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LL-Ⅲ分布水文模型在国际分布模型比较计划中的应用 被引量:1
作者 杨超 李兰 +2 位作者 赵英虎 周浩澜 王欣 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2008年第8期52-56,共5页
美国国家海洋和大气管理署及国家气象局水文实验室于2006年2月开始主持"国际分布水文模型比较计划第二期(简称DMIP2)",全世界共有33家研究单位参加,中国有武汉大学和清华大学参加。本文分析了美国Blue河流域的降雨产汇流特性... 美国国家海洋和大气管理署及国家气象局水文实验室于2006年2月开始主持"国际分布水文模型比较计划第二期(简称DMIP2)",全世界共有33家研究单位参加,中国有武汉大学和清华大学参加。本文分析了美国Blue河流域的降雨产汇流特性,对提供的雷达测雨及蒸发等原始资料进行前期处理,应用基于DEM(数字高程模型)的LL-Ⅲ水文模型对Blue河流域进行产汇流模拟及验证,并对研究结果进行分析。 展开更多
关键词 DEM 国际分布模型比较计划(DMIP) 水文分析 LL-Ⅲ分布水文模型 Blue河流域
LTE专利国际分布及分析 被引量:1
作者 黄翠霞 常芬芬 《现代电信科技》 2011年第8期1-5,共5页
关键词 LTE 专利 国际分布 专利布局
知识经济的生产要素及其国际分布 被引量:11
作者 张幼文 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第8期51-58,共8页
本文通过对知识经济不同于工业化经济的要素结构的分析 ,指出发展中国家在当代国际分工发展趋势中不利地位的性质与特点。文章通过统计资料证明 ,发达国家在知识经济要素上比发展中国家更为富裕 ,从而在经济全球化及国际分工深化中处于... 本文通过对知识经济不同于工业化经济的要素结构的分析 ,指出发展中国家在当代国际分工发展趋势中不利地位的性质与特点。文章通过统计资料证明 ,发达国家在知识经济要素上比发展中国家更为富裕 ,从而在经济全球化及国际分工深化中处于更有利的地位。文章提出了经济发展中的要素规划 ,形成要素动态富裕 ,国家要实行“全球规划型发展战略” ,企业要实行“全球组合型经营战略”。 展开更多
关键词 国际分布 知识经济 生产要素 发展战略 经济全球化
对工期临床试验国际分布及研究机构特点的初探 被引量:1
作者 姜雪 何培欣 +5 位作者 涂雅 来晓真 任超群 牛晓也 刘一逸 李冠琳 《中华医学科研管理杂志》 2020年第4期310-314,共5页
目的对全球顶尖Ⅰ期临床试验注册机构的建设进行分析,比较其规模、组成、运转方式及经费投入,为我国开展临床试验机构建设工作提供参考.方法在clinicaltrials.gov网站根据地区范围检索Ⅰ期临床试验研究机构.在亚洲、美洲和欧洲搜集不同... 目的对全球顶尖Ⅰ期临床试验注册机构的建设进行分析,比较其规模、组成、运转方式及经费投入,为我国开展临床试验机构建设工作提供参考.方法在clinicaltrials.gov网站根据地区范围检索Ⅰ期临床试验研究机构.在亚洲、美洲和欧洲搜集不同地区机构的组织管理模式、人员配置和项目执行等情况.描述性分析地区之间研究机构的类型、占比及运行模式,对比各地区Ⅰ期临床试验机构的组织架构、运行管理模式及成效.结果在世界范围内,美国、欧洲及东亚地区是Ⅰ期临床研究相对密集的地区.美国、英国、法国、德国、韩国、日本和以色列等国家的Ⅰ期临床研究机构类型主要为企业.在其他机构类型上,具有组织机构模式多样化,与医疗机构的空间距离不一,有较为一致的规模和机构运转方式,以及有持续稳定的运营经费投入等特点.结论针对我国开展临床试验机构建设工作,应加快制定推进临床试验深度合作的紧密衔接机制,控制研究机构的建设规模,保持稳定的机构运营投入,以及加强国际交流合作. 展开更多
关键词 Ⅰ期临床试验机构 国际分布 机构特点
世界跨国银行网络与我国银行机构的国际化分布 被引量:2
作者 李静 丁四保 《世界地理研究》 2000年第1期17-22,共6页
本文概述了世界跨国银行集中网络 (即国际资金汇集和融通的中心 )的形成条件和我国银行机构的国际化分布———包括我国银行的海外分布和我国境内外资银行机构的分布 ,旨在通过与发达国家对比 ,强调要吸引国际资金就必须重视银行机构的... 本文概述了世界跨国银行集中网络 (即国际资金汇集和融通的中心 )的形成条件和我国银行机构的国际化分布———包括我国银行的海外分布和我国境内外资银行机构的分布 ,旨在通过与发达国家对比 ,强调要吸引国际资金就必须重视银行机构的国际分布。 展开更多
关键词 跨国银行 国际资金 国际分布 中国 银行机构
国际教育经济学研究力量述要——期刊分析的视角 被引量:6
作者 贾云鹏 《教育与经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期21-25,共5页
通过对教育经济学专业核心期刊《Education Economics》和《Economics of Education Review》近10年来发文作者信息的收集和整理,作者发现教育经济学的国际研究力量整体上分布在北大西洋沿岸。美国是国际教育经济学研究力量的主要集中地... 通过对教育经济学专业核心期刊《Education Economics》和《Economics of Education Review》近10年来发文作者信息的收集和整理,作者发现教育经济学的国际研究力量整体上分布在北大西洋沿岸。美国是国际教育经济学研究力量的主要集中地,西欧诸国亦有很强的研究实力。就机构层面的研究力量而言,大学是教育经济学研究的中坚力量,经济学类机构是研究力量的主要来源。个人是研究力量的基础,个人研究力量的强弱对机构研究力量的形成有重要影响。 展开更多
关键词 教育经济学 研究力量 国际分布 期刊分析
《智能系统学报》 2011年第4期294-294,共1页
IPDPS travels to Shanghai in 2012.Our hosts from Shanghai Jiao Tong University have been working with us to prepare for an event that offers our rich program of workshops,a PhD Forum,and the technical program of contr... IPDPS travels to Shanghai in 2012.Our hosts from Shanghai Jiao Tong University have been working with us to prepare for an event that offers our rich program of workshops,a PhD Forum,and the technical program of contributed papers。 展开更多
关键词 “第26届IEEE并行及分布式处理国际会议” 智能系统 人工智能 自动推理
《学术动态(成都)》 2003年第3期33-34,共2页
第4届并行与分布式计算、应用与技术国际会议(The Fourth International Conference onParallel and Distributed Computing,Applications and Technologies,PDCAT’03)于2003年8月27~29日在西南交通大学国际会议厅隆重开幕,参加会议... 第4届并行与分布式计算、应用与技术国际会议(The Fourth International Conference onParallel and Distributed Computing,Applications and Technologies,PDCAT’03)于2003年8月27~29日在西南交通大学国际会议厅隆重开幕,参加会议的代表和特邀人员共约300人。PDCAT’03会议开幕式由大会主席范平志教授主持,西南交通大学校长周本宽教授作了热情洋溢的讲话。周校长向各位来宾介绍了会议概况和西南交通大学教学科研现状,并预祝本次大会圆满成功。日本IEICE学会Hokuriku分会主席Susumu 展开更多
关键词 《第4届并行与分布式计算、应用与技术国际会议》 成都市 并行处理 计算机技术 网络技术 通信技术
基于可持续设计知识库的分布式共创教学实践思考 被引量:1
作者 韩少华 谭素琴 吴永新 《设计》 2019年第16期112-114,共3页
探索建立可持续设计知识库的必要性,及其分布式共创的使用方式的合理性,最终推动不同社会生态和知识水平的地区可持续发展。主动研究可持续设计基本观念,通过具体的案例研究,反思分布式共创在设计知识库的传播中所出现的问题,并给予修... 探索建立可持续设计知识库的必要性,及其分布式共创的使用方式的合理性,最终推动不同社会生态和知识水平的地区可持续发展。主动研究可持续设计基本观念,通过具体的案例研究,反思分布式共创在设计知识库的传播中所出现的问题,并给予修正。获取了包含新版设计工具包在内的可持续设计知识库,以及更为合理的教学与实践方式。分布式共创能够高效利用并及时修正设计知识库,最终推动可持续设计的发展与进步。 展开更多
关键词 可持续发展 设计知识库 分布国际共创 教学实践
作者 迟娜 《艺术科技》 2016年第6期426-,共1页
本文首先对国际会展城市进行了以地缘学为基础的划分,并借鉴上海会展研究院院长张敏所著《国际会展城市大比拼》一文中的分类方式,将51个国际会展城市分成了三个层级,并在大量调研的基础上总结出国际会展城市的发展的基本特点,以期为国... 本文首先对国际会展城市进行了以地缘学为基础的划分,并借鉴上海会展研究院院长张敏所著《国际会展城市大比拼》一文中的分类方式,将51个国际会展城市分成了三个层级,并在大量调研的基础上总结出国际会展城市的发展的基本特点,以期为国内已经发展为会展城市和有潜力发展会展的城市提供一些经验和建议。 展开更多
关键词 国际会展城市分布 国际会展城市的发展 国际会展城市的发展特点
《中国专利与商标》 2000年第3期80-81,共2页
牛奶公司集团机构是下列商标的持有人。这些商标已由中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理局商标局批准,在多种商品/服务上获得注册和用于牛奶公司集团机构国际分布网的生意。牛奶公司集团机构享有这些注册商标的专用权,任何人未经本公司书... 牛奶公司集团机构是下列商标的持有人。这些商标已由中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理局商标局批准,在多种商品/服务上获得注册和用于牛奶公司集团机构国际分布网的生意。牛奶公司集团机构享有这些注册商标的专用权,任何人未经本公司书面许可使用与这些注册商标相同或近似的商标,本公司将采取法律行动予以追究。 展开更多
关键词 公司集团 牛奶 商标局 机构 注册商标 本公司 商品 工商行政管理局 中华人民共和国 国际分布
《中国专利与商标》 1998年第4期89-91,共3页
是下列商标的所有人。这些商标已由中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理局商标局批准,在多种商品上获得注册和用于麦当劳公司国际分布网的生意。麦当劳公司享有这些注册商标的专用权,任何人未经本公司书面许可使用同样或者类似的商标,本公... 是下列商标的所有人。这些商标已由中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理局商标局批准,在多种商品上获得注册和用于麦当劳公司国际分布网的生意。麦当劳公司享有这些注册商标的专用权,任何人未经本公司书面许可使用同样或者类似的商标,本公司必将采取法律行动予以追究。 展开更多
关键词 麦当劳公司 工商行政管理局 商标局 本公司 商品 中华人民共和国 国际分布 注册商标 法律 许可使用
《国外科技资料目录(医药卫生)》 1998年第8期1-1,共1页
9828137 如何系统地综述医学文献/Rosenfeld R M∥Otolaryngol Head NeckSurg.-1996,115(1).-53~63 一军大9828138 主要重危医学杂志的国际分布/Shahla M∥Int Care Med.-1996,22(11).-1258~1260
关键词 医药卫生 医学文献 国际分布 医学杂志 综述 重危 南军 自动化系统 失败
One-dimensional Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Planar Direct Internal Reforming Solid Oxide Fuel Cell 被引量:2
作者 康英伟 李俊 +3 位作者 曹广益 屠恒勇 李箭 杨杰 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第2期304-317,共14页
This article aims to investigate the transient behavior of a planar direct internal reforming solid oxide fuel cell (DIR-SOFC) comprehensively. A one-dimensional dynamic model of a planar D1R-SOFC is first developed... This article aims to investigate the transient behavior of a planar direct internal reforming solid oxide fuel cell (DIR-SOFC) comprehensively. A one-dimensional dynamic model of a planar D1R-SOFC is first developed based on mass and energy balances, and electrochemical principles. Further, a solution strategy is presented to solve the model, and the International Energy Agency (IEA) benchmark test is used to validate the model. Then, through model-based simulations, the steady-state performance of a co-flow planar DIR-SOFC under specified initial operating conditions and its dynamic response to introduced operating parameter disturbances are studied. The dynamic responses of important SOFC variables, such as cell temperature, current density, and cell voltage are all investigated when the SOFC is subjected to the step-changes in various operating parameters including both the load current and the inlet fuel and air flow rates. The results indicate that the rapid dynamics of the current density and the cell voltage are mainly influenced by the gas composition, particularly the H2 molar fraction in anode gas channels, while their slow dynamics are both dominated by the SOLID (including the PEN and interconnects) temperature. As the load current increases, the SOLID temperature and the maximum SOLID temperature gradient both increase, and thereby, the cell breakdown is apt to occur because of excessive thermal stresses. Changing the inlet fuel flow rate might lead to the change in the anode gas composition and the consequent change in the current density distribution and cell voltage. The inlet air flow rate has a great impact on the cell temperature distribution along the cell, and thus, is a suitable manipulated variable to control the cell temperature. 展开更多
关键词 solid oxide fuel cell direct internal reforming PLANAR dynamic model SIMULATION
Content subscribing mechanism in P2P streaming based on gamma distribution prediction
作者 GUO Tong-qiang WENG Jian-guang ZHUANG Yue-ting 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第12期1983-1989,共7页
P2P systems are categorized into tree-based and mesh-based systems according to their topologies. Mesh-based systems are considered more suitable for large-scale lnternet applications, but require optimization on late... P2P systems are categorized into tree-based and mesh-based systems according to their topologies. Mesh-based systems are considered more suitable for large-scale lnternet applications, but require optimization on latency issue. This paper proposes a content subscribing mechanism (CSM) to eliminate unnecessary time delays during data relaying. A node can send content data to its neighbors as soon as it receives the data segment. No additional time is taken during the interactive stages prior to data segment transmission of streaming content. CSM consists of three steps. First, every node records its historical segments latency, and adopts gamma distribution, which possesses powerful expression ability, to express latency statistics. Second, a node predicts subscribing success ratio of every neighbor by comparing the gamma distribution parameters of the node and its neighbors before selecting a neighbor node to subscribe a data segment. The above steps would not increase latency as they are executed before the data segments are ready at the neighbor nodes. Finally, the node, which was subscribed to, sends the subscribed data segment to the subscriber immediately when it has the data segment. Experiments show that CSM significantly reduces the content data transmission latency. 展开更多
关键词 P2P streaming Gamma distribution Content subscribing mechanism (CSM)
Visualization analysis of the international standard ISO/TC 249 for traditional Chinese medicine
作者 ZHAO Shuting ZHONG Yanmei +3 位作者 HU Yuanzhang SUN Tao WU Chunjie WEN Chuanbiao 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 2022年第2期103-111,共9页
Objective This study proposes to visually review the current situation and progress of standards sets by the International Organization for Standardization/Technical Committee on Traditional Chinese Medicine(ISO/TC 24... Objective This study proposes to visually review the current situation and progress of standards sets by the International Organization for Standardization/Technical Committee on Traditional Chinese Medicine(ISO/TC 249). The review aims to explore the development strategies of the standards, which will exhibit the considerable impact on the economy, trade and exchanges, and cooperation in the area of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).Methods ISO/TC 249 standards were searched on the ISO website, and their title, proposed time, current stage, scope, and classification were obtained for further summarization. Gephi was utilized to portray the co-occurrence network graph of the ISO/TC 249 standards subject.Results In ISO/TC 249, there were 116 standards, including 81 published standards and 35 developing standards by April 30, 2022. Two withdrawal standards were published after revision, which were not counted in the total standards. The number of published standards has been increasing since the first standard was published in 2014, whose title was “Sterile acupuncture needles for single use”. Among these standards, 17.24%(20/116) standards were in review, 56.03%(65/116) in publication, 3.45%(4/116) in approval, 5.17%(6/116) in enquiry,3.45%(4/116) in committee, and 14.66%(17/116) in preparation, respectively. With 116 standards, most of the research focused on the medicament, as its classification of the International Classification for Standards(ICS) showed the proportion reaching 49.54%. The network analysis data revealed that the top five most frequent words were “materials” “root” “requirements” “products” and “system”, after removing the noise data, such as prepositions,conjunctions, and pronouns. Additionally, the word “system” co-exists with the terms “computerized” “coding” “image” “tongue” and “analysis”;the word “requirement” co-exists with“manufacturing” “decoction” “process” and “materials”;whereas the word “devices” coexists with “pulse” “electric” “skin” and “measurement”.Conclusion With the increased diversification and complexity of problems, the development of standards is also oriented to multidisciplinary fields to cultivate the interdisciplinary talents, and especially the international standardization talents of compound TCM. Multi-angle analysis, formulation, and demonstration of standards, in line with industry needs in different disciplines, enhance the availability of standards and the ability to serve the industry. 展开更多
关键词 International Organization for Standardization/Technical Committee on Traditional Chinese Medicine(ISO/TC249) Visualization analysis Standard subject distribution International Classification for Standards(ICS) Interdisciplinary talents
Intrinsic Rationale of Functional Distribution and Quantitative Distribution--International Experience and Reference of Income Distribution
作者 张车伟 赵文 《China Economist》 2017年第6期12-26,共15页
The issue of income distribution in the modern sense emerged with the creation of the capitalist mode of production-a process characterized by income gaps, at first widening, then narrowing, and widening once again. I... The issue of income distribution in the modern sense emerged with the creation of the capitalist mode of production-a process characterized by income gaps, at first widening, then narrowing, and widening once again. In the classical economic stage featuring dual economy, income distribution was dominated by capital due to scarce capital and cheap labor, which led to widening income gaps. Entering the neoclassical economic stage, income distribution was dominated by the game between capital and labor due to diminishing marginal return to capital and relatively scarce labor, which led to the growing share of labor compensation and narrowing income gaps. Yet since the 1970s, the deepening of financialization of capital has once again magnified the effect of capital-dominated income distribution, which, together with working class polarization, led to another round of widening income gaps. An observation of the long-term evolution of world economic development and income distribution gives us a clearer view on the intrinsic rationale of change in income distribution: The mode of production determines the mode of distribution and functional distribution shares intrinsic consistency with quantitative distribution. 展开更多
关键词 international experience functional distribution quantitative distribution
Digital Communication: The Conflicts in the Transmission and Distribution of Information in the Era of Knowledge Economy
作者 Cecilia C. B. Cavalcanti 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第7期464-476,共13页
This article analyzes the concentration of production and distribution of information, from the analysis of the news in major international news agencies.The biopolitics is more and more interconnected to social, cult... This article analyzes the concentration of production and distribution of information, from the analysis of the news in major international news agencies.The biopolitics is more and more interconnected to social, cultural, economical, and political matters, which led us to see in the contemporary scenario the creation of new forms of social organization which will determine how we interact with each other and how we face the world. Additionally, questions emerge about the usage of the means of communication, particularly those related to Technology of Communication and Information (TICs). The influence of the media over the social-cultural activities tends to create homogenizations of senses, aiming a planetary visibility in a process that can not only disfigure but destroy many symbolic representations and cultural forms. On the other hand, globalization tends to, instead of minimize the differences in the world, ended up creating new conflicts that, through the usage of new technologies of communication, expresses and articulate themselves. 展开更多
关键词 digital communication information society knowledge economy
作者 徐海燕 《世界经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第10期50-56,88,共7页
本文用随机过程理论对震荡期油价序列进行了讨论,证实其为马尔柯夫链,并以马尔柯夫链的极限概率为依据,建立了油价序列的中长期推断模型。进而文章又对该序列进行了概率分布检验,证实对数正态分布是其经验分布的最佳拟合,并以此作为依... 本文用随机过程理论对震荡期油价序列进行了讨论,证实其为马尔柯夫链,并以马尔柯夫链的极限概率为依据,建立了油价序列的中长期推断模型。进而文章又对该序列进行了概率分布检验,证实对数正态分布是其经验分布的最佳拟合,并以此作为依据建立了油价走势的近期推断模型。文章指出,将这二者结合起来,构成油价时间序列由近期到中长期的一个完整的推断模型。作者用此模型对油价走势所作的推断与油价实际走势是相吻合,证实了模型的可信性和实用性。此外,用此模型还揭示出今后可能出现新一轮的国际油价飙升期。 展开更多
关键词 国际油价对数正态分布 马链极限概率 走势推断模型
Wavelet analysis of the convectively-coupled equatorial waves 被引量:1
作者 CAO Jie WEN ZhiPing +1 位作者 CHANG YouLi LI XiangRui 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第4期675-684,共10页
The spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of the main convectively-coupled equatorial waves were analyzed with the OLR data provided by NOAA and the method of wavelet analysis.The results indicate that the... The spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of the main convectively-coupled equatorial waves were analyzed with the OLR data provided by NOAA and the method of wavelet analysis.The results indicate that the wavelet analysis can effectively distinguish MJO,Kelvin,ER,TD,and EMRG wave and the characteristics of their activities in 1992.The propagation speeds of MJO and ER wave are the slowest,following by Kelvin and TD wave and with MRG the fastest.The MJO from the Indian Ocean to the West Pacific Ocean,the Kelvin wave near the International Date Line,the ER and the TD wave around the West Pacific Ocean and the MRG in the eastern of the International Date Line have the biggest wave amplitude.The MJO in boreal winter and spring,the Kelvin wave in boreal spring and summer,the ER wave in boreal autumn,and the TD wave in boreal summer are active.The WMRG wave activates in boreal autumn,whereas EMRG wave appears year-round.These spatial and temporal characteristics agree well with the results of relevant theoretical studies,indicating that the wavelet analysis in the time-frequency domain is another effective method to reveal the evolution of convectively-coupled equatorial waves. 展开更多
关键词 equatorial atmosphere convectively-coupled wave wavelet analysis complex least square method
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