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韩国国民参与审判制度及其启示 被引量:1
作者 许克军 《山西农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第12期1250-1256,共7页
韩国国民参与审判制度诞生于长期司法不公所造成的国民对于司法的不信任,它是一项试行性质的公民参与司法制度,主要适用于法定合议庭管辖案件。从陪审员的人数和座位安排来看,其更偏向于英美法系的"陪审团制"。其陪审员的选任... 韩国国民参与审判制度诞生于长期司法不公所造成的国民对于司法的不信任,它是一项试行性质的公民参与司法制度,主要适用于法定合议庭管辖案件。从陪审员的人数和座位安排来看,其更偏向于英美法系的"陪审团制"。其陪审员的选任,实施随机抽选和一案一选,兼顾了公民参与的广泛性与代表性。同时,韩国规定了陪审员的"即时审判制度"和保护、惩罚措施。为了配套该制度的运行,韩国还创设了审理前整理程序、引入了证据开示制度、强化了集中审理原则。从韩国国民参与审判制度的运行状况中,我们能够得到不少启示,为我国近期的人民陪审员制度改革试点提供借鉴和指引。 展开更多
关键词 国民参与审判制度 人民陪审员制度 启示
作者 胡荣 胡夏冰 《中国应用法学》 2019年第5期174-196,共23页
日本裁判员制度是独立于大陆法系参审制和英美法系陪审制的新型国民参与司法制度。按照日本裁判员制度的基本要求,参与案件审理的裁判员应当符合规定的条件,从普通国民中随机抽选;同时裁判员和法官共同参与特定范围的刑事案件的审理和... 日本裁判员制度是独立于大陆法系参审制和英美法系陪审制的新型国民参与司法制度。按照日本裁判员制度的基本要求,参与案件审理的裁判员应当符合规定的条件,从普通国民中随机抽选;同时裁判员和法官共同参与特定范围的刑事案件的审理和裁判。日本裁判员制度的基本特点是:担任裁判员候选人的门槛很低,大多数国民都有资格担任裁判员;裁判员只能参与审理重大的刑事案件,普通刑事案件由法官直接作出裁判;裁判员和法官在案件审理过程中,与法官享有基本相同的职权;建立充分保障裁判员实质性参与司法案件参审程序和机制;国家对参与司法的国民提供严格的制度保护,同时对不履行参审义务的国民以及扰乱参审秩序的行为采取严厉的惩戒措施。日本国民参与刑事审判制度的经验对目前我国正在进行的人民陪审员制度改革具有借鉴和启示意义。 展开更多
关键词 国民参与司法 裁判员制度 司法民主 人民陪审员制度改革
日本刑事程序中国民参与司法制度的反思与借鉴 被引量:2
作者 徐莉 《法学杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期120-123,共4页
国民参与司法是现代司法民主和政治文明的重要组成部分,在维系社会和谐和促进司法公正中发挥着重要作用。检察审查会制度和裁判员制度作为日本国民参与刑事审判程序的两个最重要的制度,虽然被日本司法改革审议会的专家十分看好,但时至今... 国民参与司法是现代司法民主和政治文明的重要组成部分,在维系社会和谐和促进司法公正中发挥着重要作用。检察审查会制度和裁判员制度作为日本国民参与刑事审判程序的两个最重要的制度,虽然被日本司法改革审议会的专家十分看好,但时至今日,国民仍不感兴趣。究其原因,除了国民理解和接受这一制度需要一个过程外,维系这一制度的根基也值得反思。 展开更多
关键词 国民参与司法 检察审查会 裁判员制度 法意识 法律移植
奥运会组织管理的特点研究 被引量:3
作者 王秋华 孙晋海 《体育文化导刊》 北大核心 2004年第7期25-26,共2页
北京获得2008年奥运会主办权,是中国体育事业在新时期实现跨跃式发展的良好机遇,同时也给我国体育工作,尤其是奥运会组织管理工作提出了新的要求.如何把这次举世瞩目的世界体育盛会在中国举办得安全、顺利、精彩、圆满,是中国举国上下... 北京获得2008年奥运会主办权,是中国体育事业在新时期实现跨跃式发展的良好机遇,同时也给我国体育工作,尤其是奥运会组织管理工作提出了新的要求.如何把这次举世瞩目的世界体育盛会在中国举办得安全、顺利、精彩、圆满,是中国举国上下乃至是全世界人民关注的焦点.作为奥运会工作的基础--组织管理工作更是人们所关注的焦点中的焦点,这也是每个举办奥运会的城市所面临的一个相当严峻的问题.因此,北京2008年奥运会组织管理工作究竟如何搞便成为一个不可回避且相当紧迫的重大课题摆在我们面前. 展开更多
关键词 奥运会 组织管理工作 政府职能 社会系统工程 科学技术 国民参与意识 时间观念
构建最开放的电子政府:韩国模式及其启示 被引量:1
作者 徐晓日 杨松 《电子政务》 2007年第11期83-88,共6页
关键词 电子政府韩国模式 行政改革 国民参与政府
韩国行政改革与电子政府初探 被引量:2
作者 徐晓日 《内蒙古民族大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第3期106-110,共5页
信息化改变了社会经济政治结构,创造了全新的政府治理环境。在信息化和经济全球化的大潮中,电子政府被许多国家作为完善现代政府管理,提升政府竞争力的重要变革措施。在世界各国政府信息化进程中,韩国政府走在了前列。韩国电子政府快速... 信息化改变了社会经济政治结构,创造了全新的政府治理环境。在信息化和经济全球化的大潮中,电子政府被许多国家作为完善现代政府管理,提升政府竞争力的重要变革措施。在世界各国政府信息化进程中,韩国政府走在了前列。韩国电子政府快速发展的关键,是从一开始就与行政改革紧密结合起来。研究韩国电子政府的发展模式,有助于深入探索如何使电子政府的发展更加合理化,对促进中国行政改革与电子政府的发展具有一定的实践价值。 展开更多
关键词 行政改革 电子政府 国民参与政府 组织推动
从日本健康住宅项目谈对我国疫情后健康住宅发展方向的启示 被引量:3
作者 陈滨 《建筑技艺》 2020年第5期12-16,共5页
通过较系统地介绍日本健康住宅项目实施过程所开展的工作及其成果,从五个方面阐述了其对我国疫情后健康住宅发展方向的启示和借鉴作用,重点关注了如何科学有效地引导全体国民参与健康住宅实践的一整套做法,为疫情后加快推进我国健康住... 通过较系统地介绍日本健康住宅项目实施过程所开展的工作及其成果,从五个方面阐述了其对我国疫情后健康住宅发展方向的启示和借鉴作用,重点关注了如何科学有效地引导全体国民参与健康住宅实践的一整套做法,为疫情后加快推进我国健康住宅科学有序发展以及提高居住者的自我防范意识、公共卫生意识提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 日本健康住宅 健康意识 健康行为 自我防范 国民参与 自我诊断工具
作者 石茂生 吴礼宁 《安阳师范学院学报》 2006年第6期56-58,共3页
法律信仰是实现法治的重要精神基础,建设法治国家首先需要培养国民对法律的信仰。信仰的多元是中国的特点,中国当前面临着信仰危机。树立法律尤其是宪法的权威,使国民参与到法律治理的过程中,是培养国民法律信仰的必由之路,也是建设法... 法律信仰是实现法治的重要精神基础,建设法治国家首先需要培养国民对法律的信仰。信仰的多元是中国的特点,中国当前面临着信仰危机。树立法律尤其是宪法的权威,使国民参与到法律治理的过程中,是培养国民法律信仰的必由之路,也是建设法治国家的必由之路。 展开更多
关键词 法治国家 法律信仰 国民参与
作者 刘国庆 《日本研究》 CSSCI 2010年第4期85-89,共5页
为了实现司法界与国民之间充分且合理的交流,提高司法对国民的透明度,日本司法制度改革审议会于2001年提出了刑事审判方面构建裁判员制度的设想。也就是在刑事诉讼程序中,要导入能使广大国民国法官员共同分担责任,相互配合,真正以审判... 为了实现司法界与国民之间充分且合理的交流,提高司法对国民的透明度,日本司法制度改革审议会于2001年提出了刑事审判方面构建裁判员制度的设想。也就是在刑事诉讼程序中,要导入能使广大国民国法官员共同分担责任,相互配合,真正以审判主体的法律地位来参与具体案件审判的新的国民参与制度。2004年5月28日,公布了《关于裁判员参加刑事审判的法律》(文中简称《裁判员法》)。日本新的裁判员法具有重大意义,旨在便捷国民参与司法并提高对于司法的信任,但裁判员法的相关规定却侵犯了国民所享有的言论自由,同时也有违该制度变革的初衷,需要进行重新检讨与制度重构。 展开更多
关键词 裁判员法 言论自由 保密义务 日本司法制度 第73条 国民参与
日本裁判员制度及其对刑事司法的影响 被引量:1
作者 孙晶晶 《北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第4期97-101,共5页
关键词 裁判员 司法民主 国民参与
作者 孙晶晶 《华北电力大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第5期51-55,76,共6页
关键词 裁判员 司法民主 国民参与
Children's participatory design for sustainable development and community planning 被引量:2
作者 TASHIRO Kumi 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2012年第1期44-50,共7页
The urban developments have been carried out by only professionals for a long time because of efficiency and safety. However, most residents are ordinary people. Therefore, it is necessary to change the awareness of s... The urban developments have been carried out by only professionals for a long time because of efficiency and safety. However, most residents are ordinary people. Therefore, it is necessary to change the awareness of sustainable living environments, not only on the construction side but also the residents. In recent years, the number of cases of residents' participation in planning, maintaining, and repairing increased. However, sometimes youths and children, who might spend a lifetime longer than adults in a city after the developments have been done, are not included in this "Residents". Conceming youth and children's participation, CFC (child friendly city) is one of the good practices for sustainable development. It was launched by UNICEF (United Nations Intemational Children's Emergency Fund) and UN-Habitat in the Habitat II in 1996. City governments, especially in European countries, started to view CFC as their key concept for preservation and/or sustainable development. CFC means not only being "Children" friendly but also "All people" friendly. Various effects have been reported since the Historic Cities/districts included CFC in their city planning as a common concept, especially in education, community re-development, and operation and maintenance by the community. It is expected that better city planning in preservation and sustainable development can be achieved by adding CFC concept. In this research, an ideal way of city planning involving resident participation and the possibility in the future are analyzed based on case studies. Then a strategy of sustainable development and community planning involving youth and children's participation is proposed. 展开更多
关键词 child-friendly city participatory design design education urban planning SUSTAINABILITY
Awareness of Cornea Donation of Registered Tissue Donors in Nanjing 被引量:1
作者 Ting Chu Lin-nong Wang +1 位作者 Hao Yu Ru-yang Zhang 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2013年第1期20-27,共8页
Objective To evaluate the current cornea donation awareness of tissue donors in the city of Nanjing, China Methods Altogether 2000 registered tissue donors in the Red Cross Eye Bank of Nanjing by the end of 2010 and ... Objective To evaluate the current cornea donation awareness of tissue donors in the city of Nanjing, China Methods Altogether 2000 registered tissue donors in the Red Cross Eye Bank of Nanjing by the end of 2010 and 2000 control residents of Nanjing in February to June 2011 were randomly selected to par- ticipate in our field questionnaire survey. The questionnaire consisted of questions regarding the understand- ing of cornea donation, the attitude toward cornea donation, and attitude toward legislation and free dona- tion. The awareness of cornea donation between the registered tissue donors and residents was compared. Related factors of the willingness to donate corneas and to become a tissue donor were evaluated with uni- variate and multiple logistic regression analysis. Results A total of 1867 (response rate: 93.4%) tissue donors and 1796 (response rate: 89.8%; ef- fective questionnaires: 1697) residents participated in this survey. For the questions about the knowledge of cornea donation, 90.3% tissue donors (residents: 78.9%) knew that donated corneas could be used for transplantations; 71.2% tissue donors (residents: 47.6%) knew that the appearance would not be destroyed after cornea donation; 70.7% tissue donors (residents: 20.0%) knew the formalities to become a cornea do- nor. For attitude toward cornea donation, 82.2% tissue donors (residents: 45.1%) were willing to donate corneas or eyeballs after death; 84.0% tissue donors (residents: 30.2%) had discussed with their families about donation; 85.1% tissue donors (residents: 24.8%) supported their families' or friends' cornea donation For attitude toward legislation and free donation, 88.3% tissue donors (residents: 61.3%) approved of legis- lation to regular cornea donation; 72.2% tissue donors (residents: 38.8%) thought that cornea or organ do- nation should be gratis. The difference between two groups was significant (P〈0.001). However, some tissue donors did not know cornea donation well, some even opposed the legislation of cornea donation and free donation protocol. For the factors influencing the willingness to donate corneas, population was the mostrelevant factor (P〈0.O01), since tissue donors were more willing to donate corneas than residents. Other significantly related factor were age, gender, occupation, and education level (P〈0.001 ), while political status or religion were not significant. For the factors related to becoming a tissue donor, older age, male, white-collars (including white-collar, civil servant, teacher, soldier, lawyer, salesman, healthcare provider), higher education level, party members (including the Chinese Communist Party members, democratic party members, and the CommunistYouth League members) (P〈0.05). Conclusions The registered tissue donors have better understanding and more positive attitude to- wards cornea donation than control residents do. They approve of the legislation of cornea donation and free donation protocol. It may be more effective to target the population of over 58 years old, male, white-collars, well-educated people, and party members in the promotion of cornea donation. 展开更多
关键词 cornea donation tissue donors eye banks cross-sectional study
Factors Influencing the Grazing Management Styles of Settled Herders: a Case Study of Nagqu County, Tibetan Plateau, China 被引量:5
作者 HUA Xiao-bo YAN Jian-zhong +3 位作者 LIU Xiang WU Ying-ying LIU Lin-shan ZHANG Yi-li 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期1074-1084,共11页
The implementation of pasture contracting policies in the Tibetan Plateau has been of widespread concern in the scientific community and related government departments. Studying the effects of the implementation of pa... The implementation of pasture contracting policies in the Tibetan Plateau has been of widespread concern in the scientific community and related government departments. Studying the effects of the implementation of pasture contracting policies will help us understand herders' attitudes toward those policies and to amend existing policies effectively.This paper analyzes 135 herder families' grazing management behavior using participatory rural appraisal(PRA), quantitative analysis and a Logistic regression model in three townships of Nagqu County in remote areas of the Tibetan Plateau, China. The results show that the herders have become settled and are no longer nomadic, so the settlement project has basically been completed and the policy of contracting for grazing rights is being gradually implemented in Nagqu County. Since the grazing rights and pastures were under contract, group-based management has been widely accepted in this area, which helps the herders deal with constraints, such as limited pasture area, a small grazing radius, controlled family animal husbandry and an uneven distribution of water. The herders that have more family members available for labor, higher proportion of family members with good health, and higher income from animal husbandry tend to choose household-based management.Herders tend to choose group-based management when higher quality winter pastures are available. 展开更多
关键词 Pasture contract Nagqu County Settledherders Participatory rural appraisal Tibetan Plateau
Prospects of Deliberative Global Governance
作者 Mikko Rask Richard K. Worthington 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第4期556-565,共10页
Global governance is often equated with international institutions such as the United Nations and the World Bank that were established after World War II to address problems transcending national borders. While these ... Global governance is often equated with international institutions such as the United Nations and the World Bank that were established after World War II to address problems transcending national borders. While these institutions incorporate norms of representative democracy that evolved in national societies, their legitimacy is often questioned on grounds of limited effectiveness and remoteness from the citizens they purportedly serve. The arguments of many democratic theorists that deliberation among ordinary citizens can legitimize policies that heed these views thus bear important implications for global governance. In this paper, the possibility and different ways that civil society enhancing public participation, transparency and accountability in global governance are addressed. The empirical focus will be on the world's first global deliberation--WWViews (world wide views on global warming) that was held in 38 countries with all inhabited continents in 2009. The social drivers that encourage innovation in global democratic governance are analysed, as the main successes and challenges of WWViews and sketch three scenarios of the future of deliberative global governance are based on the experiences and plans around global citizen participation. The authors argue that despite some challenges, such as ensuring high quality of deliberation in highly variant policy cultural contexts and building policy pathways conducive to political impact, the prospects of deliberation in helping solve global environmental and policy problems are high, and likely to see cumulative progress in the near future. 展开更多
关键词 DELIBERATION global governance participatory technology assessment social movements future.
韩国国参参与审判:制度与启示 被引量:1
作者 胡夏冰 《民事程序法研究》 2014年第2期131-141,共11页
近年来韩国实行陪审制度,主要是为了保障国民参与司法,提升司法民主的正当性,增进国民对司法的信赖。韩国陪审制是混合了英美式陪审团制和法德式参审制因素的一种新型国民参与审判制度。韩国陪审制具有自己的特色,它既有利于保证普通民... 近年来韩国实行陪审制度,主要是为了保障国民参与司法,提升司法民主的正当性,增进国民对司法的信赖。韩国陪审制是混合了英美式陪审团制和法德式参审制因素的一种新型国民参与审判制度。韩国陪审制具有自己的特色,它既有利于保证普通民众对案件审理发表意见和建议,同时又能够保障法官在诉讼过程中依法独立地对案件进行审理和裁判。这对目前我国正在进行的人民陪审员制度改革具有重要的启示意义。 展开更多
关键词 司法民主 陪审制度 国民参与 司法独立
Political Reform and Sustainable Development in China
《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2010年第1期32-54,共23页
Because China has been uniquely successful in pursuing maximum growth and political stability, it now faces new challenges of sustainability. The essence of sustainable development in an increasingly prosperous and co... Because China has been uniquely successful in pursuing maximum growth and political stability, it now faces new challenges of sustainability. The essence of sustainable development in an increasingly prosperous and complex China is to avoid crises. Avoiding crises requires both strategic political guidance of the market in order to avoid economic crises, and modernization of politics in order to avoid societal crises. Government must ensure that the economic base is broadened, that citizens are not exposed to excessive risk by market forces, and that inputs and outputs of production do not degrade or exhaust the environment. Meanwhile, the diversification of Chinese society requires political modernization, including comprehensive expansion of the rule of law, transparency, active citizen participation, and democratization within the Party. While these two directions of reform are different, they depend on one another for their success in the long term. 展开更多
关键词 political reform CRISIS political modernization
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