harbin City and others in P. R. China, parameters and the effect of accidents caused by horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, cross section and intersection are studied systematically The disciplinary analysis of these effects are presented in this paper. The viewpoint is acknowledged that high sub grade and steep slopes are against traffic safety, which is common and ignored in high-usage highways in China. Design parameters of the current design criteria and the corresponding countermeasures are suggested for safety on our highways.
基金Project(200911007-04) supported by the Special Funds for Scientific Research of Land and Natural Resources, ChinaProject (2007CB411405) supported by the National Basic Research Program of ChinaProject(20109901) supported by the National Crisis Office of China
文摘The types, composition and physico-chemical conditions of primary fluid inclusions were researched. The results show that the primary fluid inclusions contain vapor and liquid phase type (Type I), daughter mineral-bearing type (Type II) and pure liquid phase type (Type III). The compositions of vapor are mainly H20 and CO2 with a tiny amounts of CH4 and H2; the liquid phase mainly contains Mg2+, Ca2+, Na+, K+, CI- and SO]-, and w(Na+)/w(K+)〉l; the homogenization temperatures of the primary fluid inclusions can be divided into 190-250 ℃, 250-340 ℃ and 360-420 ℃, corresponding to the salinities of 4%-9%, 9%-14%, and 14%-20.43% (NaC1 equivalent mass fraction), respectively. The mineralization process can be divided into three episodes: the silicatization stage, the quartz-sulfide stage, and the carbonatization stage, and all of them are associated with the ore-forming hydrothermal fluid activity. The origin of the hydrothermal fluid is from magrnatic water mainly, and later it mixes with the groundwater and meteoric water, which lead to the decrease of temperature and salinity. The decrease of salinity, temperature and pressure are the main causes of the metallogenic elements unloading and enriching in the favorable position.
文摘This paper theoretically analyzes the lock-in mechanism of labor division for developing countries when they stick to static comparative advantages and the internal mechanism of cultivating dynamic comparative advantages. Through empirical analysis, this paper finds that China, while sharing the benefits of globalization, showcases the lock-in effect regarding its status in the international labor division chain. The analysis finds that in its participation in globalization, the net barter terms of trade ~BTT) and factorial terms of trade for China are deteriorating, and the income terms of trade are seriously overvalued, resulting in a series of contradictions, such as scanty returns for enterprises, slow income growth, increasing trade frictions, and intensified environmental and resource pressures. The paper analyzes rapidly changing factors in China's comparative advantages and characteristics of the changes in industries where China possesses comparative advantages. According to changes in different types of industries at different stages, this paper puts forward suggestions on direction and policies for cultivating dynamic comparative advantages.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(30771160)Central Public-interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund(2009RG005-6)~~
文摘This paper introduces Vietnam's climate condition,main rice production regions and analyses the expansion of rice planting area,rice cropping system during the last decades.The result from the change of rice production,planting area,yield,and rice trade indicates that the economic reforms in Vietnam from 1986 have contributed to a spectacular rise in rice production and exports.However,there are still problems and opportunities for rice production and export in Vietnam.The paper suggests that Vietnam should make the most use of the advanced international rice cultivars and technology to improve irrigation and water conservancy facilities to benefit rice farmer and consolidate Vietnam to be the major exporter of rice in the world market.
文摘Shale gas is a practical resource with great potential that could be economically explored and developed in the near future. It has been commercially developed in North America and other places. Featuring a vast distribution, a low abundance,unfavorable reservoir conditions, ultra-low permeability and a fast production decline, shale gas is more difficult to develop than conventional natural gas, as it needs advanced drilling and completion technology to develop. During the early stage of shale gas exploration and development, the United States offered enterprises necessary incentives such as tax reductions and exemptions and subsidies to achieve sustainable shale gas development and encourage technological progresses. By comparing the state of China's shale gas development with that of the US' in terms of geological conditions, production technology,market price, tax relief, subsidy periods and amount, this paper intends to put forward related suggestions for the effective development of shale gas according to the current status of development.
基金Under the auspices of National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2016YFB0501501,2017YFB0504000)National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41401110,31400393)
文摘Drought, as a recurring extreme climate event, affects the structure, function, and process of terrestrial ecosystems. Despite the increasing occurrence and intensity of the drought in the past decade in Southwestern China, the impacts of continuous drought events on vegetation in this region remain unclear. During 2001–2012, Southwestern China experienced the severe drought events from 2009 to 2011. Our aim is to characterize drought conditions in the Southwestern China and explore the impacts on the vegetation condition and terrestrial ecosystem productivity. The Standardized Precipitation Index(SPI) was used to characterize drought area and intensity and a light-use efficiency model was used to explore the effect of drought on the terrestrial ecosystem productivity with Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer(MODIS) data. The SPI captured the major drought events in Southwestern China during the study period, indicated that the 12-year period of this study included both ‘normal' precipitation years and two severe drought events in 2009–2010 and 2011. Results showed that vegetation greenness(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI and Enhanced Vegetation Index, EVI) both declined in 2009/2010 drought, but the 2011 drought resulted in less declines of vegetation greenness and productivity due to shorten drought duration and rising temperature. Meanwhile, it was about 5 months lapse between drought events and maximum declines in vegetation greenness for 2009/2010 drought events. In addition, forest, grassland and cropland revealed significant different ecosystem responses to drought. It indicated that grassland showed an early sensitivity to drought, while cropland was the most sensitive to water deficit and forest was more resilient to drought. This study suggests that it is necessary to detect the difference responses of ecosystem to drought in a regional area with satellite data and ecosystem model.
基金Under the auspices of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40901128, 40771035)Knowledge Innova-tion Programs of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX2-YW-Q06-03)
文摘This study reports the geochemical characteristics of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), mercury (Hg), iron (Fe), and manganese (Mn) in the riparian sediment pore water of the Songhua River, Northeast China. In total, 36 pore water samples and 18 surface water samples from three typical sections were collected and analyzed in June 2009. Cluster analysis of heavy metals was performed to analyze the pollution sources of the metals. Results showed that Hg concentrations in the pore water were greater than those in the surface water, indicating a potential ability of Hg release from riparian sediment system to river water. However, concentrations of Fe and Mn in the surface water were greater than those in the pore water, demonstrating that the microenvironments of riparian and riverbed sediment systems were quite different. Variations of Zn, Cu, Pb and Ni between the surface and the pore water were different in each section. Most metals had similar horizontal and profile distribution characteristics in the three sections except for Zn and Ni. Hg, Fe and Mn concentrations in the pore water increased gradually with the increase in horizontal distance from water body, in contrast to this, Cu decreased, and Pb presented a fluctuating trend. With the increase in depth, Pb and Fe, Cu and Mn showed the same trends, and Hg showed a variable trend. The above distribution characteristics could mainly be attributed to the properties and the interactions of metals, pH and oxidation-reduction conditions, and the complex pollution sources and hydrologic regime in history. The probable sources of metals include the historical and ongoing discharge of industrial wastewater, mining activities, sewage irrigation for agricultural production, and atmospheric deposition from coal-fired plants.
基金supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.41376106the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong province under Grant No.ZR2013DM017
文摘Abstract With the global ban on the application of organotin-based marine coatings by the International Maritime Organization, the development of environmentally friendly, low-toxic and nontoxic antifouling compounds for marine industries has become an urgent need. Marine microorganisms have been considered as a potential source of natural antifoulants. In this study, the antifouling potential of marine dinoflagellate Amphidinium carterae, the toxic and red-tide microalgae, was investigated. We performed a series of operations to extract the bioactive substances from Amphidinium carterae and tested their antialgal and antilarval activities. The crude extract of Amphidinium carterae showed significant antialgal activity and the ECs0 value against Skeletonema costatum was 55.4 ~tg mL-1. After purification, the isolated bioactive substances (the organic extract C) exhibited much higher antialgal and antilar- val activities with ECso of 12.9μgmL-1 against Skeletonema costatum and LC50 of 15.1 μmL-1 against Amphibalanus amphitrite larvae. Subsequently, IR, Q-TOFMS, and GC-MS were utilized for the structural elucidation of the bioactive compounds, and a series of unsaturated and saturated 16- to 22-carbon fatty acids were detected. The data suggested the bioactive compounds isolated from Amphidinium carterae exhibited a significant inhibiting effect against the diatom Skeletonema costatum and Amphibalanus amphi- trite larvae, and could be substitutes for persistent, toxic antifouling compounds.
文摘The EGAT Mac Moh coal mine is an open-cut coal mine in Thailand that produces about 16 million tons of lignite annually to generate 2,400 MW of electricity. The surface mine pit covers is 4 km by 7 km with mining depths ranging up to 260 m. A large pit slope is formed with the progression of the mining operation. However, massive slides in the pit slope occur often due to the existence weak planes such as faults and bedding, and the weak mechanical properties of the rocks. Hence, 200 m to 300 m boundaries of rock block including coal seams are left in front of faults in order to prevent slides and maintain the stability of the pit slope. As a result, there are significant coal reserves beneath the abandoned area along the pit slope. The focus of this paper is on the applicability and design of the highwall mining for recovering much of the coal left along the pit slope.
文摘In order to create or design a development, it is necessary to have a look backwards. To identify and understand the resources based on the possessed knowledge, steps for development are proposed. But, no less important is to understand the surrounding, what others are doing/planning, as it will save precious time in inventing something which is maybe already implemented elsewhere. Based on that assumption, this paper deals with the analysis of the current status of the organic farming (O.F.) in Macedonia and the Mediterranean countries, as they are closest to the soil and climate conditions that exist in Macedonia as well. This paper will try to give answer to the question "how to maintain the present level of development and to set parameters which should be used in order to reach further development". The analysis process was implemented by using SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threats) analysis for Macedonia and the Mediterranean countries. The analysis result indicates that there are numerous common factors, resources, structures, and gaps in the organic sector. This paper's goal is to present a list of strategic goals and instruments for development of O.F. in Macedonia and Mediterranean countries. The data related to the facts and visions are referred to the Republic of Macedonia, but relevant data on EU countries, candidate-countries, and south Mediterranean countries are presented as well. The conclusions are with special accent to the new possibilities for development of O.F. in the near future, especially through applicative scientific research activities.